guidance for centres

Our Quality Assurance
December 2011 Version 2.0
Code of Conduct for centres
Centre approval
Data requirements
Monitoring and evaluation
Issuing certificates
Assessments in a language other than English,
Welsh or Irish (Gaeilge)
Assessment methodology
Dealing with malpractice and maladministration
Post-approval monitoring criteria
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Assessment criteria
Internal quality assurance criteria
Our quality assurance requirements
This document
This document encompasses the relevant requirements of the following
documents, which apply to all centres working with the City & Guilds
 General Conditions of Recognition (May 2011)
 Regulatory Arrangements for the Qualifications and Credit
Framework (2008)
 SQA Awarding Body Criteria (2007)
 NVQ Code of Practice (2006)
Its purpose is to promote quality, consistency, accuracy and fairness in
the awarding of all our qualifications.
To achieve this you must adopt and implement the principles in this
document across all of your qualification provision. To make the
principles crystal clear this document:
 specifies the quality assurance and control requirements that apply to
all centres
 sets out the basis for securing high standards, for all our
For more information on QCF exemptions, please refer to the Ofqual
document entitled Exemptions in the Qualifications and Credit
Framework - June 2009
The City & Guilds Group is made up of the following awarding
organisations:City & Guilds
City & Guilds is the biggest name in UK vocational education, issuing
over one million certificates every year.
Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM)
ILM is the UK’s largest awarding organisation for qualifications in
leadership, management, coaching and enterprise.
Our quality assurance requirements
For clarity
In this document:
 the terms us, we and our mean the City & Guilds Group which is
made up of City & Guilds and ILM and
 you and your refer to your centre
 we use other similar terms as appropriate – for instance in Section 3,
they, them and their refer to, The Customer Support Coordinator (City & Guilds)/ The Quality Manager (ILM) and/or
allocated External Quality Assurers (C&G - Consultants) /
External Verifiers (ILM).
Our quality assurance requirements
When we say…
Approval (centre)
Awarding Organisation
External Quality Assurer (City &
Guilds - Consultants)/External
Verifier (ILM)
Our quality assurance requirements
it means…
A process through which an
organisation wishing to offer
particular qualifications is
confirmed as being a centre and
able to maintain the required
quality and consistency of
The process through which
evidence of learners’ attainments is
evaluated against agreed criteria to
provide the evidence for a
A person appointed by the centre
responsible for the support and
judgement of learner performance
against defined standards expressed
as assessment criteria or mark
An organisation such as City &
Guilds/ILM that offers recognised
qualifications. Its main functions
are the design and development of
qualifications and the operation of
assessment and quality assurance
systems to support the
qualifications. An awarding
organisation issues certificates or
certificates of unit credit to learners
achieving the requirements of a
An organisation (such as a school,
college, training provider or
workplace) accountable to an
awarding organisation for the
assessment arrangements leading to
a qualification
A person appointed by the City &
Guilds Group to support, monitor
and quality assure the assessment
External Quality Assurance
Internal Quality Assurer
National Occupational Standards
Customer Support Co-ordinator
(City & Guilds) / Quality Manager
Regulatory authority
Our quality assurance requirements
Quality assurance procedure to
monitor locally based (devolved)
assessment (S/NVQs/VQs/QCF
qualifications). External quality
assurance includes inspection of
procedures and sampling of
assessments by the centre and by a
City & Guilds Group Consultant
The person appointed by the
centre to co-ordinate the
assessment process internally
The process of checking assessors’
judgements of learners’
competence with the view to
correcting them through advice and
instruction if the assessment is not
up to standard. These checks are
carried out by both Internal Quality
Assurers and Consultants. There is
also ‘network moderating’ or
standardisation, by asking
participants to rate model
Standards of occupational
competence developed by a
Standards Setting Body (SSB) and
approved by the regulatory
A certificate of achievement or
competence specifying awarding
organisation, qualification title,
credit (if appropriate) and level
Your local point of contact, for all
matters related to approvals and
external quality assurance
An organisation designated to
establish national standards for
qualifications and to secure
consistent compliance with them,
such as Ofqual, SQA, DCELLS
and CCEA
Our quality assurance requirements
Generally refer to competence
statements and specifications.
Standards are a short expression
for standards of competence which
are developed by a Standards
Setting Body (SSB). These define
what an individual working in an
occupational area is expected to be
able to do. They are further
specified in terms of performance
criteria, range and their
corresponding underpinning skills
and knowledge
Code of Conduct for centres
The City & Guilds Group is committed to a vision and a set of values.
We adhere to these values in all our dealings with centres, and work hard
to achieve the service standards we have set for ourselves in our
Customer Service Statement.
With those standards in mind we expect our quality assurance teams to:
 establish and maintain a professional working environment, built on
our values of courtesy and professional behaviour
 uphold this code of conduct.
In return we expect you to:
 be courteous and professional in all communications
 apply this code of conduct in all your dealings with the
quality assurance teams, and allocated EQAs/External
Verifiers and:
o enable them to carry out their activities openly and
o provide timely evidence that will enable them to
report honestly, fairly and accurately on your centre’s
assessment and quality assurance provision
o work with them to minimise disruption and
o take all reasonable steps to ensure their health and
safety, while on your premises
o maintain positive relations and a purposeful dialogue
with them
o raise any concerns about their activity with them,
promptly and appropriately
o respect their right to observe practice and quality
assure assessment, and to talk to staff and learners as
and when they need to.
This code of conduct must be adhered to and failure to follow it may
affect your Centre Monitoring Rating/Centre Support Status (ILM)
(There is more on this is Section 11).
Our quality assurance requirements
Centre approval
Organisations that are not already approved to offer City & Guilds
Group qualifications must apply for centre and qualification approval at
the same time. These are the Centre Approval Criteria.
Sources of evidence
City & Guilds
Centre Approval
Application ref
The centre…
a) has a single named
centre contact for
quality assurance
A documented named
point of accountability for
(and/or management of)
quality assurance, with
contact details
1.6, 9
b) can hold and
securely transmit
details of
Documented procedures
to ensure security when
sending and receiving
details of results to the
City & Guilds Group
c) has the staff,
resources and
systems needed to
 the assessment
of units
 the award,
and transfer of
 where necessary,
the recording of
Documented quality
assurance procedures
An organisational chart
Up to date CVs, original
certificates of the
assessment/delivery team
Documented procedures
for registering learners
within 12 weeks
Learner tracking
Procedures for recording
exemptions, appeals,
complaints, malpractice,
maladministration, reason
adjustments, special
considerations and
Induction plans
An Equal Opportunities
policy, and procedures
A Health & Safety policy,
and procedures
6.3 - 6.7, 6.9, 6.126.13, 7.2
Our quality assurance requirements
d) has arrangements in
place to obtain a
Unique Learner
Number (ULN),
Scottish Candidate
Number (SCN) and
a learner record if
required to do so
e) has arrangements in
place to access
learner records and
ascertain previous
achievements, to
opportunities for
f) has administrative
systems in place to
track the learner’s
g) has arrangements in
place that allow for
the Recognition of
Prior Learning
h) documents the
respective roles and
responsibilities of
any partnership
i) agrees to give us
access to premises,
people and records,
and to cooperate
with any of the
allocated activities
that are identified
through the centre
approval process
j) declares any
withdrawn centre or
approvals from the
City & Guilds
Group and other
Our quality assurance requirements
Documented procedures
in place for obtaining
Documented procedures
for accessing learner
Records of learner tracking 6.1, 6.2, 7.1
 Assessment records
 Individual Learning Plans
 Records of initial
assessment procedures
 Learner induction
 Individual Learning Plans
2.2, 2.3, 6.8
 Partner contracts and
service agreements
 Recorded agreements for
roles and responsibilities
Completion and sign-off
of the Centre Approval
Application (CAP)
Sign-off of Centre
Approval Application
(CAP) declaration
Data requirements
You have to collect and retain a range of accurate, up to date and
relevant information, and provide it when we ask for it. These are the
a) You must set up and maintain reliable, auditable quality assurance
systems for documenting and recording assessment decisions.
b) You must keep adequate records to track learner progress and allow
for the independent authentication of certification claims, and these
records must include the following:1. A list of all learners registered for each qualification offered,
the learner’s name, date of birth and contact address
their workplace address and details (where applicable)
iii. their starting date at the centre
iv. their date of registration with the awarding organisation
their learner registration number
vi. their Unique Learner Number/Scottish Candidate
Number (if applicable)
vi. the Assessors’ and tutors’ names
vii. the Internal Quality Assurer’s name (or names).
2. Learner assessment records detailing:
who assessed what and when
the assessment decision
iii. the assessment methods used for each unit
iv. the location and storage location of the supporting
3. Records of internal quality assurance activity detailing:
who quality assured what and when
the sample selected and the rationale for choosing that
iii. the sampling strategy
iv. Internal Quality Assurer standardisation meetings, along
with any evidence of internal updating
Assessor support meetings
vi. Assessor and Internal Quality Assurer competence,
including copies of certificates, CVs and records of their
continuing professional development and their
monitored progress towards required qualifications
Our quality assurance requirements
vii. records of certificates claimed – who claimed them and
viii. records of appeals – who appealed, about what, when,
and the outcome
ix. records of complaints – who complained, about what,
when, and the outcome
c) You must keep these records for at least a minimum of three years,
in case any issues arise. You must make these records available to us
on request, and also to the relevant regulatory authorities if they ask
to see them.
d) It will affect your Centre Monitoring Rating (for ILM your Centre
Support Status) if you do not comply with these requirements for
auditable records, and cannot substantiate claims made on behalf of
This section is also referenced within Section 6 of the Centre Approval
Form (CAP)
Our quality assurance requirements
Monitoring and evaluation
We use a range of monitoring and evaluation activities to:
 evaluate and monitor the quality, consistency and integrity of all our
 check that each centre continues to meet our requirements.
a) You must:
 monitor and maintain the quality, consistency and integrity of
assessment practice and decisions within your centre and between
satellite sites
 ensure a standardised approach to quality assurance practice,
under a single quality assurance system that is documented and
 systematically review the system regularly, and act on the findings
of those reviews
 take all reasonable steps to protect the interest of the learner(s), in
case of withdrawal of qualification and/or centre approval
b) You must provide us and any relevant regulator with access to
premises, people and records relating to learner assessment,
achievement and internal quality assurance. If you do not, we will
suspend your right to register learners and claim certification until
you do.
c) You must inform us of any changes to the details on your initial
approval application, including your:
 centre’s name and address
 centre contact, and their contact details
 staffing resources, including directors and senior management
 physical resources
 satellite sites
 assessment sites.
If you do not, we will suspend your right to register learners and claim
While we recognise that all centres share our commitment to consistent
and universal quality, we have the right to increase your Centre
Monitoring Rating in any situations of non-compliance.
d) If our monitoring and evaluation show that you are not meeting the
quality assurance requirements set out in this document, we will:
 take what we deem to be the appropriate action
 set a deadline for you to conform to the requirements.
Our quality assurance requirements
e) If we find that you have made any inaccurate or deliberately
misleading statements and/or submissions during the centre
approval process or qualification approval process, or at any time in
the assessment process, we will take the action we deem to be
f) If you do not implement the remedial actions we specify and we
withdraw centre and/or qualification approval, we shall inform the
relevant regulatory authorities.
This section is also referenced within Section 6 of the Centre Approval
Form (CAP).
This section is also referenced within Section 4 of the Qualification
Approval Form (QAP).
Our quality assurance requirements
Issuing certificates
You must have a system in place that ensures that all your certification
claims are:
 valid
 signed off by an appropriate person.
Certificates can only be claimed on completion by the learner of a
unit/qualification (as appropriate). Centre staff should be aware that any
certificate claims made prior to the learner completing will result in a
medium centre monitoring rating. Under no circumstances can
certificates be ‘held’ at centres awaiting learner completion.
a) Specifically, all claims for certification must be authenticated by an
appropriate occupationally qualified Internal Quality Assurer. We do
not accept certification claims without this. Where the centre does
not have direct claim status for the qualification, the signature of the
EQA/External Verifier must be obtained before claiming
If you do not have someone suitably qualified, contact your local office
and they will advise you about what to do.
b) If you claim any certificates in error you must:
 notify us straightaway
 comply with the action that we specify.
This section is also referenced within Section 6, question 6.1 of the
Centre Approval Form (CAP)
Our quality assurance requirements
Assessments in a language other than
English, Welsh or Irish (Gaeilge)
We must provide:
 in England, qualification specifications and assessment materials that
are expressed in English
 in Wales, qualification specifications that are expressed in Welsh or
English, or in Welsh and English; specifications must state explicitly
in which language(s) assessment is available
 in Northern Ireland, qualification specifications that are expressed in
English, and assessment materials that are expressed either in
English, or in English and Irish(Gaeilge)
We may allow assessment in a language other than English, Welsh or
Irish (Gaeilge) provided that:
 the assessment is comparable to that offered in English, Welsh or
Irish (Gaeilge)
 in qualifications designed for the workplace, lack of proficiency in
English, Welsh or Irish (Gaeilge) does not prevent the learner from
properly carrying out the role that is supported by the qualification
We realise that learners may ask to take assessments in their own
language. In the UK, where assessments are carried out in a language
other than English, Welsh or Irish (Gaeilge) you must provide clear
evidence that the learner is also competent in English, Welsh or Irish
(Gaeilge) to the required standard.
For ILM the qualifications may be taught and assessed in languages
other than English, Welsh and Gaelige. This is approached on a case-bycase basis, and must be agreed in advance with the ILM Quality
Our quality assurance requirements
Assessment methodology
We are committed to ensuring that our qualifications retain value and
credibility. The key to this is valid and reliable assessment, and effective
internal quality assurance plays a vitally important role in achieving and
maintaining the right quality of assessment practice.
For that reason we require you to adopt and implement this section
across all qualifications, not only those that are competence-based. In
those cases where it is not a competence based qualification the Tutor
often assumes the role of the Assessor, with the Qualification Coordinator or Manager providing the internal quality assurance.
The criteria are very detailed, and rather than set them all out here, we
have included them in the appendices.
Appendix 1 sets out the assessment criteria.
Appendix 2 details our internal quality assurance criteria.
This section is also referenced within Section 6, questions 6.1-6.6 of the
Centre Approval Form (CAP)
This section is also referenced within Section 2 & 4 of the Qualification
Approval Form (QAP)
For ILM please refer to the Qualifications specifications/standards for
the assessment criteria and the ILM Centre Manual.
Our quality assurance requirements
Dealing with malpractice and
We are committed to providing high quality qualifications which are
assessed and awarded consistently, accurately and fairly.
To this end we require everyone involved in the implementation,
assessment and internal quality assurance of our qualifications to
demonstrate honesty and integrity.
You must report any malpractice or maladministration suspected after
learner registration. Failure to do so may affect your Centre Monitoring
Rating (for ILM your Centre Support Status).
If we suspect malpractice or maladministration in a centre – or a partner
organisation involved in administering or assessing the qualification – we
 immediately suspend the centre from making claims for certification
 investigate whether the safeguards at the centre are up to the
standard required to guarantee valid claims.
For more information, please refer to the City & Guilds Group
document, Managing Cases of Suspected
Malpractice/Maladministration by Centres and Learners.
For ILM please refer to the ILM Centre Manual.
Our quality assurance requirements
Post-approval monitoring criteria
We have developed post-approval centre monitoring criteria mapped to
the NVQ Code of Practice (2006), Regulatory Arrangements for the
Qualifications and Credit Framework (2008), General Conditions of
Recognition (May 2011) and SQA Awarding Body Criteria (2007).
This table details the initial centre approval criteria and ongoing centre
monitoring criteria, and the implications of not achieving them. The
numbers and letters against a criterion refer to the relevant sections of
this document, Our quality assurance requirements.
For ILM this is noted in the ILM Centre Manual, under the Centre
Support Status and Qualification Quality Rating.
Centre monitoring criteria and ratings
L – Low
M – Medium
H – High
Allow registration
Allow registration
and certification
and suspend
registration and
Previous sanction Previous sanction Previous sanction
tariff: 00 & 01
tariff: 02
tariff: 3A & 3B
No arrangements
No single named
No management
in place to register centre contact (4a)
systems, to support
learners within 12
the assessment of
Failure to keep
weeks (4c)
qualifications (4c)
records of
No arrangements
in place to obtain
systems (5b)
learner record if
required to do so
No documentation
of partnership
arrangements (4h)
Failure to update
the City & Guilds
Group with
changes to initial
centre approval
application on
systems (6c)
Our quality assurance requirements
Centre monitoring criteria and ratings
L – Low
M – Medium
H – High
Allow registration
Allow registration
and certification
and suspend
registration and
Previous sanction Previous sanction Previous sanction
tariff: 00 & 01
tariff: 02
tariff: 3A & 3B
No arrangements
No evidence of
No staff and/or
in place for
Assessor / Internal resources, to
recognition of
Quality Assurer
support the
prior learning
assessment of
(RPL) (4g)
(9 & Appendix 1b) qualifications (5c)
Failure to update
No competent
the City & Guilds
Group on changes
Quality Assurer(s)
to initial centre
or Assessor/
approval on
Internal Quality
resources (6c)
Assurer(s) do not
have the
competency &
experience to
perform their role
(9 & Appendices
1b, 2c, 2e)
No arrangements
in place to obtain
learner record if
required to do so
No arrangements
in place to access
the learners’
achievement with
learner consent
No arrangements
in place for
Recognition of
Prior Learning
(RPL) (4g)
Our quality assurance requirements
Centre monitoring criteria and ratings
L – Low
M – Medium
H – High
Allow registration
Allow registration
and certification
and suspend
registration and
Previous sanction Previous sanction Previous sanction
tariff: 00 & 01
tariff: 02
tariff: 3A & 3B
No arrangements in No established and
place to hold and
maintained internal
transmit securely
quality assurance
details of
system (5a)
Adequate records
outcomes (4b)
not kept (5b)
No administrative
No authentication
system to track and of certification
record learner
claims by Internal
progress (5b/4f)
Quality Assurer (7a)
Assessment carried Appointed
out in language
other than English, Internal Quality
Welsh or Gaeilge
Assurer does not
act in a responsible
Centre do not
and accountable
comply with
(9 & Appendices 1a
& 2b)
Ineffective internal
(9 & Appendix 1c) assessment process
No countersigning and practices (5b)
of unqualified
and (9 & Appendix
Internal Quality
No explicit internal
Assurer work (9 &
quality assurance
Appendices 1d and procedures
(9 & Appendix 2a)
No written
arrangements do
declaration of
not comply with
authenticity for
learner evidence
specification (9 &
(9 & Appendix 1e)
Appendix 1g)
Our quality assurance requirements
Centre monitoring criteria and ratings
L – Low
M – Medium
H – High
Allow registration
Allow registration
and certification
and suspend
registration and
Previous sanction Previous sanction Previous sanction
tariff: 00 & 01
tariff: 02
tariff: 3A & 3B
No quality
No access provided
monitoring and/or to the City &
consistency of
Guilds Group to
practice within
premises, people
centre and across
and records (4i) &
sites (6a)
Previous set actions Certificates claimed
not met (6f)
prior to completion
No notification of
certificates claimed Failure to adhere to
in error (7b)
this document (6d)
evidence to
effectiveness of
statements in
internal quality
information and
submissions (6e)
Previous set actions
(9 & Appendix 2g) not met (6f)
Failure to report
malpractice, and
cooperate with any
investigation (10)
No declaration of
withdrawal of
approval (4j)
Our quality assurance requirements
with data
requirements in
section 6 (5d)
Centre do not
comply with
requirements (9c)
No established and
maintained or
auditable internal
quality assurance
system (5a)
Adequate records
not kept (5b)
Records are not
retained for three
years (5c)
Non compliance
with data
requirements in
section 6 (5d)
Centre monitoring criteria and ratings
L – Low
M – Medium
H – High
Allow registration
Allow registration
and certification
and suspend
registration and
Previous sanction Previous sanction Previous sanction
tariff: 00 & 01
tariff: 02
tariff: 3A & 3B
No appropriate
improvement training, support or
opportunities for
Quality Assurer(s)
(9 & Appendices
1f, 2b, 2c, 2e)
No evidence of
Internal Quality
(9 & Appendix 2e)
Impact of
The CMR is likely
to cause minimal
concern and would
 threaten the
credibility and
validity of the
 have an adverse
impact on the
Any issues
identified, could be
easily corrected
without further
The CMR could
potentially damage
the integrity,
credibility and
validity of the
qualification and/or
be detrimental to
the learner
The CMR could
have a high impact
on the integrity,
credibility and
validity of the
qualification or the
effective operation
of a centre as a
whole, if corrective
action is not taken
If you fail to meet a Consultant’s action plan, your Centre Monitoring
Rating (for ILM your Centre Support Status) will move up to the next
level. If your centre is currently on a High Centre Monitoring Rating
and fails to meet an action plan, then this will lead to the withdrawal of
qualification and/or centre approval.
If you temporarily rectify non-compliances in response to action plans,
but then display the same weaknesses again at a later date, we take your
track record into account when considering whether to apply a higher
monitoring rating.
The monitoring ratings represent a minimum response to identified noncompliances, but there are circumstances in which we may judge that a
higher level of monitoring is justified.
Our quality assurance requirements
Where there are significant faults in the management of either a
qualification or the centre as a whole, we reserve the right to withdraw
qualifications and/or centre approval in accordance with the Supporting
Customer Excellence Centre Manual/ ILM Centre Manual. Examples of
such faults include:
 failing to adhere to this document
 not completing actions while on a high monitoring rating
 malpractice, including inaccurate submissions/statements
 inappropriate use of our brand.
We also take into consideration any sanctions applied by another
Awarding Organisation, and reserve the right to withhold or withdraw
qualification and/or centre approval.
Our quality assurance requirements
Appendix 1
Assessment criteria
a) You must appoint Assessors to carry out centre assessment, and
those Assessors are responsible and accountable for:
1. managing the assessment system, from assessment planning,
negotiating assessment planning to recording assessment
decisions against S/NVQs/VQs/QCF qualifications
2. managing the compilation of schemes of work, planning tutoring
of practical knowledge, carrying out teaching and assignment
planning, and practical assessments against vocational
3. assessing evidence of learner competence against the National
Occupational Standards / Qualification Handbook for the
4. ensuring that learners’ evidence is valid, authentic and sufficient
5. maintaining accurate and verifiable learner assessment and
achievement records in line with our requirements
6. ensuring that learners are assessed only after they have been
registered with us, if registration is required for the qualification.
b) You must ensure that Assessors are competent to perform their role,
and provide appropriate training and development opportunities to
ensure that they meet the required standards set out in the National
Occupational Standards/Qualification Handbook.
c) You must know and comply with our requirements for recording
assessment decisions and maintaining assessment records, and must
be familiar with all relevant policy and guidance documentation.
d) You must ensure that the assessment decisions of unqualified
Assessors are checked, authenticated and countersigned by an
Assessor or Internal Quality Assurer who is appropriately qualified,
as specified in the relevant assessment strategy. The Internal Quality
Assurer is responsible and accountable for arranging the
countersigning process, and must sample an appropriate proportion
of assessment decisions by unqualified Assessors. Internal Quality
Assurers may only quality assure evidence that they did not assess,
and this should be carried out before you claim certificates.
e) Assessors and learners must provide a written declaration that learner
evidence is authentic and that assessment took place under the
conditions or context set out in the National Occupational
Standards/Qualification Handbook. Failure to do this constitutes
grounds for the suspension or withdrawal of approval for the
qualification in question
f) You must provide appropriate training, support and/or development
opportunities to enable Assessors to meet their responsibilities. You
must also allow them sufficient time to fulfil their duties, and keep
records of all staff development as this will be monitored by the
allocated Consultant(s).
Our quality assurance requirements
g) Your internal assessment process and practices must be effective,
and support the integrity and consistency of National Occupational
Standards in the qualification. This is achieved through your own
internal quality assurance, and the external quality assurance that we
h) We will ensure that assessment arrangements at centres comply with
those detailed in the National Occupational Standards/Qualification
This section is also referenced within Section 6, questions 6.1-6.6 of the
Centre Approval Form (CAP)
This section is also referenced within Section 2, question 2.2 of the
Qualification Approval Form (QAP)
For ILM please refer to The Qualification Specifications and ILM Centre
Manual for this information.
Our quality assurance requirements
Appendix 2
Internal quality assurance
a) You must operate and maintain explicit, written internal quality
assurance procedures to ensure:
1. the accuracy and consistency of assessment decisions between
Assessors operating at the centre
2. that Assessors are consistent in their interpretation and
application of the National Occupational Standards/
Qualification Handbook.
b) You must appoint Internal Quality Assurers who are responsible for:
1. regularly planning sampling activities, and sampling (throughout
and before certification) the evidence of assessment decisions
made by all Assessors across all assessment methods, including
observation of practice against competence based qualifications
2. regularly sampling and being present at practicals, grading of
learners’ work, and carrying out moderation of grading decisions
3. maintaining up-to-date records of internal quality assurance and
sampling activity, and ensuring that these are available for
external quality assurance activities
4. establishing procedures to ensure that there is standardisation
between Assessors
5. monitoring and supporting the work of Assessors
6. facilitating appropriate staff development and training for
7. providing feedback to the allocated Assessors and Consultant(s)
on the effectiveness of assessment
8. ensuring that any action that we require is carried out, within
agreed timescales.
c) You must ensure that Internal Quality Assurers are competent to
perform their role, and have sufficient time to fulfil their duties. You
must provide appropriate training, support and/or development
opportunities to ensure that Internal Quality Assurers meet the
required standards set out in the National Occupational
Standards/Qualification Handbook, and you must keep auditable
records for checking by the Consultant.
d) You must ensure that the decisions of unqualified Internal Quality
Assurers are checked, authenticated and countersigned by an Internal
Quality Assurer who is appropriately qualified, as specified in the
relevant assessment strategy.
e) As we monitor compliance with the above requirements, you must
provide evidence of your Internal Quality Assurers’ development
activities and qualifications
Our quality assurance requirements
f) Internal Quality Assurers may carry out assessment at the centre, but
only if they have the qualifications and occupational expertise
specified for Assessors by the relevant sector body. Internal Quality
Assurers may only quality assure evidence they did not assess.
g) As we monitor a centre’s internal quality assurance process through
our external quality assurance activities, you must provide evidence
demonstrating the effectiveness of such internal quality assurance
procedures. Failure to do so puts the integrity of assessment
decisions at the centre at risk, and in that situation we will impose the
appropriate Centre Monitoring Rating (for ILM your Centre Support
This section is also referenced within Section 6, questions 6.1-6.6 of the
Centre Approval Form (CAP)
This section is also referenced within Section 2, question 2.2 of the
Qualification Approval Form (QAP)
For ILM please refer to The Qualification Specifications and ILM Centre
Manual for this information.
Our quality assurance requirements
Useful contacts
UK learners
General qualification information
T: +44 (0)844 543 0033
International learners
General qualification information
T: +44 (0)844 543 0033
F: +44 (0)20 7294 2413
Exam entries, Certificates,
Registrations/enrolment, Invoices,
Missing or late exam materials,
Nominal roll reports, Results
T: +44 (0)844 543 0000
F: +44 (0)20 7294 2413
Single subject qualifications
Exam entries, Results, Certification,
Missing or late exam materials,
Incorrect exam papers, Forms request
(BB, results entry), Exam date and time
T: +44 (0)844 543 0000
F: +44 (0)20 7294 2413
F: +44 (0)20 7294 2404 (BB forms)
International awards
Results, Entries, Enrolments, Invoices,
Missing or late exam materials,
Nominal roll reports
T: +44 (0)844 543 0000
F: +44 (0)20 7294 2413
Walled Garden
Re-issue of password or username,
Technical problems, Entries, Results,
e-volve, Navigation, User/menu
option, Problems
T: +44 (0)844 543 0000
F: +44 (0)20 7294 2413
Employer solutions, Mapping,
Accreditation, Development Skills,
T: +44 (0)121 503 8993
Logbooks, Centre documents, Forms,
Free literature
T: +44 (0)844 543 0000
F: +44 (0)20 7294 2413
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this publication is
true and correct at the time of going to press. However, City & Guilds’ products and
services are subject to continuous development and improvement and the right is reserved
to change products and services from time to time. City & Guilds cannot accept liability for
loss or damage arising from the use of information in this publication.
If you have a complaint, or any suggestions for improvement about any of the services that
we provide, email:
About City & Guilds
City & Guilds is the UK’s leading provider of vocational
qualifications, offering over 500 awards across a wide range of
industries, and progressing from entry level to the highest
levels of professional achievement. With over 8500 centres in
100 countries, City & Guilds is recognised by employers
worldwide for providing qualifications that offer proof of the
skills they need to get the job done.
About The Institute of Leadership and Management
The Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) are the
UK’s largest awarding organisation for qualifications in
leadership, management, coaching and enterprise. Around
90,000 learners register for ILM qualifications every year, well
over half of all UK qualification-based management training,
at all levels. We are also a professional body with over 30,000
practising managers as members.
City & Guilds Group
The City & Guilds Group includes City & Guilds, ILM (the
Institute of Leadership & Management, which provides
management qualifications, learning materials and
membership services), and City & Guilds Centre for Skills
Development. City & Guilds also manages the Engineering
Council Examinations on behalf of the Engineering Council.
The content of this document is, unless otherwise indicated,
© The City and Guilds of London Institute and may not be
copied, reproduced or distributed without prior written
consent. However, approved City & Guilds centres and
learners studying for City & Guilds qualifications may
photocopy this document free of charge and/or include a
PDF version of it on centre intranets on the following
 centre staff may copy the material only for the purpose of
teaching learners working towards a City & Guilds
qualification, or for internal administration purposes
 learners may copy the material only for their own use
when working towards a City & Guilds qualification
The Standard Copying Conditions (see the City & Guilds website)
also apply.
Please note: National Occupational Standards are not © The
City and Guilds of London Institute. Please check the
conditions upon which they may be copied with the relevant
Sector Skills Council.
Published by City & Guilds, a registered charity established to
promote education and training
City & Guilds
1 Giltspur Street
London EC1A 9DD
T +44 (0)844 543 0000
F +44 (0)20 7294 2413
The Institute of Leadership and Management
1 Giltspur Street
London EC1A 9DD
T 01543 266867