Arch. Pharm. Chem. Life Sci. 2009, 342, 133 – 149 Z. Bai and R. Gust 133 Review Breast Cancer, Estrogen Receptor and Ligands Zhenlin Bai and Ronald Gust Institute of Pharmacy, Freie Universitt Berlin, Berlin, Germany This review emphasizes the relationship of breast cancer, estrogen receptor and ligands, especially the centrality of the estrogen receptor, which mediates on one hand the hormone-induced gene transcription and on the other hand the anti-estrogen action against breast cancer. The characterization of the estrogen receptor ligand-binding domain co-crystallized with agonists or antagonists provided a molecular basis to gain an insight into the regulation of estrogen receptor and, thereby, to describe the mechanism of the hormone therapy in treating breast cancer. Keywords: Anti-estrogen action / Breast cancer / Estrogen receptor / Ligand / Estrogen action / Received: June 6, 2008; accepted: September 22, 2008 DOI 10.1002/ardp.200800174 Introduction The discovery of the estrogen receptor b (ER)b and the determination of the crystal structures of ligand-ER ligand-binding domain (LBD) complexes belonged to the most valuable developments in the area of ERs in the last decade and facilitated greatly the investigation of hormone action through the ER. Therefore, plenty of new information was achieved and some of the previous knowledge must be expounded in a new way; there is clearly inspiring information dealing with this topic. The aim of this review is to systematically summarize the most important results in a paper as short as possible. Yet, reading the review saves a lot of time and one can easily study these fascinating research achievements Correspondence: Ronald Gust, Institute of Pharmacy, Freie Universitt Berlin, Knigin-Luise-Strasse 2 + 4, D-14195 Berlin, Germany. E-mail: Fax: +49 30 838-56906 Abbreviations: (trans)activation function (AF); diethylstilbestrol (DES); DNA-binding domain (DBD); 17b-estradiol (E2); estrogen receptor (a/b) (ER(a/b)); estrogen response elements (ERE); genistein (GEN); G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR); heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90); histone acetyltransferase (HAT); human estrogen receptor (a/b) (hER(a/b)); ICI 164,384 (ICI); immunophilin-FK-binding protein 52 (FKBP52); insulin-like growth factor (IGF); ligand-binding domain (LBD); mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK); 4-hydroxytamoxifen (OHT); nuclear receptor corepressor (NcoR); phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K); protein kinase A (PKA); steroid receptor co-activator (Src); selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs); transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b) i 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim without perusing all relevant articles. This review structures and orders the literatur and advances step by step. Breast cancer and estrogen Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women. In Germany and other industrialized countries, breast cancer is ascertained with approximately every tenth woman in the course of her life. Breast cancer is there responsible for 27.8% of all new cancer cases among women. It is estimated that there are 57 230 new breast cancer cases each year [1]. Though very rarely, also men can be suffer from breast cancer. Breast cancer is frequently hormone-dependent. That is: hormones stimulate the cancer cells to grow. Vice versa this means that the growth of the cancer cells can be down regulated by the oppositely active hormones or so-called antihormones. Therefore, a hormone therapy is possible as an adjuvant treatment on breast cancer as well as with metastases. Today surgery, radio-, chemo-, and hormonal therapy form a common combination which has to be coordinated for each individual treatment. The “dependent” natural female sex hormone means primarily estrogen, 17b-estradiol (E2), which plays a prominent role in mediating the maturation, proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, inflammation, metabolism, homeostasis, and brain function and influences the growth and development of breast cancer [2, 3, 4]. The 134 Z. Bai and R. Gust Arch. Pharm. Chem. Life Sci. 2009, 342, 133 – 149 Scheme 1. Interconversion between E2 and the less active hormone, estrone, by 17b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. biological activity of E2 in hormone-sensitive tissues is actively regulated by the interconversion by 17b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase between E2 and the less active hormone, estrone [5] (Scheme 1). Because of its numerous involvement and particular importance, the deficiency of E2 in healthy women may be associated with an increased risk of various diseases. On the contrary, the normal existence of E2 in women with hormone-positive breast cancer may worsen the disease. In all these cases, hormone therapy may be sensible, effective, and practical. For the deficiency of E2, the hormone-replacement therapy means an extra supplementation with exogenous natural estrogens which include estradiol, estrone, and estriol as well as synthetic estrogens that have been used for years imitating the natural estrogens with similar characteristics, but they are not the same biological substances like the ones that exist in our bodies from birth on. In theory, treating hormonal deficiencies with natural estrogens should have many benefits over synthetic estrogens and, in fact, currently many patients do use natural estrogens for hormonal supplementation. For instance, E2 is used especially in postmenopausal women with reduced ovarian hormonal concentrations to prevent and treat cardiovascular diseases, to reduce lipoprotein cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure, to prevent spinal bone loss, to inhibit skin aging, and improve glycemic control in patients with noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus [6]. For breast cancer, however, the hormone therapy means that synthetic estrogens and, in particular, anti-estrogens are used to inhibit the physiological activities of E2, that would otherwise stimulate the growth and development of breast cancer, so as to control and treat the disease. Estrogen agonists and antagonists In clinical settings, exogenous estrogens and anti-estrogens are used for hormon-replacement therapy and as anticancer agents [7]. They can be categorized into three pharmacological classes: agonists, mixed agonist-antagonists, and pure antagonists. The mixed agonist-antagonists are also referred to as selective estrogen receptor i 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Figure 1. Selected structures of estrogens, anti-estrogens, and SERMs. modulators (SERMs), because of their tissue-selective agonist or antagonist activities. Agonists Aside from the above-mentioned natural estrogens E2 and estrone, there are many other estrogens, e. g. diethylstilbestrol (DES, see Fig. 1). DES, a synthetic estrogen, was once thought to revolutionize estrogen therapy and was used to treat breast and prostate cancer with high-doses of the drug as standard endocrine therapy before the discovery of the anti-estrogens [8]. Selective estrogen receptor modulators Since estrogens are known to play a role in the growth and development of many breast cancers, a logical approach for the treatment of estrogen-sensitive breast cancer is the use of anti-estrogens that inhibit the estrogen function in breast cancer cells. The first “classic antiestrogen” tamoxifen (TAM) (see Fig. 1) was therefore developed. However, tamoxifen is now reclassified as a typical selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM). Tamoxifen is largely inhibitory and functions as estrogen antagonist in breast cancer cells, but it also functions as an agonist in some tissues including the bone, uterus, liver, and the cardiovascular system. These estrogen-like activities of tamoxifen are significant for woman taking anti-estrogen against breast cancer. Its stimulatory effects on uterus and liver may underlie the increased incidence of endometrial hyperplasia that may lead to cancer, as well as alterations in liver function. The agonistic effects of tamoxifen in bone cells and in the cardiovascular system enhance bone maintenance, preserve a favorable blood-lipid profile, and reduce the risk of Arch. Pharm. Chem. Life Sci. 2009, 342, 133 – 149 nary problems ([9] and refs. therein). Because of this selectivity, up to now, tamoxifen has been used as standard therapy in adjuvant hormone treatment on breast cancer. However, the latest results of several major international trials showed that aromatase inhibitors work better than tamoxifen in post-menopausal women with early-stage breast cancer that is ER positive, progesterone receptor positive, or both. So, in the near future, it may be possible that aromatase inhibitors will be the new standard of care for post-menopausal women with invasive hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer, both early and advanced-stage [10]. Another typical SERM is raloxifene (RAL), which has been shown to function as an antagonist in the breast and uterus, while functioning as an estrogen in the bone and cardiovascular system. RAL was developed initially as an anti-estrogen for breast cancer in the late 1980s, but since it was found to maintain bone density, to prevent rodent breast cancer, and to inhibit tamoxifenstimulated endometrial cancer growth, it was developed for osteoporosis, for which it is now an approved drug [11]. RAL is an inhibitor of cultured breast cancer cells and, in vivo, it possesses antitumor activity. Like tamoxifen, RAL reduces total cholesterol but does not increase high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, a feature that may lessen any cardioprotective effects [11, 12]. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that RAL has a potential in the treatment of myo-cardial ischemia. It is able to relax porcine coronary arteries in vitro due to activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway [13]. P38 MAPK activation has been shown to be responsible for cardioprotection during ischemic preconditioning [14]. Antagonists Several classes of pure anti-estrogens, which possess no known estrogen agonist effects, have been developed for the treatment of breast cancer. Pure anti-estrogens, such as ICI 164 384, ICI 182 780 (fulvestrant, Fig. 1), and RU 54 876, may perhaps prove to be more effective than tamoxifen in treating hormone-responsive breast cancer, but are not effective in preventing bone loss and may have detrimental effects on the cardiovascular system [9 and refs. cited therein]. Therefore, a pure anti-estrogen, e. g. fulvestrant, is recommended for treatment of breast cancer after failure of a first-line therapy with tamoxifen [15]. The biological effects of estrogens and anti-estrogens are mostly mediated through the ER, which acts as hormone-activated transcription factor. i 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Estrogen Receptor and Ligands 135 Figure 2. Overall distribution of ERa and ERb in different tissues from [23]. The estrogen receptor Discovery of the estrogen receptor The ER is a ligand-inducible transcription factor that belongs to the nuclear receptor super family and acts as a dimeric species. In the early 1960s, Jensen and Jacobsen first demonstrated that a specific protein was responsible for the concentration of physiological levels of E2 in target tissues [16]. This protein is now known as the ER. Jensen and colleagues translated the basic science into clinical utility by proposing a predictive test, the ER assay, to determine which patients would respond to endocrine ablation. It was then established that patients with ERrich tumors respond to endocrine therapy, whereas patients with ER-negative tumors are unlikely to respond [17, 18]. For a long tim, it was assumed that only one human ER (hERa), cloned and sequenced in 1986 from MCF-7 human breast cancer cells [19, 20], exists. But ten years later, a second receptor was cloned from a rat prostate cDNA library [21] at first, and then, the human ERb (hERb) was identified and characterized [22]. Both receptors are expressed next to one another in many tissues, including the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system, the urogenital tract, the breast, and the bone (Fig. 2). In the uterus and mammary gland, ERa is an important estrogen receptor and much more frequently expressed than ERb. In addition, ERa is also 136 Z. Bai and R. Gust Figure 3. Domain-structure representation of human ERa and ERb isoforms [26]. Arch. Pharm. Chem. Life Sci. 2009, 342, 133 – 149 Figure 4. The DBD of hERa comprises two zinc finger motifs according to Ruff [29], Pettersson [31], Chen [32], and Tsai [33]. present in liver, while in the gastro-intestinal tract it is only ERb [23]. Both ERa and ERb are mainly regulated by the endogenous estrogen E2. ER modulation is involved in the development and regulation of reproductive, cardiovascular, and bone health, in addition to controlling various aspects of cognitive function [24]. Besides, an excessive activity of the ER has been correlated with the development and proliferation of certain breast and uterine carcinomas [25]. Structure of the estrogen receptors ERa and ERb represent two separate gene products. The hERa protein consists of 596 amino acids with a molecular weight of 66 kDa [26, 19] and is located on chromosome 6 [27], while the hERb sequence encodes a protein of 530 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 59 kDa [28] and is positioned on chromosome 14 [22]. Like other nuclear receptors, the ER has a multidomain structure consisting of six functional regions, from the N-terminal A/B domain to the C-terminal F domain, which show various degrees of sequence conservation (Fig. 3) [26]. The poorly conserved combined A/B region contains the autonomous transactivation function AF-1. In this region, no clear secondary structure can be identified and no structural data have been obtained until now [29]. The better characterized parts, for which functional and structural data are available, are the highly conserved C region harboring the DNA-binding domain (DBD) and the conserved E region containing the ligand-binding domain (LBD) as well as the transactivation function AF2. The D domain can be considered as a linker peptide between the DBD and the LBD, whereas the F domain, a C-terminal extension region of the LBD, is not conserved [29]. Both ERa and ERb share a modest overall sequence identity (47%) [30]. The DBDs of ERa and ERb show a high degree of homology (97%; only three amino acids differ), but the LBD possesses only 47% homology [23, 26]. i 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Figure 5. Three-dimensional structure of the ERa (A, ligand E2; B, ligand genistein) and ERb (C, ligand genistein) LBD monomer [37, 29, 38]. The DBDs of the two ER isoforms share the same response elements. DBD structures are available only for ERa [29]. The topology of ER DBDs is characterized by two zinc finger motifs with eight cysteines that constitute the tetrahedral coordination of two zinc ions [29, 31, 32, 33] (Fig. 4). These zinc fingers are essential components of the ER due to their non-fungible DNA-binding function [34, 35]. The first zinc finger sequence is neutral to slightly acidic, which determines the binding specificity to the so called estrogen response elements (ERE), whereas the second zinc finger structure harbors a positive net charge and governs unspecific DNA contacts as well as dimerization of the two DBD molecules [36]. The helical structure of the “P-box” (E, G, A) and downstream amino acids provides important deoxynucleotide contacts and fits into the major groove of the DNA helix. The amino acids in the “P-box” are responsible for base recognition and discrimination, whereas the residues participating in the “D-box” (P, A, T, N, and Q) have been shown to be involved in the dimerization interface [29, 33]. The LBD is a globular domain that harbors a hormone(ligand-) binding site, a dimerization interface, and a coactivator and corepressor interaction function. Despite low sequence identity in LBDs of the nuclear receptor superfamily, the three-dimensional structures of the Arch. Pharm. Chem. Life Sci. 2009, 342, 133 – 149 LBDs are similar [29]. The first reported crystal structure for a steroid receptor was that of the ERa LBD in complex with E2 (Fig. 5) and RAL (cf. Fig. 10) [37]. In addition, the crystal structure of the ERb LBD was characterized in complex with genistein (Fig. 5C) and RAL [38]. ER LBDs are arranged in an antiparallel a-helical ”sandwich” fold that was first described for the human RXRa apolipoprotein LBD [40]. The liganded ER LBD (Fig. 5A and cf. Fig. 9) contains 11 a-helices (H1, H3-H12) organized in a threelayered sandwich structure with H4, H5, H6, H8, and H9 flanked on one side by H1 and H3, and on the other side by H7, H10, and H11 [29]. The ligand pocket is closed after hormone binding on one side by an antiparallel b-sheet and on the other side by H12, which is known to be directly involved in the transactivation function AF-2 by mutagenesis studies [41], for which several “agonist” or “antagonist” conformations have been evidenced [42]. AF-1 located in the A/B regions mediates a constitutive activation potential and is responsible for the promoterspecific transcriptional activation independent of the presence of a ligand. In addition, the AF-1 is thought to be responsible for the partial agonist activity of tamoxifen in cells that express ERa [43]. AF-2 enclosed in the E domain provides ligand-specific activation. AF-1 and AF-2 are independently autonomous in their regions and also synergistic with each other in most cases [44, 45]. Estrogen receptor transcription The ER is a ligand-inducible transcription factor. Both ERa and ERb stimulate transcription of an ER-responsive gene containing an ERE in an E2-dependent manner [46]. Ligand-binding experiments revealed high affinity and specific binding of E2 to both ER isotypes, and no obvious differences between the two isotypes alone or combined were observed in ERE transcriptional assays in the presence of E2 [46]. ER-mediated transcription is a highly complex process involving a multitude of coregulatory factors and “cross-talk” between distinct signaling pathways [47, 48], which could be depicted in a mode including ligand-dependent and ligand-independent ER transcriptional activations (Figs. 6 and 7) [9, 47, 2]. The basic pathway follows an E2-regulated ER transcription line (Fig. 6): Upon binding E2, ER becomes activated through a process that involves dissociation from protein chaperones, conformational change, dimerization, and binding to EREs of target genes. ERE-bound ER recruits coregulators that stimulate gene transcription. In the non-active state, the ER exists as a heterocomplex consisting of the heat-shock protein 90 (HSP90) and immunophilin-FK-binding protein 52 (FKBP52). HSP90 binds directly to the ER LBD to form a less stable complex, which is stabilized by FKBP52 through a direct binding to i 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Estrogen Receptor and Ligands 137 Figure 6. A simple mode of estrogen action through estrogen receptor [15]. HSP90 and an electrostatical interaction with the nuclear localization signal (NLS) contained at the C-terminal end of the ER DBD [49]. The role of HSP90 and other chaperons may be to maintain the receptors folded in an appropriate conformation to respond rapidly to hormonal signals [49, 50]. This inactive ER complex continually shuttles between the nucleus and cytoplasm with nuclear localization and nuclear export sequences. E2 diffuses through the plasma membrane and cytoplasm of cells into the nucleus where it binds to the ER LBD. Once E2 binds to the ER, HSP90 and FKBP52 dissociate and the receptor undergoes a conformational change transforming the receptors to the active form [49]. It has been demonstrated that different ligands induce different changes in the receptor (ERa) conformation (see Chapter on The X-ray crystal structure of ER LBD-ligand complexes) and target cells can distinguish between these ERa-ligand complexes. These conformational changes have been shown to influence ERa cofactor binding and, therefore, have a profound impact on ERa pharmacology [51, 52, 53, 54]. In addition, the nature of the bound ligand also influences the stability of ERa, and the rate of ERa degradation in the presence of E2 directly correlates with transcriptional activity [54]. It was even concluded that acute degradation of ERa followed by an E2dependent transcriptional activation of ERa mRNA is a general E2 response [55]. With these conformational changes, the receptors dimerize as homodimers (ERa/ ERa and ERb/ERb) or heterodimers (ERa/ERb) [56, 57]. The dimer complex is translocated to the nucleus of the target cells by nuclear localization sites. As mentioned above (Structure of the estrogen receptors), the ER contains two dimerization domains, one in the DBD and one in the LBD. Dimerization by the LBD is ligand-dependent, whereas dimerization by the DBD is ligand-independent and mediated by sequences in the DNA, therein Ser236 located in the second zinc finger of 138 Z. Bai and R. Gust ERa DBD plays an important role [32]. However, hERa is phosphorylated by protein kinase A (PKA) on Ser236 and phosphorylation at this site can inhibit dimerization in the absence of estrogen and, therefore, inhibit DNA binding. Binding of estrogen to the ER can overcome this inhibition [32]. Even though this inhibition of dimerization was found in ERa, phosphorylation on multiple sites of ERa as a phosphoprotein, by ligand binding and other events, increases transcriptional activation of the receptor [32]. The dimer complex either directly binds to EREs in target genes or indirectly interacts with DNA through tethering to other DNA-bound transcription factors, e. g. AP-1 [58, 59] or Sp1 [60], in a way that stabilizes the DNA binding of that transcription factor in the absence of direct ER-DNA binding, to alter the rate of transcription. These EREs may be consensus or no consensus and may exist as single or multiple full or half sites; they may also be composite sites, consisting of EREs flanked by response elements for other transcription factors (such as Sp1, Sp1 may play two roles, either in direct binding as “half site” or in indirect interaction as “tethering” [60]), which themselves may or may not be occupied by their respective transactivating factors [61]. The ERE sequence is an allosteric effector of ER action. Binding of the ER to natural and synthetic EREs with different nucleotide sequences alters ER-binding affinity, conformation, and transcriptional activity and, therefore, impacts physical and functional interaction of ERa and ERb with coregulators [62]. Both direct and indirect interaction between the ER and EREs result in recruitment of coregulators and components of the RNA polymerase II transcription initiation complex that enhances target gene transcription (Fig. 7) [63]. Coregulators can be broadly divided into co-activators, which augment the activity of receptors, and corepressors, which mediate the repressive effects of receptors [64]. In recent years, at least 28 different ERa co-activator proteins have been identified [62]. Many co-activators required for the ER activity are histone acetyltransferases (HATs), e. g. CBP/p300 [65]. Transcriptional activation involves alterations in chromatin structure mediated by ATP-dependent chromatinremodeling enzymes in conjunction with factors that contain HAT activity [66]. Transcriptional competence correlates with the acetylation of chromosomal histone proteins at their N-termini, which results in destabilization of protein-DNA contacts and chromatin decompaction [67]. Briefly, co-activators facilitate ER transcription through their functions of (i) acetylating the N-terminal tails of lysine residues in histones H3 and H4 leading to i 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Arch. Pharm. Chem. Life Sci. 2009, 342, 133 – 149 The abbreviations used are: E, estrogen; R, receptor; ERE, estrogen-response element; GF, growth factor; TBP, TATA binding protein; TAFs, TBP-associated factors; RNA polymerase II (pol II). Figure 7. A model for estrogen-receptor transcription from [9]. “relaxed” chromatin structure, (ii) acetylating other transcription factors and co-activators, (iii) recruiting secondary co-activators including co-activator associated arginine methyltransferase 1 (CARM 1) and protein arginine methyltransferase 1 (PRMT 1) that methylate histones, (iv) interacting with components of various ATP-dependent chromatin-remodeling complexes, and (v) directly interacting with and stabilizing basal transcription factor binding [62 and refs. cited therein]. Most of the co-activators, e. g. p160 family proteins, interact with the AF-2 domain of agonist-bound ERs through multiple LxxLL (L = leucine, x = any amino acid) amino-acid motifs [68], whereas some co-activators, such as the steroid receptor RNA activator SRA and the RNA helicases p68/p72, interact with and regulate the AF-1 domain of ER [69, 70, 71]. Opposing the co-activators, corepressors negatively regulate transcription, namely promote transcriptional repression, via their recruitment of histone deacetylases (HDACs). The best characterized corepressors are the structurally related proteins NcoR (nuclear receptor corepressor) and SMRT, which are recruited by ER to the promoter of target genes in the presence of antagonists such as tamoxifen [72, 73]. But NcoR and SMRT differentially impact E2-induced transcriptional activity in an ER subtype- and ERE sequence-dependent manner [62]. Other proteins act to repress ER-mediated transcription by distinct mechanisms. For instance, the ER-specific corepressor REA, as well as the orphan receptors SHP and DAX-1 act by competing with the p160 coactivators for binding agonist-bound ER [74 and refs. therein]. Arch. Pharm. Chem. Life Sci. 2009, 342, 133 – 149 Upon binding to ERE and in cooperation with coregulators, ER binds to a promoter and forms a transcription pre-initiation complex. Upon further interaction with coregulators, components of the core transcriptional machinery “TATA-box” and RNA polymerase II (pol II), a transcription-initiation complex is complete. RNA polymerase II is recruited to the transcription start site and begins transcription [75, 33]. Besides the E2-dependent basic pathway (i), there are other E2-dependent or -independent pathways that play an important role for gene transcription of the ER. These include signaling pathway (ii) regulated by membrane ER (mER), and modulation of ER activity by growth factors (including epidermal growth factor, insulin-like growth factor-1, insulin, and transforming growth factor-b), neurotransmitters such as dopamine, and second messengers such as cAMP and others that affect protein kinase cascades including the MAP kinase signaling pathway (iii), and (iv) (Fig. 7) [2, 47, 9]. Pathway (ii) is about mER action. ER is one of the nuclear receptor super families. The majority of them in the cell reside in the nucleus in the presence of estrogen. But a small fraction of total receptors are also localized at or near the cell membrane in either the presence or absence of estrogen. Several studies suggest that ER localization to the cell membrane is facilitated by association with other proteins that themselves translocate to the cell membrane. Candidate proteins reported to fulfill this role are caveolin-1, the adaptor molecule Shc, and insulin-like growth factor (IGF)1 receptor [2 and refs. therein]. The adaptor molecule Shc, through a coupling of ER with IGF1 receptor, has also been suggested to mediate ER translocation to the cell membrane in an estrogen dependent manner. ERa and ERb have all been demonstrated to associate with Src and activate downstream mitogen-associated protein kinases that confer proliferative and differentiating effects [76, 77]. The signaling pathway (iii) is also mediated by the interaction between growth-factor receptor and Shc as well as the membrane ER. The ER LBD alone is sufficient for estrogen-dependent translocation to the cell membrane and also sufficient for mediating many of the described effects of estrogen on signal-transduction pathways in different cell types [2 and refs. therein]. These extranuclear signaling pathways converge upon and activate nuclear transcription factors by phosphorylation and thus may ultimately affect gene-expression patterns by integration with nuclear signaling by the ER in the cell. In several papers, it was speculated about an involvement of classical steroid receptors localized at the cyto- i 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Estrogen Receptor and Ligands 139 plasmic membrane in the rapid effects of steroids [76]. In addition, there are reports that support the existence of a distinct receptor, associated to the plasma membrane, being different from the classical, intracellular one. Moreover the non-genomic effect of steroids could be attributed to their binding with the sex-hormon-binding globulin (SHBG) receptor, that is a G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), located at the membrane and has been functionally identified in a number of tissues such as prostate, testis, liver, and breast [78, 79]. Finally, the rapid steroid action could potentially be induced in the absence of a receptor, by influencing membrane fluidity [80, 81]. In recent years, several rapid estrogen-mediated effects could be traced back to membrane-associated estrogenresponsive receptors [82]. These are unrelated to their intracellular counterparts, but, instead, exert characteristics of GPCRs. In the course of these discoveries, attention was directed to an orphan member of GPCRs, GPR30, which revealed facilities of an estrogen-responsive receptor [83]. Regarding its structural sequence homology to receptors for angiotensins, interleukins, and a variety of chemokines, it had been suggested to be a receptor for peptide ligands [84]. However, this assumption has been disproved [85]. Characteristically for members of the large superfamily of GPCRs, it consists of seven membrane-spanning helices and transduces extracellular stimuli into intracellular signals through interaction of its cytosolic domain with heteromeric G-proteins. GPR30 exhibits a widespread expression pattern with abundant levels not only in breast cancer, but also in placental, bone, brain, ovarian, prostate, vascular epithelial, and hepatic tissues. A large number of investigators proved that GPR30 accounts for a substantial set of rapid cellular responses to estrogens. Since most of GPR30expressing tissues are considered to be ER positive, it seems likely to assume that their estrogenic responses are partially mediated by GPR30. GPR30 demonstrably regulates the phosphorylation state of ERK1/2 [86, 87, 88], induces mobilisation of intracellular calcium [89, 90], cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate) release [87], and synthesis of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) [90]. In the course of mER signalling, a trans-activation of epithelial growth factor receptor (EGFR), IGF-1 receptor, and human epithelial growth factor receptor type 2/neu (Her-2/neu) occurs, leading to the activation of their downstream mediators ERK1/2 and PI3K/Akt [87]. By this means, estrogens may induce cell proliferation without involvement of gene transcription. Moreover, ERK1/2 activation by E2 in hormone-dependent MCF-7 breast cancer cells also partially occurs by secretion of heregulin, which activates the HER-2/neu receptor, PKC d, and 140 Z. Bai and R. Gust Arch. Pharm. Chem. Life Sci. 2009, 342, 133 – 149 less, it may be a great help to understand more about ERtranscriptional action. As mentioned above, both ER subtypes recognize similar target-DNA sequences and bind and respond similarly to E2, but there are differences in DNA-binding affinity and specificity for pharmacological ligands. In addition, ERa is a more potent transcriptional activator than ERb, and in tissues, where both ERs are expressed, ERb has been suggested to have a role as an attenuator of ERa [2 and refs. cited therein). Estrogen and anti-estrogen action through estrogen receptor Membrane ER and / or growth-factor receptors, can interact directly with components of the cytosolic signaling molecules, including the regulatory subunit of PI3K, leading to the activation of the serine / threonine kinase Akt pathway (ii); growth factors such as epidermal growth factor (EGF), insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), insulin, and transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b) bind to and activate their receptors, which, and / or membrane ER, in turn activate the Src-RAS – RAF – MEK-MAPK and the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathways (iii); other extracellular stimuli such as dopamine and cyclic AMP bind G-protein-coupled receptors and activate adenylyl cyclase (AC) and protein kinase A (PKA) pathway (iv). The activated kinases subsequently phosphorylate and activate ER and other transcription factors in the nucleus [47, 2]. Figure 8. Extranuclear-signaling pathways in ER transcription. the Ras pathway [91]. As depicted in Fig. 8, activated MAPKs and PI3K may phosphorylate certain residues of nuclear ERs promoting their transcriptional activity or stability. Malek [92, 93, 94] showed that comparable to E2, the pure anti-estrogen faslodex, which has been proved to bind to GPR30 in an agonistic manner, impaired migration and Smad phosphorylation in response to transforming growth factor (TGF)-b through a pertussis toxin(PTX-) sensitive mechanism. Concrete evidence for GPR30 as a mediator of E2-induced interruption of TGF-b signalling could successfully be provided by transfection experiments. Thus, migration and Smad2 phosphorylation of E2-sensitized MCF-7 cells could be restored after down-regulation of GPR30 expression by siRNA technique. These findings could be corroborated, as the inhibitory properties of the hormone on TGF-b signalling could be established by transfection of hormone-independent MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells with a GPR30 expression vector. Currently, there is better understanding of molecular mechanisms of steroid receptors in terms of transcriptional signaling in the nucleus, whereas the clear mechanisms by which conventional steroid receptors interact with and modulate the activities of extranuclear cell signaling pathways still remain to be uncovered [2]. The mechanisms with those pathways depicted in Fig. 7 are only a model established on present studies. Neverthe- i 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim The ER transcription described above is based on ER action regulated by the natural ligand E2 and the ability of cells to distinguish and response. In clinical settings, the bound ligands to ER are not only estrogens but also anti-estrogens including SERMs, and the ER can adopt multiple conformations upon binding different ligands [95, 52]. The impact of such conformational changes was further revealed when steroid receptor co-activator-l (SRC-l), and subsequently other cofactor proteins, co-activators and corepressors, were isolated [96, 97]. Furthermore, analysis of the crystal structure of the ligand-ER LBD complexes provided the molecular basis of the interaction of the ER with its ligands [37, 98, 99, 100, 101] and so that a better understanding of estrogen and anti-estrogen actions through the ER was established. The X-ray crystal structure of ER LBD-ligand complexes The first crystal structure of an ERa LBD was reported in complexes with E2 and the nonsteroidal selective estrogen antagonist RAL [37]. In the E2-ERa LBD complex (Fig, 9), the E2 cavity is completely shielded from the external environment involving parts of H3, H6, H8, H11, and H12 as well as a small two-strand antiparallel b-sheet (Fig. 5). E2 binds diagonally across the cavity between H11, H3, and H6 and adopts a low-energy conformation. H12 sits over the ligand-binding cavity, without direct contact with E2 and is packed against H3, H5/6, and H11, with its inner hydrophobic surface toward the bound hormone [37]. Hormone recognition is achieved through a combination of specific hydrogen bonds and van-der-Waals contacts of the binding cavity to E2's non-polar character (Fig. 9). They are involved in the anchoring of the E2 hydroxyl moiety at positions 3 and 17. The phenolic hydroxyl group of the A-ring (3-OH) is hydrogen bonded to Glu353 from H3, and to Arg394 from H6 and a water Arch. Pharm. Chem. Life Sci. 2009, 342, 133 – 149 Figure 9. Left: The three-dimensional protein structure of the E2-ERa LBD complex including H12 (blue cylinder) and hydrophobic residues (yellow); dotted lines indicate unmodelled regions of the structures. Right: The interaction of E2 with critical amino acids in the ERa LBD [37]. molecule. The hydroxyl group of the D-ring (17b-OH) forms a single hydrogen bond with His524 in H11. The remainder of the molecule participates in van-der-Waals contacts that are concentrated over the A, A/B interface, and D-rings [37]. In the RAL-ERa LBD complex (Fig. 10), RAL binds at the same site as E2 within the LBD. The side chain of RAL makes extensive hydrophobic contacts with H3 and H5/6, H11 and the loop between H11 and H12. In addition, the long side chain displaces H12 and protrudes from the pocket between H3 and H11. Instead of the alignment of H12 over the cavity in E2-ERa LBD complex, the helix H12 lies in a groove formed by H5 and the carboxy-terminal end of H3, with a rotation of 1308 combined with a 10 rigid-body shift toward the amino terminus of the LBD compared with the E2-induced conformation [37]. Hydrogen bonds between the hydroxyl group of the benzothiophene moiety and H3 (Glu353), H6 (Arg394) and a water molecule (Fig. 10) are similar to those of the A-ring phenolic OH of E2. In the binding mode of RAL at the “D-ring end” of the cavity, the phenolic hydrogen bonds with His524 whose imidazole ring makes a rotation. The remainder of the core is involved in non-polar contacts similar to those seen for E2. The side chain of RAL is anchored to the protein by a direct hydrogen bond between Asp351 and the piperazine ring nitrogen [37]. The crystal structures of the synthetic agonist DES and the selective antagonist 4-hydroxytamoxifen (OHT), respectively bound to the ERa LBD [98] are similar to those of E2 and RAL, namely, the conformation and interactions of ERa LBD with DES are similar to those of ERa LBD with E2, and the conformation and interactions of ERa LBD with OHT resemble that of ERa LBD with RAL (Figs. 11 and 12). It is remarkable that the DES-LBD com- i 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Estrogen Receptor and Ligands 141 Figure 10. Left: The three-dimensional protein structure of the RAL-ERa LBD complex including H12 (green cylinder) and hydrophobic residues (yellow). Right: the interaction of RAL with critical amino acids in the ERa LBD [37]. Figure 11. Above: The interaction of DES with critical amino acids in the ERa LBD [98]. Below: The three-dimensional protein structure of the DES-ERa LBD-GRIP1 NR box II peptide (gold) complex; two orthogonal views of the complex including the co-activator peptide (gold), helix 12 (red), H3, H4, and H5 (blue). DES (green) shown in space-filling representation. plex binds to the NR box II peptide, while the OHT-LBD cannot [98]. In the DES-LBD-NR box II peptide complex, the ligand is completely encased in a predominantly hydrophobic 142 Z. Bai and R. Gust Arch. Pharm. Chem. Life Sci. 2009, 342, 133 – 149 Figure 13. Superposition of the three-dimensional structure of ERa LBD complexed with estrogens (green conformation), antiestrogens (red and blue conformations) [29]. Figure 12. Above: The interaction of OHT with critical amino acids in the ERa LBD [98]. Below: The three-dimensional protein structure of the OHT-ERa LBD complex; two orthogonal views of the complex including helix 12 (red), H3, H4, and H5 (blue) are presented; OHT (blue) shown in space-filling representation. ity with two of the phenolic hydrogens binding to the corresponding amino acid residues and a water molecule. Besides, DES contacts two regions of the ligandbinding pocket not occupied by E2, located at the 7a and 11b positions of E2, and filled by the two ethyl groups of DES. H12 makes a similar conformation as that in E2-LBD complex. In OHT-LBD complex, OHT is bound within the same pocket that recognizes DES, E2, and RAL. Next to the hydrogen bonds of its hydroxyl group with Glu353, Arg394 and water, OHT stretches its side chain between H3 and H6, and the positioning of the flexible dimethylaminoethyl region of the side chain is stabilized by vander-Waals contacts with Thr347, Ala350, and Trp383 and by a salt bridge between the dimethylamino group of the side chain and the b-carboxylate of Asp351. The orientation of H12 mimics that in RAL-LBD complex. The remainder of the molecule of DES as well as OHT participates in van-der-Waals contacts with the corresponding residues [98]. Based on these analyses of the crystal structures of the ligand-ERa LBD complexes, the relative positioning of i 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim H12 is compared in Fig. 13 [29]. These analyses revealed that the activation function 2 (AF-2) pocket, when bound by an agonist, undergoes a conformational change that forms a hydrophobic groove on the surface of an agonistbound LBD formed by residues from H3, H4, H5, and H12 and allows the docking of a conserved leucine-rich NR box LxxLL motif present in all p160 and most of other coactivator proteins. Conversely, binding of an antagonist alters the AF-2 structure, especially H12 with an NR boxlike sequence (LxxML versus LxxLL) functions as an intramolecular mimic of the co-activator helix interacts with the hydrophobic groove so that it is incompatible with co-activator docking [98]. These different conformational changes of LBD with binding to agonist and antagonist also were revealed by analyses of the crystal structure of ERb LBD complexed with genistein (GEN) [38], RAL [100], and ICI 164,384 (ICI) [101]. In the GEN-ERb LBD complex (Fig. 5), H12 is bound over the ligand-binding pocket in a position such that it occludes the co-activator recognition surface only partially, being consistent with that genistein acts as an ERb partial agonist [100]. The position of H12 in the RAL-ERb complex is similar to that in RAL-ERa LBD, also with a tethering interaction between H12 and the hydrophobic groove [100]. In the ICI-ERb LBD complex, the pure antagonist ICI side chain binds directly to the co-activator-binding site of ERb LBD, causing H12 to be completely disordered [101]. Nevertheless, the estrogenic properties of some ligands are selective for both subtypes ERa and ERb. For instance, 5,11-cis-diethyl-5,6,11,12-tetrahydrochrysene-2,8-diol (THC) (Fig. 14) acts as an ERa agonist and as an ERb antagonist, which can be explained by analysis of the crystal Arch. Pharm. Chem. Life Sci. 2009, 342, 133 – 149 Figure 14. Left: The three-dimensional protein structure of the THC-ERa LBD-GRIP1 NR box II peptide complex including the co-activator peptide (gold), helix 12 (red), and THC (green) shown in space-filling. Middle: The three-dimensional protein structure of the THC-ERb LBD complex including helix 12 (red), and THC (green) shown in space-filling [99]. Left: Graphical drawing of THC. structure of their complexes (Fig. 14), and therein a novel antagonistic mechanism was proposed [99]. The ERa LBD when bound to THC adopts the same conformation (Fig. 14) as it does when bound to the full agonists E2 and DES, whereas the THC-ERb complex shows a H12 orientation (Fig. 14) similar to that observed in the GEN-ERb complex (Fig. 5C), without H12 binding to the region of the co-activator-recognition groove. In contrast to that antagonism (OHT, RAL, or ICI) with a bulky side chain that directly or “actively” precludes the agonistbound conformation of H12 by steric hindrance, termed “active antagonism”, the antagonism by THC-ERb, without H12 precluding from adopting the agonist-bound conformation, was termed “passive antagonism”. This “passive antagonism” lies in the difference of ligandbinding pocket residues of ERb from that of ERa [99]. These analyses of crystal structures of ligand-ER LBD complexes reveal that the position and orientation of H12 are important indicators for understanding the conformation changes by ER binding to agonists and antagonists including SERMs, but not determining factors. The determining conformation changes lie in overall structure of ligand-ER complex, including AF2 and AF1 as well as degradation of ER. Comparison of estrogen and anti-estrogen actions Due to the fact that ligand actions are mostly mediated by the transcription factor ligand receptor, the ligand receptor actions, on the other hand, are mostly regulated by ligands, estrogen, and anti-estrogen actions, in fact, are interconnected with ER transcriptions to form united physiological events. The ER transcription described i 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Estrogen Receptor and Ligands 143 Figure 15. A simple modal of anti-estrogen action through the estrogen receptor (ER) [18]. above relates to the normal transcriptional process including estrogen action, but there is rarely a distinction from anti-estrogen action. This section focuses on a brief comparison between the normal estrogen action and clinical anti-estrogen action. Estrogen binding to the ER facilitates such a conformational change as to be favorable for ER binding to co-activators. This change brings AF-2 and AF-1 of the ER in direct association with one another leading to synergy. After dimerization, the ligand-ER dimer binds to ERE and promotor, with the help of coregulators and the transcriptional machinery as well as growth factors; this results in transcription (Fig. 7) [18]. Anti-estrogens, including SERMs, can be used to inhibit or prevent this estrogen action in the breast, so as to treat estrogen-dependent breast cancer. Such an anti-estrogen action mediated also by ER is depicted in a simple model in Fig. 15 [18]. Anti-estrogen competitively binds to the ER and induces an ER conformational change, which blocks ER binding to co-activators and / or is favorable for ER binding to corepressors [73, 102] as well as it affects ER dimerization and interaction with ERE. Thus, the genetic estrogen response is inhibited and the growth of breast cancer cells is stopped. In addition, the pure anti-estrogens can destroy the ER [18]. The ER is synthesized in the cytoplasm and transported to the nucleus where it functions as a transcription factor. A pure anti-estrogen such as fulvestrand binds to the newly synthesized receptor in the cytoplasm and prevents transport to the nucleus. Then, the paralyzed receptor complex is destroyed rapidly [103]. The complete destruction of available ER will prevent the occurence of any estrogen-regulated events. Besides these antagonistic effects in breast tissue, SERMs such as tamoxifen and RAL also act as agonists in 144 Z. Bai and R. Gust some tissues, e. g. bone and the cardiovascular system. These biological selectivities in different tissues may be explained, by the nature of the ligands, by both the multitude of transcription factors and cofactors in the modes, i. e., how they take part in the mode of action, and the differences and particularities of various tissues [47, 104, 18]. For instance, (i) different transcription factors (or subtypes) such as ERa and ERb can regulate different, even opposing biological events with a same ligand; (ii) different cofactors such as co-activators or corepressors possess different recognition features for the ER; (iii) specific EREs or a particular promoter that interacts with the altered ligand-ER complex result in a corresponding response; (iv) different intracellular environments influence or even determine the ligands' biocharacter through different signaling pathways. However, an exact mechanism of SERM action in tissues is not presented up to now. Despite an increasing understanding of the hormone action and the success of hormone therapy in preventing and treating breast cancer, there are still many clinical problems and theoretical questions to solve and answer. For example, prolonged treatment with the most widely used SERM tamoxifen may develop tamoxifen resistance [9] and increases the risk for endometrial cancer [7, 105]. Therefore, much current research focuses on identifying alternative estrogen-receptor modulators that will minimize harmful side effects while preserving the ability to block cancer growth. Besides further investigation of the analogues of the clinically used SERMs and the pure antiestrogen fulvestrant, a new series of potential ER ligands were developed. Estrogen-receptor ligands ER ligands can be categorized into three pharmacological classes: estrogens, SERMs, and pure anti-estrogens. SERMs such as tamoxifen and RAL, pure anti-estrogens such as fulvestrant and other steroid hormones have been largely investigated and reported [11, 15, 106, 107, 108], and got interpreted above. Hence, we will limit this section to some new potential estrogens or lead structures, which may be also developed into SERMs or pure anti-estrogens by introduction of an appropriate active group onto a suitable position [109]. Classification of estrogens Based on the binding mode to the ER, estrogens are classified in two types: Type-I estrogens are linear or planar molecules similar to E2 or DES and bind analogously to the ER (Figs. 9 and 11). i 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Arch. Pharm. Chem. Life Sci. 2009, 342, 133 – 149 Figure 16. Interaction model of the Type-II estrogens (Left: (2R,3S)/(2S,3R)-2-(2-Chloro-4-hydroxyphenyl)-3-(2,6-dichloro4-hydroxyphenyl)piperazine; Right: (4R,5S)/(4S,5R)-N-Ethyl4,5-bis(2-chloro-4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-imidazoline) located in the LBD of ERa. Contacting the amino acids Glu353 and Arg394 as well as the water molecule like other agonists or antagonists, the Type-II estrogens are suggested to be attached also at the amino acid Asp351 [110] or Thr347 [112]. Type-II estrogens are the second typ with angular spatial structures and are anchored in part to other amino acids within the ER LBD [110, 111]. The amino acids Asp351 and Thr347 are the alternative hydrogen-bond anchor points at ERa (Fig. 16) [110, 112]. Being suitable in size to the pocket of the ER LBD, numerous compounds, above all hydroxylated aryl-substituted heterocycles were synthesized and biologically evaluated. Novel estrogens or lead structures A series of aryl-substituted five-membered heterocycles containing a single heteroatom, such as furans, pyrroles, and thiophenes were investigated and, of them, several furan derivatives (Fig. 17) were found in biological studies to possess a very interesting character [113]. Furan 1 proved to be an agonist with high selectivity for ERa versus ERb in both ER-binding affinity and transcriptionalactivation activity in human endometrial cancer HEC-1 cells. This selectivity benefits allegedly by the third phenolic hydroxyl on the C(5) phenyl group, which is possibly H-bonded to the amino acid Thr347 within the ERa LBD according to the molecular modeling investigation on the binding orientation of a furan ligand in ERa. Furan 2, derived by grafting an N-piperidinylethyl side chain on the C(4) phenol of furan 1, was an ERa-selective antagonist with high binding affinity [114]. More studies focused on the ring system bearing two heteroatoms, above all pyrazoles, imidazoles, 2-imidazolines, and piperazines. Pyrazole 3 (PPT) (Fig. 18), having high ERa selectivity in terms of affinity and gene-transcriptional activity [115]. The different interactions of the ligand with ERa and ERb were postulated to account for this specificity. Appending an N-piperidinylethyl side chain to the C(5) phenol resulted to a corresponding Arch. Pharm. Chem. Life Sci. 2009, 342, 133 – 149 Estrogen Receptor and Ligands 145 Figure 17. Furan derivatives with interesting character in biological studies. Figure 20. Structures of imidazoles 6 and 7. Figure 18. Structures of pyrazole 3 (PPT) and pyrazole 4 (MPP). Figure 19. Model of the interaction of imidazole 5 with the ERa LBD (Type-I binding mode) [121]. selective full antagonist similar to furan 2 [116, 117]. Such an ERa-selective antagonist as pyrazole 4 (MPP) (Fig. 18) was suggested to be used as a new tool for investigating the biological functions of ERa and ERb [116]. A number of imidazoles were investigated as ER ligands and cytotoxic inhibitors of the cyclooxygenase (COX) [118, 119, 120, 121]. Imidazole 5 (Fig. 19) showed full agonist activity in ERa-positive MCF-7-2a breast cancer cells stably transfected with the plasmid EREwtcluc, even though its relative binding affinity (RBA) was very low. Only in light of the molecular structure, imidazole 5 (Fig. 19) may dock into the ER LBD by taking both binding modes of Type-I and Type-II estrogens. Yet from the data of the luciferase assay – its analogues with angular pharmacophores were completely inactive – a Type-II estrogen-like orientation was excluded. Therefore, the interac- i 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim tion of imidazole 5 with the ERa LBD was proposed as Type-I binding mode [121]. A further binding to Met522 is very likely and must be taken into consideration when discussing the attachment of hormonal active ligands in the LBD (Fig. 19). Imidazole 6 and 7 (Fig. 20) were estrogenically inactive in MCF-7-2a cells. They exhibited, however, antiproliferative effects against MCF-7 and MDA-MB 231 cells and showed strong inhibitory effects on COX enzymes [120]. Upregulation of the inducible isoform COX-2 has been identified in many human cancers and precancerous lesions. Initially recognized in the context of colorectal cancer, COX-2 over-expression has also been detected in approximately 40% of cases of human breast carcinoma. Furthermore, epidemiologic analyses suggest a protective effect of COX inhibitory drugs with respect to both colon and breast cancer. Together, these observations have stimulated widespread enthusiasm for COX-2 as a molecular target for cancer prevention [122]. Elevated COX-2 protein levels have been detected immunohistochemically in approximately 40% of invasive breast carcinomas, with individual studies reporting frequencies ranging from 17% to 84% [123]. COX-2 protein is predominantly confined to the tumor epithelium, with negligible expression in normal epithelium. In contrast, COX-1 appears to be ubiquitously expressed in mammary tissues [124]. Since COX-2 is over-expressed in mammary tumors from rodent breast-cancer models, these animals provide useful experimental systems in which to evaluate the role of COX enzymes. Numerous studies have shown that experimental breast cancer can be suppressed by inhibiting COX activity with either conventional NSAIDs or COXibs [125]. Interestingly, correlations between COX and aromatase expression have been observed in human breast carcinomas [126]. These correlations are thought to reflect a causal link, because prostaglandine signaling can stimulate transcription of the CYP19 gene [127]. In our studies, we demonstrated a clear synergism between the selective COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib and the 146 Z. Bai and R. Gust Arch. Pharm. Chem. Life Sci. 2009, 342, 133 – 149 Figure 22. Linear chemical structure of the active compounds investigated usually as ER ligands and for chemopreventing and treating breast cancer. Figure 21. Structures of hydroxylated aryl-substituted 2-imidazolines. aromatase inhibitor formestane regarding their cytotoxic effects against MCF-7 cells [128]. Hydroxylated aryl-substituted 2-imidazolines (Fig. 21) belong to the effective Type-II estrogens [129, 130]. Their relative binding affinities were very low, but many of them exhibited full agonist activity in the luciferase assay with MCF-7-2a cells. Of them, 2-imidazoline 8 was the most active compound. Other vast variations of the substituents and the substitution sites led to a reduction or even a complete loss of agonist activity. Several 2-imidazolines grafted separately by a basic side chain on one of the phenol group showed distinct hormonal effects [131]. The majority of them exhibited agonistic effects. Imidazoline 9 was evaluated as a stronger agonist at ERa versus a weaker one at ERb, whereas two C2 ethyl-substituted compounds possessed high antagonistic properties. For instance, imidazoline 10 antagonized the E2 effect at ERa strongly, while its antagonistic properties at ERb were distinctly lower, mixing with partial agonistic effects [131]. Aryl-substituted six-membered heterocycles, 2,3-diarylpiperazines such as 11, can also activate gene expression but to a lesser degree than 2-imidazolines [132]. This is the consequence of different contacts in the LBD. While one hydroxyl group of the 2,3-diarylpiperazines comes near to Asp351, the spatial structure of the 2-imidazolines allows the phenolic ring a close contact to Thr347 in the LBD of ERa as depicted in Fig. 16. Numerous diazenes (pyrazines, pyrimidines, and pyridazines) were also investigated and several of them were found to be considerably more agonistic on ERa than on ERb [133]. i 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim All these results described above indicate that the spatial structure of the ligands determines their hormonal activity [110]. This, in particular, signals the significance to develop new lead structures. Despite investigating the novel synthetic ligands, those safe natural phytoestrogens were not out of our sight. Phytoestrogens Phytoestrogens are plant-derived chemicals that have estrogenic activity, combining with ERs and initiating estrogen-dependent transcription [134, 135]. They are classified as several different groups according to their chemical structure: isoflavones, flavones, flavanones, coumestans, stilbenes, and lignans. The most widely studied are the isoflavones, present in high concentrations in soy products and red clover [136], followed by the flavones and then coumestans [134]. The active compounds investigated usually as ER ligands and for chemopreventing and treating breast cancer have a linear chemical structure similar to that of E2 (Fig. 22) [134, 137, 138], so that they can bind to ERa with the Type-I mode and to ERb. The increasing research interest in phytoestrogens probably stemmes from following five arguments: (1) there is a possibility that the traditionally low breast cancer incidence rates in Asia are associated with the high dietary intake of phytoestrogens; (2) widely diverse beneficial biological effects, such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer effects; (3) safety in use as natural products; (4) partial selectivity for ERb; (5) derivatization i. e., novel biologically active derivatives can be derived from the core structure of phytoestrogens. For the investigation of phytoestrogens, the key questions are whether or not and how they act as anticancer drugs or chemopreventing agents; should they be consumed Arch. Pharm. Chem. Life Sci. 2009, 342, 133 – 149 (or not) at very high levels in the diet, or should they rather (or not) be taken as medicine, because they are already more or less present in the daily food. There is still no conclusive evidence that a high dietary intake of phytoestrogens and the reduced incidence of breast cancer are directly related [134]. But as ER ligands, varieties of phytoestrogens remain in binding to the ER and breast cancer. Conclusion The estrogen receptor plays a central role in the hormone action. Its conformational changes upon binding different ligands initiate an intra- and /or intercellular biological response and, therefore, offset a corresponding physiological action. The considerably increased understanding of the molecular mechanism of the ER transcription, the advance in uncovering the ER response pathways, the exactly illustrative interaction between the estrogen receptor and ligands and the more clinical research achievements provide a better basis for the development of novel and more effective anticancer agents. It should be noted that there is an indirect hormone therapy approach beyond the topic of this article, that is, aromatase inhibitor therapy. The aromatase is a key enzyme in the conversion of androgens to estrogens. The aromatase inhibitor, such as formestane, anastrozole, or letrozole, inhibit the activity of the aromatase enzyme as to block the synthesis of estrogens. This method becomes more and more important in adjuvant hormone therapy for treating breast cancer [139, 140]. This work was supported by grants Gu-285/3-1, Gu-285/3-2 and Gu-285/5-1 to Gu-285/5-4 as well as the SFB 765 of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. 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