EXPERIMENT 5 PHYSICS 250 WHEATSTONE BRIDGE Apparatus Power supply Precision multimeter Precision resistors Wheatstone bridge Temperature bath Strain gauge Introduction During this laboratory period you will study the Wheatstone bridge, a special technique used in high-precision electrical DC measurements. The Wheatstone bridge is very important in its own right, but it also is typical of many techniques in which changes in a value can be measured much better than the value itself. Two preliminary comments provide helpful background for this type of study: It is important to remember the difference between the words “precision” and “accuracy.” Precision involves the ability to measure with great sensitivity and to measure repeatedly a very small difference. Accuracy further implies that the measured value can be related to an absolute scale. Note that high precision is required before high accuracy can be considered, but it is more difficult to obtain accuracy. In high-precision measurements you must exercise great care to control or eliminate spurious or random effects. It is foolish to talk about the measurement of a quantity to within one part in 106 if the quantity is fluctuating in time with a variation of a few parts in 104 or if there is a large spatial variation in the quantity. Stability and uniqueness are axiomatic to high-precision measurements. For example, it would be meaningless to talk about measuring the temperature of an ordinary beaker of water to a precision of 0.001º C. The temperature varies throughout the volume by as much as 1º C, and at one specific point the temperature will fluctuate in time by almost as much. In electrical circuits assembled in the laboratory, there are three major sources of error: changes in the resistance of electrical connections due to poor contacts, variations of electrical parameters with temperature, and noise pickup in unshielded wires. In some cases these effects may be eliminated, and in other situations they must simply be controlled. For instance, in this lab you will be provided with special wires with “spade” ends to be clamped into binding posts rather than “banana plug” ends to ensure good contact between the wires and the binding posts. In some situations you may need to use shielded wires to avoid noise pickup or you may use some method to be sure that the temperature of the devices being investigated remains constant. It is almost invariably true that you can make comparisons with much greater precision than you can make an independent measurement. For example, you will see it is relatively easy to 5-1 determine that an electrical resistance is 0.001% larger than a similar resistance, but a direct measurement of current and voltage to determine R to this accuracy would be very difficult. The secret of a comparison technique is the use of a known or assumed reference. The great advantage comes because you have to measure only the difference rather than the total quantity. Often you may wish to study a small change in a quantity (a resistance, for instance) due to a change in its environment, and the reference is the quantity itself before the change is made. In such a case the question of accuracy is not involved. If you require absolute accuracy, you must employ a standard. The accuracy of the measurement is then limited only by the accuracy of the standard and by the sensitivity with which you can make the comparison with the standard. The most accurate standards will generally be referred to in the USA as “NIST-traceable” or “NBS-traceable” which means that the calibration of that instrument can be traced directly to a standard maintained by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST; NBS is the acronym for the National Bureau of Standards, a previous incarnation of the same group). The development in the late 1970's of the digital electronic comparator meters significantly changed the field of precision electrical measurements. The operation of this meter itself is based upon the principle of the comparison-type measurements discussed above. This type of meter has an internal fixed-voltage standard, and requires the use of a technique to obtain a variable-standard voltage for comparison with measured voltages by taking simple ratios. The best meters available in this laboratory have four significant digits, and you can use them as voltage-reference meters to this accuracy. (Actually, the reference drifts slightly in time and requires recalibration at intervals of several months if you desire the ultimate accuracy.) You can use this meter for any measurements requiring accuracy of four significant figures or fewer. This meter has a sensitivity of 10 V on the 200-mV range and is thus also useful as a null detector to demonstrate that two voltages are equal to within 10 V. As a prime example of a very high-precision electrical measurement made by using the comparison technique, you will study the Wheatstone bridge for resistance measurements. This technique has been used for over one hundred years for precision resistance measurements greater than a few percent. It is still used broadly today when precision greater than one part in 104 is required. Using this technique, you will be able to observe changes in resistance with a precision of a few parts per million. All the actual measurements made during this laboratory period will consist of simple measurements of electrical resistance. When using the Wheatstone bridge you will use either temperature or strain to vary the resistance slightly. 5-2 Wheatstone Bridge The basic idea of the simple Wheatstone resistance bridge is illustrated in Fig. 1. The resistance Rs is generally a standard resistance that is variable and made with great precision so that its value is well known, and Ru is an unknown resistance. When Rs is adjusted until the voltage difference V in Fig. 1 becomes zero, the two resistance ratios Rs/Ru and R1/R2 are equal, and the bridge is said to be in balance. Thus at balance Ru = R s R2 . R1 The accuracy of the instrument in determining Ru is limited by the accuracy of the known resistances Rs, R1, and R2, and the precision (or sensitivity) is determined by the sensitivity of the null indicator that measures V. (1) Voltage Source R1 Rs V Historically, the Wheatstone bridge was used with a standard resistance that was also variable over its total range so that unknown resistances of any R2 Ru size could be measured. For measurements with a 6 sensitivity of a few parts in 10 , this setup requires a very costly set of standard resistances. The Figure 1. The Wheatstone bridge. dominant use of the Wheatstone bridge in modern science is in special situations where only very small changes are being studied, and specific bridges are created for specific uses. This situation is the one you will set up in the laboratory. The Wheatstone bridge is most sensitive when R1 = R2 and Rs = Ru. Consider the R0 R specialized bridge shown in Fig. 2, which Voltage Source utilizes a small variable standard Rvs and thus will measure very accurately only a resistance Ru near the value R0. The standard variable or r V Rvs resistance Rvs is placed in either the Rs branch (Rs = R0 + Rvs) or in the Ru branch (Ru = Rx + Rvs), depending upon whether Rx is greater or less than R0. In a typical application, Rvs may R Rx vary between 0 and 0.01R0, so the total possible variation of Rx from R0 would be one percent. In the bridge used in this laboratory, R0 = 5,000 Figure 2. A specialized Wheatstone bridge. , and Rvs can vary from 0 to 1000 . Thus, Rvs < 0.2 R0, so Rx can differ from R0 by as much as twenty percent. The small variable resistance r is also included as shown to allow an independent zero adjustment of the bridge to account for any small difference in the two values R and any small changes in the values of R and R0 over a period of time. The total variation of r is only 1.0 while R is approximately 5,000 . You can set the r zero adjustment by placing a standard 5,000 resistance in the position Rx when you balance the bridge 5-3 by using r. This procedure represents a calibration of the bridge. After you have completed this calibration then any subsequent measurements will really be a comparison of the unknown with the value of the standard resistor. Before leaving the analysis of the Wheatstone bridge, note that it is not necessary to have a standard variable resistance with extremely small divisions. A more thorough analysis of the circuit in Fig. 1 where the bridge is not balanced shows that if the bridge is near balance ( V is small) and if V is measured with a voltmeter that has an internal resistance much greater than Rs, Ru, R2, or R1, then Ru = R s + 4 ∆V Rs E (2) Note that V can be either positive or negative so that Ru can be either larger or smaller than Rs. You must be careful to note the relationship between the sign of V and the effect on Ru. Because of this simple relationship near balance, a linear interpolation between the smallest divisions on the Rvs adjustment is possible. The resolution of the bridge in resistance (the smallest detectable resistance change) is determined by the smallest detectable voltage difference V, which is 1 x 10-5 volts for the available 4 ½-digit electronic meters. Note that if E = 20 volts, this resolution is 4 ( ∆V) R s 4 (1x 10 -5 ) (5000) = Ω = 0.01 Ω . E 20 (3) If you measure a resistance near 5,000 , this value represents two parts in 106, which is not bad for such a simple bridge. If the change of the unknown resistance, Rx, is sufficiently small (a fraction of a percent) it is not necessary to change the value of Rvs during the course of the measurement. And, in fact, if you do not change the value of Rvs during the course of the measurement you can actually achieve higher accuracy. And if you are looking at resistance changes, R2 - R1, then the (unchanged) value of Rvs will cancel entirely. Objective: To become acquainted with comparison-type, high-precision, electrical measurements and to gain an appreciation for the care required to make such measurements. Procedure During this laboratory period you will use the Wheatstone bridge to measure with very high precision a change in resistance that is so small that using the 4 ½-digit electronic meter as an ohmmeter you can barely observe the change. In each case you should contrast resistance measurements made with the electronic multimeter with measurements made with the more precise comparison-type techniques discussed above. Select one of the following two situations for study. The comments given with each situation will aid your understanding of the measurement you will make. 5-4 1. A strain gauge is mounted on a sheet of steel. When a force is applied to the steel, the steel bends, causing a change in the resistance of the strain gauge. You are to measure the change in resistance as a function of the force applied to the steel plate. The strain gauge is composed of a number of high resistance “wires” deposited on the surface of an insulating backing. As the backing is stretched, the wires both elongate and decrease in cross-sectional area, thereby causing the resistance to increase. The change in resistance is proportional to the applied force over a fairly wide range of forces. 2. Precision resistors used as references in electronic equipment change only slightly with temperature. The precision resistances mentioned are made of very special metal alloys, and change only very slightly with temperature, and are thus very stable and usable when you need a standard resistance of known value. The resistances used in radio, TV, etc. are made of carbon, and their resistances vary significantly with temperature. Pure metals also have sizeable temperature coefficients of resistance. The resistor available for evaluation in this experiment is a carbon resistor. An oil bath is available to heat the resistor and a thermometer is available with which to measure the oil temperature. Be careful with this bath – the oil can become very hot. When you are through with the oil be sure to pour it into the can labeled “hot” so that others won’t be surprised (or injured) when they pour hot oil from the can labeled as “cold” oil. Before setting up your Wheatstone bridge, think about what source voltage you should use. Why is 20 volts a convenient voltage? If E = 20 volts, you should be able to determine each value of R with a sensitivity of 0.01 using the electronic meter to interpolate. REMEMBER TO DISCONNECT ALL WIRES AND TO TURN OFF ALL EQUIPMENT EXCEPT THE COMPUTER! 5-5