MVSR Engineering College Electronics and Communication Department LIST OF JOURNAL PAPERS PUBLISHED BY FACULTY Acad. Year ­2015­16 S. No 1 Name of the Staff N. Kavitha Dr. K. Usha Title of the Paper Name of Journal ISSN NO &P.P NO, Vol.&Issue Month &Year National / International Optimized Evaluation Approach to Show the Timing Hitter and I/Q Imbalance Impact in OFDM Communication System Global journal of Advanced Engineering Techniques ISSN­ (online) 2277­6370 &(Print) ISSN 2394­0921 Volume ­4,Issue­4 2015 International July,2015 International July,2015 International July,2015 International July,2015 International July,2015 International 2` Sudhir Dakey Design and Implementation of Area Delay Efficient Booth Multiplier Based on CBL 3 B. Sarala Source Data Communication using Cryptography and Steganography Standards 4 B. Sarala Design and Analysis of Variable Body Bias SRAM 5 B. Sarala Fault Tolerant Architecture Design for Digital Adder 6 E.V. Naga Lakshmi Implementation of Parallel Prefix Adders Using Reversible Logic Gates 7 B. Bhavani 8 S.V.R.Manimala 9 M.Vijay Krishna Design and Implementation of Folded &Un­folded Tree Architectures for Processing Unit in Wireless Sensor Nodes FPGA implementation of short duration Vedio Encryption &Decryption Design of ternary sequence using of MATLAB International Journal &Magazine of Engineering ISSN NO­2320­3708 (Print) &Technology, ISSN NO­8348­4845(Online) Management and Research International Journal of Vol.­3, Issue­7, p.p. no­129­139, Emerging Engineering ISSN 2349­4395 (Print) &ISSN 2349­ Research and 4409(online) Technology International Journal of ISSN­2348­2370 Advanced Technology Vol­07,Issue­06, p.p and Innovative Research no­0852­0856 International Journal of Vol­3, Issue­7,p.p no­41­47, ISSN­ Emerging Engineering 2349­4395(Print) &ISSN ­2349­4409 Research and (online) Technology International Journal &Magazine of ISSN NO­2348­4845, Engineering Technology, Vol­2(2015), Issue no­7 (July) Management and p.p. no­1631­1639 Research International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research ISSN: 2319­8885, Vol­04, Issue­25, Pages 4895­4899 July,2015 International IJESC 2321­3361 July,2015 International Journal of Advanced computing communication technology ISSN­2347­2804 , Vol. no­3, issue 4, Feb,2015 International S. No 1 Name of the Staff N.Namassivaya Title of the Paper MVSR Engineering College Electronics and Communication Department LIST OF JOURNAL PAPERS PUBLISHED BY FACULTY Acad. Year ­2014­2015 Name of Journal ISSN NO &P.P NO, Vol.&Issue Dynamic Power Reduction in Frequency Divider Using Advanced Adiabatic PARP reduction in OFDM system using non linear companding algorithm Design, implementation and performance analysis of 8­bit vadic multiplier Cooperative spectrum sensing with double threshold and censoring in Rayleigh faded cognitive radio network Implementation of Carry select adder using CMOS full adders Performance analysis of new binary user codes for DSCDMA communication Design and implementation of sub microns level 10T full adder in ALU using cell based and SOC technology Implementation of Time Efficient Architecture for Compressive Sensing Algorithm International Journal of Engineering &Science Research International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research International Journal of Modern Trends in Engg. &Research International journal of Wireless personal communications, springer publication IJERT ISSN : 2277­2685 VOL :­5/ Issue : 6/503­ 509 ISSN : 2319­8885 Vol. no:4, p.p no 3491­3495 Issue 18 2 N. Kavitha 3 Sudhir Dakey 4 Dr. N. Srinivas 5 6 Smitashree Mohopatra K.Usha 7 B. Srinivas 8 E.V.Naga Lakshmi 9 B.Bhavani Embedded Memory Test and Repair 10 S.Aruna 11 B. Sarala Implementation of Digital Serial FIR International Journal of filter using wireless priority service Advanced Research in (WPS). Electronics and Communication Engineering Implementation of FIR filter using International Organization novel modulo adder for residue of Scientific Research 2n– 2K­ Community of Researcher Month &Year IJESR­ June,2015 National / International International June 2015 International Vol­2,Issue: 6, p.p no­ 259­269 June,2015 International Vol­84, issue­1 p.p no – 251­271 Sep,2015 International Vol­4, p.p no­5 2015 International Journal of Institution of Engineers (JIE) series­ B Vol­95, 40031­014­0163­32250­ 2106 Dec.,2014 International International journals of Engineering research and applications Vol­4, version­5, issue­9, Sep.,2014 ISSN­2248­9622 pp­147­150 International International Journal of Multidisciplinary Education Research ISSN­2277­7881, Impact factor ­2735Íž IC Value­5­16, Vol­3, Issue 9 (4) Sep,2014 International International Journal of Multi disciplinary Educational Research Vol­3, ISSN no­10, pp­119­130 Oct,2014 International ISSN­2278­909X Vol­3, Issue­8 Pg 920­925 August, 2014 International Vol­9, Issue­4, July­Aug, 2014 International 1number system Design and implementation of Symmetric Cryptographic Algorithm using 5x5 square matrix with Single Point Crossover 12 B. Sarala 13 S.Aruna A High resolution Low Offset Voltage Gain Stability Comparator 14 S.Aruna Multiplier less Design of Low Complexity FIR filter : Algorithms, CAD tools 15 KVBL Deepthi A numerically efficient power optimization scheme for coded OFDM systems in achieving minimum frame error rate. A practical frame work for the performance evaluation of classical frequency planning schemes in OFDM based on Markov’s model 16 KVBL Deepthi International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering Progress in Science and Engineering Research Journal International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering IJSRP ISSN­2278­909X Vol­3, Issue­7 pp­745­754 July,2014 International Vol­2, ISSN­2347­6680 July,2014 International ISSN­2279­909X Vol­3, Issue­3 July,2014 International Volume­4, Issue­1 January­2014 International IJERA Volume­4, Issue­1 PP­341­345 January­2014 International S. No Name of the Staff 1 KVBL Deepthi 2 Prof. K.S.R.Murthy 3 B. Sarala 4 MVSR Engineering College Electronics and Communication Department LIST OF JOURNAL PAPERS PUBLISHED BY FACULTY Acad. Year ­2013­2014 Title of the Paper Name of Journal ISSN NO &P.P NO, Vol.&Issue An efficient scheme for the evaluation of coding performance of high speed links incorporating joint error behavior based on Monte­Carlo method. Wireless Sensor Networks for Monitoring Physiological Signals of Multiple Patients Month &Year National / International IJERSTE Volume­2,Issue­12 Page no:115­124 Dec­2013 International International Journal of Science and Research India ISSN­2319­7064, Volume­2, Issue­9, Sep,2013 International Designing AXI to APB Bridge Interface Using AMBA4.0 SPECIFICATIONS International Journal of Technological Exploration and Learning ISSN: 2319­2135 Sept, 2013 International N. Namsssivaya Design and Implementation of RTOS based electronics gesture reorganization unit Using Accelerometer to control robotic ARM Vol­4, Issue­6, (ISSN : 2231­ 5831) JUNE 2013 International 5 Prof. K.S.R.Murthy ISSN: 2319­7064 Volume­2, Issue­8 August, 2013 International 6 Prof. K.S.R.Murthy Design of Remote Vidio Monitoring and Motion Detection System Based on Arm­Linux Platform and HTTP Protocol with SMS Capability Noise Immune and Area Optimized Serial Interface for FPGA based Industrial Interfaces International Journal of Tech. Engg. Research &Applications (IJMERA) International Journal of Science and Research India International Journal of Science and Research India ISSN: 2319­7064 Volume­2, Issue­8 August, 2013 International 7 B. Bhavani ISSN­2319­7064, Vol­2, Issue­8 August, International 2013 8 B. Bhavani ISSN­2319­7064, Vol­2, Issue­ 8 Aug­13 International 9 B. Sarala International Journal of Science and Research India online International Journal of Science and Research India online International Journal of Engineering Trends &Technology Accepted 2013 International A Sustainable Automated System for Elderly People Using Voice Recognition and Touch Screen Technology Controller Area Network for Monitoring and Controlling the Industrial Parameters Using Bluetooth Communication Design and Implementation of Free RTOS Based Online Data Acquisition and Controlling System using Cortex M3 Core 10 Dr.G.KanakaDurg a Area optimized arithmetic and logic unit using low power 1­bit full adder International Journals ISSN : 2249­684X, Vol­3, of Electronics Issue­3, p.p no: 115­120 ,Communication and Instrumentation Engineering research and development Global Journal of vol.13 issue 10 page 17­22 Research in Engineering Aug,2013 International 11 B. Sarala MC­CDMA PAPR Reduction using a modified exponential commanding Transform with Clipping Aug,2013 International 12 DVSR.Sesidhar Developing CMOS Camera and USB Device Drivers in Linux 2.6.32 International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Technology ISSN: 2249­7838, Volume­3, Issue­4, July,2013 International 13 K.Usha Voice Based Guidance and Location Indication System for the Blind using GSM, GPS and Optical Device Indicator Performance analysis of new binary orthogonal codes for DS­CDMA Communication over AWGN Channel International journal of Engineering trends and technology ISSN: 2231­5381, Volume­4, Issue­7, pp­3083­3085 July,2013 International 14 K.Usha International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering &Technology International journal of electronics and communication Engg.&Technology ISSN 0976­6464, vol­4, issue­4 July­ Aug,2013 International 15 K. Usha ISSN ­0976­6164(Print) ISSN 0976­6472, Vol­1, Issue­4,pp no­232­239 July­ Aug,2013, International Partial generation of 2n­ Length Walsh Codes Using n­Bit Gray and Inverse Gray Codes. MVSR Engineering College Electronics and Communication Department LIST OF JOURNAL PAPERS PUBLISHED BY FACULTY Acad. Year ­2012­13 S. No Name of the Staff Title of the Paper Name of Journal International journals (Hard copy not yet received) ISSN NO &P.P NO, Vol.&Issue Month &Year National / International Vol­5, issue­4, 2012 International 1 B. Sarala Performance evaluation of MC CDMA PAPR reduction techniques using discrete transforms and companding 2 K. Usha Binary orthogonal code generation for multi user communication using n­bit gray and inverse grad codes International journal of electronics and communication Engg. ISSN 0974­2166, Vol­2, pp­ 165­174 2012 International 3 K.Usha Generation of Walsh Codes in two different Orderings using 4­bit Gray and inverse gray codes, Indian Journal of Science and Technology ISSN 0974­6946, Vol.5, NO­ 3, pp­2341­2345 2012 International 4 Shilpa B Darvesh 1­bit full­adder cell with optimized delay for energy efficient arithmetic application International journal of electronic network sciences and fields ISSN­0974­2182, Vol­4, issue­1 2012 International 5 Shilpa B Darvesh 1­Bit nano CMOS full – adder cell for International review energy­efficient arithmetic of applied application engineering research ISSN­2248­9967 Vol­2, no­ 2, pp174­176 2012 International 6 Sudhir Dakey An approach for optimized timing of error correcting unordered codes International journals of Engineering Trends and technology ISSN: 2231­5381 PP ­3277 Aug, 2013 International 7 B. Sarala MCCDMA PAPR reduction using residue coding Vol­1, issue­1, July, 2012 International 8 MCCDMA PAPR reduction using discrete logarithmic method International journal on Engg research &Development SudhirDakey Self immunity to rein force the vulnerability factors on soft errors in 64­Bit register file IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engg SudhirDakey A novel scheme of BISR for embedded memories International Journals ISSN­2277­2677, Vol­3, of Systems, issue­1, Algorithms &Applications B. Sarala 9 10 11 12 13 Vol­1, issue­4, ISSN ­2278­8735, vol­6, Issue­4, pp. no­24­31 B. Sarala Overview of MCCDMA PAPR reduction techniques International journal of distributed and parallel systems Vol­3, no­2, pp. no­193­206 E.V.Naga Lakshmi Low power techniques using hardware description languages for reduction of power dissipation in VLSI system Research journal of Engg.&Technology ISSN­0974­2824 Vol­5, Issue­1, K. Usha A technique for the construction of inverse gray codes International Journals of Emerging trends in ISSN 2249­6149, Vol.2, Engineering and Issue­2 development June, 2012 International May­ June­ 2013 International March, 2013 International March, 2012 International 2012 National March, 2012 International MVSR Engineering College Electronics and Communication Department LIST OF JOURNAL PAPERS PUBLISHED BY FACULTY Acad. Year ­2011­12 S. No 1 2 3 Name of the Staff K.Usha B.Sarala Dr. B. Harikumar, N. Namassivaya G.V.ChalapathiRao 5 6 K.Usha B. Sarala 7 K.Usha 8 Dr. B. Harikumar, N. Namassivaya G.V.ChalapathiRao National / International Title of the Paper Name of Journal ISSN NO &P.P NO, Vol.&Issue Algorithmic Approach to Gray Code Cyclic Arrangement of Codons Code Division Multiple Access Transmission Techniques for 3G &4G Wireless Communication Systems: A Survey GPS User Position Using Extended Linearization Technique International Journal on Bio Technology &Bio Engineering ISSN:0974­2298,Vol.01, Issue no: 1,PP.NO:18­22 May, International 2011 International Journal on Recent Trends in Engineering &Technology Vol.05, No.02, pp nos. 190­194 Marc h, 2011 4 K.Usha Mont h &Yea r A Novel Scheme for Generating Balanced Gray Codes Generation of Gray codes with different properties for MPSK signals MC CDMA PAPR reduction techniques using discrete transforms and companding Generation of Walsh Codes in Four Different Orderings using 3­bit Gray codes”, Estimation of Tropospiric Delay for International Journal of engineering trends and technology International Journal on Electronic &Electrical Engineering International Vol­2, Issue­1, pp no­ISSN: 2231­ 5381 July –Aug , 2011 International ISSN­0974­2042, Vol­14, Issue­1,­33­41 Feb, International 2011 Research journal of Engineering Technology ISSN: 0974­2824,Vol­4, issue­2, p no: 10­13, June, International 2011 International Journal of Distributed and Parallel systems Vol. .2, No. 6 Nov, International 2011 International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973­4562, Vol. 6, no. 21, pp. 2475­2484 2011 International International Journal of Applied Vol­6, NO­21, pp no­2545­2551 (ISSN: 0973­4562) 2011 International GPS user engineering Research