Excerpts from: HJISTORY of SAN CALIFORNJIA By WILLIAM F. JAMES AND GEORGE H. McMURRY SMITH PRINTING COMPANY SAN JOSE, CALIF. 1933 Available in the San Jose Public Library - Call number: CAL REF 979.474 James. Reprints a series of articles that ran in the San José Mercury. A brief historical survey of San José up to the early 1930s. x:n........THE CENTURY CLOSES "I shall always think of the Santa Clara Valley as a sleepln. maiden, fragrant with perfume and intoxicatingly beautiful, lying In a carven bed formed by the mountains of Santa Cruz, curtained by fleecy clouds, her coverlet of eiderdown, tinted with rose, quilted with green, edged with gold; her pillow the sun-kissed waters of San Francisco Bay. "When you come closer yOU find that the coverlet which eon­ ceals her gracious form is in reality an expanse of fragrant blossom.: that the green tufts are the live oaks which rise at intervals above the orchards of cherry, peach and prune, and that the yellow edgln. is the California poppies which clothe the encircling hills."-E. Alu­ ander-Powell. 1 W ITH J 8,060 inhabitants San Jose now faced the turn of the century with a decade of retrenchment in which her population gained only 19 per cent and the County's 48,005 increased only 11.6 per cent-lowest of American times. San Jose's boom continued until the free silver crisis of 1893. but the valley did not feel the full effects of the depression until 1897~8. The breathing space. from the standpoint of new community integra.. tions. had a certain value. A horde of settlers had but recently arrived. "Old timers" were somewhat submerged among new faces seen on th streets of the City which they had watched develop from a scattering of Mexican huts. 'They dated from this period a change from the mellow old days to a new bustle. There was effort to pump prosperity into the times. Newspapers were full of "boost" articles. Promoters attempted grandiose schemes such as P. H. Wheeler's dream~city "New Chicago" (1891) in the sloughs north of Alviso where the San Jose Watch Factory produced one "turnip" and expired, not to mention W. J. Peall's "New Bethlehem" subdivision near Agnew, nor the deliberate fraud of "Hacienda Park" atop some western hills-all cluttering the county assessment rolls to this day. Substantial building continued in the first half of the decade, topped by such structures as the $138,852 postoffice (1894) on its $39.454 site (Marke and San Fernando), the $100,000 high school, and the $250,000 HaIl 0 Records (1892), built by the County from current revenue. Civic leader. were working for a San Jose deep water port at Alviso. Stanford opene' the world's finest group of university buildings (1891) on its nOO·ACf' campus. and Palo Alto was growing from nothing to 1003 inhabitants b 1895. Morgan Hill (theretofore Burnett Station) began in the subdivislo of Morgan Hill's 19.000-acre rancho (1893) and San Martin (Tennan Station) started in 1898. In agriculture the trends previously noted became more pronounced. The fruit industry was dominant, with packing and canning methods per­ fected, and with growers definitely started on their co~operative history. The wine industry attained its peak. Th, and in League Ma ment hE Decemb Ab (May 2 can W. islands Ry First St excellen Second Theater buildins All one wa: Nation;: City Ba the Gar The Ur five yec Of San Jo: (Edgar Hubbar (1890) . Leamar (1892); Antone Tc In that five ye prunes, apples. 193.901' 17,389 W the Cc produc NewY XII.~THE CENTURY CLOSES 133 The City was laying its first pavements in the first part of the decade and in the latter part citizens were forming (1896) the Good Government League to reform the city government. Marking the 50th anniversary of the founding of American state govern­ ment here, San Jose entertained California with a notable jubilee program, December 15, 1899. About 50 San Joscans were in the First California Infantry that sailed (May 25, 1898), the first army unit in the Philippines in the Spanish-Ameri­ can War. Other San Joseans were in the later units which served in the islands during the war and the succeeding insurrection. Banks and Business Ryland's Letitia building (1890) and Ryland block (1892) on South First Street are examples of substantial buildings of the period. The former's excellent construction is credited with saving the business district in tht' Second Street conflagration (July 4, 1892) that destroyed the California Theater, South Methodist Church, Lick House, Krumb's Brewery and other buildings. All but one of the City's banks stood the pinch of 1893-8 and a new one was formed~the Security Savings Bank (July 31, 1891), from the First ,..--.....National's savings department, with Frank Stock as president. The Garden City Bank relinquished its national charter and became a state bank (1893), the Garden City Bank & Trust Co., increasing its capitalization to $200,000. The Union Savings Bank closed its doors (1899) and liquidated in the next five years. Of the notable businesses established a few might be mentioned: The San Jose Abstract & Title Co. (1890), combining the firms of Pomeroy (Edgar) & Howes (Sam), and Pitman (J, M,) & Edwards (Thomas C.); Hubbard (Thomas) & Carmichael Bros. (Daniel and Niel) lumber mill (1890). after logging operations since 1874; the Home Union (1891); James B. Leaman's Red Star Laundry (1890); A. S. Bacon & Son (S. 1.), shoes (1892); Brennan (J. A.) & Tucker's (F, A.) Pacific Carriage Factory (1891). Antone Zicovich built the Park Hotel (1895). The Orchards Take Over To emphasize agricultural trends, the 1895 assessment figures are taken. In that year wheat acreage had dropped to 14,000, barley to 15.000. In five years the orchard area had more than doubled, to 4,454,945 trees~ prunes, 1,542,094 bearing and 1,419,020 non-bea ring (under four years); apples. 34,995 and 9845; apricots, 393,654 and 141,445; peach, 311,825 and 193,906; pear, 102,064 and 42,813; cherry, 86,194 and 69,994; almond, 17,389 and 6661; walnut, 6926 and 4746. Wine production reached its 6,000,000-gallon peak in this decade when the County produced a third of California's vintage. Paul Masson was producing (250,000 bottles in 1899) the only American champagne outside New York State. More than 1400 varieties of grapes had been experimented ]34 HISTORY OF SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA with since the beginnings of commercial vineyards in 1866, but declining prices and vine diseases were reducing acreage. First Dried Fruit Cooperative California's first general dried fruit growers' cooperative movement was the Santa Clara County Fruit Exchange, incorporated 1892, with Col. Philo Hersey president and moving spirit. It welded together as spokes in the wheel that was its trade~mark a number of smaller neighborhood associa­ tions-Col. Hersey's West Side Fruit Growers Association (1891) of the Willows district; the East Side Growers Exchange (1891) of the Evergreen section; F, M. Righter's Campbell Fruit Growers Union (June 1892), and soon after the Berryessa union. The Exchange, which set up drying and grade standards. sold to the best advantage to existing market factors, developed markets, built a two­ story 60x 150 warehouse on Sunol Street, and added unions from Los Gatos, Saratoga. Mountain View, and Santa Clara. Business forced enlargement of its packing plant (1896) and again (1899). Policies included annual settlement with grower members, of which there were never more than 436, and low salaries to officials. Tonnages handled grew from 3069 in 1893 to 7260 in 1902, the smallest, 2102 in 1895. Canners of the state, to standardize methods and to promote efficiency, formed the California Fruit Canners Association (1899), with T. B. Dawson of the first cannery here in a position corresponding to general superintend­ ency. He became general superintendent of the California Packing Corp. which grew (1916) from this association and additional canneries. Robert I. Bentley, who got his start in the Golden Gate cannery here, was presi­ dent. George N. Herbert began his packing business in 1890 and J. C. Ainsley (1891) his cannery at Campbell. W. C. Anderson (1890) started his canning machinery factory, the Anderson Prune Dipping Co. This (April 1902) incorporated as the Ander­ son~Barngrover Manufacturing Co., after absorbing Barngrover, Hull, & Cunningham, which had fonned 1901, stemming from the factory Luther Cunningham had established (1889) to manufacture prune dippers. This consolidation merged (1928) into Food Machinery Corp. 2 High School Is Built A $100,000 brick and stone high school was built by bonds (1897-8) in Washington Square and its course extended to four years. It was the only notable public school improvement in the hard-pressed period, wooden sheds being built beside existing elementary schools to handle the overflow, when the superintendent, pointing to overcrowded and badly ventilated rooms, urged that classes be limited to 45, even at the cost of turning some children away. In 1897, pupils numbered 4940 and current expenditures totaled $104,335-gains of 151 and 109 per cent in 20 years. XII.- THE CENTURY CLOSES 135 Organized physical training was provided for fhe children (1893) when the German Turn Verein donated the services of its instructor, L. Webber. Present names were given to the City's schools (March 1892): Horace Mann (Santa Clara Street School); Longfellow (First Ward); Grant (Empire Street-Second Ward); Lowell (Reed Street); Lincoln (Fourth Ward); and Washington (Oak Street.) The kindergartens were renamed Peabody (Second Street) and Sarah B. Cooper (Guadalupe Street), and a third was added, Park Kindergarten. The Cottage Grove School was annexed to the department (1894), and two more kindergartens added, the Quincy Shaw and Home Kindergarten. Colleges and Churches The Washburn Preparatory School (Devine and San Pedro) was established (1894) by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Washburn and Miss Lucy M. Washburn, and continued 17 years. The San Jose Business College was organized (1891.) The University of Pacific absorbed the 20-year-old Napa Collegiate Institute, (1896), built its chapel and Conservatory of Music (1891), which absorbed Frank Loui King's Conservatory of Music. Notre Dame Institute was founded (1893) in connection with that col­ lege and (1899) its Conservatory of Music added. Churches organizing and building were: Second Presbyterian, Second near William; Seventh Day Adventists (1893); Antioch Baptist (1893); Christ Church (Epis.copal) Mission ( I 892) , building at Fourth and William (1905.) The South Methodist church rebuilt after its 1892 fire and the Christian Church (1891) moved to its new brick church on North Second. The Associated Charities The Associated Charities was formed (January 10, 1894) with church and civic support, and the Ladies Benevolent Society, which had carried the burden alone. now devoted its attention solely to orphans. The Women's Exchange, to assist needy women, was organized (1899.) The San Jose Chapter. Red Cross, was organized (1898) with the outbreak of the Spanish­ American War. The Volunteers of America started work here (1894.) The Y. M. C. A.. reorganizing after long inactivity. erected (1890) its two-story frame headquarters (Second near St. John) which it sold some years later to the Labor Temple Association, meeting thereafter in rented quarters until 1913. Many Women's Clubs The San Jose Woman's Club was founded (December 3, 1894), formed its younger women's auxiliary and built its Third Street clubhouse (1906) and its Eleventh Street clubhouse (1929. ) From the first it was active in civic enterprises. Other women's organizations formed included: Santa Ysabel Chapter, D. A. R. (November 1896); Willows Reading and Study Club (1897); the 136 HISTORY OF SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA Fortnightly Club (1899); the Art History Club (1894); the Saturday Morn~ ing (musical) Club (1893); the Political Equality Club (1896); as well as the Josephine Rebekahs (October 1894); Mizpah Temple (1895) and Liberty Temple (1900), Rathbone Sisters. The Sainte Claire Club (St. John and Second) was built (1894) by Senator James D. Phelan and repaired (1907.) The Union Battlefield Veterans organized (June 1892.) San Jose Lodge. No. 522, B. P. O. E., was organized (October) and instituted (December 9, 1899.) Its Christmas morning distributions to needy families has become a unique custom, as were its annual Empty-Stocking shows. Observatory Parlor, Native Sons, organized in 1891, and other fraternal organizations included Court San Jose, Foresters of America (May 1891); San Jose Aerie, No.8, Eagles (April 1899), Alamo Camp, No. 80, W. O. W. (December 1893); Manhattan Tribe, No. lOS, Red Men (March 1900.) Cyclers and First Autoists Bicycling was in its hey~dey. Besides the Garden City Wheelmen, now came the San Jose Road Club (April 7, 1892), which also held many coast road records. The Ladies Cycling Club organized (September 1893.) The three clubs boasted 600 bicycles (1894) and members young and old. The first "safety" bicycles on the coast had appeared here in 1888. In 1896, 28 San Jose bicycle agencies sold 1061 wheels. But now were appearing the first automobiles as the century neared its close-Dr. Fred M. Bangs' Locomobile, the Duryea of President S. B. Hun­ kins of the Garden City Bank, and the Stanley Steamer of Frank H. Holmes. Theaters and Newspapers The California Theater burning (1892), Walter Morosco opened the Auditorium (September) in what had been the Horticultural Hall (San Fer­ nando, west of MarkeL) James D. Phelan's Victory Theater, first leased by Charles P. Hall, opened on North First (February 2, 1899) with "The School for Scandal." Newspapers were approaching present numbers. In 1898, Shortridge lost his interest in the "Daily Mercury" to a local syndicate managed by Clarence M. Wooster, and soon after Alfred Holman took over as editor. Shortridge lost the "Evening Herald" two years later. Meanwhile Williams was publishing his "Evening News" and (June 18, 1898) introduced the first linotype to local journalism. The Dunham Murders Most notable crime of the decade was James C. Dunham's axing and strangling of six persons to death (May 26, 1896) on the McGlincey place, six miles west of the City - his estranged wife, her parents, and servants. Scores of citizens followed Sheriff James H. Lyndon on Dunham's supposed trail in the eastern hills. He was never found, though $10,000 in rewards "--..-­ XII.---THE CENTURY CLOSES 137 offered by a shocked community encouraged officers throughout America to turn up many suspects in th.e years to come. "'-----' 3 First Paved Streets Mayors were S. N. Rucker, April 28, 1890 to April 18, 1892; H. E. Schilling, to April 16, 1894; Paul P. Austin, to April 20, 1896; Valentine Koch, to April 20, 1898, and Charles J. Martin, to July 7, 1902. First San Jose street to be paved (spring of 1890) was First between Santa Clara and San Salvador, followed by San Fernando between Market and Fourth. In the decade five miles of paving was laid in the business district, with 26 water~wagons sprinkling macadam and dirt streets in the residential areas. The County was laying its first asphaltic macadam roads about the valley at the same time and County Surveyor J. G. McMillan was designing and building (1890-91) California's first concrete bridge, over the Penetencia Creek east of San Jose. The valley was said to have the best roads in the State and was building them at the rate of $90,000 a year. At the turn of the century there were 280 miles of sprinkled roads in the county. In the same time the bonded debt of the County was reduced from $360,000 to $160,000. The City received a new freeholders' charter (March 5, 1897), effective July 1, 1898. The Alum Rock Park commission was created June 2, 1891. Troubles of Public Utilities Edwards' Electric Improvement Co. and Quilty's Light and Power Co. filled the decade with keen competition in electric service particularly in their struggle for the city lighting contract, spicing the contest with legal shifts and political dodges. When Edwards' "low light" company won the city contract by a San Mateo county court decision, after losing the contract despite its low bid. Quilty's "high light" company stirred public demand for the lighting of the Electric Tower, which Quilty held. Edwards contended the tower was built by public subscription over public land---was the City's to dispose of. The Council agreed. Edwards evaded service of Quilty's injunction, lit the tower March 1, 1891. Both sides were fined for contempt of court. Edwards then rented the tower for a nominal sum. Jacob Rich. whose street car lines had flourished during Bishop's ill~ starred efforts to electrify his. now fell on evil times. Backing Rich had been the German Savings & Loan Society of San Francisco. encouraging him to extend and impro~e his lines. Holding his first mortgage bonds, it agreed to take up $150.000 second mortgage bonds. Then came the 1893 crash. and with it new directors for the financial institution. who would not carry Rich. who had already lost $75,000 in the failure of a winery. He mortgaged all his property and delayed the crash until 1897, when the loan society forced him into bankruptcy and bought his lines for $225,000, the amount of its first mortgage. Rich made valiant efforts to pay his creditors before his death in 1901. 138 HISTORY OF SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA Another venture was the narrow-gauge Alum Rock steam railroad. started (1890) by a man named Quincy. who lost all he had by the time the line reached White Road. It was taken over by Hugh Center (franchise. July 1894) and continued to the mouth of Alum Rock canyon. The cars were drawn at first by an 8-ton engine. later increased in size. It became the "Narrow Gauge Electric" at the turn of the century. The telephone utility continued a small but steady growth having by 1892. 311 subscribers. a gain of 229 in ten years. Ii' III -..../ XIII.~THE 'QUAKE AND THE WAR 147 gathered s;avings. The monument was unveiled (February 21, 1903) at ceremonies addressed by the Hon. E. A. Hayes and Father R. E. Kenna, S. J. A redwood in Washington Square and another at the Campbell school recall the fifth preSidential visit to this City, that of President Theodore Roosevelt (May 12, 1903.) Roosevelt spent the night in his private car here, spoke to a large audience from a specially erected platform at the railroad station, planted trees, and drove about the valley. Library Building Donated Andrew Carnegie gave the City (March 10, 1901) its $50,000 public library in response to pleas by community representatives, notably O. A. Hale and Mayor C. J. Martin. Its cornerstone was laid in Washington Square (February 16, 1902) by the San Jose Elks, who commemorated the fact on the cornerstone, much to the disgust of the Pastors' Union. The legend being defaced one night, the cornerstone was thereafter replaced, bearing nothing but the date. The $7000 East San Jose Carnegie Library (1907) became a branch of the main library on annexation of that city. The county free library was established (July 1, 1914) in the Hall of Justice. '---' , Clubs and Organizations The San Jose Golf and Country Club (now San Jose Country Club) began as the Linda Vista Golf Club (October 19, 1899), its original club~ house being later the Linda Vista Sanitarium, with an 80~acre course. With its new name it moved (19 13) to its present 93~acre course and built its $15,000 clubhouse. The South Bay Yacht Club, also founded in the latter nineties, built its clubhouse at Alviso (1903.) New women's organizations included To Kalon (1902), the Browning Society (1902), the Monday Club (1904), the Ou tdoor Art League (1904.) Minequa Council, Degree of Pocahontas, organized (September 1902). G. A. R. 'posts combined, as did their auxiliaries. as the Sheridan~Dix Post, No. 7 (February 1905.) Kate Sherwood Tent, Daughters of Union Veterans was mustered into the national alliance (April 1905.) Spanish~ American War Veterans formed their organization, and a unit of Veterans of Foreign Wars (May 29, 1901.) Scottish Rite Masonry was launched here by 22 Masons (November 6, 1904) and its first Temple was built on North Third (1908.) The $50,000 Masonic Temple (First, south of San Antonio) was built (1905) and replaced (1908.) San Jose Council. No. 874, Knights of Columbus, was founded (April 24. 1904) with 32 charter members. Other new social and fraternal orders included San Jose Lodge, No. 643, Loyal Order of Moose (November 25,1910); Club La France (October 26,1902.) San Jose Elks erected their present building (1913.)