Electric Machines in Renewable Energy Applications

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion
“Electric Machines in Renewable Energy
Theme: The use of renewable energy resources for production of electricity is increasing rapidly worldwide. Harvesting
renewable energy is based on electromechanical conversion for wind turbines, hydrokinetic systems, and flywheel energy
storage devices. The use of controllable, reliable, efficient, and cost-effective electric machines is crucial in enabling even
higher penetrations of renewable energy systems in the smart energy grids of the future. In addition, power electronic
converter design and control is critical, as they provide essential interface and integration functions. The main objective of
this special issue is to seek publications that highlight recent advances and breakthroughs in the technology of
electromechanical energy conversion coupled with power electronics for renewable energy applications. The topics of
interest include, but are not limited to:
 All aspects of the design of electric machines and power electronics for renewable energy applications (including novel
electromagnetic, power converter, and control system designs, definitions of design metrics and tradeoffs, and special
design considerations for particular renewable energy applications)
 Modeling, simulation, and analysis of distributed renewable energy systems with advanced electrical machines
 Monitoring, prognostics, diagnostics, and reliability of electromechanical renewable energy systems
 Dynamic interaction effects with the mechanical drivetrain
 Interactions of machine and power electronics with the power grid in renewable energy applications (including
technologies for mitigating the impact of variability, inertial response, fault ride-through capability, and mutual
interactions/stability issues in small-footprint power systems with various electromechanical distributed energy resources
operating in tandem)
 Low-power mechanical-to-electrical energy harvesting systems
 Applications of electric machines for energy storage (e.g., flywheels)
Manuscript Preparation and Submission
Prior to preparing a full paper, an extended abstract of 500–1000 words should be emailed in PDF form to the Guest Editorin-Chief, Dr. Dionysios Aliprantis (dionysios@purdue.edu), including author names and affiliations. The abstract should
concisely describe the main idea of the paper, and make a clear case regarding the novelty and technical contribution of the
work. The team of Guest Editors will evaluate the submitted abstracts for appropriateness and timeliness. Based on scope and
suitability for this special issue, authors will be invited to submit full papers, which will then undergo a peer review process.
The full manuscripts will be submitted in electronic format through the Manuscript Central web site:
http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tec-pes. On the submitting page #1, in the drop-down list for Manuscript Type, select:
Electric Machines in Renewable Energy Applications.
Deadline for submission of abstracts
Announcement of selected abstracts
Deadline for submission of full manuscripts
Completion of first round of review
Deadline for submission of revised paper
Manuscript final decision
Estimated publication date
October 17, 2014
November 21, 2014
January 16, 2015
February 27, 2015
May 1, 2015
June 19, 2015
September 2015
Juri Jatskevich, PhD, PEng.
Tel: +1-604-827-5217
Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion
Guest Editorial Board
Dionysios Aliprantis, Guest Editor-in-Chief, Purdue University, dionysios@purdue.edu
Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington, elsharkawi@ee.washington.edu
Eduard Muljadi, NREL, eduard.muljadi@nrel.gov
Guest Associate Editors
Ian Brown, Illinois Institute of Technology
Akira Chiba, Tokyo Institute of Technology
David Dorrell, University of Technology, Sydney
Istvan Erlich, University of Duisburg-Essen
Emil Levi, Liverpool John Moores University
Isidor (Izzy) Kerszenbaum, Izzytech
Tom Lipo, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Kevin Mayor, Alstom
Osama Mohamed, Florida International University
Stavros Papathanassiou, National Technical University of Athens
Mircea Popescu, Motor Design Ltd.
Wei Qiao, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Dezheng Wu, ABB
Juri Jatskevich, PhD, PEng.
Tel: +1-604-827-5217
Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada