Global Cyber Security Trends
Key Findings from the Cyber³ Conference in Okinawa 2015
In recent years, cyber attacks have become a threat not only to individuals, but to institutions as
well. Insider attacks and data leakage have become a commonplace risk. This is no longer just an IT
concern, but now a pervasive business issue which needs to be taken seriously by all levels of
In response to the current landscape, the Japanese Diet enacted the Basic Law for Cyber Security in
2014. Subsequently in January 2015, the Cyber Security Strategy Headquarters and National
Information Security Center (NISC) were established. Most recently, the Cabinet of Japan with the
support of the World Economic Forum has agreed to host the “Cyber³ Conference – Crafting
Security in a Less Secure World” in Okinawa on November 7-8. This is an international conference
which further demonstrates Japan’s commitment to promote a global dialogue on how to address
cyber risks.
PwC is pleased to invite you to join our “Global Cyber Security Trends” seminar on November 9 in
Tokyo. In this seminar, global cyber security thought leaders from the Cyber³ Conference in
Okinawa will join and share key findings from the conference as well insights on the latest cyber
security trends. PwC will also announce the results from our Global State of Information Security ®
Survey 2016.
The should be an informative event and an opportunity for you to access to global and local subject
matter expertise in area of cyber. We hope that you will be able to join us for this exciting event.
Hiroyuki Suzuki
Japan Territory Senior Partner, PwC Japan
■Date / Time:
Monday, November 9, 2015 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
(Registration starts at 1:15 pm / Cocktail Party 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm)
JP Tower Hall & Conference
4F JP Tower KITTE, 2-7-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Attendance is prioritized to those in Corporate Planning, IT/Systems, or Risk
Management departments (Please note that registration by peer professional services
firms or system vendors may be declined)
300 people
(If there are more applicants than the spaces available, we may select by lottery)
Japanese / English (simultaneous interpretation will be available)
Free of charge (prior registration required)
Refer to the following page
■How to Apply: Please register online at:
For additional information please contact
■Privacy Policy
We will ensure that all practical measures are taken to protect personal information, as well as paying due attention to the handling of
such information . For our privacy policy, please see our website ( )
14:00 14:05
Akira Kashima
Representative Director,
PwC Japan
14:05 14:30
Keynote Speech
“Cyber³ Conference
Okinawa 2015” Recap
William Saito
Special Advisor, Cabinet Office of Japan
(Science & Technology / IT Strategy)
14:30 15:00
Threat Intelligence Center
for public-private-sector
David Burg
Partner, PwC Global and US Cyber
Security Leader
15:00 15:45
Global State of Information
Security® Survey 2016
Naoki Yamamoto
Partner, Leader of Japan Cyber Security
and Privacy Solution, PwC Japan
- Toshio Nawa
Chief Technology Advisor, Cyber Security
Center, PwC Japan
16:00 17:00
Panel Discussion
What could we learn
from “Cyber³ Conference
Okinawa 2015”?
- Yuji Hoshizawa
Partner, Threat Research Labs Leader, PwC Japan
- Tetsuya Oi
Attorney, TMI Associates
- Koichiro Otobe
Evangelist, Technical Director, Palo Alto Networks
- Yasuhiro Kishi
Partner, PwC Aarata (Japan)
17:00 19:00
Cocktail Party
[Opening Speech]
Hiroyuki Suzuki
Japan Territory Senior Partner, PwC Japan
Note: Program and speakers are subject to change.
1 min. walk from Tokyo Sta. (JR Lines)
Direct access (underground passage) from Tokyo Sta.
(Marunouchi Line)
2 min. walk from Nijyubashimae Sta. (Chiyoda Line)
4 min. walk from Otemachi Sta. (Mita Line)
3 min. walk from Tokyo Sta.(JR Keiyo Line)
6 min. walk from Yurakucho Sta. (Yurakucho Line)
6 min. walk from Yurakucho Sta. (JR Lines)
JP Tower Hall & Conference
4F JP Tower KITTE, 2-7-2, Marunouchi, Chiy0da-ku,
Tokyo, Japan
© 2015 PwC. All rights reserved.
PwC refers to the PwC network member firms and/or their specified subsidiaries in Japan, and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each of such firms
and subsidiaries is a separate legal entity. Please see for further details.