1) Fill in the spaces with the appropriate words and expressions

1) Fill in the spaces with the appropriate words and expressions from the list.
mill industry
lump sugar
ribbon-cut noodles
four-egg pasta
chewing gum
1. ___________________ is a kind of sugar shaped as a cube.
2. There are various types of pasta for ____________________, eg. vermicelli, alfabeto,
anelli or strawberry leaf.
3. ___________________ are often rolled flat then cut.
4. ____________________ is a powder made from grain, especially wheat, used for making
bread, cakes, pasta, pastry, etc.
5. The main products of ____________________ are flour and groats.
6. Pasta that is made of 4 eggs is called ____________________.
7. ____________________ are plants which are grown to produce grain. They are also types
of food that is made from grain and eaten with milk, especially in the morning.
8. ___________________ is a sweet sticky yellow substance made by bees and used as food.
9. ____________________ is a drug found in coffee and tea that makes you feel more
10. A ___________________ is a sweet that you keep in your mouth and chew to get its
flavour, but which you do not swallow.
2) Complete the following dialogue with the appropriate words of the shop assistant.
Shop Assistant: (1) __________________________________________________?
Can you tell me where I can find bread?
Shop Assistant: (2) __________________________________________________ at the
bakery products department.
What kind of bread have you got?
Shop Assistant: We have (3) ____________________, (4) ____________________ and
(5) ____________________.
Great. I would also like to buy some sweets for my children. What
kind of candies could you recommend me?
Shop Assistant: We have (6) ____________________________________________
of candies. You can choose from (7) _______________,
(8) _______________, (9) _______________ or (10) _______________ .
Hm, I think I will buy some butterscotch. How much is it?
Shop Assistant: (11) __________________________________________________.
Oh, and I can’t find extruded wheat anywhere.
Shop Assistant: (12) __________________________________________________.
Oh, that’s a pitty. Never mind, I’ll buy some other extruded product
Shop Assistant: (13) ______________________________________ extruded rice?
Yes, I think it will be good.
Shop assistant: (14) __________________________________________________?
Well, no. I think, that’s all. Thank you for your help.
Shop Assistant: (15) __________________________________________________.
25 – 22 p = 5 (jeles)
21 – 18 p = 4 (jó)
17 – 14 p = 3 (közepes)
13 – 10 p = 2 (elégséges)
9 – 0 p = 1 (elégtelen)
1. lump sugar
2. soups
3. ribbon-cut noodles
4. flour
5. mill industry
6. four-egg pasta
7. cereals
8. honey
9. caffeine
10. chewing gum
(1) What can I do for you? / Can I help you? / How can I help you?
(2) You can find it / It is
(3) wheat bread / standard bread / rye bread
(4) standard bread / wheat bread / rye bread
(5) rye bread / wheat bread / standard bread
(6) several types / a wide choice
(7) hard candies / soft candies / fruit jellies / caramels / dragee candies
(8) soft candies / hard candies / fruit jellies / caramels / dragee candies
(9) fruit jellies / hard candies / soft candies / caramels / dragee candies
(10) caramels / hard candies / soft candies / fruit jellies / dragee candies
(11) It costs … HUF / It’s … HUF.
(12) Unfortunately we are out of extruded wheat. / I am afraid there is no extruded wheat. / I
am sorry but we have run out of it. / I am sorry but we don’t have it at present.
(13) May I recommend
(14) Anything else? / Can I give you anything else?
(15) Not at all. / I am glad I could help you.