Modeling of Hybrid 5-Level Cascaded H-Bridge Based Dynamic Voltage Restorer Haritha A, V.R Vithal & T. Deva Raju Department. of EEE Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College, Tirupati. distribution system is internally generated by the restorer without AC passive reactive components. The real power exchanged at the restorer output AC terminals is provided by the restorer input DC terminal from an external energy source or energy storage system. In August 1996, Westinghouse Electric Corporation installed world’s first dynamic voltage restorer in Duke Power Company’s 12.47 kV substations in Anderson, South Carolina. This was installed to provide protection to an automated rug manufacturing plant. Prior to this connection, the restorer was first installed at the Waltz Mill test facility near Pittsburgh for the full power tests [1]. Faults at either the transmission or distribution level may cause voltage sag or swell in the entire system or a large part of it. Also, under heavy load conditions, a significant voltage drop may occur in the system. Voltage sags can occur at any instant of time, with amplitudes ranging from 10 – 90% and a duration lasting for half a cycle to one minute [2]. Abstract - This type of converter is suitable for high voltage and high power applications. This multilevel inverter has ability to synthesize waveforms with better harmonics spectrum. This paper deals with modelling and simulation of five- level inverter based Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR). The control of DVR that injects a voltage in series with a distribution feeder is presented. DVR is a power electronic controller that can protect sensitive loads from disturbances in supply system. There are numerous topologies has been introduced and widely studied for utility and drive application. In this work a study of 5-level inverter controlled with DVR technique. MATLAB software is used for simulate the 5-level inverter controlled with DVR technique. Keywords: MATLAB Simulink, 5- level Inverter, Series Compensation, Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR). I. INTRODUCTION The Fig. 1 shows the series connection of a Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) between the utility source and loads, through a coupling transformer. A power electronic converter based series compensator that can protect critical loads from all supply side disturbances other than outages is called a dynamic voltage restorer. The restorer is capable of generating or absorbing independently controllable real and reactive power at its AC output terminal. This device employs solid state power electronic switches in a pulse width modulated (PWM) inverter structure. It injects a set of three phase AC output voltages in series and synchronism with the distribution feeder voltages. Conventionally, the series voltage Vo is injected through a coupling transformer, whose main functions are to provide voltage boosting (Vo/Vo’ > 1) and electrical isolation between the phases. Usage of a transformer, however, has the disadvantage of making the DVR bulky and costly, the other disadvantages, as summarized in [3]. To overcome these disadvantages, has proposed the series/parallel connection of semiconductor switches, or H -bridges, to develop high voltage DVR (HVDVR), which can be connected directly to the utility grid without a coupling transformer. The amplitude and phase angle of the injected voltages are variable there by allowing control of the real and reactive power exchange between the device and the distribution system. The DC input terminal of the restorer is connected to an energy source or an energy storage device of appropriate capacity. The reactive power exchanged between the restorer and the This study begins by analyzing different topological possibilities for implementing the HVDVR with the ISSN (PRINT) : 2320 – 8945, Volume -1, Issue -3, 2013 92 ITSI Transactions on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ITSI-TEEE) main aim of designing a reliable custom power conditioner. The next letter next presents an open-loop control scheme with Posicast compensator incorporated for damping transient voltage oscillations at the instant of voltage injection (an issue which has not been actively investigated for DVR) [4]. The Posicast-based open-loop control is subsequently improved by adding a parallel multifeedback-loop control path to give twodegrees-of-freedom in control tuning. This feedback path uses the P+resonant compensator to force the steady-state voltage error to zero, hence, enhancing the DVR load voltage regulation performance [5]. All principles presented have been verified in Matlab/ Simulinks simulation using a cascaded five level inverter Fig.2 One phase leg of an inverter with (a) two levels, (b) three levels, and (c) n levels Fig. 2 shows a schematic diagram of one phase leg of inverters with different numbers of levels, for which the action of the power semiconductors is represented by an ideal switch with several positions. A two-level inverter generates an output voltage with two values (levels) with respect to the negative terminal of the capacitor [see Fig. 2(a)], while the three-level inverter generates three voltages, and so on. Considering that m is the number of steps of the phase voltage with respect to the negative terminal of the inverter, then the number of steps in the voltage between two phases of the load k is k=2m+1 and the number of steps in the phase voltage of a threephase load in wye connection is p=2k-1 Fig.1: System Configuration With Dynamic Restoration The term multilevel starts with the three-level inverter introduced by Nabae et al. [4]. By increasing the number of levels in the inverter, the output voltages have more steps generating a staircase waveform, which has a reduced harmonic distortion. However, a high number of levels increases the control complexity and introduces voltage imbalance problems Voltage II. MULTILEVEL INVERTERS The multilevel voltage source inverters have unique structure therefore output reach high voltages with low harmonics without the use of transformers or seriesconnected synchronized switching devices. The main function of the multilevel inverter is to synthesize a desired voltage wave from several levels of dc voltages. Three different topologies have been proposed for multilevel inverters: diode-clamped (neutral-clamped) [4]; capacitor- clamped (flying capacitors) [1], [5], [6]; and cascaded multi cell with separate dc sources [1], [7]–[9]. In addition, several modulation and control strategies have been developed or adopted for multilevel inverters including the following: multilevel sinusoidal pulse width modulation (PWM), multilevel selective harmonic elimination, and space-vector modulation (SVM). Due to this reason, multilevel inverters provide the high power required of a large electric drive. As we try to increase the number of levels, the synthesized output waveform has more steps, which produces a staircase waveform that approaches a desired waveform. Also, due to more steps are added to the waveform, the harmonic distortion of the output wave decreases, approaching zero as the number of levels increases. As the number of levels increases, the voltage that can be extended by summing multiple voltage levels. Due to the structural property of the multilevel inverter no voltage sharing problems are encountered by the active devices [6]. The most attractive features of multilevel inverters are as follows. 1) They can generate output voltages with extremely low distortion and lower dv/dt 2) They draw input current with very low distortion. 3) They generate smaller common-mode (CM) voltage, thus reducing the stress in the motor ISSN (PRINT) : 2320 – 8945, Volume -1, Issue -3, 2013 93 ITSI Transactions on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ITSI-TEEE) bearings. In addition, using sophisticated modulation methods, CM voltage can be eliminated [8]. DVR is a device that injects a dynamically controlled voltage Vinj in series to the bus voltage by means of ac booster transformer as depicted in Fig.3 There are three single phase booster transformers connected to a three phase converter with energy storage system and control circuit [8]. The amplitudes of the three injected phase voltages are controlled such as to eliminate any detrimental effects of a bus fault to the load voltage VL (t). This means that any differential voltage caused by transient disturbances in the ac feeder will be compensated by an equivalent voltage generated by the converter and injected on the medium voltage level through the booster transformer. 4) They can operate with a lower switching frequency 2.1 Dynamic Voltage Restorer A DVR is a power-electronic controller that can protect sensitive loads from disturbances in the supply system. It is connected in series with a distribution feeder and is capable of generating or absorbing real and reactive power at its ac terminals. The basic principle of a DVR is simple: by inserting a voltage of required magnitude and frequency, the DVR can restore the loadside voltage to the desired amplitude and waveform even when the source voltage is unbalanced or distorted. Usually a DVR is connected to protect sensitive loads during faults in the supply system. DVR has become popular as a cost effective solution for the protection of sensitive loads from voltage sags. Implementations of the DVR have been proposed at both a low voltage (LV) level, as well as a medium voltage (MV) level and give an opportunity to protect high power sensitive loads from voltage sags .The basic operational principle of the DVR is to inject an appropriate voltage in series with the supply through an injection transformer when voltage sag is detected at the point of common coupling (PCC). Loads that are connected downstream are thus protected. Fig.3 is designed to mitigate voltage sags on lines feeding sensitive equipment. Viable alternative to uninterruptible power systems (UPS's) and other utilization voltage solutions to the voltage sag problem. . DVR consists of energy storage unit, PWM inverter, and injection transformer as shown in Fig.3 For most of the time the DVR has, virtually, "nothing to do," except monitoring the bus voltage. This means it does not inject any voltage (Vinj = 0) independent of the load current. Therefore, it is suggested to particularly focus on the losses of a DVR during normal operation. Two specific features addressing this loss issue have been implemented in its design, which are a transformer design with low impedance and the semiconductor devices used for switching. An equivalent circuit diagram of the DVR and the principle of series injection for sag compensation are depicted in Fig. 4(a) and phasor diagram is shown in Fig.4 (b). Fig. 4(a): Equivalent Circuit Diagram Fig. 4(b) : Phasor Diagram Fig. 3: Typical Model of DVR ISSN (PRINT) : 2320 – 8945, Volume -1, Issue -3, 2013 94 ITSI Transactions on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ITSI-TEEE) III. OPERATION OF DVR In normal conditions, the DVR operates in stand-by mode. However, during disturbances, nominal system voltage will be compared to the voltage variation. This is to get the differential voltage that should be injected by the DVR in order to maintain supply voltage to the load within limits. The amplitude and phase angle of the injected voltages are variable, thereby allowing control of the real and reactive power exchange between the DVR and the distribution system. The DC input terminal of a DVR is connected to an energy storage device of appropriate capacity. As mentioned, the reactive power exchange between the DVR and the distribution system is internally generated by the DVR without AC passive reactive components. The real power exchanged at the DVR output ac terminals is provided by the DVR input DC terminal by an external energy source or energy Storage system. Fig. 5: First Half Cycle Of The Quarter-Wave Symmetric Waveform The output voltage level is zero from wt = 0 to wt = α1. At wt = α1, the output voltage level is changed from zero to +V1, and from +V1 to +(V1+V2) at wt = α2. The process will be repeated until wt = π/2, and the output voltage level becomes +V1 +V2+…+V(S1)+VS. Then, in the second quarter, the level of output voltage will be decreased to +V1 +V2+…+V(S-1) at wt = π-αS. The process will be repeated until wt = π-α1 and output voltage becomes zero again. In the second half of the waveform, the process will be repeated all of previous steps except the amplitude of the dc sources change from positive to negative. The next period will then repeat the same cycle. IV. MULTILEVEL CONCEPT Recent advances in power electronics have made the multilevel concept practical. In fact, the concept is so advantageous that several major drives manufacturers have obtained recent patents on multilevel power converters and associated switching techniques. It is evident that the multilevel concept will be a prominent choice for power electronic systems in future years, especially for medium-voltage operation. Multi-level inverters are the modification of basic bridge inverters. They are normally connected in series to form stacks of level. 5. 5- LEVEL INVERTER The proposed multilevel inverter for five level inverter is shown in fig.6. The inverter consists of eight switches and two DC separate sources with the load. By switching the GTO at appropriate firing angle, and obtained the five level output voltage. GTO is good for high voltage performance. The Multilevel Concept And Notation A multilevel inverter can be defined as a device that is capable to produce a stepped waveform. The first half cycle of the quarter-wave symmetric waveform is depicted in Fig. 5. The topological structure of multilevel inverter must cope with the following points. 1. It should have less switching devices as far as possible. 2. It should be capable of enduring very high input voltage such as HVDC transmission for high power applications. 3. Each switching device should have lower switching frequency owing to multilevel approach. Fig.6: Circuit diagram of Five Level Proposed Inverter ISSN (PRINT) : 2320 – 8945, Volume -1, Issue -3, 2013 95 ITSI Transactions on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ITSI-TEEE) 5.1 SWITCHIN STATES FOR THIS CIRCUIT DVR without LC filter Switching states of the circuit shows that which switch will be on at a particular time. All the five different switching states are shown in table. Switching states of the circuit shows that which switch will be ON at a particular time interval. Two cascade inverter different switching states are shown in table. GTO is used for switching, because GTO have high voltage rating. S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 OUTPUT VOLTAGES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 V1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 V2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 -V1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 -V2 5.2. SIMULATION RESULTS Fig.7. simulation circuit of dvr with out LC filter Fig. 6a: Five level inverter with RL load Fig. 7a: Voltage across external,load-1and load-2 Fig. 7b: RMS voltage Figure 6b. Output with filter ISSN (PRINT) : 2320 – 8945, Volume -1, Issue -3, 2013 96 ITSI Transactions on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ITSI-TEEE) VI. CONCLUSION The simulation of the five level inverter controlled with DVR technique is successfully done using with pulse width modulation technique. The circuit modelling and simulation of dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) using cascaded five level inverter. However, under input disturbances noise is present in the response characteristics. Multilevel cascade inverter with separate dc sources has been proposed for sensitive load. Simulation results have shown that with control strategy that operate the switches at fundamental frequency. DVR structure is studied and the corresponding results are presented. The heating is reduced since the harmonics in the output of cascaded inverter are less. The simulation is based on the assumption of balanced load and single phase circuit model is considered. The simulation results are in line with the predictions. Fig. 7c: RMS load current 5.3. SIMULATION CIRCUIT OF FIVE LEVEL INVERTER CONTROLLED WITH DVR VII. FUTURE WORK The work presented over here is essentially theoretical and analytical in nature. It is felt that the required modification in design details needed in five level inverter controlled with DVR as proposed in the present work will be advantage to future designers of such systems. The detail simulink model can be used with modifications for achieving an optimization in the design. VIII. 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