THE INVIOLABILITY OF INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS IS THE ONLY SECURITY TO PUBLIC LIBERTY. T.FOSTER, TO!.. S, IVO. 7. W13 OLE NO.-£15.- ANN ARBOR, MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1845. T H S SIGHT AL OF LIBERTY Belgium is ti fuii'ill country—it contains, spoke of vaiions.monurclis and rulers of <?er1 know a lady the descendant of a dis- ken reed of your will, and say, Thus far bear heavily upon my hctirl. Just ubout ibiJN'EW IMPRESSIONS, W i l l bo published every Monday morning, in 1,2000 square miles, &, about 4,000,000 [.eo- i many, some of whom he remarked wore tinguished governor of Massachusetts!, ye go and no further? tine, I got h'»ld ul ti book entitle 'The CoLewis Clarke, formerly awhile slave of Ken" <,Ae. It is very level except in J$o smith eas; most excellent men. One, an Englishman, w h o s u p p o r l 8 herself by her needlo, and Ann Arbor, Michigan, by lumbian Orator.' Every « ppoituniiy I got, 1 tucfey, who his been 1-cuiruig in the East, has Sober-minded, dispassionate Christians., part, where it id somewhat hilly. The forest <.vr:,:in, would not have bfe**] flattered at the BECKLEY, FOSTER, & Co. tho niece of tho governor of New Jersey do you not feel that there is a melancholy used to read this book. Ainoi;g much of published a narrative of his li/e for iwcnty-fiva of Ardennes, terminates in this notice of him. Under the head of cosother interesting matter, I found in it o dia- years among the AIgeriues of Kentucky. Here F\>n THE MICHIGAN STATE ANTI-SLAVHRV Sostill living who washes for subsislance. parity between your present condition logue between n master and his slave. Tlic >8 n passigc describing bis iiup.essiuris on com-" country. It is very fertile. It lias more tumes, Dr. Bain! described (lie dress of tho 1 know a ladv who thirty years ago in and that of the shorn Samson, when lie miles of railroad in proportion "<o its extent Tyrol, and observed that it was one of 11.o is represented us havu g run nwoy from i n 8 l ^ Uo Ohio'. TERMS. lhe city in which I then lived, was lhe awoke l; and wist not that the Lord was Since coming to fiie free State's, 1 have been' ONE DOLLAR a year, in nd'vnncor if not paid, lhan any other country. The government most t-triking in Gcnn'.Jiy. Tho die-s of the hi* master three times. The dialogue repre- struck witli pre:it surprise at thecjiiisi andpeacecynosure of nil eyes, one of the mo?t in advance, Tffj DOLLARS Will be INVARIABLY does all in its power to promote internal im- men consists of shoes wit ii lurge knee buckdeparted from him?" Else why have you sented conversation which took place between JIIJIO niiinner in which families live I had no' required. provements, it has several beautiful cities, of lt?s, blasJj \elvet vmull clothe.--,,vest und coat, graceful nnd beautiful of the sex; nnd mo- not power with God and men, enough to them, when (lies-live was retultPti the third conception thnt to-men could live without qunr • (Lr* Old subscribers can have their papers nt which Brussels, Ghent, tmd An'.verp v.ere ibe \wv latter being covered with small but- ving in the first circle of wealth and fash- prevail to the unbroken peace of the time. In this diulogtie the whole argument relling, till 1 crime into ihe free Stores. Afier1 f h id bewi in Olj o a short time, and had not seen One Dollar a year, by forwarding that amount, tloscribed. T h e 6iege Of AnUveip, by rhe ton?, u« broad brimmed hnt taperiug like ;. ion, nmv engaged in drudgery and deworld; to lay your hands upon the Gospel in behalf of slavery was brought fur ward by nor heard any Scolding or qimrri Ilirijj in trio and paying arrearages. fainiilds whete I was. I did not know how to' French, in 1841; was referred to. Dr. 13. none. Tlie women wear.tfie snrne lint, with pendence,' nt one dollar and fifty cents nnd say, in lhe strength of its power nnd the master, till of which was disposed of by ncconnt for ir. 1 told Milton, one day, what a; All subscribers will bo expected to poy within round about j ickels, their lower dress being d ihat, at the time Marshal iSotilt had promper week. All of these reside in this wisdom, that war shall never redden again ;he slave. The slave was made to say f-oino Itciiliy tluse women hove of keeping all their bad' tho ycor. ised iu the French Chambers of Deputies of black vclver or silk. very em3rt ns well as impressive things in re- feelings to then.selves. I have not sedti them' city. the soil of Christendom with the blood of I T E R M S OF ADVERTISING. that the keys of the- citidel of Antwerp, ply to his mnster—things which had the de- quurrc-I with their husbands, nn? witli 4the He i]c;cribpd potlsdam, the Versailles of • >r children, since I hove bien h o e . i O , " said For ench line of brevier, (the smallest type,) What are the fictions of romance wri- rjlood-bought men? Is not the secret of strong, and well fortified as it was, sliould be Prussia. It has eoveial palaces, and among sir :d ti ough unexpected effret; for tfie con- Mil'on, f;t!iese women are not hko our women' or the first insertion, 3 cents. laid on his table in 19 days after lhe expedi- the number 'Sans Souei, in which Frrderscl; ters, compared to some of the realties of your weakness hidden in the fact, that you ve sat ion resulted in the voluntary ermncpa- iu Kentucky; they don't fi^ht ot all." J iold" For each subsequent insertion, I cent. him 1 di>u!.red ihat: 1 yuess they do it somewhere' n n life? have pul the Bible to sleep in the lap of lion of the slave on the part of the tion started, they were delivered to the French tho Great died. T h e room, with the fnrni—in the kitchen, or tKnvn cellar. '-It can't IJC." For three monthd, 7 cents. carnal expediency, and permitted lhe Phiin 23 days. Leige, in the east of Belgium, tmejust us he left it, in which lie died, is lo the same booh I met with one of Sheri- said 7, 'that ft woman can live, and not scold or For six months, 10 cents. Milton laughed, and told' me to watch' is Ihe seat of immense iron munnfucturos.— .-Iiown to Ihis day. Ti^e clock ul.-o, which listines of this ungodly world to sheer den's mighty ppceches on and in behalf of quarrel.'' For one year, 15 cent is. them, and sec if I covild catch thorn ot it. I have Common schools nre established by law.— wus stopped at the hour of his dei-th, is utt'I B kept my ryes and ears oven from tint day to" Orders by mail will be promptly attended to. down its highest, heaven-born doctrines, Catholic emancipation. These were tliir. and I have not found the place where tha The Jesuits have struggled hard lo control there. Voltaire resided some months at Lognl Advertising by the folio. which prohibit all physical resistance of documents to me. I rend them ever nnd over women pet mad and rave like they do in Ken-"" For the Signal of Liberty. (TT Manufacturers, Booksellers, Machinists. them. The religion is Roman Catholic.— Poltfldam with Frederick, but a quarrel again with unabated interest. They gave yet. If they il) it here, they are uncomivil or injury, lo the level—aye, below A WORD T O AMERICAN CHRISTWholesale Merchants, nnd nil. others doing an About two thirds of Ihe people speak Ficnch up between .them, end it is said that the level—of the lowest instincts of hu- tonirue to interest/no- ihoucrhia of mv o>vn ' mr.n slv: but I taye almut concluded ihat they IANS ABOUT WAR. exttnsioe business, who with to advertise, Will —the remainder, Flemish, German and Dutch. Frederick actually kicked Voltaire out of l!»u ltogeihcr different here from whit tiiey are soul, which had frequently flashed through in the sliivo s'ntes. 1 reckon slaver^ nuist work MESSRS. EDITORS:—Will you permit nan nature? find the Signal the best possible medium of conV- The King, Leopold, was spoken of as a man palace. The garrison church attached to the my own mind, nnd died away for wantof r.t-j , l p j n , | i e j r I n j n , ! 8 0U( j dispositions, and make niunication in the State. of great learning; he is eminently skilled in palnce is remarkable, as it contains the maus- me to address a few words to those of vour E . B. terance. T h e moral which 1 gained from tiie I 'hein ugly. It has been n mn'tier of great wonO " All Remittinces and Communications botany. der at ine nlso, to see alLthe children, rich end* oleum ertcted by Frederick tho Great to his readers who profess to believe, love and dislogue was the power of truth over the con poor, g-'iug to school livery few miles 1 see ashould be addressed, Post paid, Holland is a very level country. It con- father—lUtO Frederick's tomb. In ti>o year teach, without qualification, reserve or science of even a slaveholder. What I got school-house here, I did not know what it nier.nt' (O*SIG.S*.VI. OK LIBKRTV: Ann Arbor, Mieh.^Q] tains about thirteen thousand square miles, JS05, the late King of Prussia, v.irj) the doubt, the principles of fhe Gospel of rom Sheridan was o bold (.'enuncintion of when I saw these houses, When I lirat cnnie'to Ohio. In Kentucky, if you should feed' your and three millions of inhabitants. It difie'rfe Fjmperor Alexander of Russia, When concert- peace, as uttered by the lips and illustralaveryj and a powerful vindication of human horse oniy when you come ton school-houSc,'hft LEARNING TO READ. widely from Belgium, in that so much of it ia ing meuMircs ji^jinst Knpoleon, visited that ted by tlie life of Jesus Christ? Frederick Douglas was formerly a slave in igiile. T h e reading of these documents en •.vo^ild 6'-irve :o dciih. I nevsr had beard a' church liell only at Lexington, iri niy life.— covered with water. The appearance of t i c church at midnight, enlexod the mausoleum, It is related of one of great and earn- Maryland, and since his escape, he has lectur- abled me to utter my thoughts, nnd to meet When 1 snw steepics nnd meeting houses so* country, being 6o level, is very monotonous.— and over Vre two coffins of FreJerick and his JUNE. the arguments brought forward !o sustain ; thi«k. it seeaied like I had got into another est faith, that ' he had power with God, ed extensively in the East, in connection with Tins is, however, somewhat relieved by the father, swore to unite th^ireGurts and never ET W M . C. BRVANT. tho Garrison Abolitionists. A narrative of his slavery; but while they relieved me of one world." and prevailed," not only in his wrestlings trees planted along the br.nks of lhe canals.— to remit them until Napoleon was conquered. life has bf-en published, in which tho effects of lifficulty, they brought on another even more I gnzed upon thy glorious sky, THE U. S. NAVY. The canals are different from ours. They are Wur commenced, IV.i.-i;. was ovorcome, and with tlie Almighty, but also in his en- a partial knowledge of letters on an ardent painful than the one of which I was relieved. And the green momYaitis round, The Washington Uni'"n publishes a lUt of from 50 to 100 feet wide, with a row of trees iVapolcon occupied Berlin. One night ha, counters with mighty and malevolent and 6tifrceptible mind is set forth with great The more ] read, the morel wa.* led to detest And thought that when I came to lie tiie Navy or the U. S., to according to which,on their blinks, then a paved street for car- with his suit, having heard of liie vi.sil lo the men. The Go-pel in the integrity of truth and beauty. W e make the following and abhor mj- enslavers. I could regard them Within the t-ilent ground, it consists of-— riages, then a row of trees, omi finally u side- church of tho King q( Pruitia and Alexander, its vitality, has been declared and proved extracts: in no other light than a bond of successful 'Twere pleasant that in flowery June, 10 Sifip* of the Line. walk for foot passengers. This refers partic- visited tiie church also, l i e was led by a the "power and wisdom of God unto salWlictj brooks sent up a cheerful tune, "Very soon after I went to live with Mr. robbers, who had left their homes, and gone sjaxto.n to the u»;iut>oleum. T h e Efxtoii yvaf uluily to the canals in cities and towns — vation" of man. of men, of nations, of and Mrs. Auld, she very kindly commenced to to Africa, nnd stolen us from our homes, end 12 First Cli66 Frigates. And groves n joyous sound, Some of the streets ere two hundred feet alive in 1840, niid related Uje iooidoiif \y tlie v/oi-'d. And to those who obey the £ Second Class Frigates. T h e 6ex:oiV8 hand, tny grave to make, teach me the A, B, C. After 1 hud learned in a F.trange land reduced us to slavery. I wide. The most, remarkable canal in II Jlain! Baird. lie said that when Napoleon entered 17 Sloops of War, (first class.)' Gospel, tO'the fullest extent of its requi- ihi$, she assisted me in learning to spell loathed them as being11the mebiiest as well as T h e rich green mountain luif should break. is lhe ship canal from the Zuyder Zee to :!ie the ton)b, lie waa pale, uv.d with an onx'o-is G do do ('.second class.)) word3 of three or four letters. Just at this the most wicked of me .. As I read and conon his countenance, he n^ked which sitions, arc- promised n power and a wisocean—the country if intnsccted in all direc8 Brigs. point of my progress, Mr. Auld found ou<. templated the tnbject. behold! that very disA cell wi'hin the frozen mound, dom of God, which neither the power nor tions by them. T h e people cro remarkably vvas tjie ofiin of Ficc'cnck 'he Gient; it was contentment which Master Hugh had predict8 Schooners. A fofTin borne through street, -of thia world can either gainsay what was goi.'ig on, end at once forbade Mrs. ed would follow my learning to read had alneat nnd c'eaiily. Tiie ppople of-Aiiifserddfrt pointed out to him, and he gazed intently ;ipS Steamers. Au!d to instruct me further, telling her, aAnd icv clouds above it tolled, possess great wealth. T h e governiiicnt o! o) it for a lew moment ut.<! then remarked, or resist. The Prince of Peace declared, mong oilier things, thnt it was unlawful, 83 ready come, to torment and sting my soul to . 4 Store-ships. While fierce ii;e tempest hem — Holland, liuo -tint Holgimn, is a limited mon- "Greatmau! Iftlion w e a siil! alive I .-!i..::' \ ra language unequivocally clear nnd enT h e total expense of the Navy is eboUt' well as unsafe, to teach a clave to unutterable anguish. As I writhed under it, Aw«\! I will »•») iliink of these— archy, but thft ("tillering in Belgium is much not be litre!"' utid immediately left the ergetically strong, that they who kept his iejd. T o use his own word?, further, he I would at times feel that learning to rend six millions of dollars annually. Hluo be ill? sky and soft the bict-zo, restricted. The schools of Holl.uul :iru good: church. sayings and obeyed his commandments, ariid, 'If you give a nigger an inch, lie will had been a curse rnlher than s blesting. Ii K ntii preen beneath U e feet, iire;it numbers of circulating libraiies* the reK E W POSTAGK L A W . should be endowed with nn unlimited pow- take au ell. A nigger should knew nothing Ind given me a view of my wretched condiAnd the damp mound grenily pressed M U T A T I O N S OF F O R T U N E . ligion id Protestant. T h e most remarkable tion without the remedy. It opened my eye; For the information of otir readers, we give,er to work great works among and upon but to obey his master—to do as he is told to Into my narrow i of rest.. things iu Holland are the dyke-, some of 1 CIST, nn old gantlemin of Cincinnati, men—greater works, even, than some do. Lenrning would spoil the best nigger ir to the horrible pit, but to no bidder upon ir n condensed form, the rates of postage upon which, the sand I;i!!i on lhe cp'asV, me the published in his Advertiser tho following which to get out. In moments of agony, 11 p-.pers and pamphlets, us regula-l c U e r g i n e w s There, t:noit<rb the tang, long summer riftft he wrought himself while going about the world. Now,' said he, 'if you te;ich thui work of na'ure. When the tide gfoes but it very curious facts: envied oty fellow slaves for their stupidity. I u , d b y , h e , ) e w bjflf L y t ) j e , o S . C o n g r e 3 s > . hours, healing tlie sick and raising the dead.— nigger (speaking of myself) how to read, haves long tracts of sand con t i hare, the Save often wished myself a beast. I prefer- w h i d ) g o e a i m o o p e r a t i o n o n the first day of there would be no keeping him. It would The golden light should lie, '•It is useful as well us interesting to Now, Christian men and ministers, at ibis him dries them, nnd ihe wind red the condition of the meanest reptile to my ; j u ] , forever unfit him to be a slave. He would at And thick young herbs anil groups of flow 1 carrifs the sand in shore, m;d Forms a !:ne oi note the changes for better or worse,which lato age of tiie world, when new revelaonce become unmanageable, atid of no value own. Any thing , no matter what, to get rid ON LBTTKRS. era hills along the const. . U<>oi\ these hills the teii '•!' fifleieh years serve to operate in tions of nature and science have done iheir of thinking! / / ivas this everlasting thinking Single letters, or any number of to his master. As to himself, it could do him Stand in their beauty by; inhabitants plant t-udi grasses a£ wiil grow ihe co:mrninity. utiftost lo famish you v.;{!i new means no good, bi:t a great deal of harm. It would of my condition that tormented me. There pieces not exceeding half an The or&Te should build nnd \t~\\ there, to give them assistance Ifl re-ist the enI know a business i m n on Main street and elements of moral strength, do you muke him discontented nnd unhappy.' These was no getting rid of it. It wns pressed upounce, S0O miles or less, 5 ceritsiThe lfive tale ciorc beside my cell; croachments of the . C J durjii" the heavy gales who was refused credit in 1830, for a feel that you have this power r.l your words sank deep inU> my heart, stirred up on me by every object within sight or heir- If over 300 milos, , ft) " The idle hniierfty in the Biltiiifr. Al! a'lbnjr the coast, to a disstove worth twelve dollars. He is now a command? At this crisis of your coun- sentiments within that lay slumbering, and ing, animate or inanimate. The silver trump Drop letters, (not mailed)' 2- w" Sliould rest him there, ami there be heard tance of three miles back from the sen, tho director in one of ihe banks, and worth try, can you lift up }our standard against called into existence an entirely new train of of freedom hnd routed my HOUI to eternal For each additionil half ouncfi or T h e housewife bee and hummingbird. land is uncultivated,, so much snnd is blown thought. It wa3 a new and special revelation wakefulness. Freedom now appeared, to dispart, thereof, add single postage thereto.n'pon it. There are ulso l.mds in llollnud $150,003 at least. Every cont of this the enemy that threatens to come in like And what, if cheeffiifshou'tg* ot noon', explaining dark and mysterious things, with appear no more forever. It was heard in eve a flood, to scorch the land with its burnII.TS I)RO;I iiuije in Cincinnati during that ON NEWSPAPERS. whic!) have bern reclaimed frotn the wuter, ry sound, and seen in every thing. It was evCOIDH from the village sent. Newspapers of l : 000 square inches ing breath: to set on fire passions as ma- which my youthful understanding had strugthis having been pumped out by windmills, period. gled, but struggled in vain. I now under- er present to torment me with a sense of my Or t»ong-s of uvu'i!.-, beneath liie UHX.M, or less, by Editors or Puband dykes built u round tliem to Seep it out. 1 know ahottVer business imn also on lignant as malice can breathe or hell stood what had been to me a most perplexing wretched condition. I saw nothing without With fairy laughter blent. lishers, from their offices of pub-endure; to redden the souls and redden .Main street who was refused credit in seeing it, I heard nothing without hearing it, Dr. B.iird ppfrke of the !:ii<:kin<.' difficult)*—to wit, the white man's power to And what, if in #the evening light} licalion, any distance not exceedai:a of the troubles of the | rople diMii'.g the 1825, by a firm in tlis drug line, for the the hands of professing Christiana with enslave the black man. It woa a grand a- and Ml nothing without feeling it. It looked }]pti.->thorl lovers wall? in sight ing 30 miles, f"re(f.liie hot blood of mutual butchery j to open fjom every star, it smiled in every calm, year 1339, in cpnsefltipijce of" the old king's ainoiintof iivo dollars. In 1830 that very chievement, nnd 1 prized it highly. From Of my low inonunicni— Over 30 miles nnd not exceeding 100, 1cent.desire to marry a B»J!giaji princessjci Kotmn tint) lent tiiat very man five thousand every sluice gate of society to a deluge that moment, I understood the pathway from breathed in every wind, and moved in every I would the lovely scene around Over 100 miles, and out of the of jnlir!<?lity, intemperance' and every slavery to freedom. It was just what I wnnt- storm." catholic. taiil ihisferhjrjjgoften found ex dollars upon his unendorsed note. Might know no sadder t-ight nor eound. Stale, 1*£ centsiprcf.-i->n from tlihe puljijt. The king's phapltm I know an extensive dealer in the city, form of corruptibn; to sow this promising ed, and I got it at a time when I the least All sizes over 1.900 square inches WASHINGTON PLEDGE. expected it. Whilst I was saddened by the 1 know, I know I should not see' one Sunday preached a severe sCrmfjn against postage eame as pamphlets. now worth•$ 100.000 and commands more field, just germinating with the seed of ; thought of losing the aid of my kind mistress, ' I can only say that there is not a man The scfuson's gloiiows *how, the king's? marriuge. Ongoing home from money.on a short notice, for sixty, ninety, the Gospel, with the dragon teeth of hate; ON PAMPHLETS, ETC. I was gladdened by the invaluable instruction living, who wishes more sincerely than 1 Nor would its brigthness shine for me,j church t*:e king rem&rkrd to ihe ofiker in nt. Pamphlets, magazines and periodior one Hundred and twen'y days, than al- to paganize Christianity, and chain it, which, by the merest accident, I had gained Nor its wilt] music flow. lei'dance, that lie had heard liis chaplain do to see some plan adopted for the abopowerless and degraded, to the car of a cal.-, any distance for one ounce' from; my master". But if nroui'd my place of slerp, pieach ninny most excellent, sermons; but most tiny man in Cincin nnti, to whom I, lition of it, [slavery] but there is only one Gorgon-headed Apoilyon, lo be dragged or les«, each copy. 2 "' T h e friends I 'ove should come to weep, thnt day he was so deaf that life could not as clerk tor a grocery house in 1530 sold proper and effectual mode by which it Eich additional ounce or fraation under the axle of his chariot into the red, From this time X was most narrowly watcha hogshead of sug"ir, with great mTsgivijpgs They might not haste to go; hear him al all! part thereof ljf n sulphureous rifts of battle, into the human ed. If I was in a separate room any consid- can be accomplished, that is by LegislaSoft airs, nnd songs, nnd light, nnd bloom, Germany is divided into 38 g o v e r n m e n t s - and reluctance, under sovno apprehension tive authority, and this as far as my suferable length of tiflttj I was sure to be sus~ ox CIRCULARS. Should keep them lingering by my tomb. some of which, Prussia, Austria, Sec. are of not gelling tlie money when it became slaughter field, where deeds ore done ;> Quarto post, single cap, or paper wfHch have no parallels in the record or pected of having a book, and was at once call- frage will go shall not be \vanling. large, while others, mere duchies, ure very due. ed to give an account of myself. All this, not larger than gingle cap, foldSee Washington'sletter to Robert MorThese to their softened hearts should bear email. T h e duchy of Del wold contains only I know a man whose dredtt was such J the r e gi O n of fallen spirits? however, was too late. T h e first step had ris, dated 12th April, 1786, in Sparks' ed, directed and unsealed, forev~ The thought of what ha6 been, li2,000 inhabitants. It has a hereditary Duke in 1830 tlmt when 1 trusted him for a keg In the rrSrne of God nnd Humanity. been taken. Mistress, in teaching me the edition, Vol. 9th, page 159. ory sheet, anv distance, 2 <r And speak of one who came to shars and a Legislature—the Senate consisting of of saltpetre, my employer told me I might alphabet, had given me the incli, and no prelot me. In earnest humility, adjure you to The gladness of the scene; 5 and the House of 13 members. T h e weit ; ToRM'.Y BEAT—TI£U UXDr.RGROTTSD caution could prevent me from taking the Whose part in all the pomp that fills The folowing description of a Southern of Germany id level, sandy and poor. In the as well have rolled it into the Ohio.— arise like him who slumbered on lhe lap .—The Baltimore Sun relates aiV exT h e circuit of the summer hilli?, planter appeared in a late numboi of the Since that period ho was worth fifty thouof liis Delilinb. nnd shake yourselves, and northeastern section it is rough and mountainploit in slave-movnii» which beats'Torrey: 5 Is—that his grove is green; The plan which I adopted, and the one by "Planter's Sinner" end, as ils correcting fa ous. Education is in an advanced state in sand dollars,- then a bankrupt, worth in see whether you have any, the slightest ffew mode of hJinan transportation.—InforAnd deeply would their hearts rejoice' Germany. T h e common school system o ' .1837 one thousand dollars, again n bank- iota, of moral power to hold the hnnds of which 1 was mosf successful, was that of ma- vouched for by the New Orleans Tropic, we mation was yesterday received in town of negro1 To hear again his living voice. Pnissia was established in 1 o 10. In Aus- rupt in 18-11, and now worth twenty thou- the Philistines who arc upon you; to stem ktrigJVienda of all tlie little white hoy, whom presume thnt it rhny be copied without apolo- scrvnjitgirl, belonging to1 Mr. Benj. Ross, whoI met in the street. As many of these ns I gy into a northern juun;a!. naa been mi^sini; /.irsome time. It uppenrs from tria there is a law which prohibits any man sand dollars. the desolating curse of war, and to roll could, I converted into teaciiers. With their Transcript. the facts which have transpired, that she Had or woman from being married unless they can I know a man good for thirty thousand back the vengeful current of ignited pas- k i | ) d ) y a j d j o b t a i n e d n l d i l T e r e n t l i m e d a n d "Now for the picture of the ]>lanter. Jl> been SrfHy delivered in York. Pa., ns per inre id and write. T h e Universities in Germadollars, v.Mio ten years ago exhibited n sions which threaten to involve in brutal Uff eWO t placn*, I finally .succeeded in learning wouldn't fell a chicken, nor a •!. zfti of cgffs, j snugly packed a\v:iy in n good size box ny are among the best in the world. Tlie ndapted to her dimensions. Tiiis ia- an entirely EUROPE. king of Prussia is a very learned and able monkey through the streets of Cincinnati and bloody conflict two Christian and kin- to read. When I was sent of errands, I t.l- nor n bushel of peaches, nor a calf, for any DR. BATRD'S POURTH LKCTURB. dred nufibna Have not the events of ways look iny book with me, and by going consideration, fie is above linn ! lie rnicee novel Btyl'o of abducting slaves, we apprehend, monarch. Dr. Baird described the students of \ fpr a living. and inaj* serve as a caution to common' carriers, The Rev. Dr. Baird delivered his fourth the German Universities, their (Jressjnianners1, I know a heavy business man—a bank the past year revealed your impotence? one part of my errand quickly. I found time to cotton--he does! He rides in a six hundred dol ns the same system might possibly be practiced Lecture a short time since. His subject was Sec. He said they were full of honor and director, who sold apples when a boy Are you not yet ;uvaS;t> to the character get a lesson before my re!urn. I used r.liso lar cnrriagf,for cvhich ho is in debt, flis daugh wiih some success upon a larger ecale, unless ;crs thrump a piano thti' never wil! be paid 5o carry bread with me, rnougri of \Vhich was "Germany, including Helginm and Holland." constantly fighting duels. One of their mfm- tli rough lhe streets. of your position? Are you not compellLhe living mummy should be too roughly ruinalways in the hoopr, and to which f wna al- for. lie buys corn which he could raise n: He took occasion to speak of the general ap- bcrs went to S t . Petersburgh to challenge died, in transit, and be induced to squealf.onr I know one of the first merchants of ed to feel, and is not the sentiment fraught ten cents a bushel, arul pay* s:.vv ccfftfl for it. ways welcome; for I was m u d ' belter off in pearance of the sky in the high latitudes of Kotzebun lor writing m a derogatory stylo of necessity; our cily in 18'i'<> who could at that period with affliction, that, in discussing the 2X 2 per cent advance to his commissthis regard thnn many of the poor White chil the north of Europe, bo'h during the day the,German universities. When he tinivod have bougnt entire blocks of the city on question of opening the sluices of human dren in our neighborhood. This bread 1 used ion meidiant. tlecould raise hi$> own tdocco Shameful.'—"The tow-boat Swam pasrerf a,id night in the summer season. The hen- [ | i e l o ! d Koizebue his enand. The latter recredit, n director in one of the banks, who "blood, tho peaceful religion which yoti lo beslow upon the hungry little urchins who, vet he pnys $5 n [.'onnrl for "Richmond ecrn a dead body on Use £2d inst. about ten rtiiles vena did not present the deep blue of more j monstrated with him, tcl'in^ him that lie did southern latitudes. The sky wns of a very not wish to fight, and observed that he had within len years of time diea insolvent teach find profess is not recognized, by in reiiirn, would give me that moie valuable ted." He could raise hie own hogs—yet ho above the \ as?cs, supposed to be a bright• mtithe rulers of your own election, ns inter- bread of knowledge. I am strongly tempt- patronizes Cincinnati. Tiio conscqueurcs art-, |,. l t o —| i i l ( | 0 I J a i,| tie fl,ni:el s'lirt, and duck light color—pale—with little if any blue ob- merely written what the emperor had desired run! intemperate. serviibffe. Tlie farther south you go towards him to write. Oh, replied the student, you Another individual who was considered posing the slightest obstacle to a war for ed lo give the flames of two or three of those disastrous. Being th6"{ioS5e6sorof one staple, [-pafltaJooi)fj ivilh an it on collar arovnd the the equator, thee deeper becomes tlie blue of did hot'write what you wished—'1 will not. in 1837 worih half a million of d territory, honor, glory or crime? Nay, little bovs, as a testimonial of tlie gratitude lie fluctuatos with the mnrlcct of that article. neck to tchick was alladicd about ten ftct uf the heavens. In lat. 70, north, in the duy fight a mere n\achitie\ nnd back ho wont from lias died since, leaving tho estate insol- have you not virtually committed and and affection I brar iliem—but prudence for- (Ie tnke.- the "Price C.:rriM:t*'— he mys pr3S- rope /.' Such ie the statement found in the" biils;—not that it would iijure me, bin it inirr—he cobhles db^h the English ti«W< New Orleans Bee, of April £<i, 134"5y time, the tky presents a milky appearance, so pledged the sanction and influence.of the ST. Petersburnh to Germnny. Horn? of the vent. Ifow characteristic the iitciflerence manifesmight cmliarrnes them; for it i? almost nn like a cormorant. If he «?fl to duy he'll loose light is the color. I,, lat. CO, in tlie longest governments of Germany are absolute monAnother individual, of .credit equal to Christian reiigiou to war waged for any unpardonable offence to teach t?iavee to read therefore hell w:iit for bet i or ndvic-s. Fie rcd here. N o ono cared about it. It was days, the sun goes down at nine, P." M. and archies, some limited monachies, some duch- all his wnnlsand worth at ono time,twelve or all of the oajeefs I have mentioned?— m this Christian country. It ia enough to say is "mixed up" in cotton, :md is a /r«"' / ' / ( / '; only a dead slave. What was there strange rises at 3, A. M. At midnight you can see ies, &c. T h e diet formerly elected the E m - thousand dollars, and Judge of the Court, [laving compromised between tlie inexoof the dear little fellows, tliet they live on therein* Menu liirre he wjnts money; ilrufis j n D 0 U t it? Slnves were- often eeen by these" to read as well ns du-'.ngr the d'by. T h e doc^pcror of Gernvmy. Now it represents the died in our city hospital and was buried rable principles of tho gospel nnd the re- Philpot-street, near P:irgin and Bailey's ship- on his factor! lie wonts coMnn goods nnd 'travellers. lion collars were common, and" tor said that oRen while traveling iu Norway,^ Confederation of Germany. It comprises one he had at midnight, while passing through" a at lhe puBlic expanse. I have seen him bellious instincts of human nature, by ad- yard. I iij=edlo t-j!k this matter of bluvery clothes for his plantntion, that ho co'iid mike j ro ., C:5 v . C rc no novelty. How entirely is empire, 5 mnnarchies, 4 free citie.-=, and £0 fiom the heart liy slavery forest in the wood, taken a loiter from his mitting thai all wars are not sinfiri, do over wi;h them. I" would fonielimes say to nt home. He vrderfXhon,, andfrt'K-i•".nrye. j Ijutntanity diichir-s, nnd lias 79 members. It rifagfb at often presiding at riubHc meetings. r pocket and read it with perfect case. He you noi find that your feet are sinking thorn, I wish I could be ;-s free as ihey would The l^a^ll actllr^r, the insurer, the dripper, The founder of the P^nitcilirry sysFrankfort-on-thc-Mainc; nnd its sessionsaie R?v. Julia Plerpoiut —This talented morhad, while in Stockholm and St. Petersburg!), he when they got to be men. 'V'oti will be the frelgni'er, the drnymap, tlie wurohoine perpetual, except a roccss= a few weeks in the tem in Pennsylvania, and well knoyrn ."> in treacherous ^quicksands, the very moman, the seller, and flmnlly the commission al hero, who ss cnn;lotely triumphed over" rjotie home from from visits at midnight, uiul free as soon ns you urc twenty one, but 1 am summer. It ordiinrily gives hut 17 vote?, of that State and elsewhere as a public fhanj lVient you nlicmptto oppose any war?— experienced most indescribable sensations of a iiit'vejoi' lift! Have ivol I a? nood a right meiclian*, all hive ti fii.iL'er in \\wp>e of i.rof- thejont slavery nnd turn interest in Holiia which Prussia nnd Austria have ono ench— dieda pauper in theconiiii'.-ivial Hospital After h.^-ing taught ti licentious world i s DD\V to leave church and Sadness and melancholy while passing through to l)o t'reu ns yoa have?" These words used UH, nnd the proii<\ foolish planter, pr.ys tiictn the 4 free cities OIIP, nnd eo on. Sometirnrs thnt tJ H are" consistent with the Ih'ehl.—'['hr-y have kpot hack his salary and oil. Tiie vear closes, nnd he i?, "up to his the lone and deserted streets. It uppenrod us in this city. I have sr-cn him ado. to trouble them; they wonM exprt-ps for me it gives a ftii] vote. It ims control over the lit; hitt li^fii by the aid of fiiende. public lectuiovo-broalliing.-Lctrincs of Jesus Christ; evebrows" in debt! This is tho r»-r:ilt c » f bife if the city wa6 deserted, or the citizens had the Legislature of thnt State at Harrisihe liveliest eympathy, and console me with :i.e d ffer- ring, ccc. till his claim on ibe fx>ci('t'ywn .•ifior having snjd to the inflamed and the hopfctfiat something would occur by not «culc«ilating" n<>r even been cut off by some sudden calamity. It general police, over the censorship of the burgh; and listened to with tho, ence botvVeen Jarrning- and planting. Ono to Sl'liQOO, for •« hi^h ho has atiachea is sometime bofore one becomes accustomed to prew.and in caso of war determines what num- and deference that would havu bo-'n paid blood-thirsty passipns of men, Thus far which I might be frco. meeting h us* worth j^5 t 0»Q t arad ilia walking the etreete, as light almost as day, ber of men ench Statv shall furnish. supports a family the other support* pride 1- was now nhnut twelve years old, and the ye may come, enn you check tho overDr. Baird described the cities, but we Imve to John Quincy Adams, or any oilier pubwill recover. at midnight. un:.u pride gets a fall. thbnsht of being a f lave j or life began to whelming and fiery lorrent with tii^bronot roc-m fo make mention of them. He lic man of this nge. tit. MI S C E L~L A N T 7 —| 26; THE SIGNAL OF LIBERTY. < would bo for breaking their political ones. PRESBYTERIAN OLD SCHOOL "servants," for the word "slaves," in the "OUR WORK." "THfe TRlJE LIBERTY PARTY." DESTRUCTIVE FIRE! GENERAL ASSEMBLY. But do we find any thing of this in the preamble. Tho Utica Liberty Press copies our an- Here is a specimen of the 7.eal of the On Wednesday afternoon, about half post ANN ARBOR, MONDAY, JUNK 9 , 1 8 4 5 . history of their proceedings? Not the This body met in Cincinnati, on the Dr. Junkin opposed the amendment— swer to its interrogatories, and declures its Whig party for ahtislaycry doctrines, as 3 o'clock, the Railroad Depot in this village least vestige. On the contrary it is no- 15th of Mm\ There were 123 member he hopes we shall not make the paper determination to abide by the resolutions of manifested by Mr. Archer, of Va.,a prom- was discovered to be on fire in the upper part One Dollar a Year in Advance torious that the Union has not in its bo-from the North, and 66 from the South. equivocal when the committee made it the Buffalo Liberty Convention ns the Editor inent Whig, and already talked of for of the Inuliling. Our citizens rallied with the som more ardent defenders than these Dr. Krehs, of New York City, was elec- plain. [Calls for "Question," "Ques- understands them. But he calls on us for a the Presidency. It is from the debate in utmost alacrity to stay the progress of the STATE LIBERTY CONVENTION. ted Moderator. tion," "Question."] We want to ex-further exposition of our views as to the legit- the Senate on the,admission of Florida. flames, but before a sufficiency of water could] be a Stn'e C« mention of thr same Baptists and Methodists. imate scope nnd sphere of action of the LibLiberty party held at the Court UoiibC in Mnr Hence we deem all prophesies of dis- A curious debate arose on the validity press our opinion s*o that it will be Under"Let him tell the Senators both from be obtained, the fire had extended over the erty party. h\ thte ill>o we will respond to whole of the east end of the building. The shallnn the shhduy of July mx!, \>> nominate union delusive. It is nut desired by a of baptism performed by Roman Catho- stood. his inquiries wi'.hout hesitation. We invite Maine and Massachusetts, that this was wind blowing briskly from the west, the suitable candidates lor Governor end L'Cuf. The motion to amend was then lost; his attention to th> following considerations. a matter that belongs to the law of self flames spread with great rapidity, and soon Governor to be supported by the friends o thousandth part of the nation: it is not lic prists. Quite a tiMerencc of opinion Liberty nt the Stale election in Nov. nrxt.— proposed seriously but a very few nt the prevailed. On one side it vvus arguec so Ihe assembly refused to substitute the 1. The fust efforts of the Liberty part) preservation—that primeval and irre- communicated to the large ware house closeEach c nnty Will appoint t\v;co the number ol North: and no practicable method of ef- that Ihe Romish church was not a church word "servants," for the word "slaves," should he directed to the abolition of Slavery, pricvable law, which of itself over-rode ly contiguous. The wind at this lime was delegates to which it is entitled to Represeulfecting it has been pointed out except by of Christ: consequently the ordinance hac as designating the persons in service in- by the eXercUe of all the constitutional pow all laic and all constitution. If there redoubled in its strength, and blew such a ntives to the State L?gi»!atu.e. A full delrgnti.on is exceedingly desirable a general consent of all the people, of no more validity than if performed by a structed by the apostles in the New Tes- erS of the Genernl Government and of the were a hundred clauses in the Constitu- shower of lire from both the burning buildings It is hoped that the Liberty friends in each which there is not the least probability, Hiniioo priest. On the other side it was se^tira! Sta'es. T h s is tho greatest evil, tion, absolutely and explicitly prohibiting on lo the warehouse owned by V. II. Powell, tament. cyunly will forth\vi:h see well toil tliaf n ful: delegation of nick, and 6iich only shv.W be a p -while its Consequences would be more or asked, where did we get the right to bap The question on the paper was called and should be first removed. the passage of sucli a law, as that which Fj-q. that it was impossible to save it. At the 2. We conceive that if the Liberty party prohibited the entrance of free colored same time the fire communicated to tbe dwellpointed as will pledge themselves to allciw or less disastrous, without bringing bene- tize? If traced back, it brought them to for by many voices. in person, or bv their alternates. were in powers-having a Picsident and a maing house occupied by Mr. Powell, and tho fit to any which might not be better at- the Romish Church. Luther and Calvin Dr. Junkin calls for the ayes and roes. seamen into the southern States, they S. B. TRKADWELL, jority of both Houses of Congress—J* ought four building? were thus enveloped, in flames were baptized by that church, and were tained in some other way. N. M. THOMAS, He wishes to have his name to that glori- to do whatever a just and right' otis civil might, nevertheless feel themselves abso- nt once. The utmost that could be done by L. VVILCOX, never re-baptized. Catholic Baptism ous document. But there is another aspect of this rnatGovernment ought to do. If it belonged to lutely obliged to pass such a law." the citizens wns to save the surrounding' buildJ. M. D1MOND, The call was sustained, and the ayes civil Government to broke treaties, bend out ler which may properly afford a lesson was declared invalid by 1G9 nays to J . I ) . BALDWIN, The Senator turned upon the Senator ings. At one time the whole of the Lower State Cen. COID. of Lib. Party. to politicians. The Baptist and Metho- yeas. and noes were accordingly ordered, embnssadors, collect a revenue, coin money, from Maine, and exclaimed, "why didVillage was in danger, from the shower of P. S. Grrrit Smith, E;-q. and other distinWe give the following synopsis of the build light houses, maintain a navy ami urmy, the Senator from Maine come here, and, fulling firo which alighted on every building, diat Churches extended from the extreme Mr. Jernegan, from Northern Indiana, guished speakers have been writien to, to attend this Slate Convention, and it is earnesth North to the extreme South. Each of proceedings on Slavery from the Cincin- asked to be excused from voting. Ex- take churge of ihe public londs. lay out new lending himself to the design of a band and on every thing combustible. Fire was hope'! they will be ptesent on ihe occasion. State?, or improve harbor.--, we do not tee communicated in many places, but by the vigthem embraced large numbers of bigotet nati Herald. cused. of fanatics, throw into the Senate such a llanco of ths citizens, it was extinguished Jackso»> AIny 17, 1815. why it would not be the legitimate province "Committee on the subject of Slavery, Slaveholders and of ardent, untiring AbThe ayes and noes were then taken, of a Liberty parly to do all these things.— firebrand of discord?" without damage. ditionit-ts. These were unable to agree consisting of Dr. Rice, of Cincinnati, Dr. and were as follows: affirmative 1G4, negWhatever party is in power 7nust take charge ''They of the South," he continued^ DIVISION OF THE CHURCHES. to act longer together and they have sep- Lord, of Buffalo, Dr. McGill, of Alle- ativo 1*2. The principal sufferers by this disastrous of these interests for the time being, or gov "did not care one farthing what the Con- conflagration were, Mrs. Fuller, proprietor of There seems to be a very general mis- arated, with no hope of a re-union till ghenytown, Rev. Drury Lacy, of N. C. Dr. Junkin suggested that tho Modera- ernment itself would be at nn end. We dostitution allowed or disallowed,'''' the largest warehouse. The loss is estimated npprehension of the nature and effects ol Slavery shall have ceased to exist. Rev. N. II. Hall, of Lexington, Judge tor render thanks to Almighty God fornot see how any sensible man can deny this. "When such Senators as those from at $2,000 or more. No insurance. The the division of the Methodist and Baptist Now look at the Whig and Democratic Leavitt, of Ohio, and Mr. Dunlap, of this blessed decision. 3. It is the province of a statesman to im- Massachusetts and Maine eome with fire- warehouse owned by V. H. Powell, Esq. cost churches. Because slaveholders and AhMr. McMaster protested against it as prove the condition of his country by adapt brands in their hands, the South would about ©J,£00. No ins nnrr. His furniture parties. Each of these extends from Philadelphia—Reported by their chairUtionisfs cannot agree to act together in an insult to those voting in the negative. ing his mrasures to i,s actual circumtanccs. take precautions against the plague." was mostly saved, but in a damaged state.— Maine to Texas, and embraces the most man Ln substance as follows: the same religious organization, the inThe memorials are of three classes: Dr. Junkin varied the motion so as to What might be wif^e and beneficitii, in one But the master continued his rebukes. The dwelling house was owned by Page and zealous Slaveholders, and large numbc-i ference is drawn that persons composing of sincere and honest-hearted, though per- 1. Asking amelioration of the slave's give thanks to God for the harmony with year, under a particular state ot things, might Me charges the gentleman from Massa- Ormsby. these bodies are disposed to throw off ihe be extremely injudicious and disastrous three haps not always consistent antislavery condition. 2. Those which ask the As- which the house had arrived at their dechusetts with being compelled by a certairi The Depot was the properly of the State. or four years af;er. The circumstances of civil government, and divide our politiIt was a fine building and cost about $5,000. two classes of men al- sembly to discuss, and urge members in cision on this momentous subject. popular feeling, the necessities of the country, influence to act against his own judgment, About 10,000 flour barrels, belonging to cal union also. The Detroit Advertiser men. Will these slave States to strive for the repeal of the This motion was strongly objected to, the state of our foreign relations, nnd other and such was the case with other Eastways act together? In tin's connection, differrnt individuals, were consumed in the says: the inquiry of the Advertiser becomes ol slave laws. 3. Those denouncing slave- on the ground that those voting in thecome'erations must be taken into account in ern gentlemen. When men ought not warehouse?, a part of which were insured. "The friends of our National Union momentous interest—"Are political stron- holding as a sin nnd asking for disci- negative would feel themselves insulted determining on the utility of important meas- to stir these questions even in conversaTite fire is supposed to have originated from are sleeping on a mine. National tic«, pline. by it. ures of national policy. tion, but would do far better quietly to ger than religious tics?" We answer, sparks procccdiiig from the engine conducting ger than any parchment Constitu4. The abolition of Slavery is the gieat to give them the go-by. "Those who con- the train of ears from ihe West, while standIt is impossible to discipline slavehold Dr. Junkin then with leave withdrew tion, are sundering, and few or none re- no: and iience,in the division of these naand paramount object of the Liberty party. tinued such an unprofitable and perni- ing in ihe Depot. gard it with much solicitude. The great tional churclies, politicians may read the ing as a sin, without denying some of the his motion. religious associations of the country are fate of their national parties. These plainest declarations, of the word of God. This is the most disastrous fire that has The Moderator then called on Dr. J. At the sume time, the party as it ha8 opportu cious agitation were no patriots." nity, will carry out the principles of Equal now in the very act of n geographical and occurred in our villnnje since its ectlle» It would be charging the Apostles of Christ C. Lord to lead in prayer. church members have divided their reliinstitutional division. Right? intoff// their practical consequences and SOUTHERN METHODIST CON- men*. Dr. Lord, of Buffalo, then gave thanks gious organizations on the question ot with winking at sin. # * * m • applications in the oidinary bus'ness of legisVENTION. Yet the committee hold that there is to God for the harmony with which He lation—in making treaties, raising a revenue, Other denominations, in numbers nn.i Slavery: think you the same persons will rhe European correspondent of Our last exchanges nave brought us popular influence, but yet vastly impor- long continue to act together politically evil connected with Slavery, particularly had enabled the assembly to conduct its determining the price of public lands, sup- the official proceedings of this Convention: the Philadelphia Loger writes from Beltant, are likely to tread, ere long, in the on a subject which has divided them into in those defective and oppressive laws, by deliberations, and that our Heavenly Fath* porting the navy or army, apportioning sa!ar> gium: same path, until the whole American re- different religious bodies? In this view which in some States, it is regulated.— er would especially bless the decision to les, or whatever business comes legitimately but they do not vary in substance from '•In the month of August, a congress what we have before stated. ligious community is sectionally rent inBut since Christ and apostles did not make which the house had just been brought up- within the scope oFthe action of Government. of sovereigns of Western Europe will The resolution erecting the Conferento twain. Yet that community compris- of the subject, the Advertiser has just reaIf the Lib. partv,when in power does nit carry es in fact the same people, a great ma- son for ominous forebodings to its party. slaveholding a bar to church fellowship, on a most agitating and important subject; out these principles, it will be undeserving of ces there represented into a distinct ec- unite in Paris. It is said that the Queens jority of the same men and women, whoThese religious divisions are preparing we cannot seripturally do it. Nor can and that we might still share his protecclesiastical connection, separate from the of England and Spain, and Belgium, and go to make up our political nation. Are the way for the separation of the political we remove the evil of Slavery by eccle- tion and care, so that soon none will be support, and ought not to receive it. But if jurisdiction of the M. E. Church, and com- the Kings of Holland, Belgium and Nait docs enrry them out wisely, justly and b<?npolitical stronger than religious ties?" parties, so that a dividing line shall bo siastical action. But we rejoice that min- called to say, "Now hath the Lord cov- eficialy, it ought to receive the support of the prehending its entire rules and regula- ples, together with Prince Albert, will In reply to the question here proposed, drawn between the friends of Freedom and isters and members in slave States are ered the daughter of Zion with the cloud people, not only till slavery shall be abolished, tions, except so far bs verbal alterations grace the Courts of Tuilerics—a sort of awaking to the importance of giving in- of his anger." we would say that men are quite as te- of Slavery. but forever. may be necessary, was adopted, nyco 04. demonstration, perhnps,ngairist the northAfter giving notices, the house adstruction to slaves, etc. nacious of their opinions and feelings on The responsibility of effecting these re5. No other test question should be pro- na}s3, viz: Wm. Gutin, Geo. W. Tay-ern powers, and a means of legitimizing 1. Resolved, That the Assembly was journed." religious as on civil or political matters— ligious divisions is generally attributed diposed than this: "Will you use all your po- lor. John C. Harrison. Louis Phillippe, but of no real advantage We shall not trust ourselves to express litical influence for the overthrow of Slavery perhaps more so. But in the case before rectly to Abolitionists, ana they are de- originally constituted on the admission The second resolution asserts that ivlnlc to, or influence on the political statu quo. us, this essential difference exists. The nounced as little better than devils for that slaveholding is not necessarily ti sin. our deep abhorrence of this additional in- through ihe Liberty organization, and for enr- they cannot abandon the principles of In other respects, the Europeans are 2. Therefore, to make slaveholding a stance of ecclesiastical sanction of MAN- rying out the principle of Kqunl Political action on which they have proceeded, building railroads and steamboats. Even male members of these churches arc at their supposed agency in it. The Jackthe same lime citizens and church mem- son Patriot, which hails under the Demo- bar to communion, would be to dissolve STEALING, making it a Bible institution, R'ghts to All?'' An affiimati've answer, fol- they are ready to entertain and consider the Grand Sultan wishes to travel by and therefore perpetual through all com- lowed by corresponding works, entitles the bers. In the latter capacity, they are cratic flag, lays it to our charge in theitself. any proposition for a union of the twosteam, and talks about rails and locomoleft free to follow their opinions and prej- following courteous and candid style: Moved to accept and adopt the Report. ing time! A sanction by tho General As- respondent lo tnembcrchip in the liberty puly. great bodies, North and South, on a basis tives. But a ft w years more, and Europe 6. Whim we regard this as the ONLY test udices to any extent they please. They [Calls for question were made from all sembly of the abominations of Sodom and "These movements a vi the consequence will not bo as large as the Uniteil States, of membership, we claim for ourselves as in- either jurisdictional or connectional. Gomorrah, in our judgment, would have may have one denominational organiza- of the action of the abolitionists of the parts of the house.] dividuals, for our paper, ond for every memThe Bishops were requested to ii,corpo- for it will lie traversed in a week and cirtion, or two, or a dozen, or none at nil.North. This fanatical and impious por- A call for division on the motion was been no more derogatory to the character ber and paper of the Liberty paper, the right rate into the Southern Church any bor-cumnavigated in a fortnight. MeanThe whole matter is left to themselves. tion of the human race are doing their admitted. The motion to accept,was then of a Christian assembly than was this en- to entertain, discuss and argue for any course der Conferences who might be disposed to whilo, emigration to the United States inworst. They do not scruple to sever the dorsement of the robbery, cruelty, adul- of political policy whatever, respecting "the There is no opposing obstacle, from with- ties of the church, but if we can judge by carried. creases in every quarter: 43,000 Germans come over to them. out. The world's people do not interfere. their works, they would not stop until they A voice was heard moving to make tery, lust and outrage now prevailing other great interests'1 without being tramThe General Conference of the South- have emigrated the last year; and there The political authorities take no cogni- had torn the Union asunder. Nero fiddled the report the order of the day to-morrow through the great Southern Prison-house. meled by any dictation from others. We go ern Church is to meet at Petersburg!), Va., are not enough ships at Antwerp, Roterfor the largest liberty of thought and speech. zance of their doings. Human nature, while Rome was burning; how would at a certain hour, but it was not seconded these aliens to every thing sacred express DIVISION OF THE BAPTISTS. This is the only basis on which a successful in April or May^ 1840^ and every four dam, Havre or Hamburgh, to carry those being thus left free to act without erwho are rendy to try their chance in the their joy, could they ellect their nefarious or received in a slight movement among The Baptists in the several States are or- political party can be established. We must years thereafter. straint, the result is seen in the division designs? the members. The Missionary Society of Louisville new world. Thousands aro preparing ganized into single churches, each of which think essentially alike on the main object for of these denominations. Is it not time for sober men, who have The motion to adopt was entertained. is independent of every other, and makes its which we combine our efforts; blit on all oth- was appointed to bo the central society for Texas, mostly wealthy, strong and But why should we thence argue that in the least countenanced these mad-men The re-reading was called for. Agreed own rules of faith and practice. There is er subjects we must have the liberty of ex- for Missions, and wei'e instructed to ap-healthy men, with from six to eight chila dissolution of our-politicalunion will in their infernal course, to pause and look to, and the report was then read. no appellate jurisdiction among them, and pressing and advocating our different views. point two receiving ngents,onc in Charles- dren. Heaven grant them a good pass* about them? The churches arc fast betake place? This is a very different af- ing rent in shreds; are our political insticonsequently no courts of ecclesiastical judi- The huttian mind is so constituted that it will ton and one in Now Orleans, who should age. " Rev. Mr. Jernegan.—[ am not precature, except the churches themselves. have an interest in mony ihings, and will dis- report '.othe sdciety in Louisville. fair, as will be seen by a momentary tutions any more secure?" pared to vote upon that report—to admit cuss nnd act upon them. But this need not But the Baptists have Associations of glance at these considerations. A CoLoai;i) GKNTLKMA.N ADMITTED TO TilK So far as we know, that class of Aboli- that its sentiments are according to the churches, and the whole denomination have interfere with united action in one thing.— BAR.— In Boston, on last Saturday morning, It will be remembered that when word of God—I sumbit to the assembly 1. That there is a much larger number tionists attached to the Liberty party have hitherto united in sustaining two national so- Hence we eay, let every Liberty man and paof persons interested in this result than never directly sought the division of these whether it be possible for this assembly cieties—one for Home, and'one for Foreign per have and express its own views of Banks, Torrey was imprisoned, a charge was ly- S E. SP.WA£L, E^q., lefore his honor, Judge Ward, moved thr.t MA CON B. ALLKN, who in a mere denominational division. or any other churches. But they have to act instantly on a report of such mo- Missions. The usual difficulties respecting Tariffs, Capital Punishment, Free Trade, ing against him for assisting the slaves of waf= provided will) a certificnic of competen2. There is every variety ol political very generally held to the principle that mentous importance, with becoming calm- the employment of slaveholders for Missiona- War, Non-Resistance, Fourierism, or any Bushrod Taylor, of Va. to escape from cy, siKiietl by Judge Merrick, bo admitted to their master. The family are now in and religious faith: Atheists, Infidels, nan-stealers, however unexceptionable ness and deliberation. Let us have time ries, and asking donations of the owner3 of other thing they may deem important. practice as an attorney and counselor at Canada, and were recently visited by law in the courts of Massachusetts, and, there Federalists, Mobiles, Aristocrats and thetheir characters in other respects, are not to consider the report in detail. slaves have been started, and their discussion 7. The Press refers Jo something about very vilest of society, must agree to act proper persons to be admitted into CliristHe moved to postpone the present mo- has become so unpleasant to the slaveholding a "syste/n of Political Ecbhdmy for the Lib- Rev. J. C. Aspenwall, who thus describes being no legal objection to tho motion, the with the most virtuous, the most patriotic, an churches. We suppose it was a dis-tion, and make the subject the order of Baptists, that they have determined on a sep- erty party" which we have manufactured, or their condition and appearance: gentleman was admitted. The Post says that aration from their northern brethren. Ac- countenanced in some other paper. We are "I think I never enjoyed an interview Mr. Allen is 29 years of nvp, is a native of and the most orthodox, or our union can- cussion of this principle and those connec- the day for Thursday next. cordingly a convention of 300 southern Bap~ not conscious of having done any such thing. so much as the one I had at the house of Indiana, nnd his color and physiognomy benot be destroyed. ted with it. which has occasioned such a Dr. Hamilton^ moved to amend; print- tists met at Augusta, Ga. May 3, and organ3. There is every variety of interest— dissatisfaction to the slaveholders that they ing the report and making it the order of ized under the title of the "Southern Baptist But suppose we had—what then? Suppose George and Emily Webb, the family speak a mingled Indian and African extraction we have argued that a National Bank claimed by Bushrod Taylor,on whose ac- of about equal proportions. He is of meThe Manufacturer, the Merchant, the rnve withdrawn from their brethren for the day on Friday morning. Convention for the Propagation of the Bible, was now unnecessary—that the price of the dium height and eize, and passably good lookFarmer, the Cotton-raiser, the Sugar- he express purpose of holding slaves in Dr. Junkin warmly opposed the post- &ic. A '-Convention for the Ro!igioub Sup- Public Lands ought not to be reduced—that count brother Torrey is claimed by theing Exchange Paper. Governor of Virginia. It is one of the grower, the Slaveholder and the Aboli- quietness. The movement for division, ponement and printing. It is a plain pa- port of Matistealing," in our judgment, would public defaulters should be putiiehed ascrimimost interesting families I ever saw, and Wo hope Mr. Allen will so conduct him* tionist must all unite in calling for disun- ,ve believe, has originated with them.— per, and if we print we may have discuss- have been quite as near the truth. nal*—that an average duly of 20 per cent they are prospering finely. Several self as to do away'the silly prejudice against ion, or there can be none. Dr. Johnson, of South Carolina, is presi- would raise revenue enough for our national Are we the therefore to be blamed, be- ion at length. years since, Mrs. Webb bought her free- his color by showing himself an able tind 4. Both sections of the Union North cause when we have told them the truth, Mr. Weatherby, of Mississippi, oppos- dent; ex-Governor Lumpkin, of Georgia, Dr. expenses—that the Military Academy at high minded man. His brother lawyers canand South, must be agreed upon it. Now hey have become offended and left us? ed the postponement. That paper meets Fuller, of South Caroline, and others, vice- West Point ought to be abolished—or that dom, and afterwards that of two sons, who not compete againsi him without virtually pulpresidents. This body is to meet every three money laid out on fortifications was al? thrown have been in Canada for some years.— ling themselves on a par with him; and thus we venture to say that at the North not As to the nature of this division which tho views of the North and the South.— years. The first meeting shall be in Nash» away, and no more ought to be appropriated She afterward obtained money to buy two he has a fair chance to establish a reputation one in a thousand of its adult population themselves have consummated, we enter All can understand it. Let it come to ville, Tennessee, May, 1846. for that purpose. Suppose we had advoca- daughters, and was induced to run in debt for himself and his race. would vote for disunion. Wedo not need ain no grievous apprehensions in refer- the vote. The boards are to be two in number, for ted all these notions, nnd many more, and for another, lest it should be sold to the it. We know that slavery is a curse to ence to it. There is just as much real Dr. Lord, of Buffalo", apprehends that independent purpose?—one charged with the recommended them to the consideration of the us, but we are content to abide its evils )iety and worth in the churches as there the postponement will throw open the sub- foreign missionary department, the other with Liberty party for their adoption—where extreme south, and mortgaged those she fJC/^Wiskonsan contains an extent of ter* had paid for, back as security for the pay ritory equal to five or six of the largest until we can bring about a peaceful rem- was before division. Its influence for the ject to a wide discussion. the homo missions. The foreign board is lo- would have been the harm? We should not for the third. This morgage was soon States of the Union. Its domain is said lo bo edy without division. But how stands iberation of the slave w^ll be highly faAyes and Noes were called for—not cated in Richmond, Virginia. Rev. J. B. expect to read out of the pnfty every one of sued, and before she could obtain means 1,200 miles long by 200 wide. According to Jeter, of that State, is its president; Fuller. the 3632 Liberty men of Michigan who might the case with the South? The slavehold- vorable. The control of the slavehold- sustained—one third not voting for it. the Ordinance of i737, which was declared to e r did, indeed, bellow for a dissolution rs over the northern churches will be The motion to postpone was then put of South Carolina, id vice president, and Mal- not agree with us on these'points. It belongs to redeem them, they were all taken back be forever unalterable unless by the common to these men, in their political Couventione, to into slavery. Mrs. Webb was then adInry, of Georgia, recording secretary. of the Union some years since: but every withdrawn, and they will be left free to and lost. consent of Congress and the people of tho vised to use what she had obtained in pay- territory Northwest of the river Ohio, that The home hoard is placed at Marion, Ala- establish and declare their own creed. sensible man knows that it was only the act out their honest convictions in referMotion to print was put and lost. boftia. Dr. Manly, of tint State, is presi8. There are some in the Liberty party ing tho passage of her family to Canada, ebullition of mere blustering bravadoes. ence to this gi'eal iniquity. Besides, a A division of the paper was asked for. dent, Hon. J. Belton O'Keall, a vice presi- who think /hat nothing but the Abolition of instead of wearing herself out in buying section of country was to be divided into not less than three nor more than five States.— The Slaveholders have never seriously purely slnveholding church will soon be[Many members rise and address the dent: professor Reynolds, recording sec- Slavery should be thought of, written, print- them over again; and she now has the four have already been carved out of it, viz: proposed any such thing: and they DARK come the scorn of mankind. The organ- chair.] retary. ed, read, or discussed till that object shall pleasure of sitting down at her own table Ohio, Indiana, Illinois Michigan, and the great not do it. Who would then catch their ization of a RumscllingChristian Church The first resolution was then read. How far this division will affect the commu- have been accomplished. Others are for join- with her husband and seven children. A extent of country embraced by the territorial fugitives for them? Who maintain a would be far more reasonable, and be less Dr. Junkin wishes brethren may have nion and intercourse of ministers nnd church* ing togother ten or a dozen different political limits of Wiskonsan remains. In compliance standing army for keeping their bondmen of an outrage upon Christian principle, time to speak. (Many calls for "Ques- es, remains to be seen. Each church at the objects, and organizing one party to carry better regulated family I have seldom seen, and I am sure I never saw a more with the ordinance, it must constitute but ono in Slavery1? If the Slaveholders wish for than one to manufacture slaves by steal- tion," 'Question.") North has power to exclwdo all slaveholders, them all. Both of these extremes we think happy one. Could she obtain her twoState, although if peopled ns numerously o« Disunion, the preparatory steps towards it ing helpless little infants, and quoting JeRev. Mr. McMaster, from Synod of if it please; and each Southern church may aro wrong and contrary to the nature of tho sons, who are yet in slavery, she says Holland or England it might hold a population exclude Abolitionists. The Southern Con- mind. The wisest way for men who would are easy. Why have they not called a sus Christ for authority for so doing. Pittsburgh, proposed a verbal amendment, vention was large, nnd was very unani- ast together politically is to agree on the main that, like Simeon, she could depart in of 30,000,000 or more. Wiekonsan will convention of Slaveholders to deliberate shoitly knock for admittance into the Union; There may be evils attending the sep-which was lost. mous. points, and press their united energies for peace." and tho question must then be decided whethori the matter? The fact is they Jo not The first resolution was carried without aration, but we believe they will be very bringing thrm to a 6ucceesful issue, while on er such a mammoth State shall be admitted, •wish for it. (X/^ Mr. Giddings woe publicly accused all other eubjects each one brings over to his The slaveholders are not nble to stand whether the Ordinance shall be nullified, or greatly overbalanced by the good. As a division. We cannot see any practicable method the whole ranlter now looks to us, we may O'Conncll's Abolitionism any longer. We whether some method thall be devised by The second resolution was then read, laet winter by Mr. Black, of Georgia, of frank- opinion as many as he can. of effecting a dissolution of the Union, say, that althojgh the division originated and adopted without debate—a few voices ig a calico frock home to his wife. Mr. mentioned last week the dissolution of the which the content of the people northwest of Remember no political chnnge is worth a Repeal Association of Baltimore. Tho As-the Ohio can be obtained to its division. without a general consent of the people on the part of the Slaveholders, yet in the heard in the negative. (The resolution Giddiugs has applied to the Postoffice departof the North and South. Nor do welanguage of another on a different occa- declares that the attempt to discipline ment for information, and discovered that the single crime, or above all, a single drop of hu- sociation of New Orleans also dissolved, afman blood—D. O'Council. ter receiving the news of O'Connel's speech find a desire for such a result in either sion, "personally we have no objection, slaveholding as a sin, would tend to dis- package referred to—whether it contained a / Tho New York Magnetic Comfrock, shawl, or piece of silk—was sent by a This id a noble sentiment. It scorns that respecting Polk, Slavery and Oregon. It section. If it exist at all, the presump- but on the contrary should be glad to see solve our civil Union, rend the church, Democratic member, and was franked by that those Whigs who originated nnd nursed and was determined thnt the funds then on band pany have filled their stock, and are ready tion would be that the members of theit, with the common consent, upon just etc.) to enler on the completion of the teledistinguished defaulting character, Caleb Mc- tent abroad into the world the GaMand ForBaptist and Methodist Churches, who and fair terms," without bitterness, and Rev. Mr. McMaster desired to amend Nuity, Clcik of the House of Representa- gery, were of a different opinion from tho should be equally divided—one half to be de- graphic communication botween N voted lo the Female Orphan Society, and the have already dissolved their religious ties. in accordance with 'ChriMian principles. the preamble so as to substitute the word tives. York and Baltimore. great Irifchmaii. remainder to tho Charity Hospital. SIGNAL OF LIBERTY, THE SIGNAL OF LIBERTY AMERICAN AND FOREIGN ANTI-SLA- TO THE LIBERTY PARTY OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE DETROIT LIBOREGON. For the Signal of Liberty. DELAVAN HOUSE. VERY SOCIETY. NEW COUNTY OF WAYNE. ERTY ASSOCIATION. 4th OF JULY CELEBRATION. Most of the European nations have colALBANY, .NEW YORK. The Central Committee has called a State Our readers will recollect that severcl years The Asaociaiton met on the evening of 1 t/th to bo held at Marshall on the <Jth July, onial possessions, at a distance from the This house, the property of E. C. Del- Agreeable to the recommendation of the State since the national antislnvery society divided meeting wiih recommendation of county meeting throughMay at The presiden. boing ill, eniral Comminee of the friends of Liberty—at 1 UV. Subscriber has removed bis a'ock of avan Esq. is now thoroughly repaired.— into two bodies; one under the lead of Garri- out the State on tho 4th of July. The recom- mother country, but subject to her sway. and the Vice President absent, C- H. Stewart meeting convened in Jackson pursuant to noBOOKS to St..™ No. 2. Exchange Block, All the accomodationsare on the largest ce.—>he undersigned wero appointed a Com- adjoining Lunda & M C illuma ixore.wlien; he is son and lite friends retained the old appella- iiiL'iidat.'on seems highly appropriate. This is not thecase with the United States. was c died to the Chair. The anniversary of our independence under ready to furnifh cash customers with a new and' tion of the American' Anti-Slavery Society, present circumstances, will of For serious consid- Her territory is perfectly compact, and The chairman stated that the object of the and most convenient scale. T h e lower littee of airangetneni3, preparatory to a suita- well selected assortment of while the other, for the sake of distinction, -•raiions to every lover of country and liberty. it has not beon her policy to encumber meeting was to elect new officers for the ensuing part of the building is occupied by seven- fe celebration of American Tndipendcnce on Miscetluneovsi Religious, Historical, Bio* was designated as the American and Foreign Sixty-eight years previous beheld the proniu'lga- herself with colonial possessions. year. But previous to that a melancholy duty teen stores, dining room, pflrlors, & c , le coming 4ih of July. The following will be graphical at,d ScJiool Books, ion of tho noblest principles of civil government. together with an Dasorimem of Paper, Q'lilJey Antislavery Society. This last mentioned as- To vindicate them their signers pledged honor claimed their attention. Tho association had while the three upper stories contain 150 >e dlicors and ordvr nf the day. But the settlements now commencing Ink, Wtifers, Toy Books and Stationery genc^ lost its head, its members a dear friend nnd an sociation, owing to the organization of Ihe and pel son, and properly The pledge was 8aS. R. TREADWELL. President. rallv wliich has ever boen offered west'of Detroit, apartments, constructed in the most conat Oregon may be regarded as an Ameriredly redeemed. No act of dishonor tarnished ti sl.ivcry a devoted advocate. The mere name J . M DI.MOM>, 1 Liberty parly in each State, and oflitr cause?, mid wil! be sold at''he Dctioit Cash prices. he purity ol revolutionary achievement, but tho venient manner, and supplied with grates, DAMKL COOK, ) He has added to his former business a well sehave not entered into the work very extensive- act and the actor, worthy ihe one o1' ihe other, ican colony. The settlers are principally of Dr. Porter was replete with associations of L. W n . u o x , < '•••.• lected assortment of Family Groceries, which* ly. But at the recent annual meeting of the eflccted on each a mutual credit. Independence from this country, and are partial to our mingled character, but all tending to a common bells and water. A steam engine in the T H . S MOGBR, } ViCC 7 resident*. he will exchange for Cash or most kinds" of was dignified, when achieved by a Washington LOTHEa P. GIUBDT, i society, the Executive Committee determined and kindred copatriois: and on the platlorni ol laws and institutions. The rush of em- center, faud speaking of love, Christianity, in- basement raises water from a well, when produce. tellectuality—the cultivated mind—the stern necessary, at the rate of 18,000 gallons S M > N HOLLA? i/. J Wnnted:—Eggs, Beeswax and Tallow. R e on a more active and efficient plan of opera- American independence even a Washington was igration will doubtless accelerate the principle—and the honest man. He was the member the store, two doois from the Flouring Put 1.1 IF THI;U«I:R. Marshal. tions. They intend to take charge of tliope xalted to higher moral elevation. Sixty-eight growth of the colony at a rate far in ada day. T h e House is kept by Nathaniel Mill. WM U. PERRY. father of anti-slavery in Michigan and to Liberyears will have mingled wiih eternity, nnd asJOHN Coi.r.on, Asl. Marsh.I departments of antislavery action which are sembled Americans will again conmieinoraelhe vance of that exhibited in the settlement T'mperance Ann Arbor. Lower Village, June 6; Irflo. 7if ty men of Detioit tho counsellor—the pioneer— Rogers, and is strictly a The peoplo will assemble in the Bipt'st Church strictly national, leaving \ho local societies great one idea of '76. Undrr it they have careered House. All Temperance men should t 10 o'clock A. M..form a procession and repair greatness. It has been to them, the band- of thn English Colonies of North America. the instructor—the example, and the personal act respecting locul affairs. Besides cor- nto patronize it. uuid ol happiness, wealth and national pride.— o ihe beautiful grove near Dr. Willson's TemThe dispute now existing between this friend. J!Ev Copartners! ip heretofore existing nnrro:4 responding with foreign societies, pieparing To look around, is but to behold its evidence. Other remarks were made, too numerous to the firm, of Piileipher & Judson is by muernnce House. country and England respecting Oregon book?, pamphlets, &tc, they will issue a c.ial consent tins day dissolved. All persons inWhat spell, then, more worthy to convoce record. The following oflicers were elected. SERIOUS QUESTIONS. Prayer will then be offered by Rov. Wrf. debted to said firm aro lo make payment to Z. ? . monthly paper to be called the "Anti-SJavery Americans, than that (if the genius of '76—its will probably be settled by fixing a cerHORACE HALLOCK, President. Pulciphar, wno is authorized Ib receive it and If sfaveholders arc unfit for Bishops in the UU.BR, mmortal one idea—Liberty? Let i>a ol Wayne Reporter," to be under the chnrgc of Rev. A. yinld to its influence. Let us meet: let us enter tain degree of latitude as the boundary CUI.I.KN BKOVVN Vice President, The Declaration of Independence will then bo has become obligated to pay all d&riJ due said Methodist, and missionaries in the Baptist, delinn. Sir.AS M. HOLMES. Scent try and Treat. A. Phelps, formerly editor of the Emanc'pa- he temple of our liberty, and at the shrine of between our own limits, nnd the British nominations, are they fit for religious teachers end by JKROMK M. TKKAPWKM.. Esq. Z. S: PDtCtPHF.R, revolutionary martyrdom, do homage to the God J. D. BAM WIN, ~ ) tor. This is designed to be a register of all An Address will then bo delivered by Rev. •ind guides in the Presbyterian (Congregational) t . .I'JDSON. given rights there consecrated. Let us com- possessions on the north, and our right to W. BAKNUM. the more important movements respecting the nunc with the departed Great; catch a spark of the remainder will be acknowledged as VAKKKN ISIIAM. N. B.—The business will be continued as usudenomination? EDMUND HAM., * Executirc 1 heir pure enthusiasm and from their ashes real by the subscriber. cause, both at home and abroad, and will susRemarks upon the subject of American Indc WM. R. NOVKS, If slavcholding is a moral disqualification ' for [ CominiUtz. itndlfl the expiring fires of liberty. Let us meet clear and indisputable. 2. S. PULCIPHER. CHAS. HOWARD, tain the principles of the Liberty party. religious teachers. i3 it not for private chuic'i endence, will then bo made by n number of is Americans., and while eontenipl.uing the Ann Arbor, June 5. 1815. TW* In that vast country beyond the Rocky P. B. RIPLKT, ;entlemcn present; among others IIKSRY BIISB, members? glories of the revolmionary structure, let us seek The Roporler will be in a good shape for to remove carefully nnd with wisdom, the incon- Mountains, there are all the requisites C. H. STKWAKT, J And if slavcholding churches are thn? un- ins been paaticularly invited to attend, and it is Mr. Hall was also appointed Secretary of the binding and permanent preservation. The ruitics, now marring the noble simplicity of its for establishing a great and independent HE subscribers have removed their establishchurched, how can they be consistently recog- loped will be present. o.iginal design. Let us also contemplate in our Committee price will be 50 cents in advance for one copy ment to the siore recently occupied by Geo. All the proceedings will be frequently intcrnized as evangelical?— Lib, Standard. midsi those, for whom no "fourth of July" is: nation, and such we doubt not will ulThe following resolutions were ihen passed. CJrenviile, No. 2, Hawkins' block, and have r e to one address: 5 copies, ©2; 8 copies $ 3 : on whom no Sabbath sun arises, to whom liberty •persed with the usual soul thrilling music from timately exist there. But until the setceivsd direct from New York, a choice lot of Resolved, That the Almighty, having seen 14 copies, $3,00. Those of our readers wish- gives no hope.—country no joy. Let us think, STEAMBOAT COMBINATION.—We learn that he celebrated Jackson ''Liberty Choir." of ihe heart seared: of light violated: of Atneri- tlement of the country shall have consid- fit to call to himself Dr. Arthur L. Porter, the Family Groceries, Fruits, Nuts, &c. It is intended that alt the proceedings shall be ing for a general register of this character can :nns enslaved: God's spirits chattelizcd; our na the proprietors of steamboats i>ave at length to which they would invite the attention of tha earliest and most devoted friend of the 6lave in eracly progressed, the people will probcharacterized by the noble design of the fathers address tho editor, A. A. Phelps, 1 IS Nassau ional principles spurned: our national honor this community we bow with submission to the formed an association for the season. All the of '7f> in the "ojc« ORKAT IDKA" of extending citizens. They also continue the BAKING bustreet) N . Y. From our ocquniuionce with jcfoulcd. and say was it for this tho signers of ably be willing to remain under the prosiness ot their old stand near the Depot, and keep particulars of the arrangement have not yet ndependence perilled their all. and Washington will of him, who gave and who taketh nwayconstantly on hand at both places every article the Editor, and from ths character of the Re- fought? Let us coniemplate the domains of out ection of our Government. Resolved, That while in the doaih of its lead- | transpire*1, but it is understood to be general, UNIVERSAL LIBERTY TO MAN, and all our felldn in thai line. porter hitherto, we have full confidence that rage continually widening, and point to the overA considerable degree of interest is be- er our Association suffers its deepest affliction, nay universal. Even the Julia Palmer comes ; tizens of all classes nre most cordially invited to F. B. HALL, & CO. waving flag, the parent power of the Ann Arbor, June t, 1845. 7 the paper will be deserving of a wide circu" system,^and proclaiming that slavery has fled ginning to prevail respecting this new the poignancy of our feelings is temporal, and nto it, and is to be dismantled and laid up. tnite in thus observing the day worthy iheoclution. c nvcring from the reprobation of ihe globe to country. W e shall give our readers from ur loss mitigated by the legacy his life and death The St. Clair and probably 6ome others are It is earnestly hoped tint every ttue friend of IVlaplc Sugar! find place and honor, beneath our republican lequeathed to the truthfulness of our cause; and lld egis. Let us do this, and then say. arc these the ime to time such information respecting 3 we mourn tho loss of our friend, we are also to be laid up, it is snid. Some arrange Liberty in the county, will be present with at least P°" 8 tpt sale, a good article, INDIANA. ments are nlso in progress with the London ONK LADT EACH to participate in al! the exercises ita of a Blinker Hill,—a Saratoga,—and a t as we can gather from authentic sourJu*t received. oinforted by his memory and cheered onward by York town? BECfcLEY, FOSTER, 5 C * running on the Canada eide. The fare from of the day, not excepting that of partaking a T h e cause of Human Freedom in this ces. ic light, which now as ever otreauis from the s vtp'uoiis Timperancc dinner to be prepnicd Ann Arbor, June G, 1845. 7 We iuvte the peoplo of Wayne, to meet nt Buffulo to Detroit is to be $3 for cabin an State seems to bo steadily on the gain, some fitting plnce on tiro 4th of July. Let .ill The Washington Globe has been fur- rove of the good, to illumine his principles, and (83 for deck passage; from Buffalo to Chicago tor the occasion by Dr. Willson a( the very low irighten the road to their assertion. come, who will sympathise with one feeling.— notwithstanding the proslavery origin and nished with the following letter from a price of 25 cents each. Let parly spirit be banished, nnd discord flee far Resolved, in Dr. Porter's death, philanthropy Stc. $12 for cabin and $6 for deck passage character of a large portion of the inhab- away. Let us nlcct as Americans—n6 brethren very highly esteemed citizeu of Oregon, At some time during the exercises of the day, IOS to mourn a singe-hearted practitioner—mor- The proportion is not quite just to Detroit itants' T h e following extract from the —.ind clasp the hand of fellowship. Speakers in dated at "Wallametla Falls, July 9th, tlity a devoted friend—society an able physician The true ratio according to time and dis six delegates will be appointed ;o attend the S'nic abundance will bo in ntendauoe. Convention to be held at Marshall on the 9th of letter of a valued correspondent in Noble A future publication will announce the pkee 1844." — the community a good citizen, and domestic tauce is as 1 to 3 instead of 1 to 2. W WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN July. county will show what is doing in that vi- of meeting and the arrangements for the mas? " T h e territory has been regularly or- ifc its dearest ornament—science has h'St a fa- trust that we shall now have regular arrivals STAPI.B AND PAISCY L. WILLCOX, ; L. F . GRANDY, meeting of Wnvne on ihe 4th of July. ganized by the consent of a majority o vored disciple and stern integrity its unbending 8nd above all punctual and prompt mails.— cinity HORACE HALLOCK, J. D. CCWUKK, Tncs- MCGEK, votary: for modest worth—for unobtrusive ex- Del. Adv. S. M. HOLMES, the citizens here for their own municipa " W e have not been able to obtain a A. KING, DANIJIL COOK, J. R. BALDWIN, cellence—a rare intellect and a warm heart, we IPry Groceries, Carpeimg^ J. M. DIMOSD, DR. MKBKM, regulations; elections hold in the variou shall not soon behold his like again. HARVEY S.BRADLEY. list o." the Liberty voters in this County, and, paper Hangings, S. P. MEAD. General Militia trainings were SIMON HOLLAND. districts for an executive committee o but in the town of Johnson the vote for Resolved, That with the family and relatives of Vo. 63 Woodicard Avenue, Lamed't J. T . WILLSON, Clr.'n. abolished in Massachusetts in 1839, but three; one Secretary; also fora chief jus Dr. Porter we unite as mutual mourners and uptown officers was 23—last fall 9, arid the Block, Detroit. Jackson, June 4th, 18^5. The African race, the world over j HUMES. Bkw ForJt. > tice.mcmbers of the legislative committee on his grave offer the tribute of our regrets; a fund'of $50,000 was appropriated for year before, ori4. whether bond oi free, are characterized s M. HOLMES, Detroit. $ and as we divided with his family his solicitude the payment in sumsof dollars each, AN.V AUBOR, June 6, 1815. E tafce this method of iuforming our friend* In DloonifieUl a good part of the Liber- strong feelings of gratitude toward thei ahurifl*, justices of the peace, military o and priceless sympathy, we claim tho sad privi- of such of the militia not exceeding 10,and customers throughout the State,-that The weather hns- become moderately warm; ty ticket was elected. T h e vote was 2 8their benefactors. A clrgyrtian recently vis- ficers, &c. lege of sharing with them our common bereave000, as should voluntarily train a certain but rain is somewhat needed. The severo frostb we arc still in pursuing tiie even tenor of our Our provisional laws have been i wuys, endeavoring to do ou.- business upon fair" ment. in 1843, 38 last fall for Birney, and no\\ ited a setlfcmcnf in Canr.da of 2nO families ol 1 on the nights of the 30th and 3!st of May were .Resolved, That though the man has fallen, hip number of times in each year. But with moet destructive. The shrubbery in tho woods and honorable principles. We would also tenforce twelve months or more; courts he] we shall be disappointed at lees than 200 refuprcs from slavery. flcFHys: der our acUnowlcdgiuents for the patronage exhis encouragement, not more than 7,000 "1 have found fjnile a large number who in the several districts; and the law exe spirit and labors are immortal. His memory is in many placea locked as though a fire had been lended to us by our customers, and 'A'ould beg T h e Whigs are pleading for Votes for ai ieave to csll the attention of tho public tb'a' vfiiy have had an acquaintance with brother Tor- cuted with promptness and satisfaction as graven on the shvine of Humanity; and his n any year have ever assembled, and th through i:. Corn was preity ge»?ern)Iy killed f well eeiected assortment of seasonable Cfoodsj Anti-Texas Whig for Congress. H e is precepts will endure in deathless rigour. number is said to bo annually dimin anil in several instances, when allusion the ground, find apprehensions are entertainec which are ol?'ered at wholesale or retail at very , , , . „ c n . _ , i.; u ircy, and in several instances, when allusior they are usually in a frontier settlement, Resolved, That upon us rests the 6acred duty, shing. pro-slavery enough, having spent hit,, >> » lest that which was Irghtly covered should no low prices. Our facilities for purchasing Goods notwithstanding our citizens are made up to which we here pledge ourselves, of redoubled whole, energies last season far Clay. 1 ms een , i- r'i ' 'latinn, *' I have tnadeseen to his sit revive again. Potatoes and all kinds of gardet are unsurpassed by any concern in the State • tho name biiny nnd tearspresent rull down One of Che hrnij Mr. J. Holmes; resides- irt'ttlo Maine, in 1844, repealed so much o They can't trap Liberty men here any heir sable cheeha. Their gratitnde to their of subjects of almost every civilized effort in the cause bereaved by his loss, a patient stuff suffered. As for fruit, ihe previous frost city of New York, and from hi? long experience endurance of the trials so admirably borne by her laws as required trainings, but retain more: last fall's lesson lias taught many )enefactor seems nltfiosl nnfaounried. Num- government in the world. Of course, had destroyed nearly all of it. Some farmer in the Jobbing trade in thaf city, and from his him, and on imitation of his unswerving faith id the enrolment. Vermont has followe think the wheat is injured; but we have not bee thorough knowledge of the market, he is cno" a freeman his duty. bers of riiem would be glad to exchange those laws are to give way to either of the in the great principles of the Almighty. bled to avail himself of the nuciions anJ any able lo ascertain any facts respecting it that ca decline in prices. We also purchase From tho the example of Maine. great contending parties for jurisdiction We hold tomorrow a ftfassr District )laces with him if they could thereby obtain Delegates were then chosen JO the Cincinnati be certainly relied ore. Importers, Manufacturer's Agents, andftomtho Slaveholders may curse his when (hat mooted question shall have been convention and the ineetins adjourned. nnd County Convention, to nominate for lis release. The Wool market still continues lively, thong auctions, by the package, the same as N. Y. fJC/^Frederick Douglas, who was formerl settled. memory, and abolirronists who are too covet Jobbers purchase, thus saving their profits.—County, Slate and Congress. W e shall a slave in Maryland, in referring to the song the receipts are somewhat dimi'niMiing, Forme With these facilities we can safely say thnt oor >iis to pay ar.yUiitig, or to dare any thing for THE MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. The laws of Iowa have been adapted so prices are sustained, ranging ;rom £5 (o 32 cents Goods are soid CHEAP for the evidence of which place a Liberty man in the field with Anof the slaves says: he cause of tho sluvo, njny dwell long on his far as they apply to the wants of this terwe invile the attention of the public to OUT stock. Professor Morse is determined to be but there is a tendency towards reduction. ft drew Kennedy and L. G. Thompson, and I have often been utterly astonished, 6inc ''dia want of prudence, but I would fnnch rather There is nothing &f importance dcrt'ng in th We hold to the great cardinal principle of the Napoleon of the Telegraphic world. ritory. T h e Legislative committee meet grwtcst good to the ich:-U nuntbet," so;if" you show them we are not to be bid oft' by lave my memory cherished nnd my gravo I came to the North, to find persons wli Wheat market. want to buy Goods cheap, and buy a large qti/mWhigs, There is nothing that 1 depre- watered with the grateful tears of these poor again on the second Monday in Decem- A writer in the New York Tribune says could 6peak of the singing, among slaves, a tfty for a itCe money give us a trial. Our stock he has long had it in view to connect the evidence of their contentment and happiness is as extensive as any in the city, and' we nrtj cate so much as the plan of voting for the creatures, who were remembered by me in ber next by adjournment. constantly receiving new and fresh Goodb froio The canal charter (a copy of which I Old and New Worlds, by his wires; his It is impossible lo conceive of a greater mis RECEIPTS FOR THE SIGNAL OF LIBERTY New York. candidates of other p.-irties. It does seem ht-ir prison house of bondage, and have them 1 FOR THE TRESEXT WEEK. that We have had dear-bought experience to witness for mo at the b:ir of my final Judge, send y o u ) ! am informed will cost the pro- project being to reel off from and to ab- take. Slaves sing most when they are tno6 50,000 lbs. Wool, Opposite each subscriber's name will be fount unhappy. The songs of the slave represen rupt shores any amount of wire, 10,000 ban to have all the honors, and especially prielor some twenty thousand dollars.— enough on that point to satisfy us. Wanted, the above quantity ol good merchantthe amount received, with ;he nimber arid dul the sorrows of his heart; and he is relieved b miles, if necessary—covering more thickable Wool for which the highest marker price of the paper to which it pays. There was a Liberty Association or- he linil account of those ot" those who cen- Its length will be near haH* a mile—part £3.00 to 260 or Apr 18 184 will be paid. sure him." ly the extremities liable to injury from his tears. At least, such is my experience.— H J Cushman, of tho way through a solid bed of primiJ. HOLMES & CO. i ganized in this neighborhood last night, for 1.00 to 2od or May 30, 184 I have oficn sung to drown my sorrow, bu J & E Lea ler, A W Whitter, tive rock. T h e fall from head to foot, as attrition, and securing the whole from the 1,00 to 26oorMay 30, 184' Detroir, 1S45. the discussion and disscmi.vaficfr of our seldom to express my happiness. Crying fo SLHull, H E N R Y BIBB. 1,00 IO 282 or Sept J9, ]PJt I am informed by the Hudson Bay Com- effects of sea water. T h e Professor had joy, and singing for joy, were ohlie uncommo P Elliott, principles, and to raise a fund for lectur2,€4 to 260 or Apr 1«, 184f KFILEPTIC FITS. We are requested to state thnt Mr. 1.00io2C5or May 2?, 184 USTICETO THE AFFLICTED, induces pany's engineer, Mr. Fenton, will be better obtain a charter from Neptune, to me while in the jaws of slavery. Th C L) Grimes, ers, books, tracts and papers. They voJ Wood, 1.00 to 247 or Jan LO, I84( Bibb was unable'to fulfil some few of his me to make known publicly, the benefit I about thirty-five feet. T h e wing neces- and hire him to set the coral insects at singing of a man cast away upon a desolat M Tuppcr, LOO to 266 or May 30, J84G have derived from 'he use Of Dr. Smith's SUted to send for the Signal, Albany Patriot, latter nppotniments in consequence of be1.00 to i'W; or May 3 >, I84b work, to construct pillars at due distanN Niekerson, island might be as appropriately considers GAR COATFD P I L L S Having &een subject sarily thrown across the east chute of the Indiana Freeman and a supply ef Lib3.0.T to 260 or Apr 18, 184C lo Ern.KPTic FITS for three years pnsr, with exing taken ill, and that he was obliged to as evidence of contentment and happiness, a N Power, 1,00 to 19."> or Jnn D. 184c treme pressure aud pain in tho back part of my the river, in the construction of the canal, ces.— Cin. Herald. S Power, erty Almanacs and Liberty Minstrels." the singing of a slavey tire songs of the on E J Sherman, return to Detroit, where he now lies sick. 1,00 to 2nti or May 30, f head, after cuing all the remedies that can Se will render the hitherto precarious navWO to 1 6 l o r Apr IS, 1811 mentioned— piwr.rj'ttl and mild Midi-inc<, bindThe Louisiana Convention, for und of the other are prompted by the sam P Starring, " The Iruiglity, domineering spirit en- He made some arrangement for notify- igation of the river, at this point, safe 4.2* A If..yes ing, Spz.l I was prevailed upon to try one box of emotion." T T Stebbins, 1.00 to 2 ' 5 or Jan 5, 184 Dr. Smith's Sugar Pills, but thongbt at the t me. gendered by holding slaves arenas' to adhere to ing friends of the fact through the Signal, and easy. Several canoes have passed revising the State constitution has closec A J Chapped, 1.01 io'24-i or Jan 24, 18-1 they done me no good; but before using oil or a large portion of the masters in all situations. but it failed. Ho trusts tfie circumstan- over the falls, drowning all on board.— its deliberations. T h e new constitutor T Proctor, 1,(0 to 218 or Jan 24, 184 another box, J b*gan to realize a slight change "A Share in the Concern ."—One cvenin wjll be submitted to the people in NovemHere is a specimen of a New OHcans slave- ces will excuse hitiT. H e had filled evW A Monroe, 0.50 to 222 or July 28, 184 of feeling ii> my head, and my fits left me graduThe last one, about twelve months ago, as a little sweep was running along the stree W Wood, ally. I began to think they Would do ihe good. 1.00 holder, travelling in Europe. Wo find the ac- ery appointment with punctuality, until ber next, and if approved, the elections n big sweep met him, and shoflted, 'Ha J F Gaines carrying six persons, amongst whom were 1,00 to 2 i 3 or Jan 24, 184 1 bought another box and used them immediatecount in a letter from II. C. Wright', dated taken- HI. under it will be held in January. It pro Ion, Jack, where arr> you gofnp in such a hur H JlHhcodv, ly. I must say, I am cured entirely, and think 02 . the late Mrs. and Mr. Rogers, and youngmy life Ins been- spared by using these Pills. I Innsbruck, July Hi, 1844; vides that the seat of Government sha! ry?' Little Jack sflfd* 'Don't bother me now J Ivlaim have sinee bought them l«y the dozen for my I am going to the missionary meeting. 1 \ O ° Wo are pleased to find that the' infamous er sister. This evil itself remedied,would "Here I lenvo one of my companion?, n own family use, and would not dispense with be removed from New Orleans- to some got a share in the concern, nnd 1 want I them. New Orlcon8 slaveholder, a most singular article which we published last week from the fully reward the community for the privsee how things nre going on.' This litt compound of n man. In every town and ho- Oakland Gazette respecting Mr. Bibb, is deserv- ilege conferred by the Legislature. Part place not nearer than 60 miles to that city. sweep was connected with a Sobbath-Schoo GEO. WARNER. AUegnn House. The constitution provides that on the nnd was a contributoT to the mis-sionary 60 tel he had a quarrel with the police, the land- edly condemned by the better portion of the Whig AHegnn, Mich., May 10. 1SW. of the contract for excavating has already At Tallmadgc, Ohio, May 6th, by the Rev From what I hnve observer] of the effects of lord, the waiters, the drivers, or »ome of the press. The'State Journal has the following: question of ratifying it, not only the qual- ciety,; hence he could say, he had a share i L?r. Smith's Su«?ar Coaled Pftfcv tlwve no doubt Harvey Coe, ftcv LOOM is C«VNDI,KR, of Edin passengers. The passengers have been gond'.'ABOLITIONISM —The Signal copies an article been let to a Mr. Hatch, an American ified electors under the old constitution the concern. Are there not boys of 'resppc of the correctness of the ai>nve. ing him r.bout Slavery and American De able families' who have no share in this con burgh, to Miss ABIGAIL WRIGHT, daughter O on this subject from the Oakland Gazette, appa- citizen, who with several hands, is enK M L \ P . ALLORD. ' viocracy—-for he is a red-hot Democrat, like might vote, but also those who will be- cern?—Christian Citizen. Alpha Wright of Tallmadge. Allegan,- Mich. the hypocrites Jnckson and Polk. His bed, rently for the purpose of contrasting it with a gaged in its construction. All is life and »% Boware of irrrhations. On the 3d inst. by the Rev. O. F . North his wnsh-btand, his towels, his food, his seat more humane and liberal one from the Monroe prosperity here, and nothing is wanted come electors in the event of its adoption. We commend this anecdoto f6 Libert Sold by re?pccinbld druggists throtTgnonC the MK. SAMUKL Powjttt, of Farminjjion, and Mu A motion to strike out this provision was mpn. They have a share in one of the grea in coach, his bills- of fare, were never fo his Advocate. We very' decidedly object to the tone United S:n/et«, and at N. Y. prices. to make this one of the fairest portions NARCISSA SMITH, of Rcdlbrd. mind. He has been insolent arrd brutal nnd of the Gazette's article; and the Adrian ExposiFor sale r.y'fi. and J. G. Hill, Detroit: W. S. lost—33 to 34. est undertakings of the age. Will they no of the globe, but good laws and industricursing'to his inferiors, and rude and mnliciou.1 tor speaks of it as follows: In Salem on the 4th inst. by the Rev. E . P «&• J. W. MaynarJ ami G. Grenville, Drnggis's, beon hand af the approaching meetings "t Marvin, of Limi. NKI-SON S. ISKN-JAMIN-, of Ge- Ann Arbor. (> to his superiors. Yet he is a great professor, ous and enterprising citizens* ."—We are very sorry to see The returns of the late vote in Iowa see how things are going on?" carries his Bible in his—pocket. He talks pinoa, Livingston Co , to Miss LVUIA WAI.DKON The Harvest which is just no»y being on the Constitution gives the following reously and penitently one moment, nnd thethe tone of an nrticlft ur 1 ler this head in the Ins* ol the former place. next is ready to knock you down. He talk Pontiac Grtzif.'c. Such sentiments ill become ;i cut is abundant, and of the finest quality; sult: HE'ATUKN.—''I prctla.'m it a .V any quantiues, e>>nsi<iinly for sale, cheap In Richmond. Ray Co.. Missouri, on the 1 Oil feelingly of consecrating all to God, and puffs friend of Whig principles. We maintain that a man should not be abused by others,- merely befor CASU, al the Ann Arbor Saw Mill bv For the Constitution, 6,0123 broad lo the Christian world .that heathenism of April, by the R«v. Ephrhim P. Noel, Mr tobacco smoke in your face all the time. He cause his professed friends have injured him.— the grain being of a superior quality to M. W. QUACK ENBUSil. is very good tempered on Sundny, and frets, If the Slave has nny real friends, they, arc to be any raised east of the mountains, gives a Against it, 7,019 is as real irr'he Slave Stales as in the Sout BEVJAM'.V Y. MORRISOX, to Miss MARY E. SEY- May 29. 1843. 6-4 w scolds, 6wears, and is full of wrath all the found in the Whig party—amf for Whigs to abuse lively and encouraging satisfaction to all Sea Islands, and that our negroes are a M)UK. daughter of Joseph W. Seymour, formerly rest of the week. He is a genuine speci- or insult thorn is the surest method that can be Maj. against the Constitution, 906 justly objects of attention to the America of Rochester, Monroe Co., N. Y. men of the caut k. hypocrisy of a pruying pi- adopted to keep alive that misnomer, Political new emigrants. It is curious thnr while the admission ol UMBER will be sawed to order nt all timrs and other Boards of Foreign Missions, as th ous slaveholder." Abolition." I am respectfully, tor customers ai ihe Ann Arbor Saw Milf, Florida wns pending, its slaveholdiirg friend tndianrf in our western wilds/'— ff'csttrn Lu COUNTY AND SENATORIAL LIBERTY by M. W QUACKENBUSH. Your obedient servant, were very anxious to have it divided into two minary, Ky. P. S.—All logs lo»t by Ins twjlect he will H. C. Wright, who is now lecturing COVENTION. Tim CONVENTION OF REFORMED M. M. MCKARVEH. States, bo as to secure n greater political powpay for. on Slavery in Scotland says of the prevalence A Convention of (he Liberty party c May 20, 1315. 215-4w —This body, composed of ''Covenanters, er in the General Government. Whereas the %j*' The Presbyterian General Assembl) Washtenaw County will beheld at the Cour 1 Rev. John Pierpuiit, well known to our of Temperance: (ofthe voting kind,) "Seceders," aud AssoBaskets, people of Iowa have rejected the offer of com- have adopted a report declaring- "that slave "You can form no idea of the TIPPLING! readers as a poet, oratoi, nnd antislavery and House in Ann Arbor, on (be Fourth day A DIES' Carpet Bdgs. Straw and Cuno Ba*g», ciate Reformed Presbyterians, has been i ing in to the Union at present, because they were required to ho "obedient to their mas forsnteby VV. A. RAYMOND. session several days in Dr. Wylie's church in habits of the clergy and churches of Scot- temperance advocate, has left his church (U cannot have an extent of territory almost as ters accoidingto the flesh, with fear and trem of July iifwl, at two o'clock, P. M. to nomiDetroit. May ' 9 -1 " 1 ~213-Gmo ^ in llollis street, Boston, of which he land. I once admired Chalmers, Wardlaw, nate six candidates lor Represent alives to the llth street above Chesnut. They have had large as all New Kngl«r«l. bling, wi h singleness of heart as untc 50,000 rounds Sutle Legislature to be supported at the enthe question of Slavery before them, and ro and others of great note; but my admiration has been pastor 11 years. By virtue of the Christ," i3 a fact which meets the eyo of evecorded their testimony against the following is turned to disgust. I have never seen or constitution of the church, he was entitled to The Detroit editors have a pecul- ry reader of the New Testament.'' We have suing election, and twelve delegates lo the WOOX. W A N T E D f"f THE Subscribers will pay Cash for Wool, at heard Chalmers or Wardlaw, and never wi.sli be the pastorship for life. But his zeal for State Convention. propositions, which they call iarly gay and lively manner of interest- read 60ine in that book, but no such declnra~ JL their Store. No. IIS Jefferson Avenue.—» to, unless I can ha\e an opportunity to re- tempernnce disgusted many wealthy persons A Senatorial Convention for the District Great care sliouM be taken by WooJ-Growc.s ion ever met our eyes. We will tfia/rk ihe ing their readers, and of filling up their "ERRORS CONDEMNED." buke them for their wickedness. Wardlaw in his congregation, who were rumsellere, or composing the Counties of Wathtenaw and n cleansing their Wool, and putting it up for " I . That the institution of Slavery exist sheets. Not a day passes that there is reverend Doctors of Divinity to Icll us when Livingston wilr be liekl ni the same time and natket. Many Farmers nre is the h.ibu u< clipconnected with the business, and they refused is a determined enemy to tetotulism—tipples inff in these United States, u not ainful on ing their Wool without washing, w rtich renthat passage is to he found. mid encourages his people to tipple; and him bis salary. Terras of separation have been not a paragraph in each of the opposing the part of civil society. place to nominate a candidate for Senator from ders it flnmCTciiantoble. Lei il be well WH»|IC(). ind rolled as tight as possible, inside out, ami 2. That Slavery, 0 8 "jte x i 6 t s i n ( h c g e U w through his influence tetotullers have been agreed upon between hihi and hid people, by newspapers, mentioning the name ol the Wo have received the first number of the said District. hs'tened wiih u strong curd. r.ited htates, is not a censurable offence induced to bronk their pledge and have died which he is to receive the arrears of ins sal- rival editor, and frequently attaching to 'Detroit Evening Express* a new daily Way SI, JS45. a t ci vl over Those having Wool to sell will consult their (322 JS* - ! e »'»c»t is no:*bound drunkards. Such men as Wardlaw, dial • ary, amounting to about $14,000. On theit some endearing epithet, such as 'liar,1 published by W. Smyth nnd O. S. Gulley merest by calling on us \>vfore selling. to abolish Slavery in these United Sta-ns. NOTICE. 4. That it in agreeable to trie Word of God mers anc" Cunningham are the deadliest foes first Sunday in May he preached to the con- 'thief,' 'unwhipped scoundrel,' etc.—Buf- at $5,00 n year. The price of iho weekh The annual ineetinff of ihe Macomh County IVEW GOODS for any person intentionnlly to induce iho* to tetolalism, and the greatest promoters of gregation his fnrewcll sermon. will be f?!,0O in advance. It is Whig in falo Pilot. held in slavery to rebel against their masters. drunkenness. They will drink."" E nre now r.ceivmg our Spring stock of Liberty As«°ciation. will bo hold at Mt. Clempolitics. It is the third dairy published ii The wbolc amount received last year Goods, whuh we offer fur Ci<eh or Pro—Anxer. Freeman. (IZ7" There has been another ijreat fire in Pitts- Detroit. We trust thu11lie Editor, whoeve ens on Wednesday, the 18th of June next ai luce, at the very luJTtt" mnrfcai prims, "We hold that we never lose onr voles, by the various national societies in the U. S. SMITH, OLOVEI4& DWIGI1T. burgh by which 50 or GO houses were burnt.— ho be, will avoid the di.-gii6ling warfar o J o'clock, P. MDetroit. May. tti4& 213-tf n Virginia,accordingtoa statemen when given in pursuance of an enlightened for disseminating the Gospel amoug the hoa- The firr is supposed to have been kindled by care contemptible personalities practised by the Mr. liibt>, the fugiifve from SFaveiy, is cxience. Each vote is a thread in that then, and the desiittile at lumc, was $871,~ lessness in cirrying a candle through a stable. >ected to bo present. The friends of the Slave of Dr. Rice in the General Assembly conscience other dailies toward each other. They ore • is hoped will be present from nil parts of the great cable of power we intend to wind a- S35. The War expenses of the present year, E IHM iceomd a Mip il> of Una valuhe who marries his deceased wife's siste both losing by it m lh£ estimation of their Jounty, as matters of interest will come heforc ID* The Alum Telegraph elates that Henry able medicine .mil shall like wr« not toround the rnonstei (.slavery's) neck nnd hang which may be called the Mission of Gnnpowgoes to the Penitentiary. l i e believed country renders, as well as loitering the ho A-ssociaiioB. on; ,»f if mpim. MAYS \ R U S . Apems. him therewith until dead."—Alvan tftar- ler nmount to $1.1,OS 1,(504—an amount six- Cl.iy ins become a communicant in the JCpisoocharacter of the Michigan t'ress ofroad. the law was the same in Kentucky. (.:•. JCCLLOOU, S«c'i. pal in Lc.xingtorr. art, E/q. tecn times greater. REMOVAL. T T T Tl845ii J. HOLMES & CO., DRY GOODS, W J I L L W W OAK LUMBER, CUSTOM SAWING. T H E S I G N A L OF L I B E R T Y . 28 . -. - NEED NOT FORCE THEM DOWN!! ALWAYS OJ\ 11 AA«>. Incombustible Coating fur Wood.—Tnkc u The Misses Clark's School. Those uho have conscientious scruples, trill HE subscriber hn« reqiitirkity of water,proj>ortionale to the surface AXX .\hHOi;, MICHIGAN. moved hiu Shop to Mnirt please read the following—nev< r before of the wood y mi may wish to cover, nnd add • " 4 A* Sticet opposite IL BeckPERPETUAL MOTION. ^publishd Facts regarding the er's Brick Ptoto, where MARY II. Cf-AUK", Princip:<!. Every one lijiowa how eagerly a self-moving lo it ns na'.icjh. p lash as can be dissolved he mny be found .ready to SUGAR-COATED IMPROVED CI1LO!': A. C;L.\RK, Vice Principal. power has been sought for by meoluuiius, and therein. When the water will ilcssolve po wait upon ull that may jjive S-idiaa Vegctab le Fills, llilOiJV K. V\, \IJK.;:iio 'IVnclifr. him a co 11 • how gre.:tly the id or. of its possibility Ins been more poias!i,?lir m ' o the c6ltlUf>n>&M arjuanW A 1 / J L H , 'i'cnchiT ol' Music on the 11-1viT'tj ju St rcceivaddiFOR CONSUMPTIONS, COLDS, RHKU.MAT1SM, ccridod. ll we :i;ay Crtu'ii the 'ollowing account t i t ) o f l l ' t i r paste of the consistency of com- ik.L. Pfflni?. rcct from New Yolk on eie^ant stock of DYSPEPSIA AND FEVKHS. ; • principle lias been discoveied, or at leaat a mon painter's tize; second, c surticiency of V. MAlir-)U Tcuulmrol .Ma;!:. :i:.itn-s;i". I V.ocil AVING been attacked some months since i.ecr Approach maiit, to it It purports to be from pure clay to render it of ihe iet&ftSteMey of Music. with a bad Cough, weakness in my chest. and Fancy A nick J. which he intends to sell II V M i O l V . fpcfiyliW o: Pr. ::.!,. Qhjfhial ttio English Polytechnic Review. The discovcrei cream. mil lord or nppetite, 1 used Wright's loiccr tliiiu has ever been told west of Buffalo :hoi ivasa Mr. Bain. Vegetable l'ills. but grnw vorsp; with cold tsweatt for Heady Pay Oulif. Among which mny bo W h e n the clay is well mixed, apply tbe prc " H e Set up a clock in my drawing room, the K i) L'lii; could not sleep, and believed I was in a tound a irood tiSSortmont of Gold am! Common1 ill.-'- FrVstSnVfon fins hcen in j-nnuulum ot which is in ilia hall, and both in- parntion ns before directed to i h e wood; il consumption. I procured a !>ox of Dr. Smith'? Watch Keya. Gold Finger Rings and Bosom People from tlie Country No\ein!ici 18. l.^t'!'. T h e Belli s in ;: volatile circuit os lollowe: On will secure ii frun ihe uciinn of bolh !ire mui Sugar Coaled, Improved Indian Vegetabla Pills, lSl'I'NG Detroit, for tlie purchase bi" Dry Pins, Guai'd Chi.ins, Silver Teu nnd Table i l l : .rroat atul prinj?)pal object to be desired which restored my health within six days, nnd 1 i;miii.'icin^ foriy -t-ti-iii weeks, two terms, i ::ie N. E. side o! my house two size plate-, each Goods, Paper Hangings, or Feathers. Spoons. Sui,'-".r ToTigai Butter Knives. Silvrr in ;,:iy meiheine ihnt makes any pretension n fowl Square, are sunk Ln n hole ond suspended rain. In n most yiqlen), wc>od thus sat- prising two qu«rtfcrs eich — twt'l'va weeks Jn 61 belierc them lo be the bc.-*i remedy I ever used. '.\hilo going tho rounds to ascertain the various PcncH ens^a. Silver aiid Common ''"himblcs, Sil,, t . n (. .,ij o r , m v clasl b'l diseases, is that it to a wire. This is passed through the hous •, id urated may be carbonated, but h ywlj never • l u a i t e i " — n p e n e i a i c x i n ' i u a t i c i t i a t t h e ehjt,e <i . Gi:o. VV. GI.AKGKH. styles dr'prictis ot' Guods in the city, are re- ver Special' -. G'nnan, do.. Steel, do., Hair .-.leh term — in Fcbru rjf and Auj/USt. should shb'w evidence of such power of cure ond the pendulum first, and tben the clod:. On blaze. Cambridge, Oc! 19, 11=41. Bru8hC8j Clothes do.) Topili do., Latlu-r do., quested to call nt The las: o;:aiicr of the preseni ^enn comnien- in a reasonable speedy 'ime. In diseases of n the S. E . side of the house, nt a distance of about Extinct from A. G. Pncres's letter, dated— .'HI: H'/ors and Pi>f-.ket Knives. Fine Shcnrs $omp!ic4ttd intine, where tho gffept is dec;If dopjrablp, a most upreculile rolur can l o c--- .Mv iq forty yards, a hole Was du^ four feet deep, ond BATH, J a n . 3 I . 1845. W, A. X&aymond's Store, nnd Scissorrf, Lather boxes. Razor Strops, Wai. OF TCITION.—For the Engjish hranch- ie'ntcd, ns in Cbiisnmpu'bh, Liver Complan.t. two sacks of common coke buried in it; among given to the preparation, hy odd ; nc a fniall The Sugar Coated Indian Vegetable Tills, you T door above letts. Purses. Violins tind Bows, Flutes. Violin i) to $ 5 per quni'icr. No reduction nindp Cjughs. Colds, Actinia, nnd P»in in the Breast st>m me. sill well nnd give rj.iod sntisfuciion.— \ o. 148, Jefferson Avenue, being one the c/>ke aiioflui wire was secured, iu>.l pissim." B ites St. r.nd next d >ov to the if Manhat'im aud Bass Violin Strin»s. Clntionet Reeds, Perin at ily> drawing room window, nnd joined io qhantitv of rud or yellow ochre.—Bvf. Com. Tor nbsenee, except in caso of sickness, and no :ui<! Side\ it ft 8fl ( \ '.tii.ely diffilfttll matter to They sell better than any 1 have had. Store." The undersigned hns taken n greai cussion Cnps. P<>< kr-t Pistols, Brittonia Cnndlepupil taken fin loss ihan R quaner; J'.xtra char- bring il liflflej the elfec ol usual remedies. It the other wire at the clock. The ball of theAdo. Extract from Lev: Barrett's letter, dated— deal of pains in selecting liis goods to (rut fash- ^ticke, Watches, Letter Stamps, Steal Pens and mada l\<r rnusicon the Piano, with the use appears resnishe that iho coiriiound sl.ou!.! be pendulum weighs nine pounds, but it v u moved CA.VAA^, ( M O . ) Feb. 3. 1845. ionable styles and desirable qualities and he le Tweezers. Snuff and Tobacco boxes. Fine combs, £ 8 O'l of sucli a pecuiia'r cu'iiibiaqlion, iiiat alt its mateenergetically, nnd has ever since continued to do Victor HugOj n r< Kirstrn Fn.r.C(i writer, of the instrument, The Pills, which 1 reecived of you have pivconiideut th'ii his assortment nniiidilaily of such Di-e-viiii do!, Side t'o.. Bnck do.. Shell do., lin's may net shriflifaneoo^ly upon the afTccted ' 3,01 so wi'.h the selfsame o'nergy. T h e thi.e is to organ; nnd not rtovetft power-cHff d :<> other cn such universal sitisdiction where they have goods as an: desirable for che country trade, isas Nc.nllo find L'iisofi, Wafer Paints, Toy Wntehci?, perfection, ond the cost of the motive power was gives t h e following beautiful slatemenls of Kid Dolls, a grtrst variety of Toys too numerous been purchaifefd, and the sole hns been so Uniform complete as nny in the city. p m w i n g n h d Painting, 5 OC pa: is of the human frame, IMI I tha. these :. iterionly 7s. Hi. There are bui three little wheels tho chief elements which opernie to produce to mention, Beads, Necklace*, Fancy Boxes, c some defined rtiedtcnf qiTeptj on that or- that 1 thought heat to refjurRi you to send me Fancy W o k. 3.t'( He has on hand in the clock, and neither springs nor weighta, so the civilization of a people: &c. Ac. on some more immediately, «fcc. Board, iiiclu-liiig woshinf, lighis. «S:c.. &*.?. pan. Most truly in the Health Restorative do lhere is nothing lo be wound i.p. To another Ginghams, g Extract from Win. N. Packard's letter dated: Ci.ocss and W.MTITKS of every description reT h e idea of tiie vsefvl, producing industry per v, ci.k it' pui.l in advuncu, or ^ 2 , 0 0 per wee: tiie component part? wbl 0 • R irately or collecfriend in Uuticrsia. he has given three clocks, Muslin do Lnincs, Lawns, MOKSON, (Maes.) Jim. BS, 1845. paucd and warranted, n!so, Jewelry repaired ou tively co.'isiriered. most convincingly sbow llieir if piid at the CM>M" of theijuarter. twp "small ones and a hall clock, s!l nioi.i, by and ihc prncU'en! science--", mathematics,' Mulls, Callaoes of every Sir—Kncloied is the payment for the last short notice. Pafentsohu curirdiaris areTnviiea to visit the individual and connected pbw^r and ciTicncy.— one enrrent, and renu'ntcd by one and il.Laces* pfiliricnl ecr.iiomv. CALVIN BLISS. Bchoo) every Friday, when the smdics of ; the Tims it is that this icmcdy «;xoris sudi an as- Pills. You will please send md by express un peTuTulum. This is all he has completed in ics. nnd p KiLbons, week are rsTieavod i tnonthlj on Wei! konisbing infl-ience in the complaints for which other lot, siy 6 or 8 doz. Thoy give good sat1 England, having just rrachcJ Edinburgh, where Dress Handkerchiefs •N. li. CAJH PAID KIK OLD GOLD AND Tiie idea of ihc-just, producing civil society, nes iiy a!ierr,'jo:i. ai rea .uij; pf the weekly com- it is crtirmiericeir: ' TT in nny tolitary enro it had isfaction. 1 have not on hand more than G box- Sims . Is, SILVER. C. B. . he is 10 e.-='...i. i h c mannfactory for these clocks, Scarfe, Cravais, not powo.ellivacioiK-i. the confidence of the public es. £?n'd do not wiih to be out of thwu one day. Veils, Ann Arbor. Oct. '->4. l--'-ll. 'J--tf. positions. •which, tor accuracy, cheapness, rmtl utility. I the etatc; and jurisorudeDce'. Gloves. Hosiery, Alapacas, Brown LinT Young ladies dc.3 ioiis of nnterinsr the sbtdo Lvould have bern shaken but no.n its never failExtract from Dnninl T :f; vt Son's letter dated: ens, Flenched Linens, Table covers, Towehm;. l>!-!»cve, surpass any time-piece hiihei to contriv The idea of the liauliju!, pioducing t!;o r nn ! ptirsirHnjtbe rcsular course of stady: wouh ijg prgmgtrjfss in checking ihe rny:t<,vs of clisTAFTSVIU.K. (Vl.).Fub. G. 1845. cd" SiurtiiiL'S, Sheetings. Cambrics. Mu.-!iii3, black, fine arts. ( to eotmneneo ni the boaroj uing ot ffic ea-o. arid in sure power in rpsiohyg to health Your Pills wore received a few since: nnd I blue block and fancy dress Silks, Bonnet bilks, rFHBSE MEDICINES nm! re b'eyond the possibility ofa ilonM hive sold some of thorn, nnd also used some Linen Cambric linntikercl.iiifs. The idea of Gqe/,prqd*icipg re'igion ajid wor- tprn), or ^s spf>n aftpij as prflciica^bie, Gci Tom thumb r.t tie Tui!krirs.—Gen. RK effecting such aytonishing cures in m u l that ilu! arinie ot perfection in saeh n medicine ourselves, an-i think-very favorably of.them, ami •A r.'c a Lihrr.ry of 1 eALSO, Thumb, accompanied by Mr. P. T . iWhum, had ship; and, Tlie idea of iuo true, producing 1 titudes of old c:i?e.i long since abandoned by wtrn live und six hundred volunie.«. nni) Phi- tins boon jr.iinod. Let th ! eocirieaies ol t h r they ate liked by those who have used thorn. thj h.Mor of.appearingbefote the king on;! <,... i n plii'o%o|)hy. ercnteet aim' most hp.nest nirn ot our country or iosyphical Apparatus.LLctiica! ilaclnne. Mr. J . P. Smiik of Gloucester, states that he BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATINETTSj Physiciatia and RurgJJoii* as mferry liopelcscr. that a faftrlful trial of the Restorative, convince thosr his sold all. wishes 8 doz. boxes more imVESTIXGS, FULL CLOTHS, MOLESKIN*, of theFrcnch, end the royal family, at the Tuilno "" (hrnief. v.heic these nre known, stand so This beautiful and phnlosor'iical Tlio Misses Clark v. ill endeavor, not only to wiio sedrn otherwise irteredtilbus of such a rem- mediately; and they give universal sptisfriction, •:i -cr'> null. They cuns'st of DRILLINGS, BLACK AND Iene3, qn Sunday ni^ht, thp 23d ult. The gen- shows that the hu^-is of CAriKzftSoti is not in Vct'.mt cn'.mro oi t J edy. T h e following errtitica'e is from Dr. Chil- •hnt he has determined to sell no other kind of TliK U^ACK, OR ALLI'KA^rS SALVE, FANCY CRAVATS, eral' was waVnily cornpliinented by t'.e king, ton. 'hp we'll known New York chemist. Pills. t he forms and institutions of society, they be- bvf will jittond Btric;!y to itieir trice 2.5 pads. And nuked, almost every article belonging to queen and royal circle connsisting of ai '<; |, - ;le of medicine cdlod Mr. A. Allen, of Pr.lmer Depot, states thni the Dry Goods husin«\ss. M\ -f which •;. i:l ! c Which OMITS almost universally. Fever Sores, of ing but the emblems of its progress; but in With no socjauan fueling, bjojl wf]n they persons. He represented the Grecian s:atues, 'loopp i,cr;.so off! ligioos g p y , y wou!'i •C.'s 1 lonltJi Ito-torativo,' nnd find he was very th;-.nful he was appointed Agcnt,ns sold at the very loioest rates, for Cosh* Call nn the uioyL mnlignant kind, Felons, L'lcera; Al>-' l render it i tlitrt it <!o<s nol contHin Meretiry, or any c h e r his wife has been nn iavalid for fowc time, niul see for youi>oives—none are expebted io buv ii Bcesses, Tumors, F-r-aoiures, C'1115. Punctures, danced the sailors' hornpipe, sang n variety ol ih? ni//i</, which gives birth to frront ideas and IMVO BUCU a tono to cl>arac{cr. V.H slinll nu-t;:Hio nreparaiion; nor ••, i.'-.i in OKJ'- of i t s a box of these pills immediately—Nv.ts agent foi aliy tineJ (oi ( . . . y Blatjpn—yieldmg to Irielitutions of society.—Marshal! Statesman they do not find prices'lull aa lo\v ii nOI h littlt Burns, Scalds, Sore 'J hicnt. Chilblains, Q u i n F)iigs, ond appeared in various costumes, inclu; forms. Ii is composed of yeEOtqbJo.rnaltpr en,7 oihcr Pills, but should only recommend these. duty but firm to principle lower than elsewhere. .. l)rop «y, Inflamatory Rncumaiism, IuSnmding his new HrphWri;d dres*. with which their .1 kHES r i . rii.i.-ro5. M. D . A n.*w implement of terrible bffic«fcy ha:.'Vmin r i!u: Ixicks used in the school nvp. AK- tircly."' Extract from J. B. Danforth le'ter, dated— W. A. RAYMOVD. majRpne bod S w t i l i t u s c l cvmy <Jr^rrip'i«>n, Scald C. BRlNCKRRHOFF, majesties were particularly pleased. The Icing hcen devised in England by Profcsor 13 • r T ioJ)i • pn the Iiueilectna! jpjj 2,1m- ,1 T.'w BAHNAUU. (Vt.VJaji, I L 1H45. Detroit, May 2 3 , 1 ^ 4 5 . 21<3»6Ao Ilend, Ague in the Face, Nervous Tooth Ache, Pro(irictor, N . Y. —K mi iis ol Criticism—\\'.. and queen kissed the general, r.nd the king prcPlenso s?nd me imrnedfttlely 6 doz. Smite's A'glio in me Breast, Broken Hreast, &c. &.c. t consists of a hquitl similar to nlcin ! : ' . in Moral S.-:.>!••-•—Newman's TXho&i'ic—;' If(in.\er. EVTT.KTT. Ceiiftrnl Agent. Sugar Coated Indian Vegetable Piils. Those senn-'! him a magrfiflceut emerald breast pin set H. EATON. A L L E B A ' S I ' S H E A L T H I I L L S . 2 5 Cents. il Thuolo,^--s \\h\ch the n.\vjre:i is replaced by arsnic. Tt L o gg i c — r - i c y ' s PfiO'cipfll Ofu-H9fi Hudson PIT<?I. N. Y. you sent a short tfhje since, arc nearly all sold ia large brHHants. Tiie ctuen promised tu i Stores 188 and 190 J<J)'erson » (EHcsfe RiUs iia\e acquired, u popul-jtiiv within _: — : For sile by VV, S. & J. W. Maynard, Agents. and £jivo uuiversal sniis'iietion. . '''•'i;;ij:t / — G . v yy ' s ignites the is exposed to t.'io air. the lasi y«ar o ^yo, y.'dicK uo oiner pills pos^ him:, f ' :• i i .1 few daj s, Tiie J^ribc ess Ad v - Cdinbe's rl\vsiologj —"•!..< A n n /..!. >r.' 2I3Uw The above nre only a few of the numerous Sketroiit' '; I '• ore 1 hvioha in al! %\iio use 's l!')'nny— cltidc (the kjug's sis'e:) borrowed one of hi* If any vessel fiiied with it' like a glass or iron y Ma:r.::V, r.n'l W r i . : . ; ' letters whieh arc daily received of tho <Trcat popF F E R S forsiflfl the ;<-l!o\ving rromh—• ir. ihtin. T h r v c u r t ; n i l ! - . l n > a > . !-'; :.i i..l ;iiid ( . l h B I l ' G l f me GeOgrjpljy of nlaiiiy nnd success ol thtss truly excellen Pills. HARTFORD 2ing?, in order to have one n-.u?L io present him. globe should be thrown upon the deck or in- nil oi Botady—Ilurriit's for ctiaE or nppiovcd paper; I'.n;- gbodBTite ei E e v c j -. ! ( • . - . . . ;•. I i r o j » * y , S ! TuirJ I" They aie the br~i unriieine (or the ;.bove com- ill new and flesh, havirij; beeri piirfeUbged witliir. '•D) vou speak Fjeuch?' 1 r.skcd the kiug.— to the ports-.of a ship, it would igtji'o t i e Heavens— Fi:s:, Fire Insurance Oontpany ' . ( : • : ! ' • I ! ' . * r'.<. or .^tOnir.Cll, . WilJiarcVs "RepubTic'oT America phiinia ilni are sold, and in every case that have ihc past ihiVry d:iv.-i. of the 'import-is r>:. ' 1 li ice, Head Ache, Dizziness in the Mend, "A-Jinle." rrpUso the general. V»'h;.t c« ] morr.ment the vessel si rock ony hard suj : • r CiichJ, OIK! IXCOKI*O:SATJ i> i s IH)')— Ix-ii: :r:i-.l have given Uni-VtrtJiaksifisfaciirtrr, i»nd non, KXC%L»:SI\"I ;.Y I O R C A S H , and will . Liver CoinplainijJIcart Burns, rTlolic, Davics'Aiithmctic { shoutf he ki-;-,t ^~a :'a;i.;!> rnodicjfljj by every one. be 80,Id .">t r e v reduced p?i'(H: say in French?'' asked J»e king. •''• '.c . w r r . u . ?>ff)O.f:OO, WITTT r o w r . i t T O and thfl inflammable liquid instantly would bt Pay's Algebra.and ,, •' •.:i r>•. 0tfef?vWj^88, Inqqiry vviih rcjgtird toHie ecliool cm bo mane vve onty ntk a *ri;<I of then to convince the " i i , ; : - ; iho Jittlo general, ainid*burst of 'n a blaze. The atmosphere at once becomes 100 diesis nisei liafl chc&ts '!'• !• L V ; C . i l c . ' i i 1 :: 1 i i - , . y 11)6 1 : i : 1;c s v e i e n t , l e m e of the Principalstoi (oliowvng gentle most t-licptie.ii of llui mill; ot these rtsjertions. 28 hctgihfeWa SYfgnr, i l ! ? well known nhd ton I Institlife 11 • igor'ous >i'.id h e a l t h y c o n d i t i o n ' , Ir.u^iiiei and nppiauso. Ti:c a,udience las'el an fiiied with clouds of white :T.-enic, by which a v'.!,i)iri reference 'is mtale:by pferfriifyik.ii The d if ei'cii.-and treatment of the disease l."> boxes suj»ar. Loa! and Lump.'* •:<r.c. F t . i ] 1' ir :.:id a half, at tiie c.;ii./.U9;on of v.i.ich Mr. deadly poison i? evolved nnd inhaled. i>eincr . i have a' different periods had either accompany every box. 10 hopshoads Molasses, Wti ff. with ample baih capital, have estabTKICI: '25 ci : T ; r?:n POX. ALLKnAtlT- TOOTH Ar.JiF. DROPS. punj was presented with a handsome douceur, heavier than, nnd insoluble in wnt» r, it coi-.k1 daughters br Wnrds'under our ciare. Rev Isrta£ lished -HI Hgeiii-y in Ann .\:!>ur. •m<l offer to in2 hujislietids Siev. ari'ti Syrup, S. Ketoham, Comroviile: CJeo ICetchu n, ~\jar No " S U G A R C O A T E D P I L L . " can be genPrire 25 ( 120 kM-sCufree,. and the king wished hinv every possible success, not be extinguished, and of cource it becomes shajlj n..n. Win. ll. DebndL Jqckson; Paul B. jure D w ' i ! jjga, I''uMiuu:i:. Stoied^JVJerchnndize, cure an ordi»my ensu 6? Tootli Ache, in r> ticicrs rice^, llsj Wheat. Flotir, i v c . on very fitvoralilc uine without iho aignriiuro of iho sole in.vo.itor. •omplimented him on the gracefulness of his Ring, r.lidiiiian'"'.ntrc: F . H. WjfinnK, A'rtriani fatal to all williin its influence. f i r m i b i f f ' 1 0 i n i miniiK-s. F u r Nervous and I GO b.i.xeo raisina, T h e hi:x'i charncter' of this compuiu <r. JsIlNJAMIN SMlTff, M. D., President of Daniel Uixson. Clin! >:;; pflrda^f Whucler. M- 'eriiia p : ^ < : c . A!'.cr leaving the TuiJ'crits. the gchll'O (I, .. :& fij{8, o t h e r l.!i...s ..: X w t l i . A i : ! i e . sir r . : n . p ! : ! i - t . is well kii.iwn, and iis extensive business i s c i n - ;he N. Y College of Henlth," Qpon-every boy'•.•-.. F. II. Pinning! Gran Cffiuea devoted exclusively to the sale of this aiion:!ed o large party at the residence of 31. ;'>() 0ranges MK! I>einoue, AL1JCBASFS )'(!•;: MAN;S P L A S T E R , p tl -.' moss jusi .liiii honorable principles The French A-my.—In looking over a file ids: JeiCMi-ih Clark! Ctoirksron; Gen. C ' • i • pounds Cinrin:ii''!i, s of property in Ann Arbor r.nd vicinitj m-dieine. V. Gu'ignini, where he was enthusiastirsily reccivUucaJh J a a i s i J Beacji, l?y Greenwich Sneet, New York. of European pnpers> \ve find t'uat the uvernge Flint; D. II. Row' 250 pounds CK.-. t -. \ T v • • . - r - : , - i 1! ;.. 1.. t-:,; r ! i . . r t o l i n y e l l i c r 1 ' l n s ; Ames Meyqi •vh) w»sh to insure il againsi loss; and damngo by e.f. The general's miniature equipage traverse* IX' . 0, Water Street. Bos'lon. 175 p;uiM(ls Nutmegs, fi>o. arp inviic I : > call Mtcily on ihe subscriber. v t - i t , ' i , ' . 1 ; :••- o i j j c t . M i n t i y . f o r p / i i n o n Hon. F.liirs t!b?n'^tddki (hv;..-- •; i y the Champs Ehsecs every day, vrketfi it attracts strength of the Fien-h Army for..the current Plymouth! For sale in nil iho villcpcs ot'd towns in the '.o ko<_'s Ginger, weukn'css in this IwcKl Si le,, Client|| 1]. a hiu Stoie in Ann Aibor, who is authotized to t, New Enginnd S'a'c.s. the attention oif thousands. The general qon;.- year is cs'imntcd at 5J0.0OO men, of whicii Urjgham.. M. V>., Hfin, W i n . K. Tu.) 1.1 baps Pcppc <iiul ?»p:ce, issue policies. vr.h< >•: deliy, JewLoins. .MUSIICP. ahdifnr Rlcmnniism. Lung . . Jol n Allen, F3sq., GeQ. N. B.—No travelling pedlars are allowed to mounted troops.- CCtins immense 40 kegs an<l boxes l'obfC«Oj F. .». R. dRAJfE. Azcnt. i enced his levrps on Tuesday the 25*bJ at a •iiiu Liver. Coji'p''ii!.:.*'. Vuu ( .., As'.lima, ".i Ladd, I'N.-t- »r sell these Pills. 5 IJIIICS Almonds, Ann Aibor. .Ian. 1. 18 55. S9-6iri. iSc. ReJ'pnHipliioV. r ;e of three francs admission: and, from pres- force, 60,000 men and 13,896 homes cio on of the University, and llov. I ! . Colclazer, _A.i.n ]".\a :une liie Signature. J ?G0 boxes Gia-s. : \ . 1).-— [ l<Tiai' to :J»1S t h e t i r e u t fpr n pamphlet ent nppearan:es, he will reap even a grealei service m Algeria, nji'l the rpmainder on duty Arhor. KTFor Pale by W. g. on'd J. W . Maynard. 10 hogBbende Sffcnri Oil. w l n h j^; t >« s :,li t h e infornjation n e c e s s a r y : > s - The faUrtwi.iiE: cni'.'-ma. lxov. 7!. C"l<! n Lund &, McCollum, F. J. B. Crane. Ann Arbor. golden harvest in Paris shan he did in London. at home. The expense of this force tc the Rev. W m - B Curt\8, {lev. Cliarles C. Toyl •• x c t i i ) : : the II-'.'- ui' (no fticfficrnrs, i h e virrupa Prrrin «.t. Hall, Norihvilie: Thoi:n S P. May. Jr. 230 barrels." "Dye Woods, !>ey |*i4»(?8$t r 'u. 1'irrt-e 10 t(>il(rw d i i f t t i o r . s in government amounts to the enormous sum of irs Wiiittn'g antl V.~il:iw s of trie Plymouth: I). C. Whiiwood, Doxter; G. & J. l'> barrets C^pperip. i'S'l I..J -.vs;l ;u the.Qeoera) Depot, 'or ihe G. Hill. Doti-oi:. A Want stronger than Hunger.—An old he us'- inl t h e m P ' l i c i n i s , i.mi y o t m n \ rely u p 3!0.7S3,£C3f., cr ner.rly 804,000,000 per versity of Miehijjai. Rive onseiuod to r.ct as n ti hnru Is I3!ue \'itii J!,>oi Q'lithio'fi Stock, Machinery. Dye,;: ; ii ... ; pjonjjwd. visiting committee of t!ie Sclio;;!. to bfi present man who h?d borne an irreproachable chorac 10 barrels Allum, Also nt retail in every town throughout the ariniiron! A i,.M>ia (Jifeotuu n.;.(!e 10 m e i c l i a n t s a n d p t h when the weekly eiudirs are revfeWeS; bui espe' dtuffs, iVc &6'.\ No. i:;y, Jeffersen Avenue United States at 25 cents per Hox. 15 barrels 5.1'!o'c'er. ter up to the age of seventy-two, was lately 213 Detroit, the following larpe, well assorted, and ..-1 s-. w h o liiTy it! pt li nir.:;11. The British A nny.—The total number cf cial'y to attend during the semi-nionthly cxami400 keys WlttW L< in. carefully twdi • • '•: brought before one of tlio tribunals of Paris L Y M A N W. ( M l Mm??. IVopm-tor. 15 bafiuis Liii-eeJ Oil, the British ormy for the year ending March ilstions. J00 bh!s. St. Dominjo Logwood, Cut, . yVhu\e*n'n 1». ' I . - J M , V! 4 F u l - . n M , N . Y . Apiil. \t\~-. 2t3 for stealing a piece of lead worth eight cenls. 1 40 Boxes Starch, ", Tons " " i" Stick, iT-v For e;i!e by ihe. tllWciibcf, who linf t)Cl'n 31, 1846, is fixed al'100.011 men, anc the to3 5 b".\es |V[.i';, lie admitted that he was wholly without lo') bbls Cuba Fustic, Cut, Tppoituod ^Qiieral hf^entifot lire Ci;i of Deiroit 4i ttil chmgo £5,979,272. This is exclusive of 2 c:.sos IndiU'i, 5 Tons •* in Stick, •md its vi<-imty. (."oaniiy dealer^ supplied on insert, and fur the fiist time in hisfifeknew 5 barrels Sulpliur, fi?e regiments of cavalry nnd twenty three TJ57AS the wonder of the world, bv < ; 50 hbjs. Nic. A'-' • '. Chipped, libeml terms, ;i not where to find a single sous; but it was 5 b a n d s Sails. 50 Lima Wood, " C . I^IORSE, of infantry, £0,3GC men in all, employed in $ r behaved tbaf D;. Praf-i>' Pills m u i . o ;; 3 barrels Castor Oil, not hunger that drove him lo e'.eal. After 39 Red Wood, " tined to ameliorate the condition oi the HuJv'icli';,'ii Bo. k Store. (i the East Iudiee, and paid by the East lnC'ia man F T " ] ! ) ' , viore than iffy Mtrticirct ever before 2 b; 1 ,'s Serinn, 1^0 ' I.arnwood, T h e abo'e medic-iney ore for SMIC at the Hook considerate question::::? en the part of t 1 case Gum Opiun. 10 " Qiierci'ron Bark, .•iibred-io the. iV'lie: tho Proprietor having re Store of U ' M . R. P E R R Y . HE subscribers will continue to manufacjudge, as to what could be stroogor than hun- Company. 10 barrels »?piri;j> Turp'en'ine^ 500 ,«« IS'utgally. dticcd the price to suit the times, i.s now pro In Ann Atboi, Lower Villnca. ture ITT T!ie fo!lowin£r nnniVitJ pnpors wiii pa'cl ger, he confessed that it was tobacco for his 10 Cases Extract of Logwood, pared to supply ali his old customers, and sonie cemiher 9 1^4!. "M Iv How they do at Cincinnati.—A srenllen- n ics ones, on • the above iio'irc iiCsids to \haaMOittn', t& 30) il>e. Dyo, pipe. :>Tobncco, monsieur judge!" said he. Pt'!? have proved of tlio crcntest value. three dol i ' cut r.opu of tulicc vyiih bjili 9 2 Cj o '.'is Spanish Indigo, ileman recently from the West says the sub growing violent: " I have the misery to be a 'or 37i cts. per yard, and white flannel for 21 to ihe p >rsoh ;. ! i 'istiin 300 lbs. Stirnnc H]>:\\y, scription list of the Piiilnnihropist is the i.i counteracting lhe influence nl cjisease,, b\ C!OJPSI; • l cents per yard; or they will manufacture the 3 Ca^Us .Ah.iln'.", Wo. ho;ic-Iess smoker! 1 smoke nt wukin^ ; I smoke Pontiac Gazrne, Poutini-; Ann Arbor Stan g b : . ' e , am' brgest west of the mountains. This is the p u r i f y i n gg t h e b l o o d . wool for hall the cloth it v.ill make. Their Fnc Journal, nnd Sigi;*il of Liberty, A:.n .\•• I».•>•: 'A Casks Blue Vitriol, yy sudden ANN A R15PR. while cnting; I canrioi sleep without smoking Fot dysuntiiiy. tory is 2J mil's West of Ann Arbor, on the 1 u Ki l d h i l i 5 Cask s Alum, # paper first projected by Mr. Birney !p* DnnJackson Gazette, Jackson: Expounder. Marsh ill d, lieadiiche, iniligesiiwn, i dyspepsia, d i jaundice, till Ihe pipe fails from my mouth. Tobacco ron Itivor. Wool will also be received ul Scio. 2 [ . . • : , Red Tartar, Gazette, Kalnniozoo; Niles RnuuhlicVn. Niles GARLAND & LEFEVRE ville, Ken., but whicii wns driven from tiiat lever and ague"! bilious, inteniiittcnt, typhus or When sent by Railroad it will be attended to in Banner, Si. Glair; G.-.'/.i-no. Monroe; Gcncice il Barrels preum Tartar, costs me six cents a day. When I hovo none nervous n'ni c'lii! fevcis, depresfefcrn of spirits. . \ \ i.N'U take/i i h e S«:i<' n|io,ve 11 u n e d , forSta'e and established ten years ego at Cincin- tliuy will be found d:rcc !y cnlrujalsd to meet rjje tlie same mnnner as if the owners weie to come Democrat, Flint; pud Chatham '.) Carboys Aqua Fortis, I am frantic. I canr.ot work, cor eat, nor rly occiiV'ie<f by J S . DickinsonVrire'iioW 1 with it. Wool will he manufactured in turn as ham Canada. .5 « Oil Vitriol, nati, and TvL'ich was repeatedly mobbed, and .'..i.' .-? ol ilic- !;l:c;cu. Tiic hi^li degree ol conp r f p i r i ' d to s"!l 10 tl.cir oKl c i i s t o i m r s n n d t h e sleep. I go from place to piece, raging like it comes in as nenily 09 it can be done with refer:: " Muriatic Acid. ' v 6ehtraiio*n winch the Proprietor has given to t!ic Miry had its pre?~6s destroyed under the contenanco peculiar virtues o'. t!mfiiffisTfentvegetable principublic ai-!;••;:i!iv. ence to the different qualities of wool. 500 lbs. Virdiciis. o mad dog. The diy I stole the lead, I Iiid Staple and Fancy Dry G"Q<Js, Gror rid, 50 " Hloclc'lm. ples coinposinar these pills enable \y\u\ to oi|cr to of such men as "Burnet, Blake, » > n d other been without tobacco twelve hours! I searchC'cckcry. fla.o'n/ne. Boots and Teasels, Twine, Copper Kettles, all sizes, the public a medicine ihe best adapted foi i. mil; leading characters of Cincinnati. Times arced the day through for an acquaintance ol ILC. and po«so?sinc in every reSpect Biiperior a<lParson's Shearing Machines, SI:nts, 4-e. iW: will be done at Scio, by Thomas Hoakifls. u eant^geki Those Pillc will be found mild but e,'Curtis' •' S. VV. F O S T E R & CO. •m ilic m o s t i c n s > n : i l . h ; i e m . 5 . whom I could beg a pipe full. 1 could not, changed. —Chronicle. fecti'al in tlieir operation. Sorews and Press Plates, Pcio, Mny 1, 1845. -210 Philosophical Thrnrt) and pturltre. 0/ Pen- All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for and resorted lo crime ns a less evil than I vvns Several c uirtcnt rhyslciana, wno arc well ar:CWnke, Pi ess- Paper, Steel Reeds, An old parson and a yo-jng girl were once CJoorts hrtU1 C'l.-ii. manship, in three purls, each part quinied with the ffTect of these- Pills, ond gome wan enduring. The need wad stronger than WbrlBted Harness, Tenter Hooks, INTERESTING TO • '('lie hiuhest mnrkr-t pti^e paid for W'ncnl by in Four i'.ooks. (poking at tl;e »v>non togetlier through a ?py of them having used them extensively in their Kmciy, all No's-, Olive Oil, G A R L A N D & LU F E Y R E . I!" The eloquence ,r.nd pathos of the old H I S system is 1 o.v in i<se in BaiV^oV, Au for several years, »lass. u Oh" naid the young lady, lldo see practice CJpthiei -' Jack, Scitiineu VVnrp, p y , have kindly Ann Ailiot. AynnJ f«3, IS!-r>. tru&ia and fofrihind, Me . Bnstdn. Mass . u.aifs plea mollified the judge, nnd he conh i f l i I ^ Subscribers wou'd respectfully nn(,"l.»tliier6" Bru:-hes. Shuttles. ihosctwo lovers in the moon—how happy their names, fcconimenrliri:; IIIPUI as n valua Nl I) 3 $.. Dickinson's",'nofcsrmd a:ccp'Mfif8 JL noiiiice to the Wool Growers of Ann Ar- Piovidence and Newport. II. I . , New H«vep, Pickers, C;ird Cicuneis. &.c. &c. demned bun only to eight days imprisonment rtierticrjie', i 'lie follow!: • Cfiv.i.. >;ow York. Albany. Rochester and liu '• ne in thSna'nasol Mf<'~!s. (Jail.iml «fc L e F e v r e , they look!' <!Indeed yon ar mistaken.'1 eaid bor and its vicinity, that they continue ihe buThe above, with a varieiy of other articles be .1. C. E/AHKr-MOTlK, IH D ::i!cs. Mich. falo, N. 1., Philndelphia, Baliimnre, Wflfrtriifif- who me duly authorize') :o Pfttlp the Mine. lor-;in : n the trade", liave been purchaaed iliis- siness of the parson, "ihey are two Church steeples.'' S. B. T H A I I'.':. M. \).. Kaliur.r.zio, ••• J. S . D I C K I N S O N . ton, Richmond. Petersburg, Norfolk. CharlesA A'orrt Carolina Baby.—We hnve ju*t -umnier by the subscriber lrom 31an:ii:ictuiers BL Ri Bl R I J I N G G A M E , M. I). Cnlhoun, Wool Carding and Cloth Dressing Ann Arbor, April I.i. I - T>. 200-w We undeistand that our Cincinnati astrono ton and Columbia, S. C . , Augusta, Ga., Mobile. ind i'lrst Ilnmls in the New York, Philadelphia. J TUNNJULli-'f. M 1).'. Jackson, Ai cli. Been, says the Raleigh Register, one of the mcrs, by the use of their big glass, have set •nnd ftlurkets, and every thing having re- at tlie old stand o f j . Ueckley « Co.. where New Orleans, &c. «. W. SJMRAD, Al. D. Wnsh. Co. " TOLLARD It has also been lately introduced into thr they may be found at nil seasonable hours to greatest natural curiosities of the day, viz: n DAfflEL M : : I : K : : R . ?.I. D. Laparle, Ind. ceived hi- riersflOal ipspeclifinj he can with tb< wait upon those who may fuvor them with their Public Schools of DL'lrotr. Jt is systematic, phitied conclusively flmt wiiat have been supitrriosl cohMence oflar tliefn to purchasers 33 tin child who will not be eig-iit years of sge until HGUS2J, Griind River having • become r.-wieahie foi losophical and economical. Teachers are invited posed to be lunar volcanoes, nre nothing but arnhjl r.s my j crafi. n? far y Pill Factory. y 1 e^tanil most complete stock in tho cm:ntry, and patronage. KS L. D. 6c O. WEYBUIIN. July next, and weighs 177 lbs—more than the lo call and er.Tmino. Yi.c/ gtiorajh'tee that their work will be done f ! G d R :;ts of t!ic Grand River as i' is hig iixed detec.njflOUen (by the low rate? big fires in the moon for trying out hbg*8 fat: . u; MI; '/y : Nmrtln: Fii uni Packet Landing.B ff.tlo. For sale at IHOSELEY'S B O O K S T O R E . celebrated Daniel Lambert weighed at the • try gerferaily. .'. whi'l) h^wiil t-i-II) to prevent tiie necessity oi with neatness and despatch. nnd, that what have been taken for sen's r.nd VaMcy, and the UVr T'UliS establishment has du ing iho pnst winMuy27. 2lH-tf To their old fri-ndsand as many new customour Clothioid and Manufactures lenving ih< with A'.IT. RiiSi.3 nt 2S eei 'per t^x, nr.-l L'fi same age. He measures round the waist, 4f> ter, Been coiipidetahly enlarged, nnd improvlake;--, nre neither more nor less than enpaci Difirs ftiTi') c ^ . p«|- !,"Ule, No. 1, equal ta at:v. Stale to make their pnrcliases, he would in&rcl) ers as feel disposed lo give them a trial. they inches—round the hips 47—the thighs 26— pd with new fmniinre. e r e , and is now ready to s-;y to tho irnde. CALL, ciorrilrie tho goods niul would say.come 011 wi'h your WOOL and CLOTH ous rcbervoirs of lard oil.—Louisville Jovr- except in t!io price. in'ike the Traveller Dt home, at tho moderate Ihe knees 13—hoight 4 feel Sh inches. In the Ortah) pricesb.-foreyou say you can buy cheap an3 we will do you ample justice in the execuFor s.ile hy licckky. Fosv.r & Co.. V/.S.& nal. tion ofyonrwork—the price and terms ofpoy- f& H I E Subsciibers cncoura«ed by the patron- charges of <5 cenie per meal, and t7A Cents per J. W. lVfirynaVd, G. Grcnvillc. and by the prin developement of his mind and manners he has A age they have hitherto received in the dple de&ggwtfl throoghdnt the State. I Hjw-210 HR is a^soprcpnrrd torontrr;r-t for CARDING :Tient, all the childish simplicity of lads'of hid ago, Pnssengeng and IJaggaye conveyed to und from wholesale department of their ^ufiincsa, will thr M A C H I N E S made in (his Siatc or Kast. The Sailor and the Quaker. A few dayy pouncls first day of May next, open the siyie now occu- ilic House free pfcharpe. PI Fit UK TELLER, and is pleased exactly with what usually de- ago, a sailor on one of the wharves in T tpnj Baisp^fi'dftnt to FarnEseii*.;. of Woo! wonted in exchange for Full Cloth. pied by Gco. Grcnville, fronting on Huron street, N. I}.. Passengers the Enst will fir.d n Sign ol tho CoMen Mortar, Flannel, &c. NAPP % I I . \ V ] [ \ N T n . v. i.i.l respectfully lights children. It looks odd io see such a was ssvearirg oway very br i -: r .,-!y, uhen and connecting with their present store in :ln Sign [or the house", in the Dc'poi, under which 1 WO, Jeflereon Averue. N. }3. — Give us a call before purchasing clscinform the farr-ics 8f tVifah't^niiw nnd the in plat o '.]•.' •'• • Bagpnge. rear, exclusively for a_ lump of fle=h chuckling over o new toy or a one of ihe Society cf Y\; Detroit. whero. -ing ajong, -u rouH<liF!^r CouHHesihai t'ney <-n'>tinne to manIn ettirn-i-iioii with \hfi M.nisc there is colored rviaible. bui a moment's examination accosted .him very pleasanUv. and urged him ullic'iirc at their -hnp.nyur the r'v... I . ; Ige, Low ; SUMNER HICKS & CO. mi EATIN<5 ESTAULIyMMENT, on the EuAnn Arbor Lower To'.vn.Mnr. SG.1S45.26-om whore they v.ill keep at till times a full atsoit- ropean plan. wiil satisfy ony one, that he \s the mere child to continue the exercise. Sajd he, 'swear a- PT I'ouii. Aon A Soady Made Clothing. inent of lie seems to he. His i;-iino is Jasper Jack- way, friend, swear away, till thee get.s all that AT REDUCED PRICES. AVc, iho suhncriborF. take pleasure in rccomDRY C:OODP, BOOTS & SHOES CAIU'ENTINC, Boii—is n native ef ("range county, and is bud stuff cut of thee, for theo can never go to kinds co.:.j);i->in',r tiie liaira'.l, <'.H1./ V.'.'. l.irgeej .HI'! best nssoitmcnl of ready HATS, CAPS, TM'F.n HANGINGS. IJONNETS, menning the above Moiife to ihe iiiends of the • i ' o w e r , ai d M the eon of poor, end very respectable pa - heaven, with that stuff in thy heart.' The UII-1 Eaaj WHOLESALE & RETAIL. cause, as being worthy ol their patronage. ide clothing ever before offered in thu< CROCKERY RV THE CRATE, HARDWARE, (liff^rent Irom rfhy n u d e in tliis C'>>nirry nn-l C. W. H A R V E Y / I W t Erie Co. Temp. S. rents. tailor paused, und with « look of rsiomsh- preferred to a n y o t h e r , w h i c h i b e y i n t o n i to M H • •..,<•. no% oi. Inn-I -ni'J for s?.|o, Wholesile Ol AND GROCERIES, &C. d:C. & C . P. N. r-AI.rN'DAIl. : do A. M'FARREX, Retail, at ;he Glqihiog Emporium of the Subc !)<!!•;: (a\\ l o II. MILLEMy. rics"t Pollard Tern. Society. ment and shame, bowed to the banssl Quaker; 11 scribers. co:iiis!i:i^r in na;t of nil of which will be sold on .is pood totms as at The peach is derived from Persia, where it Ifsfaction." T n e y are'^determined ho^ to H . G . W B 4 T E , Pcc'y do FitTc broancloh Fioek hud Dress Con:?. any point this side of New York City. and retired from the crowd,which liis turbu- bi outdone hy any establishment, either in price E. D: U O n i S O N . Tie'tY. M . Temp. S. still grows in a native f-tute, email, bitter, and SMART'S J5LOCK, Tweed and union cassiniere, satinet and jean G. I). HILL. & CO. lence had gathered around him. Lay of work. W . B. F ( ) i ; i ; s . Secretary do Frock au'i. Pusjjveafi Coa^s. 1S7 JBFFKRSON AVKNUE, D E T R O I T . Ann Arbor, March 26", 1814. .lJ-if with poisonous Pii1 lilies. Tobacco is a nai; Itcjii 1"T many in tiie m y years y e a s engaged ngg KfTl February. 18-15. Gmo—212'nier Coats in great variety and very ^"EEPS constantly for salon complete assortl i l h i h fid tive of Mexico and South Amciica, and lately r bi'sines? tliey y iliinl-: ihey y can with confidence r e r.hcflp. tit/e in TVeio York.—Three full column? o ^L. niont of Miscellaneous. Sch-;o: and t ' e i r •.•.<•>•!<, nrf3 f a r m e r s nt: ! •'•-.>. n f n i t ' e i ••<>! nrf3 farmers nt •' one species has been found in New Ilo!k.tiri. Citsaifiiere. oloth. tweed and summer Pants <>! 3BSX.AVii.flSr HOUSE. , rul ^L. niont of Miscellaneous. Seh'jo: nnd Clash Ntw Ycih Kxpre?s ate token ur> w i s h i n g l o l " i y w i i l - j j iveH i o c i l l a n d e x a n r i n e No. HI BROADWAY, NEW YORK. ill s'_> I.:.- I .. ! |'l ip( 9. Tobicco was first introduced into Englahd Wrap •.•ii Hooks, Letter and Cap Pajicr. plain and rju ALBANY, NEW VOKK. iWeir w o i k pr« n o u a l o p.tireho&ii^E c h a j y h • ' • — with arrivals, copied from registers of llie Siifin" vi' si(h', vnVhcia, casnrnlRre r.nrl ed uin^,' Paper. Printing all sizes; nnd (Between the City lloitl<wd Trinity Chvrch.) s. ln!^. ScalingPnper, Wax,of Cutlery^ Wra ? Qtiil from North Carolina, 15I;G,l>y Walter Raleigh. fe pfepared Yo*db all lino's of (Tiresfti^i n p i l E Proprietor, grateful lor the prttfcrfnigfe nlj. r l DY NA'IMIANIEL ROGERS. different hotels. This list contains eoir.r: m a c h i n e rep-iirs. o n t!;i' s h o r i e s t n o t i c e rnvj niori' Marseilles Vests—u larp-o stock of rich and fash '•.'• •.P.'.-.. 'SI-WH Ink. Piii. I Canniatrr P f llofvurions kin«ls. Aspr.ragus W06 brought from A~io; cabbagp JL renily bedtov. c ! upon him by the public gen- j T I l l S crl.-iiw;'! il hbiiue is n o w o p e n fer the reBLANK BO.CJKS, full nni] hull I ofev y itr:i!b th?i '-\-y ^ i ' " ' : 'i' «••- •:'••' eighteen hvrdred names! Of \\-.o li'-rnb' r, IaO ception of irnveic-is. i t B a l i n g i i n d « r a a n d .t erally, would give notice ibal his iiou^e is mm 1 .;"•'•'• cry variety of Uultng, Memornridum Books, &c. und lettuce from Holland; horcc TndUh i^bm Also, an extensive nssorunenf of Hosiery. Al >. Bur* IJ's.ce^e ' B li i ' . ; i : ; : r w i i l n i i i h e h i s t , l e v y u : o n t q s , I t r s'bpped at tl:e A^torIIou£C, and V2Z at Howin comniete or(fei for the reception of Ladies and To MwcKaMs, iVneiie:s. nnd others, buying Stock?, Rent:-. Hh'hdkercniefs. Collars, Shirts. 1 sinctly a Tcirp-.rancc House, nnd while rn) Chna; rice from Ethiopfa; beans from the Geritlirrreti who mny wnnt perWahetti boaid o> pnins will ho spared to make it nil (hat tlie trav. . Oftvnm. .'•• • • • 'I. ra, & c . A - c , all ol in i|'jaiuiiies. a J a u e discount made. ird's Hotel. 1 Eest Indies;.onions and garlic arc natives of Sabbath School and Bible Society Depositor. transient acconimodntions. sep jgle which will be sold low tor coh pa r a t e ih* i h ifl frprn p ; h e seed at n .-ijg eling public c m as*, it is e.rpeeled in return 51-if They nJoutd re«pe<nfa11y invite all, in want of o u univdr'snlly npprove'd of f ni•.• various pla-e^ both in A.Ma and Africa. The A Lover's Leap.-- A young Germnrvn Daynn arid arid a,o ivdr'snlly npprove'd The New Enj;l«Tnd House boing stricily a tenv- tbol [1 will l e c c i v the ph roiinge'di .ill the friends rerrdy mado pjatin«ntaj to call mid cxnmme thoii ii.«ftd \v\\ rovor nnd w-arranied peianceho ise. nnd pleasantly locaierl in the im- •if Ti mpenince who nwiy have irjccfetiion ro"visit engar cane is a native of Ctiinn, and the art ton, Ohio, v.hoee lady-love had refused to ""JEROME M. TREADWELL, I urchosin^ t Is-where, ns il lyis been tliresh clean and not !'>;• !. the Foriecrmediate vicinity of businpee, makf-s ii ve;\ .!. • ir- AUvmy. of making sugar from it has been practiced with him, jumped from the third story once applyjo {loliert or John MJcCoTrruck of Ha ivl'ili care m ihe Kbistern market and ATTORXKY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, able lor niei of business, ns well ns all o'.hcio M ho A.ny 19, 1845. '2l2-6m uai.u.'..cti.ruj I.I tho litest styles and motst durafrom the remotest antiquity. u \ \ itiitcnaw Co., who have use! one iho pas: window of the dancing saloon into a celli^bv lii;c quiet accommodations and agreenbjfe compaAnd Oeneral Land Agent, P. WIGM T. which be broko his own jaw ajjd iho stairway. season. ! ' " . ' . • :'K 6> R A Y M O N D . ILL attend to tho enle nad txchonrre of ny. T E M P E R A NCK HOUSE, IN ATHAiN'iEL W. \V. Ki\TAPP. »SV7ioo7s tn Luther's lithe!—C!.c^ May 1, 1845. 0nrJl2 Corner of JeffeiisoJ) & Woodward qvenues. Lands, payment of Tuxes, nnd ledcmpCol li have 6ince been mended. T1 A. UAVli.A.\D. ROC i.HS. A. lJAViJ,.\.\J>. Dctioir, April 4 . W '">. iion of Lands sold for Taxes in Jackson and adand fears were the<n'y impulse to education. Ann Ai!.or, M iy !.-', ' .">. (nnL' N.o- 2'if), T Vash ing ton Street, Boston. CHARLES IJ. STEWART, joining counties, examination of Titles, ConvcyMarlin Luiher, a fair representative of the Please to observe the address.—The old inmcing ami oil [itisinesflpertaining lo Real Estate, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND' P H I S hoiiKC has um.'eiKone a thorough repair, DENTISTRY. and it ifi intended (!>at no rum bout* shall ba Sfii Attachment. borar-of Minefield, was frequently nnd severely scription iibcd to be "Mcftoges carefully delivuilice in the- Court House. SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, E. G. BURGER, Dentist, superior to it. It will bo uiuhr ;in> ritneriiate Jackson, Michigan. 17—tf. Rablrr 1 Fclcl) cl) }' n,,,-orfl w _ n p e r r ' y flooded. It is eaitl that his mn?ier flogged ered, and carpets beat." President Polks JEFFERSON AVEKUE DETROIT. . charge ol Brown & CofGurn, nn Mr. Rogers AS removed his office io. Crane & ( Jewett'^ him fifteen times in one day. That was ccr- flourishing address ought to jinve appended lo keeps the Delevau House in Albany. <ff)-tf. PJoci-:,- first room on the Second Hour. HSlnnk Weeds and Mortgages, . May 1! tnittly the dark uiid cri'tl age infichoel-keep- it, "Mc5.-n{rc3 cnrt-fully delivered, ondfvslain T K ' I ' - falie'reby f l i b given, i that h an attachment >• are beintr well prcparcl to attend to every HOLESALE AND RETAIL, lurwlfl hy branch of his profession, would respectfully suy hns l>« «'.i lisifei rijr the afeivo r a n - " ! .' heat."—Punch. BECKLEY, FOSTER & Co. ing. Feathers. in layor ol Sfii. n i < icli ' {< Samuel idiots, an a')- (o all who hove not had those neceasary organs. March 20. 1845. HE Subscribers wish to piivHinse 50,000 sent debtor, r nnd ih'u \\w imd hearing thereof i; T H E ' i ! : : ; i i i . properlypitcnded to, dtl.iy no pounds of WOOL, for which they will n p ' l F . Subsciibor has always on hand n good The younpest con of Mr. Clay, lias latply The edit rc^cs of ihe Lowell Offering are posipone<! n n i l Ine l l i h day of August imxt. ioiiL'ir, b\tt call upon him and experience the pay Cash or Goods at their store in ihe Lower JL UPPly oi ('• ese which he will sell Ulaple Scgar! become deranged. This makes the second much annoyed because postmasters at one of the clock in ihe uftornoon, at the office easeMntl durability of his operations. TKKMS In quantities lo buit purchttfers nnd nt the lowest Village. accommodating and charges in no ca&c unreason^^i'f\d~k lbs. just received, und for sale by market n a c . ton cf Mr. Clay now in the Lunatic A-y- tlirm as "dear eirs-'" They say it sounds of the utid Justice in the villacreof Ann Arbor. BECK LEY FOSTER h CO. able^ §ABTN F E L C H . 4\9\J I3ECKLEY, FOSTER. & CO. W . A. R A Y M O N D . lum. Ann Arbor, May 1», 184&. 313 odd. Ra'.ittr odd, but not a-miss. ?s. Dattd, Ann Arbor, 1-Jth Mjy, J 8 l 5 . 5w Ann Arbor, March C, 1845. 47-tf. Aun Arbor, April 26, 1845. 1 Detroit, Mny 2 3 , 1845. 21-36ma xum*. NCKEUHOFF'S V' T X^ : - - • H T V T &LLEBA8l S MEDICINES. A O T CLOTHIERS! J SOLOMOJN'S TEMPLE T Fulled. CSotSi )S ARi<: CHEAP!. H WOOL CARDING, WOOZ. GROWERS. T Notice to K WHOLE SALES ItOOM, 1844, STATIONER. I HOUSE. W l N ! \f ^ H W Wool