City Electric Company, Inc. u u WBE u Wholesale Electrical Distributor Woman Owned Business Enterprise Established 1919 Line Card Syracuse u 501 West Genesee Street Ogdensburg Oneida (315) 394-0878 (315) 361-4149 Syracuse, NY 13204 u u (315) 474-7841 u Fax: (315) 474-7838 u Oswego Rochester Watertown (315) 343-2739 (585) 247-3100 (315) 782-0704 (Minnesota Mining) 3M ABB A.L.P. Lighting Acorn Fasteners Acme Electric Adalet Enclosures (Philips) Advance AFC Cable Systems Alcan Aluminum Alkco Lighting Alpha Wire American Dryer American Electric Lighting American Fasteners American Fluorescent American Polywater American Scientific Lighting Amprobe Instruments (Anamet) Anaconda Appleton Arlington Industries Atlas Lighting Austin Electrical Enclosures Belden Cable (T&B) Blackburn Bodine Company Bridgeport Fittings Briscon Fasteners BRK Electronics Broan-Nutone CRC Chemicals (legrand) Cablofil (Erico) Caddy Fasteners Cadet Manufacturing (Erico) Cadweld Canarm Cantex Carlon Products (General Cable) Carol Cable Carolina Gloves Cerro Wire & Cable Chicago Protective Apparel Chloride Systems Chromalox Heating Coleman Cable Colonial Wire Color Kinetics (Hubbell) Columbia Lighting CommScope Conduit Pipe Products Con-Tech Lighting Cooper Lighting Cooper Power Systems (Philips) Crescent Lighting Custom Cable (Philips) Day-Brite (Hubbell) Dual Lite ECN Korns EPCO (IPEX) EPR Kits E-Mon Eastern Flexible Conduit Eaton -Cutler Hammer Edge Safety Edwards Signals Eiko LTD Electri-Flex Co. Electromate Emerson Fans Encore Wire Excel Dryer Extech Instruments F.P.E. Breakers Fail-Safe Fan Brace Fantech Federal Pacific (Mersen) Ferraz Shawmut (Kidde) Firex (Enerpac) GB Gardner Bender Galvan Industries Garrity Industries Generac General Cable Greenlee Tools H.E. Williams Halex (Cooper) Halo Lighting Hammond Enclosures Hammond Power Solutions Harris Lamps Hevi Duty Hoffman Enclosures Holophane Houston Wire & Cable Hubbell Lighting Hunt Control Systems (Scepter) IPEX IDEAL Industries Ilsco Connectors Indalex Conduit Intermatic International Metal Hose Interstate Batteries IQ International Jasco Battery (AFC) Kaf-Tech Keene Lighting Kenall Lighting Keystone Lighting (Hubbell) Killark (T&B) Kindorf King Innovation Inc. KingWire Klein Tools Knipex Tools (Anglo American) LTV ◊ Republic Conduit Lambro Industries Landis & Gyr legrand Lenox Leviton Liebert Corporation (Philips) Lightolier (Acuity) Lithonia Lighting Lumark (Cooper) Lutron Dimming MGM Transformers M&W Electric (Universal Ballast) Magnetek Malcolite Corporation Marathon Products Marco Lighting (Southwire) Maxis Tools MaxStraps (EGS) McGill Electrical McGraw-Edison Merco Tape Metallics (Cooper) Metalux Middle Atlantic Products Midwest Electric Milbank Minuteman Multi Systems MyTech NSI Industries National Meters (EGS) Neer Neptune Nelson Firestop Nicor Nora Lighting Nordic Controls Nova Hand Dryers Nutone (EGS) O-Z Gedney (T&B) Ocal Olympic Wire Omni Wire & Cable (legrand) On-Q (legrand) P&S Pathway Lighting Philips Lighting Picoma Industries Platinum Tools Porcelain Products (Eaton) Powerware (Hubbell) Prescolite (Carlon) Prime Conduit Priority Wire & Cable Progress Lighting (Hubbell) (Marley) Q-Mark (Hubbell) Quazite Quest RAB Lighting Rack-A-Tiers Ray-O-Vac (Tyco) Raychem Rectorseal (T&B) Red Dot Reed Manufacturing Reef Industries Reliance Controls Republic Wire, Inc. (Plasti-Bond) Robroy RUDD Lighting 24 Hour Emergency Services (800) 999-7841 SPI Lighting Seagull Lighting Seatek Selecta Switch Service Wire Shat-R-Shield Simkar Lighting Southern Grounding Southwire (GB) Sperry Instruments Sportlite Steel City (T&B) Streamlight (Philips) Stonco Lighting Sunray Lamps Superior Essex Wire & Cable (T&B) Superstrut (SLI) Supreme Lighting (Cooper) Sure-Lites T.C.P. Lamps TJ Cope (Raywall) TPI Tay-Mac Corp. The Light Edge Thermoweld Thomas & Betts Time Mark (NSI) Tork Tyco Electronics UEI Instruments United Cable (United Copper) Universal Ballasts Velleman Venture Lamps Victor Straps Viking Staples (legrand) Walker (legrand) WattStopper Wavetek Wave Lighting West Penn (Eaton) Westinghouse Westinghouse Lighting Wheatland (legrand) Wiremold (Molex) Woodhead World Hand Dryer (CDT) X-Mark Youngstown Glove Co. Contact A City Electric Company Representative to Learn More Today! Visit us on the Web @ Adhesives, Sealants, Cleaners, Lubricants and Compounds Grounding Products 3M, American Polywater ● , Nelson Firestop, CRC, Rectorseal Blackburn, Cadweld, Galvan Industries, Ilsco, NSI● , Southern Grounding Products, Thermoweld Arc Flash Safety Products and PPE 3M● , Carolina Gloves, Eaton, IDEAL, Chicago Protective Apparel●, Youngstown Gloves Hand Dryers American Dryer● , Excel Dryer, Nova Hand Dryer, World Hand Dryer Heating Boxes and Covers - Switch, Fan, Junction, Work (See Also Enclosures) Carlon● , Fan Brace, Steel City● , Union Box, Hoffman, Hammond, Taymac, Wheatland Broan-Nutone ● , Cadet , Chromalox, Q-Mark, Raychem, TPI Lighting - Ballasts Philips Advance ●, Bodine, Chloride Systems, Fulham, Lutron, Universal● , Venture Boxes - Floor Boxes and Accessories Carlon● , Kindorf, P&S ● , Walker Lighting - Dimmers and Dimming Systems Cable, - Armored Hunt, Leviton ● , Lutron, P&S, WattStopper AFC Cable, International Metal Hose, Service Wire● Cable, Wire, Cord and Cordsets Lighting- Emergency and Exit Lighting Alcan, Alpha Wire, Carol, Cerro, Coleman Cable● , Colonial, CommScope, Custom Cable, Encore, Essex● , General Cable, Houston Cable, KingWire, Olympic, Omni, Priority, Service Wire● , Southwire, X-Mark, United Cable Channel and Strut B-Line Systems, Caddy Fasteners, Kindorf● , Superstrut● Chimes, Pushbuttons, Intercom Systems Broan-Nutone ●, Edwards Signaling, Selecta Switch, P&S Circuit Breakers, Fuses, and Accessories Eaton, Ferraz Shawmut, Marathon Products●, Edison Fuses Conduit - Conduit Bodies Bodine● , Chloride Systems● , Crescent, Day-Brite, Dual Light, Lithonia, Prescolite, Sure-Lights, TCP Lighting- Fixtures Alkco, ALP, American Electric, American Induction, American American Lantern, American Scientific, Atlas, Color Kinetics, Con-Tech, Cooper, Crescent, Day-Brite, Lithonia, Fail-Safe, HE Williams, Hapco, Halo, Holophane, Hubbell, Intermatic, Keene, Kenall, Lightolier, Lithonia, Lumark, Marco, McGill, McGraw-Edison, Metalux, Neptune, Nora, Nicor, Pathway, Progress, RAB, Rudd, SPI Lighting, Seagull, Simkar, Sportlite, Stonco, TJ Cope, The Light Edge, Wave Lighting, Westinghouse Lighting Lighting- Lamps and Accessories Bridgeport● , Killark, O-Z Gedney, Red Dot, T&B CEW Lighting, Eiko LTD, Harris Lamps, Malcolite, Philips, Satco, Allied Tube● , Arlington, Bridgeport● , Conduit Pipe Products, ECN Korns, Shat -R- Shield, Sunray, Supreme, TCP, Venture, Westinghouse Lighting Halex, Neer, Indalex, O-Z Gedney, Picoma, Republic, Steel City, T&B● , Lighting- LED Alledra, Bella, Beta, Color Kinetics, Cooper, Crescent, Day-Brite, Wheatland Neptune, OptiLed, Philips, RAB, Seagull Conduit - Flexible Metallic and Liquidtight (Conduit & Fittings) AFC, Anaconda-Anamet, Cantex●, Carlon ● , Eastern, ElectriFlex, Meter Sockets and Meter Mounting Equipment Eaton, E-Mon, Landis & Gyr, Milbank, National Meters, Reliance International Metal Hose, Kaf-Tech, Service Wire● , Southwire Conduit - EMT, Galvanized, Aluminum, IMC (Conduit & Fittings) Conduit - PVC (Conduit & Fittings) Motion Sensors and Time Controls Intermatic, IQ International, MyTech, P&S, RAB, Stonco, Time Mark, Tork, WattStopper Cantex● , Carlon● , IPEX, JM Manufacturing, Prime Conduit Conduit - PVC Coated Galvanized (Conduit & Fittings) Ocal, Robroy-Plastibond Motor Control and Renewal Parts Data, Voice, Fiber Optic - Communication Products ABB, Eaton Corporation, Ronk Electrical Beldon, Blonder Tongue, Cables to Go, Coleman Cable●, IDEAL, Leviton● , On-Q, P&S, Platinum Tools, Quest, Service Wire●, Superior Essex● , West Penn, Wiremold Enclosures - Surface Raceways, Underground Enclosures Austin, Hoffman, Hammond, Milbank, T&B, Walker● , Wiremold, Quazite Enclosures - Explosion Proof and Hazardous Locations Adalet, Hammond, Hoffman, Killark, O-Z Gedney, T&B● Fans - Floor, Ceiling, and Wall Broan-Nutone ● , Canarm, Emerson, Fantech, Westinghouse Lighting, TPI Fans and Lighting - Combination, Exhaust, Fixtures, Accessories Broan-Nutone ● , Fantech, Lambro Fastening Hardware Acorn, American Fasteners● , Briscon● , Caddy, EPCO, GB Enerpac, IDEAL, MaxStraps, Metallics, Victor, Viking Staples Fittings - Connectors, Couplings, Hubs, Service Entrance Appleton● , Arlington, Bridgeport● , Halex, M&W, Midwest, Neer, O-Z Gedney, Porcelain Products, Steel City, T&B Flashlights and Batteries Duracell, Garrity Industries, Interstate, Jasco, Ray-O-Vac, Streamlight Generator Systems and Accessories Milbank (Briggs & Stratton), Eaton Generators, Generac, Reliance Controls Power Transformers Acme, Eaton Corporation, Cooper Power Systems, Federal Pacific, Hammond Power Solutions, Hevi-Duty, Jefferson, MGM Transformers Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors BRK Electronics, Firex (Kidde) Surge Protection Devices Coleman Cable ● , Eaton, Intermatic, Tork, Wiremold, Wattstopper Tapes, Soldering, Splicing, and Terminations 3M, Galvan, GB Enerpac, IDEAL, Ilsco, Merco Tape, NSI, Reef Industries, Raychem, T&B Tools, Testers, and Meters Amprobe, Checkpoint Lasers, Extech, Greenlee, IDEAL● , Klein● , Knipex, Lenox, Maxis Tools, Multi-Systems, Rack-A-Tier, Reed, Seatek, Sperry Instruments, UEI Instruments, Velleman, Wavetek UPS Systems Cooper Power Systems, Eaton Powerware, Liebert, Minuteman Wire Management 3M, Cablofil, GB Enerpac, IDEAL● , King Innovation Inc, Rack-ATier, T&B Wire Devices Leviton●, P&S●, Selecta-Switch, Woodhead (Molex) W:Drive/CityElectricFormsFolder/MarketingFormsFolder/"City_Electric_Line_Card wr: 2.18.13 ● Manufacturer produces American Made Products Manufacturer produces Energy Star Products One or More Items within this Category are Made in the USA One or More Items within this Category are Energy Star Products One or More Items within this Category are LEED Qualified Products - U.S. Green Building Council Approved