New Domestic Downlight Standards FAQs

New Domestic Downlight
AS/NZS60598.2.2 Amendment A (NZ Only) is a Minimum Safety Standard and is not intended
to be a luminaire design standard. The safety of the completed installation ultimately rests
with the contractor whose responsibility it is to ensure all materials used are thermally compatible. The safest way of achieving this is to follow the Luminaire Manufacturer’s instructions. Luminaires tested to this Standard will be safe at all times even if their operating environment is inadvertently changed. Under abnormal conditions the luminaire, lamp or both
may exhibit unusual characteristics such as intermittent switching or short life………...
……...but will remain safe.
Do I have to install a down light that can be covered with Insulation?
No, there is no requirement in the standard that states that a downlight has to be covered with insulation. As long as it has been tested and rated (see attached table below)
and carries either a CA135 or CA80 Classification then you can abut to the fitting only,
leaving the top of the fitting exposed.
What are the new classifications I should be looking for?
Downlight Classifications as described AS/NZS60598.2.2 Amendment A
Not allowed to have any insulation within 100mm and cannot be installed in
residential buildings
Type CA 135, closed abutted, recessed luminaire where fixed, building insulating material that can safely be exposed continuously to temperatures up
to 150°C must not cover but may closely abut the sides of the luminaire. The
symbol shall be permanently marked on the back of the fitting, be clearly
visible, at least 20 mm high and clearly legible.
Type CA 80, closed abutted, recessed luminaire where fixed, building insulating material that can safely be exposed continuously to temperatures up to
90°C must not cover but may closely abut the sides of the luminaire. The
symbol shall be permanently marked on the back of the fitting, be clearly
visible, at least 20 mm high and clearly legible.
Type IC recessed luminaire where building insulation that can safely be exposed continuously to temperatures up to 90°C may abut and cover the luminaire. The symbol shall be permanently marked on the back of the fitting,
be clearly visible, at least 20 mm high and clearly legible.
Type IC-F recessed luminaire where building insulation that can safely be
exposed continuously to 90°C may abut or cover the luminaire. The symbol
shall be permanently marked on the back of the fitting, be clearly visible, at
least 20 mm high and clearly legible. Resistant to ingress of external matter.
Does every fitting have to be fitted with a thermal cut-out?
No, a thermal cut-out is not the only means of compliance, however they are an economical and reliable item frequently employed at the manufacturer’s discretion and primarily used to ensure a fitting achieves one of the above listed classifications.
Some insulation providers have recommended using only fittings with thermal
cut outs; this would appear to be a misguided recommendation. A Classification as above is not dependant on the use of a Thermal Cut-out.
What happens if I cover a CA ‘abutted only’ rated downlight?
Provided that the lamp in use complies with the manufacturer’s recommendations, a
safe situation will be maintained. Under the new standard all fittings are tested under
abnormal conditions which assumes the fittings may at some point be inadvertently
covered fully with insulation or other material or an incorrect lamp fitted.
Covering such newly rated fittings, (although not hazardous to the installation) may
however result in implications for the fitting itself. It is likely that short lamp life will be
noted and nuisance tripping may occur if the fitting has a thermal cut-out or the fitting
may fail completely, but in a safe mode.
High wattage LEDs (for example) may operate at higher than designed temperatures
which may then shorten the rated lamp life of the fitting (speak to the fitting manufacturer for more detail in this instance).
What do I need to know about the Insulation in the Installation?
The majority of the market appears to be held by mineral glass fibre types, however
insulation comprised of other materials such as polyester and natural fibres is available.
These materials generally have a lower ignition temperature than glass fibre and they
should be used only if the supplier’s performance specification indicates they are safe to
use with the downlights of your choice.
It has long been recognised internationally that 90 OC has been a threshold below which
building materials should not go with regard to ignition temperature. If in any doubt
about the materials involved you should check and confirm with either the manufacturer
of the insulation product or of the fitting itself, to ensure their product can be installed
in accordance with the new standard.
You need to check the insulation manufacturer’s instructions to ensure their
product is safe when installed alongside fittings approved to the new classifications in the table above.
In summary what does this mean for Downlight installations?
Key Points;
If it is to be used for a domestic installation check the classifications of the
downlight to ensure it has been tested to comply with one of those listed in the
table above.
The risks of covering a CA rated downlight under the new standard are that it
may shorten the life of the lamp and/or fitting but if it fails it will fail safely. If
a thermal cut-out has been fitted it may cause the fitting to switch off automatically.
Check that the insulation present on the job is certified by the manufacturer of
the insulation to be installed alongside the fitting classification you are using.
It is important to note that a CA rated downlight under the old standard may no
longer comply with the CA135 and CA80 requirements of the new standard.
You must look for the new CA135 or CA80 label as shown above to be sure it
complies with the new standard.
Whilst the Electrical and Lighting Industry are required by law to operate
within strict and known safety limits, the Insulation Industry has no such restrictions placed upon it. This Standard has been produced in order to ensure
domestic downlights are safe under all foreseen circumstances. The insulation
industry is encouraged to introduce systems that will identify with certainty the
ignition temperatures of its materials for the guidance of all installers.
The requirements of the new Standard become mandatory
May 10th 2012 for all new domestic installations