benthic filter feeders and grazers which in turn are consumed by other community members. Thus, the large-scale current pattern is obviously important to the McMurdo Sound benthos. Moreover, it appears that local variability in current intensity may be responsible in part for the structure of benthic communities. Those areas with high current speeds are expected to have higher particle fluxes and lower sedimentation rates than nearby sluggish current sites, resulting in different faunal assemblages. These physical processes may exert primary control over community productivity and are superimposed on the biotic interactions which have also been shown to be of importance in regulating benthic community structure (Dayton et al. 1974). We intend to continue to investigate the relationship between physical processes and sub-ice benthic community structure. The dramatic north-south and east-west gradients of productivity and species composition in McMurdo Sound appear directly related to ice cover and oceanographic features. As such, McMurdo Sound benthos are particularly amenable to testing hypotheses regarding the roles of in situ vs. advected primary production, and/or the importance of biotic (competition, predation) vs. abiotic (current patterns, etc.) control of community dynamics. We hope to investigate the importance of large- and local-scale current intensity on community production by coupling current observations with growth rate and survivorship studies. In addition, we will continue and expand our benthic productivity studies (Dayton et al. in press) and hope to evaluate the roles of advected vs. in situ primary production on Contrasting tempos of reproduction by shallow-water animals in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica J.S. PEARSE, I. BOSCH, J.B. MCCLINTOCK, B. MARINOVIC, and R. BRITTON Institute of Marine Sciences University of California Santa Cruz, California 95064 Recent work by our group has revealed that a wide range of reproductive modes prevails in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, as in other parts of the world ocean (Pearse, Bosch, and McClintock 1986). The production of pelagic larvae is common, although a large proportion of the larvae are lecithotrophic. Among those species that have planktotrophic larvae, there is little evidence of starvation even when phytoplankton levels are very low (Olson, Bosch, and Pearse in press), probably because such larvae are able to use dissolved organic material and to feed on bacteria (Rivkin et al. 1986). Larval energy requirements are probably relatively low; energy stores in lecithotrophic larvae, at least, function mainly to produce large juveniles and are little used during larval development (McClintock and Pearse 1986). 182 microbial and meiofaunal activity, general benthic trophic relationships, and recolonization. This work was supported by National Science Foundation grant DPP 81-00189. References Barry, J.P. In preparation. Oceanographic patterns in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Barry, JR. and P.K. Dayton. Current patterns in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica and their relationship to local benthic communitites. Lw,nology and Oceanography. Dayton, P.K., J.P. Barry, and C. Kooyman. In preparation. Deep water benthic faunal patterns under the Ross and McMurdo Ice Shelves, Antarctica. Dayton, P.K., and J.S. Oliver. 1977. Antarctic soft bottom benthos in oligotrophic and eutrophic environments. Science, 197, 55-58. Dayton, P.K., G.A. Robilliard, R.T. Paine, and L.B. Dayton. 1974. Biological accomodation in the benthic community at McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Ecological Monographs, 44(1), 105-128. Dayton, P.K., D. Watson, A. Palmisano, J.P. Barry, J.S. Oliver, and D. Rivera. In press. Distribution patterns of benthic microalgal standing stock at McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Polar Biology. Heath, R.A. 1977. Circulation across the ice shelf edge in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. In M.J. Dunbar (Ed.), Polar oceans. (Proceedings of the Polar Ocean Conference.) Lewis, EL., and R.G. Perkin. 1985. The winter oceanography of McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. In S. Jacobs (Ed.), Oceanology of the Antarctic Continental Shelf. (Antarctic Research Series vol. 43.) Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union. The timing of reproduction may be related closely to mode of reproduction. Animals with planktotrophic larvae, for example, need to synchronize the production of larvae with periods when adequate food supply is available in the plankton. In contrast, species that have lecithotrophic larvae or that bypass larval production altogether by brooding or encapsulating embryos and releasing juveniles may be uncoupled from periods of phytoplankton production; reproductive periods of such forms may be extended over much or all of the year. During our field work at McMurdo Station, from August 1984 to January 1986, we were able to collect data on both the mode and timing of many of the common, shallow-water invertebrates there. From preliminary analyses completed SO far, we can estimate the temporal pattern of reproduction of 15 species of common invertebrates in McMurdo Sound. Temporal reproductive patterns have been described by other workers for six additional species of animals in the area, bringing the total number to 21 (table). Seven of the species have planktotrophic larvae. Most of these species have discrete reproductive periods, spawning in late winter, spring, or early summer. Only the nemertean Parbolasia corrugatus spawns with little or no seasonal pattern, and pilidium larvae were collected from the plankton throughout the year. These larvae, as well as those of the asteroids and echinoid, are able to at least supplement their diet with bacteria and thereby not be directly dependent on the midsummer phytoplankton bloom (Rivkin et al. 1986). The larvae of Euphausia crystallorophias, on the other hand, probably feed nearly exclusively on phytoplankton, and they are produced in synANTARCTIC JOURNAL Months during the year when shallow-water benthic marine animals spawn in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. (Symbols: S, main spawning period; x, some spawning probable because mature gametes present, or in the case of suspected continuous breeders, brooding animals and/or larvae found irregularly throughout the year.) Months Pelagic embryos, planktotrophic larvae Polychete Flabelligera mundatab Bivalve Limatula hodgsonib Asteroids Odontaster validus Odontaster meridionalis Porania antarctica Echinoid Sterechinus neumayeri Euphausid Euphausia crystal lorophias Nemertean Parbolasia corrugatusb Evidencea J F MA M J JASON D S S 2,3 x x x x S S 2,4 S S S S S S S S S S S S x 1a,2,3,4,5,7 2,3,5 2,5 x S x 1 b,2,3,4,5,6,7 x SS ic xxxxxxxxxx S S 1 d,2,6,7 Pelagic embryos, pelagic lecithotrophic larvae Copepod Euchaeta antarctica Cnidarian Edwardsia meridionalisb Asteroids Acodontaster hodgsoni Perknaster fuscusb x SS x lc xxxxxxxxxxxx le xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx 2,3,5 2,3 S if Benthic embryos, benithic lecithotrophic larvae Teleost Trematomous bernacchii Asteroid Porania sp. Brooded embryos (no larvae) Peracardians Nototanais dimorphus Orchomene plebs Glyptonotus antarcticus Asteroid Diplasterias brucei Echinoids Abatus nimrodi Abatus shackletoni Bivalve Laternula elliptica x x x S xxxxxxxxxxxx 2,5 x SS S S S S x x SS S SS S xxxxxxxxxxxx 7 ig lh xxxxxxxxxxxx ld,2,7 xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx 2,7 2,7 x S x 2,4,5,6,7 a 1. Literature a. Pearse 1965, Pearse and Bosch in press; b. Pearse and Giese 1966, Bosch et all. in preparation; c. Littlepage 1964; d. Dearborn 1965a; e. Oliver 1979; f. Dearborn 1965b; g. Pearse 1963, Rakusa-Suszeczewski 1982; h. Dearborn 1967. 2. Fresh gonadal smears. 3. Gonadal size analyses. 4. Histological analyses of the gonads. 5. pawned in the laboratory. 6. Spawning observed in the field. 7. Embryos or larvae collected in the field. Developmental mode based on size and buoyancy of eggs and lack of observation of brooding; small eggs less than 200 micrometers planktotrophic; large eggs more than 500 micrometers lecithotropic. 1986 REVIEW 183 chrony with the midsummer phytoplankton bloom (Littlepage 1964). Most species with lecithotrophic larvae, whether benthic or pelagic, as well as those that retain their embryos and bypass larval stages altogether, show little or no seasonal pattern of reproduction. Nevertheless, the peracarideans Nototanais dimorph us and Orchomene plebs reproduce seasonally; they spawn and begin brooding in late fall, winter, and spring, and the juveniles are released mainly in late spring and summer when they can graze on the abundant diatoms (Marinovic and Pearse unpublished observations). The predaceous copepod Euchaeta antarctica also has a restricted spawning season, producing lecithothrophic pelagic larvae in midwinter that develop into juveniles capable of preying on the juvenile euphasiids present in the summer (Littlepage 1964). The underlying cause of the restricted midsummer spawning period of the fish Trematomus bernacchii remains unresolved. As with E. antarctica, the juveniles could be dependent on the summer production of planktotrophic crustacean prey. The fall spawning period of the bivalve Laternula elliptica, with its unusual mode of development (Pearse et al. 1986), is even more difficult to explain, but may correspond to a period of low predation on the embryos and juveniles. In conclusion, temporal patterns of reproduction by shallowwater antarctic animals are variable and are only partly related to reproductive mode. As in other environments, reproductive tempo is controlled by the specific requirements and constraints of particular species, and varies both among species in a particular habitat and within species among different habitats. While broad generalities can be made (e.g., species with feeding larvae tend to have restricted spawning times while those without feeding larvae tend to reproduce throughout the year), patterns for particular species, and their underlying causes, will best be understood within the context of each species. We thank Kathy Ann Miller and Ann Shaffer for diving assistance, Vicki Pearse for comments on the manuscript, and the Antarctic Services Inc. of ITT and the U.S. Naval Antarctic Support Force for logistic support. This work was supported in part by National Science Foundation grant DPP 83-17082. References Bosch, I., K. A. Beauchamp, M. E. Steele, and J. S. Pearse. In preparation. Development, metamorphosis, and seasonal abundance of embryos and larvae of the antarctic sea urchin Sterechinus neumayer:. 184 Dearborn, J.H. 1965a. Ecological and faunistic investigations of the marine bent hos at McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. (Doctoral dissertation, Stanford University.) Dearborn, J.H. 1965b. Reproduction in the nototheniid fish Trematomus bernacchii Boulenger at McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Copeia, 1965, 302-308. Dearborn, J.H. 1967. Food and reproduction of Glyptonotus antarcticus (Crustacea, Isopoda) at McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 18, 163-168. Littlepage, J.L. 1964. Seasonal variation in lipid content of two antarctic marine crustacea. In R. Carrick, M. Holgate, and J . Prevost (Eds.), Biologic Antarctique. Paris: Actualities Scientifiques et Industrielles, Herman. McClintock, J. B., and J. S. Pearse. 1986. Organic and energetic content of eggs and juveniles of antarctic echinoids and asteroids with lecithotrophic development. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 85A, 341-345. Oliver, J.S. 1979. Processes affecting the organization of marine soft-bottom communities in Monterey Bay, California and McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. (Doctoral dissertation, University of California in San Diego.) Olson, R.R., I. Bosch, and J.S. Pearse. In press. The antarctic larval food limitation hypothesis examined for the asteroid Odontaster validus. Limnology and Oceanography. Pearse, J.S. 1963. Marine reproductive periodicity in polar seas: A study on two invertebrates at McMurdo Station, Antarctica. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 44, 43. Pearse, J.S. 1965. Reproductive periodicities in several contrasting populations of Odontaster validus Koehler, a common antarctic asteroid. Antarctic Research Series, 5, 39-85. Pearse, J.S., and I. Bosch. In press. Are the feeding larvae of the commonest antarctic asteroid really demersal? Bulletin of Marine Science. Pearse, J.S. and A.C. Giese. 1966. Food, reproduction and organic constitution of the common antarctic echinoid Sterechinus neumayeri. Biology Bulletin, 130, 387-401. Pearse, J.S., I. Bosch, and J.B. McClintock. 1986. Contrasting modes of reproduction by common shallow-water antarctic invertebrates. Antarctic Journal of the U.S., 20(5), 138-139. Rakusa-Suszeczewski, S. 1982. The biology and metabolism of Orchoniene plebs (Hurley 1965)(Amphipoda: Gammaridea) from McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Polar Biology, 1, 47-54. Rivkin, RB., I. Bosch, J.S. Pearse, and E.J. Lessard. 1986. Bacterivory: a novel feeding mode for asteroid larvae. Science. 233, 1311-1314. ANTARCTIC JOURNAL