© 1987 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. THE 1 MV 114 MHZ ELECTRON ACCELERATING SYSTEM FOR THE CERNB B.J. Evans, R. Garoby, PS Division, R. Hohbach, G. Nassibian, CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, --Summary. In addition tc its original function as a accelerator, the PS will become part of the LEP :njector (.hain [I] accelerating electrons and positrons from 600 MeV to 3, 5 GeV. For this purpose, two 114 MHz cavities with a gap voltage of 500 kV have been installed, Thi.s paper describes the (cavities together with their related auxiliary systems and the Special features include electronics. low level mechanical short circuiting of t,he gaps in order to avoid perturbing the high-intensity proton beams, fast tuners using perpendicularly biased ferrites and higher order mode dampers. proton Parameters The RF voltaqe is obtained using two high Q They are independently fed via 40 m coaxial situated outside the ring and cables by amplifiers accessible during operation. The amplifiers, rated at 50 kW CW and 200 kW pulsed, are housed in a Faraday cage to avoid interference with the navigation system of the a-i-port nearby [Z]. The cavity The shape of the cavity (Fig. I) was chosen to give high values of Q and R/Q (evaluated by Superfislh [3]) and small deformations under atmospheric pressure (vcriflrd using Safeshell [4]). As the cavity has to be non-magnetic due to its proximity to the PS magnets, it was decided to use a stainless steel shell internally copper--plated The nosc cones are machined from solid OFHC (0.1 mm). We measured a Q of 90 % of the value calculcopper any effects of the many holes for at cd , Ignoring A further 10 9, drop is due tuners i pumps and :;horts. to the penetration of the tuning cylinders and the short-ing elements. of the cavity Resonant frequency Tuning range (slow) Tuning range (fast) Gap voltage Q value (Superfish) Q value (measured) or cavities. S. Talas Due to the poor thermal conductivity of :stainless steel, it was necessary to enclose the whole cavity surface in a water jacket, which is divided into a large number of radial channels in order to maintain a low-temperature gradient. The nose cones are separately cooled by water flowing through holes drilled in the massive copper forgings The cavity is pumped by two 400 l/set ion pumps. Jntroduction --.-__The basic operating modes [l] for electron pos:tron acceleration in the CF.5 require a new RF system with the following specification: : 240 Harmonic number : 114.511 MHz Frequency 6.1 mA Nominal DC beam current: kV : 1000 Peak RF voltage P. Marchand, Switzerland R/Q 114.511 MHz MHz MHz kV 0.260 0.020 500 70'000 fully equipped 56’000 180 Shunt Power impedance for 500 kV Cavity 10 Q MQ 12.5 kW tuninq The inital setting of the resonant frequency of the cavities was done by machining the tips of the nose cones with a tolerance of l/10 mm which corresponds to 15 kHz. A pair of piston 260 kHz within a minute. tuners covers the range of For displacing the beam + IO mm radially, a fast tuner is being developed with a range of The tuner consists of a coaxial line, & 10 kHz. partly filled with rings of microwave ferrites (+ 160 mm) and coupled to the cavity. A coil is wound around the external conductor producing a bias field perpendicular to the RF flux (Fig. 2). The magnetic circuit is closed by a laminated iron sore. The perpendicularly biased microwave ferrite rings (G 810), exhibit a Q of over 1000 at permeabilities below 4 [5,6]. With the nominal gap voltage and the desired tuning range each of the two tuners has power losses below 1 kW. Ordinary ferrites with parallel biasing would generate 10 times these losses. r-- Fig. 1 The 114 MHz cavity N = nose cone D = damper W = RF window C = cable F S P V 1901 = =: = = to ferrite short piston vacuum amp. tuner tuner pump CH2387-9~R7;0000- lgO1 9 I .OO G: IEEE PAC 1987 Rshunt [ knl 10000 IRONYOKE COIL AIR FLOW FERRITE COAX LINE 200 Fig. 2 The ferrite short 500 tuner ;ig. me 300 400 FREPUENCY[MHz] 4 circuits When accelerating electrons, a high cavity shunt impedance saves RF power. However, when accelerating a high intensity proton beam (using another RF system) the impedance of the idle 114 MHz cavity must be reduced to a few kR to avoid instdbilitles. R shunt with (for electrons and without damper and positrons) R shunt [ kR1 10000- SHORTS CLOSED I I I 1000,. having shown that the desired result could not be obtained using coupling I oops and loads, we decided to use two shorting bars bridging the gap. The lowest mode is then at 180 MHz and both Q and R/Q -ire very much reduced. Furthermore, all the resonances of the short-crrcuited cavity fall wrtbin the range ,of the dampers. Q measurements indicate that in the open position the shorting devices account for 3 9, of the total cavity drssipation. -Nfl nAMDFD Tests servo-motor 100. 10. 1, ii0 The shorts are actuated by dn electrical with controlled acceleration. Fig 5 R shunt (for Problems have arisen and under CW operation ::hr,rt-I:ircliitlnrJ bars overheat. version is bernq prepared. bellows, with t,he lifetime at full power A water-cooled of the The in the cavity are of a 50 R load tuned to the funda- Low-level ---._.- The hisher damper RF power amplrt 1er RF beam__--_----.---------control dnd cavity servos The CPS 1s supposed to [I] : receive leptons from EPA using a bunch-intll--bucket where the CPS RF system is locked transfer scheme, to that of the EPA; accelerate them erther wrth the usual ferrite cavities, driven on h = 16, or with the new 114 MHz cavities on h .: 240; accurately position the bunches at high energy for 3 correct bunch-.into-bucket transfer to the SPS; shape the bunches so that they are stable in the SPS making use of any one of the 3 techniques envrsaged (“bunch compression” t “bunch expansion” described in [a] or “long bunch expansion” as jn [!+]I Wi.th 4 dampers, we attenuate the shunt impdance of the parasitic5 by 30-40 dB (Figs. 4,s). The by perturbatron. At 300 MHz the R/Q was obtained short is rather inefficient, but the spectral density above 200 MHz. of the proton beam decays :strongly 3 and without The two power ampI if ier:, are commer~:1 al types, manufactured by Herfurth GmbH. , Hamburg. Each consists of a transistor broad--band preamplifier (300 WI followed by a selective driver stdge with a The final grounded grid t etrode (10 kW drssrpation) :Stdge USf?:j a tPtrOde of 70 kW maximum ~~lSSipdi:lOr~. The a half-wave resonator, is raparitrvely anode circuit, coupled to the 50 R feed line (Flexwell 4 I/8”) A variable length lrne covering half .a wavelength is inserted in series with the 40 m of cable to the cavity. The damper has a tridxial structure. The inner coaxial lrne connects the loop to the external The outer conductor of this line and the sur-load. rounding enclosure form a resonator tuned to 114 MBz The coupling loop is connected between the innermost conductor dnd the cavrty wall (Fig. 3) [7]. Fig. with protons) the The dampers Higher mode resonances attenuated by dampers consisting icoupled through a notch filter mf:ntal frequency of the cavity. 500 400 300 FRECWENCY[MHzl 200 mode damper 1902 PAC 1987 This means the low-level RF system must be able to: drive two groups of cavities with the correct pha:iiny, both the 10 ferri.te cavitie:; on h = 16 or h :- 8 and the two 114 MHz cavities on h :: 240; - synchronize the RF on EPA at injection and position the bunches for SPS at ejection; damp the coherent phase oscillations of the beam. El.ock dlasram description [IO] The system (Fig. 6) is based on a 114 MHz RF synthesizer which drives the 114 MHz cavities through two phase-locked loops used as phase shifters. Condition& _-~ Conditioning the cavity required some time and care. In particular, it was found essential to limit the pressure to well below low6 torr while progressively raising the voltage. At some voltage levels extending from 50 kV to 400 kV an increase of even 0.1 dB of RF input caused an excessive pressure rise. The time rerjuired to break through these levels varied from hours to days. The stray fields from the magnets in the ring also contributed to these effects. Beam experiments MHz (h = 16) or 3.8 MHz (h = 8) are Cab1 e derived by division from the same source. delays are used to obtain the correct phases to drive the 10 ferrite cavities. 7.6 Signals from filtered around 114.5 in a limiting amplifier as beam phase reference the beam phase loop. PU’s are bandpass MHz (Q = 1000) and leveled off (60 dB dynamic range) to serve for the phase discriminator of Successful results were obtained with this system in 1986; they are described in detail in another paper In these proceedings [ll]. Acknowledqements electrostatic RF synchronization on EPA, before injection, by momentarily locking the beam phase loop I :i obtained on an ad hoc signal deri.ved from EPA RF and revolution frequency (swLt.ch Sl on “EPA RF*6” In Fi<& 6) The high power part of the project was defined and started by W. Pirkl. The associated clectronics were developed by J. Broere, M. Croizat and G. Serras. G. Roux was an essential contributor for the low-level system and for the beam experiments. P. BarthclPmy was responsible for the AVC system. Fief ere.cnc “LEP design report - Vol. chain, ’ CERN-LEP/TH/83-29. Bunch synchronization on the SPS, before e j e c 1:ion , 1s effected by changing the RF frequency until the phase difference between the bunch position signal and an ad hoc signal derived from SPS reference 1s at zero [switch S2 I’on” i.n Fig. 6). [?I <:Pyltv “Superfish [31 W. Pirkl, communication. servo [21 M. Croizat, Interferences system A medium speed servo system (several 100 Hz bandwidth) insures that the peak crap vol ‘cage follows the c-omputer- generated program. Its dynamic range is 16 dB (10 kV to 500 kV). Slow drift: of the ~:av~ty ?r:ne, as well as deliberate detuning are controlled by ,% sampled tuning loop (several 0. 1 Hz bandwidth) S:lmpling is done onc‘c per cycle, before bcdm i tijection. [41 S. Talas, pub1 ished) [‘jl ___ -2-z-_kEL~-e. vI AM.5 ‘“I-----7 ‘b 1 b=l6ial 5rS’FM h=.i?L@ ,' '\~ / A “Possible RF R. Hohbach, ._,' PS/RF/Note 83-16. “Cavity computation, for P. Marchand, R R Hohtach, “Ferrite tuner, ” PS/RF/Note [71 R. Hohbach, ing in the [El Y. Baronnier the \ /L!h\ -- P. Marchand, MHz cavity,” 114 CERN PS, ” [Ill f _,EFa, 6i p+~~~~~~~~ - Fig. (to Poirier, 85-3. private be G. Serras, “Higher modes and damp(to be published). “Electron et al., 1983 Part. Act. “Organisation niveau pour l’ac&lgration PS/RF/Note dans le PS,” [lOI R. Garoby, ‘I MHz,” “A possible et al., [91 D. Boussard lepton transfer scheme, PS-SPS,” LF lir 114 ” T.G. Arcphy, R.D. Carllni, Lhl W.R. Smithe, C.C. Frledrichs, D.L Grisham, G. Spalek and ‘RF cavities with transversely L.C. Wilkerson, Part. Act. Conf., biased ferrite tuning,” Vancouver, May 1985. Zr tii Mill CAW’IES Cr FERR/TE CA“I TES The LEP injector 1. Y. Baconnier accelerator results,“, beam dynamics Cllnf., IEEE variant for t.he LEP Note 569. de l’equlpement RF bas d’&lectrons/positrons 83-2/Rev.l, 1985. “The CERN PS as et/eet al., in the LEP injector chain, first these proceedings. 5: 6 Beam control in NS. system 1903 PAC 1987