
Electrical Engineering Technology Department
ECET 207
AC Electronic Circuit Analysis
Instructor: Adj. Prof. J. Lerner, BS-ECET, CBET
Fall Semester
Office: TECH-003
Required texts: Boylestad, Introductory Circuit Analysis (12th Edition), Prentice-Hall, 2012.
ISBN: 0-13-714666-3
Other required items:
(1) TI-85 or equvilant calculator (able to handle complex numbers)
(2) Lab kits from previous ECET courses and basic hand tools.
Course Objectives: This course will strive to extend the circuit analysis techniques you learned in ECET 107
and 157 into the realm of AC signals. This includes waveform responses to basic electronic elements, general
AC circuit analysis, and network theorem application.
Resources: All labs, power points, the syllabus, homework question list, and general information can be found
on the class website at
Labs: (16% of the final grade) Labs are available on the class website and should be printed off and reviewed
prior to start of the lab. They must be completed and submitted one week from lab completion. Lab kits are
available from the ECET department; see your instructor for more details.
Practicals: (19% of the final grade) There will be three lab practicals, one each module. These are individual
timed labs that will access your ability to read a schematic, construct the circuit, and correctly measure a series of
values under a time limit. Sign up sheets will be available two weeks before each session. If you can not make
your session, you will need to reschedule into another open spot. Outside of medical of family emergencies,
practials are only given on certain days and cannot be made up.
Examinations: (24% of the final grade) There will be two in-class exams and an in-class comprehensive final.
Dates of the tests are shown on the class schedule. Any handouts, returned homework and hand-written notes
from lectures can be used. Any student needing the use of a translation dictionary or other assist items must
bring them to the test and clear their use with the instructor before the test. All assist items are subject to
inspection by the class instructor. Otherwise, tests are closed book and closed neighbor. Outside of medical of
family emergencies, tests are only given on exam days and cannot be made up.
In-Class Quizzes: (16% of the final grade) There will be up to five in-class quizzes given throughout the
semester to reinforce the lectures. These are given without prior notice and can only be made up with approval
of the instructor.
Homework: (25% of the final grade) Homework will be due one week after the chapter is completed, and no
late work will be accepted. They may be legibly hand-written and follow the ECET homework format.
Homework will be graded and returned in a timely manner. A list of the questions is available on the class
website. Although study groups are encouraged, each individual is responsible for their own work and should
submit their own homework. Remember- you can use the homework on the test, so the more comprehensive
your homework, the better. Grades are assigned based on the percentage right.
ECET 207 – Fall Semester - Page 2
Test #1
Test #2
Test #3
Lab grade
In-Class Quizzes
A = 90 % or higher
B = 80 to 89 %
C = 70 to 79 %
C = 70 to 79 %
D = 60 to 69 %
F = less than 60 %
Conferences: I will be available before and after class. If you need help with a topic or problem, please contact
me as soon as possible so we can address your concerns. This course moves at a good pace, so if you don’t
understand something, please let me know. I am here for you to understand the material.
Attendance: This course can be fast-paced at times, so attending as many classes as possible will make keeping
up much easier. However, life happens. If you are not going to be present for a class and know ahead of time,
please email me. Compliance with PNC attendance standards is essential, and many financial aid programs
require very regular attendance.
Academic Integrity: Although study groups are encouraged, each individual is responsible for their own work
and should submit their own homework. The use of unauthorized sources such as blackmarket answer keys or
previous student’s homework and tests will be considered cheating. The use of other students and/or their test
during exams will be considered cheating. A first offense of cheating will incur a penalty that will always be
more severe than simply failing the project or task, or exam/quiz in question. Any of the following are possible
Negative credit for the assignment.
No credit for the assignment and loss of a letter grade in the course
A failing grade in the course
Any occurance of cheating may include a referral to the Dean of Students for disciplinary action
which can include up to expulsion from Purdue University (see the Student Handbook). When you graduate
from PNC’s ECET program, you may enter a career that makes you responsible for multi-million dollar
equipment running at thousands of volts. Trying to cheat later on will result in injury or death of personnel and
damage to equipment. To ensure safety and the integrity of Purdue University, cheating will not be tolerated.
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The following information will be used so grades can be posted in the classroom on occasion and still be
compliant with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act rules. You name will not be posted next to your
grades; instead the unique identifier will be used, known only to the Professor and the student. If you would like
your grades posted, please complete this form and turn it in. If you do not want your grades posted, please let
the class instructor know.
Student Name:_______________________________
Unique Identifier (One letter, four numbers):______________
(Ex- L2005)