MDA800 Motor Drive Analyzer ( and HDO8000 Series Oscilloscopes ) MDA800 – Motor Drive Analyzer Complete Motor Drive System Debug and Validation Three-Phase Power Measurements ( Real , Apparent and Reactive) Efficiency Measurements Per-Cycle Time-Correlated Waveforms From Power Values Dynamic Drive response Analysis, from Startup to Overload Complete Motor Integration ( Torque, Speed, Position ) User-Configurable Power Table and Graphical User Interface Unique Zoom+Gate Mode Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 2 MDA support the complete design and debug challenge for the motor drive engineer Power Section Measurements Motor Integration Line input PWM output Efficiencies Torque Speed Position Power Embedded Control Debug Analog Digital Serial Data Control Loop PWM Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 3 Motor Drive Analyzers – Unique Positioning To tor rqu I e, nte Sp g ee rat d, i Po on we r Mo Motor Drive Analyzers perform A l s, e nn ha (C r we Po n) s se ha lysi lutio 3-p na Reso It’s an Oscilloscope, and it’s also a Power Analyzer with Motor Integration General-purpose 8 ch, 12-bit scopes up to 1 GHz plus 32 Digital Channels Static (steady-state) “mean value” tables, like a power analyzer Dynamic (transient) analysis Complete embedded control debug (i.e. it is a fully-functional oscilloscope) High SR, BW, Memory Mixed Signal Serial Trigger & Decode More complete motor integration Teledyne LeCroy Motor Drive Analyzer 8ch, 12-bit General-purpose Oscilloscope (BW, SR, Memory, MSO, Serial Trigger/Decode, IGBT/MOSFET Device Test) Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 Introducing the Teledyne LeCroy HDO8000 Oscilloscope 8 analog input channels , Mixed-signal (MSO) option 16 Ch Highest Accuracy Active/passive High voltage differential (1000Vrms) Current Differential amplifiers Connect up to 8 current probes at one time Serial Trigger/Decode 12-bit HD4096 High Definition Technology “16x closer to perfect” Comprehensive availability of Probing Ideal for high power and three-phase power electronics analysis Very useful for deeply embedded electronic/mechatronic systems 19 different low-speed serial trigger/decode solutions available Faster Up to 1 GHz Bandwidth for today’s and tomorrow’s technologies Support for WQXGA (3840x2160 pixels) Extended Desktop Add a larger touchscreen display to the HDO8000 View a 3rd party program (e.g. MATLAB) on the oscilloscope display Locate oscilloscope near DUT and the larger display farther away HDO8000 Oscilloscope - Powerful Analytics Most powerful motherboard in its class Long acquisition memory 50 Mpts/ch standard, up to 250 Mpts/ch optional Ideal for several seconds of data capture More Waveforms Intel® CoreTM i5-4670s Quad (core) 2.9 GHz (per core) up to 32 GB of RAM Up to 40 total, displayable 12 Math, 12 Zoom, 12 Memory waveforms Modern, oscilloscope user-interface Teledyne LeCroy’s MAUI scope operating software running on Windows 7 OS Supports 3rd party software (e.g. MATLAB) running on scope What is a Motor Drive Analyzer? It is a new model series (MDA8xx) It is built on the HDO8000 platform All MDA specifications are same as HDO8000 of equivalent bandwidth All MDA800 available options, accessories, and probes are the same as HDO8000 It contains the “Motor Drive Power Analyzer” firmware capabilities It contains advanced X-Y capability This capability is not available on HDO8000 It has MDA-specific bezel buttons Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 8 Motor Drive Analyzer Graphical User Interface Simple , Intuitive user interface Numerics Table for short record power analysis, like a Power Analyzer Long Record Dynamic Analysis toolsets that Power Analyzers don’t have Most Complete Mechanical Motor Integration Intuitive Wiring Configuration Setup Diagrams “This is much nicer than a power analyzer” Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 9 Powerful Analysis : Brushless DC Power Tool Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 10 MDA800 Motor Drive Analyzer Value Proposition Static Dynamic It can calculate three-phase power and motor mechanical torque/speed values for short record, static (steady-state) operating conditions. It can capture long record, dynamic operating events and contains advanced tools for percycle analysis and correlation to other events. Unique capabilities ! Complete It’s an 8-channel (+16 digital), high definition (12-bit) oscilloscope that can perform complex debug of the embedded control system MDO800 can debug anything in the full drive system: Motor (mechanical) measurements Motor Drive input/output (AC Line Input, DC Bus, Drive Output) measurements Inverter subsection characterization and debug (e.g. power semiconductor device loss/operation, switching problems) Embedded control system debug All of the above working together as a complete Drive System Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 11 MDA800 Motor Drive Analyzer Value Proposition - Summary Capability Teledyne LeCroy MDA800 Motor Drive Analyzer Static Power Analysis Yes Dynamic Power Analysis Yes Complete Test Capability Yes Short records. Constant load/speed. Numerics value table. Long time durations Variable loads/speeds. Statistics Table. Per-cycle Waveforms. Mixed Signal (MSO). Serial Trigger & Decode. Oscilloscope Tools. Probes & Accessories. Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 12 MDA - Overall Hardware Summary Teledyne LeCroy MDA800 Motor Drive Analyzer Inputs 8 analog, +16 digital (optional) Resolution 12-bits Bandwidth 350 MHz - 1 GHz Sample Rate Memory Specified Power Measurement Accuracy Probe Integration HV Isolation Filtering 2.5 GS/s 50 Mpts/Ch standard 250 Mpts/Ch maximum ~1% voltage/current ~1% power (typical expected, using probes) Complete Yes, 1000Vrms (using HVD Series voltage probes) Yes (ERES) (software post-processing) Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 13 MDA : Overall Capability For complete drive system debug and validation – power + control + motor Teledyne LeCroy HDO8038 + Motor Drive Power Analyzer SW Embedded Control Debug and Validation (Analog, Digital, Serial Data trigger and capture) Power Semiconductor Device Analysis (Device Losses, RDS ON, etc.) Yes Yes (with PWR option, suitable probes, optional) Power System (Inverter) Analysis Toolset 3-phase power, voltage, current measurements and waveforms Yes Motor Integration Speed and Torque sensors Yes Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 14 MDA : 3-phase Power and Motor Interface Feature Set and Capability Comparison Capability “Static” Power Analysis (Numeric table) Numeric Values + Table Yes Each Phase and Σ3-ph values Yes Line-Line to Line-Neutral Conversion Yes (standard) Efficiency Calculations Yes Per-cycle Values Yes “Dynamic” Power Analysis Per Cycle V, I, PWR Waveforms Yes Per-cycle Values and Statistics Yes Harmonics Drive Input/Output Harmonics Planned Torque Motor Integration Speed, Direction, Position Yes Yes (standard, comprehensive) Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 15 MDA and HDO8000 oscilloscope : Capabilities Comparison Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 16 High Bandwidth and Long Acquisition Memory are Important in the Motor Drive Analyzer for Device Characterization and Embedded Control System Test Back to Beginning High Bandwidth is Important in the Motor Drive Analyzer for Device Characterization and Embedded Control System Test IGBT/MOSFET Characterization Current silicon (Si) devices have rise times of ~30 ns ~100 MHz required Next-generation silicon-carbide (SiC) or gallium-nitride (GaN) deployed with faster rise times ~500 MHz to 1 GHz oscilloscope bandwidth desired Control Microprocessor Speed Can Range up to 700 MHz 1ns device rise time Perhaps 5ns as designed into a drive e.g. Vector FOC controls Up to 1 GHz oscilloscope bandwidth required MDA 350MHz, 500 MHz and 1 GHz Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 18 Long Acquisition Memory is Useful in the Motor Drive Analyzer For dynamic capture and analysis under changing loads, speeds, and control conditions Dynamic Response Debug Start-up to Steady-State, or vice-a-versa Rapidly changing load conditions Debug of Control and/or Gate-drive Problems (high frequency) to Power Cycle (low frequency) behaviors MDA long memory (100Mpt/Ch–L) and (250Mpt/Ch–XL) options Std. 50 Mpt/Ch Very high value Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 19 Motor Drive Analizer - MDA Software Capability Overview Motor Drive Analysis Setup Dialog Overview Push “Drive Setup” button or Select “Motor Analysis” from Analysis pull-down Multi-tab structure, like SDAIII Wiring diagram and channel assignments – 1 for each power section Combined iconic setup indication and shortcut button to dialog/tab Mechanical (torque and speed) selections and channel assignments 3-phase Power and Motor Measurements numerics table setup Per-cycle “synthesized” Waveforms and Statistics Setup summary Shortcut buttons to dialog/tab Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 21 AC Input Setup Dialog Overview Wiring configuration selection L-L to L-N voltage conversion (when applicable, selectable individually for each power section tab) Wiring setup image changes dynamically with selected wiring configuration AC Input Voltage and Current Assignments Waveform period synchronization setup (for per-cycle measurement analysis) Enable Zoom+Gate – button and indicator (gray when “ON”) Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 22 DC Bus Setup Dialog Overview Wiring configuration selection Wiring setup image changes dynamically with selected wiring configuration DC Bus Voltage and Current Assignments Waveform period synchronization setup (for per-cycle measurement analysis) Enable Zoom+Gate – button and indicator (gray when “ON”) Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 23 Drive Output Setup Dialog Overview Wiring configuration selection L-L to L-N voltage conversion (when applicable, selectable individually for each power section tab) Wiring setup image changes dynamically with selected wiring configuration Harmonic Filter Setup Drive Output Voltage and Current Assignments Waveform period synchronization setup (for per-cycle measurement analysis) Enable Zoom+Gate – button and indicator (gray when “ON”) Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 24 Wiring Configuration - Setup Complete wiring configuration selection, with L-L to L-N voltage conversion standard Wiring configuration is userselectable We support the same 1-phase and 3phase configurations Line-Line (L-L) to Line-Neutral (L-N) conversion is a standard feature Intuitive, graphical UI makes for better understanding of required three-phase connections “That’s nice ! Corresponding graphical setup image appears Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 25 Intuitive 3-phase, 3-wire (3V3A) Associations Voltages and Currents Associate in an Intuitive Fashion More intuitive line-line voltage and line current associations VRS -› IR VST -› IS VTR -› IT It’s easy to remember how to set up the wiring assignments When acquired, L-L voltage and L-N currents “associate” in an expected way Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 26 “Per Cycle” Measurement Technique for Power Analysis The selected Sync signal determines the measurement period Take a long acquisition We know how to do this – this is what we in serial data jitter analysis In each “sliced” period Only two cycles are shown, to the right, as an example Detect the cyclical period, and “slice” the waveforms into these periods one period Calculate Real Power (P) as instantaneously V * I sampled data Calculate Apparent Power (S) as Vrms * Irms for each cyclical period “N” measurement values for “N” cyclical periods in each acquisition Solve for Q, as before. Calculate VDC, IDC, Ipeak, Vpeak, etc. as well on a per-cycle basis Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 27 Drive Output Harmonic Filter Drive PWM Output contains a lot of high frequency “harmonic” content Motors are by nature LC filters – they filter this content out Capability to look at Numerics data with a filter applied at the output This is a line-line voltage probed example with a L-L to L-N conversion applied to the Numerics data At fundamental only, Apparent Power and Reactive Power values are reduced, Power Factor goes up, and Phase Angle goes down (as expected) Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 28 Zoom+Gate Operation Push “Zoom+Gate” button to create Zooms and Gate the Numerics table to zoomed area Zooms Zoomed Area in Acquisition Displayed Sync Signal is Zoomed Original, Full Record Length Acquisitions Per-cycle “synthesized” Waveforms are Zoomed All table data is calculated on zoomed area only Light Glows “ON” when in Zoom+Gate mode Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 29 Mechanical Setup Dialog Overview Torque Sensing Method Selection Select Units, Filter Cutoff, and Scaling Select the analog channel to use for Torque sensing input Speed, Angle, Direction Method Selection Speed & Angle setup changes depending on Method selected Rotation direction is arbitrary – select one of these to get correct sign of rotation parameter “Angle” is the arbitrary shaft rotation angle. “Offset Angle” allows correction to something not arbitrary (e.g. rotor field) Waveform period synchronization setup (for per-cycle measurement analysis) Enable Zoom+Gate – button and indicator (gray when “ON”) Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 30 Mechanical Setup – The Most Complete Motor Sensor Integration Standard with MDA – Teledyne LeCroy Torque Load Cells Analog and Digital Speed Sensors Analog/Pulse Tachometer (speed) Hall Sensor (speed and direction) Resolver (speed and direction) Quadrature Encoder Interface (speed, direction, absolute position) Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 31 Mechanical Setup – The Most Complete Motor Sensor Integration Speed x Torque = Mechanical Power, so complete sensor support is critical Sensor Type Sensing Capability Fully-supported. Analog Tachometer Digital (Pulse) Tachometer Speed Hall Effect Sensors Resolver Teledyne LeCroy Standard Capability Speed + Direction Fully-supported. Fully-supported. Commonly used in BLDC applications. Signals are digital, so MSO inputs can be used for sensing, preserving analog channels for other needs. Fully-supported. Commonly used in Vector FOC motor drives where high-precision and reliability is required (e.g. hybrid/EV vehicle propulsion) Quadrature Encoder Interface (QEI) Speed + Direction + Absolute Position Fully-supported. Commonly used in Vector FOC motor drives as it provides absolute position of rotor field. Engineers may debug with QEI even when production drives use Resolvers. Analog Load Cell Torque Fully-supported. Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 32 Numeric Table Setup Dialog Overview Push “Numerics” button to open setup dialog and/or display Numerics table Check the box to display the table Table row (source) selections dynamically change based on wiring configuration Table column (measurement) selections are made here Mechanical Units Selection Enable Zoom+Gate – button and indicator (gray when “ON”) Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 33 Numeric Voltage, Current and Power Results Table User-Configurable “Power” Results Table (up to 10 rows and 12 columns) Selection of Rows and Columns Populates the Results Table Probe Line-Line (L-L) and Display Results in Line-Neutral (L-N) Using L-L to L-N conversion Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 34 Waveform (Voltage and Current) Acquisition with Numeric Voltage, Current and Power Results Table Shown Completely New for LeCroy! Displays the mean value of parameter for the complete acquisition Single table, easy to configure Up to 10 rows x 12 columns 120 measurements in one table Inherently customizable Populates as selections made Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 35 Per-Cycle “Synthesized” Waveforms and Statistics Unique Teledyne LeCroy features! Click on a Numeric table mean value Time-correlated waveforms indicate drive system behavior over time Get detailed statistics on all cycles in the Statistics table Create a Waveform of the data over time Mean value Mean value Mean value Statistical Values Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 36 Waveforms+Stats Setup Dialog Overview Press Waveforms button to open setup dialog and/or display Waveforms + Statistics table Motor Parameter (MP) On/Off button and indicator (gray color = “on”) Check the box Measurement to display the (Numerics table table column) Waveform On/Off Checkbox Enable Zoom+Gate – button and indicator (gray when “ON”) Waveform Vertical Scale Settings – active waveform can be adjusted Source (Numerics table row) Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 37 Application 2: Brushless DC Power Tool Analysis Brushless DC Power Tool Analysis Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 39 Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 40 Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 41 Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 42 Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 43 Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 44 Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 45 Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 46 Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 47 Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 48 Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 49 Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 50 Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 51 Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 52 Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 53 Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 54 Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 55 Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 56 Probing Requirements for Different Drive Voltage Ratings Specifying Probes for Motor Drive Power Section Measurements Knowing the drive input/output ratings will help you understand what to offer GroundReferenced “Floating” Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 58 Drive “AC Line” Input Voltage Probing Requirements All Input VAC values in RMS Input VAC/VRMS # Phases VPK-PK VPK Acceptable Probes (line-neutral) (Quantity) (line-line) 120 VAC 1 - 340 VPK 240 VAC 1 - 680 VPK 400 VAC 3 1131 VPK-PK 653 VPK 480 VAC 3 1358 VPK-PK 784 VPK 600 VAC 3 1697 VPK-PK 979 VPK 690 VAC‡ 3 1952 VPK-PK 1127 VPK PP018 (Qty. 1)† HVP120 (Qty. 1) † HVD3106 (Qty. 1) HVD3106 (Qty. 3) HVP120 probes could also be used but ONLY for line-neutral probing If using the PP018 or HVP120, the “neutral” must be at scope ground OR multiple probe grounds must be tied together and left to “float” (not the same as floating the scope) ‡ Worst case input voltage for 600V class drive The HVD3106 will provide the customer with the most probing flexibility AND provide fail-safe safety with signals that are not connected to ground † Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 59 Drive “AC Line” Input Current Probing Requirements All Input AAC values in RMS Input Current AAC/ARMS # Input Phases Probe (Quantity) Up to 30 AAC 1 CP030 (50 MHz) (Qty. 1) Up to 30 AAC 3 CP030 (50 MHz) (Qty. 3) Up to 150 AAC 3 CP150 (Qty. 3) Up to 500 AAC 3 CP500 (Qty. 3) >500 AAC* 3 Current Shunt Pearson Current Transformers Danisense Current Transducers PEM-UK Rogowski Coils * These devices may not be DC-coupled. Therefore, an absolute DC reference may not be maintained and this may compromise power measurement accuracy CP Series current probes cost more, but they do provide the DC reference that many customers want Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 60 Drive DC Bus/Link Voltage Probing Requirements All Input VAC values in RMS Input VAC/VRMS Battery # Phases DC Bus Voltage Probe (Quantity) - ≤18 VDC HVD3106 (Qty. 1) Battery - 36 VDC Battery - 48 VDC 120 VAC 1 170 VDC 240 VAC 1 340 VDC 400 VAC 3 566 VDC 480 VAC 3 679 VDC 600 VAC 3 849 VDC 690 VAC‡ 3 976 VDC PP018† or HVP120 could also be used in a battery-based system but only if the DC Bus on the DUT could be forced to earth (scope) ground. If you are not sure, use an HVD3106. HVD3106 (Qty. 1) Included passive or optional HV passive PP018 is rated for 400VRMS ‡ Worst case input voltage for 600V class drive probes are good values for DC bus probing in some cases, but HVD3106 can be used anywhere † Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 61 Drive Gate Drive PWM Signal Probing Requirements Assuming gate drive voltage of 3-24VDC DC Bus Voltage Gate Drive Voltage 18 VDC Up to 12 VDC 36 VDC Up to 12 VDC 48 VDC Up to 24 VDC 170 VDC Up to 24 VDC 340 VDC Up to 24 VDC 566 VDC Up to 24 VDC 679 VDC Up to 24 VDC 849 VDC Up to 24 VDC 976 VDC Up to 24 VDC Probe (Quantity)* ZD200† (Qty. N) HVD3106 (Qty. N) HVD3106 (Qty. N) Due to floating voltages of gate drive, a differential probe with appropriate common-mode rating must be used * Quantity depends on how many simultaneous gate drive signals need to be monitored † Limited to 20V gate drive voltage Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 62 Drive DC Bus/Link Current Probing Requirements All Input AAC values in RMS Input Current Probe (Quantity) Up to 30 AAC CP030 (50 MHz) (Qty. 1) Up to 150 AAC CP150 (Qty. 1) Up to 500 AAC CP500 (Qty. 1) >500 AAC* Current Shunt Pearson Current Transformers Danisense Current Transducers PEM-UK Rogowski Coils * These devices may not be DC-coupled. Therefore, an absolute DC reference may not be maintained and this may compromise power measurement accuracy CP Series current probes cost more, but they do provide the DC reference that many customers want Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 63 Drive 3-phase Output Voltage Probing Requirements All Input VAC values in RMS † DC Bus Voltage VPK-PK Probe (Quantity) (line-line) VPK (line-neutral) 18 VDC 36 VPK-PK 21 VPK HVD3106 (Qty. 3) 36 VDC 72 VPK-PK 42 VPK 48 VDC 96 VPK-PK 55 VPK 170 VDC 340 VPK-PK 196 VPK 340 VDC 680 VPK-PK 393 VPK 566 VDC 1132 VPK-PK 654 VPK 679 VDC 1358 VPK-PK 784 VPK 849 VDC 1698 VPK-PK 980 VPK 976 VDC 1952 VPK-PK 1127 VPK PP018 is rated for 400VRMS HVP120 or PP018† could also be used, but ONLY for line-neutral probing with the three ground leads tied to each other (not to scope ground) and therefore not connected to scope ground. PP018† passive probe (for <50V batterysupplied drives) are often grounded to a common “REF” board connection. The DUT will usually work fine in this situation. HVD3106 (Qty. 3) HVP120 could also be used, but ONLY for line-neutral probing with the three ground leads tied to each other (not to scope ground) and therefore not connected to scope ground. Line-Line probing is recommended – it is more intuitive to view the signal this way. Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 64 Drive 3-phase Output Current Probing Requirements All Input AAC values in RMS Input Current # Input Phases Probe (Quantity) Up to 30 AAC 3 CP030 (50 MHz) (Qty. 3) Up to 150 AAC 3 CP150 (Qty. 3) Up to 500 AAC 3 CP500 (Qty. 3) >500 AAC* 3 Current Shunt Pearson Current Transformers Danisense Current Transducers PEM-UK Rogowski Coils * These devices may not be DC-coupled. Therefore, an absolute DC reference may not be maintained and this may compromise power measurement accuracy CP Series current probes cost more, but they do provide the DC reference that many customers want Teledyne LeCroy Company Confidential 10/2/14 65 HDOs High Definition Oscilloscopes High Definition Oscilloscopes (HDO) 12-bit HW ADC resolution,15 bit with ERES Best Signal Fidelity Highest Resolution Lowest Electrical Noise Maximum Accuracy Teledyne LeCroy’s Innovation in the oscilloscope concept HD4096 High Definition Technology Combination of High Sample Rate 12-bit ADCs High signal-to-noise input amplifiers Low noise system architecture 16 times more resolution than any other oscilloscope on the market Capture high frequency signals with 1GHz bandwidth Benefits Clean, Crisp Waveforms More Signal Details Precise Waveform Measurements Waveform Signal Path Analog-to-Digital Converter Amp Acquisition Memory Display A D C Digitized Waveform Analog Waveform Processing Trigger Circuit SIMPLIFIED OSCILLOSCOPE BLOCK DIAGRAM High Definition Oscilloscopes Available Quantization Levels in an ADC = 2 N bits of Resolution ADC Resolution Number of Steps Dynamic Range 8 256 ~48 dB 12 4096 ~72 dB LeCroy HRO 6 Zi 8-bit ADC becomes 12-bit ADC Quantization levels – 16 times more for 12-bit scopes LeCroy oscilloscopes with high resolution ADCs are the next generation of oscilloscopes providing 16 times more resolution than traditional 8 bit instruments HDO4000 & HDO6000 12-bit ADC Highest Resolution 12-bits provides 16 times resolution compared to 8-bits Resolution = The number of available levels = 2 bits of Resolution ADC Resolution Number of Steps Dynamic Range 8 256 48 dB 12 4096 72 dB Quantization Error Scope with low resolution Scope with high resolution 2/27/2015 71 Highest Resolution 12-bit allows detection of smaller signal variations The higher number of bits means the lower measurable voltage When measuring an 8 V signal, the Full Scale 80 V 40 V 20 V 8V 4V 1.6 V 800 mV 400 mV 160 mV 80 mV 40 mV 16 mV 8 mV Smallest Voltage Step 8 bits 12 bits 312.5 mV 19.5 mV 156.2 mV 9.76 mV 78.1 mV 4.88 mV 31.3 mV 1.95 mV 15.6 mV 976 µV 6.3 mV 390 µV 3.1 mV 195 µV 1.56 mV 97.6 µV 625 µV 39 µV 313 µV 19.5 µV 156 µV 9.76 µV 62.5 µV 3.9 µV 31.2 µV 1.95 µV smallest detectable voltage variation is 1.95 mV, compared to 31.3 mV on an 8-bit ADC. Company confidential 2/27/2015 72 8-Bit Scope Baseline Noise 12-Bit Scope Baseline Noise Comparison of 8-Bit and 12-Bit Acquisitions of ripple waveform Multi-tone waveform acquired with 8-bit ADC Multi-tone waveform acquired with 12-bit ADC Comparison of noise floor and detected peaks of multitone waveform using 8-Bit and 12-Bit acquisitions