IT IS SHOCKING!!! (ELECTRICITY) PHYSICAL SCIENCE & ICT UNIT by Lyons & Portelli Unit investigation summary Source: Queensland DET, ACARA, QSA Electrical energy as part of our everyday lives Portable devices reliance on batteries for electrical energy. Electric circuits allow energy to be transference Flow of electrons in transferring energy in electric circuits Through investigating batteries, light bulbs, switches, conductors and insulators Assessment: Students explain how battery-operated toy they have created work . Australian Curriculum intent Australian Curriculum: Science Year 6 The following three Science curriculum strands list the content descriptions explicitly covered in the unit. Processing and analysing data and information Science understanding Physical sciences Electrical circuits provide a means of transferring and transforming electricity Energy from a variety of sources can be used to generate electricity Science as a human endeavour Construct and use a range of representations, including tables and graphs, to represent and describe observations, patterns or relationships in data using digital technologies as appropriate Compare data with predictions and use as evidence in explanations Evaluating Nature and development of science Science involves testing predictions by gathering data and using evidence to develop explanations of events and phenomena Important contributions to the advancement of science have been made by people from a range of cultures Use and influence of science Scientific understandings, discoveries and inventions are used to solve problems that directly affect peoples’ lives Scientific knowledge is used to inform personal and Science inquiry skills Suggest improvements to the methods used to investigate a question Communicating Communicate ideas, explanations and processes in a variety of ways, including multi-modal texts Australian Curriculum: ICT Inquiring with ICT search for data, information and digital content using a range of information sources including online communication tools such as blogs, wikis, RSS and databases critically evaluate data and information gathered for usefulness, credibility, relevance, accuracy and reliability Questioning and predicting With guidance, pose questions to clarify practical problems or inform a scientific investigation, and predict what the findings Planning and conducting With guidance, select appropriate investigation methods to answer questions or solve problems Decide which variable should be changed and measured in fair tests and accurately observe, measure and record data Use equipment and materials safely, identifying potential risks reference valid sources of information and acknowledge the work of others Communicating with ICT use digital devices to collect and share ideas and information apply agreed communication conventions and protocols and netiquette when communicating online Learning Sequence Focus questions guiding sequence of understanding Week 1: Electricity and atoms SUPPORTING ENRICHMENT INVESTIGATIONS 1. using static electricity 2. Introduction 1. What uses electricity - list 5 devices that use Charge your light bulbs - Light up a fluorescent lightbulb Glow worm - Make a basic electrical circuit with light through a cardboard bug electricity 3. Electronic door bell - Make a ringing door bell circuit 2. What are the difference between AC and DC 4. Franklins bells - Use the static electricity from an 3. electricity? List items that uses electricity? 4. What would life be like without electricity ( write a narrative ) old television to make a paper clip swing 5. Lemon battery challenge- Make a battery using lemons 5. What is electricity – write the definition 6. Zap! - Create static electricity 6. Describe the flow of electrons in a battery? 7. Jitterbug - Make a bristle-bot using a vibrating motor and Deconstructing definition of electricity 7. Describe an atom 8. 9. Draw a labelled diagram of an atom Explain why -at a fundamental subatomic level you are not touching the chair 10. How are electrons related to electricity 11. 12. What makes these free electrons move? (Measurement )– what is the difference between voltage and current Week 2: Circuits & investigations 13. What is a circuit 14. List the different parts of a circuit 15. What are insulators and conductors 16. List conductors and insulators around you 17. How do you stop and start the flow of electrons energy 18. Even though the electrons flow from the negative to the positive terminals, it is conventional to say that the current flows from positive to negative Week 3 : Safety 19. Refer to – incident and response task 20. Design a safe glove for an electrician (enrich) Week 4: Applying knowledge to build circuits ****** 21. Build a circuit with using the kit 22. Build a circuit using the template of torch 23. Use –resource sheet 10 to build a torch (take photos , draw labelled diagram of circuit) 24. Draw the cutaway diagram of a torch Final product development 25. Select a toy to build and write your proposal ( see Criteria Sheet) 26. Build your toy 27. Write a Science journal to showing each stage of the process you used to create your electrical toy. a toothbrush head. SUPPORTING ENRICHMENT CRTICAL THINKING TASKS Critical thinking 8. Electricity in living creatures – investigation 9. Refer to de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats activity Creative thinking tasks Devices for the future 10. modifications to current devices 11. Design a torch of the future. 12. ––Can you think of other ways of making these devices work? 13. ––What types of battery-operated devices do you think we will have in the future? 14. ––Write a letter to a designer giving them some suggestions of how to improve a battery-operated device of your choice. 15. ––Explore your house or classroom to find many different types of switches. Draw and label the switches, and explain how each type of switch is designed for its purpose. 16. ––Design and draw different circuit diagrams and then make them. 17. ––Research how different types of materials are used for insulation in a range of electrical devices and then design a device to use one of these types of materials as an insulator. 18. ––Create your own quiz questions for each section of the Blobz Guide and put them on the Blobz Guide section of the scientists’ chat-board for other students to try. Vocabulary electric circuit • closed circuit • open circuit • electrons • voltage • electric current • electrical components • battery (cell) • wires • switch • light bulb • filament • energy • transferred energy • transformed energy • stored energy • chemicals • negative terminal • positive terminal • connection points • chemical reaction • electrical energy • light Resources Useful websites Energizer Learning Centre Comprehensive information on how batteries work, the history of batteries, battery care and how flashlights work. BBC Schools Science Clips An Interactive learning activity where students construct virtual circuits, including notions of parallel and series circuits. Electric Circuits – An Interactive E-Learning Website An Interactive E-Learning Website designed to extend the knowledge and understanding of electricity and electric circuits of 7 - 11 yr olds. The Blobz Guide to Electric Circuits An interactive flash game for up to five players including information, a hands-on exploration task and a quiz for different aspects of electricity and circuits. The science and safety of electricity Safety tips, challenges, experiments and games designed for upper primary and secondary students. What is electricity? Information site designed for students, including project information, a library of things that can be downloaded and games. Alessandro Volta and Luigi Galvani's debate in detail An attempt to dramatise what a debate between the two eminent scientists might have sounded like. Crocodile clips Provides flexible, easy-to-use modelling software for schools and colleges. Source: Primary Connections Australian CurriculumDelaney: Portelli & Lyons Te Assessment task SOUTHERN CROSS CATHOLIC COLLEGE Delany Junior Years Campus TERM 4: Assignment 5/6LP Year 5/6 2012 – Science Home Project IT’S ELECTRIFYING! DATE DUE: WEEK 5: YOUR TASK: Create a toy or game that uses a simple electric circuit to activate buzzers and/or small motors and/or light bulbs. You will need to trial your design. DATE DUE: Week 3: Your design Proposal o aim o design proposal o diagram o research information o materials used o describe the steps Assessable Elements A Knowledge and Student has a Understanding proficient EC5.4 Different forms of knowledge of a energy used within a battery operated community have different electric circuit and sources. (Science) its uses. ENGLISH Student design Connects ideas in a complex proposal and paragraph i process – shows Scientific labelled diagrams accurate and well explained details. Communicating Student make well Sci5e: select and use tools, reasoned decisions technologies and materials when trialling suited to the activities and materials to investigations (Science) conduct and insulate electricity in their circuit. Investigating and Student designs Designing and produces a THE5.2 Aspects of creative toy or appropriateness influence game that product design and production decisions effectively (Technology) enhances a simple circuit. DATE DUE: Week 5: Construction Process o o o o B Student has a thorough knowledge of a battery operated electric circuit. Student design proposal and process – shows elaboration of expected details Student selects effective materials to conduct and insulate electricity in their circuit. Student designs and produces a toy or game that effectively enhances a simple circuit. photos of steps of construction what worked improvements problems C Student has a competent knowledge of a battery operated electric circuit. Student design proposal and process – all expected details included Student selects suitable materials to conduct and insulate electricity in their circuit. Student designs and produces a toy or game that is appropriate for a simple circuit. D Student has a superficial knowledge of a battery operated electric circuit. E Student has little or no knowledge of the way an electric circuit functions. Student design proposals with some elements completed Student design proposals lacking information Student selects some suitable materials to conduct and insulate electricity in their circuit. Student designs and produces a toy or game that uses a simple circuit. Student is unable to identify and select suitable materials to conduct and insulate electricity in their circuit. Student designs and produces a toy or game that is inappropriate for a simple circuit. OR does not complete the task.