Wind Turbine Technology Wind Turbine Technology Context Since 1968 the world population has increased from 3.5 billion to over 7 billion. The majority of people live in undeveloped or developing countries. With increasing development comes an increasing demand for energy. There is however growing realisation that the use of fossil fuels has had undesirable consequences and that we need to reduce CO2 emissions. Alternative and more sustainable sources of energy will be increasingly required to meet agreed targets. Worldwide, solar and wind power are the most rapidly growing alternative energy sources. The chart shows the rapid growth in installed wind power in the past decade or so. With Rotor blade Since minut to 180 drive gener gearb parts, and s have coils a 600) a diame magn Nacelle Hub Tower A 3 megawatt direct drive wind turbine How does a generator work? In 1831 Michael Faraday discovered the key to the generation of electricity. He found that a voltage is produced between the ends of a conductor when it is moved across a magnetic field. If the conductor is formed into a coil then the induced voltage is proportionately greater, depending on the number of turns. Also, the faster the conductor cuts across the magnetic field, the greater the voltage. In practice multiple coils and magnets are used (e.g. 12). Wind power has been the most rapidly growing form of energy in Ireland over the past ten years; installed capacity has risen from about 600 MW (in 2004) to 2190 MW (in 2014). Wind power is generally greatest in Ireland during winter when the demand is highest − in contrast to solar power. Since wind is very variable the actual capacity is, on average, about 25% of installed capacity. So although wind power sometimes accounts for over 50% of the country’s immediate electricity needs (roughly 3000 MW ± 1400 MW), wind energy currently accounts for roughly 20% of our total annual electricity (18% in 2013) and about 3.5% of our total annual energy use. The target set by Government is for 40% of the country’s electricity to be derived from renewable resources by 2020. Background In 1800 Volta invented the battery and it was an immediate sensation. Within months several discoveries were made: the heating effect of electric current, electrolysis and electroplating. However the discovery of the magnetic effect of an electric current was not made until 1820. The first practical electric motors were made in the 1830s but they still depended on batteries. What was needed was a practical dynamo, but that development took another thirty years (1866). Further improvements in dynamos and alternators led to the first commercial electricity distribution systems (1879) and electric public lighting (1880s). For over 1000 years people have been using wind power to grind grain. Its application to the generation of electricity came in 1887 when the Scottish engineer, James Blyth, built a wind-powered battery charger. rotating armature North pole of magnet South pole of magnet Conc enviro neody have altern Syn The f voltag to the as tho peak 1. Sy th wi 2. A th ch fre ov slip ring Whe a.c. out carbon brush Different configurations 1. The coils (called armature coils) rotate in a fixed magnetic field. This is the preferred configuration when the magnets are heavy. 2. The coils are arranged in a fixed ring or annulus outside the rotating magnets; the magnets need to be light and strong (e.g. neodymium magnets). 3. In place of permanent magnets, coils can be used to produce the magnetic field. These field coils may be fixed or rotating; they use a small fraction of the electricity that is generated — much less than 1%. Slip rings provide electrical contact with the rotating coils, whether field coils or armature coils. Air m of air kilogr of a w of ove If, for air mo This h 7.8 M If the down The tu powe of the are ge Betz’s availa turbine ricity. when it il then mber of e .g. 12). his is ng m a 1%. r field Wind Turbine Technology With or without gears Since large wind turbines spin relatively slowly (10 to 20 revolutions per minute) gearboxes are used to increase the rotation speed of the generator to 1800 rpm. More recent direct drive systems use low speed generators that do not need a gearbox; they have fewer moving parts, require less maintenance and so are more reliable. They have a large number of smaller coils and magnetic poles (e.g. 600) and so tend to have a large diameter; some use permanent magnets but most use field coils. Concerns about the environmental impact of neodymium mining in China have boosted the search for alternative direct drive systems. The nacelle of a geared generator Synchronous and asynchronous generators The frequency of the mains electricity in Europe is 50 Hz. The typical output voltage of a wind turbine is about 690 volts, AC but it may not be connected to the national grid unless its voltage, frequency and phase are the same as those of the grid. (Alternating voltages are in phase if they reach their peak at the same instant.) There are two ways in which this can be achieved. 1. Synchronous generation: The turbine has a fixed speed of rotation so that the output voltage is synchronised with that of the grid. Many early wind turbines operated in this way. Siemens has been a major driver of innovation in the wind power industry since 1980 when wind turbine technology was still in its infancy. Technology has changed with the times, but Siemens’ commitment to providing its customers with proven wind turbine solutions remains the same. The combination of robust and reliable turbines, highly efficient solutions for power transmission and distribution, and a deep understanding of the entire energy market ensures that Siemens will continue to take the wind power industry to new levels. Long-lasting customer relationships – based on a track record of successful, reliable project deliveries – provide a sound, sustainable, and profitable investment. Drawing on more than 30 years of experience in the wind power industry, a strong focus on renewables, and a global network of highly skilled and trained employees, Siemens has proven itself to be a trustworthy and reliable business partner and will continue to do so in the future. 2. Asynchronous generation: The turbine’s speed of rotation varies with the wind speed to maximise the power output. The output is then changed to direct current (DC) and then back to AC at the voltage and frequency of the grid. Although this involves some conversion loses, the overall efficiency is greater. With an increasing number of turbines being installed at inland, coastal, and offshore sites, reliability and best-in-class maintenance under challenging conditions are essential for optimising the return on investment throughout a project’s lifecycle. Where does the energy come from? Over the past 30 years, Siemens has accumulated millions of hours of service experience. Drawing on this substantial knowledge, the company has established a flexible range of service solutions that are designed to optimise the output of wind turbines. Air may seem weightless but in fact it has significant mass. A cubic metre of air under normal atmospheric conditions has a mass of about 1.2 kilograms. When it is moving it has kinetic energy (E=½mv 2). If the rotor of a wind turbine has a diameter of 100 metres then it sweeps out an area of over 7500 square metres (i.e. π r 2). If, for example, the wind speed is 12 metres per second then the volume of air moving through the rotor area every second is 12 × 7500 = 90,000 m3. This has a mass of 108,000 kg (i.e. 90,000 × 1.2) and its kinetic energy is 7.8 MJ (E=½mv 2). For further information visit wind-power/ If the turbine has extracted energy from it then that mass of air is slowed down. If it has slowed to 10 m/s then its kinetic energy is reduced to 4.5 MJ. The turbine has therefore removed 3.3 MJ from the air (7.8 − 4.5 MJ). The power of the turbine is then (theoretically) 3.3 megawatts (MW). This is 42% of the original wind power (3.3/7.8 = 0.42). Maximum turbine efficiencies are generally in the range 40% to 45%. Betz’s Law states that no wind turbine can remove more than 59.3% of the available kinetic energy from the air. (2 4 ÷ 3 3 = 0.593 = 59.3%). Find this and other lessons on Wind Turbine Technology Wind WindTurbine Turbine Technology Technology Syllabus Syllabusreferences references Student StudentActivities Activities Exa Ex The Themain mainsyllabus syllabusreferences referencesfor forthe thelesson lessonare: are: 1.1.AAkilowatt kilowattisisa aunit unitofofpower. power.AAkilowatt-hour kilowatt-hourisisa aunit unitofofenergy. energy. Show Showthat thata akilowatt-hour kilowatt-hourisisequal equaltoto3.6 3.6million millionjoules. joules. Leav Lea Leaving LeavingCertificate CertificatePhysics Physics(HL) (HL) 2 2 mgh;EkE=k =½mv ½mv • • Different Differentforms formsofofenergy; energy;EpE=p=mgh; • • Conversions Conversionsfrom fromone oneform formofofenergy energytotoanother. another. • • Demonstrations Demonstrationsofofdifferent differentenergy energyconversions. conversions. • • Sources Sourcesofofenergy: energy:renewable renewableand andnon-renewable. non-renewable. • • Appropriate Appropriatecalculations. calculations.Principle Principleofofconservation conservationofofenergy. energy.(p.(p.27) 27) • • Electric Electriccurrent currentand andelectric electricpotential potential(p.(p.35) 35) • • Electromagnetic Electromagneticinduction. induction.Alternating Alternatingcurrent; current;concepts conceptsofofmutual mutual induction inductionand andself-induction self-induction(pp. (pp.3737– –38) 38) • • Structure Structureand andprinciple principleofofoperation operationofofsimple simplea.c. a.c.generator generator(p.(p.44) 44) Science Scienceand andTechnology TechnologyininAction Actionisisalso alsowidely widelyused used bybyTransition TransitionYear Yearclasses. classes. Learning LearningOutcomes Outcomes On Oncompletion completionofofthis thislesson, lesson,students studentsshould shouldbebeable ableto:to: • • Outline Outlinethe theprinciple principleofofoperation operationofofa agenerator generator • • Draw Drawa alabelled labelleddiagram diagramofofa atypical typicalwind windturbine turbine • • Discuss Discussthe thedifference differencebetween betweengeared gearedand anddirect directdrive drivegenerators generators • • Explain Explainthe thedifference differencebetween betweensynchronous synchronousand andasynchronous asynchronous generators generators • • Explain Explainthe thedifference differencebetween betweeninstalled installedcapacity capacityand andactual actual average averagecapacity capacity • • Make Makea arough roughestimate estimateofofthe thekinetic kineticenergy energyofofthe thewind windpassing passing through througha aturbine turbinerotor rotorand andestimate estimatethe thepotential potentialpower powerofofa awind wind turbine turbine(given (givensome someinitial initialdata). data). Read Re 2.2.Ireland’s Ireland’selectricity electricityrequirement requirementininwinter winterisis3500 3500toto4500 4500MW. MW. Assuming Assumingthere thereare are1.4 1.4million millionhouseholds householdsininthe thecountry countrycalculate calculate the theaverage averagedaily dailyenergy energyuse use(in(inkW kWh)h)per perhousehold. household. 3.3.Use Useavailable availableinformation informationsources sourcestotofind findout outhow howrotor rotorblades bladesfor for wind windturbines turbinesare aremade. made.Make Makea aposter poster(or (orcomputer computerpresentation) presentation) totoexplain explainhow howthe theconstruction constructionand andthe thechoice choiceofofmaterials materialscan can reduce reduceweight weightofofrotors rotorswhile whilemaintaining maintainingtheir theirstrength. strength. 4.4.Compare Comparethe theadvantages advantagesand anddisadvantages disadvantagesofofon-shore on-shoreand and off-shore off-shoresiting sitingofofwind windturbines. turbines.Summarise Summariseyour yourfindings findingsunder underthe the headings: headings:on-site on-siteassembly, assembly,connection connectiontotothe thegrid gridand andmaintenance. maintenance. 5.5.Measuring Measuringthe theoutput outputofofa agenerator generator For Forthis thisexercise exercisea asmall smallsolar solarcell cellmay maybebeused usedasasa agenerator. generator. (Later (Lateryou youcan canuse usethe thesame sameprocedure proceduretotomeasure measurethe theoutput output power powerofofa adynamo.) dynamo.) AAvoltmeter voltmeterconnected connectedtotothe theoutput outputwires wireswill willgive givedifferent differentreadings readings depending dependingononthe theillumination illuminationofofthe thesolar solarcell. cell.However, However,it itwill willnot not measure measurethe theoutput outputpower; power;power power= =voltage voltage× ×current. current. Procedure: Procedure: Connect Connecta aresistor resistor(e.g. (e.g.100 100Ω)Ω)across acrossthe the terminals terminalsofofthe thesolar solarcell. cell. Connect Connecta avoltmeter voltmeteracross acrossthe theresistor. resistor. Power Power= =voltage voltage× ×current current(P(P= =VVI)I) Voltage Voltage= =resistance resistance× ×current current(V(V= =RRI);I);therefore thereforeI =I =VV÷ ÷RR 2 2 ÷ ÷RR Therefore ThereforePP= =VV× ×VV÷ ÷RR= =VV 2 2 If Ifthe theresistor resistorisis100 100ΩΩthen thenthe thepower power(in(inwatts) watts)is:is:VV ÷ ÷100. 100. (Advanced: (Advanced:How Howdoes doesthe thechoice choiceofofresistance resistanceaffect affectthe themax. max.power?) power?) (a)(a) (b) (b) (c)(c) (d)(d) (e)(e) (f)(f) True/False True/FalseQuestions Questions a)a) InInIreland Irelandthe theelectricity electricitydemand demandisisaround around300 300MW. MW. TT FF General GeneralLearning LearningPoints Points b)b) Wind Windenergy energyaccounts accountsfor for50% 50%ofofIreland’s Ireland’stotal totalannual annual energy energyneeds. needs. TT FF These Theseare areadditional additionalrelevant relevantpoints pointswhich whichare areused usedtotoextend extend knowledge knowledgeand andfacilitate facilitatediscussion. discussion. d)d) AAkilowatt-hour kilowatt-hour(kW (kWh)h)isisa ameasure measureofofenergy. energy. TT FF e)e) Volta Voltainvented inventedthe thebattery batteryinin1800. 1800. TT FF Leav Lea f) f) One Onekilowatt kilowatthour hourisisequal equaltoto3636MJ. MJ. TT FF Whic Wh g)g) Direct Directdrive drivegenerators generatorsgenerally generallyhave havefewer fewerpoles polesthan than geared gearedgenerators. generators. TT FF • • Concerns Concernsabout aboutclimate climatechange changeand andthe thesustainability sustainabilityofofenergy energy resources resourceshave haveaccelerated acceleratedthe thedevelopment developmentofofrenewable renewable resources resourcessuch suchasaswind windand andsolar solarenergy. energy. • • Ireland’s Ireland’simmediate immediateelectricity electricityrequirement requirementisisapproximately approximately3000 3000 MW MW(±(±1400 1400MW). MW). • • The Thetotal totalinstalled installedwind windpower powercapacity capacityininIreland Irelandisisabout about2600 2600 MW. MW.Because Becauseofofthe thevariability variabilityofofthe thewind, wind,the theactual actualaverage averagewind wind power powercapacity capacityisisabout about600 600MW. MW. • • The Thetarget targetset setbybyGovernment Governmentisisfor for40% 40%ofofthe thecountry’s country’selectricity electricity totobebederived derivedfrom fromrenewable renewableresources resourcesbyby2020. 2020. • • Faraday’s Faraday’sdiscovery discoveryofofelectromagnetic electromagneticinduction inductioninin1831 1831was was crucial crucialtotothe thedevelopment developmentofofelectricity electricitygeneration generationonona alarge largescale scale ——a adevelopment developmentthat thattook tookabout aboutfifty fiftyyears. years. c)c) The Thefirst firstwind-powered wind-poweredelectricity electricitygenerator generatorwas wasbuilt builtinin1831. 1831.T T F F h)h) The Thefrequency frequencyofofthe theelectricity electricitysupply supplyininEurope Europeisisfifty fiftyhertz. hertz.T T F F i) i) The Theoutput outputofofasynchronous asynchronousgenerators generatorsisisfirst firstconverted convertedtoto direct directcurrent currentand andthen thentotoalternating alternatingcurrent currenttotomatch matchthe the frequency frequencyand andphase phaseofofthe thegrid. grid. TT FF j) j) The Themass massofofa acubic cubicmetre metreofofairairisisapproximately approximately1212kg. kg. TT FF k)k) The Thekinetic kineticenergy energyofofone onecubic cubicmetre metreofofairairmoving movingatat1010 metres metresper persecond secondisisapproximately approximately120 120joules. joules. TT FF Check Checkyour youranswers answerstotothese thesequestions questionson (g)(g) (h) (h) A.A. B.B. C.C. D.D. E.E. e ate r n) ehe nce. e. gs ings ot er?) ?) TF F Wind Turbine Technology Examination ExaminationQuestions Questions Did DidYou YouKnow? Know? Leaving Leaving Certificate Certificate Physics Physics (HL) (HL) 2012, 2012, Q.Q. 1111 • • Vertical Vertical axis axis windmills windmills forfor milling milling wheat wheat were were in in use use in in Persia Persia (modern (modern Iran) Iran) in in the the ninth ninth century century and and possibly possibly earlier. earlier. One One side side was was sheltered sheltered from from the the wind wind byby a wall; a wall; this this determined determined the the direction direction ofof rotation. rotation. Mills Mills ofof this this type type are are still still in in use use today. today. Read Read the the following following passage passage and and answer answer the the accompanying accompanying questions. questions. “ ... “ ... AtAt the the moment moment about about 12% 12% ofof Ireland’s Ireland’s electricity electricity needs needs are are met met byby wind wind energy energy and and it is it is planned planned toto increase increase this this toto 33% 33% byby 2020. 2020. 3 3 where where ρρ The The power power PP ofof the the wind wind can can bebe calculated calculated from from PP == ρAv ρAv is is the the density density ofof the the air, air, AA is is the the area area the the wind wind acts acts onon and and v is v is the the speed speed ofof the the wind. wind. InIn theory theory it is it is possible possible toto extract extract 58% 58% ofof this this energy energy in in a wind a wind turbine. turbine. Much Much ofof the the loss loss occurs occurs asas the the wind wind is is slowed slowed down down rather rather than than stopped stopped asas it passes it passes the the turbine. turbine. The The rotating rotating blades blades ofof the the turbine turbine transfer transfer their their energy energy toto anan a.c. a.c. generator, generator, which which produces produces electricity electricity byby electromagnetic electromagnetic induction. induction. The The resulting resulting alternating alternating supply supply has has toto bebe changed changed toto match match the the 230 230 V,V, 5050 HzHz that that is is used used forfor electrical electrical supply supply in in Ireland. Ireland. Many Many people people are are concerned concerned about about the the noise noise associated associated with with wind wind turbines. turbines. Better Better blade blade construction construction has has ledled toto reduced reduced noise. noise. AtAt about about 150 150 mm from from a turbine, a turbine, typical typical sound sound intensity intensity levels levels are are 4545 dB. dB. This This reduces reduces toto 4242 dBdB atat about about 200 200 mm away. away. These These values values compare compare favourably favourably with with values values ofof around around 6060 dBdB in in a busy a busy office.” office.” Adapted Adapted from: from: Renewable Renewable Energy, Energy, Edited Edited byby Godfrey Godfrey Boyle, Boyle, Oxford Oxford University University Press Press in in association association with with The The Open Open University. University. (a)(a) What What is is the the effect effect onon the the power power ofof the the wind wind if the if the wind wind speed speed is is doubled? doubled? (b)(b) Why Why is is it not it not possible possible toto extract extract allall ofof the the energy energy in in the the wind wind striking striking a wind a wind turbine turbine blade? blade? (c)(c) What What is is electromagnetic electromagnetic induction? induction? (d)(d) How How is is the the output output voltage voltage ofof a wind a wind turbine turbine changed changed toto 230 230 VV a.c.? a.c.? (e)(e) Estimate Estimate the the factor factor byby which which the the sound sound intensity intensity changes changes when when you you move move from from a position a position which which is is about about 200 200 mm away away toto a position a position which which is is about about 150 150 mm away away from from a typical a typical wind wind turbine. turbine. (f)(f) What What is is the the tiptip speed speed (the (the linear linear velocity velocity ofof the the outer outer end) end) ofof aa blade blade ofof radius radius 3030 mm when when it completes it completes a revolution a revolution every every 33 seconds? seconds? TF F (g)(g) Small Small scale scale wind wind turbines turbines are are sometimes sometimes used used toto charge charge batteries. batteries. The The a.c. a.c. output output voltage voltage has has toto bebe converted converted toto a d.c. a d.c. voltage. voltage. How How is is this this achieved? achieved? TF F (h)(h) Name Name one one other other renewable renewable source source ofof energy. energy. TF F TF F Leaving Leaving Certificate Certificate Physics Physics (HL) (HL) 2001, 2001, Q.Q. 1 (vi) 1 (vi) TF F Which Which one one ofof the the following following statements statements is is not not correct? correct? TF F A.A. When When there there is is a change a change in in the the magnetic magnetic flux flux threading threading any any closed closed loop, loop, anan e.m.f. e.m.f. is is induced induced in in the the loop. loop. TF F TF F TF F TF F B.B. AnAn electrical electrical generator generator is is a device a device that that converts converts mechanical mechanical energy energy toto electrical electrical energy. energy. C.C. A A transformer transformer converts converts a low a low a.c. a.c. voltage voltage toto a high a high a.c. a.c. voltage voltage and and vice vice versa. versa. D.D. If an If an electric electric motor motor is is prevented prevented from from rotating rotating freely, freely, the the coil coil will will become become hot hot and and may may “burn “burn out”. out”. E.E. InIn a circuit a circuit using using anan a.c. a.c. power power source, source, a lamp a lamp glows glows more more brightly brightly when when anan iron iron core core is is inserted inserted in in a solenoid a solenoid that that is is in in series series with with the the lamp. lamp. • • InIn the the twelfth twelfth century century horizontal horizontal axis axis windmills windmills appeared appeared in in Europe. Europe. It is It is now now thought thought likely likely that that these these were were independent independent inventions inventions and and not not copies copies ofof Chinese Chinese oror Indian Indian windmills windmills from from that that time. time. • • Wind-power Wind-power has has been been used used in in the the Netherlands Netherlands since since the the thirteenth thirteenth century century toto drain drain the the land. land. InIn the the eighteenth eighteenth and and nineteenth nineteenth centuries centuries similar similar technology technology was was used used in in many many parts parts ofof the the world world toto pump pump water water from from deep deep wells wells in in order order toto irrigate irrigate agricultural agricultural land, land, forfor example example in in America, America, Argentina Argentina and and Australia. Australia. • • From From the the 1930s 1930s small small ‘wind ‘wind chargers’ chargers’ were were quite quite common common in in rural rural areas areas in in many many countries, countries, including including Ireland Ireland prior prior toto rural rural electrification. electrification. They They were were used used toto charge charge batteries batteries forfor radio radio receivers receivers and and minimal minimal lighting. lighting. Biographical BiographicalNotes Notes Werner Wernervon vonSiemens Siemens(1816 (1816– –1892) 1892) Werner Werner Siemens Siemens was was born born in in Lenthe, Lenthe, near near Hannover. Hannover. OnOn leaving leaving school school hehe entered entered the the army army academy academy ofof Artillery Artillery and and Engineering Engineering which which provided provided anan outlet outlet forfor hishis inventiveness. inventiveness. HeHe devised devised anan alternative alternative toto the the Morse Morse telegraph telegraph and, and, with with the the help help ofof two two ofof hishis brothers brothers setset upup anan electrical electrical engineering engineering company company that that grew grew into into what what is is known known today today asas Siemens Siemens AG. AG. His His independent independent inventions inventions include include the the first first electrically electrically operated operated lift,lift, anan electrically electrically operated operated bus bus (a(a trolley-bus), trolley-bus), a dynamo a dynamo and and a loudspeaker. a loudspeaker. HeHe advocated advocated social social democracy democracy (vs. (vs. capitalism) capitalism) and and supported supported workers’ workers’ rights, rights, including including their their right right toto form form unions. unions. InIn 1925 1925 a branch a branch ofof the the Siemens Siemens company company was was commissioned commissioned byby the the fledgling fledgling Irish Irish Free Free State State toto build build a hydroelectric a hydroelectric power power station station atat Ardnachusha Ardnachusha onon the the Shannon. Shannon. It was It was completed completed in in 1929 1929 and and supplied supplied 80% 80% ofof the the country’s country’s electricity. electricity. It was It was atat the the time time the the largest largest ofof itsits kind kind in in the the world world and and a model a model that that others others followed. followed. Revise ReviseThe TheTerms Terms Can Can you you recall recall the the meaning meaning ofof the the following following terms? terms? Revising Revising terminology terminology isis a powerful a powerful aid aid toto recall recall and and retention. retention. Alternating Alternating current current (AC), (AC), alternative alternative energy, energy, alternator, alternator, annulus, annulus, , direct , direct current current (DC), (DC), direct direct drive, drive, dynamo, dynamo, armature, armature, battery, battery, CO CO 2 2 electrolysis, electrolysis, electroplating, electroplating, field field coils, coils, fossil fossil fuels, fuels, frequency, frequency, gearbox, gearbox, hertz hertz (Hz), (Hz), induced induced voltage, voltage, installed installed capacity, capacity, magnetic magnetic field, field, magnetic magnetic poles, poles, megawatt megawatt (MW), (MW), neodymium neodymium magnet, magnet, permanent permanent magnet, magnet, power, power, renewable, renewable, rpm, rpm, slip slip rings, rings, sustainable, sustainable, synchronised synchronised Check Check the the Glossary Glossary ofof terms terms for for this this lesson lesson onon