PUR423 SOUTHEASTERN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR STEWART AVENUE SUBSTATION MATERIAL CITY OF ROCK HILL ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA Table of Contents Notice and Instructions to Bidders Equipment Purchase Agreement Bid Bond Performance Bond Payment Bond Certificates of Insurance WMBE Statement Specifications: (Exhibit A) Schedule I - Substation Structure Schedule II - 115 KV Circuit Switcher Schedule III - 25.8 KV Circuit Breakers Schedule IV - Voltage Regulators Schedule V - Relay and Control Board Schedule VI - Equipment House Schedule VII - SCADA RTU Schedule VIII - Air Core Reactors Proposal (Exhibit B) Fee (Exhibit C) Drawings Section Number of Pages NB - 3 6 WM 1 5 1 S S S S S S S S P 12 6 3 7 8 4 10 2 11 - 6 NOTICE AND INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. Sealed proposals for furnishing 115 KV Substation Material for the City of Rock Hill, South Carolina (hereinafter called the "City") will be received on or before 10:00 AM, Thursday, September 5, 2013, at the Utility Operations Center, 757 South Anderson Road, Rock Hill, South Carolina 29730, at which time they will be publicly opened and read. 2. Proposals and all supporting documents required to be attached thereto must be submitted in a sealed envelope addressed to: City of Rock Hill, P. O. Box 11706, 757 South Anderson Road, Rock Hill, South Carolina 29730, Attention: Mr. Mike Jolly, PE. The name and address of the bidder, and the date and hour of the opening of bids must appear on the envelope in which the proposal is submitted. Bidders will be required to comply with all applicable statutes, regulations, etc., and those attached to and made a part of the bid. 3. The successful Bidder must have a current City of Rock Hill Business License and provide a copy of the Business License for verification to the Purchaser before contracts are executed or a purchase is issued. Call 803-329-7042 or check www.cityofrockhill.com, for additional information on obtaining a license. 4. Approved manufacturers for each piece of equipment are as follows: Schedule II - 115 KV Circuit Switcher: S&C Schedule III - 25.8 KV Circuit Breakers: Square D Schedule IV - Voltage Regulators: GE 5. The successful Bidder will be required to enter into a contract with the City and to furnish Performance and Payment Bonds on the forms attached hereto, in a penal sum not less than the contract price and with sureties satisfactory to the City's Attorney. 6. The Bidder's proposal shall specify price, any applicable price terms and delivery time, with the price to include transportation charges to Rock Hill, South Carolina, unloading at the City’s substation site, and commissioning as required. 7. South Carolina Sales Tax is applicable to this purchase. Each Bidder shall show, as a separate item in addition to the price quoted for the equipment, the amounts which will be payable by the successful Bidder on account of taxes imposed by any taxing authority upon the sale, purchase, or use of materials, supplies, or equipment included in the items furnished. NB - 1 8. The City reserves the right to waive minor irregularities or minor errors in the proposal, if it appears to the City that such irregularities or errors were made through inadvertence. Any such irregularities or errors so waived must be corrected on the proposal prior to its acceptance by the City. 9. The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. 10. Any explanation regarding the meaning or interpretation of any contract specifications or other contract documents must be requested in writing with sufficient allowance of time for receipt of reply before the time of bid opening. Any such explanation or interpretations shall be made in the form of addenda to the documents and shall be furnished to all bidders, who shall acknowledge all addenda with their bids. Oral explanations and interpretations made prior to the bid opening shall not be binding. 11. Bids shall be submitted prior to the time fixed in the instructions to Bidders. Bids received after the time so indicated shall be returned unopened. 12. Bids may be withdrawn at any time prior to opening upon written request of the bidder. No bid can be withdrawn for a period of ninety (90) days after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids, and negligence on the part of the bidder in preparing his bid shall not constitute a right to withdraw the bid subsequent to such bid opening. 13. Each Proposal must be accompanied by a Bidder's Bond on the forms attached hereto and acceptable to the Owner and running in favor of the Owner, in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the maximum bid price. If a proposal is not accepted or if a proposal is accepted and a contract is executed, the Bidder's Bond will be returned in each instance within a period of thirty (30) days to the Bidder furnishing the same; except that each Bidder agrees, provided its proposal is one of the three low proposals, that, by filing its proposal together with such Bidder's Bond in consideration of the Owner's receiving and considering such proposal, said proposal shall be firm and binding upon each such Bidder and such bond shall be held by the Owner for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days from the date hereinabove set for the opening of the Proposals. 14. At the time and place fixed for opening bids, the contents of all bids will be made public for the information of all bidders and other interested parties, who may be present in person or by representative. 15. If more than one bid is offered by one party, or by any person or persons representing a party, all such bids shall be received. A party who has quoted prices to a bidder is not thereby disqualified from quoting prices to other bidders, or from submitting a direct bid on his own behalf. 16. opening. The Contract shall be awarded by the City as soon as practicable after the bid NB - 2 17. In case of error in the extension of prices, the unit bid price shall govern. The City reserves the right to waive any formality in bids at its discretion. 18. The maximum time expressed in number of days necessary for bidder to make delivery, from time of award of contract, must be stated on the proposal. 19. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the City's Engineer, Southeastern Consulting Engineers, Inc., P. O. Box 240436, Charlotte, North Carolina 28224. CITY OF ROCK HILL ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA City SOUTHEASTERN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Engineer Date: August 7, 2013 NB - 3 WMBE STATEMENT It is the policy of the City of Rock Hill to provide minorities and women equal opportunity for participating in all aspects of the City’s contracting and procurement programs, including but not limited to employment, construction projects, and lease agreements consistent with the laws of the State of South Carolina. It is further the policy of the City of Rock Hill to prohibit discrimination against any person or business in pursuit of these opportunities on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, handicap, or veteran status. It is further the policy of the City of Rock Hill to conduct its contracting and procurement programs so as to prevent such discrimination and to resolve any and all claims of such discrimination. WM - 1 EXHIBIT A SPECIFICATIONS SCHEDULE I SPECIFICATIONS FOR 115 KV - 24.9GRD.Y/14.4 KV SUBSTATION STRUCTURE TABLE OF CONTENTS Paragraph Number Title Page I. Arrangement and Conditions A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Rating Arrangement Standards Features Drawings and Instructions Design Data and Calculations Inspection Shipment Insulators S-1 S-1 S-1 S-1 S-2 S-2 S-2 S-2 S-3 II. 115 KV Deadend and Switching Structure A. B. C. D. E. F. Structural Design Busses and Line Terminals Clearances 115 KV Group-Operated Switch Station Post Insulators High Side Deadend Alternate Switching S-3 S-3 S-4 S-4 S-4 S-5 III. 25.8 KV Switching Station Structure A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Structural Design Busses and Line Terminals Clearances 25.8 KV Group-Operated Bypass Switches 25.8 KV Hookstick Disconnect Switches 25.8 KV Bus Transfer Switches 25.8 Main Hookstick Disconnect Switches Regulator Bypass Disconnect Switches i S-5 S-5 S-6 S-6 S-7 S-7 S-7 S-8 SCHEDULE I TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Paragraph Number Title Page III. 25.8 KV Switching Station Structure (Con’t) I. J. K. L. M. N. O. Lightning Arresters Station Service and PLC Signal Injection Transformers Power Fuses and Backup Current Limiting Fuses Station Service Panel Potential Transformers Accessories Grounding: 1. General 2. Ground Rods 3. Grounding Conductor 4. Switch Grounding Plate 5. Connectors 6. Wall Grounding ii S-8 S-8 S-9 S-9 S-10 S-10 S-11 S-11 S-11 S-11 S-11 S-12 S-12 SCHEDULE I SPECIFICATIONS FOR 115 KV - 24.9GRD.Y/14.4 KV SUBSTATION STRUCTURES I. Arrangement and Conditions A. Rating These specifications cover one deadend switching structure rated 115 KV with provisions for one incoming circuit and one outgoing circuit, and one 25.8 KV switching station structure with provision for one incoming circuit, four outgoing underground circuits, a main bus and a transfer bus. B. Arrangement The arrangement of the substation shall be basically as shown on the attached drawings, and shall consist of equipment as specified herein. Each bidder shall furnish a drawing showing the general arrangement of the station he proposes to furnish with his proposal. The incoming and outgoing lines shall be arranged essentially as shown on the attached arrangement drawing, though each detail need not be exactly as shown. C. Standards All equipment covered by these specifications shall conform to the latest applicable standards of the ANSI, IEEE, and NEMA except where the standards conflict with the specific requirements of these specifications. The Purchaser reserves the right to reject any and all equipment, material, or design that, in the opinion of the Engineer, fails to meet the requirements of these specifications. D. Features These specifications cover one 115 KV deadend and switching structure and one 25.8 KV switching station structure complete, including the necessary structures, buswork, connectors, insulators, switches, fuses, line deadending terminals, anchor bolts, grounding equipment, lightning arresters, control power transformer, control power panels, signal injection transformers, and instrument transformers. The specifications do not include installation, fencing, conduit, station lighting, or control wiring. S-1 Schedule I E. Drawings and Instructions Upon notification of award of contract, the Supplier shall, within six weeks, furnish for approval two (2) sets of Drawings and Instructions covering the physical size, weight, dimensions, arrangement, electrical characteristics, wiring diagram and other pertinent data for structures, control power transformer, lightning arresters, switches, AC panel, instrument transformers, and other equipment. Drawings for approval shall include itemized material list with manufacturers' catalog numbers, overall wiring diagrams, anchor bolt plan, steel erection drawings, and general arrangement drawings. Steel erection drawings shall show member sizes and connections, and shall include all supporting design calculations. Material item numbers shall be shown on the arrangement drawings. The Supplier shall also furnish an AutoCAD drawing file of the finally approved drawings and four (4) prints of the finally approved issue of each drawing for the Purchaser's records. The Supplier shall also furnish four (4) sets of written instructions and renewal parts lists, suitably illustrated, covering the operation and maintenance of the equipment applying specifically to this installation. F. Design Data and Calculations The successful bidder will be required to furnish the reactions at the base or ground line of each column with the drawings for approval. They shall also furnish an augered foundation design for all structures furnished in this schedule. Foundations shall be round, drilled rebar reinforced to necessary depth and top two feet of pier shall be square. All design calculations for the structures and structure foundations must also be submitted with the drawings for approval. All drawings and calculations must be sealed by a registered professional engineer licensed in the state where the substation will be erected. The City’s Engineer will provide soil boring reports for the substation site to the successful Bidder to use for foundation designs. G. Inspection The purchaser reserves the right to reject any and all equipment, material, or design that, in the opinion of the Engineer, fails to meet the requirements of these specifications. H. Shipment Both 115 KV and 25.8 KV structures shall be shipped assembled to shipping limits and appropriately marked for field erection. Individual material items shall be marked or tagged with item numbers corresponding to the item numbers shown on the general S-2 Schedule I arrangement drawings and material summary lists. All material and equipment shall be shipped F.O.B. Substation Site, 161 Stewart Avenue, Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731, attention: Mr. Mike Jolly, PE. I. Insulators All switch and bus insulators shall be porcelain, gray station post type, including insulators furnished as part of the air break switches and disconnect switches. J. Switches All switches shall be manufactured by Cleaveland-Price. II. 115 KV Deadend and Switching Structure A. Structural Design The deadend structure shall be of the steel A-Frame type with bracing as required, and shall be arranged in general accordance with the attached arrangement drawings. The structure shall be of steel conforming to ASTM Specifications A-36 or later revision thereof. Bolts shall conform to ASTM Specification A-394 or later revision thereof. Steel members shall be hot dipped galvanized after fabrication in accordance with ASTM Specification A-123-59 or later revision thereof. Structure shall be designed in accordance with NEMA Standard Class "A" as outlined in NEMA Publication SG-61990 or later revision thereof, except where the standards conflict with the specific requirements of these specifications. In particular, no fabrication of steel should be undertaken until shop drawings have been approved. The structure shall be designed to withstand a maximum tension of 1500 pounds per conductor for external conductors and 500 pounds per shield wire. The structure shall also be designed to withstand the mechanical forces associated with short circuit currents of 25,000 amperes symmetrical at 115 KV. All equipment furnished to be mounted on the structure and the structure shall be furnished with complete mountings including mounting hardware. B. Busses and Line Terminals The current carrying capacity and size of the incoming busses and bus connections shall be a minimum of 600 amperes, with a temperature rise not exceeding 30 degrees Centigrade in accordance with NEMA standards. The current carrying capacity and size of the outgoing circuit busses and bus connections shall be a minimum of 600 amperes, with a temperature rise not exceeding 30 degrees Centigrade in accordance with NEMA standards. S-3 Schedule I All bus connections shall be bolted type power connectors. Busses shall be supported at intervals of 20'-0" or less with bus support insulators and bus support clamps. Any expansion connectors required for connection of the busses shall be furnished. The 115 KV strain type conductor deadend ball and socket insulators for the incoming 115 KV circuit shall be furnished. Eyebolt fittings for attachment to the structure are required. Incoming conductors shall be 336 KCM ACSR, Code Word ‘LINNET’, and will terminate on the line side of the incoming 115 KV group operated switch. Deadend clamps will be provided by others. Strain attachments and deadend clamps shall be provided for two 3/8" EHS static shield wires, one on each side of the top of the A-Frame structure, a minimum of eight feet above the conductor attachments. Lightning masts, 10 feet in height, shall be provided on each side of the structure. C. Clearances The following clearances shall be provided: (1) A minimum of 9 feet horizontally and 7 feet vertically, phase to phase between 115 KV conductors; 3.5 feet to any grounded structure and 12 feet above grade for any energized conductor. (2) A minimum attachment height of 28 feet above ground for the incoming 115 KV lines. D. 115 KV Group-Operated Switch One, three-phase group operated vertical break disconnect switch rated 115 KV, 550 KV BIL, 600 amperes, 40,000 amperes momentary shall be furnished for the incoming circuit. Switch shall be group operated, air break, triple pole, single throw, manually operated, rotating insulator, three insulator, vertical break. The manual operating mechanism, including pipe, and pipe guides, shall be of the rotating type, with position indicator and provisions for padlocking either in the open or closed position. An 8-foot fiberglass insulating section shall be provided for mounting in the operating pipe. A ground plate or grill shall be furnished for the operator to stand on. Terminal pads shall be provided and shall conform to the latest applicable standards of ANSI, NEMA and IEEE. Copper or bronze terminal pads shall be tin plated. The base for the switch shall be hot dipped galvanized structural steel and have welded mounting flanges for mounting to the steel structure. Connectors shall be furnished on the hinge end and jaw end to match incoming 336 KCM ACSR conductors and conductors furnished herein. S-4 Schedule I E. Station Post Insulators Station post insulators for the 115 KV structure shall be rated 550 KV BIL, standard strength class, gray in color and shall be technical reference number 286. F. High Side Deadend Alternate Switching An optional price adder shall be provided for vendor to furnish the structure and switches required to fully bypass and isolate the circuit switcher provided under Schedule II of this specification. The circuit switcher is expected to be 22'-3" tall. Vendor shall provide design for this structure and include three 115 KV gang operated switches (see Paragraph D above), connectors, conductor, and additional grounding materials. It is estimated that this structure will be a minimum of 41'-0" tall plus lightning rods. This alternate deadend structure shall meet all other design criteria set forth in this specification. III. 25.8 KV Switching Station Structure A. Structural Design The station structure shall be of a low-profile, tower type with angular bracing as required, and shall be arranged in general accordance with the attached arrangement drawing. The structure shall be of steel conforming to ASTM Specifications A-36 or later revision thereof. Bolts shall conform to ASTM Specification A-394 or later revision thereof. Steel members shall be hot dipped galvanized after fabrication in accordance with ASTM Specification A-123-59 or later revision thereof. Structure shall be designed in accordance with NEMA Standard Class "A" as outlined in NEMA Publication SG-61990 or later revision thereof, except where the standards conflict with the specific requirements of these specifications. In particular, no fabrication of steel should be undertaken until shop drawings have been approved. The structure shall be designed to withstand the mechanical forces associated with short circuit currents of 25,000 amperes symmetrical at 25.8 KV. All equipment furnished is to be mounted on the structure and the structure shall be designed and furnished to support all of the specified equipment with complete mountings including mounting hardware. B. Busses and Line Terminals The minimum current carrying capacity and size of the internal busses and bus connections shall be as shown below, with a temperature rise not exceeding 30 degrees C in accordance with NEMA standards. S-5 Schedule I Current Rating 25.8 KV Main Busses and Connections-Phases Neutral Busses and Connections 25.8 KV Transfer Bus and Connections 25.8 KV Outgoing Circuits and Connections Outgoing Circuit Neutral from Main Bus Neutral to Cable Risers 2000 Amperes 1200 Amperes 1200 Amperes 900 Amperes 500 MCM Copper Connections between the circuit breakers and the disconnect switches shall be 500 MCM bare copper conductors. Circuit breakers to be purchased under a separate schedule will include the correct terminal connectors. All bus connections shall be bolted type power connectors. The main and transfer bus shall be supported at intervals with bus support insulators and bus support clamps. All bus tubing shall be furnished with end caps on both ends and expansion connectors. Any expansion connectors required to connect the busses shall be furnished. Outgoing circuits will be installed underground and arranged as shown on the attached drawings. The cable termination terminal will be an aluminum two-hole NEMA spade. Connectors and conductors shall be furnished as required to connect the cable terminal to the outgoing feeder bus. Mechanical connectors are not acceptable on aluminum stranded conductors. The cable termination will be supported by a mounting bracket designed to support one terminator and one lightning arrester (Joslyn CD135-B or similar). Structure provisions shall be made for mounting the terminator and arrester brackets. Terminators will be furnished by others. The lightning arresters are to be furnished under this schedule. C. Clearances A minimum height of 10 feet above grade shall be provided for any exposed part which is energized at 25.8 KV. D. 25.8 KV Group-Operated Main Switch One, three-phase group operated vertical break disconnect switch rated 25.8 KV, 150 KV BIL, 2000 amperes, 80,000 amperes momentary shall be furnished. Switch shall be group operated, air break, triple pole, single throw, manually operated, rotating insulator, three insulator, vertical break. The switch shall be equipped with quick-break arcing horns and shall be suitable for bus sectionalizing and transformer disconnecting. Specifically, the switch shall be capable of interrupting the secondary magnetizing current of one 30 MVA power transformer at 24,900 volts. S-6 Schedule I The manual operating mechanism, including pipe, operating pipe insulator, and pipe guides, shall be of the rotating type, with position indicator and provision for padlocking either in the open or closed position. Switch insulators shall be post type. A ground plate or grill shall be furnished at each switch for the operator to stand on. Terminal pads shall be provided and shall conform to the latest applicable standards of ANSI, NEMA and IEEE. Copper or bronze terminal pads shall be tin plated. The base for the switch shall be hot dipped galvanized structural steel and have welded mounting flanges for mounting to the steel structure. Connectors shall be furnished for the jaw end and for the hinge end. E. 25.8 KV Hookstick Disconnect Switches Forty-eight feeder circuit breaker disconnect switches, single phase, rated 1200 amperes, 25.8 KV, 150 KV BIL, 61,000 amperes momentary, shall be furnished. Switches shall be hookstick operated, with ninety-degree blade stops and provisions for latching in the closed position. Switch insulators shall be post type. Bases for switches shall be hotdipped galvanized structural steel and shall have welded flanges for mounting to the steel structure. Copper or bronze terminal pads shall be tin plated. Connectors shall be furnished for the jaw end and the hinge end. F. 25.8 KV Bus Transfer Switches Four three-phase, group operated air break switches rated 25.8 KV 1200 amperes, 150 KV BIL, 61,000 amperes momentary, shall be furnished. Switches will be arranged to bypass the feeder circuit breakers to the transfer bus. Switches shall be three pole, group operated, three insulator, single throw, manually operated, rotating insulator, vertical break. The manual operating mechanism, including pipe, operating pipe insulator, and pipe guides, shall be of the rotating type with provision for padlocking either in the open or closed position. Switch insulators shall be post type. A ground plate or grill for the operator to stand on shall be furnished. Terminal pads shall be provided and shall conform to the latest applicable standards of ANSI, NEMA, and IEEE. Copper or bronze terminal pads shall be tin plated. Bases for switches shall be hot-dipped galvanized structural steel and have welded flanges for mounting to the steel structure. Connectors shall be furnished for the jaw end and the hinge end. G. 25.8 Main Hookstick Disconnect Switches Six main disconnect switches, single phase, rated 2000 amperes, 25.8 KV, 150 KV BIL, 80,000 amperes momentary, shall be furnished. Switches shall be hookstick operated, with ninety-degree blade stops and provisions for latching in the closed position. Switch insulators shall be post type. Bases for switches shall be hot-dipped galvanized structural S-7 Schedule I steel and shall have welded flanges for mounting to the steel structure. Copper or bronze terminal pads shall be tin plated. Connectors shall be furnished for the jaw end and the hinge end. H. Regulator Bypass Disconnect Switches Twelve regulator bypass disconnect switches, single phase, rated 1200 amperes, 25.8 KV, 150 KV BIL, 61,000 amperes momentary, shall be furnished. Switches shall be of threeblade design, hookstick operated, with ninety-degree blade stops and provisions for latching in the closed position. All three hookstick blades on each bypass switch must travel in the vertical plane during operation. Switch insulators shall be post type. Bases for switches shall be hot-dipped galvanized structural steel and shall have welded flanges for mounting to the steel structure. Copper or bronze terminal pads shall be tin plated. Connectors shall be furnished for the jaw end and the hinge ends. I. Lightning Arresters Twelve riser pole, metal oxide surge arresters, direct connected, rated 21 KV for use on 24.9/14.4 KV multi-grounded systems shall be furnished for the outgoing circuits. Maximum discharge voltage for a 10 KA impulse current wave which has a voltage wave cresting in 8 micro-seconds, shall be 56 KV. Arrester design shall have passed ANSI/IEEE C62.11-1987 with no loss of protective capability. Arresters shall be furnished with metal tops for outdoor use and clamping brackets for upright mounting and with ground lead disconnector in the event of arrester failure. Standard line and ground terminals shall be furnished along with hardware to mount the arresters to the steel structure and provide a minimum of fifteen (15) inches of clearance from the structure. Provisions shall be made for removal of the lightning arresters from service by means of a hot line clamp and stirrup. J. Station Service and PLC Signal Injection Transformers One station service transformer and three PLC signal injection transformers rated 25 KVA, 14.4/24.9 Y - 120/240 volt, single-phase, 60 Hertz, oil filled, self cooled, conventional overhead distribution type transformer shall be furnished. Transformer shall have two high voltage bushings and three low voltage tank wall bushings with clamp type terminals and a clamp type grounding terminal. Transformer shall have four 2½% taps, two above and two below rated high voltage and shall have an average winding rise not exceeding 65 degree Centigrade. The transformer shall have one set of mounting brackets centered beneath the high voltage bushings with provisions for mounting to structure, and the transformers shall be stenciled in contrasting colors on two sides with the KVA rating in 2½” high figures. One stencil shall be located diametrically opposite the other. Transformer shall be located as shown on the attached drawings and shall be connected to the switching station main bus through a power fuse and backup current limiting fuse combination. S-8 Schedule I K. Power Fuses and Backup Current Limiting Fuses Seven S&C SMD-20 power fuses, station vertical offset style, shall be furnished complete with mountings and fuse units. All fuses shall be rated 25.8 KV nominal, 27.0 KV max, 150 KV BIL for use on a 24.9/14.4 KV multi-grounded system. Three fuses shall be provided to protect potential transformers, and one fuse shall be provided to protect the station service transformer, and three additional fuses shall protect the PLC signal injection transformers. Fuse units shall be rated 3K for the potential transformers and 5E for the station service and signal injection transformers. All transformers will be connected phase to neutral. Two spare fuse units shall be furnished for each fuse along with the proper connectors. Fuses shall have eyebolt connectors. Seven backup current limiting fuses shall be furnished rated 15.5 KV, 17.0 KV maximum, 12K amps, and maximum 16,000 I2T. Fuses shall include one stud terminal and one eyebolt terminal for connection between the above power fuses and oil-filled transformers. L. Station Service Panel One outdoor circuit breaker load center shall be furnished for control and distribution of the switching station service power. The load center shall be rated single phase, threewire, 120/240 volts AC, 200 Amperes, 10,000 amperes symmetrical short circuit rating. The load centers shall be furnished with one 200 A. main breaker, forty-two single-pole 1" breaker positions, an equipment grounding bar, in a NEMA 3R enclosure with provisions for grounding, and a circuit directory. One outdoor manual transfer switch shall be furnished to switch AC load between normal station service and an alternate source (mobile generator). Switch shall be rated 120/240 volts AC, 200 Amperes, load make/break rated, and shall have lugs capable of accepting 4/0 copper or aluminum cable from alternate source. The load center shall be furnished with two (2) two-pole 60 ampere breaker, fifteen (15) two-pole 20 ampere breakers and eight (8) single-pole 20 ampere breakers and shall be provided with a conduit hub for a 2" riser. Conduit riser shall be furnished with weatherhead and mounting straps to reach to the secondary terminals of the station service transformer. Switching station service panel shall be provided with provisions for mounting on the steel structure. S-9 Schedule I M. Potential Transformers Three potential transformers, 25 KV class, shall be furnished and shall be rated 150 KV BIL, 14,400/24,900Y volts primary and 120 volts secondary with a ratio of 120:1 and a thermal rating of 1.5 KVA. Transformers shall be outdoor type encapsulated in an insulating compound with two high-voltage line terminals designed for line-to-line connection on a circuit where line-to-line voltage is essentially the same as rated primary voltage of the transformer. Transformers shall also be designed for line-to-ground or line-to-neutral connection on the circuit where line-to-neutral voltage is essentially the same as the rated primary of the transformers. Each transformer shall have an ANSI accuracy classification of 0.3 with burdens W, X, M and Y at rated primary voltage. Primary terminals shall be clamp type and shall be copper or cast bronze. The complete terminal shall be tin-electroplated and suitable for use with either copper or aluminum conductors. Secondary terminals shall be screw-type construction with binding heads for making connections to spade-type terminals or bare conductors. The secondary terminals shall be enclosed in a conduit box secured to the base of each transformer. The terminal box shall have 1" NPT threaded conduit openings at each end. A secondary grounding terminal shall also be provided. Each transformer shall have a stainless steel nameplate and shall be inscribed with the information prescribed by the ANSI Standards. The polarity markings shall be permanently molded into each transformer housing and painted white. Transformers shall be tested in accordance with the ANSI Standards and certified copies provided to the Owner of the test report for corona inception and extinguishing levels and shall be classified as “corona free” at operating voltage. Base assembly shall be either fabricated steel, cadmium-tin plated or cast aluminum. All exposed metallic surfaces shall have two coats of baked enamel. The base framework shall support the core and windings shall contain a grounding pad and provisions for mounting the detachable secondary terminal box. The clamp-type ground connector shall be suitable for No. 2 to 1/0 AWG copper grounding cable. N. Accessories One set of station accessories shall be furnished, including the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. One switch stick One outdoor switch stick housing, non-metallic type, with provisions for mounting on 2-3/8" fence posts. Eight "Danger-High Voltage" signs Three “Authorized Personnel Only” signs One green “Buckle Up for Safety” sign One “Private Road No Trespassing” sign S - 10 Schedule I 7. One three-pole disconnect type test switch in a NEMA 3R enclosure with four 1½” concentric knockouts in the bottom. Test switch shall be Superior Cat. No. 732-F or equal. Enclosure shall have provision for mounting on the steel structure in the potential transformer secondary riser. O. Grounding 1. General Material shall be furnished for a suitable grounding system as shown on the attached drawings, which will provide protection in the event of a ground fault. Steel columns, trusses, circuit breakers, circuit switcher, transformer, lightning protection devices, metering equipment, instrument transformers, enclosures, panels, switches, switch handles, grounding mats, walls (including gates) and any other necessary equipment shall be grounded. 2. Ground Rods Ground rods shall be 16'-0" long and consist of two 3/4" x 8'-0" copperweld sectional rods. Ground rods shall be furnished with hardware for installation and connection of the sections of rod. Ground rods shall be installed as shown on the grounding diagram. 3. Ground Conductor Grounding conductor shall be single conductor 1/0 AWG or 4/0 AWG bare stranded copper as indicated on the attached grounding plan. A completely buried stranded copper grounding system shall be located not less than 3'-6" outside the column center lines and 3'-0" outside the substation walls. The substation walls areas will be as shown on the attached drawings. Each column, wall support post, gate, switch grounding plate and piece of equipment shall be connected to the grounding system as shown on the grounding diagram. The grounding conductor shall run up each column and along each truss as required. 4. Switch Grounding Plate A switch grounding plate must be furnished for each gang-operated switch location. The grounding conductor shall be connected to the switch grounding plate in at least two locations. The mat must be in such a location that for the switch to be operated the operator must stand on the mat. The gang operated switch handle must also be grounded. One additional grounding plate shall be furnished to be located within the power transformer spill containment basin and in front of the transformer control cabinet. S - 11 Schedule I 5. Connectors Every below grade grounding connector shall be of the copper swage (circumfrencial compression) type and shall have the same current carrying capability as the grounding conductor without melting. All intersections of grounding conductors shall be bonded together with swage type connectors. Clamp type connectors shall be provided at each column base and along each column and truss at approximately four foot intervals. The connectors shall be of a size that will accept 1/0 AWG copper ground cable. Clamp type spade connectors shall be furnished for grounding all equipment including transformer, circuit switcher, circuit breakers, voltage regulators, equipment house, etc. 6. Wall Grounding Grounding connectors shall be furnished to ground the substation walls in accordance with the attached drawings. Flexible connections shall be provided for three double swing gates. S - 12 Schedule I SCHEDULE II SPECIFICATIONS FOR 115 KV CIRCUIT SWITCHER TABLE OF CONTENTS Paragraph Number A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. Title General Rating Operating Conditions Features Mounting Tests Interrupters Housing and Control Accessories Warranty Drawings Placing in Service Shipment and Assembly Page S-1 S-1 S-1 S-1 S-2 S-2 S-3 S-3 S-5 S-5 S-6 S-6 S-6 i SCHEDULE II SPECIFICATIONS FOR 115 KV CIRCUIT SWITCHER A. General These specifications cover one circuit switcher and associated devices as specified. The circuit switcher will provide primary service to the power transformer and will provide the following protective functions: 1) Primary overcurrent protection, three-phase. 2) Transformer differential protection. 3) Secondary overcurrent protection, three-phase and neutral. Approved Manufacturer - S&C B. Rating The circuit switching device shall be rated 115 KV, 550 KV BIL, 1200 amps continuous, 25,000 amps interrupting, three phase. The device will be used for primary service to the substation power transformer. C. Operating Conditions The circuit-switcher shall perform as intended at temperatures from -40 degrees C through +40 degrees C at wind loadings through 80 miles per hour, and at altitudes through 10,000 feet. D. Features The switching device shall include one, three phase, vertically mounted interrupting device, sulfur hexafluoride (SF 6) insulated, porcelain enclosed, single-gap puffer type interrupters with spring operating mechanism. The operating mechanism shall be arranged for quick opening and closing (less than 10 cycles for each operation), with an opening spring charged by the operation of a closing spring. Spring charging devices shall be rated for 48 volt DC operation. S-1 Schedule II E. Mounting The switching device shall be provided with a free-standing pedestal mounting for support of the interrupter, disconnect switch, and operating mechanism housing. Pedestal shall be suitable for mounting on one or more concrete foundations, and shall be constructed of 12 inch square steel-tube construction, galvanized internally and externally and twelve (12) feet in height. Galvanized steel anchor bolts shall be furnished by the circuit-switcher manufacturer. The circuit-switcher, when installed on its mounting pedestals using the circuit-switcher manufacturer's recommended anchor bolts, shall be capable of withstanding seismic loading of 0.2g ground acceleration in any direction, as well as withstanding wind loadings specified in Paragraph C, and of performing as intended during such loadings and afterward. F. Tests The following production tests shall be performed on each circuit-switcher before shipment: (a) Leak test: Each interrupter shall be subjected to a test to verify an overall leak rate of less than .015 ounce/year. (b) Dielectric test: The completely assembled and wired operator control circuit shall be given a dielectric test at 1500 volts ac for one second. (c) Operating speed test: Each circuit-switcher shall be completely assembled and checked for proper opening and closing speed and simultaneity. (d) Mechanical operations test: Each circuit-switcher shall be closed and opened at least 50 times at high speed by means of its associated operator to verify proper performance of the complete assembly. (e) Final leak test: Upon completion of the mechanical operations test, each interrupter shall again be subjected to a test to verify an overall leak rate of less than .015 ounce/year. The following design tests shall have been performed, and certified test reports shall be provided upon request: (a) (b) (c) (d) Dielectric withstand: 60-hertz; impulse. RIV. Temperature rise. Short-time current withstand: momentary and 1-second. S-2 Schedule II (e) Current-interrupting performance: (1) Primary and secondary faults. (2) Load splitting (parallel and loop switching). (3) Load dropping. (4) Line and cable dropping (charging current). (5) Capacitor bank and reactor switching. (f) (g) (h) Single-phase fault closing at rated voltage. Three-pole ice performance: opening and closing. Mechanical operations: complete three-pole circuit-switcher. G. Interrupters Interrupters shall be factory-filled with SF6 of carefully controlled purity to full pressure under controlled conditions and then permanently sealed. A go/no-go indicator to show the presence of adequate gas pressure and a built-in, precision, pressure-relief device shall be furnished. The fully pressurized interrupters shall maintain the circuit-switcher's rated dielectric withstand values when open. H. Housing and Control A suitable outdoor enclosure shall be provided for housing the operating mechanisms and controls. Connections shall be provided at terminal boards within the housing for tripping and closing from remote relays, for remote lockout of the closing circuit regardless of the position of the local/remote switch, and for remote indication of the position (open/closed) of the interrupters. For both opening and closing operations, all three interrupters shall be driven by a single stored-energy mechanism in an operator mounted at a convenient height for access. Power trains utilizing a separate stored-energy mechanism for each interrupter, operated by rotating an associated support insulator and requiring individualized adjustment to ensure close tripping simultaneity, shall not be acceptable. The operator shall directly drive the interrupters open and closed through a completely enclosed high-speed power train leading from the top of the operator, through a horizontal interphase linkage, to reciprocating insulated operating rods which pass through the center of insulating support columns. Permanently lubricated bearings shall be used throughout the power train. Insulating support columns shall be filled with a lubricated dielectric filler which will prevent contamination from affecting the dielectric integrity of the insulated operating rod or the interior of the column. Each insulating support column shall be provided with an aerator to prevent water being pumped-in due to pressure differentials caused by temperature cycling. S-3 Schedule II The operating mechanism shall effect a smooth, thoroughly controlled movement throughout the entire opening and closing cycles and there shall be no noticeable deflection of rods, shafts, pipe linkages, connectors, operating levers, supports, and fittings. A mechanical indicator, directly driven by the high-speed power train and mounted in such a manner as to be plainly visible from the ground, shall be furnished to show when the circuit-switcher is open or closed. The circuit-switcher base shall be of metal members of sufficient stiffness to prevent excessive deflection during operation. All steel materials utilized therein shall be galvanized. The mechanism in the operator shall have an instantaneous trip-free capability. Should the circuit-switcher be inadvertently closed into a fault sensed by associated protective relaying, the mechanism shall trip immediately. To accomplish trip-free operation, the mechanism shall utilize two spring assemblies -- one for high-speed closing, one for highspeed opening -- arranged so that both spring assemblies must be charged by the operator motor before the circuit-switcher can be closed. The operator shall include the following features: (1) "Trip" and "close" pushbuttons located inside the operator enclosure. (2) Manual trip lever, for tripping interrupters in the event control voltage has been lost. (3) "Charged" and "discharged" indicators for stored-energy mechanism. (4) Non-reset electric operation counter. (5) Eight nonadjustable single-pole, double-throw auxiliary-switch contacts which follow the interrupters. (6) Weatherproof, dustproof aluminum enclosure. The operator shall be completely wired at the factory and ready for connection of external wiring to the operator terminal blocks. The operator, including its contactors, motor, and solenoids, shall be designed and connected for use with 48V DC control source. The operator space heater shall be designed and connected for use with a 240V AC control source. S-4 Schedule II I. Accessories Each circuit-switcher shall be furnished with the following accessory equipment: (a) Space-heater thermostat for operator. (b) Position-indicating lamps -- one red, one green -- located inside operator enclosure and wired in series with trip coil, for local indication of circuit-switcher position and operator trip-circuit continuity. (c) Trip-circuit-monitoring relay wired in series with operator trip coil for monitoring continuity of trip circuit; equipped with one normally open and one normally closed contact suitable for use with remotely located indicating lamps or alarms. (d) Duplex receptacle with ground-fault circuit interrupter and convenience-light lampholder with switch, located inside operator enclosure. (e) Eight additional nonadjustable single-pole, double-throw auxiliary-switch contacts in operator which follow the interrupters. (f) Local-remote selector switch, which prevents remote operation of operator with selector switch is placed in "local" mode as, for example, during circuit-switcher inspection. (g) Auxiliary 240 volt AC relay to indicate the loss of AC control power to the circuit switcher. The coil of this relay shall be connected to the load side of the 240 VAC control circuit breaker. The relay shall provide two form ‘c’ contacts to be wired to a ‘Customer’ Terminal Board in the control cabinet and labeled. (h) Auxiliary 48V DC relay to indicate the loss of DC control power to the circuit switcher. The coil of this relay shall be connected to the load side of the 48VDC control breaker. The relay shall provide two form ‘c’ contacts to be wired to a ‘Customer’ Terminal Board in the control cabinet and labeled. J. Warranty The manufacturer shall warrant to Purchaser for a period of 5 years from the date of shipment that the equipment provided will be of the kind and quality specified herein and will be free of defects of workmanship and material. S-5 Schedule II K. Drawings Upon notification of award of contract, the Supplier shall, within four weeks, furnish for approval two (2) sets of Drawings and Instructions covering the physical size, weight, dimensions, arrangement, electrical characteristics, wiring diagram and other pertinent data for the circuit switcher. The Supplier shall also furnish four (4) prints and one AutoCad Drawing File of the finally approved issue of each drawing for use in the field and an Autocad drawing file for each drawing for the Purchaser's records. The Supplier shall also furnish four (4) sets of written instructions and renewal parts lists, suitably illustrated, covering the operation and maintenance of the equipment applying specifically to this installation. L. Placing in Service The Bidder's proposal shall include provisions for a qualified service engineer to inspect and adjust the circuit switchers after installation. The service engineer shall initially place the circuit switcher in service and check for correct functional operation of all components and wiring. M. Shipment and Assembly The successful Bidder shall furnish the circuit switcher F.O.B. to the City's substation site located on at 161 Stewart Avenue in Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731, attention: Mr. Mike Jolly, PE. Switching devices may be dismantled and shipped for field assembly. The proposal shall include, and shall be deemed to have included, the time and expense for a manufacturer's service engineer for the number of days required to check the device after assembly and before being energized. S-6 Schedule II SCHEDULE III SPECIFICATIONS FOR 25.8 KV CIRCUIT BREAKERS TABLE OF CONTENTS Paragraph Number A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Title General Connections Metering and Relaying Detailed Features Accessories Drawings Shipment Labeling Warranty Page S-1 S-1 S-1 S-2 S-2 S-2 S-2 S-3 S-3 i SCHEDULE III SPECIFICATIONS FOR 25.8 KV CIRCUIT BREAKERS A. General These specifications cover four vacuum circuit breakers, outdoor, frame mounted, distribution type, three pole, single throw, for 60 cycle, 24,940 volts grounded wye operation. The breakers shall be rated as follows: QTY 4 Rating/Description 25.8 KV, 1200 ampere continuous, 16,000 symmetrical ampere interrupting capacity, 150 KV BIL. Each breaker shall be mechanically and electrically trip free, and shall be designed for 240 volt AC closing, and 48 volt DC tripping. Approved Manufacturers - Square D B. Connections Each breaker shall have six cover-mounted bushings equipped with clamp type terminals suitable for 4/0 to 800 MCM copper, and two clamp type grounding terminals suitable for No. 1/0 to 4/0 copper ground connection. C. Metering and Relaying Each breaker shall be furnished with six multi-ratio bushing type current transformers. Both sets (6) of current transformers shall be of relaying accuracy class C400. Transformers shall be rated 1200:5 for the 1200 ampere breakers. Each breaker shall be provided with one Schweitzer Type SEL-351 microprocessor overcurrent and reclosing relay, Cat. No. 0351S6X3D3A52X1. One set (3) of bushing type relaying current transformers shall be connected to the SEL 351 relay for overcurrent protection. One set (3) or relaying current transformers shall be connected through a six pole current test switch to a customer terminal block. The test switches shall have three pairs of singleblade switches, each with short-circuiting provision and receptacles for current test probes. The switches shall be Superior 933F or equal, and the shorting bars shall not be connected between phases. S-1 Schedule III D. Detailed Features Each breaker shall be equipped with a manual tripping device, manual closing device, one control power circuit breaker, space heaters and heater control breaker, necessary terminal boards, mechanical position indicator and operation counter. Each breaker shall be complete and shall be wired and tested for proper operation. Each breaker shall also be equipped with one, single-phase convenience outlet, incandescent lamp, switch, and control circuit breaker. Minimum height of the exposed bushing terminals shall be 120 inches above ground line. Frame extensions shall be provided if required. Maximum height to the exposed bushing terminals shall not exceed 126 inches. Each breaker shall be equipped with a weatherproof housing for the relay and control equipment. The housing shall enclose a hinged steel instrument panel on which shall be mounted: 1. One Schweitzer SEL-351S microprocessor relay Cat. No. 0351S6X3D3A52X1. 2. One card holder for circuit identification. E. Accessories (Per Breaker) 1. 2. One Manual Closing Device. One set of special tools required for maintenance. F. Drawings Upon notification of award of contract, the Supplier shall, within four weeks, furnish for approval two (2) sets of Drawings and Instructions covering the physical size, weight, arrangement, dimensions, electrical characteristics, wiring diagrams and other pertinent data for each breaker type. The Supplier shall also supply four (4) prints of the finally approved issue of each drawing for use in the field and an Autocad drawing file for each drawing for the Purchaser's records. Record copies shall include operating instructions and renewal parts lists for all equipment supplied with breakers. The Supplier shall also furnish four (4) sets of written instructions and renewal parts lists, suitably illustrated, covering the operation and maintenance of the equipment applying specifically to this installation. G. Shipment The successful Bidder shall furnish the breakers F.O.B. to the City's substation site located at 161 Stewart Avenue in Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731, attention: Mr. Mike Jolly, PE. S-2 Schedule III H. Labeling All devices, relays, terminal boards and wiring in the breakers shall be labeled in accordance with the ANSI Standard Device Code Numbers and Industries Standards. These same designations shall be used on the drawings to identify the items. I. Warranty The manufacturer shall warrant to Purchaser for a period of 5 years from the date of shipment that the equipment provided will be of the kind and quality specified herein and will be free of defects of workmanship and material. S-3 Schedule III SCHEDULE IV SPECIFICATIONS FOR VOLTAGE REGULATORS TABLE OF CONTENTS Paragraph Number A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Title General Construction Standard External Features Regulator Control Testing Performance Data Drawings Deviation from Specifications Shipment Warranty i Page S-1 S-1 S-2 S-3 S-6 S-6 S-7 S-7 S-7 S-7 SCHEDULE IV SPECIFICATIONS FOR SINGLE-PHASE STEP VOLTAGE REGULATORS A. GENERAL 1. This specification covers electrical, mechanical, and safety features and characteristics of twelve (12) outdoor, single-phase, oil-immersed, step-type voltage regulators. The voltage regulators must be completely self-contained and provide plus and minus 10% regulation in thirty-two (32) steps of approximately 5/8% each. 2. The regulators furnished under this specification shall be designed, manufactured, and tested in accordance with ANSI Standard C57.15, latest revision thereof. That standard shall be a part of this specification. 3. Regulators shall be rated 14.4 KV, 576 KVA, 400 amperes, 150 KV BIL. 4. The regulators shall be furnished with ANSI Type II mineral oil per ASTM D-3487. The oil shall contain less than 1 part per million PCBs at time of manufacture, and this shall be so stated on the regulator nameplates. Approved Manufacturers - GE B. CONSTRUCTION 1. The regulators shall be designed such that they can be partially or completely untanked for inspection and maintenance without disconnecting any internal electrical or mechanical connections. After the unit is untanked, it shall be possible to operate the regulator mechanism and to test the control panel from an external 120 vac source without any reconnections between the control and the regulator. 2. The tap-changing mechanism shall be motor-driven, quick-break type, and shall be completely oil-immersed. 3. The regulator shall be of a sealed-tank construction to permit operation at 65 C rise without increasing the oxidation rate of the oil. A pressure-relief device shall be supplied which vents at approximately 4 psig. 4. The external parts of the tank and control enclosure shall be painted ANSI #70 gray. The inside of the tank and bottom of the cover shall also be primed and/or painted. S-1 Schedule IV 5. The regulator coil shall include thermally-upgraded insulation to permit operation of the regulator up to 65 C rise without loss of life to the insulating system. A suitably patterned, epoxy-coated insulation paper shall be used in the winding. Prior to assembly of the core and coil assembly, the winding shall be baked with sufficient mechanical pressure exerted on the winding to assure a complete bonding of the insulation to improve its short-circuit current withstand capabilities. C. STANDARD EXTERNAL FEATURES 1. The BIL rating of the bushings shall be compatible with the BIL of the regulator, and all bushings shall have a minimum creep distance of 17 inches. The bushing designations (S, L, and SL) shall be permanently marked on the regulator cover adjacent to the bushings. The S, L, and SL bushings must be interchangeable with each other. 2. Each bushing shall include a threaded 1.125" - 12 UNF-2A stud. Connectors integral to the bushing are not acceptable. The following terminals shall be included: SEFCOR clamp-type connectors suitable for use with 500 MCM copper conductors for the S and L bushings. SEFCOR clamp-type connectors suitable for use with 1/0-4/0 AWG copper conductors for the SL Bushing. 3. All regulators shall be provided with an internal ZENOX surge bypass protector connected in parallel with the series windings. 4. An external oil sight gauge shall be provided which indicates oil level at 25 C ambient. 5. An external position indicator shall indicate the tap changer position. The position indicator shall be mounted above the oil level and slanted downward at a 45-degree angle for ease of reading when the regulator is stand mounted. 6. Regulators shall include the load-bonus feature which will permit additional current carrying capabilities at reduced regulation as shown below, but not to exceed 668 amps. The load-bonus adjustment shall be located inside the position indicator faceplate to prevent inadvertent adjustment. Regulation (percent) +/- 10.0 +/- 8.75 +/- 7.5 +/- 6.25 +/- 5.0 Current (Percent of 65 C rating) 100 110 120 135 160 S-2 Schedule IV 7. Mounting bosses shall be provided for the addition of lightning arresters adjacent to the source (S), load (L), and source-load (SL) bushings. The bosses shall be fully welded around their circumference. Spot welding is not acceptable. 8. All regulators shall have a 1" drain valve with sampling device and a 1" upper filter press connection. 9. A hand-hole with cover shall be provided on top of the regulator for inspection purposes and for access to terminals used for reconnection of regulators for lower-voltage operation. 10. Regulators shall have lattice type sub-bases for mounting on a concrete pad and shall be provided with stands to provide a minimum height to the lowest live part of 120 inches above grade. Regulator width shall be a maximum of 48 inches including radiator panels. 11. Regulators shall have two ground pads located diagonally opposite from each other. Each pad shall have two ½" - 13UNC ground provisions. All grounding provisions are to be located near the base of the regulator. 12. Each regulator shall be provided with two laser-etched nameplates, one mounted on the control enclosure and the other mounted on the regulator tank. The nameplates shall have the manufacturer code and serial number barcoded. D. REGULATOR CONTROL 1. The top of the regulator control panel shall be mounted in a weather-resistant enclosure on the regulator, a maximum of six feet above the base including stands. The control enclosure shall have an external ½" - 13 UNC welded ground boss. 2. The control panel shall be hinge-mounted and designed for easy replacement. The front panel assembly shall be constructed to provide direct control interchangeability without removal of the control enclosure. Visible means shall be provided to de-energize the control and short the current transformer prior to control testing or removal. 3. All leads in the control enclosure shall be either color coded or labeled for easy identification. 4. All printed circuit boards shall be conformal coated for fungi and moisture protection. 5. A ratio correction transformer shall be provided inside the enclosure for easy access for fine voltage adjustment. Ratio correction taps and the corresponding system voltage shall be clearly identified on the nameplates. S-3 Schedule IV 6. The control panel shall have a temperature range of -40 C to +80 C and include the following features: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w. x. y. z. aa. bb. cc. dd. ee. ff. gg. hh. ii. jj. kk. Adjustable Bandcenter Adjustable Bandwidth Line Drop Compensation, R and X Compensation Time Delay, Definite and Inverse InterTap Time Delay Selectable Outputs, Continuous or Pulsed Reverse Power Operation, for Single-Phase Regulator applications CT to VT Phasing Correction Real-Time Metering of measured and calculated parameters Demand Metering with selectable time interval Drag Hands Operation Adjustable Line Overcurrent Tapchange Inhibit Voltage Limits Tap Position Limits Runback Three independent Voltage Reduction Steps Sequential and Non-Sequential Operation VT Ratio Correction Operations Counter Resettable Operations Counter Tap Position Record Auto/Off/Manual Switch Status A or B Regulator Type Selection Control Voltage Input Motor Power Input Line Current Input Raise Output Lower Output Adapter Panel Auto/Manual Switch Type Selection Front Panel LEDs for Out-of-Band Raise, Out-of-Bank Lower, Reverse Power Flow Rev Pwr Detected, CPU OK, Line Drop Compensation LDC in Effect, Voltage Reduction V/RED in Effect, Auto Operation Block MANUAL, SCADA Control blocked LOCAL and Com1 TX and RX. Front RS-232 Communications Port Voltage Reduction 1 & 2 Inputs (Binary) (3 Steps Total) Non-Sequential/SCADA Block Input (Binary) Neutral Position Detect (Binary) Counter Input (Binary) Seal-in/Switch Status Input (Binary) Seal-in Output S-4 Schedule IV ll. mm. nn. 7. The control shall be microprocessor based and have provisions for programming of the following parameters: a. b. c. d. 8. Communication Protocols include a minimum of DNP3.0, MODBUS and IEC61850. Vacuum Fluorescent Display (rated -40 to +80 degrees Celsius.) Fiber Optics Communications Set voltage shall be adjustable from 100.0 to 135.0 volts in increments of 0.1 volt. Set voltage bandwidth shall be adjustable from 1.0 to 10 volts in increments of 0.1 volt. Time delay shall be adjustable from 5 seconds to 120 seconds in 1 second increments. Line drop compensation resistance and reactance settings which are adjustable from -24.0 to 24.0 volts in increments of 1 volt. A means shall be provided to set the polarity. The voltage regulator control shall include the following optional features: a. A digital metering package of Class 1 accuracy which shall provide the following information: 1. Instantaneous values of load voltage, compensated voltage, current power factor, kVA load, kW load, and kvar load. 2. Demand values of load voltage, compensated voltage, current, kVA load, kW load, and kvar load. For each of these values, the present value, highest value since last reset, and lowest value since last reset shall be provided. Highest and lowest values shall be time and date tagged. Power factor at maximum and minimum kVA load shall be provided. The data must be easily accessible at the control. b. A tap position indication capability, which tracks the movement of the tap changer motor, shall provide the present tap position and the highest and lowest positions since last reset. The highest and lowest values shall be date and time tagged. The present value shall be set by either running the tap changer to the neutral position or by a local manual setting by the operator via the keypad. A voltage limiting capability which prevents the regulator from making additional tap changes once the regulator output voltage meets a programmed upper- or lower-limit setting. If the source voltage should change, causing the regulator output voltage to exceed either limit, the control shall automatically run the regulator so as to keep the voltage within the limit settings. c. S-5 Schedule IV d. A voltage reduction capability consisting of a 12 volt wetting supply from the regulator controller to be controlled through Purchaser supplied dry contacts which shall be able to activate a stage 1 and stage 2 voltage reduction. The voltage reduction unit shall have the following feature: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. e. Capability to reduce the output voltage by a programmable amount. Local, remote or off switch. Remote activation by momentary or maintained contact closure. Status indications. A minimum of two (2) programmable levels of voltage reduction, 0 to 5 percent each. Provisions for three levels may be obtained by activating both levels of voltage reduction. Fiber optics communications via DNP3.0. Voltage regulator control to be GE Digital Tapchanger Control Model #2011C-6UVCA. E. TESTING All regulators shall be tested in accordance with the latest ANSI standards. In addition, every voltage regulator shall receive an impulse test at 100% rated BIL on source (S) and source-load (SL) bushings to assure full integrity of the insulation system. F. PERFORMANCE DATA The following guaranteed performance specifications shall be furnished by the regulator manufacturer and shall be included by the material supplier as part of this proposal. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Temperature rise in degrees C at rated full load. Total weight. Withstand at 40 times rated current. Overall dimensions. No-load, full-load, and total losses for all steps of regulation at a constant load voltage equal to rated voltage. S-6 Schedule IV G. DRAWINGS Upon notification of award of contract, the Supplier shall, within four weeks, furnish for approval two (2) sets of Drawings and Instructions covering the physical size, weight, dimensions, arrangement, electrical characteristics, wiring diagram and other pertinent data for the voltage regulators. The Supplier shall also furnish four (4) prints of the finally approved issue of each drawing for use in the field and an Autocad drawing file for each drawing for the Purchaser’s records. The Supplier shall also furnish four (4) sets of written instructions and renewal parts lists, suitably illustrated, covering the operation and maintenance of the equipment applying specifically to this installation. H. DEVIATION FROM SPECIFICATION It is expected that any regulators supplied by the vendor will be in strict accordance with this specification unless appropriately noted with the original bid. The purchaser reserves the right to evaluate any exceptions that are taken by a vendor. I. SHIPMENT The successful Bidder shall furnish the regulators F.O.B. to the City of Rock Hill’s Substation Division site located at 757 S. Anderson Rd. in Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731, Attention: Mr. Chuck Smith. A 24 hour notice is required before Regulators are delivered. J. Warranty The manufacturer shall warrant to Purchaser for a period of 5 years from the date of shipment that the equipment provided will be of the kind and quality specified herein and will be free of defects of workmanship and material. S-7 Schedule IV SCHEDULE V SPECIFICATIONS FOR RELAY AND CONTROL BOARD TABLE OF CONTENTS Paragraph Number A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. Title Page General Current Transformer Connections Voltage Transformer Connections Transformer Overcurrent and Differential Relaying Transformer Primary Overcurrent Relaying Communications Equipment Transformer Over Temperature Relaying Transformer Sudden Pressure Relaying 25 KV Bus Protective Relaying Lockout Relays 115 KV Circuit Switcher Control and Indication Station Metering Test Switches Interconnection Terminal and Wire Markings Nameplates Tranceivers Customer Terminals and Panel Space Drawings Shipment Warranty i S-1 S-2 S-2 S-2 S-3 S-3 S-4 S-4 S-5 S-5 S-5 S-5 S-6 S-6 S-7 S-7 S-7 S-7 S-7 S-8 S-8 SCHEDULE V SPECIFICATIONS FOR RELAY AND CONTROL BOARD A. General One relay and control board shall be furnished. The board shall consist of one panel. The board will provide protective relaying and control functions as described hereafter for the substation, consisting of one 115 KV circuit switcher, one three phase power transformer, one 25 KV lowside bus, four feeder circuit breakers, twelve voltage regulators and station metering instrument transformers. The relay and control board shall be basically oriented as shown on the attached drawing No. 13-30-04 and provide the following functions: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) Transformer differential protection. Transformer primary and secondary overcurrent protection. Transformer overtemperature protection. Transformer sudden pressure protection. 25 KV Bus protection. Station metering. Communications Processor GPS Satellite Clock Logic Processor The relay and control board shall be indoor type, constructed of 11 gauge steel, and free standing with provisions for bolting to a concrete floor. The board shall have supports on sides of the panel for mounting terminal blocks and miscellaneous equipment. The board is to be placed in a control building as specified in these specifications, and shall not exceed six feet six inches (78") in height or three feet (36") in width. The board shall consist of one unit, with equipment as specified herein and in accordance with the attached drawings. All drawings beyond single line and layout furnished herein shall be provided by relay and control board manufacturer. S-1 Schedule V B. Current Transformer Connections The three phase substation transformer will include three 600:5 amp. multi-ratio primary bushing current transformers, one on each primary bushing, which will be wye-connected at 300:5 ratio and which will supply current for both the high side overcurrent and transformer differential relays. Six terminals shall be provided for the substation transformer on the relay board for connection of the outputs of these current transformers. Provide test switches to allow for isolation of the relay for testing. The three phase substation transformer will include three multi-ratio 2000:5 amp. secondary bushing current transformers which will be wye-connected at 1200:5 ratio and which will supply current for the transformer differential relay. Six terminals shall be provided for the substation transformer on the relay board for connection of the outputs of these current transformers. The three phase substation transformer will include three 2000:5 amp. multi-ratio secondary bushing current transformers which will be wye-connected at 1200:5 ratio and which will supply current for station metering. Six terminals shall be provided for the substation transformer on the relay board for connection of the outputs of these current transformers. An overall schematic and connection diagram shall be provided to show the connections between the various pieces of equipment. All terminal boards on the relay panel which are used to terminate the secondaries of current transformers shall have provisions for short-circuiting. C. Voltage Transformer Connections The 25 KV bus will supply three metering voltage transformers to provide potentials for station metering. Four terminals shall be provided for the connection of the outputs of the three wye-connected voltage transformers. D. Transformer Secondary Overcurrent and Differential Relaying Transformer secondary overcurrent (bus differential) and transformer differential relaying shall be provided by Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Model SEL-787 microprocessor relay. One SEL-787 relay, Cat. No. SEL-07870X2CA01C0X850020 shall be furnished. One set of three-phase current inputs on the relay shall be connected to the current transformers on the transformer primary bushings. The second set of threephase current inputs on the relays shall be connected to the relaying current transformers on the transformer secondary bushings. S-2 Schedule V Control power to the SEL-787 relay shall be 48 VDC. On bus and transformer differential trip, the SEL-787 relay will trip the corresponding differential lockout relay which will trip the 115 KV circuit switcher and prevent reclosure of the circuit breaker until manually reset. The SEL-787 relay shall be connected to the SEL-3530 communications processor with an SEL 273A serial cable. E. Transformer Primary Overcurrent Relaying Transformer primary and neutral overcurrent relaying shall be provided by Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Model SEL-351S microprocessor relay. One SEL-351S relay, Cat. No. SEL-0351S6X3D3A52X1 shall be furnished. One set of three-phase current inputs on the relay shall be connected to the current transformers on the transformer primary bushings. Control power to the SEL-351S shall be 48 VDC. On primary or neutral overcurrent trip, the SEL-351S relay will trip an overcurrent lockout relay which will trip the 115 KV circuit switcher on the primary side of the power transformer. The lockout relay shall prevent reclosure of the circuit breaker until the lockout relay has been manually reset. The SEL-351S relay shall be connected to the SEL-3530 communications processor with an SEL 273A serial cable. F. Communications Equipment Provide the following equipment on the Panel: Satellite - Synchronized Clock One Schweitzer SEL-240700013 satellite synchronized clock shall be mounted on the panel and connected to the SEL-3530 with an SEL C953 Cable to synchronize the system. Additional options to be provided include -200 -2005 (Gas Tube Coaxial Surge Protector), -200 -2006 (Mounting Bracket for Surge Protector), an additional 50 feet of -C960 cable to connect between the GPS antenna and the gas tube surge protector, and an additional 10 feet of -C960 cable to connect between the gas tube surge protector and the SEL-2407 clock. S-3 Schedule V Logic Processor On Schweitzer SEL-2100XX3423 logic processor shall be mounted on the panel and connected to the 48 VDC control power. The SEL-2100 logic processor shall be connected to the SEL-3530 communications server and with the SEL-787, SEL273A serial cables. The SEL-2100 shall process the mirrored bit communications between the SEL351S feeder relays and the SEL-787 as part of the bus differential relaying scheme. One “form a” contact from each lockout relay shall be wired to inputs on the SEL2100. All other inputs and outputs shall be wired to the terminal board for customer connectors. Communications Processor One Schweitzer SEL-35303B0B1211A0 real-time automation controller shall be mounted on the panel and connected to 48 VDC control power. One Schweitzer SEL-3610X3B0XXX0 port server shall also be provided, connected to 48 VDC control power and via serial cable to SEL-3530. G. Transformer Over Temperature Relaying The three phase power transformer will be equipped with hot-spot winding temperature relays. An overtemperature lockout relay, to be operated by the third stage of the transformer winding temperature relay shall be provided on the board. The overtemperature lockout relay shall trip the four 25 KV distribution feeder circuit breakers and will block reclosing of the circuit breakers until manually reset. Terminals shall be provided for all required external connections. H. Transformer Sudden Pressure Relaying The power transformer will be equipped with a sudden pressure relay. A sudden pressure lockout relay, to be tripped by transformer sudden pressure relay, shall be furnished on the board. The sudden pressure lockout relay shall trip the 115 KV circuit switcher and shall prevent reclosure until the lockout relay has been manually reset. Terminals shall be provided for all required external connections. S-4 Schedule V I. 25 KV Bus Protective Relaying The SEL-787 relay providing secondary overcurrent and differential protection for the power transformers will also provide overcurrent protection for the 25 KV station bus using phase and ground trip settings for the secondary current elements. These trip functions will be supervised using outputs from the SEL 351S relays in the feeder circuit breakers. Mirrored bit communication between the SEL-787 relay and feeder relays will be managed by the SEL-2100. Only faults beyond and sensed by the feeder circuit breaker relays will provide a signal to the SEL-787 relay to block its overcurrent tripping functions before a programmed time delay expires. Thus, each SEL-787 relay will trip only for faults within the 25 KV bus protection zone. Upon a bus fault trip, the SEL-787 relay will trip a bus lockout relay which will trip the 115 KV circuit switcher and will block reclosure of the circuit breaker until the lockout relay is manually reset. J. Lockout Relaying Each lockout relay to be provided in the board shall be 48 VDC trip, hand reset, Electroswitch Series 24, or approved equal. Each relay shall have “a” and “b” contacts as required to perform the functions listed, and contacts shall be wired to terminal blocks for external connection. Two additional normally closed (“b”) and two normally open (“a”) contacts shall be provided for each relay and shall be wired to terminal blocks for purchaser’s external connections for remote status indication. An amber indicating lamp shall be provided in conjunction with each lockout relay. The lamp shall illuminate upon trip of the associated relay. K. 115 KV Circuit Switcher Control and Indication One Schweitzer SEL-951021B1 control switch module, with red and green LED indicating lights, shall be provided for control of the 115 KV circuit switcher. All required connections shall be brought to terminal blocks for external connection. Tripping requirements will be approximately 20 amperes at 48 VDC. Closing requirements will be approximately 30 amperes at 48 VDC. L. Station Metering One three phase AC powermeter shall be provided for the transformer to indicate the primary current as measured by the wye-connected 1200:5 ampere transformer secondary bushing current transformers; the voltage as measured by the 0-130 VAC potential S-5 Schedule V transformer input; and power, energy, and power factor load as measured by these parameters. The meter shall be 0-5 ampere AC input, 0-130 VAC input, LED display, 48 VDC powered, and field scalable. The meter shall provide a 0-1ma DC output into loads up to 10K ohms. with accuracy of 0.25% for all primary indications. The meter shall have a class 0.5 ANSI C12.20/IEC 687 accuracy rating. It shall have communication ports for programming and for interfacing with the SEL-3530 via DNP3.0. A three-pole fuse block shall be provided on the control board for fusing the potentials. Station metering shall be connected to the SEL-3530 with serial cable. The panel meter shall be utility grade and shall be SEL 0735AX00922CXXB2XX26101XX or approved equal. M. Test Switches Test switches shall be provided in the board for the switching of bus VT voltages, transformer primary and secondary CT currents, and station metering CT currents. Test switches shall be surface mounted, front-connected, with three potential switches, neutral bar, and three double-pole current switches with short-circuiting devices. Test switches shall be Type ABB FT-1 or approved equal. Functions of each switch shall be marked with adhesive labels. (ex. VA, VB, etc.) N. Interconnection All wiring and cables required to interconnect the devices included in the control board to provide the functions described above shall be provided. All wiring for external inputs and outputs to the board shall be provided to terminals for Purchaser’s external connections. All terminals and wiring shall be clearly marked in accordance with the manufacturer’s schematic and wiring diagrams. Wiring channels shall be bolted to the board. Adhesive pads are not acceptable. The control board shall include a ground bus with provision for connection to the station grounding grid. All equipment shall have a grounding electrode conductor connected to the ground bus. All holes in the board through which control wires pass, or through which external wiring may pass, shall be rubber grommeted. The board shall be arranged so that only one customer connection of 48 VDC supply voltage shall be required. S-6 Schedule V Two pole fuse blocks shall be provided for each 48 VDC supply voltage to all relays, meters, processors, etc. O. Terminal and Wire Markings All devices, relays, terminal boards and wiring in the relay and control board shall be labeled in accordance with the ANSI Standard Device Code Numbers, Industry Standards or the attached drawings. The same designations shall be used on the drawings and equipment. P. Nameplates Nameplates shall be supplied in accordance with the List of Nameplates to be furnished by the Customer and shall be made of 1/16" thick lynply with a black surface and white core. Nameplates shall be attached to the panels with one screw on each end. Q. Tranceivers To facilitate fiber optic communications to field devices, fiber optic tranceivers shall be provided. Tranceiver shall be serial port powered, send IRIG-B time code with data, and connect to fiber via ST ports. Fourteen SEL-2812MT and ten SEL-2812MR shall be provided loose with panel. R. Customer Terminals and Panel Space To the extend that space allows additional spare terminals shall be provided on the control board for the Customer’s use. These terminals shall be provided in contiguous groups. S. Drawings Upon notification of award of contract, the Supplier shall, within four weeks, furnish for approval two (2) sets of Drawings and Instructions covering the physical size, weight, dimensions, arrangement, electrical characteristics, schematic and wiring diagram and other pertinent data for the control board. The Supplier shall also furnish two (2) prints of the finally approved issue of each drawing for use in the field and an Autocad drawing file for each drawing for the Purchaser’s records. The Supplier shall also furnish two (2) sets of written instructions and renewal parts lists, suitably illustrated, covering the operation and maintenance of the equipment applying specifically to this installation. S-7 Schedule V T. Shipment The successful Bidder shall furnish the board F.O.B. to the City's warehouse located at 757 South Anderson Road, Rock Hill, South Carolina, attention: Mr. Mike Jolly, P.E. U. Warranty The manufacturer shall warrant to Purchaser for a period of 5 years from the date of shipment that the equipment provided will be of the kind and quality specified herein and will be free of defects of workmanship and material. S-8 Schedule V SCHEDULE VI SPECIFICATIONS FOR EQUIPMENT HOUSE TABLE OF CONTENTS Paragraph Number A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. Title Page General Arrangement Features Construction Doors Loading Finish Accessories Assembly Drawings Shipment Warranty S-1 S-1 S-1 S-3 S-3 S-3 S-3 S-3 S-4 S-4 S-4 S-4 i SCHEDULE VI SPECIFICATIONS FOR EQUIPMENT HOUSE A. General These specifications cover one NEMA 3R walk-in concrete equipment building, 12 ft. x 20 ft. with a minimum ceiling height of 90 in. B. Arrangement The building shall be arranged in accordance with the attached drawing. Building shall include space for one Owner furnished relay and control board and one SCADA remote terminal unit. Building shall also include DC power panel, battery charger, batteries and battery rack, receptacles, lighting fixtures, light switch, AC power panel, and a heat pump. All equipment shall be pre-mounted and pre-wired. C. Features The building shall have as a minimum the following accessories: (1) One (1) circuit breaker load center, 125 Amp. main lugs only, single phase 120/240 volt, 3 wire with two (2) 20 ampere double pole and ten (10) 20 amperes single pole, 10,000 amperes interrupting capacity, 120/240 volt circuit breakers. Load center shall be indoor type surface mounted and shall include front cover with door. G.E. TLM and G.E. THQL or approved equal. (2) One (1) 24 inch diameter timer controlled ventilation fan with automatic shutters and switch. (3) One (1) 2'-0" x 2'-0" automatic aluminum louvers with filters, screens, and adjustment screws. (4) One (1) 24,000 Btu/hr. wall mounted heat pump, with low ambient and compressor anti cycle controls and wall mounted thermostat. (5) Eight (8) - two tube 48" lights with tubes and light switch. (6) Seven (7) duplex ground fault interrupting type receptacles, five interior and two on exterior furnished with weatherproof covers. S-1 Schedule VI (7) The batteries, charger, and DC panelboard for supplying DC station control power shall be located in the equipment house. DC charger and panel shall be suitable for wall mounting. The batteries shall be provided with a battery rack for staking and drip pan to contain spillage and shall be lead-calcium type with sufficient cells to provide 48 volts DC and a capacity not less than 150 ampere hours at 77 degrees F with final discharge to 1.75 volts per cell. The batteries shall be suitable for float charging in standby service and shall have an expected life of twenty (20) years. The batteries shall be SBS STT12V150, no exceptions. The battery charger shall be of the floating type and suitable for an input voltage of 120 volts, ± 10 volts, 60 Hertz, single phase, capable of providing 20 amperes output current to provide for station DC power requirements and for charging and maintaining a full charge on the 48 volt lead-calcium type battery. A magnetic breaker shall be provided to switch and control the input voltage and the charger output shall be fused to protect the charger. The unit shall be provided with adjustable charging rate and automatic equalizing and shall be complete with DC output Ammeter and Voltmeter. AC power failure, DC ground, High-Low DC voltage, and charger failure alarms shall be provided. Any alarm shall operate an isolated contact for connection to a remote monitoring system. The charger shall be Alcad AT-048-020-0102110, no exceptions. The DC power panel shall provide protection for the control power circuits to the circuit breakers and control boards. The panel shall be rated 125/120 volts DC and shall be provided with 200 ampere main lugs and ten (10) double-pole, boltin, branch circuit breakers rated 30 amperes and 5000 amperes interrupting capacity at 250 VDC. The power panel shall be furnished with a minimum of 20 poles and shall be approximately 26" wide and 52" tall. The panel shall be securely attached to building wall. Panel shall be manufactured by Siemens, no exceptions. The DC power panel shall be provided with sufficient knockouts to connect the incoming and outgoing conduits. The minimum size outgoing conduits shall be 1 inch PVC. (8) Eye wash sink with provisions to connect to on-site water source. (9) Self contained battery cabinet with ventilation system. The cabinet shall have adequate space for batteries and accessories furnished herein. Cabinet doors and lid shall be hinged to open and give full access to each cell. S-2 Schedule VI D. Construction The equipment house shall be constructed with a continuous perimeter base channel with two lifting lugs on each end. Ceiling and walls shall be insulated with hardboard insulation, total wall te be R-11. The interior walls and ceiling shall be sheathed with 1/2" white Nupoly board. The building shall have industrial grade floor covering. E. Doors One 3'-0" x 7'-0" insulated, galvanized steel door shall be provided in the equipment house. Door shall be equipped as follows: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) F. Passage style level handle Deadbolt lockset Stainless steel ball-bearing tamper-proof hinges Dripshield Threshold Frame Fiberglass weather hood Caps in top and bottom Weather stripping 1/4" thick safety glass window with rubber molding in top half of door Loading The structural loads of the proposed concrete shelter are as follows: % % % % % G. 200 pounds per square foot distributed floor loading while on foundation 125 pounds per square foot distributed floor loading while lifting 100 pounds per square foot distributed roof load 120 mph wind load Seismic zone 4 Finish The building shall have an exposed aggregate exterior. H. Accessories Eighteen inch wide cable tray shall be furnished for incoming field wires. Cable tray shall be suspended from the ceiling as shown on the attached drawing. S-3 Schedule VI One 10" x 20" opening shall be provided in the wall of the building to provide conduit access for control and power cables. The window shall be located such that it provides access to the cable tray mounted inside the building. One exterior junction box 1'-6" x 2'-6" x 1'-6" shall be furnished and mounted on the exterior of the equipment house near the base to provide conduit access to the interior of the building. All sides of junction box shall be removable. One eye wash station sink shall be provided in the vicinity of the storage batteries. The eye wash station shall have provisions for connecting to an on-site water source. The DC panel, charger, and batteries shall all be pre-mounted and pre-wired. All wiring will be installed in surface mounted conduit or wireways and will be in full compliance with ANSI/NFPA-70 and the latest revisions of the NEC. I. Assembly Equipment house shall be completely assembled and pre-wired ready for proper use. J. Drawings Upon notification of award of contract, the Supplier shall, within four weeks, furnish for approval two (2) sets of Drawings and Instructions covering the physical size, weight, dimensions, arrangement, electrical wiring and other pertinent features of the equipment house. The Supplier shall also furnish four (4) prints of the finally approved issue of each drawing for use in the field. The Supplier shall also furnish four (4) sets of written instructions and renewal parts lists, suitably illustrated, covering the operation and maintenance of the equipment applying specifically to this installation. K. Shipment The successful Bidder shall furnish the house F.O.B. to the City's substation site located at 161 Stewart Avenue in Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731, attention: Mr. Mike Jolly, PE. L. Warranty The manufacturer shall warrant to Purchaser for a period of 1 year from the date of shipment that the equipment provided will be of the kind and quality specified herein and will be free of defects of workmanship and material. S-4 Schedule VI SCHEDULE VII SPECIFICATIONS FOR SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA ACQUISITION REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT TABLE OF CONTENTS Paragraph Number 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Title Introduction 1.1 General 1.2 Vendor's Responsibilities 1.3 Purchaser's Responsibilities (This Section Omitted) Remote Terminal Unit 3.1 General Description 3.2 Central Processor 3.2.1 Status Input Section 3.2.2 Control Section 3.2.3 Analog Inputs Section 3.2.4 Communication Section 3.3 Communications Interface 3.4 Stand Alone Calculation & Control Algorithms 3.5 Status Input Panels 3.6 Control Output Panels 3.7 Analog Input Panels 3.8 IED Communications 3.9 Power Requirements Load Management and Automated Distribution 4.1 System Description 4.2 Carrier Communications Unit 4.3 Signal Coupling Unit Spare Parts Documentation. 6.1 Hardware Documentation 6.1.1 System Parts List 6.1.2 RTU Manuals Testing 7.1 Factory Acceptance Test i Page S-1 S-1 S-1 S-2 S-2 S-2 S-3 S-3 S-3 S-4 S-4 S-4 S-4 S-5 S-5 S-5 S-5 S-6 S-6 S-6 S-7 S-8 S-8 S-8 S-8 S-8 S-8 S-9 S-9 SCHEDULE VII TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Paragraph Number 8. 9. Title Warranty Remote Terminal Unit Point Counts ii Page S-9 S-10 SCHEDULE VII SPECIFICATIONS FOR SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA ACQUISITION REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 General This document sets forth equipment and operational requirements for a Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) to be added to the Purchaser’s existing QEI, Inc. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System. The Purchaser does not intend for the selected vendor to design a new system to these specifications. The equipment proposed in response to this specification may not be a prototype, but shall be a standard design, and have design specifications, engineering drawings, and parts lists immediately available. The RTU to be furnished must be fully compatible with the Purchaser’s existing master station and operating software. Minor variances between the vendor's equipment and the specification may be allowed, but any major exceptions may be cause for the vendor's proposal to be deemed unresponsive. All exceptions and/or clarifications shall be indicated and referenced to the specific paragraph of this specification. A separate paragraph-by-paragraph compliance statement shall be included in the vendor's proposal. Approved Manufacturers - QEI 1.2 Vendor's Responsibilities The vendor shall be responsible for: 1. 2. 3. 4. Delivery of all equipment, software, and documentation to the Purchaser's warehouse at 757 South Anderson Road, Rock Hill, South Carolina 29730. Supply of all internal wiring within the system. Design, documentation, and delivery of a fully integrated and working system. Perform a factory acceptance test and supply certified test data of the test to the Purchaser. S-1 Schedule VII 1.3 Purchaser's Responsibilities The Purchaser shall be responsible for: 1. 2. 3. Provide power and communication lines to the equipment sites as required. Provide and connect field wiring of inputs and outputs from external devices to the vendor's RTU equipment terminal blocks. This will include fiber optic terminations and fiber hardware external to the RTU cabinet. Configure the RTU via the Laptop Configuration program for communications with user provided IEDs. 2. This Section Omitted. 3. REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT 3.1 General Description The Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) shall be general-purpose microprocessor based unit capable of secure select-checkback control, exception-report status and analog monitoring, pulse accumulation, and serial interface to intelligent remote station devices. The remote shall be based on a flexible, programmable microprocessor technology. The RTU proposed shall support, as a minimum, the following features: Digital status inputs with momentary change-of-state detection and reporting. Analog inputs with exception reporting deadbands. Highly secure select-checkback controls with programmable execute durations. Analog setpoint controls. SOE Sequence of Event time tagging. Programmable calculations and stand alone control algorithms. Ability to emulation both byte and bit oriented protocols. Serial communication compatible with substation electronic control, instrumentation, and metering IED's using industry standard protocols. Serial communication with the purchaser’s existing master station using QUICS IV protocol. Serial communication with the purchaser’s existing load management switches and distribution automation terminal devices using power line carrier signals. The remote stations shall incorporate a modular architecture with maximum simplicity of expansion. All logic and communication functions required shall be supported by the hardware and firmware included in a single integrated central processor card. S-2 Schedule VII The RTU platforms shall provide communication nodes between the SCADA Master Station, and industry standard Intelligent Electronic Devices (IED's) as required. As a minimum the RTU's proposed shall be capable of supporting UCA and DNP protocol communication servers to the SCADA master station, and IED communication clients supporting DNP3.0 to IED devices. The RTU Central Processor shall provide an adaptable communication interface, using modular IED client and master station server databases and communication software with the RTU. Mapping of data points between the RTU's "Client Databases" of various IED's and the RTU's master station "Server Databases" shall be user programmable using a PC Windows XP/Vista set of editing tools. Specific IEDs are addressed in paragraph 3.8. 3.2 Central Processor The RTU central processor shall be based on a 32-bit arithmetic, parallel microprocessor unit which executes the service programs stored in an Erasable, Programmable, Read-Only-Memory (EPROM). Acquired data (status, analogs, etc.) shall be stored in, and retrieved from, a Random Access Memory (RAM). Downloaded information shall be stored in EEPROM memory. The RTU address, communication parameters, and point size shall be easily modified by means of a PC Windows XP/Vista set of editing tools. No reprogramming of the RTU firmware shall be required to add I/O panels. 3.2.1 Status Input Section The status input section of the central processor shall be capable of addressing 8 status input panels each capable of interfacing with 16 status points: a total capacity of 128 status inputs. 3.2.2 Control Section The control matrix section of the central processor shall provide momentary signals to interposing relays for the purpose of opening or closing circuits at a Remote Station. A fail-safe select-check-before-operate circuit shall be employed. Any selected interposing relay shall be checked for correct addressing before being energized. In addition, the control matrix shall employ an over current detection circuit which deactivates the control signal, prior to execution, if more than one relay is energized due to a hardware malfunction. The control section shall be capable of addressing 256 relays (128 open and 128 close) for time intervals which can be downloaded from the master on a per point basis. Power for the relay energization shall be supplied by an isolated power source. S-3 Schedule VII 3.2.3 Analog Inputs Section The Analog-to-Digital Converter circuit shall provide conversion of analog data into binary equivalent data with a resolution of 12 bits including sign. Analog inputs shall be buffered by an instrumentation amplifier which offers minimum of 60 dB differential and common-mode noise rejection. An internal, fully-isolated power supply shall be used to power the instrumentation amplifier, the A/D converter, and the CMOS multiplexer circuits on the analog input panels. The Analog Input section shall be capable of addressing 8 analog input panels each capable of multiplexing 16 analog points: a total capacity of 128 analog inputs. 3.2.4 Communication Section The RTU shall provide an RJ-45 ethernet port and network card to accommodate IP over fiber communications to the master station. 3.3 Communications Interface This Section Omitted. 3.4 Stand Alone Calculation & Control Algorithms The remote station shall support programmable calculation and control algorithms. Remote algorithms shall be written and compiled on a portable lap-top computer using a basic script language editor. The compiled algorithms shall be downloaded to the remote central processor through a local serial port on the remote station processor panel. The software used to compile the remote station algorithms shall be self documenting and require minimal programming expertise. The vendor shall submit a detailed description of this feature and sample algorithms with the bid and technical proposal. The lap-top program shall use logical windows and menus to navigate through editors which allow the user to edit, compile, link and download files to the remote using a minimum number of keystrokes. An online Syntax User Guide help file shall be provided which contains menu selectable viewing of topics. S-4 Schedule VII As a minimum the calculation and control algorithms shall support the following functions: subtraction addition multiplication division and or exclusive or cosine sine tan arccosine arcsine arctan log natural log raise to a power reciprocal absolute value square root 3.5 Status Input Panels No status input panels are required with RTU. 3.6 Control Output Panels No control output panels are required with this RTU. 3.7 Analog Input Panels No analog input panels are required with this RTU. 3.8 IED Communications The RTU central processor shall be capable of supporting serial data ports for communication with IEDs using industry standard protocols DNP3.0. Two RS232 communications ports will be provided. Purchaser will provide a digital to fiber converter for all IEDs at the RTU. A Windows XP/Vista RTU program and serial cable will be provided by the RTU vendor for configuring all IED to RTU links with a user supplied laptop computer. IEDs shall be routed through Schweitzer 3530 real-time automation controller. S-5 Schedule VII 3.9 Power Requirements The RTU power supply assembly shall accept ac or dc power from a single source and generate all necessary power to support the remote station communications, logic, control relay coils, and status contact wetting. The power supply shall provide complete galvanic isolation from the power source and shall be equipped to withstand the IEEE Surge Withstand Capability Test C37.90.1. Remote stations with 120 Vac power source shall be equipped with a battery backup sufficient to power the remote terminal unit and its communication device for a minimum of 8 hours. The power supplies shall be designed to function properly over the following ranges: Nominal 120 Vac 129 Vdc 48 Vdc 24 Vdc 12 Vdc 4. Range 102 - 132 Vrms; 58 - 62 Hz 109 - 135 Vdc 42 - 52 Vdc 21 - 27 Vdc 10.5 - 15 Vdc LOAD MANAGEMENT AND AUTOMATED DISTRIBUTION This section sets forth RTU equipment specifications to support Load Management and Automated Distribution capabilities utilizing Power Line Carrier Communications for control of subscribers’ loads and for system control, data collection and metering. 4.1 System Description The Load Management and Automated Distribution Equipment specified shall be furnished as part of the RTU and shall consist of the necessary injection and primary coupling equipment for coupling to one (1) substation bus. The main components of the system shall consist of a Carrier Control Unit (CCU), a Signal Coupling Unit (SCU), and a Primary Coupling Assembly (PCA). The Load Management and Automated Distribution System shall provide for one-way and bidirectional communications utilizing distribution line carrier (DLC) technology. For oneway functions, the central station will originate communications to the carrier control unit located in the substation. The central station computer to carrier control unit communication channel will be by IP over fiber. S-6 Schedule VII The carrier control unit, located in the substation, shall receive the central station communication, decode the address to determine if the communication is addressed to it, check the communication for accuracy, reformat the communication to the DLC protocol and transmit the communication via coax cable to the signal coupling unit (SCU). The signal from the signal coupling unit shall be coupled to the distribution substation bus through a three-phase primary coupling assembly consisting of three single-phase distribution transformers which will be furnished under a separate schedule and are not included in these specifications. Once the carrier signal is coupled to the distribution substation bus, it will propagate out all feeders to the load management terminals installed at user locations. The load management terminals shall receive the carrier communication directly from the service wiring, determine if they belong to the group being controlled, and performed the requested load control function. When bi-directional communication is utilized for automated distribution functions, the communication path to the remote terminal will be identical as with a one-way command. The remote terminal units shall receive the signal and decode it to determine if it contains their unique address. If the communication is directed to the terminal, the communication shall be checked for accuracy, the required command function performed and a return signal transmitted back over the distribution feeder via carrier. This carrier signal shall be decoupled at the substation by the primary coupling assembly and sent through the SCU to the carrier control unit. The carrier control unit shall check the received signal for accuracy, reformat the protocol and transmits it to the central station computer. Each bidder shall include as part of his proposal, a complete description of the system which he proposes to furnish. The description shall include hardware, future hardware requirements, operating strategies, significant parameters, points of flexibility, data collection capability, and control implementation. In particular, the editing required to reassign load control switches between control groups shall be described. 4.2 Carrier Communications Unit (CCU) The carrier communications unit shall be capable of receiving, translating and retransmitting the commands from the Central Station. Commands and data messages for communications in either direction shall be transmitted over private, voice grade communication lines. The CCU shall format these messages for distribution line carrier transmission at the appropriate frequency. The message shall be amplified by the CCU and coupled to the distribution lines by a Primary Coupling Assembly for transmission to S-7 Schedule VII the end use terminals. The CCU shall be capable of two-way communications and shall receive reply messages from terminals over the same distribution lines and shall format these messages for compatibility with the Central Station. The CCU shall monitor the quality, accuracy, and completeness of the message communication using the parity confirmation and BCH error checking techniques. All transmit switching shall be done at zero power levels to enhance the reliability of the CCU by extending the life of the CCU relays. 4.3 Signal Coupling Unit (SCU) The capacitive signal coupling unit (SCU) shall be adjustable to tune the impedance of the SCU to that of the substation bus and primary coupling assembly to provide for maximum signal transfer. Signal coupling units shall be furnished with surge protection and shall operate at the carrier frequency. Signal coupling shall operate in a temperature range of -40 degrees C to +55 degrees C and a relative humidity of 0 to 100% noncondensing. 5. SPARE PARTS No spare parts are required with this RTU. 6. DOCUMENTATION The system prices shall include thorough documentation of all hardware and software to be supplied. Documentation for all bought out master station equipment shall consist of the original manufacturer’s manuals (one per unit supplied). Documentation delivered for hardware and software manufactured by the SCADA vendor shall be provided as defined below: 6.1 Hardware Documentation 6.1.1 System Parts List A System Manual shall be provided which includes a summary listing of the complete list of deliverable items: RTUs, spares, test equipment, consumables, and all documentation manuals and drawings. 6.1.2 RTU Manuals RTU Manuals shall be provided in the quantities specified in appendix A. The remote station manual shall include the following: S-8 Schedule VII installation and startup instructions instructions for expansion of the RTU modular theory of operation maintenance and trouble shooting guidelines functional block diagrams layout drawings and interconnect drawings schematics of each RTU module replacement parts list 7. TESTING The Vendor shall utilize a Quality Assurance program designed for early detection of any deficiencies and effective corrective action. The complete process shall result in documented test reports which confirm that all components and functions are thoroughly tested in a methodical and organized manner in accordance with a written test procedure. 7.1 Factory Acceptance Test The purpose of the Factory Acceptance Test is to demonstrate that the hardware, software, and documentation to be delivered shall meet or exceeds the contract requirements. The Remote Stations shall be subjected to extensive tests to prove the functionality of the different components and demonstrate proper interaction between the RTU and a Master Station or a Master Station simulator. The testing of the RTU shall include: Visual inspection and inventory of all RTU components. Test power connections. Test communication modem in an actual hookup with the master station modems adjusting level and sensitivity. Test IP communications from RTU to master station. Test remote station status inputs, analog inputs, and control outputs points. Test the remote station battery backup system. 8. WARRANTY The RTU hardware shall carry a one year renewable maintenance contract consisting of a return to factory warranty. S-9 Schedule VII 9. REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT POINT COUNTS The Remote Terminal Unit shall provide for the following initial point counts: Status Inputs DC Analog Inputs Controls - Momentary Controls - Latching - 0 0 0 0 Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. One communications port (RS-232C) will be supplied for communications with the master station using the existing QUICS-IV communications protocol. The RTU shall be mounted on one 19" x 84" rack suitable for free standing mounting with front and rear access and large enough to accommodate a fullyexpanded remote. The rack shall provide adequate space and provisions for mounting a customer supplied rack-mount laptop. The rack shall also provide a minimum of 19" x 24" of panel space for mounting a customer supplied personnel paging system and a 120V AC power outlet for customer use. Battery Backup will be supplied for the 48 VDC power supply. DNP3.0 client protocol (RTU to IED) will meet the current DNP users group standard. S - 10 Schedule VII SCHEDULE VIII SPECIFICATIONS FOR AIR CORE REACTORS TABLE OF CONTENTS Paragraph Number A. B. C. D. E. F. Title General Testing Losses Drawings Shipment Warranty Page S-1 S-1 S-2 S-2 S-2 S-2 i SCHEDULE VIII SPECIFICATIONS FOR AIR CORE REACTORS A. General These specifications cover twelve air core reactors to be used outdoor in a currentlimiting application, frame mounted for 60 Hertz, 24940 Grd.Y/14400 volts operation. The reactors shall be rated as follows: Qty 12 Rating/Description 25 KV, 600 Amperes continuous, 60 Hz. 1.24 Ohms reactance, 3.289 mH, 200 KV BIL. Reactors shall be dry-type air core designed for outdoor operation and shall be furnished with base insulators and individual hot-dipped galvanized lattice steel structural stands. The height of the stands shall provide a minimum height above foundations of 10 feet to the lowest energized part. Stands shall be designed to withstand reactor loading, wind loading up to 110 MPH, short circuit forces, and seismic loading. Stands shall provide suitable magnetic clearances from metallic parts to avoid heating. Reactors shall be epoxy impregnated, fiberglass encapsulated construction, with welded current carrying joints, and shall meet ANSI design standards. Reactor design shall provide for essentially zero radial voltage stress, uniformly graded axial voltage distribution between the line and load terminals, and low noise levels. Reactors shall withstand 3000 amperes for 3 seconds with no thermal degradation and no mechanically damage. Reactor terminals shall be flat bar with four-hole NEMA drilling and tin plated for use with bronze or aluminum connectors. B. Testing Each reactor shall be tested in accordance with ANSI standards and furnished with a certified test report of the results of all tests performed. S-1 Schedule VIII C. Losses Reactor losses will be evaluated at $1,500.00 per KW of loss at a load current of 300 amperes (50 percent of rated current). D. Drawings Upon notification of award of contract, the Supplier shall, within four weeks, furnish for approval two (2) sets of Drawings and Instructions covering the physical size, weight, dimensions, arrangement, electrical characteristics, wiring diagrams and other pertinent data for the reactors. E. Shipment The successful Bidder shall furnish the reactors F.O.B. to the City's substation site located on 161 Stewart Avenue in Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731, attention: Mr. Mike Jolly, PE. F. Warranty The manufacturer shall warrant to Purchaser for a period of 5 years from the date of shipment that the equipment provided will be of the kind and quality specified herein and will be free of defects of workmanship and material. S-2 Schedule VIII EXHIBIT B PROPOSAL PROPOSAL TO: THE CITY OF ROCK HILL ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA GENTLEMEN: The undersigned has carefully examined the annexed form of Notice and Instructions to Bidders, Specifications, and Contract, and hereby declares that he will furnish the following items in the manner prescribed in the Notice and Instructions to Bidders, Specifications, and Agreement for the following prices: Price Quantities Schedule I 115 KV Substation Structure Optional Deadend (Paragraph II, F) 1 Unit Total S. C. Sales Tax $__________ $__________ $___________ $__________ $__________ $___________ Schedule II 115 KV Circuit Switcher 1 $__________ $__________ $___________ Schedule III 25.8 KV Circuit Breakers 4 $__________ $__________ $___________ Schedule IV 14.4 KV Voltage Regulators 12 $__________ $__________ $___________ Schedule V Relay and Control Board 1 $__________ $__________ $___________ Schedule VI Equipment House 1 $__________ $__________ $___________ Schedule VII SCADA Remote Terminal Unit 1 $__________ $__________ $___________ Schedule VIII 25 KV Air Core Reactors 12 $__________ $__________ $___________ P-1 PROPOSAL (Continued) MANUFACTURER: Structures: ____________________________________________________________ Circuit Switchers: _________________________________________________________ Circuit Breakers: _________________________________________________________ Voltage Regulators: ______________________________________________________ Relay and Control Board: __________________________________________________ Equipment House: _______________________________________________________ SCADA RTU: __________________________________________________________ Air Core Reactors: _______________________________________________________ DELIVERY: Structure: ____________________________________________________________ Circuit Switchers: _________________________________________________________ Circuit Breakers: _________________________________________________________ Voltage Regulators: ______________________________________________________ Relay and Control Board: __________________________________________________ Equipment House: _______________________________________________________ SCADA RTU: __________________________________________________________ Air Core Reactors: _______________________________________________________ Applicable Price Terms __________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ P-2 PROPOSAL (Continued) Additional Comments, Explanations, or Exceptions Note Please complete attached Proposal Questionaires for all equipment included in Proposal. ____________________________________ Bidder _________________________ Title By_________________________________ _________________________ Date ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Address P-3 SCHEDULE I - STRUCTURES PROPOSAL QUESTIONNAIRE A. GENERAL ARRANGEMENT Attach drawings showing general arrangement and equipment locations for 115 KV deadend and 25.8 KV switching station structures. Include elevations showing heights of structures and equipment. B. BUSSES Size 25.8KV Main 25.8KV Neutral 25.8KV Transfer 25.8KV Outgoing Circuits C. ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ SWITCHES MFG. Catalogue No. ____________ ____________ ____________ __________________ __________________ __________________ ____________ ____________ __________________ __________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ ____________ __________________ Dimensions of 115 KV Deadend Switching Bypass Structure if Alternate Option Accepted ____________ __________________ 115KV Group-Operated 25.8 KV Main 25.8 KV Group Operated Transfer 25.8 KV Circuit Breaker Hookstick Disconnects 25.8 KV Voltage Regulator Bypass D. MISCELLANEOUS 21 KV Lightning Arresters Power Fuses Potential Transformers AC Service Panel Station Service and PLC Signal Injection Transformers E. DIMENSIONS P-4 SCHEDULE II - 115 KV CIRCUIT SWITCHER PROPOSAL QUESTIONNAIRE A. MANUFACTURER __________________________________________ Type or Model __________________________________________ Catalogue No. __________________________________________ Overall Dimensions H___________ W____________ D___________ (Attach outline drawing if available) Weight __________________________________________ B. RATINGS Max. Operating KV BIL KV Continuous Amperes Max. Sym. Amperes Int. Capacities: Transformer Load Dropping Transformer Primary Faults Transformer Secondary Faults Line Load Dropping Line Charging Current Line Faults C. _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ DELIVERY Drawings for Approval (ARO) Circuit Switchers (ARO) D. _______________________ _______________________ WARRANTY Attach complete description of Warranty Coverages and Terms. P-5 SCHEDULE III - CIRCUIT BREAKERS PROPOSAL QUESTIONNAIRE A. MANUFACTURER __________________________________________ Type or Model __________________________________________ Catalogue No. __________________________________________ Overall Dimensions H___________ W____________ D___________ (Attach outline drawing if available) Weight __________________________________________ B. RATINGS Max. Operating KV Continuous Amperes Max. Sym. Amperes Int. Cap. BIL KV C. PHASE AND GROUND OVERCURRENT AND RECLOSING RELAY Manufacturer Type or Model Catalogue No. D. _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ DELIVERY Drawings for Approval (ARO) Breaker Delivery (ARO) E. _______________________ _______________________ WARRANTY Attach complete description of Warranty Coverages and Terms. P-6 SCHEDULE IV - 14.4 KV VOLTAGE REGULATORS PROPOSAL QUESTIONNAIRE A. MANUFACTURER __________________________________________ Type or Model __________________________________________ Catalogue No. __________________________________________ Overall Dimensions H___________ W____________ D___________ (Attach outline drawing if available) Weight __________________________________________ Control Model __________________________________________ B. RATINGS KVA BIL KV Continuous Amperes Losses (Attach Losses per Specifications) C. DELIVERY Drawings for Approval (ARO) Voltage Regulators (ARO) D. _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ WARRANTY Attach complete description of Warranty Coverages and Terms. P-7 SCHEDULE V - RELAY AND CONTROL BOARD PROPOSAL QUESTIONNAIRE A. RELAYS Manufacturer Overcurrent Transformer Overcurrent and Differential Lockout Relays B. C. _______________________ _______________________ ___________________ ___________________ _______________________ ___________________ Station Meter _______________________ ___________________ Metering Test Switch _______________________ ___________________ _______________________ ___________________ METERING CONTROL Circuit Switcher Control Switch D. COMMUNICATIONS AND ACCESSORIES Communication Processor Communications Expansion Board Logic Processor GPS Clock E. Catalogue No. _______________________ ___________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Please attach sketch of control board showing overall dimensions and indicate ‘customer space’ as specified. P-8 SCHEDULE VI - EQUIPMENT HOUSE PROPOSAL QUESTIONNAIRE Please attach a complete description, list of accessories, and typical plan and elevation drawings. P-9 SCHEDULE VII - SCADA RTU PROPOSAL QUESTIONNAIRE Manufacturer ____________________________________ RTU Model No. ______________________________ RTU Control Processor ______________________________ Load Management System ______________________________ RTU Power Supply ______________________________ Fiber Communications Card ______________________________ Please attach compliance statement as specified. P - 10 SCHEDULE VIII - AIR CORE REACTORS PROPOSAL QUESTIONNAIRE A. MANUFACTURER __________________________________________ Type or Model __________________________________________ Catalogue No. __________________________________________ Overall Dimensions H___________ W____________ D___________ (Attach outline drawing if available) Weight __________________________________________ B. RATINGS Max. Operating KV Continuous Amperes Reactance @ 60 Hz. - Ohms Resistance - Ohms Inductance - mH KV BIL - Coil Base Insulators _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ KW Losses at Rated Current (600 Amp.) C. MAGNETIC CLEARANCES Vertical - Inches Horizontal Center-to-Center - Inches D. _________________________________ _________________________________ DELIVERY Drawings for Approval (ARO) Reactor Delivery (ARO) E. ___________________________________ _______________________ _______________________ WARRANTY Attach complete description of Warranty Coverages and Terms. P - 11 EXHIBIT C FEE To be inserted upon Purchase in accordance with Equipment Purchase Agreement DRAWINGS Drawing No. 13-30-01 13-30-05 13-30-06 13-30-03 13-30-04 13-30-02 13-30-07 13-30-08 Title Single Line Diagram General Arrangements Elevation Relay and Control Protection Scheme Proposed Panel Layout Equipment House Grounding Plan Grounding Details