A Gauge Theory for Baryon and Lepton Numbers Michael Duerr Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany BLV2013, 9 April 2013 Based on arXiv:1304.0576 [hep-ph] with: Pavel Fileviez Pérez (MPIK), Mark B. Wise (Caltech). Michael Duerr (MPIK) A Gauge Theory for B and L BLV2013, 9 April 2013 1 Introduction Motivation: Are B and L broken? B and L accidental global symmetries in the SM. B. Viren, arXiv:hep-ex/9903029 Violation of B: Baryon asymmetry of the Universe. Proton decay (ΔB = 1, ΔL = odd): τp ≥ 10 32−34 γ π0 yrs. Violation of L: Individual lepton flavor numbers Le , Lμ , and Lτ are not conserved (neutrino oscillation experiments). Total lepton number could be conserved (test with 0νββ). Michael Duerr (MPIK) P e+ γ A Gauge Theory for B and L dL dL L e− L e− L L BLV2013, 9 April 2013 2 Introduction Motivation: The Big Desert S. Weinberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 49 (1979) 1566 c5 LLHH ΛL c6 Λ2B QQQL commons.wikimedia.org Electroweak scale (∼ 102 GeV) http://commons.wikimedia.org Michael Duerr (MPIK) A Gauge Theory for B and L GUT scale (∼ 1015 GeV) BLV2013, 9 April 2013 3 Introduction Motivation: The Big Desert S. Weinberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 49 (1979) 1566 c5 c5 LLHH ΛL LLHH ΛL c6 Λ2B QQQL commons.wikimedia.org Electroweak scale (∼ 102 GeV) http://commons.wikimedia.org Michael Duerr (MPIK) A Gauge Theory for B and L GUT scale (∼ 1015 GeV) BLV2013, 9 April 2013 3 Introduction Aim of this Talk Define an anomaly-free theory where B and L are local gauge theories that may be broken at a low scale without the need for a desert. Michael Duerr (MPIK) A Gauge Theory for B and L BLV2013, 9 April 2013 4 Gauging Baryon and Lepton Numbers B and L in the SM SU(3) SU(2) U(1)Y U(1)B U(1)L 3 2 1 6 1 3 0 3 1 2 3 1 3 0 3 1 − 31 1 3 0 1 2 − 21 0 1 νR 1 1 0 0 1 () eR 1 1 −1 0 1 H 1 2 1 2 0 0 Field SM: B and L are accidental symmetries, not free of anomalies. ⇒ we need additional fermions for anomaly cancellation. () QL () R () dR () L () B and L may be gauged to obtain the gauge group: SU(3) ⊗ SU(2) ⊗ U(1)Y ⊗ U(1)B ⊗ U(1)L Michael Duerr (MPIK) A Gauge Theory for B and L BLV2013, 9 April 2013 5 Gauging Baryon and Lepton Numbers Anomalies Purely baryonic anomalies: A1 SU(3)2 ⊗ U(1)B , A2 SU(2)2 ⊗ U(1)B , A3 U(1)2Y ⊗ U(1)B , A4 U(1)Y ⊗ U(1)2B , A5 (U(1)B ) , A6 U(1)3B . Only non-zero values in the SM: A2 = −A3 = Michael Duerr (MPIK) 3 2 A Gauge Theory for B and L BLV2013, 9 April 2013 6 Gauging Baryon and Lepton Numbers Anomalies Purely leptonic anomalies: A7 SU(3)2 ⊗ U(1)L , A8 SU(2)2 ⊗ U(1)L , A9 U(1)2Y ⊗ U(1)L , A10 U(1)Y ⊗ U(1)2L , A11 (U(1)L ) , A12 U(1)3L . Only non-zero values in the SM with right-handed neutrinos: A8 = −A9 = Michael Duerr (MPIK) 3 2 A Gauge Theory for B and L BLV2013, 9 April 2013 6 Gauging Baryon and Lepton Numbers Anomalies Mixed anomalies: A13 U(1)2B ⊗ U(1)L , A14 U(1)2L ⊗ U(1)B , A15 (U(1)Y ⊗ U(1)L ⊗ U(1)B ) . All vanish in the SM. Attention: Not introduce SM anomalies! Michael Duerr (MPIK) A Gauge Theory for B and L BLV2013, 9 April 2013 6 Gauging Baryon and Lepton Numbers Possible Solutions Sequential/Mirror family: P. Fileviez Perez, M. B. Wise, arXiv:1002.1754 [hep-ph] Ruled out: new quarks change gluon fusion production; Landau poles of the new Yukawas near the weak scale. Vector-Like fermions: P. Fileviez Perez, M. B. Wise, arXiv:1106.0343 [hep-ph] Ruled out: new charged leptons reduce BR of H → γγ by a factor of 3. One family of leptoquarks: FL ∼ (3, 2, 0, −1, −1), jR ∼ (3, 1, P. V. Dong, H. N. Long, arXiv:1010.3818 [hep-ph] 1 1 , −1, −1), kR ∼ (3, 1, − , −1, −1). 2 2 Ruled out: stable charged fields. Michael Duerr (MPIK) A Gauge Theory for B and L BLV2013, 9 April 2013 7 Fermionic Leptoquarks New Solution Field SU(3) SU(2) U(1)Y U(1)B U(1)L ΨL N 2 Y1 B1 L1 ΨR N 2 Y1 B2 L2 ηR N 1 Y2 B3 L3 ηL N 1 Y2 B4 L4 χR N 1 Y3 B5 L5 χL N 1 Y3 B6 L6 M. Duerr, P. Fileviez Perez, M. B. Wise, arXiv:1304.0576 [hep-ph] Michael Duerr (MPIK) A Gauge Theory for B and L BLV2013, 9 April 2013 8 Fermionic Leptoquarks Anomaly Cancellation SU(2)2 ⊗ U(1)B : B1 − B2 = − 3 N SU(2)2 ⊗ U(1)L : L1 = −L2 = − , choose B1 = −B2 = − 3 2N 3 2N SU(3)2 ⊗ U(1)B : B1 = B3 = B5 U(1)2Y ⊗ U(1)B : Y22 + Y32 − 2Y12 = Useful solutions: ¨ 1 1 1 . 2 2 1 1 1 « (Y1 , Y2 , Y3 ) ∈ (± , ±1, 0), (± , ± , ± ), (0, ± , ± ) 2 6 3 3 2 2 M. Duerr, P. Fileviez Perez, M. B. Wise, arXiv:1304.0576 [hep-ph] Michael Duerr (MPIK) A Gauge Theory for B and L BLV2013, 9 April 2013 9 Fermionic Leptoquarks General Solution All anomalies are cancelled with the following setup: Field SU(3) SU(2) U(1)Y U(1)B U(1)L ΨL N 2 Y1 3 − 2N 3 − 2N ΨR N 2 Y1 3 + 2N 3 + 2N ηR N 1 Y2 3 − 2N 3 − 2N ηL N 1 Y2 3 + 2N 3 + 2N χR N 1 Y3 3 − 2N 3 − 2N χL N 1 Y3 3 + 2N 3 + 2N « ¨ 1 1 2 1 1 1 (Y1 , Y2 , Y3 ) ∈ (± , ±1, 0), (± , ± , ± ), (0, ± , ± ) 2 6 3 3 2 2 M. Duerr, P. Fileviez Perez, M. B. Wise, arXiv:1304.0576 [hep-ph] Michael Duerr (MPIK) A Gauge Theory for B and L BLV2013, 9 April 2013 10 Fermionic Leptoquarks Possible Scenarios M. Duerr, P. Fileviez Perez, M. B. Wise, arXiv:1304.0576 [hep-ph] Guideline: 1 new fields should have direct coupling to SM fields, or 2 the lightest new particle is neutral and stable. Michael Duerr (MPIK) A Gauge Theory for B and L BLV2013, 9 April 2013 11 Fermionic Leptoquarks Possible Scenarios M. Duerr, P. Fileviez Perez, M. B. Wise, arXiv:1304.0576 [hep-ph] Guideline: 1 new fields should have direct coupling to SM fields, or 2 the lightest new particle is neutral and stable. N = 1: Use Y1 = ±1/ 2, Y2 = ±1, Y3 = 0. If the lightest field is neutral → DM. This is our model! Michael Duerr (MPIK) A Gauge Theory for B and L BLV2013, 9 April 2013 11 Fermionic Leptoquarks Possible Scenarios M. Duerr, P. Fileviez Perez, M. B. Wise, arXiv:1304.0576 [hep-ph] Guideline: 1 new fields should have direct coupling to SM fields, or 2 the lightest new particle is neutral and stable. N = 1: Use Y1 = ±1/ 2, Y2 = ±1, Y3 = 0. If the lightest field is neutral → DM. This is our model! N = 3: Use Y1 = ±1/ 6, Y2 = ±2/ 3, Y3 = ±1/ 3. Scalar SBL ∼ (1, 1, 0, −1, −1) leads to dimension-7 proton decay operator. Michael Duerr (MPIK) A Gauge Theory for B and L BLV2013, 9 April 2013 11 Fermionic Leptoquarks Possible Scenarios M. Duerr, P. Fileviez Perez, M. B. Wise, arXiv:1304.0576 [hep-ph] Guideline: 1 new fields should have direct coupling to SM fields, or 2 the lightest new particle is neutral and stable. N = 1: Use Y1 = ±1/ 2, Y2 = ±1, Y3 = 0. If the lightest field is neutral → DM. This is our model! N = 3: Use Y1 = ±1/ 6, Y2 = ±2/ 3, Y3 = ±1/ 3. Scalar SBL ∼ (1, 1, 0, −1, −1) leads to dimension-7 proton decay operator. N = 8: Extra colored fields, e.g., color octet scalars, to couple the new fermions to leptons. Michael Duerr (MPIK) A Gauge Theory for B and L BLV2013, 9 April 2013 11 The Model The N = 1 Model: Particle Content Field SU(3) SU(2) U(1)Y U(1)B U(1)L ΨL 1 2 − 12 − 32 − 32 ΨR 1 2 − 12 + 32 + 32 ηR 1 1 −1 − 23 − 32 ηL 1 1 −1 + 32 + 32 χR 1 1 0 − 23 − 32 χL 1 1 0 + 23 + 32 M. Duerr, P. Fileviez Perez, M. B. Wise, arXiv:1304.0576 [hep-ph] Michael Duerr (MPIK) A Gauge Theory for B and L BLV2013, 9 April 2013 12 The Model Interactions Responsible for the new fermion masses: −L ⊃ h1 ΨL HηR + h2 ΨL H̃χR + h3 ΨR HηL + h4 ΨR H̃χL + λ1 ΨL ΨR SBL + λ2 ηR ηL SBL + λ3 χR χL SBL + 1 χL χL SBL + 2 χR χR S†BL + h.c. with SBL ∼ (1, 1, 0, −3, −3) Neutrino masses: −Lν = Yν ℓL H̃νR + λR 2 νR νR SL + h.c. with SL ∼ (1, 1, 0, 0, −2) M. Duerr, P. Fileviez Perez, M. B. Wise, arXiv:1304.0576 [hep-ph] Michael Duerr (MPIK) A Gauge Theory for B and L BLV2013, 9 April 2013 13 The Model Further Aspects Symmetry breaking: SBL breaks U(1)B and U(1)L (ΔB = ±3, ΔL = ±3), SL contributes to breaking of U(1)L (ΔL = ±2). Fermionic sector: 4 neutral and 4 charged new chiral fermions after symmetry breaking. No coupling to the SM fermions → no new source of flavor violation. Lightest new fermion automatically stable → DM candidate. M. Duerr, P. Fileviez Perez, M. B. Wise, arXiv:1304.0576 [hep-ph] Michael Duerr (MPIK) A Gauge Theory for B and L BLV2013, 9 April 2013 14 The Model B and L Violating Processes Baryon number broken in three units → no proton decay ΔL = 2 Majorana mass terms → 0νββ Lowest-dimensional B and L violating operator containing just SM fermions: O19 = c15 Λ15 (R R dR eR )3 SBL . M. Duerr, P. Fileviez Perez, M. B. Wise, arXiv:1304.0576 [hep-ph] Michael Duerr (MPIK) A Gauge Theory for B and L BLV2013, 9 April 2013 15 Summary Summary Simple extension of the SM: B and L are gauge symmetries broken at a low scale. no proton decay ⇒ no need for a desert. No new sources of flavor violation. Fermionic DM candidate. M. Duerr, P. Fileviez Perez, M. B. Wise, arXiv:1304.0576 [hep-ph] Michael Duerr (MPIK) A Gauge Theory for B and L BLV2013, 9 April 2013 16 Summary Summary Simple extension of the SM: B and L are gauge symmetries broken at a low scale. no proton decay ⇒ no need for a desert. No new sources of flavor violation. Fermionic DM candidate. Thank you! M. Duerr, P. Fileviez Perez, M. B. Wise, arXiv:1304.0576 [hep-ph] Michael Duerr (MPIK) A Gauge Theory for B and L BLV2013, 9 April 2013 16 Backup slides Michael Duerr (MPIK) A Gauge Theory for B and L BLV2013, 9 April 2013 1 Model with vector-like fermions Possible modification: Add Higgs with lepton number and vector-like mass terms for the charged leptons dimensions-9 proton decay operators → cutoff Λ ≥ 107−8 GeV This is half of the desert. Michael Duerr (MPIK) A Gauge Theory for B and L BLV2013, 9 April 2013 2