ISSN 2319-8885 Vol.04,Issue.35, August-2015, Pages:7279-7282 Design and Analysis of High performance and High Slew Rate Class AB Operational Amplifier V. M. VINOD KUMAR PG Scholar, Dept of ECE, RGM College, Andhrapradesh, India. Abstract: This paper presents symmetrical and high slew rates in class AB operational amplifier using a low voltage sence amplifier using cross coupled sence amplifier in two stage class AB op-amp. It will produce and the results are compared with the existing methods. Keywords: Class AB Operation, Operational Amplifiers, Symmetrical Slew Rate. I. INTRODUCTION It is commonly known that slew rate of an op-amp is limited by the current drive capability of its input stage. For class-A circuit, a maximum output current is limited by bias current. On the contrary, class-AB input stage can provide the output current much higher than its bias current. So, in high speed application, the class-AB input stage has an advantage. Various structures of class-AB op-amps have been developed. In comparison between three techniques for improving amplifier slew rate, namely dynamic frequency compensation, non saturated input stage and dynamic biasing, have been reported. In the same year, the new classAB principle is proposed. It has high has high slew rate, But it suffers from instability problem, which is caused by current feedback loop. Subsequently, a class-AB CMOS op-amp with novel self-biased input transistor was proposed in, its characteristics are almost identical to those of the op-amp proposed, but the instability problem is eliminated. However, the entire reported high slew rate op-amps mentioned above is single stage. Thus their open-loop gains are not comparable to those of the traditional two stage opamps and the miller compensation technique cannot be applied. As a result, some close-loop performances such as accuracy, linearity, common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) and bandwidth of these class-AB op-amps are restricted. This paper proposes a novel input stage, which is intended for two-stage high speed CMOS op-amp. The input stage comprises a pair of a mixed CMOS Trans linear circuit and provides dual outputs. Thanks to its class-AB structure, the output current of the proposed input stage can be many times higher than the bias current. Moreover, its symmetrical architecture allows the CMRR to be as high as that of the classical class-A differential pair. To verify the viability of the proposed input stage, a high speed op-amp comprising the proposed input stage and a simple complementary common-source high-gain stage is demonstrated In singlestage op-amps achieves highly symmetrical slew rate by using different efficient schemes. low open-loop gain(Aol) disadvantage of a single stage op-amp. output cascading transistors is used to increase the output resistances(Rout). it limit the maximum output current and the slew rate enhancement factor .In the conventional class-A two-stage Miller-compensated op-amp is characterized by a highly asymmetrical slew rate with large positive slew rate and much lower negative slew rate .This much lower negativeslew rate is due to the output transistor (MoN) acts as a dc current source with 2IB value and increase the static power dissipation. To avoid this limitation some class AB two-stage op-amps have been reported. feature models are relatively modest effective slew rate improvement non negligible static power dissipation require additional complex circuitry increased supply requirements are the features of most reported class AB op amps. current efficiency is decreased by this and the expression for current efficiency is CE=Ioutmax/Iqtotal where Ioutmax=maximum output current, Iqtotal=total op-amp static current. In Fig.1 (b) achieves class AB operation with additional small hardware. It consists of a small capacitor C bat and large resistive element Rlarge this combination operates as a open battery that transfers ac variations taking place at the gate of Mop to the gate of Mon transistors .The output stage operates as a push-pull amplifier and provides dynamic classAB operation with large positive and negative output currents. This does not increase supply requirements and power dissipation but operates in only perticular frequencies frequencies. In this brief, two-stage op-amps with mostly symmetrical slew rate are presented. Class Ab Two-Stage Op-Amps existed models remembered in Section II. In Section III presents the Proposed and Existing Methods .Sections IV deal with simulation and experimental results, respectively. Finally, some conclusions are drawn in Section V. Copyright @ 2015 IJSETR. All rights reserved. V. M. VINOD KUMAR Vb triode=Vss+Vgs+VDSsat=VTH+2VDSsat is required at the II. PREVIOUS CLASS AB TWO-STAGE OP-AMPS gate of MoNR. Where VDSsat= Vgs-Vth is the minimum Vds A. Op-Amp with Current Replication Branch To achieve class AB operation, the output transistor MoN voltage to operate in saturation region. This Vbtroide leaves a can be turn into an active amplifying device by simply quiescent drain-source voltage for MoNtriode with value adding a current replicating branch formed by M2R and VDSsat, which causes MoNtriode to operate between triode MoNR as shown in Fig.1(c).This transfers current variations and saturation regions boundaries. The circuit of Fig. 2 is Ia in M1-M2 to the output transistor MoN and increases and denoted as operational amplifier with current replicating increases the maximum positive output current by 2IB. The branch and adaptive loads. These topologies are not harmful negative current is limited to 2IB.gain in the current in terms of stability of the ac responses. The current replicating branch is from gate to the drain of MoN The replicating branch helps compensating the current through current replicating branch does not require additional the miller capacitor just as in other multipath miller zerocompensation circuit. the node Vx that become advantage by cancellation scheme. this additional compensation is not required for the current III. SYMMETRICAL AND HIGH SLEW RATE CROSS replicating branch and miller compensation causes MoP to COUPLED TYPE TWO STAGE OP-AMPS behave as low impedance diode connected load at high frequency.. The gain between the op-amps output terminal and the gate of MoN reduced to closely a unity value. The current replicating branch has small dimensions reducing static power dissipation and area . For achieve large negative output currents, non-linear adoptive load can be used similar to the teqnique introduced. Fig.2. symmetrical and high slew rate cross coupled type two stage op-amps. Fig.1. (a) Conventional two-stage Miller op-amp. (b) Free-class AB op-amp. (c) Push pull op-amp with current replication branch M2R, MoNR. (d) Class AB two-stage op-amp with current replicating branch using adaptive load II at the input stage. (e) Class AB two-stage op-amp with current replicating branch using adaptive load I at the input stage. B. Class AB Two-Stage Op-Amp Using Adaptive Loads By using an adaptive load at the input side in the circuit we can achieve class AB operation efficiently. Two different alternatives are shown in Fig.1 (d) and Fig.1 (e).In both cases, the adoptive loads man oeuvre the large variation of output resistance of transistors between triode and saturation regions in quiescent conditions. In both schemes a current increase in IA causes transistors to go in triode region and to develop large drain-source voltages. These changes cause large currents flow in the output transistors Mop and thanks to the current replicating branch, A bias voltage with value Sense amplifier which detects the voltage difference on the bit lines is called voltage mode sense amplifier. There are some different types voltage mode sense amplifiers like single ended sense amplifiers, differential amplifiers and Cross coupled sense amplifiers. Different types of sense amplifier are used in different types of memory cells according to the proper design and efficient performance. Cross coupled voltage mode SA. M1 and M2 are the access transistors, whereas M3-M6 forms crosscoupled inverters. When SAEN is low, M1 and M2 are turned ON and voltage on BL and BLB will be transferred to SL and SLB respectively. Due to positive feedback, higher voltage level goes to VDD and other level goes towards zero. the nodes SL and SLB are input and output terminals at the same time In the basic cross-coupled SA. By the way circuit cannot be connected directly to the bit line since the circuit would attempt to discharge the bit line capacitance during the decision phase and would increase delay and power. A solution is either to separate the bit line by forming a decoupling resistor with a multiplexer or to use pass gates. Both cause a voltage drop that deteriorates the available input voltage difference. By This way the voltage swing at the bit lines can simply reduce by half, then lower speed and noise margin as a resulting. This sense amplifier form with strong positive feedback with a high resistive input. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research Volume.04, IssueNo.35, August-2015, Pages: 7279--7282 Design and Analysis of High performance and High Slew Rate Class AB Operational Amplifier The current flow of the differential input transistors voltage followers, and results are shown in Fig.4. The figure M2 and M1 controls the serially connected latch circuit. compares simulations of the current in the load capacitor of A large output voltage comes by converts small difference the conventional class A op-amp of Fig. 4(a) with the class between the currents through M1 and M2 . During reset AB op-amp of Fig. 3, and both class AB op-amps with phase when SAEN=0V, the output nodes of the SA (O1 and adaptive loads at the input stage of Fig. 4(d) and (e). The O2) are reset to VDD through the reset transistors M6 and unitary transistor dimensions are (W/L)N = 50/1 and (W/L)P = M9. This current latched SA is faster compare to 140/1. IB = 100 μA, CL = 30 pF, VDD = 1.65V, VSS = −1.65V, conventional cross coupled SA. During evaluation phase Rc = 2 kΩ, Cc = 10 pF, and when SAEN=VDD, M3 turns ON and the input transistors M1 and M2 starts to discharge O1and O2 node voltages to GND. NMOS transistors of the cross coupled inverters turn ON initiating positive feedback. When any of these node voltages falls from VDD to VDD-Vthn. Further PMOS transistors of the inverters turns ON and further enhances the positive feedback and converts a small input voltage difference to large full scale output. when any of output node voltage drops to VDD-Vthp. Inverters are used further to speed up the sensing process. A. Existing Method Fig 3 shows the existed circuit in this adaptive load had been added directly in current replicating branch for getting large negative output current. it is based on diode connected load in current replicating branch type modification by adding transistor between MoNtriode, gate of MoNR and lower supply rail. The minimum Vds voltage to operate in saturation VDSsat = Vgs-Vth. The diode connected transistor MBtriode W/L equal to ¼ of MoN tride and MoNR. by this it achive double the VDS,sat and thus its VG1is required Vbtriode. gives a quiescent drain source voltage ride and for MoNtride with value VDS sat ,by this effect MoNtriode operates between trode and saturation region boundaries. Fig.3. (a) Vbtriode circuit generator and (b) class AB twostage op-amp with current replicating branch using an adaptive load. When increase in current Ia then increade gate source voltage of MoNR, decrease drain-source voltage of Mon triode then transistor goes into triode region at Vx large voltage increase with respect of large optput current in transistor MoN .the negative slew rate is improved with almost equal to positive slew rate. (e) Fig.4. Output current transient responses for (a) conventional operational amplifier, (b) operational amplifier with current replicating branch and adaptive load, (c) operational amplifier with adaptive load type I at the input stage and current replicating branch, and (d) operational amplifier with adaptive load type II at the input stage and current replicating branch.fig 4(e) output response of cross coupled two stage classAB op-amp. Vbiastriode = VSS +1.25 V. The Miller compensation net is the same in all of the four circuits. It can be seen that, while the conventional op-amp works in class A, class AB performance is achieved in the three proposed topologies getting negative output currents much larger than IB and approximately of the same order than the positive output current. This result confirms the improvement in negative slew rate achieved with these topologies. IV. SIMULATION RESULTS Transient post layout simulations have been made with the operational amplifiers configured in unity-gain closed loop as International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research Volume.04, IssueNo.35, August-2015, Pages: 7279-7282 V. M. VINOD KUMAR [10] J. Ramirez-Angulo, “A novel slew-rate enhancement TABLE I: Positive Slew Rate and Negative Slew Rates technique for one stage operational amplifiers,” in Proc. Comparisons With Different Class AB Op-Amps IEEE 39th Midwest Symp. Circuits Syst., vol. 1. Aug. 1996, pp. 7–10. [11] F. You, S. H. K. Embabi, and E. Sanchez-Sinencio, “Low-voltage Class- AB buffers with quiescent current control,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 915– 920, May 1998. [12] J. Ramirez-Angulo, R.G. Carvajal, J. Tombs, and A. Torralba, “Low-voltage CMOS op-amp with rail-to-rail input and output signal swing for continuous-time signal processing using multiple-input floating-gate transistors,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Analog Digital Signal Process., vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 111–117, Jan. 2001. V. CONCLUSION Author’s Profile: The different schemes of power-efficient class AB twostage op-amps are introduced by using a Cross coupled type V. M.Vinod Kumar, was born in Kadiri technique in two stage op-amps have been experimentally Village, Anantapur District, in 1991. He tested. They achieved approximately symmetrical and high received the B.Tech degree in Electronics slew rate with very small additional static power dissipation.. and Communication Engineering from Furthermore due to its entire class-AB structure, the JNTU Anantapur, in 2013 and M.Tech presented op-amp is also power efficient. Degree Specialization in Embedded Systems from JNTU Anantapur, in 2015. VI. 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International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research Volume.04, IssueNo.35, August-2015, Pages: 7279--7282