EVEREST FINANCE LIMITED Narayanpath-7, Siddhartha Nagar, Rupandehi Tel: 071-526507 Fax: 071-526508, E-mail: efl@ntc.net.np Unaudited Financial Results (Quarterly) As at 3rd Quarter of the Fiscal Year 2069/2070 S. No. Particulars 1 Total Capital and Liabilities ( 1.1 to 1.7 ) 1.1 Paid up Capital 1.2 Reserve and Surplus 1.3 Debenture and Bonus 1.4 Borrowings 1.5 Deposits (a+b) a.Domestic Currency b.Foreign Currency 1.6 Income Tax Liability 1.7 Other Liabilities 2 Total Assets ( 2.1 to 2.7 ) 2.1 Cash and Bank Balance 2.2 Money at Call and Short Notice 2.3 Investment 2.4 Loans and Advances a. Real Estate Loan b. Home/ Housing Loan c. Margin Type Loan d. Term Loan e. Overdraft Loan/ TR Loan/ WC Loan f. Others 2.5 Fixed Assets 2.6 Non Banking Assets 2.7 Other Assets 3 Profit and Loss Account 3.1 3.2 Interest Income Interest Expenses A . Net Interest Income (3.1-3.2) Fees,Commission and Discount Others Operating Income Foreign Exchange Gain/Loss (Net) B.Total Operting Income(A+3.3+3.4+3.5) Staff Expenses Other Operating Expenses C.Operating Profit Before Provision (B-3.6-3.7) Provision for Possible Losses D.Operating Profit(C-3.8) Non Operating Income/Expenses (Net) Write Back of Provision for Possible Loss E.Profit from Regular Activisties (D+3.9+3.10) Extraordinary Income/Expenses (Net) F.Profit before Bonus and Taxes(E+3.11) Provision for Staff Bonus Provision for Tax G.Net Profit/Loss (F-3.12-3.13) 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 Rs. in '000' This Quarter Ending Previous Quarter Ending Corresponding Previous Year Quarter Ending 661,936.20 84,208.00 18,691.28 521,771.91 521,771.91 37,265.01 661,936.20 170,569.74 548.17 445,496.90 17,730.53 71,696.05 225,481.13 130,589.19 27,666.85 17,654.54 608,929.00 84,208.00 16,685.00 471,319.00 471,319.00 36,717.00 608,929.00 154,602.00 548.00 405,453.00 27,534.00 59,413.00 196,292.00 122,214.00 24,814.00 23,512.00 488,503.00 74,853.00 16,638.00 350,335.00 350,335.00 46,677.00 488,503.00 153,614.00 548.00 286,670.00 5,114.00 56,538.00 106,576.00 118,442.00 18,728.00 28,943.00 Up to This Quarter Up to Previous Quarter 50,065.37 30,187.00 34,264.60 21,800.00 15,800.77 8,387.00 4,168.75 2,524.00 19,969.53 10,911.00 4,152.05 2,863.00 7,948.91 4,643.00 7,868.57 3,405.00 4,634.39 3,323.00 3,234.17 82.00 3,234.17 82.00 3,234.17 82.00 294.02 7.45 882.05 22.36 2,058.11 52.18 Up to Corresponding Previous Year Quarter 38,348.00 24,659.00 13,689.00 1,894.00 15,583.00 2,590.00 4,682.00 8,311.00 5,209.00 3,102.00 3,102.00 3,102.00 282.00 846.00 1,974.00 At the End At the End of At the End of Corresponding of Previous Previous Year This Quarter Quarter Quarter 4 Ratios 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Capital Fund to RWA Non Performing Loan (NPL) to Total Loan Total Loan Loss Provision to Total NPL Cost of Funds Credit to Deposit Ratio (Calculated as per NRB Directives) 20.24% 1.99 149.34% 9.93 71.18% 23.10% 1.96 150.04% 9.94 70.85% 28.84% 4.15 123.10% 11.07 64.88% Note : If the statutory and supervising authority notify to change the unaudited Financial Statements, the final figure may change accordingly. lwtf]kq btf{ tyf lgisfzg lgodfjnL, @)^% cg';"rL !$ -lgod @@ sf] pklgod -@_ ;+u ;DalGwt_ cf= j= @)^(÷)&) sf] t]>f] q}dfl;s ljj/0f != ljQLo ljj/0f s_cf=j @)^(÷)&) sf] t]>F] q}dfl;s cjwLsf] af;nft o;} ;fy k|sflzt ul/Psf] 5 . v_ k|d'v ljQLo cg'kftx? P E Ratio M #^=$! k|lt z]o/ g]6jy{ M !!=(* k|lt z]o/ s'n ;DklQsf] d"No M &**=^# t/ntf cg'kft M #%=%# @= Aoj:yfksLo ljZn]if0fM pQm q}dfl;s cjwldf ;+:yfsf] df}Hbft / t/ntf tflnsfdf c;fwf/0f kl/jt{g 5}g . sDkgLsf] Joj;flos of]hgf cg'?k g} sfo{x? x'b}5g\ . lgs6 eljiodf ;+:yfsf] df}Hbft, gfkmf jf gub k|jfxdf s'g} tflTjs c;/ kg]{ b]lv+b}g . #= sfg"gL sf/jfxL ;DaGwL ljj/0f M gePsf] $ ;+ul7t ;+:yfsf] z]o/ sf/f]jf/ ;DaGwL ljZn]if0fM lwtf]kq ahf/df ;+:yfsf] z]o/ sf/f]af/ lgodfg';f/ ;fdfGo k|s[tLaf6} ePsf] 5 . q}dfl;s cjwLdf ;+:yfsf] z]o/sf] clwstd d"No ?= *( / Go"gtd d"No ?= *( sfod eO{ hDdf ! lbgdf ! j6f sf/f]af/ dfkm{t @$ lsQf z]o/sf] sf/f]af/ ePsf] 5 . %= ;d:of tyf r'gf}tL M ;+:yfn] axg ug'k{ /]sf] ;d:of tyf r'gf}ltx? ahf/df /x]sf] cGo ljQLo ;+:yf ;/x g} 5g\ . cfOkg]{ ;d:of tyf r'gf}lt ;dfwfgsf pkfox? Aff/] ;+rfns ;ldltn] ;do ;dodf ;dLIff u/L /0flglt agfO{ ;f] lg/fs/0fsf] pkfo cjnDag ug]{ u/]sf] 5 . ^= ;+:yfut ;'zf;gM ;+:yfut ;'zf;gsf nfuL Joj:yfkgn] sd{rf/L j[lQ lasf;, cfjZos sfo{sIf / ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ;d"lrt Joj:yf / sfo{sf nflu plrt jftfj/0f tof/ ug]{ u/]sf] 5 . g]kfn /fi6« a}s + åf/f lgb]l{ zt ;+:yfut ;'zf;g ;DalGw kl/kqsf] k"0f{kfngf ul/Psf] 5 . &= ;To, tYo ;DaGwdf sfo{sf/L k|dv ' sf] pb\3f]if0fM cfhsf ldlt;Dd o; k|ltj]bgdf pNn]lvt hfgsf/L tyf ljj/0fx?sf] z'4tf ;DaGwdf d JolQmut ?kdf pQ/bfloTj lnG5 . ;fy} d of] pb\3f]if ub{5' sL d}n] hfg] a'em];Dd o; k|ltj]bgdf pNn]lvt ljj/0fx? ;To, tYo / k"0f{ 5g\ / nufgLstf{x?nfO{ ;";l" rt lg0f{o lng cfjZos s'g} ljj/0f, ;"rgf tyf hfgsf/Lx? n'sfOPsf] 5}g .