Deer Proof Plant List - Mississippi Nursery and Landscape Association

Plants that deer will pass by!
Deer keep eating all of my plants!
What can I do?
One of the most difficult landscape problems to
address is damage from wildlife. The whitetailed deer herd in Mississippi, and the
southeastern US, has grown dramatically since
the early 1990’s and is continuing to expand.
Deer damage is especially difficult because they
can consume most of the ‘desirable’ plants in a single night.
Repellents are not very effective and require frequent application.
Exclusion requires the installation of expensive and unsightly fencing.
Plant selection is usually the best option for preventing white-tailed
deer damage.
There are no plants that deer will not eat if they get hungry enough!
But, there are lots of options that they will avoid most of the time.
This program helps you pick out great plants that deer won’t damage.
Just look for the Deer Proof logo on plants at your local garden
The list of plants that can carry the Deer Proof label was based on
University recommendations from across the country and experience
landscape professionals!
It’s as easy as 1-2-3! Just
go to the plants with the
Support Local Growers!
One of the best things about the Deer Proof
Plant Program is that it helps you support
your community by identifying plants that
are locally grown! Only growers in Mississippi can receive the Deer Proof Plant tags for
labeling their product.
If you see one of these tags, you know the
plant was Mississippi grown!!!
 Beautiful landscapes
 Less damage from deer
 Confidence in choosing
plants for problem areas
Easy to pick out the
plants that will work for
you while you’re at the
garden center
Save money on repellants
and fencing
Deer Proof Plant Lists
Table of Contents
(Click on Sections)
Annuals & Herbaceous Perennials
Trees & Shrubs
Vines, Groundcovers & Ferns
Grasses, Sedges & Rushes
Any plant on this list can be labeled with a Deer Proof Program tag
or label.
Remember that deer will eat any plant if they are hungry enough.
This is just a list of plants they avoid eating. Just because a plant is
on this list does not mean it will grow in your environment. Make
sure the plants you select are also adapted to the site where you
want to use them.
Developed in partnership between the
Mississippi Nursery & Landscape Association and the Mississippi State
University Extension Service
by the Mississippi State Trial Gardens
with financial support from the
Mississippi Department of Agriculture & Commerce and the USDA
Deer Proof Plant List: Annuals and Herbaceous Perennials
Common Names
Acalypha radians
Achillea spp.
Aconitum spp.
Actaea simplex
Adenophora bulleyana
Aegopodium podagaria
Agapanthus spp.
Agastache spp.
Agave spp.
Ageratum houstonianum
Ajuga reptans
Alcea rosea
Alchemilla spp.
Allium spp.
Alocasia spp.
Amorpha fruticosa
Amorpha roemeriana
Amsonia spp.
Anchusa spp.
Andromeda polifolia
Anemone spp.
Anemonella thalictroides
Anethumus graveolens
Angelica spp.
Anthemis spp.
Antirrhinum majus
Aphanostephus riddellii
Aquilegia spp.
Arabis alpinia
Argemone albiflora
Arisaema spp.
Armeria maritima
Armeria pseudarmeria
Armoracia rusticana
Cardinal's feather, Cardinal feather
Autumn Snakeroot, Black Cohosh, Bugbane
Lady Bells
Bishop's Weed
African Lily, Lily-of-the-Nile
Hummingbird Mint, Hyssop
Century plant
Ladys' Mantle
Ornamental Onion
Elephant Ears
Indigo bush, False indigo bush, False indigo, Desert false indigo
Roemer's false indigo
Blue Milkweed
Bog Rosemary
Rue Anemone
Golden Marguerite
Lazy Daisy, Riddell's dozedaisy
Bluestem pricklypoppy, White pricklypoppy
Jack in the Pulpit, Green dragon, Dragonroot
Sea Thrift
Pinkball Thrift
Groovestem Indian plaintain, Indian plantain, Prairie plantain, Prairie
Indian plantain
Wormwood, Silver Mound, Tarragon
Lords and Ladies
Arnoglossum plantagineum
Artemesia spp.
Arum italicum
Any plant on this list can be labeled with a Deer Proof Program tag or label. Remember that deer will eat any plant
if they are hungry enough. This is just a list of plants they avoid eating. Just because a plant is on this list does not
mean it will grow in your environment. Make sure the plants you select are also adapted to the site where you want
to use them.
Developed in partnership between the
Mississippi Nursery & Landscape Association and the Mississippi State University Extension Service
with support from the
Mississippi Department of Agriculture & Commerce and the USDA
Deer Proof Plant List: Annuals and Herbaceous Perennials
Aruncus spp.
Asarum spp.
Asclepias spp.
Aster spp.
Astilbe spp.
Aubrieta deltoidea
Aurinia saxatilis
Bacopa monnieri
Baptisia spp.
Begonia spp.
Belamcanda chinensis
Bergenia spp.
Berlandiera betonicifolia
Berlandiera lyrata
Bletilla striata
Boltonia spp.
Borage officinalis
Bouchea linifolia
Bouchetia erecta
Bracteantha bracteata
Brickellia cylindracea
Brimeura amethystina
Brugmansia spp.
Brunnera macrophylla
Calamintha spp.
Calendula spp.
Callirhoe spp.
Calliuna spp.
Calylophus berlandieri
Camassia leichtlinii
Campanula spp.
Canna spp.
Capsicum annuum
Catananche caerulea
Catharanthus roseus
Celosia spp.
Centaurea cyanus
Wild Ginger, European Ginger
Butterfly Weed, Milkweed
Purple Rock-Cress
Basket of Gold
Coastal Water-hyssop, Herb-of-grace, Water hyssop
False indigo, Wild Indigo
Blackberry Lily
Heartleaf Bergenia, Pigsqueek
Texas greeneyes, Broochflower
Chocolate daisy, Chocolate flower, Lyreleaf greeneyes, Green-Eyed
lyre leaf
Chinese Ground Orchid, Hyacinth Orchid
Flaxleaf bouchea, Groovestem bouchea
Erect Bouchetia, Painted-tongue, Paintedtongue, Painted Tongue
Brickell-Bush, Brickellbush, Gravelbar brickellbush
Spanish Hyacinth
Angel's Trumpet
Variegated Siberian Bugloss, False Forget-Me-Not
Calendula, Pot Marigold
Winecup, Poppy Mallow
Berlandier's sundrops, Square-bud primrose, Sundrops
Canna Lily
Chile pequin, Chile petin, Bird pepper, Turkey pepper , Cayenne
Cupid's Dart
Periwinkles, Annual Vinca
Cock's Comb, Celosia
Bachelor's Buttons
Any plant on this list can be labeled with a Deer Proof Program tag or label. Remember that deer will eat any plant
if they are hungry enough. This is just a list of plants they avoid eating. Just because a plant is on this list does not
mean it will grow in your environment. Make sure the plants you select are also adapted to the site where you want
to use them.
Developed in partnership between the
Mississippi Nursery & Landscape Association and the Mississippi State University Extension Service
with support from the
Mississippi Department of Agriculture & Commerce and the USDA
Deer Proof Plant List: Annuals and Herbaceous Perennials
Cerastium spp.
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides
Chaerophyllum tainturieri
Chamaesaracha coniodes
Chelone spp.
Chionodoxa spp.
Chrysactinia mexicana
Chrysanthemum frutescens
Chrysanthemum parthenium
Cimicifuga spp.
Cleome spp.
Colchicum spp.
Colocasia esculenta
Consolida ambigua
Convallaria majalis
Cooperia pedunculata
Coreopsis spp.
Corydalis spp.
Cosmos spp.
Crinum spp.
Crocosmia spp.
Crocus spp.
Croton spp.
Cryptotaenia canadensis
Cryptotaenia japonica
Cyclamen spp.
Dahlia spp.
Dalea spp.
Datura spp.
Delphinium spp.
Desmanthus illinoensis
Dianthus spp.
Dicentra spp.
Dictamnus albus
Digitalis spp.
False Nightshade, Gray five eyes, Ground Saracha, Prostrate Groundcherry
Oxeye Daisy
Snakeroot, Bugbane
Spider Flower
Autumn Crocus
Elephant Ear
Lily of the Valley
Prairie lily, Rain lily, Hill Country rain lily
Coreopsis, Tickseed
Crinum Lily
Japanese Parsley
Dalea, Prairie Clover
Devil's Trumpet, Angel Trumpet
Larkspurs, Delphinium
Illinois bundleflower, Bundleflower, Prairie bundle flower,
Prickleweed, Illinois Desmanthus, Prairie mimosa
Carnation, Pinks, Sweet William
Bleeding Heart
Gas Plant
Any plant on this list can be labeled with a Deer Proof Program tag or label. Remember that deer will eat any plant
if they are hungry enough. This is just a list of plants they avoid eating. Just because a plant is on this list does not
mean it will grow in your environment. Make sure the plants you select are also adapted to the site where you want
to use them.
Developed in partnership between the
Mississippi Nursery & Landscape Association and the Mississippi State University Extension Service
with support from the
Mississippi Department of Agriculture & Commerce and the USDA
Deer Proof Plant List: Annuals and Herbaceous Perennials
Dracunculus vulgaris
Dyschoriste linearis
Echinacea spp.
Echinops spp.
Endymion spp.
Epimedium spp.
Epipactis gigantea
Eranthis spp.
Erica spp.
Erigeron spp.
Eryngium leavenworthii
Eryngium variifolium
Erysimum spp.
Erythronium spp.
Eschscholzia californica
Eupatorium spp.
Euphorbia spp.
Eustoma exaltatum
Farfuguim japonicum
Filipendula spp.
Fritilaria imperialis
Fritillaria meleagris
Gaillardia spp.
Galanthus nivalis
Galium odoratum
Gaura lindheimeri
Geranium spp.
Geum spp.
Gladiolus spp.
Glandularia bipinnatifida
Glechoma hederacea
Gloriosa superba
Gypsophila spp.
Helenium autumnale
Helianthus spp.
Helichrysum spp.
Heliopsis helianthoides
Heliotropium arborescens
Dragon Flower, Dragon Arum, Voodoo Lily
Snake herb, Polkadots, Narrowleaf dyschoriste
Globe Thistle
Fairy Wings, Bishop's Mitre, Barrenwort
Chatterbox Orchid, Giant Hellebore, Stream orchid
Winter Aconite
Leavenworth's eryngo, Eryngo
Moroccan Sea Holly
Trout Lily
California Poppy
Joe Pye Weed, Mist Flower, Snakeroot, Boneset
Euphorbia, Spurge, Snow-on-the-Mountain
Bluebell, Prairie gentian
Ligularia, Leopard Plant, Tractor Seat Plant
Crown Imperial, Fritilia
Checkered Lily, Guinea-Hen Flower, Snake's Head Fritillary
Blanketflower, Firewheel, Indian Blanket
Sweet Woodruff
Butterfly gaura
Cranesbill, Hardy Geranium
Geum, Avens
Purple prairie verbena, Prairie verbena, Dakota vervain, Dakota
mock vervain, Moradilla
Creeping Charlie
Glory Lily
Baby's Breath
False Sunflower, Ox-eye, Sunflower Heliopsis
Any plant on this list can be labeled with a Deer Proof Program tag or label. Remember that deer will eat any plant
if they are hungry enough. This is just a list of plants they avoid eating. Just because a plant is on this list does not
mean it will grow in your environment. Make sure the plants you select are also adapted to the site where you want
to use them.
Developed in partnership between the
Mississippi Nursery & Landscape Association and the Mississippi State University Extension Service
with support from the
Mississippi Department of Agriculture & Commerce and the USDA
Deer Proof Plant List: Annuals and Herbaceous Perennials
Helleborus spp.
Hepatica acutiloba
Hesperis matronalis
Heterotheca canescens
Heuchera spp.
Heucherella spp.
Hibiscus lasiocarpos
Hibiscus moscheutos
Hippeastrum spp.
Hyacinthus spp.
Hydrocotyle spp.
Hydrolea ovata
Hymenocallis liriosme
Hyssopus officinalis
Iberis spp.
Iris spp.
Jatropha dioica
Justicia americana
Justicia spicigera
Kirengeshoma palmata
Knautia macedonica
Kniphofia spp.
Kosteletzkya virginica
Lamiastrum galeobdolon
Lamium spp.
Lantana spp
Lathyrus odoratus
Laurentia spp.
Lavandula spp.
Leucanthemum x superbum
Liatris spp.
Ligularia spp.
Limonium latifolium
Linaria spp.
Linum spp.
Lobelia cardinalis
Lobularia spp.
Lunaria annua
Lenten or Christmas Rose, Hellebore
Sharp-lobed Hepatica
Dame's Rocket
Gray golden-aster, Hoary false goldenaster
Coral Bells, Alumroot
Heucherella, Foamy Bells
Rose-mallow, Rosemallow, Woolly mallow, Wooly Rose-mallow
Mallow Hibiscus
Pennywort, Money-plant
Blue Water Leaf, Hairy Hydrolea, Ovate false fiddleleaf
Spring spiderlily, Spider Lily, Spring Spider Lily
Leatherstem, Leather Stem, Rubber Plant
American water-willow, Water-willow
Mexican Honeysuckle
Yellow Wax-Bells
Red Hot Poker, Torch Lily, Tritoma
Virginia saltmarsh mallow, Virginia fen-rose, Seashore mallow, Salt
Deadnettle, Yellow archangel
Dead Nettle
Sweet Pea
Starflower, Isotoma
Shasta Daisy
Blazing Star, Gayfeather
Bigleaf Goldenray, Rocket Ligularia, Ragwort
Toadflax, Butter & Eggs
Cardinal flower
Sweet Alyssum, Lobularia
Silver Dollar, Money Plant
Any plant on this list can be labeled with a Deer Proof Program tag or label. Remember that deer will eat any plant
if they are hungry enough. This is just a list of plants they avoid eating. Just because a plant is on this list does not
mean it will grow in your environment. Make sure the plants you select are also adapted to the site where you want
to use them.
Developed in partnership between the
Mississippi Nursery & Landscape Association and the Mississippi State University Extension Service
with support from the
Mississippi Department of Agriculture & Commerce and the USDA
Deer Proof Plant List: Annuals and Herbaceous Perennials
Lupinus spp.
Lychnis spp.
Lycoris squamigera
Lysimachia spp.
Lythrum alatum
Machaeranthera tanacetifolia
Macleaya cordata
Malvaviscus arboreus
Marrubium vulgare
Marsilea spp.
Matricaria spp.
Matthiola spp.
Melampodium leucanthum
Melissa officinalis
Mentha spp.
Mertensia virginica
Mimosa roemeriana
Mirabilis jalapa
Monarda spp.
Muscari spp.
Myosotis spp.
Narcissus spp.
Nelumbo lutea
Nepeta spp.
Nicotiana spp.
Nuphar lutea
Nyctaginia capitata
Ocimum basilicum
Oenothera spp.
Origanum spp.
Oxalis spp.
Pachysandra procumbens
Pachysandra terminalis
Paeonia spp.
Papaver spp.
Pardancanda norrisii
Paronychia virginica
Patrinia scabiosifolia
Pelargonium spp.
Lupine, Bluebonnet
Catchfly, Campion
Surprise Lily, Magic Lily, Resurrection Lily, Naked Lily
Creeping Jenny, Loosestrife
Winged lythrum
Tanseyleaf tansyaster, Tahoka Daisy, Tansy Aster
Plume Poppy
Turk's cap
Water clover
False Chamomile
Blackfoot Daisy, Rock daisy, Plains blackfoot
Lemon Balm
Virginia Bluebells
Roemer's mimosa, Sensitive Briar
Four O'Clock
Grape Hyacinth
Daffodil, Paperwhite, Jonquil
American lotus, Yellow water lotus, Yellow lotus
Catmint, Catnip
Flowering Tobacco
Yellow pond-lily, Cow lily, Spatter dock, Yellow cow lily
Devil's bouquet, Scarlet muskflower
Evening Primrose
Oregano, Marjoram
Wood Sorrel
Allegheny Spurge
Japanese Pachysandra
Whitlow-wort, Broom Nailwort, Yellow Nailwort, Park's Nailwort
Any plant on this list can be labeled with a Deer Proof Program tag or label. Remember that deer will eat any plant
if they are hungry enough. This is just a list of plants they avoid eating. Just because a plant is on this list does not
mean it will grow in your environment. Make sure the plants you select are also adapted to the site where you want
to use them.
Developed in partnership between the
Mississippi Nursery & Landscape Association and the Mississippi State University Extension Service
with support from the
Mississippi Department of Agriculture & Commerce and the USDA
Deer Proof Plant List: Annuals and Herbaceous Perennials
Penstemon spp.
Perilla frutescens
Petroselinum crispum
Petunia spp.
Phacelia congesta
Philodendron bipinnatifidum
Phlomis spp.
Phyla spp.
Physostegia spp.
Phytolacca americana
Pimpinella anisum
Platycodon grandiflorus
Plectranthus spp.
Pluchea odorata
Plumbago auriculata
Podophyllum peltatum
Polanisia dodecandra
Polemonium spp.
Poliomintha longifolia
Polygala alba
Polygonatum odoratum
Polygonum spp.
Polytaenia texana
Pontederia cordata
Potamogeton nodosus
Primula spp.
Prunella vulgaris
Pulmonaria spp.
Ranunculus spp.
Ratibida columnifera
Rheum rhabarbarum
Rivina humilis
Rodgersia spp.
Rudbeckia spp.
Ruellia spp.
Rumex sanguineus
Ruta spp.
Penstemon, Beardtongue
Blue curls, Caterpillars, Fiddleneck
Split Leaf Philodendron
Jerusalem Sage
Frog Fruit
Obedient Plant
American pokeweed, Pokeweed, Pokeberry, Red Ink Plant,
Balloon Flower
Swedish Ivy
Marsh Fleabane, Sweetscent
Blue Plumbago
May Apple
Clammy-Weed, Clammyweed, Sandyseed clammyweed
Jacob's Ladder
Mexican Oregano
White milkwort
Variegated Solomon's Seal, Fragrant Solomon's Seal, Striped
Solomon's Seal
Texas prairie parsley, Texas-Parsley
Pickerelweed, Pickerel rush
Knotty Pondweed, Longleaf pondweed
Common selfheal
Mexican hat
Rodgers Flower
Black-Eyed Susan
Wild Petunia, Mexican Petunia
Bloody Dock, Red-veined Dock, Bloodwort
Any plant on this list can be labeled with a Deer Proof Program tag or label. Remember that deer will eat any plant
if they are hungry enough. This is just a list of plants they avoid eating. Just because a plant is on this list does not
mean it will grow in your environment. Make sure the plants you select are also adapted to the site where you want
to use them.
Developed in partnership between the
Mississippi Nursery & Landscape Association and the Mississippi State University Extension Service
with support from the
Mississippi Department of Agriculture & Commerce and the USDA
Deer Proof Plant List: Annuals and Herbaceous Perennials
Sagittaria spp.
Salvia spp.
Samolus ebracteatus
Santolina spp.
Saponaria spp.
Satureja montana
Saururus cernuus
Scabiosa spp.
Scilla siberica
Scutellaria ovata
Scutellaria spp.
Sedum spp.
Sempervivum spp.
Senecio cineraria
Senna lindheimeriana
Senna roemeriana
Silene spp.
Silphium spp.
Simsia calva
Solanum elaeagnifolium
Solanum pseudocapsicum
Solanum rostratum
Solidago spp.
Stachys spp.
Stemodia lanata
Stokesia laevis
Symplocarpos foetidus
Tagetes spp.
Tanacetum spp.
Tetragonotheca texana
Tetraneuris scaposa
Teucrium spp.
Thalia dealbata
Thalictrum spp.
Thamnosma texana
Thelesperma spp.
Lavender Cotton
Winter Savory
Lizard's tail, Lizard's-tail, Breast weed, Water dragon
Pincushin Flower
Siberian Squill
Heartleaf skullcap, Heart-leaf Skullcap
Hens and Chickens
Dusty Miller
Lindheimer's senna, Velvet leaf senna, Velvetleaf senna, Velvet-leaf
wild sensitive-plant, Puppy-dog ears
Twoleaf senna, Two leaved senna
Catchfly, Campion
Rosinweed, Compass Plant
Awnless bush sunflower, Bush sunflower
Silverleaf nightshade, Silver-leaf nightshade, White horse nettle,
Trompillo, Tomato weed
Jerusalem Cherry
Buffalobur nightshade, Buffalo bur
Lamb's Ear, Betony
Woolly Stemodia, Gray-woolly twintip
Stokes' Aster
Skunk Cabbage
Painted Daisy, Feverfew, Tansy
Squarebud daisy, Nerve-ray, Square-bud daisy
Four-nerve daisy, Hymenoxys, Stemmy four-nerve daisy, Bitterweed
Powdery alligator-flag, Powdery thalia, Water canna
Meadow Rue
Dutchman's breeches, Ruda del monte, Rue of the mountains, Texas
Greenthread, Navajo Tea
Any plant on this list can be labeled with a Deer Proof Program tag or label. Remember that deer will eat any plant
if they are hungry enough. This is just a list of plants they avoid eating. Just because a plant is on this list does not
mean it will grow in your environment. Make sure the plants you select are also adapted to the site where you want
to use them.
Developed in partnership between the
Mississippi Nursery & Landscape Association and the Mississippi State University Extension Service
with support from the
Mississippi Department of Agriculture & Commerce and the USDA
Deer Proof Plant List: Annuals and Herbaceous Perennials
Thymus spp.
Tiarella cordifolia
Tradescantia spp.
Tricyrtis hirta
Trillium spp.
Triodanis perfoliata
Tropaeolum majus
Tulbaghia spp.
Typha latifolia
Verbascum spp.
Verbena spp.
Verbesina encelioides
Verbesina virginica
Vernonia spp.
Veronica spp.
Veronicastrum virginicum
Viguiera dentata
Viguiera stenoloba
Viola spp.
Wedelia texana
Wedelia trilobata
Xanthosoma spp.
Zantedeschia spp.
Zigadenus nuttallii
Zinnia spp.
Toad Lily
Clasping Venus' looking-glass
Society Garlic
Broadleaf cattail, Common cat-tail, Broad-leaf cat-tail
Cowpen Daisy, Golden crownbeard, Butter daisy
Frostweed, White crownbeard, Iceplant, Iceweed, Virginia
crownbeard, Indian tobacco, Richweed, Squawweed
Culver's Root
Sunflower goldeneye, Plateau goldeneye, Toothleaf goldeneye,
Goldeneye, Chimalacate
Resinbush, Skeleton-leaf Goldeneye
Zexmenia, Orange zexmenia, Wedelia, Hairy wedelia, Texas
Gummy broomweed, Gummy snakeweed, San Pedro matchweed
Elephant ear, taro
Calla Lily
Nuttall's deathcamas, Death Camas, Poison onion, Nuttall's death
Any plant on this list can be labeled with a Deer Proof Program tag or label. Remember that deer will eat any plant
if they are hungry enough. This is just a list of plants they avoid eating. Just because a plant is on this list does not
mean it will grow in your environment. Make sure the plants you select are also adapted to the site where you want
to use them.
Developed in partnership between the
Mississippi Nursery & Landscape Association and the Mississippi State University Extension Service
with support from the
Mississippi Department of Agriculture & Commerce and the USDA
Deer Proof Plant List: Trees & Shrubs
Abelia spp.
Abies spp.
Abutilon incanum
Acacia spp.
Acer spp.
Aesculus spp.
Pelotazo, Indian mallow, Shrubby Indian mallow
Acacia, Catclaw
Shrubby boneset, White mistflower, White shrub
mistflower, Havana snakeroot, Mistflower
Chisos Mountain false Indianmallow, Chisos Mtn. False
Indian-mallow, Velvet-leaf Mallow
Flame acanthus, Mexican flame
Devil's Walking Stick
Bearberry, Manzanita
Goldust Plant
False Willow, Jara dulce, Poverty Weed, Roosevelt Weed
Anacacho orchid tree, Anacacho bauhinia, Orchid tree,
Texas plume
Butterfly Bush
Common Sweetshrub
California Sweetshrub
Blue Mist Shrub
Redroot, Prairie redroot, Jersey tea, Inland Ceanothus,
Fuzzy Ceanothus
Deodar Cedar
Sugar hackberry, Hackberry, Sugarberry, Texas
sugarberry, Palo blanco
Common buttonbush, Buttonbush, Button willow
Japanese Plum Yew
Katsura Tree
Ageratina havanensis
Albizia julibrissin
Allowissadula holosericea
Aloysia spp.
Amelanchier spp.
Anisacanthus quadrifidus
Aralia spinosa
Arctostaphyllos spp.
Aronia abutifolia
Asimina triloba
Aucuba japonica
Baccharis spp.
Bauhinia lunarioides
Berberis spp.
Betula spp.
Buddleia spp.
Buxus spp.
Callicarpa spp.
Calycanthus floridus
Calycanthus occidentalis
Caryopteris clandonensis
Ceanothus herbaceus
Cedrus deodara
Celtis laevigata
Cephalanthus occidentalis
Cephalotaxus harringtonia
Cercidiphyllum japonicum
Cercis canadensis
Any plant on this list can be labeled with a Deer Proof Program tag or label. Remember that deer will eat any plant
if they are hungry enough. This is just a list of plants they avoid eating. Just because a plant is on this list does not
mean it will grow in your environment. Make sure the plants you select are also adapted to the site where you want
to use them.
Developed in partnership between the
Mississippi Nursery & Landscape Association and the Mississippi State University Extension Service
with support from the
Mississippi Department of Agriculture & Commerce and the USDA
Deer Proof Plant List: Trees & Shrubs
Chaenomeles spp.
Chamaecyparis spp.
Chamaerops humilis
Chilopsis linearis
Chionanthus retusus
Clerodendrum fargesii
Clethra spp.
Cornus spp.
Corylus spp.
Coryphantha sulcata
Cotinus coggygria
Cotinus obovatus
Cotoneaster spp.
Crataegus spp.
Cryptomeria japonica
Cylindropuntia imbricata
Cylindropuntia leptocaulis
Cytisus spp.
Daphne spp.
Dasylirion spp.
Dermatophyllum (Sophora) secundiflorum
Deutzia spp.
Diospyros texana
Echinocactus texensis
Echinocereus reichenbachii
Ehretia anacua
Elaeagnus angustifolia
Elaeagnus pungens
Elaeagnus umbellatus
Enkianthus campanulatus
Euonymus japonicus
Euphorbia antisyphilitica
Eysenhardtia texana
Fagus sylvatica
Feijoa sellowiana
European Fan Palm
Desert willow, Flowering willow, Willow-leaved catalpa,
Trumpet flower
Chinese Fringe Tree
Harlequin Glorybower
Sweet Pepperbush
Nipple Cactus, Pineapple cactus
American smoke tree, Smoke tree, Texas smoke tree,
Japanese Cedar
Cane cactus, Cholla, Teddy-bear cholla, Tree cholla,
Walkingstick cholla
Christmas cactus, Christmas cholla, Desert Christmas
cactus, Pencil cactus, Tasajillo
Texas Mountain Laurel
Texas persimmon, Mexican persimmon, Black
persimmon, Chapote, Chapote prieto
Horse crippler, Devil's head, Chisos Hedgehog
Lace Cactus, Lace hedgehog cactus
Anacua, Sandpaper tree
Russian Olive
Elaeagnus or Silverberry*
Autumn Olive
Redvein Enkianthus
Candelilla, Wax plant
Texas kidneywood, Kidneywood, Bee-Brush, Vara dulce
European Beech
Pineapple Guava
Any plant on this list can be labeled with a Deer Proof Program tag or label. Remember that deer will eat any plant
if they are hungry enough. This is just a list of plants they avoid eating. Just because a plant is on this list does not
mean it will grow in your environment. Make sure the plants you select are also adapted to the site where you want
to use them.
Developed in partnership between the
Mississippi Nursery & Landscape Association and the Mississippi State University Extension Service
with support from the
Mississippi Department of Agriculture & Commerce and the USDA
Deer Proof Plant List: Trees & Shrubs
Forsythia spp.
Fothergila spp.
Fraxinus spp.
Galphimia angustifolia
Galphimia glauca
Gardenia spp.
Garrya ovata
Gaultheria procumbens
Ginkgo biloba
Gleditsia triacanthos
Gordonia lasianthus
Halesia carolina
Hamamelis spp.
Hamelia patens
Hesperaloe parviflora
Hibiscus syriacus
Hippophae rhamnoides
Hypericum spp.
Ilex spp.
Itea virginica
Jasminum mesnyi
Jasminum nudiflorum
Juniperus spp.
Kalmia latifolia
Kerria japonica
Koelreuteria paniculata
Kolkwitzia amabilis
Lagerstroemia spp.
Larrea tridentata
Leucophyllum spp.
Leucothoe axillaris
Leucothoe fontanesiana
Leycesteria formosa
Ligustrum spp.
Lindera benzoin
Liquidambar styraciflua
Liriodendron tulipifera
Lycium andersonii
Lycium berlandieri
Narrow-leaf Goldshower, Thryallis
Silk Tassel, Garrya
Honey Locust
Carolina Silverbell
Witch Hazel
Red yucca
Rose of Sharon
Sea Buckthorn
St. John's Wort, Goldcup
Virginia Sweetspire
Primrose Jasmine
Winter Jasmine
Juniper, Red Cedar, Cedar
Mt. Laurel
Japanese Rose
Crape Myrtle
Creosote bush
Ceniza/Texas Sage
Coast Leucothoe
Drooping Leucothoe
Pheasant Berry, Himalayan Honeysuckle
Sweet Gum
Tuliptree, Tulip Poplar
Anderson wolfberry, Water jacket
Berlandier's wolfberry, Wolfberry
Any plant on this list can be labeled with a Deer Proof Program tag or label. Remember that deer will eat any plant
if they are hungry enough. This is just a list of plants they avoid eating. Just because a plant is on this list does not
mean it will grow in your environment. Make sure the plants you select are also adapted to the site where you want
to use them.
Developed in partnership between the
Mississippi Nursery & Landscape Association and the Mississippi State University Extension Service
with support from the
Mississippi Department of Agriculture & Commerce and the USDA
Deer Proof Plant List: Trees & Shrubs
Magnolia figo
Magnolia grandiflora
Magnolia x soulangiana
Mahonia spp.
Metasequoia glyptostroboides
Microbiota decussata
Mimosa borealis
Morella cerifera
Morella pensylvanica
Nandina domestica
Nerium oleander
Nolina spp.
Nyssa sylvatica
Opuntia spp
Osmanthus spp.
Oxydendrum arboreum
Parkinsonia aculeata
Pavonia hastata
Pavonia lasiopetala
Perovskia atriplicifolia
Philadelphus coronarius
Picea spp.
Pieris floribunda
Pieris japonica
Pinus spp.
Pistacia spp.
Platanus spp.
Podocarpus macrophyllus
Populus deltoides
Potentilla spp.
Prosopis glandulosa
Prunus laurocerasus
Prunus minutiflora
Prunus serrulata
Prunus texana
Pseudotsuga menziesii
Ptelea trifoliata
Punica granatum
Banana Shrub
Southern Magnolia
Saucer Magnolia, Japanese Magnolia
Grape Holly
Dawn Redwood
Russian Cypress
Fragrant mimosa, Pink Mimosa
Wax myrtle, Southern bayberry, Candleberry
Beargrass, Ribbon grass
Black Gum
Prickly Pear Cactus
Retama, Paloverde, Jerusalem thorn
Evergreen Pavonia
Rock Rose
Russian Sage
Sweet Mock Orange
Mountain Pieris
Japanese Andromeda
Japanese Yew
Eastern cottonwood
Potentilla, Cinquefoil
Honey mesquite
Cherry Laurel
Texas almond, Texas wild almond, Dwarf Plum
Japanese Flowering Cherry
Peachbush, Sand Plum, Peach bush, Texas plum, Texas
peach bush
Douglas Fir
Wafer ash, Common hoptree, Hop tree
Any plant on this list can be labeled with a Deer Proof Program tag or label. Remember that deer will eat any plant
if they are hungry enough. This is just a list of plants they avoid eating. Just because a plant is on this list does not
mean it will grow in your environment. Make sure the plants you select are also adapted to the site where you want
to use them.
Developed in partnership between the
Mississippi Nursery & Landscape Association and the Mississippi State University Extension Service
with support from the
Mississippi Department of Agriculture & Commerce and the USDA
Deer Proof Plant List: Trees & Shrubs
Pyracantha spp.
Quercus spp.
Rhamnus spp.
Rhapidophyllum hystrix
Rhus spp.
Ribes spp.
Rosmarinus officinalis
Rubus calycinoides
Sabal mexicana
Sabal minor
Sambucus spp.
Sapindus saponaria
Sassafras albidum
Skimmia japonica
Spiraea spp.
Styphnolobium affine
Symphoricarpos spp.
Syringa spp.
Taxodium distichum
Tecoma stans
Tecomaria capensis
Ungnadia speciosa
Viburnum spp.
Vitex spp.
Weigela florida
Yucca spp.
Firethorn, Pyracantha
Needle Palm
Creeping Raspberry
Mexican palm, Palma Di Micharos, Rio Grande palmetto,
Texas palm, Texas palmetto
Dwarf palmetto, Palmetto, Bush palmetto
Elder, Elderberry
Western soapberry, Soapberry
Sweet Box, Sarcococca
Common Sassafras
Japanese Skimmia
Eve's necklace, Eve's necklacepod, Texas sophora
Coralberry, Indian currant, Snowberry
Bald Cypress
Yellow bells, Esperanza, Yellow elder
Cape Honeysuckle
Mexican buckeye
Chase Tree
Any plant on this list can be labeled with a Deer Proof Program tag or label. Remember that deer will eat any plant
if they are hungry enough. This is just a list of plants they avoid eating. Just because a plant is on this list does not
mean it will grow in your environment. Make sure the plants you select are also adapted to the site where you want
to use them.
Developed in partnership between the
Mississippi Nursery & Landscape Association and the Mississippi State University Extension Service
with support from the
Mississippi Department of Agriculture & Commerce and the USDA
Deer Proof Plant List: Vines, Groundcovers & Ferns
Adiantum spp.
Athyrium filix-femina
Athyrium goeringianum
Athyrium niponicum
Bignonia capreolata
Campsis radicans
Celastrus scandens
Clematis spp.
Cocculus carolinus
Cyrtomium falcatum
Dennstaedtia punctilobula
Dryopteris erythrosora
Dryopteris marginalis
Equisetum hyemale
Gelsemium sempervirens
Ibervillea lindheimeri
Ipomoea cordatotriloba
Liriope spp.
Lonicera spp.
Matelea reticulata
Matteuccia struthiopteris
Maurandella antirrhiniflora
Merremia dissecta
Onoclea sensibilis
Ophiopogon japonicus
Osmunda cinnamomea
Osmunda regalis
Parthenocissus heptaphylla
Parthenocissus quinquefolia
Passiflora spp.
Pellaea ovata
Phyllitis scolopendrium
Polystichum acrostichoides
Rubus spp.
Schizophragma hydrangeoides
Thelypteris decursive-pinnata
Thelypteris kunthii
Thelypteris noveboracensis
Maidenhair fern
Lady Fern
Japanese Painted Fern
Japanese Painted Fern
Trumpet creeper
American Bittersweet
Carolina snailseed
Holly Fern
Hayscented Fern
Japanese Shield Fern, Autumn Fern
Wood Fern
Carolina jessamine, Yellow jessamine
Balsam gourd, Globe berry, Snake apple
Tievine, Sharp-pod Morning Glory, Purple Bindweed, Tie Vine
Green milkweed vine, Netted milkvine, Pearl milkweed Vine
Ostrich Fern
Snapdragon Vine
Alamo Vine, Noyau vine, Correhuela de las Doce
Sensitive Fern
Dwarf Mondograss
Cinnamon Fern
Royal Fern
Sevenleaf creeper, Seven-leaf Creeper
Virginia creeper
Passion flower
Cliffbrake Fern
Hart's Tongue Fern
Christmas Fern, Dagger Fern
Brambles, Dewberry, Blackberry
Japanese Climbing Hydrangea
Japanese Beech Fern
Wood fern, River fern, Southern shield fern
New York Fern
Any plant on this list can be labeled with a Deer Proof Program tag or label. Remember that deer will eat any plant
if they are hungry enough. This is just a list of plants they avoid eating. Just because a plant is on this list does not
mean it will grow in your environment. Make sure the plants you select are also adapted to the site where you want
to use them.
Developed in partnership between the
Mississippi Nursery & Landscape Association and the Mississippi State University Extension Service
with support from the
Mississippi Department of Agriculture & Commerce and the USDA
Deer Proof Plant List: Vines, Groundcovers & Ferns
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Vinca major
Vinca minor
Wisteria spp.
Confederate Jasmine
Dwarf Periwinkle
Any plant on this list can be labeled with a Deer Proof Program tag or label. Remember that deer will eat any plant
if they are hungry enough. This is just a list of plants they avoid eating. Just because a plant is on this list does not
mean it will grow in your environment. Make sure the plants you select are also adapted to the site where you want
to use them.
Developed in partnership between the
Mississippi Nursery & Landscape Association and the Mississippi State University Extension Service
with support from the
Mississippi Department of Agriculture & Commerce and the USDA
Deer Proof Plant List: Grasses, Sedges & Rushes
Acorus spp.
Andropogon spp.
Aristida spp.
Arrhenatherum elatius
Arundo donax
Bambusa spp.
Bothriochloa laguroides
Bouteloua curtipendula
Bouteloua dactyloides
Bouteloua rigidiseta
Calamagrostis spp.
Carex spp.
Chasmanthium latifolium
Cladium mariscus
Cortaderia selloana
Cymbopogon citratus
Cyperus spp.
Eleocharis rostellata
Eragrostis spp.
Eriochloa sericea
Erioneuron pilosum
Fargesia spp.
Festuca glauca
Hakonechloa macra
Helictotrichon sempervirens
Hilaria belangeri
Hystrix patula
Imperata cylindrica
Juncus spp.
Koeleria glauca
Leymus arenarius
Miscanthus spp.
Molinia caerulea
Muhlenbergia spp.
Nassella tenuissima
Panicum virgatum
Pennisetum spp.
Phalaris arundinaceae
Japanese Sweet Flag
Big Bluestem
Varigated Oat Grass
Giant Reed
Silver Beard Grass, Silver beardgrass, Silver Bluestem
Sideoats grama
Buffalograss, Buffalo grass
Texas grama
Feather Reed Grass
Inland sea oats, River oats, Upland Sea Oats
Saw Sedge, Sawtooth Sedge
Pampas Grass
Beaked spikerush, Leap Frog Spike Rush
Texas cupgrass
Hairy Woollygrass, Hairy Tridens
Clump Bamboo
Blue Fescue
Hakone Grass
Blue Oat Grass
Bottlebrush Grass
Japanese Blood Grass
Large Blue June Grass
Lyme Grass
Silver Grass, Maiden Grass
Purple Moor Grass
Muhly Grass
Mexican Feathergrass, Mexican Wiregrass
Switch Grass
Ribbon Grass
Any plant on this list can be labeled with a Deer Proof Program tag or label. Remember that deer will eat any plant
if they are hungry enough. This is just a list of plants they avoid eating. Just because a plant is on this list does not
mean it will grow in your environment. Make sure the plants you select are also adapted to the site where you want
to use them.
Developed in partnership between the
Mississippi Nursery & Landscape Association and the Mississippi State University Extension Service
with support from the
Mississippi Department of Agriculture & Commerce and the USDA
Deer Proof Plant List: Grasses, Sedges & Rushes
Phyllostachys aurea
Poa arachnifera
Rhynchospora colorata
Schizachyrium scoparium
Schoenoplectus californicus
Scirpus lacustris
Sorghastrum nutans
Tripsacum dactyloides
Vallisneria americana
Golden Bamboo
Texas bluegrass, Texas blue grass
Starrush whitetop, Star sedge, Whitetop sedge, Star rush
Little Bluestem
California bulrush, California club-rush, Giant Bulrush
Indiangrass, Yellow indian grass
Eastern gamagrass, Fakahatchee grass
American eelgrass, Water celery, Eelgrass, Tapegrass
Any plant on this list can be labeled with a Deer Proof Program tag or label. Remember that deer will eat any plant
if they are hungry enough. This is just a list of plants they avoid eating. Just because a plant is on this list does not
mean it will grow in your environment. Make sure the plants you select are also adapted to the site where you want
to use them.
Developed in partnership between the
Mississippi Nursery & Landscape Association and the Mississippi State University Extension Service
with support from the
Mississippi Department of Agriculture & Commerce and the USDA