1 Supplementary Problems CHAPTER 2 Problem 1 Explain the operation of a MOS switch. Solution: One advantage of MOS technology is that it provides a good switch. Figure 2.48(a) shows a MOS transistor that is to be used as a switch. Either terminal, A or B, can be the drain or source of the MOS transistor depending on the terminal voltages. For an n-channel transistor, if terminal A is at a higher potential than terminal B, then terminal A is the drain and terminal B is the source. The ON resistance consists of the series combination of r D , r S, and whatever channel resistance exists. The contribution from r D and r S is small such that the primary consideration is the channel resistance. C Problem 2 How can a JFET be used to supply a constant current to a variable load? A B (a) 0V–OFF 5V–ON Circuit 1 In the ON state of the switch, the voltage across the switch should be small and vGS should be large. Therefore, the MOS device is assumed to be in the non-saturation region. In the OFF state of the switch, VGS £ VT and rOFF is ideally infinite. Of course, it is never infinite, but because it is so large, the performance in the OFF state is dominated by the drain-bulk and source-bulk leakage current as well as subthreshold leakage from drain to source. For the n channel MOS transistor the gate voltage must be considerably larger than either the drain or source voltage in order to ensure that the MOS transistor in ON. The bulk is taken to the most negative potential for the n channel switch. Typical terminal voltages are given in Fig. 2.48(b). G (0 to 2V) (0 to 2V) S D Circuit 2 (b) Fig. 2.48 (a) An n-channel MOS switch (b) MOS switch with typical terminal voltages Solution: A JFET can be used to supply a constant current to a variable load by connecting its gate directly to its source, as illustrated in Fig. 2.49. Here, the resistor R D is regarded as the (variable) load resistance. To be able to supply a current that is independent of RD, the JFET must remain in its pinch off region. The condition for pinch-off is | VDS | > |VP | | VGS |. Because VGS = 0 in this case, the condition reduces to | VDS | > | VP |. 2 Linear Integrated Circuits +VDD were horizontal: rd = D VDS /D ID with D ID = 0. The JFET can be used to supply a constant current equal to some value less than I DSS by biasing it appropriately. +VDD IDSS RD RD = Problem 3 Find the ideal value for IC2, IC3, and IC4 for the current mirror shown in Fig. 2.51. Assume that b1 = b2 = 100, b3 = 200, b4 = 150, IBias = 2 mA. IDSS Solution: (a) n-channel JFET current source +VDD RD +12 V –VDD 5 IDSS 2 mA RD = 1 Q1 IDSS b = 100 IC2 IC3 1K 1K IC4 1K 2 Q2 3 Q3 4 Q4 b = 100 b = 200 b = 150 (b) p-channel JFET current source Fig. 2.49 JFET constant current sources The constant current produced by the JFET is then ID = IDSS, because that is the drain current in the pinch-off region when VGS = 0. So long as the JFET is in its pinch-off region, the line corresponding to VGS = 0 is essentially horizontal, meaning that the same current flows regardless of VDS (see Fig. 2.50). In reality, the line rises slightly to the right, so the current source is not perfect. Of course no current source is perfect. The JFET current source would be perfect if rd were infinite, which would be the case if the line ID Constant-current region VGS = 0 DVDS IDSS rd = |Vp| DID DVDS DID VDS Fig. 2.50 A JFET current source maintains an essentially constant current equal to IDSS in the pinch-off region. If the characteristic were perfectly flat, then D ID would be zero, and vd would be infinite Fig. 2.51 For Problem 3 Neglecting IB, IC2 = b2/b1 ´ 2 mA = 100/100 ´ 2 mA = 2 mA IC3 = b3/b1 ´ 2 mA = 200/100 ´ 2 mA = 4 mA IC4 = b4/b1 ´ 2 mA = 150/100 ´ 2 mA = 3 mA Problem 4 For the current mirror circuit shown in Fig. 2.52, PMOS transistors provide the mirror current provided by M1. The W/L ratios are specified for each transistor. NMOS transistor M5 is used to bias the current mirror. A bias voltage of 1.2 V is applied to the gate of M1 transistor. KPn = 8.16 ´ 16 5 A/V2 and KPp = 2.83 ´ 105 A/V2. Determine the bias current ID1, and the ideal currents for ID2, ID3 and ID4. VTN = 0.7 V, VTP = 0.82 V. Solution: First, the bS for each transistor need to be calculated. W1 28 = 2.83 ´ 105 × 2 L1 = 3.96 ´ 104 b 1 = KPP b 2 = KPP × W2 28 = 2.83 ´ 105 × 2 L2 Supplementary Problems 6 W = 28 M 1 L 2 2 ID2 M5 M3 W = 56 L 2 3 IBIAS (ID1) VBIAS 1 (1.2 V) M2 W = 28 L 2 M4 W = 42 L 2 RL2 ID3 RL3 = 5.974 ´ 104 W b 5 = KPp × 5 = 8.16 ´ 105 × 10 L5 2 = 4.08 ´ 104 Next, calculate the bias current. 5 4 ID4 RL4 W 10 = 2 L 3 IBias = ID1 = C5 2 (VGSS VTS)2 4.08 s 10 4 (1.2 0.7)2 = 50 mA 2 Next, calculate the reflected currents for ID2, ID3, and ID4 = Fig. 2.52 A MOSFET current mirror with three reflected currents 4 = 3.96 ´ 10 W b 3 = KPP × 3 = 2.83 ´ 105 × 56 L3 2 4 = 7.92 ´ 10 W b 4 = KPP × 4 = 2.83 ´ 105 × 42 L4 2 I D2 = C2 3.96 s 10 4 ´ ID1 = ´ 50 mA = 50 mA C1 3.96 s 10 4 I D3 = C3 7.92 s 10 4 ´ ID1 = ´ 50 mA = 100 mA C1 3.96 s 10 4 I D4 = C4 5.974 s 10 4 ´ ID1 = ´ 50 mA = 150 mA C1 3.96 s 10 4 4 Linear Integrated Circuits CHAPTER 3 +12 V Problem 1 What are the currents and voltages in the single-ended output circuit of Fig. 1? +8.61 V +12 V +12 V –0.7 V 3 kW –12 V (a) +12 V 5 kW –12 V Fig. 1 1.13 mA 1.13 mA Problem 1 Solution: Ideally, the tail current IT is IT = 12 V = 2.4 mA 5 k8 1.13 mA Each emitter current IE is 2.4 mA = 1.2 mA 2 The collector on the right has a quiescent voltage IE = of VC = 12 V (1.2 mA) (3 k W) = 8.4 V The collector on the left has 12 V. Including VBE drop across each emitter diode IT = –12 V (b) Fig. 2 Solution for Problem 1 Solution: IT = 12 V 0.7 V = 2.26 mA 5 k8 15 V = 2 mA, 7.5 k8 The ac emitter resistance r e¢ = IE = 1 mA 25 mV = 25 W 1 mA The voltage gain is 2.26 = 1.13 mA 2 VC = 12 V (1.13 mA) (3 kW) = 8.61 V IE = A = Fig. 4 (a) shows the dc voltages and Fig. 4 (b) shows the dc currents. Problem 2 In Fig. 2 what is the ac output voltage? If b = 300, what is the input impedance of the differential amplifier? 1.13 mA 2.26 mA 5 k8 = 200 25 8 The ac output voltage is Vout = 200 (1 mV) = 200 mV is The input impedance of the differential amplifier Zin (base) = 2 (300) (25 W) =15 k W 5 Supplementary Problems Problem 3 Repeat Example 2 by including VBE voltage drop across each emitter diode. The voltage gain for the single-ended output is A = IE = 0.995 mA, re¢ = 26.2 W, A = 191 Solution: The ac output voltage is The ac output voltage is Vout = 150 (7 mV) = 1.05 V Vout = 191 (1 mV) = 191 mV is The input impedance of the differential amplifier Z in = 2 (300) (26.2 W) = 15.7 kW +15 V 5 kW 1 M8 = 150 2 (3.33 k8) The input impedance of the base is Z in = 2 (300) (3.33 kW) = 2 MW Problem 6 For the ideal differential amplifier shown in Fig. 5, find (a) the dc output voltages VO1 and VO2. (b) the single-ended output gain vO1/(vi1 vi2), (c) the double-ended gain (vO1 vO2)/(vi1 vi2). +15 V 5 kW – vout + 6 kW 6 kW vo1 vo2 1 mV vi1 vi2 7.5 kW –15 V Fig. 3 Problem 4 v1 = 0. Repeat Problem 2 for v2 = 1 mV and –15 V Fig. 5 Solution: Instead of driving the non inverting input we are driving the inverting input. Ideally, the output voltage has the same magnitude of 200 mV, but it is inverted. The input impedance is approximately 15 kW. Problem 5 Find the ac output voltage in Fig. 4. If b = 300, what is the input impedance of the differential amplifier? Solution: 2 mA For Problem 2 Ideally, Solution: (a) The emitter current in each transistor is I E = I/2 = (2 mA)/2 = 1 mA » IC Therefore, V O1 = VO2 = VCC ICRC = 15 (1 mA)(6 kW) = 9 V (b) The emitter resistance of each transistor is re = 0.026 = 0.026 = 26 W IE 1 mA 15 V = 15 mA IT = 1 M8 RC 6 k8 vo1 = = = 115.4 vi1 vi 2 2re 52 8 Since the emitter current in each transistor is half of the tail current, re¢ = 25 mV = 3.33 kW 7.5 NA For Problem 6 (c) vo1 vo 2 RC 6 k8 = = = 230.8 vi1 vi 2 rea 26 8 6 Linear Integrated Circuits Problem 7 Calculate the common-mode gain for the differential amplifier in Fig. 6. Solution: +9 V Using RE = ro = 200 kW gives AC = = 10 kW C Rc ri 2 ( C 1) RE 75 (10 k8) 11 k8 2 (76) ( 200 k8) = 24.7 10 kW Q1 Vi Vi1 ´ 103 R1 1 kW R2 8.2 kW Q2 Q3 5.1 kW –9 V b1 = b2 = b = 75 ri1 = ri2 = ri = 11 kW Q3 ro = 200 kW b3 = 75 Fig. 6 For Example 7 7 Supplementary Problems CHAPTER 4 CMRR¢, dB Problem 1 Calculate the differential gain in each of the following cases. Solution: See Fig. 1. Problem 2 A certain op-amp has an open loop voltage gain of 100,000 and a common-mode voltage gain of 0.2. Determine the CMRR and express it in decibels. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 10 100 1 Hz Solution: A OL = 100,000 and ACM = 0.2 CMRR = AOL 100,000 = = 500,000 Acm 0.2 Expressed in decibels CMRR = 20 log (500,000) = 114 dB Fig. 2 V2 Problem 3 Discuss the CMRR of the 741 at different frequencies with the help of Fig. 2. Solution: For the 741, CMRR is 90 dB at low frequencies (see Fig. 4.32). Given equal signals, one a desired signal, and the other a common mode signal, V1 + + AVOL = 200,000 ±Vid = 50 mV Vout = Vid . AVOL – 10 100 MHz +15 V AVOL = 200,000 Vid = V1 – V2 kHz Frequency For Problem 2 +VCC V1 10 100 1 V2 Vout = ±10 V – Vout = AVOL ¥ Vid = 200,000 ¥ 50 mV Vout = +10 V –VCC (a) –15 V (b) +15 V +15 V V1 = 1 V + – AVOL = 200,000 Vid = 50 mV – + V2 = 999.95 mV Fig. 1 For Problem 1 V2 = 1 V Vout = –10 V – Vout = AVOL ¥ Vid Vid = V1 – V2 = 999.95 mV – 1 V Vid = –50 mV + + AVOL = 200,000 Vid = 50 mV Vout = +10 V – V1 = 999.95 mV –15 V (c) = 200,000 ¥ –50 mV Vout = –10 V –15 V (d) 8 Linear Integrated Circuits MPP in volts the desired signal will be 90 dB larger at the output than the common-mode signal. In ordinary numbers, this means that the desired signal will be approximately 30,000 times larger than the commonmode signal. At higher frequencies, reactive effects degrade CMRR. It is approximately 75 dB at 1 kHz 56 dB at 10 kHz and 20 dB at 1 MHz. Problem 4 What is the CMRR of a 741C when the input frequency is 100 kHz? Problem 5 Discuss with the help of an illustration maximum peak-to-peak (MPP) output of an op-amp. Solution: The MPP value of an amplifier is the maximum peak-to-peak output that the amplifier can produce. Since the quiescent output of an op-amp is ideally zero, the ac output voltage can swing positively or negatively. For load resistances that are much larger than R out, the output voltage can swing almost to the supply voltages. With a nonideal op-amp, the output cannot swing all the way to the value of the supply voltages because there are small voltage drops in the final stage of the op-amp. When the load resistance is not large compared to Rout, some of the amplified voltage is dropped across R out , which means that the final output voltage is smaller. Figure 3 shows MPP versus load resistance for a 741C with supply voltages of ± 15 V. MPP value is approximately 27 V for an RL of 10 k W. This means that the output saturates positively at +13.5 V and negatively at 13.5 V. When the load resistance decreases, MPP also decreases. For a load resistance of 275 W, MPP decreases to 16 V, which means that the output saturates positively at + 8 V and negatively at 8 V. Problem 6 What is the open-loop voltage gain of the 741C ÿ when the input frequency is 1 kHz, 10 kHz, 100 kHz? Fig. 3 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 Load resistance, kW 10 For Problem 5 Solution: The voltage gain at 1 kHz = 1000 10 kHz = 100 100 kHz = 10 The voltage gain decreases by a factor of 10 each time the frequency increases by a factor of 10. fc 100,000 70,700 Voltage gain Solution: The CMRR of a 741C is approximately 40 dB at 100 kHz (Fig. 2). This is equivalent to 100, which means that the desired signal receives 100 times more amplification than a common-mode signal when the input frequency is 100 kHz. 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 0.1 0.2 10,000 1000 100 10 0 funity 1 10 Hz Fig. 4 100 1 10 100 kHz Frequency 1 MHz For Problem 6 Problem 7 (a) Determine the value of R1 required to give Av = 25 given RF = 55 k W (b) If Vin = 50 mV, determine I1, IF and V0. Solution: (a) R1 = RF 55 = kW = 2.2 k W 25 25 (b) I1 = 50 mV Vin = = 22.73 mA R1 2.2 k8 Supplementary Problems IF = I1 = 22.73 mA Vo = Av Vin = (25 ´ 50 mV) = 1.25 V The error voltage is Verror = RF R1 + Vin IB(–) A – Vid Problem 9 Suppose the 741C of the preceding example is replaced by another 741C that has a voltage gain of only 20,000 (worst case value on data sheet). Recalculate the values of A CL, V out, and V error. Comment upon the results. vo + IB(+) Fig. 5 For Problem 7 Problem 8 If the 741C of Fig. 6 has an open loop gain of 100,000, what is the closed loop gain? What are the output and error voltages equal to? +15 V + + 741C – Vin –15 V – Fig. 6 R1 98 kW R2 2 kW 10 kW + vout – For Problem 8 Solution: The voltage divider has a feedback fraction of b= 2 k8 R2 = = 0.02 R1 R2 100 k8 The closed loop gain ACL = 100,000 A = 1 (100,000) (0.02) 1 AC = 49.975 An approximate value of ACL is given by ACL = 1 = C 50 mV Vout = = 0.5 mV 100,000 A Note: The error voltage is very small. This is typical of op-amps with feedback because the open-loop voltage is quite high. IF – I1 9 1 = 50 0.02 This is an accurate approximation for the gain of amplifiers that use non-inverting feedback. If Vin = 1 mV, the output voltage is Vout = ACL Vin = 50 (1 mV) = 50 mV Solution: ACL = A 1 = = 49.875 1 AC 1 ( 20,000) ( 0.02) Without negative feedback the overall voltage gain has dropped from 100,000 to 20,000, a decrease of 80 per cent. With negative feedback, we have less overall voltage gain, but in return we get a fabulously stable closed-loop voltage gain. In this example, the closedloop voltage gain decreases from 49.975 to 49.875, a decrease of only 0.2 per cent. Therefore, the closedloop gain is nearly independent of the op-amp voltage gain. Since ACL is nearly 50 Vout = 50 (1 mV) = 50 mV 50 mV = 2.5 mV 20,000 Compared with the preceding example, the error voltage has increased by a factor of 5. When the openloop voltage gain drops by a factor of 5, the error voltage increases by a factor of 5. Therefore, the output voltage still remains at approximately 50 mV. Attempted changes in output voltage are fed back to the input producing an error voltage that automatically compensates for the output change. Verror = Problem 10 Show examples of typical op-amp device pinouts. Explain. Solution: Most op-amps are in the form of integrated circuits which typically contain one, two or four amplifiers. Figure 7 shows examples of device pinouts. The pins of the integrated circuits are numbered anticlockwise when viewed from above (the side away from the pins), as shown in Fig. 7. The 10 Linear Integrated Circuits 14 Output Output 1 13 Inv inp Inv inp 2 – + + – Non-inv inp 3 Offse 1 null Inv inp 2 Non-inv inp 3 V – – + 8 NC Output 1 7 V+ Inv inp 2 6 Output Offset 5 null 4 8 V+ – + Non-inv inp 3 V – (a) Single op-amp Fig. 7 V+ 4 11 V – 7 Output Non-inv inp 5 6 Inv inp Inv inp 6 9 Inv inp 5 Non-inv inp Output 7 8 Output + – 4 12 Non-inv inp (b) Dual op-amp – + + – 10 Non-inv inp (c) Quad op-amp Single op-amp, dual op-amp and quad op-amp device pinouts orientation of the device is indicated by a notch at one end of the package, or by a dot against pin number one or both. The label NC against a pin represents no connection, V indicates the negative supply connection, and V +, the positive supply. Some devices have 'offset null' inputs which may be used to remove the effects of an offset voltage. The circuity required for this null function differs from one device to another. Problem 11 Illustrate and explain the 4007 MOSFET array. 13 6 Q1 (p) 2 1 3 8 11 12 10 5 Q2 (n) 7 (GND) Q6 (n) Q4 (n) 4 9 Fig. 8 Function diagram of the 4007 CMOS pair plus inverter G IN (p) R1 B D p-channel MOSFET D 1-5k0 (n) G B S n-channel MOSFET 7 Fig. 9 Internal input-protection network (within dotted lines) on each input of the 4007 mB and MOSFET terminal notations G = Gate, D = Drain, S = Source, B = Bulk substrate In use, the input terminals must not be allowed to rise above VDD (the supply voltage) or fall below VSS (zero volts). Q5 (p) Q3 (p) S 14 mB Solution: The 4007 mB is the cheapest (and possibly the most useful) of all transistor array ICs and is actually a member of the CMOS digital IC family. Figure 8 shows the functional diagram and pin numbering of the IC, which houses two complementary pairs of independently accessible MOSFETs plus a complementary pair that is connected as a simple CMOS inverter. 14 (VDD) This input of each MOSFET pair is internally connected to the standard CMOS protection network (Fig. 9) and all six MOSFETs are enhancement-mode devices, Q1, Q3, and Q5 are p-channel types and Q2, Q4 and Q6 are n-channel types. Figure 9 also shows the terminal notations of the two MOSFET types, the B terminal represents the bulk substrate. mB dual Problem 12 How will you disable 4007 complementary MOSFET pairs? mB Solution: Each MOSFET element of the 4007 mB can be used as either digital or analog (linear) amplifier and all unused elements must be suitably disabled, by connecting them as standard CMOS inverters and tying their inputs to ground, as shown in Fig. 10. Supplementary Problems VDD (+ve) VDD (+ve) 14 14 6 Q1 – Q 2 7 13 8 10 0V 14 11 Q5 – Q 6 9 VDD (+ve) 7 12 3 4 0V 2 Q3 – Q 4 7 1 5 0V Fig. 10 Individual 4007 mB complementary MOSFET pairs can be disabled by connecting them as CMOS inverters and grounding their inputs 11 Individual MOSFET pairs can be disabled by tying their source to their substrate (B) and leaving the drain open circuit. 12 Linear Integrated Circuits CHAPTER 5 Problem 1 Calculate the output voltage of an opamp summing amp for the following sets of voltages and resistors. Use Rf = 1 MW in all cases. (a) V1 = +1 V, V2 = +2 V, V3 = +3 V, R1 = 500 kW, R2 = 1 M W , R3 = 1 M W (b) V1 = 2 V, V2 = +3 V, V3 = +1 V, R1 = 200 kW, R2 = 500 kW, R3 = 1 MW Rf Problem 3 How can the tendency of an op-amp differentiator to oscillate be avoided? Solution: To avoid oscillations, a practical op-amp differentiator usually includes some resistance in series with the capacitor as shown in Fig. 3. A typical value for this added resistance is between 0.01 R to 0.1 R. With this resistance, the closed-loop voltage gain is between 10 and 100. The aim is to limit the closed-loop voltage gain at higher frequencies, where the oscillation problem arises. R R1 V1 R2 V2 +VCC – R3 V0 V3 C vin – vout 0.01R to 0.1R + + –VEE Fig. 1 For Problem 1 Solution: (a) V O = Fig. 3 8 1000 k8 1000 k8 8 ( 1 V) 1000 k8 ( 2 V) 1000 k8 ( 3 V)!" 1000 k 500 k = [2(1 V) + 1(2 V) + 1(3 V)] = 7 V (b) V O = 8 1000 k8 1000 k8 8 ( 2 V) 500 k8 ( 3 V) 1000 k8 ( 1 V)!" 1000 k 200 k = [5(2 V) + 2(3 V) + 1(1 V)] = +3 V Problem 2 Illustrate the output of (a) an integrator and (b) a differentiator, when the input is a train of rectangular pulses. Solution: Figure 2. For Problem 3 Problem 4 Illustrate and briefly explain a 4-input audio mixer. Solution: Figure 4 illustrates the circuit of a 4-input audio mixer by ac coupling the input signals and giving R5 the same value as the feedback resistor. Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Input 4 C1 220 n R1 100 k C2 220 n R2 100 k C3 220 n R3 100 k C4 220 n R4 100 k R6 100 k +9 V 2 – 3 R5 100 k Vin 7 6 741 + 4 Out –9 V 0V 0 Fig. 4 T 0 Problem 5 Illustrate a summing amplifier using both sides of the op-amp. Also give the relevant formulas. vin –V vout Solution: T (a) Fig. 2 For Problem 5.87 4-input audio mixer (b) Vout = A1v1 + A2v2 + A3v3 + A4v4 A1 = RF R1 Supplementary Problems Problem 7 Determine the output voltage of the DAC in Fig. 5.91 (a). RF A2 = R2 A3 = R4 || R5 RF 1 R1|| R2 R3 R4 || R5 A4 = R3|| R5 RF 1 R1|| R2 R4 R3|| R5 Solution: The sequence of four-digit binary codes represented by the waveforms in Fig. 7 are applied to the input. A HIGH level is a binary 1 and a LOW level is a binary 0. The least significant digit is DO. 200 kW D0 R1 v1 10 kW 100 kW D1 RF v2 R2 50 kW – 25 kW + D2 – vout Vout D3 + R3 v3 (a) R5 +5 V 0 +5 V D1 0 +5 V 0 D2 +5 V D3 0 v4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 D0 R4 Fig. 5 Summing amplifier using both sides of the op-amp (b) Problem 6 Describe the operation of a scaling adder. Solution: One method of D/A conversion uses a scaling adder with input resistor values that represent the binary weights of the input digital code. Figure 6 shows a four-digit digital to analog converter (DAC) of this type called a binary-weighted resistor DAC. The switch symbols represent transistor switches for applying each of the four binary digits to the inputs. The inverting () input is at virtual ground, and so the output voltage is proportional to the current through feedback resistor (sum of input currents). The lowest-value resistor R corresponds to the highest weighted binary input (23). All of the other resistors are multiples of R and corresponds to binary weights 22, 21 and 20. +V 8R 20 Rf 4R 1 2 2R 22 13 – Vout + R 23 Fig. 6 A scaling adder as a four-digit digital to analog converter (DAC) Fig. 7 For Problem 7 First, determine the current for each of the weighted inputs. Since the inverting input of the opamp is at 0 V (virtual ground) and a binary 1 corresponds to a HIGH level (+5 V), the current through any of the input resistors equals 5 V divided by resistance value. IO = 5V 5V = 0.025 mA, I1 = = 0.05 mA, 200 k8 100 k8 I2 = 5V 5V = 0.1 mA, I3 = = 0.2 mA 50 k8 25 k8 There is no current at the inverting op-amp input because of its extremely high impedance. Therefore, all of the input current flows through Rf. Since one end of Rf is at 0 V (virtual ground), the drop across Rf equals the output voltage, which is negative with respect to virtual ground. V out(D ) = (10 kW) (0.02 mA) = 0.25 V; Vout(D ) 0 1 = (10 kW)(0.05 mA) = 0.5 V Binary input 0 –0.25 –0.50 –0.75 –1.00 –1.25 –1.50 –1.75 –2.00 –2.25 –2.50 –2.75 –3.00 –3.25 –3.50 –3.75 VOUT Fig. 5.92 0000 1111 1110 1101 1100 0011 1010 1001 1000 0111 0110 0101 0100 0011 2) 0010 = (10 kW)ÿ(0.1 mA) = 1 V; Vout(D ) 3 = (10 kW) (0.2 mA) = 2 V The first binary input code is 0000, which produces an output voltage of 0 V. The next input code is 0001 (decimal 1), which produces an output voltage of 0.25 V. The next input code is 0010 (decimal 2), which produces an output voltage of 0.5 V. The next input code is 0011 (decimal 3), which produces an output voltage of 0.75 V. Each successive binary code increases the output voltage by 0.25 V. So, for this particular straight binary sequences on the input, the output is a stair step waveform going from 0 V to 3.75 in 0.25 V steps as shown in Fig. 5.79. If the steps are very small the output approximates a straight line. Vout(D 0001 Linear Integrated Circuits 0000 14 Solution for Problem 7 15 Supplementary Problems CHAPTER 6 +V Solution: V ( Vsat ) = sat and Vctr = n VUT VLT = Vref 1 1 2 n 10 kW –V 75 kW R nR (a) The ratio of nR to R or n and Vref determines VUT, VLT, VH, and Vctr +Vo and Ei VH = 12 V 8 V = 4 V and Vctr = 12 V 8 V 2 = 10 V (ii) n = Vo + Ei (i) VH = VUT VLT – 8.82 V = Vref Example 6.50 Design the circuit for Fig. 6.63(a) to have VUT = 12 V and VLT = 8 V. Assume that ±Vsat = ±15 V. Vo +Vsat VUT = 12 V Vctr = 10 V VH = 4 V VLT = 8 V Vsat ( Vsat ) VH = 15 V ( 15 V) 4 Ei = 7.5 Vref = 8.82 V t 0 10 V Vctr = = 8.82 V 1 1/ n 1 1/ 7.15 (iv) Select R = 10 k W and nR = 75 k W. (iii) Vref = The relationship between Ei and V O shown in Figs 6.63 (b) and (c). Example 6.51 Design the circuit for Fig. 64(a) to have VUT = 12 and VLT = 8 V. Assume that ±Vsat = ±15 V. What are the requirements of voltage level detector with hysteresis? –Vsat –Vo (b) Vo and Ei vs. time +Vo Vo vs. Ei +Vsat Solution: (i) VH = 12 V 8 V = 4 V Vctr = (ii) n = = 12 V 8 V = 10 V 2 Vref 8.82 V 0 ( Vsat ) ( Vsat ) 1 VH 15 V ( 15 V) 1 = 6.5 4V n 1 6.5 1 (Vctr) = (10) = 11.53 V n 6.5 (iv) Choose R = 10 k W; therefore, resistor nR = 6.5 ´ 10 = 65 k W (iii) Vref = The relationship between Ei and VO are shown in Fig. 6.64 (b) and (c). Vctr 10 V VUT 12 V VLT 8V Ei –Vsat –Vo VH = 4 V (c) Vo vs. Ei Fig. 6.63 Non-inverting voltage-level detector with hysteresis. Center voltage Vctr and hysteresis voltage V H cannot be adjusted independently since both depend on the ratio n 16 Linear Integrated Circuits The requirements of a voltage level detector are (3) the setting of VH and Vctr should not interact. (4) The centre voltage Vctr should equal or be simply be related to an external reference voltage Vref. (1) an adjustable resistor to set the value of VH (2) a separate adjustable resistor to set the value of Vctr. +V Ei – Vo + –V 65 kW 10 kW 11.53 V = Vref R nR (a) The ratio of nR to R or n and Vref determines VUT, VLT, VH, and Vctr +Vo +Vsat Vo Ei Vo vs. Ei +Vsat VUT = 12 V VH = 4 V VLT = 8 V 5 Ei VctrVref Vctr = 10 V V t 0 –Vsat 0 VLT = 8V Vref = 11.53 V Ei VUT = 12 V –Vsat –Vo (b) Vo and Ei vs. time VH = 4 V (c) Vo vs. Ei Fig. 6.64 Inverting voltage-level detector with hysteresis. Center voltage V ctr and hysteresis voltage VH cannot be adjusted independently since both depend on n Supplementary Problems CHAPTER 8 Illustrate typicalÿ power amplifier Problem 1 heatsinks. Solution: (a) Silicone greese Case Be 0 washer Chassis (b) Fin-type heat sink 17 sink that can accommodate a TO-3 package (d) Diagram showing the mounting of a TO-3 or TO-66 transistor package on a heat sink with an insulating washer Problem 2 A transistor with VCE = 25 V and IC 1 A has a junction-to-case thermal impedance of 1°C/W. Select a heatsink which will keep the junction temperature from exceeding 90°C when the ambient temperature is 25°C. (The NC-421, NC = 423 and NC-441 all have qC < 1.6°C/W). P D = VCE IC = 25 V ´ 1A = 25 W Solution: q CA = qCS + qSA = = Tj TA q jc PD 90o C 25o C 1°C/W 25 W = 1.6°C/W As all three transistors have qC < 1.6°C/W , choose the smallest and least expensive of the three, NC421s. (c) Problem 3 Draw the pin configuration and a practical application of the TDA2822. Solution: 6 sheet metal screws 8 +In (1) Output 1 1 7 –In (1) V+ 2 Power transistor TDA 2522 Insulator Output 2 3 6 +In (2) GND 4 5 –In (2) Clearance holes Top view Chassis or heat sink +6 V Clearance holes Insulating bushing 2 L/H input Socket Screws or rivets (not in mounting kit) 0V (d) Fig. 8.40 (a) Method of mounting transistors that are encased in a metal TO-5 package. Mounting the transistors case close to the chassis using a beryllium oxide insulating washer (b) Using a separate heat sink pressed on to the transistor (c)Typical power transistor heat R/H input 0V 47 k 7 + Volume + 8 – 100 m 47 k 10 m + 470 m 1 + 100 n 4R7 L/H SPKR 4R0 to 32R 0V TDA 2822 6 + Volume + 5 – 470 m 3 + 100 n 4R7 R/H SPKR 4R0 to 32R 0V 10 m 4 0V Fig. 8.41 Pin configuration of the TDA2822 dual amplifier IC 18 Linear Integrated Circuits Problem 4 Draw the pin configuration of low power IC-TBA820M. Give one application. 5 10 Input 1 6 9 Input 2 Feedback 1 7 8 Feedback 2 Solution: See Fig. 8.45. Top view C1 100 n 8 Vin + R1 56 R + 7 RV1 3 5 TBA820M 100 k Volume 2 + 6 4 1 + 14 7 100 n 100 n – 2 8 k + 2R7 V– + CS 470 p R3 1R0 C6 220 n C4 47 m V+ C2 100 n C7 100 n C5 220 p C3 100 m R2 120 R 100 k 2k0 V+ (see text) 1 SPKR (see text) 100 3,4,5 10,11,12 LM1877 0 k + 100 n 8 13 – 2R7 510R 0V Comp Gain Input GND 8 TBA 820M 4 5 1 100 100 k Reflection Bootsloep V+ Out Fig. 8.42 Pin configuration of IC-TBA829M and a low power audio amplifier circuit Fig. 8.43 Pin configuration of IC-LM1877 and one application each of the IC using a singleended and a dual power supply Problem 5 Draw the pin configuration and one application each of LM1877 dual 2 W amplifier IC using a single-ended and a dual power supply. Problem 6 Draw the pin configuration of the National Semiconductor LM2879T dual 8 W audio power amplifier IC and give one application each of the IC using a single ended and a dual power supply. Solution: See Fig. 8.46. Solution: See Fig. 8.47. 50 m V+ 14 7 100 n 470 m + – 2 100 n 8 Input 50 m 1M0 + 1M0 Input + 1 2R7 LM1877 8R0 100 n GND 0V 8 470 m + 13 – 2R7 510R 100 k 510 R 8R0 50 m + +28 V 11 100 n 5 100 k – Input 1 4 + 50 m 1M0 + 13 OUT 2 OUT 1 2 3 12 LM1877 5 11 1M0 GND Input 2 Input 1 6 Top view 50 m + + 3,0 TAB 8 7 9 Input 2 8 Feedback 2 LM2879T 10 100 n 10 Feedback 1 7 1 470 m + 2R7 14 V+ Bios 1 4 100 n 2 100 n GND V+ OUTPUT 2 GND INPUT 2 FEEDBACK 2 NC FEEDBACK 1 INPUT 1 GND OUTPUT 1 BIAS Top view + + 3,4,5 10,11,12 0 100 n 50 m 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 100 k 510 R + – 0V 470 m + 2R7 510R 100 n 100 k 8R0 100 n 8R0 19 Supplementary Problems +21 V V+ 470 n 11 5 BIAS generator 8 Input + 10 2 7 Feedback 1m0 OUT 22 k 150 R + 6 1 + 1 Bias 2 1 4 Input + – Signal input Feedback 82 R + 7 5 TDA1514A 3 2 0 – 8 220 p 880 R OUT 470 k + 3, 9 GND + +14 V 5 100 n Input 1 100 k Input 2 4m7 100 n + – + –14 V 1 100 k Metal mounting basis (V–) 100 n 2 4 LM1877 3,9 TAB 2R7 8R0 + – 3m3 2R7 1. –INPUT 2. SOAR 3. MUTE 4. V– 5. OUTPUT 6. V+ 7. BOOTSTRAP 8. 0 V 9. +INPUT Fig. 8.45 Pin configuration of the super-fi audio amplifier IC-TDA1514A. An application of the IC using split supplies 0V 13 510R 0V Bottom view 100 n 8 7 22 n –21 V 100 k 11 3R3 SPKR 4R0 470 n 4m7 220m 4 – 2k0 22 k 47m 8R0 100 n 100 k Fig. 8.44 Pin configuration and simple equivalent circuit of the dual 8 W audio power amplifier IC-2879T. The IC usage with a single ended and a dual power supply Problem 7 Give the pin configuration of the superfi audio amplifier IC-TDA1514A designed for use with split supplies. Also give one practical application. Solution: See Fig. 8.48. Problem 8 Give the pin configuration of the 9.5 W audio IC-TDA-1020 with one practical application. Solution: See Fig. 8.49. Problem 9 What type of protectionÿis provided to MOSFETs and why? Solution: The very thin layer of S i O 2, silicon dioxide, between gate and channel is very susceptible to high voltages and is very easily punctured, even by static electricity resulting from the transistor sliding around in a plastic bag. A large electrostatic discharge may also result from a person who picks up the transistor from its case and brushes the gate lead against some grounded object. In a relatively dry atmosphere, a static potential of 300 V is not uncommon on a person who has high resistance soles on his shoes. As a result MOSFETs are protected by a shorting ring, Fig. 8.50 (a), that is wrapped around all four terminals during shipping and must remain in place until after the device is soldered into position. The MOSFET should never be inserted into or removed from a circuit with the power on. The JFET is not subject to these restrictions. 20 Linear Integrated Circuits GND 1 P.A. OUTPUT 2 V+ 3 BOOTSTRAP 4 RIPPLE REJECT 5 P.A. INPUT 6 PREAMP OUTPUT 7 PREAMP INPUT GND 8 9 Top view +14.4 V Signal input RV1 10 k 100 n + 8 1m0 330 k 5 100 n 3 4 TDA1020 6 9 C3 + 100 m 2 + 1 100 n 7 C2 3n3 C1 150 n 4R7 C4 2000 m SPKR 2R0 0V Fig. 8.46 Pin configuration of the IC-TDA1020 and on practical application, for use in automobiles Some MOSFETs have a built-in gate protection, a system built into the device to get around the problem of a high voltage on the gate causing a puncturing of the oxide layer, thus removing the need for the listed precautions. The symbol in Fig. 8.50 (c) shows that between each gate and the source is placed a back-to-back or front-to-front pair of diodes, which are built right into the p-type substrate (one pair on each side of the MOSFET proper). These diodes are designed so that if either gate exceeds +10 V typically with respect to the source, the upper diode will conduct and the lower diode will break down (Zener effect) providing a shunt path for excessive charge from gate to source. Likewise, if the gate voltage exceeds 10 V, the lower diode conducts and the upper diode breaks down. The normal application of signal voltages will not be affected. These diodes also guard against in-circuit transients. Problem 10 With the help of a simplified digram describe the operation of the IC-PAO4 (Apex Microtechnology) power operational amplifier. Solution: The PAO4 is an example of a highvoltage, high-current hybrid IC power operational amplifier. It can operate with supply voltages up to 200 V and is capable of a peak current swing of 20 A. It has a dc open-loop gain of 102 dB (typ) and 94 dB (min). It offers a gain bandwidth product of 2 MHz and a full power bandwidth of 90 kHz when producing an output voltage swing of 180 V peak-to-peak. This is an FET input operational amplifier, so along with these very impressive power output characteristics is an input bias current of 10 pA (typ), 50 pA (max) and an input impedance of 1011 W (typ) in parallel with 13 pF (typ). A simplified schematic of the PAO4 is given in Fig. 8.51. The input stage consists of the Q1 Q2 PMOS differential amplifier stage that is biased by a current source comprised of Q 5, R 5 and D 1. The differential amplifier drives an npn current mirror active load that is comprised of Q3 and Q4. The second stage uses Q6 as a common-source amplifier stage with a current source active load. The last stage uses Q8 and Q9 in the form of a complementary NMOSPMOS class AB source-follower push-pull output stage. Transistor Q7, in conjunction with resistors R7 and R8, generates a voltage drop that is used to bias the Q 8 , Q 9 push-pull output stage for class AB operation to minimize crossover distortion. There are two separate sets of positive and negative supply voltage connections, ± VBOOST and ± VS. The operational amplifier can be operated with +V BOOST = V S and V BOOST = V S. Under these conditions, the peak output voltage swing is about 5 V less than supply voltage under no load conditions, and about 10 V less that the supply voltage for a load current of 20 A. For a larger output voltage swing and a greater power conversion efficiency, the boost voltage can be raised by as much 20 V above the supply voltage. A boost voltage that is 5 V above the supply voltage is enough to cause the output transistor to be driven into saturation and results in a substantial improvement in the output voltage swing and in power conversion efficiency. With this value of boost voltage, the peak output voltage swing is only 2 V less than the supply voltage under no load conditions, and 5 V less for a 20 A load current. 21 Supplementary Problems Oxide Gate 1 insulation internal P P N Gate 2 internal Drain 1 source 2 N Source 1 N Channel 1 (N) Source terminal P Drain 2 N Channel 2 (N) P N Drain terminal P Unit No. 1 Unit No. 2 Gate-protection diodes Gate-protection diodes (a) (b) 2 3 2 3 1. Drain 2. Gate 3. Gate 1 4. Source (substrate and case) 4 1 (c) 4 1 (d) Fig. 8.47 (a) Shorting spring for MOSFETs that do not contain the integrated protection (b) Dual gate protected n-channel depletion type MOSFET, cross-sectional view (c) Symbol of the dual gate protected MOSFET (d) Showing how a dual gate may be operated as a single gate protected MOSFET by joining gates 1 and 2 Problem 11 Determine the ideal maximum peak output voltage and current for the circuit shown in Fig. 8.52. Solution: is The ideal maximum peak output voltage V O(peak) » VCEQ » VCC = 20 V The ideal maximum peak current is IO(peak) » IC(sat) » 20 V VCC = = 1.25 A RL 16 8 The actual maximum values of peak voltage and current are slightly smaller. Problem 12 Find the maximum ac output power and the dc input power of the amplifier in Fig. 8.53. Also determine the input resistance assuming bac = 50 and r e¢ = 6 W. Solution: The maximum peak output voltage is 20 V VCC = = 10 V 2 2 The maximum peak output current is V O(peak) » VCEQ = IO(peak) » IC(sat) = VCEQ 10 V = = 1.25 A RL 8 8 The ac output power is P O = 0.25 IC(sat) VCC = 0.25 (1.25 A) (20 V) = 6.25 W The dc input power is P DC = I C ( sat )VCC 8 = 7.96 W = (1.25 A) (20 V) 8 The input resistance is R in = bac (re¢ + RL ) = 50 (6 W + 8 W) = 700 W 22 Linear Integrated Circuits +VBOOST +V6 R5 D1 IB Q8 Q5 IA R7 R1 Q7 R2 Output Noninverting input Inverting input Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 R8 Q6 Q9 RCOMP CCOMP R3 R4 R6 –VBOOST Fig. 8.48 –V5 Simplified schematic of the PAO4 power operational amplifier +20 V VCC +20 V R1 470 W C1 Q1 D1 Q1 10 mF Vout D1 D2 D2 Q2 Vs R1 100 W R2 470 W R6 16 W Vin For Example 8.57 10 mF C2 Q2 10 mF R2 100 W –20 V Fig. 8.49 C3 V out Fig. 8.50 For Example 8.58 RL 8W Supplementary Problems Problem 2 In Fig. 9.5, R = 1 kW and mR = 99 kW. Find the current IL through the emitter diode of the opto-coupler. CHAPTER 9 Problem 1 Discuss a current amplifier. Solution: There is no point in converting a current to an equal current but a circuit that converts a small current to a large current can be very useful. The circuit of Fig. 9.67 is a current multiplier or current amplifier (technically a current-to-current converter). The signal current source Isc is effectively shortcircuited by the input terminals of the op-amp. All of Isc flows through mR, and the voltage across it is mR I sc . Resistor mR is known as a multiplying resistor and m is a multiplier. Since R and mR are in parallel, the voltage across R is also mRIsc. Therefore, the current through R must be Isc. Both currents add to form the load current IL. IL is an amplified version of Isc and is found from IL = (1 + m) Isc (9.36) Solution: m = 99 kW/1 kW = 99 IL = (1+99) (10 mA) = 1.0 mA Problem 3 Explain the working of a light-column voltmeter. Solution: A light-column voltmeter displays a column of light whose height is proportional to voltage. Manufacturers of audio and medical equipment may replace analog meter panels with lightcolumn voltmeters because they are easier to read at a distance. A light-column voltmeter is shown in Fig. 9.68. Rcal is adjusted so that 1 mA flows through the equal resistor divider network R 1 to R 10. Ten separate reference voltages are established in 1-V steps from 1 V to 10 V. When Ei = 0 V or less than 1 V, the outputs of all op-amps are at Vsat. The silicon diodes protect the light-emitting diodes against excessive reverse bias voltage. When Ei is increased to a value between 1 and 2 V, only the output of op-amp 1 goes positive to light LED 1. The op-amps output current is automatically limited by the op-amp to its short-circuit The load does not determine load current. Only the multiplier m and Isc determine the load current. For variable current gain, the mR and R can be replaced by a single 100 kW potentiometer. The wiper goes to the emitting diode, one end to the ground and the other end to the () input. The optical coupler isolates the op-amp circuit from any high voltage load. DP is an ordinary silicon diode that protects the emitting diode against a reverse bias voltage. R = 1 kW 321 mISC IL = (1 + m)ISC 0V 99 kW ISC mR 321 2 0V 3 7 – 741 6 + 4 –V Fig. 9.51 To high voltage DP +V Signal current source ISC 100 mA 23 Current amplifier with optical coupler load Optical coupler load 24 Linear Integrated Circuits +15 V = +V Rcal 0 – 10 kW +V – 220 W #10 Vref10 = 10 V + R10 = 1 kW LED 10 –V +V – 220 W #9 Vref9 = 9 V + LED 9 R9 = 1 kW –V +V 321 R3 to R8 all 1 kW – 220 W #2 Vref2 = 2 V + R2 = 1 kW LED 2 –V +V 2 R1 = 1 kW Vref1 = 1 V 7 – 220 W #1 3 6 + + 4 LED 1 Ei – –V Fig. 9.52 Light-column voltmeter. Reference voltages to each op-amp are in steps of 1 V. As Ei is increased from 1 V to 10 V, LED 1 through LED 10 light in sequence. R1 to R10 are 1% resistors. The op-amps are 741 8-pin mini-DIPs value, approximately 20 to 25 mA. The 220 W output resistances divert heat away from the op-amp. As Ei is increased, the LEDs light in numerical order. This circuit can also be built using two and one-half LM324 quad op-amps. Some manufacturers have designed IC packages for this particular applications, such as National Semiconductors LM3914. 25 Supplementary Problems CHAPTER 10 Ground Problem 1 Give a typical application of the LM386. 1 8 C NC Solution: A typical application of the LM386 as a power amplifier in a radio receiver is shown in Fig. 10.29. The detected AM signal is fed to the inverting input through the volume control potentiometer R 1 and resistor R 2, C1 is the input coupling capacitor and C 2 is the power supply decoupling capacitor. R2 and C3 filter out any residual RF or IF signal that may be on the output of the detector. R 3 and C 5 provide additional filtering before the audio signal is applied to the speaker through the coupling capacitor C7. Square wave out Triangle wave out Fig. 10.30 the NE566 V+ NE566 R 4 5 Modulation input Outline and pin configuration of Solution: The NE566 is a general purpose generator that produces excellent simultaneous square and triangle output (up to 1 MHz) that can be frequency +9 V C4 C1 C2 0.1 mF 1 mF R2 R1 10 W 1.0 W Volume control Fig. 10.29 10 mF 6 2 C3 0.0022 mF 1 – 8 3 47 W 7 + C7 R3 5 LM386 4 C5 10 mF 220 mF C6 0.047 mF The LM386 as an audio power amplifier modulated (FM) or frequency shift keyed (FSK) via a voltage control input terminal. Figure 10.30 shows the ICs outline and pin configuration. Figure 10.31 Problem 2 Give the pin configuration and functional block diagram of the IC-NE 566. Explain briefly. V+ R 6 Modulation input vc 5 8 Current source Schmitt trigger Buffer amplifier Buffer amplifier NE566 1 7 C 0V Fig. 10.31 Functional block diagram of the NE566 Out 3 Out 4 26 Linear Integrated Circuits shows its functional block diagram plus a few essential external components. In essence, the NE566 is a VCO with buffered output; the VCO section is made up of a pair of voltage-controlled current sources that linearly charge or discharge an external timing capacitor, and a Schmitt trigger that flips the current sources when the capacitor voltage reaches preset levels. A linear triangle wave is generated across the capacitor, and a high-quality square wave is generated at the Schmitt output; these waveforms are fed to the outside world via simple buffer amplifiers. Problem 3 Discuss a simple fixed frequency application of the NE566. Solution: The NE566's operating frequency is set by an external resistor R and capacitor C, and by the voltage Vc, applied to its control terminal and is roughly equal to 2 (V+ V)/RC.V+. R must be in the range 220 kW; C can have any value, and Vc must be between 75 and 100 per cent of the supply voltage value. Frequency can be varied over a 10 :1 range via R, and can be varied or modulated over a similar range via Vc. Thus the Fig. 10.46 circuit acts as a fixedfrequency FM waveform generator; it operates at about 5 kHz with R and C values of 4 k and 10 nF. The 1 nF capacitor between pins 5 and 6 enhances circuit stability. V+ (10 to 24 V) R (2 k0 to 20 k) R1 1 k5 Out 6 1n0 C1 8 3 VC NE566 5 Out 4 Mod input 7 R2 10 k 1 C 0V Fig. 10.32 tion circuit Simple fixed-frequency applica- 27 Supplementary Problems CHAPTER 11 +V = +10 V Problem 1. Explain the false lock in phase locked loops. How can it be alleviated? Solution: The PLL could lock to twice the frequency of the input signal, three times the frequency of the input signal or any other multiple. Alternatively, it could lock to a submultiple of the frequency of the input signal (i.e., one-half, one-third, or some other submultiple). This false lock will occur whenever the free-running frequency of the VCO is closer to a multiple or submultiple of the input signals frequency rather than to its actual frequency. False lock can only be alleviated by somehow guaranteeing that the free-running frequency of the oscillator is closer to the actual input frequency than it is to some multiple or submultiple thereof. This requires a prior knowledge of the input signal and is a limitation on how much the input signals frequency can vary. Problem 2. A PLL is locked onto an incoming signal with a frequency of 1 MHz at a phase angle of 50°. The VCO signal is at a phase angle of 20°. The peak amplitude of the incoming signal is 0.5 V and that of the VCO output signal is 0.7 V. (a) What is the VCO frequency? (b) What is the value of the control voltage being fed back to the VCO at this point? Solution: (a) Since the PLL is in lock fi = fo = 1 MHz (b) qe = qi qo = 50° 20° = 30° VV Vc = i o cos qe 2 (0.5 V s 0.7 V ) cos 30° 2 = (0.175 V) cos 30° = 0.152 V = Problem 3. In the circuit in Fig. 11.42, determine the free-running frequency fout, the lock range fL, and the capture range fC. R1 12 kW 10 C3 8 0.001 mF 2 Input + C2 – 10 mF NE565 7 Demodulated output 6 Reference output 4 3 VCO output 5 9 C1 1 0.01 mF –V = –10 V Fig. 11.42 For Problem 3 Solution: f out » 1.2 Hz 4 R1C1 (11.47) 12 . Hz 4 (12 s 103) ( 0.01 s 106) = 2.5 kHz = fL = ± = 8 f out Hz V (11.48) 8 ( 2.5 s 103) = ± 1 kHz 20 fC = ± 1/ 2 fL 3 ! (2Q ) (3.6) (10 ) ( C2 ) " Hz (11.49) where C2 is in farads. fC = ± = 1/ 2 (10) 3 6 ! 3 ( 2Q ) ( 3.6 s 10 ) (10 s 10 ) ! " ± 66.49 Hz 28 Linear Integrated Circuits fout, fL and fC are illustrated in Fig. 11.43. Lock range Lock range fL Capture range Capture range fC fC fOUT 1.5 k 2.433 k 2.5 k 2.566 k Frequency (Hz) Fig. 11.43 1.0 kHz 3.5 k Fig. 11.45 Solution for Problem 3 Problem 4. In the circuit in Fig. 11.43, determine the free running frequency fout, the lock range fL and the capture range fC. Solution: f out » 1.2 4 R1C1 =± fC = ± R1 = 5 k W, VT = 26 mV, ISO = 1010 A Find the output voltage vo corresponding to the input voltage vS = (i) 1 mV, (ii) 10 mV ; (iii) 100 mV and (iv) 1 V. C iC + vs > 0 – 8 f out Hz V 8 s 3 s 103 = ± 2 kHz 12 ( 2Q ) 1/ 2 = ± 106 Hz fout, fL and fC are illustrated in Fig. 11.44. +6 V + C3 10 Input R1 C2 – 5 mF Vj1 =0 6 LM 565 Demad o/p Ref o/p 9 C1 1 0.01 mF –6 V Fig. 11.44 For Problem 4 5 VCO output + vo – Solution: v o = VT ln vs I so R1 (11.50) = (26 ´ 103) ln (ii) vo = (26 ´ 103) ln 4¢ 3 + For Problem 5 0.001 mF 7 E VCB – B– VBE – (i) vo = (26 ´ 103) ln 0.001 2 T + Fig. 11.46 (2) (10) 3 ! ( 3.6) (103) (5) (106) !" R1 10 k Solution for Problem 4 + = 3 kHz 5.0 kHz Problem 5. The log amplifier shown in Fig. 11.46 has the following circuit parameters. 12 . = (4) (10 s 103) (.01 s 106) fL = ± 2.894 3.106 kHz kHz 3 kHz Frequency, Hz 10 10 vs 1010 s 5 s 103 103 = 0.197 V s 5 s 103 10 103 = 0.2575 V s 5 s 103 10 (iii) vo = (26 ´ 103) ln 102 = 0.3174 V 10 s 5 s 103 (iv) vo = (26 ´ 103) ln 1 = 0.377 V 1010 s 5 s 103 10 Thus, the output voltage is a compressed version of the wide input voltage. Supplementary Problems 29 Problem 6. If you have at your disposal a logarithmic amplifier and an exponential amplifier, devise a circuit that will produce the quotient of two members. Problem 8. Show that the op-amp circuit of Fig. 11.49 uses the analog multiplier to perform division. Solution: x/y = eIn xIn y. Thus, if the divisor and the dividend are each fed to a logarithmic amplifier, the two resulting signals are fed to a difference amplifier, and the difference is fed to an exponential amplifier, the result is identical to division. This is shown in Fig. 11.47. vovss vs v = P = vR vR R Solution: Since i S = iP vo = and vd = 0 vs vss (11.52) Logarithmic amplifier V1 –k(ln V1) R R – V1 V2 C(ln V1 – ln V2) + V2 –k(ln V2) Exponential amplifier R R1 Logarithmic amplifier Fig. 11.47 For Problem 6 Problem 7. The analog multiplier of Fig. 11.48 has the characteristic vP = v1 v2. Determine the output vo for the op-amp circuit. Solution: Since i S = iP vo = iS vs vs Fig. 11.49 X iP – v1 v2 + vs + – Fig. 11.48 vP + vo – For Problem 7 X – (11.51) R vP R R R + This is shown in Fig. 11.77 iS vSS iP and vd = 0 vp v1v2 vs v2 = = = 0 R R R R \ This is shown in Fig. 11.49 For Problem 8 vo 30 Linear Integrated Circuits CHAPTER 13 Solution: Problem 1. For the Wien bridge oscillator circuit of Fig. 13.51, determine (a) the oscillation frequency, and (b) the value of Rf required. R = 15 kW, C = 0.02 mF, and Ri = 10 kW R = The largest value of f0 requires the smallest value of R and the smallest value of f0 requires the largest value of R. Solution: (a) f0 = 1 1 = Hz 2Q RC 2Q (15 k8) ( 0.02 NF) = 530.5 Hz (b) To sachieve a gain of 3, the value of Rf must be R f = 2Ri = 2(10 kW) = 20 kW Rf 10 kW – vo + 1 2 Q f 0C Rmin = 1 = 15.915 kW 2Q (1 kHz) ( 0.01 NF) Rmax = 1 = 159.15 kW 2Q (100 Hz) (0.01 NF) Thus, the resistances must be adjustable from 15.915 kW to 159.15 kW in order to tune the oscillator over the required range. It is assumed that the resistances are aligned so that their values are equal. Problem 3. Design a phase-shift oscillator to produce oscillations at 1 kHz. The capacitor values are selected as C = 0.01 mF. 15 kW Rf 0.02 mF 0.01 mF 0.01 mF 0.01 mF 12 kW – 0.02 mF 15 kW vo + R Fig. 13.51 R Rc For Problem 2 Problem 2. A variable Wien bridge oscillator of a form similar to that of Fig. 13.52 is to be designed to produce an output sinusoid that can be adjusted from 100 Hz to 1 kHz. The two capacitor values are selected as C = 0.0 mF. Determine the required range in the resistances. C For Problem 4 Solution: R = 1 = 2 Q 6 f 0C 2Q 1 = 6497 W 6 (1 kHz) (0.01 NF) The value of R f is then determined as R f = 29R = 29 ´ 6497 = 188.4 kW R2 R Fig. 13.53 None of the resistance values are standard so some adjustments will be required. + – Problem 4. What is the frequency of the output signal in Fig. 13.54? C R C R1 Solution: The feedback fraction is b= Fig. 13.52 For Problem 3 18 k8 = 0.9 20 k8 Supplementary Problems = 0.693(1 kW + 3 kW)(0.02 mF) = 55.44 ms (b) The low-state time interval is 1 kW +15 V 2 7 – 318 3 + 4 0.1 mF 6 TL = 0.693 RB C = 0.693 (3 kW)(0.02 mF) = 41.58 ms vout (c) The period is –15 V T = TH + TL = 55.44 mS + 41.58 ms = 97.02 ms 2 kW 18 kW Fig. 13.54 (d) The frequency is f= For Problem 5 1 C T = 2RC ln = 2 (1 kW)(0.1 mF) 1 C ln 1 0.9 = 589 ms 1 0.9 1 1 = = 10.31 kHz T 97.02 s 10 6 (e) The duty cycle is D = 54.44 Ns TH ´ 100% = ´ 100% = 57.14% T 97.02 Ns Problem 6. In a Wien bridge oscillator C1 = C2 = C. The minimum and maximum values of C1 are 90 pF and 900 pF respectively. R1 = R2 = R = 100 kW. The frequency is f= 31 1 = 1.7 kHz 589 Ns Problem 5. Consider the 555 astable circuit of Fig. 13.55. Determine (a) high state time interval, (b) low-state time interval (c) period (d) frequency, and (e) duty cycle. R A = 1 kW, RB = 3 kW, and C = 0.02 mF Solution: (a) Determine the range of the operating frequency of the oscillator. (b) Determine the value of R3, if R4 = 10 kW, so that oscillations can be maintained. Solution: (a) f0 = (a) The high-state time interval is T H = 0.693 (RA + RB)C 1 2Q RC f0(max) = 1 2Q RC min +5 V = 1 kW RA 8 f0(min) = 4 7 3 kW RB 555 3 Output = 6 2 1 0.02 mF Fig. 13.55 For Problem 6 1 2Q RC max 1 = 1.768 kHz 2Q 100 k8 s 900 s 1012 The range of f0 is from 1.768 kHz to 17.68 kHz. 5 C 0.01 mF 1 = 17.68 kHz 2Q s 100 k8 s 90 s 1012 (b) R3 £ 1 , R3 = 2R4 = 2 ´ 10 kW = 20 kW 3 R 3 R4 32 Linear Integrated Circuits Wien bridge f0 = R1 = R2 C1 A R3 1 2Q RC 6 1 2Q s 200 s 103 100 s 10 12 6 = 3.248 kHz Problem 9. Design a phase-shift oscillator to oscillate at 100 Hz. R4 C2 Solution: Let C = 0.1 mF Fig. 13.56 For Problem 6 Problem 7. In a Wien bridge oscillator, if the value of R is 100 kW, and the frequency of oscillation is 10 kHz, find value of capacitor C. f0 = 1 2Q RC 6 R = 1 2Q f 0 C 6 = Solution: 1 = 6.49 kW 2Q (100) (107) 6 Use R = 6.5 kW To prevent loading of the amplifier by the RC network, R1 ³ 10 R f0 = 1 2Q RC C = 1 2Q R f 0 C = 1 2Q s 100 k8 s 10 kHz \ R 1 = 65 kW R f = 29 R1 R f = 29 ´ 65 kW = 1885 kW Since = 159 pF Problem 8. In an RC phase-shift oscillator if R1 = R2 = R3 = R = 20 kW, and C1 = C2 = C3 = 100 pF, find the frequency of the oscillator. Problem 10. For the 555 monostable circuit of Fig. 13.60, determine the pulse width. +5 V Solution: 2 kW Rf R1 8 Input Amplifier 4 2 7 5 6 R 15 kW C 0.22 mF 0.01 mF 1885 kW – 65 kW vo + 3 Rcomp 0.01 mF Output 0.1 C vf C R 6.5 kW Fig. 13.57 0.1 R 6.5 kW 0.1 C R 6.5 kW Fig. 13.60 Feedback network RC phase-shift oscillator Solution: For Problem 12 In the given circuit R = 15 kW and C = 0.22 mF Supplementary Problems +5.5 V +VCC Ri Ci 8 4 R 3 R2 4.7 kW 555 THRESH OUT C TRIG Output vo(t) Fig. 13.61 VCC DISCH 6 5 1 RESET vC(t) 555 0.01 mF R1 2.2 kW 7 2 Trigger input 33 CONT GND Cext 0.022 mF C1 0.01 mF For Problem 13 T P = 1.1RC = 1.1(15 ´ 103) (0.22 ´ 106) = 0.003635 = 3.63 ms Problem 11. Design a monostable 555 timer circuit of the form shown in Fig. 13.61 to produce an output pulse 1ms wide. Solution: T P = 1ms = 1.1RC RC = 9.1 ´ 104 There are many choices of R and C that would satisfy the constraint. In the range of reasonable choices select: C = 0.01 mF, R = 91 kW If the trigger circuit shown on the left-hand side of Fig. 13.61 is used, the values of Ci and Ri should selected. These values are not critical, but the product R iC i should typically be much smaller than T P . Reasonable choices might be C i = 0.001 mF and Ri = 10 kW. Problem 12. A 555 timer configured to run in the astable mode is shown in Fig. 13.64. Determine the frequency of the output and the duty cycle. Fig. 13.63 For Problem 15 Solution: fr = = 1.44 ( R1 2 R2) Cext 144 . (2.2 k8 9.4 k8 ( 0.022 NF) = 5.64 kHz Duty cycle = = R1 R2 R1 2 R2 2.2 2.2 100% k8 4.7 k8 100% = 59.5% k8 9.4 k8 Problem 13. Give the pin configuration of CD 4046 phase-locked loop IC. Explain briefly. Solution: The tendency to lose lock is a major weakness of the exclusive OR type phase detector. Within the CD 4046 is a second phase detector. It shares the input and feedback signals with the f1 (exclusive OR) detector, but has its own fII, output (Pin 13). It consists of digital logic with flip-flops for memory and a three-state output driver. 34 Linear Integrated Circuits CHAPTER 14 Problem 1. Illustrate the frequency response of a (a) practical low-pass filter (b) practical high-pass filter. Solution: See Fig. 14.58 Gain Stop band Pass band –3 dB The curves of Fig. 14.59 may be readily used. We interpret the cut-off frequency to be fc = 800 Hz. The actual frequency f = 2 kHz corresponds to a normalized frequency f/fc = 2000/800 = 2.5. At an abscissa of 2.5 on the normalized frequency scale, we drop down to determine the response curves that will achieve the required attenuation. The response of a two-pole function is down by only about 16 dB at this frequency, so it is inadequate. However, a three-pole response is down by about 23 dB, so it more than meets the specifications. Hence the minimum number of poles required in the Butterworth filter is three. Note: f–3 dB Gain f Stop band Pass band –3 dB f–3 dB f Fig. 14.58 Frequency response (a) low-pass filter and (b) high-pass filter Problem 2. A low-pass filter is desired for a given application. The specifications are as follows: (1) Relative attenuation £ 3 dB for f £ 800 Hz (2) Relative attenuation ³ 23 dB for f ³ 2 kHz Specify the minimum number of poles for a Butterworth filter that will satisfy the requirements. Solution: Requirement (1) specifies passband in which the response drops no more than 3 dB. Requirement (2) specifics a stopband in which the response is required to be at or below a certain level. The region between (1) and (2) can be interpreted as a transition band. The specifications are not very demanding since a very wide transition band is provided. (1) The relative amplitude response curve for any three-pole Butterworth filter will meet the specifications as given for any frequencies having the same ratios as those given. For example, if the frequency of specification (1) had been 5 kHz and the frequency of specification (2) had been 12.5 kHz, a three-pole Butterworth filter would again be the correct solution, since 12.5 kHz/5 kHz = 2.5 is the same normalized frequency as determined in the problem. (2) The utility of the normalized frequency concept is that the various results apply to any frequency combination having the same relative ratios. Problem 3. A high-pass filter is required for a given application. The specifications are as follows: (1) Relative attenuation (2) Relative attenuation £ 3 dB for f ³ 500 Hz ³ 46 dB for f £ 12.5 Hz Specify the minimum number of poles for a Butterworth filter that will satisfy the requirements. Solution: The manner in which the specifications are given suggests that the 3 dB cut-off frequency can be established at 500 Hz. For a high-pass filter the frequency of 125 Hz corresponds to 500 Hz inverted normalized frequency of fc/f = 500/125 = 4. At a normalized frequency of 4, the smallest number of poles satisfying the specification is four. The attenuation at this point is slightly greater than 48 dB, so the specification is met with reserve. Supplementary Problems 0 –10 1 –20 –23 –30 4 –40 Gain (dB) –20 dB/decade 2 3 –40 5 –50 6 –60 –60 –70 –80 –80 –100 –90 –120 –100 –110 –120 Fig. 14.59 1 Roll off rate comparison 1 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 f/f0 20 30 40 60 80100 50 70 35 36 Linear Integrated Circuits CHAPTER 15 Problem 1. Design a voltage regulator using LM723 for 5 V, 100 mA power supply. Given Vin = 10 V. Assume Vsense = 0.65 V. Solution: The reference voltage V REF must be reduced to 5 V for the non-inverting input of the error amplifier by means of a voltage divider. Assume I0 = 1 mA R1 = VR Vo 7.15 V 5 V = Io 1 mA = 2.15 kW (use 2.2 kW) R2 = 5V Vo = = 5 kW (use 5.1 kW) 1 mA Io R 3 = R1 || R2 = 2.15 kW || 5 kW = 1.5 kW R CL = 0.65 V Rsense = = 6.5 W (use 6.8 W) Im 100 mA PD (max) = Vin (I0 + IQ) = 10 V (100 mA + 3 mA ) = 1.03 W from 1 to 40 V. The mA 78S40 draws a maximum quiescent current of 2.5 mA at Vin = 5 V and 3.5 mA, at Vin = 40 V, with typical values being 1.8 mA and 2.3 mA respectively. The regulator is supplied in a 16pin DIP that can dissipate 1.5 W in the plastic version and 1 W in the hermetically sealed version. The device is supplied in a commercial version with an operating temperature of 0 to 70°C and a military version with a temperature range of 55 to 125°C. The device can supply up to 1.5 A without external transistors. The m A 78S40 consists of a temperature compensated voltage reference, a duty-cycle controllable oscillator with an active current limit circuit, high-gain comparator, high-current highvoltage output switch, a power switching diode and an uncommitted op-amp. The block diagram and the pin configuration of the IC are given in Fig. 15.50. Noninv. Inv. input input 9 10 Ipk Driver Switch sense collector collector 14 15 16 Timing capacitor Vcc 12 13 Ipk CT Oscillator Vin V + VC VREF R1 VO CL R3 V– 1.25 V reference INV Comp. 100 pF C1 Fig. 15.49 Q2 Q1 Comp. Vo CS R2 S Q RCL 723 NI Cref Gnd. 11 8 Ref output R 170 – Op Amp. + D1 7 6 5 4 3 Inv. Noninv. Vcc Output Switch input input Op Amp. emitter 2 Diode anode 1 Diode cathode for Problem 1 Problem 2. Explain in detail the operation of switching voltage regulator IC-mA 78S40. Solution: m A 78S40 is a universal switching regulator subsystem. It is a versatile pulse-width modulated switching regulator capable of line and load voltage regulation of 80 dB (0.01%). It has an input voltage range from 2.5 to 40 V and can control output voltage limited by the external components used. As a step-down or step-up regulator with no external switching transistors, it can supply voltages Diode cathode 1 16 Switch collector Diode anode 2 15 Driver collector 14 Ipk sense Switch emitter 3 13 Vcc Op amp output 4 Vcc Op Amp 5 12 Timing capacitor 11 Ground Comparator Inv. input 9 Comparator Non-inv. input Op Non-inv. 6 Amp Inv. input 7 10 Reference 8 (Top view) Fig. 15.50 mA 78S40 universal switching regulator (a) block diagram, and (b) pin configuration Supplementary Problems The initial switching frequency is set by the timing capacitor CT, connected between pins 12 and ground pin 11. The initial duty cycle is 6 : 1. The switching frequency and duty cycle can be modified by the current limit circuitry, I pk sense pin 14, and the comparator pins 9 and 10. The oscillator can be set Vin 25 V 100 10 11 between 100 Hz and 100 kHz. Ipk, pin 14, is used to vary the duty cycle and thus ton in the regulator. The lower limit of tON or tOFF is 10 ms. The output transistors can block 40 volts and supply up to 1.5 A. Q2 is the driver for Q1 × Q1 and Q2 can be connected as a darlington pair or Q2 can be RSC 0.33 470 pF CT 9 12 13 VCC Ipk CT Oscillator 8 7 14 15 S Q Q4 R 170 – Op Amp. + 6 D1 5 4 3 2 1 1N5822 L R2 R1 16 Q1 Comp. 1.25 V reference Vout –220 mH 5.0 V/500 mA 3.6 K 1.2 K 470 Fig. 15.51 220 V dc Transistor switching array Load Transistor drive Reference voltage Fig. 15.52 + C0 Step-down voltage regulator with mA 78S40 Line rectification filtering an isolation or battery 37 Pulse width modulator Negative feedback Generalized block diagram of a buck converter 38 Linear Integrated Circuits Table 15.1 Datasheet of m A78S40 (Fairchild Semiconductors) Calculation ton toff Step-Down Ipk(switch) RSC L CO Vout VF Vin(min) Vin(min) Vsat Vout VF Vin(min) Vsat 1 tmin 1 tmin 1 tmin 45 ´ 105 ´ tON 45 ´ 105 ´ tON 45 ´ 105 ´ tON 2Iout(max) t t 2I out(max) on off t t 2I out on off 0.33 I pk(switch) 0.33 I pk (switch) 0.33 I pk (switch) Vin(min) Vsat I t on(max) pk (switch) Vin(min) Vsat I t on(max) pk (switch) (V0 + V d)/I pk ´ toff I pk (switch) ( ton toff ) 8Vripple( pp ) used with an external resistor to provide increased base drive to Q1 as is necessary in the step-up supply. QCE (sat), of Q1 is 1.1 V typically and 1.3 V maximum at IC = 1 A. The b of Q1 is 70 with IC = 1 A and VCE = 5 V, so for VCE = 1 V at IC = 1 A, a value of b (Q1) = 20 may be used for calculations. The AND gate output is connected to the flip-flop input to turn Q1 off when V0 > VR. It is part of the regulator circuitry. The diode will block 40 V and drop 1.5 V in the forward bias case with forward current IF = 1 A. The typical VD is 1.25 V at 1 A. The reference voltage is temperature compensated and is equal to 1.25 V typically. The comparator is a high-gain amplifier used as an error amplifier for regulation. The uncommitted op-amp is used in inverting configuration or used as a driver for an auxiliary series-pass regulator. Problem 3. Draw the generalized block diagram of a buck converter and illustrate the charge and discharge cycles. Solution: Inverting Vout VF Vin(min) Vsat Vout (ton + toff)max CT Step-Up See Figs 15.51 through 15.53. Problem 4. How will you read the data sheet (Table 15.1) of mA 78S40? Design a step-down voltage regulator using mA 78S40 given that Input voltage = = toff I out ton Vripple = toff I out ton Vripple Vload 0V I On Ein – + + PWM – + – + Off Load – (a) Charge cycle Vload 0V Off – + + PWM – + On Load – (b) Discharge cycle Fig. 15.53 (a) Charge, and cycles of a buck converter (b) discharge 12 V dc ; Output voltage = 5 V ; Output current maximum 0.5 A. Maximum output ripple is 2%. Solution: From Table 15.1 for step-down mode: The voltage drop across the diode VD = 1.25 V. The output saturation voltage ; VS = 1.1 V, VREF = 1.245 V; IBias (comparator) = 35 mA and ID (divider current) through R1 R2 = 0.1 mA. 39 Supplementary Problems Ipeak = 2 Iout(max) = 2 ´ 0.5 ´ 103 = 1 A 0.33 0.33 = = 1 I peak Short-circuit resistance, RSC = 0.33 C0 = Next, calculate the values of resistors used in the sampling network. The non inverting terminal is connected to the reference voltage. Therefore, W Vo VD 5 125 . Ton = = = 1.06 Vin Vout VS 12 11 . 0.5 Toff 1245 . s 103 R2 ´ Vout; 1.2 = R1 R2 R1 (12.45 s 103 ) V R2 = 1 = 50 ms 20 s 103 R 1 = 36 kW The efficiency of the switching is given by Ton + Toff , but Ton = 1.06 Toff Toff = 24.2 ms and Ton = 25.8 ms C T = (45 ´ 103) Toff = (45 ´ 105) (24.2 ´ 106) = 0.0109 mF The load inductor, L = 1245 . = 12.45 kW 01 . s 103 R2 = The switching regulator has maximum efficiency when operating at 20 kHz TD = I pk ( Ton Toff ) 50 s 106 = = 125 mF 8 Vripple 8 Vripple h = hÿ % = Vout VD 5 1.25 ´ Toff = ´ 24.2 ´ 106 I peak 1 Vin Vs Vo Vout s Vin Vin Vout 12 11 . 125 . s 5 ´ 100 = 81% 12 5 125 . Problem 5. Illustrate the use of the CA723CT IC as switching regulator: = 151.25 mH The value of output capacitor, Solution: See Fig. 15.54 VIN = 25 V ± 20% R9 3.3 k R10 2.2 MW R1 5.6 k R2 4.7 k Q1 BEL 6109 4 3 + 2 – 8 6 CA 723CT 5 9 1 R5 10 W 10 D 2N 1482 R8 0.6 W, 1W Q2 BC 148 C2 22 KPF L = 4 mH 7 C4 330 PF R6 0.75 W R7 0.6 W C1 47 KPF C3 250 mF 12 V Vo 5 V, 1 A R3 1.8 k 100 W R4 3.3 k Fig. 15.54 Circuit of a switching regulator using CA723CT 40 Linear Integrated Circuits CHAPTER 16 Problem 1. Discuss the need for an isolation transformer. How does it operate? Solution: Isolation transformers provide dc isolation between input and output for the protection of human life of sensitive equipment in those applications where hazardous power-line leakage or high-voltage transients are possible. The principal areas of applications for isolation amplifiers are in medical instrumentation, power plant instrumentation, industrial processing and automated testing. In some ways, the isolation amplifier can be viewed as an elaborate op-amp instrumentation amplifier. The difference is that an isolation amplifier has an input stage, an output stage and a power-supply section that are all electrically isolated from each other. The transformer-coupled device is the one most commonly used. The circuit is in IC form, but the miniature multiple-winding, toroid transformer is not fully integrated. As shown in Fig. 16.37, there are three isolated ), independent grounds for the input signal ( the output signal ( ) and the power supply ( ). An external dc supply voltage, VDC is applied to the oscillator. The oscillator converts the dc power to ac at a relatively high frequency. The ac output of the oscillator is coupled by the transformer to the input power supply (rectifiers and filters) and to the output power supply (rectifiers and filters) where it is rectified and filtered to produce dual-polarity dc voltages (+ ve and ve) for the input and output stages. The oscillator output is also coupled to the modulator where it is combined with the input signal from the input op-amp A1. The modulator varies the amplitude of the relatively high oscillator frequency with the lower-frequency input signal. To couple the lower-frequency input signal without modulation would require a prohibitively large transformer. The modulated signal is coupled to the demodulator in the output stage. The demodulator recovers the original input signal from the higher oscillator frequency. The demodulated input signal is then applied to output op-amp, A2, which is part of a feedback loop that forces the signal at the inverting input of A1 to equal the original input signal at the non-inverting input. The isolation function is an unseen process. You apply a dc voltage, put a signal in and you get an amplified signal out. A representative device is the BurrBrown 3656KG. It has a few more input and output pins to provide for gain adjustments, offset adjustments, isolated dc voltage outputs, and other functions. Problem 2. Explain the operation of an ECG system with the help of a block diagram. Solution: The human heart produces an electrical signal that can be picked up by electrodes in contact with the skin. When the heart signal is displayed on a chart recorder, or on a video monitor, it is called Input stage Output stage Input demodulator Oscillator Modulator Output demodulator – – A1 + Output A2 + Input Output Rectifiers and filters Vin Rectifiers and filters Power Fig. 16.37 + VDC – A transformer coupled isolation amplifier Power 41 Supplementary Problems an electrocardiograph (ECG). Typically, the heart signal picked up by the electrode is about 1 mV and has significant frequency components, from less than 1 Hz to about 100 Hz. As indicated in the block diagram in Fig. 16.38, an ECG system has at least three electrodesa rightarm electrode (RA), a left-arm electrode (LA), and a right-leg electrode (RL) that is the common terminal. The isolation amplifier provides for differential inputs from the electrodes, provides a high CMR to eliminate the relatively high common-mode noise voltages associated with heart signals and provides electrical isolation for protection of the patient. The low-pass filter rejects frequencies above those contained in the heart signal. The post-amplifier Solution: The voltage gain of the input stage is A v1 = RF1 22 k8 +1= + 1 = 10 + 1 = 11 2.2 k8 Ri1 The voltage gain of the output stage is A v2 = RF2 47 k8 +1= +1 10 k8 R i2 = 4.7 + 1 = 5.7 The total voltage gain of the isolation amplifier is Av (tot) = Av1 Av2 = (11) (5.7) = 62.7 Note: The triangle with a split down the middle is one way of representing an isolation amplifier by indicating that the input voltages are separated by transformer coupling. Power supply Video monitor RA LA Isolation amplifier Low-pass filter Postamplifier RL Electrodes Amplifier circuit board Chart recorder Fig. 16.38 Block diagram of an ECG system provides most of the amplification in the system and drives a video and/or a chart recorder. The inputs from electrode sensors are connected to the amplifiers through a shielded cable to prevent noise pick-up. The input differential signal is amplified by the fixed gain of the 3656KG isolation amplifier. The low-pass filter is an active filter. The postamplifier is an inverting amplifier with an adjustable voltage gain. The inverting input also serves as a summing point for the signal voltage. A dc voltage is used for adding an adjustable dc level to the output for adjusting the vertical position of the display. Problem 3. Determine the total voltage gain of the 3656 KG isolation amplifier in Fig. 16.39. Ri2 10 kW Rf2 10 kW Vin 7 Rf1 10 22 kW 14 6 Ri1 2.2 kW Input 47 kW Output 15 16 12 0.47 mF 19 20 0.47 mF 0.47 mF +15 V Fig. 16.39 For Problem 3 Vout 42 Linear Integrated Circuits Problem 4. Calculate the differential voltage gain of the instrumentation amplifier in Fig. 16.40 with the following resistance values. (–) = 2 R 3 R 1 R2 = 141 Input – R1 Gain R3 R 7 " R 5 8) (15 k8) 8 1!" (3.3 k8) !" R6 – 1 ! (2 ) (33 k (2.2 k ) R4 A1 Solution: R3 = 33 kW, R1 = 2.2 kW, R5 = 3.3 kW and R7 = 15 kW. Av = + A3 + E0 – R5 A2 + (+) AV = R7 CMR ADJ LM 2 R3 + 1OP LM R6 OP N R1 Q N R4 Q Provided that: R2 = R3 R4 = R5 R6 = R7 Fig. 16.40 amplifier For Example 4instrumentation