OSU Physics Modern Physics II (Fall 2016) Professor A Xie Syllabus PHYS4413 Modern Physics II Class Times MWF 9:30-10:20 at PS112 Prerequisites PHYS3713 (Modern Physics I) & PHYS3013 (Mechanics I) Instructor Dr Aihua Xie (Tel: 744-6589, emails: phys4313@okstate.edu; Aihua.xie@okstate.edu) Office Hours Tue 10:00 am – 12:00 pm or by appointments at 230B HBRC Textbook Modern Physics (3rd edition) by Kenneth Krane Course Website http://physics.okstate.edu/Xie/PHYS4413 D2L website https://online.okstate.edu/d2l/home Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Description Erwin Schrödinger (1887-1961) This course is the second part of Modern Physics in the Physics Curriculum. We will explore and discuss the following topics. The interactive simulations from Physlets and PhET will be occasionally incorporated into lectures & homework to help develop physical intuitions. Review on particle properties of light The Schrodinger Equation The Atomic Spectra & the Bohr Model of Hydrogen Atom Statistical Physics (Classical & Quantum Statistics) Nuclear Physics & Nuclear Reactions Cosmology (if time allows) OSU Physics Modern Physics II (Fall 2016) Professor A Xie Homework Homework will be assigned weekly (via D2L’s Content page), and should be completed and turned in to the instructor on the following Wednesday before the lecture. Homework will be graded based on both correctness and efforts. Homework solutions will be posted on the Content page after the due date. To avoid missed homework, you will be asked to sign the homework checklist upon turning in your homework. Prelecture Quiz You are expected to read and think about the content to be discussed before the class. Your answers to prelecture questions should be submitted by 8:00 am on the day of each lecture and will be graded based both your efforts (50%) and correctness (50%). Exams There will be three exams plus a final exam. The final exam is comprehensive. All exams are closed book, while a calculator is allowed and an equation sheet will be provided. Grades The final grades will be calculated as follows: Homework 20% Prelecture quizzes 10% (50% efforts & 50% correctness) Exam 1 15% Exam 2 15% Exam 3 15% Final Exam 25% If you excel in the final exam, but not so well in exams 1-3, the final grade will also be calculated using the final exam only (70%). The highest score from two grade calculation methods will be used to determine your final grade. The grading scale will be: A ≥ 85 > B ≥ 75 > C ≥ 65 > D ≥ 55 > F. Academic Conduct and Withdrawals The University procedures on academic integrity and withdrawals will be strictly enforced. Cheating on any exam will result in an F grade for the course. The 2016 OSU Syllabus Attachment and OSU academic policies are posted on the course webpage. No Class Days Monday September 5 (Labor Day), Friday October 14 (Fall Break), November 23-25 (Thanksgiving). Final Week December 5-9, 2016 PhET https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulations/category/physics Physlets http://webphysics.davidson.edu/Applets/Applets.html