photo shoot policy

Commercial Photography and Video Policy
The Center for Wooden Boats’ (CWB) mission is to preserve the Northwest’s small
craft maritime history and pass that history on to future generations. We recognize that
our operations draw interest from many people due to the beautiful setting and
picturesque nature. We encourage guests to document their visit and experiences at
CWB using the type of media they choose. When it is consistent with our mission and
values, and does not conflict with program delivery, we also welcome press and other
special photography, including filming and videotape projects.
All commercial photography or videography requests must be reviewed in advance
and any changes desired (i.e. exhibits rearranged) must be pre-approved. Under
normal circumstances, at least one week's notice is required for these requests. A
photography permission form describing the request must be completed. The request
will be reviewed and approved by the Operations Manager or Facility Rental Manager,
or a designated staff member. At the approved photo or videotaping time, the
completed and approved forms must be presented to a CWB staff liaison.
1. Visitor Use: Visitors to the Museum are welcome to use cameras and video
cameras to record their visit for personal use and not for resale.
2. Media Use: The “media” refers to radio, television, web publication and
newspaper. The media is permitted to use cameras and video cameras within
the Museum when prearranged with the staff. A permission form must be
completed. Credit must be given to The Center for Wooden Boats.
3. Commercial Use: "Commercial" refers to independent photographers and
videographers, businesses, museums, schools, writers and book publishers,
and anyone not included in 1 & 2 above. Commercial use is permitted when
pre-arranged with the Operations Manager or Facility Rental Manager or their
designee. A permission form must be completed.
Commercial use which includes promotion of CWB: CWB may
discount rates if the shoot supports CWB's mission (i.e. education
videos) and CWB is actively identified and promoted in the finished
Commercial use which does not advertise or promote CWB: CWB
charges for use when its docks, buildings or artifacts are used for
promotion of another business or organization in which the Museum is
not promoted or recognized. Fees are determined by the usage
request which must be completed before any use of CWB docks,
buildings, boats or artifacts.
Commercial Fees
Commercial fees are determined based on staff time needed to process requests and
to oversee the use of boats and other facilities both onsite and offsite as is deemed
necessary by CWB management.
Dock Shoots at CWB:
 Dock shoots (exclusive use of a section of CWB docks with significant barriers
to public access): $150/hour
 Dock shoots (non-exclusive use): $75/hour.
Per CWB insurance regulations a personal flotation device (PFD) is required at all
times when using a collection boat. If due to the nature of the project participants do
not want to wear a PFD in the boat, a staff person is required to be on hand the entire
time as the safety officer. If a specific boat is requested, there is a two hour minimum
rental. If any photo shoots needs to use the gallery as a prep space or changing area
the normal room rental rate applies. Staff time is a flat rate of $50 per hour per person.
CWB Boat Usage on site:
 Use of row-boat from rental collection: $25/hour (livery rate) + any needed staff
 Use of sailboat from rental collection: $50/hr + any needed staff time
 Use of boats from Boats for Sale: $75/hr + any needed staff time
 Use of CWB Motor boats: (subject to availability) $125/hr ($75/hr for boat &
$50/hr CWB Operator-Required)
Off Site Boat Usage:
 Non-Artifact Boat: 8 hours rental per day + staff time necessary to facilitate
the rental (*$50/hr.). Beginning on the third day, a 50% discount applies to the
rental rate
 Artifact Boat: 8 hours rental per day + staff time necessary to facilitate the
rental ($50/hr.) + mandatory on-site staff supervision ($50/hr) Beginning on the
third day, a 50% discount applies to the rental rate only.
 For Sale Boats: 8 hours rental per day + staff time necessary to facilitate the
rental (*$50/hr.). Beginning on the third day, a 50% discount applies to the
rental rate. Use of “For Sale” boats may require CWB operator at a flat rate of
$50 per hour per person.
Renter pays all transportation costs and other expenses incurred.
Insurance may be required for commercial shoots. CWB’s risk manager will determine
specific requirements based on nature of shoot. CWB will discount rates if the shoot
supports CWB's mission (example: for education or historic preservation purposes)
Administrative fee: Flat rate of $50 to process and coordinate the request.
Refundable Damage Deposit: A refundable damage deposit of $1500 will be charged
whenever a boat is taken out of the water or off site, and may be charged for
commercial dock shoots at CWB desgression. The boat will be inspected before
leaving and on return by CWB boat shop staff who determine if any damage has been
done and the cost of any needed repairs. The cost will be deducted from the damage
deposit. Should the cost of repairs exceed the damage deposit, the renter agreed to
cover fair and reasonable repair costs.
Photography Policy and Publicity/News Permission Form
As part of its public trust, The Center for Wooden Boats has determined that no
photography or videography, other than that for personal use, will be allowed without
specific authorization. CWB reserves the right to restrict photography of copyrighted or
culturally sensitive collections.
DATE and TIME: __________________________________________________
Name of Publication or Media: _______________________________________
Name of Applicant: ________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________
Telephone Number and EMAIL: ______________________________________
Subject Matter of Photography: _______________________
Purpose of Images _________________________________________________
Need to use Tripod? ________
The undersigned agrees that the photographic, video or electronic images taken at
CWB will not be reproduced in any other format except those specifically stated above
without prior consent of CWB. News photographs and images may not be used by the
media except as they directly apply to CWB. Separate use as promotional material for
the representative media is not permitted except with the written consent of CWB. I
also understand that tripods need to be carried upright and close to my body so as to
not damage any object that may be on the walls within the Boathouse and that the
tripod must be placed out of harms way and not obstruct another’s view or ability to
walk the docks.
I agree to abide by the above policy and conditions:
Applicant’s signature
Museum Staff Representative