Hasan G Pasha ME06M045 DETERMINATION OF CO-EFFICIENT WAVE APPARATUS OF ABSORPTION USING STANDING OBJECTIVE Determine the coefficient of absorption of the given acoustic sample Plot the absorption coefficient as a function of frequency APPARATUS 1. Standing wave apparatus 2. Frequency analyzer 3. Function/Waveform generator 4. Audio amplifier THEORY ON STANDING WAVES Standing Wave A standing wave is a wave that remains in a constant position. It is also termed as a stationary wave. This phenomenon can occur due to any one of the following conditions: The medium is moving in the opposite direction to the wave Interference between two waves traveling in opposite directions in a stationary medium Waves traveling in opposite directions Standing waves are observed in physical media such as strings and columns of air. Any waves traveling along the medium will reflect back when they reach the end. A standing wave is formed by the superposition of two waves propagating in opposite directions. The effect is a series of nodes (zero displacement) and anti-nodes (maximum displacement) at fixed points along the transverse axis. Displacement of Standing wave A traveling wave moves from one place to another. In stark contrast a standing wave appears to stand still, vibrating in place. If it is assumed that two waves (with the same amplitude, frequency, and wavelength) are traveling in opposite directions on a string, the using the principle of superposition, the resulting string displacement may be written as: y (x, t) = ym sin (kx - ωt) + ym sin (kx + ωt) ⇒ 2 ym sin (kx) cos (ωt) This wave is no longer a traveling wave because the position and time dependence have been separated. The displacement of the string as a function of position has an amplitude of 2 ym sin (kx). This amplitude does not travel along the string, but stands still and oscillates up and down according to cos (ωt) with maximum displacement (antinodes) and locations with zero displacement (nodes). Standing Wave Ratio In practice, due to losses a perfect reflection and a pure standing wave are never achieved. The result is a partial standing wave, which is a superposition of a standing wave and a traveling wave. The degree to which the wave resembles either a pure standing wave or a pure traveling wave is measured by the Standing Wave Ratio (SWR). 1 Hasan G Pasha ME06M045 Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) is the ratio of the amplitude of a partial standing wave at an antinode (maximum) to the amplitude at an adjacent node (minimum). In other words the ratio of the pressure maximum (anti-node) to the pressure minimum (node) is termed the standing wave ratio SWR. SWR always has a value greater than or equal to unity. It is used to determine the reflection co-efficient amplitude (R), absorption co-efficient (α) and impedance (Z) of any acoustic sample. Theory Assuming that a pipe of cross-sectional area S and length L is driven by a piston at x=0. If the piston vibrates harmonically at a frequency sufficiently low that only plane waves propagate. For a circular waveguide (pipe) filled with air, the highest frequency at which only plane waves will propagate is given by fmax =100/ a where ‘a’ is the radius of the waveguide. The pressure wave in the pipe will be of the form given below: A and B are determined by the boundary conditions at x=0 and x=L. By substituting The pressure amplitude is given by When the pipe has a rigid termination, the entire sound energy incident upon the termination is reflected with the same amplitude. Pipe with rigid termination When the pipe is terminated with acoustic absorbing material, some of the incident sound energy is absorbed by the material and the reflected waves do not have the same amplitude as incident waves. In addition the absorbing material introduces a phase shift upon reflection. 2 Hasan G Pasha ME06M045 Pipe terminated acoustic absorbing material The amplitude at a pressure anti-node (maximum pressure) is A+B, and the amplitude at a pressure node (minimum pressure) is A-B. It is not possible to measure A or B directly. However, the amplitude at a pressure node and anti-node can be measured using a microphone probe which is set in a standing wave tube. SWR = (A + B) / (A - B) R=B/A = (SWR + 1) / (SWR - 1) α = 1 – R2 = 1 – (SWR - 1)2 (SWR + 1)2 A pressure minimum occurs when or ⇒ (L-x) → Distance from the test sample to the first pressure minimum (n=1) A+B → Amplitude of pressure anti-node A-B → Amplitude of pressure node The sound power absorption coefficient for the test sample at a given frequency is given by: 3 Hasan G Pasha ME06M045 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM PICTURE Standing wave apparatus and analyzers DESCRIPTION Standing Wave Apparatus is as shown in the figure. The apparatus consists of a pipe (P) with one end containing the acoustic sample (S) and the other end connected with a loudspeaker (L). The loudspeaker produces an acoustic wave which travels down the pipe and reflects from the acoustic sample. The phase interference between the waves in the pipe which are incident on and reflected by the acoustic sample will result in the formation of a standing wave pattern in the pipe. If 100% of the incident wave is reflected, then the incident and reflected waves have the same amplitude; the nodes in the pipe have zero pressure and the antinodes have double the pressure. 4 Hasan G Pasha ME06M045 However this is not the ideal case, as some of the incident sound energy is absorbed by the sample. The incident and reflected waves have different amplitudes and the nodes in the pipe no longer have zero pressure. The pressure amplitudes at nodes and anti-nodes are measured with a microphone probe (M) attached to a car (C) which slides along a graduated ruler. PROCEDURE 1. Set the frequency of the wave generator to 250 Hz 2. Move the microphone probe using the microphone car such that the maximum displacement of the pressure wave is (amplitude of pressure anti-node) is observed in the wave analyzer, tabulate the corresponding readings 3. Move the microphone probe using the microphone car such that the minimum displacement of the pressure wave is (amplitude of pressure node) is observed in the wave analyzer, tabulate the corresponding readings 4. Set the frequency subsequently to 350, 500, 700 and 1000 Hz and repeat steps 1 through 3 5. Using the formulae calculate the standing wave ratio and the absorption co-efficient of the given acoustic sample 6. Plot the absorption co-efficient of the given acoustic sample as a function of the frequency PLOT A graph is plotted with the absorption values (ordinate) as a function of frequency (abscissa). FORMULAE SWR = (A + B) / (A - B) R = B/A = (SWR + 1) / (SWR - 1) = 1 – R2 = 1 – (SWR - 1)2 (SWR + 1)2 α SWR → Standing Wave Ratio R → Sound reflection co-efficient α → Absorption co-efficient A+B → Amplitude of pressure anti-node A-B → Amplitude of pressure node 5 Hasan G Pasha ME06M045 SAMPLE CALCULATION A+B = 0.05 V A-B = 0.018 V SWR = = = (A + B) / (A - B) 0.05/0.018 2.7778 R = = = (SWR + 1) / (SWR - 1) (2.7778 + 1) / (2.7778 – 1) 0.4706 α = = = 1 – R2 1 – (0.4706)2 0.7785 TABULATION Sl No Frequency Hz Amplitude of pressure node Location of minimum pressure Amplitude of pressure anti-node Location of maximum pressure (A-B) V cm (A+B) V cm Standing Wave ratio Reflection co-efficient Absorption co-efficient SWR R α 1 250 0.018 29.5 0.05 65.6 2.7778 0.4706 0.7785 2 350 0.024 19.5 0.12 44.5 5 0.6667 0.5556 3 500 0.036 48.1 0.135 66 3.75 0.5789 0.6648 4 700 0.036 8.5 0.09 21.3 2.5 0.4286 0.8163 5 1000 0.025 5.9 0.043 14.1 1.72 0.2647 0.9299 Mean value of absorption co-efficient: 0.7490 RESULT The absorption coefficient of the given acoustic sample was determined. The mean value of the absorption co-efficient is 0.7490. A plot with the absorption coefficient as a function of frequency was generated 6