Оґ44/40Ca variability in shallow water carbonates

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Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 83 (2012) 179–194
d44/40Ca variability in shallow water carbonates and the impact
of submarine groundwater discharge on Ca-cycling in
marine environments
C. Holmden a,⇑, D.A. Papanastassiou b,c, P. Blanchon d, S. Evans e
Saskatchewan Isotope Laboratory, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada S7N 5E2
Science Division, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, M/S 183-335, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109, United States
Div. Geol. Planet. Sci., M/C 170-25, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, United States
Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologı̀a, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Apartado Postal 1152, Quintana Roo, Mexico
Department of Geosciences, Boise State University, 1910 University Drive, Boise, ID 83725-1535, United States
Received 1 July 2011; accepted in revised form 19 December 2011; available online 29 December 2011
Shallow water carbonates from Florida Bay, the Florida Reef Tract, and a Mexican Caribbean fringing reef at Punta
Maroma were studied to determine the range of Ca-isotope variation among a cohort of modern carbonate producers and
to look for local-scale Ca-cycling effects. The total range of Ca-isotope fractionation is 0.4& at Punta Maroma, yielding
an allochem-weighted average d44/40Ca value of 1.12& consistent with bulk sediment from the lagoon with a value of
1.09&. These values are virtually identical to bulk carbonate sediments from the Florida Reef Tract (1.11&) and from
one location in Florida Bay (1.09&) near a tidal inlet in the Florida Keys. No evidence was found for the 0.6& fractionation between calcite and aragonite which has been observed in laboratory precipitation experiments. Combining these results
with carbonate production modes and d44/40Ca values for pelagic carbonates taken from the literature, we calculate a
weighted average value of 1.12 ± 0.11& (2r) for the global-scale Ca-output flux into carbonate sediments. The d44/40Ca
value of the input Ca-flux from rivers and hydrothermal fluids is –1.01 ± 0.04& (2rmean), calculated from literature data that
have been corrected for inter-laboratory bias. Assuming that the ocean Ca cycle is in steady state, we calculate a d44/40Ca
value of 1.23 ± 0.23& (2r) for submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) on a global scale. The SGD Ca-flux rivals river
flows and mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal vent inputs as a source of Ca to the oceans. It has the potential to differ significantly
in its isotopic value from these traditional Ca-inputs in the geological past, and to cause small changes in the d44/40Ca value of
oceans through time.
In the innermost water circulation restricted region of northeastern Florida Bay, sediments and waters exhibit a 0.7& gradient in d44/40Ca values decreasing towards the Florida Everglades. This lowering of d44/40Ca is predominantly caused by
local-scale Ca-inputs from SGD, which has a high Ca concentration (450 mg/L) and low d44/40Ca value (0.96&). Mixing
calculations show that Ca inputs from SGD and surface water runoff from the Florida Everglades contribute between 8%
and 60% of the dissolved Ca to the studied waters with salinities between 30 and 14, respectively. Similar degrees of circulation
restriction between epeiric seas and oceans in the geological past may have also led to overprinting of sedimentary carbonate
d44/40Ca values in nearshore regions of epeiric seas due to local-scale cycling of seawater through coastal carbonate aquifers.
Local Ca-cycling effects may explain some of the scatter in d44/40Ca values present in the Ca-isotope evolution curve of Phanerozoic oceans.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: chris.holmden@usask.ca, ceh933@mail.usask.ca (C. Holmden).
0016-7037/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Holmden et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 83 (2012) 179–194
New Orleans
Calcium isotopes have the potential to track changes in
the ocean Ca-cycle through time using d44/40Ca values recorded in sedimentary carbonate successions. A portion
of the work performed, thus far, has focused on reconstructions of ocean Ca-cycling over the past 30 million years
using downcore records of d44/40Ca variations in foraminifera (Heuser et al., 2005; Sime et al., 2007), sedimentary barite (Griffith et al., 2008) and bulk nannofossil ooze (De La
Rocha and DePaolo, 2000; Fantle and DePaolo, 2005; Fantle, 2010). The reconstructed trends were evaluated using
inverse modeling techniques with the aim of deducing
changes in ocean Ca concentrations through time. The
modeling highlights the sensitivity of the calculated Ca concentrations to the values of certain input variables that also
might have changed through time (Sime et al., 2007; Fantle,
2010). Chief among them are the d44/40Ca value of the global-scale input Ca-flux to the oceans and the fractionation
factor associated with the global-scale output Ca-flux into
carbonate sediments. Shallow water settings, which contribute 47% of net carbonate production today (Milliman,
1993; Milliman and Droxler, 1996), represent a significant
gap in our knowledge of the workings of the ocean Ca-cycle. Filling this gap could lead to improved estimates of the
d44/40Ca values of the input and output Ca-fluxes mentioned above, as well as more informed evaluation of the
tectonic, biotic and climatic changes that might have been
required to alter the isotopic signatures of these fluxes in
the past.
Shallow-water settings also serve as modern analogs for
carbonate production in ancient epeiric seas. Another reason to study them is to look for local Ca-cycling effects that
may have operated in their much larger geological counterparts. At the present day, marginal marine environments
are the most likely places to find local Ca-cycling effects
due to the restricted degree of water circulation with the
open ocean. But in the geological past, continental submergence was more widespread than it is today, and vast distances separated the oceans from the interior regions of
the epeiric seas. Consequently, water circulation restriction
may have affected larger areas, and, because carbonate sediment production was largely confined to these seas prior to
the evolution of pelagic calcifying organisms in the Mesozoic (Berger and Winterer, 1974; Riding, 1993), local Ca-cycling phenomena may be widespread in the shallow water
carbonate record (Holmden, 2009). For example, some of
the scatter observed in the putative record of calcium isotope variation in Phanerozoic oceans (Farkas et al.,
2007), much of which is reconstructed from analyses of brachiopod shells collected from the deposits of epeiric seas,
may be due to local Ca-cycling effects. A similar claim
has been made for carbon isotope records reconstructed
from epeiric sea carbonate successions (Patterson and Walter, 1994; Holmden et al., 1998; Immenhauser et al., 2003;
Panchuk et al., 2005, 2006; Melchin and Holmden, 2006;
Fanton and Holmden, 2007; Immenhauser et al., 2008;
Swart, 2008; LaPorte et al., 2009).
In this paper we present d44/40Ca values of carbonate
sediments and waters representing two contrasting deposi-
Gulf of Mexico
Florida Bay
Playa del
Punta Maroma
Fig. 1. Regional-scale map of the Gulf of Mexico showing the
locations of the two study areas: Punta Maroma, Mexico, situated
along the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, and Florida Bay in
southern Florida.
tional settings at the present day (Fig. 1). The first is a reef
environment located off the northeast coast of the Yucatan
Peninsula, Mexico, where the reef and lagoon are well
mixed with open ocean waters of the Caribbean Sea. The
second is Florida Bay, an estuarine lagoon located at the
southern tip of the Florida shelf, where the shelf waters
are restricted from mixing with waters of the Atlantic
Ocean and Gulf of Mexico. We use these data, along with
literature data on the riverine and hydrothermal Ca-fluxes
to the oceans, to calculate the d44/40Ca value of submarine
groundwater discharge on a global scale, which has been
identified in ocean Ca budgets as a large input Ca-flux to
the oceans (Milliman, 1993). We also provide an updated
budget for the ocean Ca-cycle that includes submarine
groundwater discharge, and takes into account inter-laboratory biases in reported Ca-isotope analyses of the major
Ca-fluxes to and from the oceans. And we comment on
the disparity between secular reconstructions of seawater
Ca-isotope changes over the past 30 million years based
on analyses of sedimentary barite, bulk nannofossil ooze
and foraminifera, in light of our analyses of shallow water
carbonates and the role played by submarine groundwater
discharge, a component of the continental weathering flux
of Ca to the oceans and potential driver of ocean Ca-cycle
secular changes.
2.1. Punta Maroma reef
The reef at Punta Maroma is located less than 1 km
from shore in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico, about
16 km north of Playa del Carmen. The study reef (Fig. 2)
is part of the larger fringing-reef system that spans much
of the coastline of the Yucatan Peninsula. A shallow lagoon
of 4 m depth separates the reef from the beach. Behind
the beach is a 2 km patch of sand, shrub, and grass that
abuts a shoreline-parallel ridge of Pleistocene limestone.
Highway 307 runs along this ridge.
Ca isotope variability in shallow water carbonates
Punta Maroma
Coral Reef
Shelf Break
Caribbean Sea
500 m
Fig. 2. Local-scale map of the study reef and lagoon at Punta Maroma, Mexico, showing the sample collection area.
Water in the lagoon is well mixed by over-the-reef currents resulting from wave set-up during periods of normal
wave activity (average wave height = 0.8 ± 0.4 m, 1r). As
a result, the turnover time of water in the lagoon is less than
3 h (cf. Coronado et al., 2007). The salinity and temperature of the lagoon, therefore, closely correspond to the
sea surface of the open ocean.
2.2. Florida Bay, Florida Reef Tract and Florida Everglades
Florida Bay (Fig. 3) is a seasonally hypersaline estuarine
lagoon located at the southernmost tip of the submerged
Florida shelf (Wanless and Tagett, 1989). It is roughly triangular in shape with barriers that limit circulation with
open marine waters. To the east and south, the nearly continuous exposure of Pleistocene limestone composing the
Florida Keys keeps surface Atlantic waters of the Florida
Reef Tract out of Florida Bay, with the exception of a
few tidal passes. To the west, a series of shallow mudbanks
limits circulation with the Gulf of Mexico. To the north,
Florida Bay is bounded by mangrove wetlands of the Florida Everglades. Florida Bay is partitioned into a series of
shallow basins or ‘lakes’ delineated by mudbank deposits.
Waters are typically <3 m deep, and it is common to find
areas that have been scoured of sediment to reveal the
underlying Pleistocene limestone bedrock. Outcrop exposures of limestone are common in the coastal region of
northern Florida Bay, as well as in the wetlands of the Florida Everglades.
South Florida has a tropical monsoon-type climate (Trewartha, 1954; Price et al., 2008) that greatly affects spatial
and temporal patterns of salinity in Florida Bay (Nuttle
et al., 2000; Swart and Price, 2002; Kelble et al., 2007). In
northeastern Florida Bay, the focus of this study, salinity
gradients expand across the Bay during the wet season
(May–October) and contract towards the Everglades during the dry season (November–April; Fig. 3). Fresh water
enters the Bay through creeks that cut through the Buttonwood Embankment, such as Trout Creek (Hittle et al.,
2001; Langevin et al., 2004). It is estimated that only
10% of the freshwater input to Florida Bay is from Ever-
glades runoff in the northeast region (Nuttle et al., 2000),
with the remainder coming from precipitation, and a potentially large component of brackish groundwater that seeps
into the Bay from the seabed (Corbett et al., 1999; Corbett
et al., 2000; Langevin et al., 2004; Swain et al., 2004; Swarzenski et al., 2009).
2.2.1. Hydrogeology of the Florida Everglades
The Surficial Aquifer System occupies the uppermost
50–82 m of Miocene to Holocene age sedimentary deposits
beneath southern Florida, comprising highly permeable
pelletoidal lime packstone, grainstone, and sandstone (Perkins, 1977; Fish and Stewart, 1991). It is unconfined at the
top and hydraulically continuous between the Everglades
and Florida Bay. In the upper part of the aquifer, fresh
and brackish waters flow north to south across the Everglades, driven by a gently sloping topographical gradient
of 9 m relief over a distance of 65 km, measured from
the northern boundary of Everglades National Park to
the Florida Bay coastline. The elevation change of the
water table over the same distance is 2.5 m (Fig. 2, in
Price and Swart, 2006). Seawater seeps into the lower part
of the Surficial Aquifer System due to buoyancy and tidal
forces (Langevin et al., 2004). The area affected has been
mapped by an airborne geophysical surveying technique
(Fig. 3), which revealed brackish groundwater extending
8–30 km inland from the Florida Bay coastline (Fitterman
and Deszcz-Pan, 1998). These brackish waters are circulated back to the sea along with the topographically driven
flow of fresh water (Fig. 4). Using a 2-D model simulating
surface and groundwater flow in the Everglades, Langevin
et al. (2004) predicted a large zone of groundwater discharge in the coastal region of northeastern Florida Bay
(Fig. 3).
Groundwater seepage from the seabed is referred to as
submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) (Burnett et al.,
2006) (Fig. 4). The definition does not distinguish between
seepages of dilute groundwater, brackish water or seawater.
The reason is due to the emphasis that is placed on SGD as
a source for dissolved metals and nutrients to coastal seas
distinct from surface runoff (Moore, 1999, 2010). Brackish
C. Holmden et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 83 (2012) 179–194
Fig. 3. Local-scale map of Florida Bay and the Florida Reef Tract showing the locations of sampling Stations 1–6. Salinity contours are
reproduced from a salinity map published by the Southeast Environmental Research Center, Water Quality Monitoring Network in Florida
Bay (http://serc.fiu.edu/wqmnetwork/). The salinity distribution reflects conditions in January 2001. Sampling was performed in early March
2001. The salinities at the time of sampling are listed in Table 3 and are higher by about 5 parts per thousand in most locations compared to
the salinities recorded in January. Surface water samples were collected for this study. A mass of saline groundwater extends 5–30 km
northward of the Florida Bay shoreline beneath the Florida Everglades. The 30–20 ohm resistivity contour marks the northernmost extent of
seawater penetration beneath the Florida Everglades (Fitterman and Deszcz-Pan, 1998). The area of northeastern Florida Bay affected by
submarine groundwater discharge, predicted from the hydrogeological modeling study of Langevin et al. (2004), is also shown.
groundwater in the Everglades has lower pH (6.72 ± 0.2,
n = 14) than surface waters (7.3 ± 0.2, n = 9), and ‘excess
Ca’ over Na of about five times the amount predicted from
seawater–freshwater mixing. Brackish Everglades groundwater is also lower in dissolved oxygen (odors of H2S were
reported by Price et al., 2006), higher in alkalinity than surface ocean waters, and is generally higher in biological
nutrients such as nitrate and phosphate (Corbett et al.,
1999; Price et al., 2006). It was suggested by Price et al.
(2006) that the ‘excess Ca’ effect, which originates from dissolution of carbonate aquifer materials, might serve as a
tracer of SGD into Florida Bay. In this study we show that
SGD may be traced using Ca isotopes, and that groundwater contributions to Florida Bay may be quantified using
material balance equations.
Carbonate-producing organisms were collected, in situ,
from the reef at Punta Maroma, as well as a grab sample
of skeletal sand and gravel from the lagoon (Fig. 2). A
water sample was also collected from the lagoon. The carbonate samples were rinsed of sea salts using deionized
water, dried in an oven, and then powdered using an agate
mortar and pestle.
Five samples of water, and five samples of underlying
carbonate sediment were collected from Florida Bay during
the dry season in early March 2001 (Fig. 3). The sampling
transect started in the south at an ocean inlet near Tavernier in the Florida Keys (Station 2), traversing northwards
to Trout Creek, Joe Bay, and the lower reaches of a creek
draining the southern margin of the mangrove fringe (Station 6) of the Florida Everglades (Fig. 3). The sediment at
Station 2 was skeletal sand. The sediments at Stations 3, 4
and 5 were predominantly carbonate mud. A carbonate
sample was created from the peat sample at Station 6 by
combining fragments of ten different mollusk shells collected from the peat. In addition to the Florida Bay samples, one sample of seawater and skeletal carbonate sand
was collected on the Atlantic side of the Florida Reef Tract
Ca isotope variability in shallow water carbonates
dard, which is natural seawater. We find no difference in
d44/40Ca values among the three aliquots of seawater
(Caribbean, Atlantic and Pacific) measured in our laboratory at the ±0.07& level of precision (2r).
Calcium isotope data reported in the literature as d44/
Ca may be converted to d44/40Ca using Eqs. (1) and (2):
Land surface
coastal marine
Ca=40 Ca ¼
Fig. 4. Schematic diagram showing seawater penetration of coastal
aquifers, a wedge of brackish waters formed by subsurface mixing
with fresh groundwater, and the area of the seabed where brackish
groundwater seeps into coastal waters, called submarine groundwater discharge (SGD). The slope of the water table beneath the
Florida Everglades is much shallower than shown in the diagram,
allowing seawater to penetrate up to 30 km inland (Fitterman and
Deszcz-Pan, 1998). Figure modified after Price et al. (2006).
(Station 1). Water samples were filtered using 0.45 lm acid
cleaned FEP cup filters. The carbonate sediment samples
were drained of seawater before drying and powdering.
The Ca-isotope analyses were performed in the Saskatchewan Isotope Laboratory with a 43Ca–42Ca double
spike using a thermal ionization mass spectrometer (Thermo Fisher Triton) following methods described in Holmden
and Bélanger (2010). Aliquots of Ca were purified from matrix elements prior to mass spectrometry using MP50 cation
exchange resin in gravity flow columns. Routine monitoring
of the K beams demonstrated that no correction was
needed for 40K interference on 40Ca. The 44Ca/40Ca analyses are reported in the standard delta notation as d44/40Ca
(¼ 44 Ca=40 Casample =44 Ca=40 Castandard 1) reflecting per mil
(&) deviations in the 44Ca/40Ca ratio relative to the stan-
Ca=42 Ca
¼ 0:488
Here m40, m42, and m44 are the atomic masses of the Ca
isotopes. A kinetic isotope mass fractionation law is used
because Ca-isotope fractionation in the mass spectrometer,
as well as in nature, is governed mostly by kinetic rather
than equilibrium isotope fractionation (Russell and Papanastassiou, 1978; Lemarchand et al., 2004; Fantle and
DePaolo, 2007; Jacobson and Holmden, 2008).
The precisions reported for Ca-isotope measurements
have been improving in recent years to the point where inter-laboratory biases need to be considered. In Table 1 we
list per mil differences between seawater and SRM 915a
(D915aseawater) reported in the literature, finding a total
range of 0.2&. Our value for D915aseawater is –
1.81 ± 0.08& (2r), which is at the low end of the range
of reported values. It is lower than our previously reported
value of 1.86& (Holmden and Bélanger, 2010).
Selected literature data presented and discussed in this
paper are corrected for inter-laboratory bias using the
appropriate value for D915aseawater (Table 1). We only correct the data showing the largest offsets with data produced
in the Saskatchewan Isotope Laboratory because the correction is another source of uncertainty. For example, one
or more of the above reference materials may have been
measured less often in some laboratories compared to
Table 1
Survey of D915a-seawater values reported in the literature.
Wieser et al. (2004)
Schmitt et al. (2009)
This paper
Amini et al. (2009)
Farkas et al. (2007)
Amini et al. (2007)
Holmden and Bélanger (2010)
Huang et al. (2010)
Huesuer et al. (2005)
Gussone et al. (2007)
Hippler et al. (2003)1
Schmitt and Stille (2003)
Tipper et al. (2010)
Hindshaw et al. (2011)
Sime et al. (2005)
Fantle and DePaolo (2005) and Fantle (2010)
Note: underlined ratios were calculated using 0.488, the slope of the kinetic isotope fractionation relation (Eq. (1)).
C. Holmden et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 83 (2012) 179–194
others, leading to potentially inaccurate estimations of
D915aseawater. This was the case in the Saskatchewan Isotope Laboratory, where the 915a standard was measured
less often than seawater and an internal CaF2 standard.
Typically, literature values reported as d44/40Ca on the
915a scale are converted to the seawater scale by subtracting the value for D915aseawater determined by the laboratory
that produced the data. If a further correction is made for
inter-laboratory bias, then it is indicated in the text.
Major element analyses were performed using an ICPAES instrument at the Saskatchewan Research Council
Analytical Laboratories in Saskatoon, with a reproducibility of ±5% (2r). Salinity was measured in the laboratory
with a refractometer calibrated using mixtures of deionized
water and the IAPSO salinity standard between 0 and 35.
Salinities higher than 35 were determined using the slope
determined from the linear relationship.
4.1. Fractionation of Ca isotopes in shallow water carbonates
The d44/40Ca value of seawater on the lagoon side of the
Punta Maroma reef is 0&. It is indistinguishable from
Atlantic and Pacific seawater routinely measured in the Saskatchewan Isotope Laboratory with an external precision
of ±0.07& (2r).
The d44/40Ca values of the in situ-collected, biologicallyproduced, carbonates are listed in Table 2, along with the
mineralogy from Bathhurst (1975). The average value for
two red algae is 0.86 ± 0.07& (2r), six corals yielded
1.07 ± 0.07& (2r), and five green algae yielded
1.20 ± 0.10& (2r). All Ca-isotope data are reported relative to seawater. The weighted grand mean is –1.12&,
based on mass fractions of allochems in Punta Maroma
beach sand (Medina, 2008). This compares well with the
d44/40Ca value of a bulk sediment sample collected from
the lagoon, yielding 1.09&. The temperature of seawater
in the lagoon was not measured during sampling, but it is
typically 24–25 °C in February (Merino and Otero, 1991),
which is the month when the fieldwork was conducted.
d44/40Ca values for water and surface sediment grabsamples from Florida Bay and the Florida Keys are listed
in Table 3. Station 1, located on the Atlantic side of the
Florida Keys, yielded a d44/40Cawater value of 0.01& and
a d44/40Cacarb value of 1.11&. The salinity at the time
of sampling was 40.1. Station 2, located near a tidal inlet
on the Florida Bay side of the Florida Keys, yielded a
d44/40Cawater value of 0.00& and d44/40Cacarb value of
1.09&. The salinity at this station was 36.3. Combining
these results yields an average d44/40Ca value of 1.10&
for bulk sediment production, which is virtually identical
to the value determined at Punta Maroma, Mexico of
1.09&. Archival sea–surface temperature data from
nearby monitoring stations recorded 25 ± 2 °C for both
localities at the time of sampling (http://serc.fiu.edu/wqm
Combining d44/40Ca measurements of bulk carbonate
sediment from the Florida Keys (Stations 1 and 2) with
the d44/40Ca value for bulk carbonate sediment from Punta
Maroma lagoon yields 1.10 ± 0.03& (2r).
4.1.1. Global-scale Ca-isotope fractionation factor for ocean
carbonate production
Pelagic carbonates are dominated by coccolithophorids
and foraminifera, with each taxon contributing 50% of
the production (Broecker and Clark, 2009). Recognizing
that d44/40Ca values of coccolithophorids are dependent
on temperature, and that they have a wide latitudinal range
in the Earth’s oceans, we adopt 17 °C for the global average
sea surface temperature, and calculate a global average d44/
Ca value of 1.22 ± 0.10& (2r) for coccolith calcite
using the paleotemperature equation for E. huxleyi
(Gussone et al., 2006). Applying the same temperature to
foraminiferal calcite using the paleotemperature equation
for O. Universa (Gussone et al., 2005) yields a lower value
of 1.07 ± 0.05& (2r). In another study, twelve species
of foraminifera collected from Atlantic waters covering a
wide range of latitudes and sea surface temperatures yielded
1.30 ± 0.05& (2rmean, n = 61) (Sime et al., 2005). Taken
at face value, it is significantly lower than 1.07& – the
value calculated using the paleotemperature equation.
However, after correcting for inter-laboratory bias
(Table 1), it is in better agreement, yielding 1.08&
(=1.30 0.22&). Assigning equal weight to the production flux of foraminifera and coccolithophorids (Broecker
and Clark, 2009), a flux weighted average d44/40Ca value
of 1.15 ± 0.11& (2r) is calculated for the pelagic carbonate sink at the present day. This compares reasonably well
to the average value of 1.06 ± 0.05& (2rmean) for six
deep-sea carbonate ooze samples (<0.5 million years of
age) from two cores taken from Deep Sea Drilling Project
holes 590B (Fantle and DePaolo, 2005) and 807A (Fantle
and DePaolo, 2007), after correction for inter-laboratory
bias (=1.29 0.23&) (Table 1).
Using estimates in Milliman (1993) for carbonate-sediment mass accumulation fluxes between pelagic (53%) and
shallow water settings (47%), we calculate a value of –
1.12 ± 0.11& (2r) for the d44/40Ca value of the CaCO3 sink
on a global scale, which is also the global-scale fractionation factor (Dsed). If the ocean Ca-cycle is assumed to be
in steady state, then the benchmark value for the weathering flux input of Ca to the oceans is also
1.12& ± 0.11& (2r).
4.1.2. Global-scale d44/40Ca value for submarine groundwater
Traditionally, rivers and mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal
vents have been the most often considered input sources
of Ca to the oceans. Tipper et al. (2010) reported new
and expanded Ca-isotope data (d44/42Ca) for dissolved Ca
in rivers worldwide, yielding a discharge-weighted average
d44/40Ca value of 1.13 ± 0.16& (2r) (=0.38/0.4881.91),
which is close to the value of 1.07& measured by Schmitt and Stille (2003). Correcting for bias relative to the
Saskatchewan Isotope Laboratory yields, respectively,
1.03& and 1.00&. Mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal
vents deliver Ca to the oceans with an average d44/40Ca
value of 0.95 ± 0.07& (2r) (Amini et al., 2008). Assuming
Ca isotope variability in shallow water carbonates
Table 2
Carbonate d44/40Ca values from the reef and lagoon at Punta Maroma, Mexico.
d44/40Ca (& sw)
d44/40Ca (& 915a)
Red algae
Amphiroa tribulus
Porolithon pachydermum
Green algae
Halimeda opuntia
Rhipocephalus phoenix
Udotea flabellum
Halimeda tuna
Halimeda incrassata
Green algae
Red algae and echinodermsc
Micritic and lithic bioclasts and molluscs
Grand weighted average Dsed
Dendrogyra cylindricus
Monastrea annularis
Colpophylia natans
Porites furcata
Porites astreoides
Millepora complanata
Planktic foram
Echinoid spine
Bulk sediment (lagoon)
Beach sediment fractionsb
Weight fraction
Common mineralogy from the literature (HMC = High Mg calcite).
Classification of allochems and fractions is based on a study of Punta Maroma beach sand (Medina, 2008).
d44/40Ca is the average value for samples measured in this study.
Table 3
d44/40Ca data from Florida Bay waters and carbonate sediments.
(& sw)
FB 1
FB 2
(& 915a)
(& sw)
(& 915a)
that 80% of the Ca-flux to the oceans is delivered by rivers
and 20% by hydrothermal fluids (Milliman, 1993; Milliman
and Droxler, 1996), the d44/40Ca value of the combined
riverine and hydrothermal Ca-flux is calculated to be
C. Holmden et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 83 (2012) 179–194
1.01 ± 0.04& (2rmean). The propagated uncertainty is
based on the 2rmean values for 22 large rivers reported
Tipper et al. (2010), yielding ±0.034 (¼ 0:16= 22), and
16 hydrothermal fluids measured
pffiffiffiffiffi by Amini et al. (2008),
yielding ±0.02& (¼ 0:07= 16).
It has been known for some time that the output Ca-flux
into carbonate sediments exceeds the input Ca-flux from
rivers and hydrothermal fluids, and that a large Ca-flux
from submarine groundwater discharge is needed to balance the ocean Ca budget (Garrels and Mackenzie, 1971;
Wilkinson and Algeo, 1989; Milliman, 1993; Milliman
and Droxler, 1996). Referring to the ocean Ca budget of
Milliman and Droxler (1996), the size of the input Ca-flux
from SGD could, in fact, rival the contributions from riverine and hydrothermal Ca sources. Using these Ca-fluxes
(listed in Table 4), the d44/40Ca value of the SGD Ca-flux
to the oceans may be calculated from isotope mass balance
considerations. At steady state, the global output Ca-flux
into carbonate sediments (Fsed ) equals the global input
Ca-flux from rivers (Fr ), hydrothermal vents (Fh) and
groundwater (Fgw), as described by Eq. (3):
Fsed ¼ Fr þ Fh þ Fgw
Eq. (4) is the corresponding isotope mass balance
Fsed dsed ¼ Fr dr þ Fh dh þ Fgw dgw
Ca values for Ca fluxes Fr, Fh
In these equations, d
and Fgw are denoted dr, dh and dgw. If the ocean Ca-cycle
is in steady state, then the d44/40Ca value of the total input
Ca-flux from all sources of weathering (dTw ) must equal the
total output Ca-flux into all types of carbonate sediments
(dTw ¼ dsed ).
Solving Eq. (4) for dgw, and plugging in the values for
the parameters listed in Table 4, yields 1.23 ± 0.23&
(2r) for the global scale input Ca-flux from SGD. This value is not statistically different from the combined (weighted
average) value for the other two input Ca-fluxes, dr and dh
(1.01 ± 0.04 2rmean). To obtain a more precise result, the
present-day global-scale output Ca-flux into carbonate sediments needs to be known with greater precision, as this
uncertainty contributes greatly to the propagated uncertainty in dgw . More work in this area will also help to determine whether the limited dataset on shallow water
Table 4
Simplified modern ocean Ca budget.
Ca Fluxa (Tmol/y)
Input mass (fraction)b
d44/40Ca (& sw)
d44/40Ca (& 915a)
Hydrothermal vents
Ground waterc,d
±0.03 (2rmean)
±0.02 (2rmean)
±0.23 (2r)
CaCO3 sediment
±0.11 (2r)
Milliman (1993).
Calculated relative to the output Ca flux of 32 Tmol/y.
Input mass fraction calculated by difference (=32133).
Ground water d44/40Ca value calculated using Eq. (4) from the text.
Fig. 5. The d44/40Ca values for the major Ca reservoirs and fluxes of the modern ocean Ca-cycle. The range in d44/40Ca values for silicate rocks
is from Amini et al. (2009). The range in d44/40Ca values for carbonate rocks is from Farkas et al. (2007). The d44/40Ca value for the river input
Ca-flux is from Tipper et al. (2010). The d44/40Ca value for the pelagic carbonate deposition flux was calculated in section 4.1.1. The globalscale d44/40Ca value for the SGD Ca-flux was calculated in section 4.1.2., assuming that the ocean Ca cycle is in steady state. The d44/40Ca
value for the shallow water carbonate deposition flux is from this study, as is the estimate of the global-scale fractionation factor for marine
carbonate deposition (Dsed). Selected literature values have been corrected for inter-laboratory bias as indicated in the text.
Ca isotope variability in shallow water carbonates
carbonates presented in this study is truly representative of
shallow water carbonate production on a global scale. The
isotopic budget of the modern ocean Ca-cycle with SGD is
summarized in Fig. 5.
3.2. Local-scale Ca-cycling effects in Florida Bay
d44/40Ca values of Florida Bay waters decrease from
0.0& to 0.69& in the direction of the Florida Everglades
(Stations 2–6, Fig. 3). Salinity decreases from 35.9 to 14.0
over the same distance (Fig. 6a). Carbonate sediment
d44/40Ca values decrease from 1.09 to 1.99&, strongly
correlating with the d44/40Ca values of the overlying waters
(r2 = 0.93, figure not shown). Most of the decline in
d44/40Ca values occurs in the coastal zone of northeastern
Florida Bay and along the southern mangrove fringe of
the Florida Everglades (Fig. 3).
A plot of dissolved Na and Ca vs. salinity (Fig. 6b)
shows that Na is conservative over the entire range of water
samples collected. In contrast, Ca exhibits increasingly nonconservative behavior with closer sampling proximity to the
Florida Everglades. The change occurs at a salinity of 25,
near Station 4. Here the initial trend of decreasing Ca with
decreasing salinity changes to a trend of increasing Ca with
decreasing salinity – an indication that nearshore waters
have ‘excess Ca’ – more Ca than predicted by seawater–
freshwater mixing.
Florida Bay waters define a strong linear trend on a plot
of d44/40Ca vs. Na/Ca (Fig. 6c). The linear relationship is
evidence for mixing between two sources of Ca with differing d44/40Ca values and Na/Ca ratios. The two most likely
sources of Ca are seawater, with a Na/Ca 47 and a d44/
Ca value of 0&, and weathered carbonate, with a Na/
Ca 0 and a d44/40Ca value of 1.16& (the coordinates
of the y-intercept). The carbonate-weathering signature
falls within the range of d44/40Ca values for modern shallow
water carbonates (0.81& to 1.22&) measured in this
Additional insight into the mechanism by which excess
Ca is delivered to the coastal waters of Florida Bay comes
from plotting Florida Bay waters on a d44/40Ca vs. Ca diagram (Fig. 7) and comparing the distribution to the hypothetical trend of seawater–freshwater mixing given by Eq.
CCa dCa CCa
sw Cfw dfw dsw
fw dfw
þ sw sw
Csw Cfw
Cmix Csw Cfw
In this equation, concentrations are represented by CCa
for components (i), which include freshwater (fw), seawater
(sw) and brackish water (mix). Calcium isotope values are
represented by di. Data from the Atlantic side of the Florida Keys (Station 1) are used for the seawater end-member,
and literature data are used to define the average Ca concentration of freshwater from the Everglades (76
± 20 ppm) (Price and Swart, 2006). We assume that the corresponding d44/40Ca value for Everglades freshwater is
1.16&, the value deduced for the carbonate weathering
end-member using the mixing line in Fig. 6c. The water
samples collected from the coastal region of northeastern
Florida Bay (Stations 3–6) plot below the seawater–fresh-
water mixing curve due to the excess Ca supplied by carbonate weathering. This finding is reminiscent of the
excess Ca reported in Florida Everglades groundwater by
Price et al. (2006), suggesting that brackish groundwater
is being discharged from the seabed in the vicinity of Stations 3–6, consistent with predictions based on hydrogeological modeling (Langevin et al., 2004) (Fig. 3).
Although we did not measure d44/40Ca in brackish
groundwater from the Everglades, we estimate its value
using literature data (Cl = 130 mM and Ca = 13.5 mM in
Fig. 8 from Price et al. (2006)), and the assumption that
Na and Cl are conservative. We first calculate the mass of
seawater contained in Everglades brackish groundwater
using a Na balance Eq. (6):
gw Mgw ¼ Csw Msw þ Cfw Mfw
The components of the system (i) are seawater (sw),
freshwater (fw) and groundwater (gw); M is the mass of
is the concentration of Na in compocomponent i, and CNa
nent i. Next, we construct a Ca balance equation (Eq. (7))
that is similar to the Na balance equation, except that there
is an additional term for the mass of Ca released from subsurface weathering of carbonate aquifer material (mCa
carb ):
gw Mgw ¼ Csw Msw þ Cfw Mfw þ mcarb
Eq. (8) is the isotope mass balance equation corresponding to Eq. (7):
Ca Ca
Ca Ca
gw Cgw Mgw ¼ dsw Csw Msw þ dfw Cfw Mfw þ dcarb mcarb
Combining Eqs. (6)–(8), an expression is derived for the
d44/40Ca value of Everglades brackish groundwater (dCa
gw )
(Eq. (9)):
gw Cfw
dgw ¼
sw dcarb Þ
sw Cfw
gw Csw
fw dcarb Þ þ dcarb
Cfw Csw CCa
The calculation requires that d44/40Ca values for fresh
Florida Everglades surface water (dCa
fw ) and subsurface limestone bedrock (dCa
carb ) are known. We take both values to be
1.16& because it is presumed that weathering of exposed
limestone will supply the bulk of the dissolved Ca in Florida Everglades surface water. Further manipulations of
Eqs. (6) and (7) and the water mass balance equation
(Mgw ¼ Msw þ Mfw ) yields Eq. (10),
gw Cfw
gw Csw
f carb
sw Cfw
gw Mgw
gw Cfw Csw
which is used to calculate the fraction of carbonate derived
Ca in Everglades brackish groundwater, for which we obtain a value of 0.72. If the Ca contribution from Everglades
freshwater is included, as well, then the mass fraction of
carbonate derived Ca increases to 0.82. The remaining Ca
is from seawater. The calculated average salinity for Everglades brackish groundwater is 7.4, if the salinity of seawater infiltrating southern Florida’s coastal aquifers is 35; or
8.4 if the salinity is closer to 40 (Table 5).
C. Holmden et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 83 (2012) 179–194
Fig. 6. (a) Covariant trends between salinity and d44/40Ca values for waters and sediments of northeastern Florida Bay. The decrease in d44/
Ca with decreasing salinity is most pronounced in the coastal region and southern mangrove fringe of the Florida Everglades. The water
sample data reflect a snapshot of d44/40Ca variation in early March 2001. The surface sediment grab samples reflect a time-integrated pattern
of d44/40Ca variation. (b) A plot of Na and Ca concentrations in Florida Bay waters vs. salinity. Sodium shows conservative mixing behavior.
Calcium shows increasingly non-conservative behavior with decreasing salinity and closer sampling proximity to the Everglades. (c) A plot of
d44/40Ca vs. Na/Ca displays a strongly covariant trend suggestive of mixing between two components: (1) seawater, and (2) submarine
groundwater discharge. The d44/40Ca value for Everglades groundwater is 0.96& (calculated in section 4.2 using Cl and Ca concentration
data on Everglades brackish groundwater reported in Price et al. (2006)). Note that the regression line does not include the groundwater
datum. The y-intercept of 1.16& is interpreted to represent the average d44/40Ca value for the subsurface aquifer material through which the
brackish waters have flowed.
Next, we determine the impact of submarine groundwater discharge on Florida Bay waters. Everglades brackish
groundwater plots in the bottom right-hand corner of the
d44/40Ca vs. Ca diagram (Fig. 7). If we assume that the ex-
cess Ca in Florida Bay waters comes from submarine
groundwater discharge (SGD), then a new set of mixing
curves can be constructed using an equation similar to
Eq. (5) that models the d44/40Ca and Ca concentration of
Ca isotope variability in shallow water carbonates
The waters from stations closest to the Everglades show
the biggest SGD–Ca fractions: 0.31 at Station 5, rising to
0.64 at Station 6. Further away from the Everglades, less
Ca is contributed by SGD, and Florida Bay waters plot closer to the hypothetical seawater–freshwater mixing curve.
The contribution of Everglades brackish groundwater to
Florida Bay waters may be calculated using Eq .(12):
f gw ¼
Fig. 7. A graphical representation of a mixing model used to
calculate the mass fraction of groundwater and groundwater
derived Ca in Florida Bay waters. The non-conservative behavior
of Ca and d44/40Ca in Florida Bay waters is shown relative to the
expected relationship for conservative mixing between seawater
and Everglades surface water. Water samples from the coastal
region of Florida Bay and the southern mangrove fringe of the
Florida Everglades have higher Ca concentrations and lower d44/
Ca values, and thus fall below the seawater–freshwater mixing
curve. Brackish groundwater from the Everglades plots in the lower
right hand corner of the diagram. A second set of mixing curves is
drawn between Everglades brackish groundwater and several
points on the seawater–freshwater mixing curve, with the only
constraint being that the groundwater mixing curves must pass
through the measured Florida Bay water samples. These curves are
used to calculate water and Ca fractions contributed by submarine
groundwater discharge in the near shore region of northeastern
Florida Bay (see Table 5 and sample locations in Fig. 3). The
percentage of Ca derived from groundwater is indicated for
Stations 4–6. The number in parentheses is the salinity.
Florida Bay waters (FBW) as mixtures of two sources: (1)
submarine groundwater discharge (gw), and (2) brackish
surface waters (sw–fw–mix). The latter is calculated as
hypothetical mixtures of freshwater from the Everglades
and seawater from the surrounding oceans. The mass fraction of calcium contributed to Florida Bay waters by SGD
(f Ca
gw ) is calculated using Eq. (11):
f Ca
gw ¼
FBW dsw-fw-mix
dgw dsw-fw-mix
Mgw þ Msw-fw-mix
sw-fw-mix dsw-fw-mix dFBW
gw ðdFBW dgw Þ þ C sw-fw-mix ðdsw-fw-mix dFBW Þ
As expected, the waters from stations closest to the
Everglades show the biggest fractional contributions: 0.19
at Station 5 and 0.43 at Station 6.
The results obtained from the above mixing model calculations are listed in Table 5 along with the values used
for the mixing end-members. Included in Table 5 are the results of another apportionment calculation using Eq. (13).
This calculation determines the total fraction of Ca (f Ca
w )
in Florida Bay waters contributed by all sources of CaCO3
f Ca
w ¼
FBW dsw
dw dsw
It does not require knowledge of the mechanism by
which weathered Ca is delivered to Florida Bay, just knowledge of the d44/40Ca value of the weathered Ca source (dCa
w ).
The expectation is that f Ca
w will be greater than f gw , as the
latter does not include Ca inputs from Everglades runoff,
or diagenetic sources of Ca from carbonate sediment dissolution (Patterson and Walter, 1994). Examination of the results in Table 5 shows that on the whole, the model-based
calculations of f Ca
gw are comparable to f w , thus lending support to the basic structure of the model and the dominance
of SGD as a pathway in the transmission of the carbonate
weathering flux signature to Florida Bay’s coastal waters.
A quantitative analysis of the uncertainty can be deterCa
mined for f Ca
w with greater reliability than f gw because the
former does not depend on knowing the d44/44Ca value
Table 5
Results of mixing calculations performed on Florida Bay waters.
Mixing end-members
Surface water
High-Ca ground water (gw)
d44/40Ca (& sw)
d44/40Ca (& 915a)
Na (mg/L)
Ca (mg/L)
Na/Ca (mol/mol)
gw fraction in in FB waters
Florida Bay (FB)
CaCO3 weathering fraction
f Ca
f Ca
C. Holmden et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 83 (2012) 179–194
and Ca concentration of SGD. Moreover, the uncertainty
in f Ca
w is minimized by the goodness-of-fit of the linear
regression on the plot of d44/44Ca vs. Na/Ca in Fig. 6c
(r2=0.99), which lends confidence to the two-component
mixing model. Accordingly, we need only consider the reliability of the end-member uncertainties in order to calculate
an uncertainty for f Ca
w . Because seawater has a fixed value
globally, the largest source of uncertainty reflects the degree
of confidence that we have in the value of 1.16& used to
characterize the carbonate end-member, which we determined from the y-intercept of the mixing line in Fig. 6c.
If we shift the carbonate end-member along the regression
line to 1.10&, then the calculated values for f Ca
w would
be 5% higher than the values listed in Table 5.
In summary, the impact of carbonate weathering increases in the shoreward direction in northeastern Florida
Bay between stations 3 and 6, covering a distance of
10 km. These results are consistent with hydrogeological
modeling performed by Langevin et al. (2004), showing that
stations 4, 5 and 6 are situated in a major groundwater discharge area with simulated groundwater flow rates that increase towards the southern margin of the Everglades. This
is the direction of the decreasing trend in d44/40Ca values of
Florida Bay waters and bulk carbonate sediments.
4.3. The role of SGD in the global Ca-cycle
It has been proposed that the d44/40Ca value of the global-scale input Ca-flux to the oceans (dTw ) has changed over
the past 30 million years (Griffith et al., 2008; Fantle, 2010).
The hypothesized changes are quite large, ranging between
0.3& and 0.5& over periods as short as 5 million years.
Although no mechanisms were offered to support the plausibility of the hypothesis, the authors concede that sufficient
leverage may not exist in the isotopic makeup of the continental rock reservoir to support changes of this magnitude
in the given time frame (Schmitt and Stille, 2003; Sime
et al., 2007; Griffith et al., 2008; Fantle, 2010). The possibility that the global-scale input Ca-flux to the oceans from
SGD may rival the combined riverine and hydrothermal
Ca fluxes brings new information to bear on the question
of secular changes in dTw .
In contrast to rivers, which drain the vast interiors of the
continents, the d44/40Ca value of the SGD Ca-flux is controlled by a much smaller set of rocks that surround the
margins of the continents. Silicate and carbonate rocks
are included in this grouping, but only the carbonates can
play a significant role in changing dTw . This conclusion is
based on a study of radiogenic 40Ca in marine carbonates
showing no appreciable enrichment of this isotope in the
oceans over geological time. The implication is that the
ocean Ca-cycle is dominated by weathering of sedimentary
carbonates and mantle-derived silicate rocks of basaltic
composition (Caro et al., 2010). The latter exhibit such a
narrow range of d44/40Ca values, however, that it must be
the carbonate rocks that control secular changes in dTw .
For example, seven analyses of rocks of basaltic to andesitic
composition, reported by Amini et al. (2009), exhibit a total
range of variation of just 0.16& at the 95% level of
confidence, and an average d44/40Ca value of 1.06&.
Moreover, the isotopic signature of the mid-ocean ridge
hydrothermal Ca-flux (0.95 ± 0.02&, 2rmean) may be buffered against changes over time by isotope exchange reactions between seawater and the continuously forming
oceanic crust.
Carbonates, on the other hand, record a much wider
range in d44/40Ca values of 0.7& (Farkas et al., 2007),
and are easily weathered. In fact, apportionment studies
have shown that 90% of the calcium in rivers is traceable
to carbonate weathering on a global scale (Gaillardet
et al., 1999). Consistent with this finding, Tipper et al.
(2010) reported that d44/40Ca values for large rivers overlapped the values found in Phanerozoic marine carbonate
rocks (Farkas et al., 2007), supporting our contention that
only carbonate weathering needs to be considered when
evaluating changes in dTw in the geological past. However,
the d44/40Ca value of the carbonate rock reservoir changes
rather slowly, at the rate of 0.1&/100 Ma (Fig. 8 in Farkas et al., 2007), too slow to cause modeled changes of 0.3–
0.5& in dTw over short time-scales of just 3–5 million-years
(Griffith et al., 2008; Fantle, 2010). This leads us to consider
an alternative but related hypothesis, one that involves
weathering of coastal marine carbonate successions by
SGD in low latitudes.
As a source of water to the oceans, SGD rivals river
flows. This is the conclusion of Moore et al. (2008) who
used a 228Ra tracer technique to study SGD in the Atlantic
Ocean basin, bracketing the contribution between 80% and
160% of the river water inputs. Most of the SGD revealed
by this technique is recycled seawater. Given that Ca concentrations are typically higher in groundwater (e.g., Hanshaw and Back, 1980) and marine sediment pore water
(e.g., Fantle and DePaolo, 2007) than river water (e.g., Schmitt and Stille, 2003), the Ca-flux contributed by SGD
could easily exceed the Ca-flux from rivers on a global
scale. A case in point is the exposed carbonate shelf of
the Yucatan Peninsula. Meteoric water sinks freely into
the underlying karstified carbonate bedrock before entering
the oceans as SGD (Hanshaw and Back, 1980) with a Ca
concentration that is 10-fold higher than the median value
for global rivers (Schmitt and Stille, 2003). Using data provided by Hanshaw and Back (1980), we calculate the SGD
Ca-flux from the Yucatan Peninsula to be half as large as
the Ca-flux from Columbia River (a typical medium sized
large river) which drains a continental area that is 10 times
larger than the Yucatan, and carries a water flux that is 24
times larger (Columbia River data from Tipper et al., 2010).
Weathered Ca-fluxes from places like the Yucatan Peninsula, and other coastlines where carbonates were deposited
during previous high stands of sea level (Blanchon et al.,
2009), have not been tabulated in global estimates of Cafluxes to the oceans.
Although the global-scale SGD Ca-flux appears to be
large enough to impact the Ca concentration of seawater,
the question remains: is there sufficient isotopic leverage
in this weathered source of Ca to change the d44/40Ca value
of the oceans over geological time? Consider the middle
Miocene as a case in point. Pelagic carbonate records suggest that the d44/40Ca value of seawater was 0.4& lower
than today (De la Rocha and DePaolo, 2000; Heuser et al.,
Ca isotope variability in shallow water carbonates
2005; Fantle and DePaolo, 2005; Sime et al., 2007; Griffith
et al., 2008; Fantle, 2010). Assuming that bulk-carbonate
fractionation factors did not change, then shallow water
carbonates deposited during the middle Miocene would
have formed with d44/40Ca values of about 1.5&. It follows that a subsequent lowering of sea level would expose
these carbonates to subsurface weathering by groundwater,
which may in turn cause a lowering of dTw . By contrast, the
average d44/40Ca value for the riverine and hydrothermal
Ca-fluxes would likely remain the same as today
(1.01 ± 0.04&, 2rmean). Therefore, due to mixing effects,
the decrease in dTw would be expected to be less than the decrease in shallow water carbonate d44/40Ca values. For
example, lowering the d44/40Ca of SGD from the present
day value of 1.23& to the middle Miocene value of
1.50& would lower dTw by 0.15&, from 1.12& to
1.26& (Eq. (4)), if all other input Ca-fluxes and their isotopic compositions remained the same. But even this
amount of change is on the high side of what is reasonable,
as it assumes that a large proportion of the SGD Ca-flux
to the oceans, worldwide, stems from the weathering of
coastal marine carbonate successions deposited in low latitudes. In other words, mixing effects with the SGD Ca-inputs from higher latitudes are not considered in the
calculation. The SGD Ca weathering flux hypothesis provides a mechanism that supports the suggestion by Fantle
(2010) that changes in dTw might broadly track secular
changes in seawater d44/40Ca. We caution, however, that
the secular variation in dTw was likely smaller than indicated
in his model. In addition, any hypothesized SGD-driven
changes in dTw would be expected to correlate with sea level
The SGD Ca weathering flux hypothesis is tentative; its
validation or invalidation must await a more thorough
examination of secular records of d44/40Ca variation in
coastal marine carbonate successions. But even by this
mechanism the changes in dTw are much smaller than the
0.3–0.5& changes proposed in models of ocean Ca cycling over the past 30 million years (Griffith et al., 2008;
Fantle, 2010). We therefore conclude that the barite and
bulk nannofossil ooze records cannot be entirely accurate
records of secular changes in seawater d44/40Ca values over
the past 30 million years, particularly in the light of the
foraminiferal reconstructions (Heuser et al., 2005; Sime
et al., 2007) which show secular changes that are less dramatic, and modeled Ca concentration changes in the oceans
that are much less dependent on large hypothesized changes
in dTw . Although it has been suggested that secular changes
in bulk carbonate fractionation factors between shallow
and pelagic depositional modes might help to explain the
discrepancies (Fantle, 2010), the differences proposed in
the geological past are large (>1&), and contrast the very
small differences found at the present day (<0.1&). A similar caution extends to the suggestion that the basic structure of the Ca isotope record of Phanerozoic oceans is
explained by oscillating calcite and aragonite seas (Farkas
et al., 2007), as we have found no evidence for a strong mineralogical control governing the pattern of Ca isotope fractionation among the major carbonate producers at the
present day.
4.4. The role of SGD as a factor influencing local Ca-cycling
in ancient epeiric seas
There is a growing body of work documenting local carbon cycling effects in epeiric seas, both in the geological past
(Beauchamp et al., 1987; Holmden et al., 1998; Finney
et al., 1999; Immenhauser et al., 2003; Kaljo et al., 2004;
Gischler and Lomando, 2005; Panchuk et al., 2005, 2006;
Melchin and Holmden, 2006; Fanton and Holmden, 2007;
Immenhauser et al., 2008; Swart, 2008; LaPorte et al.,
2009) and at the present day (Patterson and Walter, 1994;
Swart and Eberli, 2005). Recently, it was reported that a
d44/40Ca study of Ordovician carbonates in the Williston
Basin suggested the presence of local Ca-cycling effects in
epeiric sea carbonates (Holmden, 2009). The finding of a
d44/40Ca gradient in the sediments and waters of Florida
Bay strengthens and expands this claim.
Submarine groundwater discharge may be capable of
sustaining platform gradients in seawater d44/40Ca values
in ancient epeiric seas. Over the course of geological time,
shallow seas expanded and contracted countless times over
vast areas of previously deposited marine carbonates.
Shorelines were typically hundreds of kilometers from the
open ocean, and seawater circulation was greatly restricted
due to the distances, the shallowness of the waters, and potential barriers to circulation such as mud banks and other
carbonate buildups. Like southern Florida, an exceedingly
shallow relief characterized the coastal regions of the epeiric
seas. Carbonate aquifers were likely hydraulically continuous beneath coastal areas, and seawater likely penetrated
these aquifers, flowing inland for tens of kilometers in the
subsurface. The greater the length of coastline, the greater
was the area for seawater–freshwater mixing in subterranean estuaries. Carbonate aquifers were dissolved and isotopically light calcium flowed out of the seabed into the
coastal waters forming shore-to-basin gradients in seawater
d44/40Ca values, aided by the sluggish circulation of seawater between the interior regions of the epeiric seas and the
open ocean. Other factors may have been important as well.
Rainfall recharges coastal aquifers and drives the topographical flow of freshwater towards the sea where mixing
with Ca-enriched groundwater occurs in the subsurface.
An important role is therefore played by climate. Microbial
metabolism and oxidation of organic matter lowers
groundwater pH, enabling the carbonate aquifer to dissolve
(Jacobson and Wu, 2009). Although vascular plants did not
evolve until the late Devonian, bryophytes, fungi and bacteria are known to have colonized terrestrial environments
in earlier times (Yapp and Poths, 1993; Wellman et al.,
2003). Microbial respiration of organic matter may have
supplied the aqueous CO2 needed to drive the dissolution
of subsurface carbonates in the coastal regions of the epeiric seas long before the evolution of land plants.
From the local Ca-cycling perspective, SGD presents a
Ca weathering flux that is more evenly distributed along
the coastline than the point source delivery of weathered
Ca by rivers, which are also lower in Ca concentration than
groundwater. Considering further that the salinity of SGD
may be similar to seawater, or at least brackish rather than
fresh, SGD will contribute much less than rivers to salinity
C. Holmden et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 83 (2012) 179–194
reduction in epeiric seas. Therefore, attempts to identify
carbonate deposits affected by SGD on the basis of faunal
associations affected by salinity must bear this caution in
mind. For example, if many of the brachiopods that were
used to reconstruct the Ca-isotope record of Phanerozoic
oceans (Farkas et al., 2007) were collected from shallow
water deposits affected by local Ca-cycling effects in epeiric
seas, then the seawater evolution curve may be biased towards lower d44/40Ca values.
The vast majority of marine carbonate rocks preserved
in the sedimentary rock record were deposited in shallow
water settings. As isotope investigations into the Earth’s ancient Ca-cycle increase, these ancient carbonate successions
will be targeted for reconstructing changes in ocean Ca-cycling through time, with the aim of providing information
on Earth’s changing climate, ocean circulation, and tectonics (e.g., Payne et al., 2010). Reconstructing ocean secular
trends using d44/40Ca values recorded in shallow water carbonates, however, is not without pitfalls. In a modern
example, we have shown that enhanced subsurface weathering of carbonate rocks by groundwater, and the delivery of
isotopically light Ca by SGD, prevents the ocean d44/40Ca
signature from being recorded in the near shore region of
Florida Bay – a phenomenon that most likely extends to
Ca-cycling in ancient epeiric seas as well. Because SGD
can be brackish, the decrease in salinity is also much less
than would normally be expected if meteoric waters were
mixing with seawater. For this reason, it may be difficult
to recognize carbonate deposits affected by SGD in the sedimentary rock record and to avoid sampling these deposits
when isotopically tracing the ocean Ca-cycle through time.
Reconstructions of past-ocean Ca-cycling using genuine
ocean sediments will not have to contend with the integrity
of the d44/40Ca record insofar as local Ca-cycling effects are
concerned. Nevertheless, there is a fair amount of disagreement in the isotopic trends reconstructed over the past 30
million years using different sedimentary materials (Fantle,
2010), highlighted by the different ways in which dTw is
hypothesized to have changed through time. We argued
in this paper that the proposed secular changes in dTw are
too large, and occur too quickly, to be explained by any
known mechanism that we can think of to produce them,
with the possible exception of submarine groundwater discharge. Even by this mechanism, however, changes greater
than 0.15& over the past 30 million years are unlikely given the current state of knowledge of the workings of the
ocean Ca-cycle.
We thank Mosa Nasreen for assistance in the clean analytical
laboratory, Dinka Besic for assistance in the mass spectrometry
laboratory and Jim Rosen for electronics, mechanical and
computer software support on the instruments used in this study.
This work was made possible through financial support to C.H.
from the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of
Canada (Discovery grant). Karla Panchuk and Andy Jacobson
are thanked for comments and suggestions that helped to improve
the presentation. Cathrin Hagey is thanked for editorial assistance,
and Matt Fantle and three anonymous reviewers are thanked for
reviewing the paper for the journal.
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Associate editor: Derek Vance