Climate Information and Early Warning Systems to Support Disaster Risk Reduction and Management under Future Climate Conditions in South Africa REPORT No. 2 FOR THE LONG TERM ADAPTATION SCENARIOS FLAGSHIP RESEARCH PROGRAM (LTAS) 1 Contents LIST OF FIGURES.................................................................................................................................3 LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................................................4 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS.....................................................................................................................5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................................................................7 REPORT OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................8 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................... 10 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 13 2. METHODOLOGY........................................................................................................................ 18 3. CLIMATE HAZARDS AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACTS ................................................................ 20 3.1. OBSERVED TRENDS IN CLIMATE VARIABILITY AND HAZARDS ........................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 3.2. PAST EXTREME EVENTS ........................................................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 3.3. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL IMPACTS OF PAST CLIMATE HAZARDS .................................................................. 37 3.3.1. Economic impacts of disasters ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.3.2. Social impacts of disasters ...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.4. GAPS AND CHALLENGES ....................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 4. DISASTER RISK REDUCTION AND MANAGEMENT IN SOUTH AFRICA ........................................... 41 4.1. THE ACT AND THE FRAMEWORK ......................................................................................................... 41 4.2. MANDATE OF THE NATIONAL DISASTER MANAGEMENT CENTRE ............................................................. 43 4.3. EXISTING DRR-M SYSTEMS ............................................................................................................... 44 4.4. IDENTIFIED GAPS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR DRR-M SYSTEMS ................................................................. 45 4.4.1. Legislation ........................................................................................................................... 45 4.4.2. Institutional ......................................................................................................................... 46 4.4.3. Funding mechanisms for DRR-M ......................................................................................... 51 4.4.4. Opportunities ...................................................................................................................... 53 5. CLIMATE INFORMATION AND EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS IN SOUTH AFRICA .............................. 56 5.1. MANDATES, CAPACITY AND LINKS ....................................................................................................... 56 5.1.1. Production of weather and climate forecasts (including warnings and advisories) ..... Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.1.2. Links with other government departments ......................................................................... 60 5.1.3. Community response........................................................................................................... 61 5.2. CLIMATE ADVISORIES AND EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS TO SUPPORT DRR-M ............................................... 64 5.3. IDENTIFIED GAPS AND OPPORTUNITIES IN CURRENT CLIMATE INFORMATION AND EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS.... 69 5.3.1. Legislative, institutional and mandate issues ..................................................................... 69 5.3.2. Technical issues ................................................................................................................... 70 5.3.3. Social issues ......................................................................................................................... 71 2 6. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ENHANCING CLIMATE INFORMATION AND EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS FOR BUILDING CLIMATE RESILIENCE ................................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 7. OPERATIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................................... 73 INSTITUTIONAL AND PROCESS RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................... 74 POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................. 76 CONCLUSION ........................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................... 79 List of Figures Figure 1: The key concepts of DDR-M and CCA ......................................................................................... 14 Figure 2: Progression of Risk Model (Pressure and Release Model) .......................................................... 21 Figure 3: NDMC floods Hazard Map ........................................................................................................... 24 Figure 4: Public health impacts ................................................................................................................... 28 Figure 5: Drought Hazard Index Map for the Limpopo Basin ..................................................................... 32 Figure 6: Occurrence (including Tsunamis)................................................................................................. 34 Figure 7: Economic damages in US$ ........................................................................................................... 34 Figure 8: Number of people affected.......................................................................................................... 35 Figure 9: Number of people killed .............................................................................................................. 35 Figure 10: NDMC historic disasters map for South Africa .......................................................................... 36 Figure 11: NDMC disaster situation report incidents (1990-current) map................................................. 37 Figure 12: Extreme weather events in South Africa ................................................................................... 37 Figure 13: An upward trend in the disaster intensive years 1981 to 2013 ................................................ 39 Figure 14: A cost indication per hazard type from 1981- 2013 .................................................................. 39 Figure 15: All Hazard related costs recorded in the NDMC Annual reports from 2006-2011 .................... 40 Figure 16: Structures and responsibilities of disaster management across all spheres of governance ..... 42 Figure 17: Functioning of Disaster Risk Management structures per province ......................................... 47 Figure 18: Let’s Respond Toolkit ................................................................................................................. 53 Figure 19: Step by step approach to integrate climate change in the IDP process .................................... 54 Figure 20: Some of the over 5000 youths employed by Working on Fire .................................................. 55 Figure 21: SAWS forecasting system (SAWS CEO Dr Makuleni, 2011) ....................................................... 57 Figure 22: Flow of information from SAWS to DMC ................................................................................... 58 Figure 23: South African Weather Service Severe Weather Alerts............................................................. 64 Figure 24: Snapshot at 06 hr SA time of basins where flooding were expected ........................................ 65 3 Figure 25: Hourly breakdown issues by SAWS for the floods ..................................................................... 66 Figure 26: Storm surge alert process (Stander 2011) ................................................................................. 68 Figure 27: Framework for integrating local knowledge and scientific information on early warning ....... 71 Figure 28: Meteorological station, Northern Cape .................................................................................... 74 List of tables Table 1: Summary of flood impacts in South Africa.................................................................................... 24 Table 2: Summary of storms impacts ......................................................................................................... 28 Table 3: Summary of drought impacts in South Africa ............................................................................... 31 Table 4: Summary of impacts of veldfires in South Africa .......................................................................... 33 Table 5: Disasters in South Africa 1983-2013 ............................................................................................. 35 Table 6: An example summary of direct damage costs of disasters - 1981 to 2013 .................................. 38 Table 1: Capacity challenges faced by the Disasters Centres in terms of fulfilling their Mandate..………..48 Table 8: Challenges experienced by local, district and provincial municipalities ...................................... 50 Table 9: Research institutions involved in interpretation, packaging and dissemination of early warning and climate information ............................................................................................................................. 59 Table 10: Government department linkages with DDR-M and EWS ………………………………………………………61 Table 11: Identified areas of skills shortage ............................................................................................... 72 4 List of abbreviations ACDS ADRMP AFIS COGTA CSIR DAFF DHI DMA DMISA DoCG DPLG DRR DRR-M DST EMDAT EWS FPA GCM GEOSS GIZ IDP ILRC IPCC KPA LTAS MDMC MHEWS MIG MODIS NAC NCCRP NCEC NDMAF NDMC NDMF NDMIS NFDRS NISL NOAA African Centre for Disaster Studies Agricultural Disaster Risk and Management Plan Advanced Fire Information System Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Drought Hazard Index Disaster Management Act Disaster Management Institute of Southern Africa Department of Cooperative Governance Department of Provincial and Local Government Disaster Risk Reduction Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Department of Science and Technology Emergency Events Database Early Warning Systems Fire Protection Association Global Circulation Model Global Earth Observation Systems of Systems Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit Integrated Development Plan (National) Interdepartmental Legislative Review Committee Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Key performance area Long Term Adaptation Scenarios Municipal Disaster Management Centre Multi hazard Early Warning System Municipal Infrastructure Grant Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer National Agro-meteorological Committee National Climate Change Response Paper National Crop Estimate Committee National Disaster Management Advisory Forum National Disaster Management Centre National Disaster Management Framework National Disaster Management Information System National Fire Danger Rating System National Information Society Learnerships National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 5 PDMC RAVAC SABC SAFFG SALGA SANHO SARVA SAWS SPI TTT UNFCCC UNISDR WAMIS WMO WMO WoF Provincial Disaster Management Centre Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Centre South Africa Broadcasting Cooperation South Africa Flash Flood Guidance South Africa Local Government Association South African Navy Hydrographic Office South Africa Risk and Vulnerability Atlas South Africa Weather Services Standardised Precipitation Index Technical Task Team United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction Wide Area Monitoring Information System (Australian) Wildfire Management Overlay World Meteorological Organization Working on Fire 1 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Acknowledgements The Long-Term Adaptation Flagship Research Programme (LTAS) responds to the South African National Climate Change Response White Paper by undertaking climate change adaptation research and scenario planning for South Africa and the Southern African sub-region. The Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) is leading the process in collaboration with technical research partner the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) as well as technical and financial assistance from the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). DEA would like to acknowledge the LTAS Phase 1 and 2 Project Management Team who contributed to the development of the LTAS technical reports, namely Mr Shonisani Munzhedzi, Mr Vhalinavho Khavhagali (DEA), Prof Guy Midgley (SANBI), Ms Petra de Abreu, Ms Sarshen Scorgie (Conservation South Africa), Dr Michaela Braun, and Mr Zane Abdul (GIZ). DEA would also like to thank the sector departments and other partners for their insights to this work, in particular the Department of Water Affairs (DWA), Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF), National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC), Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR), South African Weather Services (SAWS) and Stellenbosch University. Specifically, we would like to extend gratitude to the groups, organisations and individuals who participated and provided technical expertise and key inputs to the Climate Information and Early Warning Systems to Support Disaster Risk Reduction and Management under Future Climates in South Africa report, namely Dr Julia Mambo, Ms Claire Davis, Ms Karin Stronkhorst, Ms Miriam Murambadoro, Dr Emma Archer van Garderen and Mrs Willemien van Niekerk (CSIR, Natural Resources and Environment, and Built Environment); Ms Moddy Sethutha, Mr Mark van Staden and Mr Terry (NDMC); Ms Vimbai Chasi (Stellenbosch University, Disaster Mitigation for Sustainable Livelihoods Programme); and Mr Eugene Poolman (SAWS). Furthermore, we thank the stakeholders who attended the LTAS workshop held at the Sun International Hotel on 22-24 January 2014 for their feedback and inputs on proposed methodologies, content and results. Their contributions were instrumental to this final report. 31 32 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Report overview This technical report presents the LTAS Phase 2 findings on climate information and EWSs for supporting disaster risk reduction and management under future climate conditions. The report focuses on climate change vulnerabilities and potential adaptation responses for disaster risk reduction and management (DRR-M) in South Africa. Specifically, it takes stock of past extreme weather events and disasters, including the economic costs as a result of damages from disasters, and the social impacts on communities. The most common occurring hazards and the impacts on sectors are also presented. The report further takes stock of disaster risk reduction and management (DRR-M), analysing the existing systems and their effectiveness in addressing disasters risk in the country. The report covers the mandates outlined in different legislation and institutions relating to DRR-M, the existing DRR-M systems, and the challenges in implementing DRM activities in the country. The report further takes stock of climate information availability relevant for EWSs (EWS) that have been developed for supporting disaster risk reduction and management in South Africa, EWS governance, and how EWS effectiveness can be enhanced under future climatic conditions. The document describes the mandates, capacity and links between various levels of government including the communities at risk with regards to the EWSs and climate information. It also assess the current stakeholders involved in production, interpretation, packaging, dissemination and community response to EWSs and climate information. The current status of EWSs in South Africa (issued by SAWS as well as independent organisations) is documented and gaps and opportunities are highlighted. Recommendations for EWSs as well for institutions and processes governing disaster management in South Africa are provided. The report provides a synthesis of the status and capacity of disaster risk reduction and EWSs at the different levels of government, the analysis of legislation guiding both EWSs and disaster risk reduction as well as the communication and dissemination of early warning information. An analysis of past extreme weather related disasters, disaster risk reduction management systems and policy recommendations were carried out, in order to assess the current extent and costs of disasters due to shortcomings in EWS and DRR-M, and identify future priorities for adaptive improvements. Analyses were based on the results of relevant past and current research and policy, including the South Africa’s National Climate Change Response White Paper (NCCRP) (DEA 2011a) and the Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (DEA, 2011b). A brief description of each chapter of the technical report follows: Chapter 1 (Introduction) provides an overview of the importance of disaster risk reduction, EWSs and specific legislation and policy instruments and the institutional structures governing disaster risk reduction. The chapter describes the overall aim of the assignment, notably developing policy recommendations for strengthening DRR-M, climate information and EWSs within the LTAS process. 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Chapter 2 (Methodology) provides a brief overview of the methods used in this study. This being a desk top study, the methods employed comprised mainly a review of literature from various government documents annual reports, other grey literature, peer reviewed literature where available, and other publications. Chapter 3 (Climate hazards and socio-economic impacts) provides an overview of past weather-related disasters in the country, the costs of disasters and the costs of disaster risk reduction, rehabilitation and recovery. The chapter further gives an overview of the socio-economic impacts of the various types of disasters experienced in the country, building on work that was conducted under the Initial and Second National Communications to the UNFCCC. Chapter 4 (Disaster risk reduction and management in South Africa) provides an overview of disaster risk reduction management systems, including legislative instruments available and the institutional arrangements currently governing DRR-M activities in the country. The chapter also discusses the shortcomings of legislative and institutional structures in implementing DRR-M activities. Chapter 5 (Climate information and EWSs in South Africa) describes the mandates, capacity and links between national, provincial, municipal and local community levels with regards to EWSs, including the production, interpretation, packaging and dissemination of weather and climate forecasts and related information, including warnings and advisories across relevant sectors. The chapter further describes current capacity (technical, human and institutional) with regards to climate information and EWSs for floods, fires, droughts and storm surges, including decision support tools available cross-sectorally. Lastly, the chapter identifies gaps and opportunities in the current climate information and EWSs. Chapter 6 (Recommendations for enhancing climate information and EWSs for building climate resilience) outlines policy recommendations for strengthening climate information and EWSs for building climate resilience. Chapter 7 (Conclusion) concludes the report, highlighting the findings and the implications of the findings for the scope of Phase 2 in assessing adaptation response options. 33 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Executive summary The observed climate trends for South Africa, over the last five decades, 1960 to 2010 indicate a tendency towards extreme rainfall events, increasing in frequency annually and especially in spring and summer, with reduction in extremes in autumn and increased dry spell duration. Other trends indicate an increase in mean annual temperatures, in almost all seasons, with part of the country expected to be drier (DEA, 2013a). This implies that the country is exposed to a wide range of weather related hazards including floods, fires, droughts and storm surges. Weather-related disasters pose significant challenges for South Africa and negatively impact economic infrastructure such as mining and electricity generation, health, tourism, agriculture, forestry, biodiversity, water and human settlements (DEA 2013a). . Between 2000 and 2009, the total costs of weather-related disasters have been conservatively estimated to be in the region of R9.2 billion (due to incomplete data and records), and possibly at least twice this amount. The lack of uniform reporting structures in key state departments regarding the reporting and costing of damages due to disasters makes it an intractable task to obtain the accurate figures. South Africa’s National Climate Change Response Paper (NCCRP) (DEA, 2011a) and the Second Communication to the UNFCCC (DEA, 2011b), highlight disaster management as a key area of development for the country. Disaster risk reduction management and early warning information systems in South Africa, are some of the most advanced and comprehensive, including legislation and institutional arrangement in place to facilitate disaster risk reduction across all sectors of government. However, disaster risk reduction implementation has faced and continues to face challenges, in the implementation of disaster risk reduction in South Africa. The main challenges posed include the interpretation and implementation of the legislative instruments, the poor institutional structures, and a lack of capacity at all levels of government, national, provincial and local government which affects the implementation of disaster risk reduction activities. The findings are discussed in detail below. Climate hazards and socio-economic impacts There is an increase in the number of weather related extreme events in the country over the past years, with extensive damage caused to the economic and social sectors resulting in the increase in direct and recovery costs. Some of the impacts of the major natural hazards include: Health impacts and mortality, physical and mental disease, alcoholism and reduced air quality. Impacts on human settlements which include damage to property, homelessness, no access to services, resettlement, and migration. Impacts on infrastructure include damage, expensive repairs, closures, social services reduced, no electricity supply; impacts on agriculture & food security, employment and tourism are reduced or no income, including food shortage, increase of food prices, layoffs, debts, impact on water resources including contamination, acid mine drainage, water restrictions. 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Impact on ecosystems are land degradation, biodiversity loss and extinctions, loss of ecosystems and their services, erosion, alien plant invasion, salinization of groundwater, flood plumes containing pesticides etc. The impacts of disasters are thus wide-ranging in these different sectors. The number of people affected by drought, at over 15 million, is the highest of the hazard types, followed by floods with approximately 483 000. Other hazard types also record number of people affected, however these figures are lower. Between 1980 and 2013, the highest costs from disasters (above R3 billion) were incurred in 1987, 2007, 2010, 2011 and 2013, with 2010 and 2011 being the highest (over R6 billion). It is important to note here that accuracy of these figures is questionable due to difficulty in compiling and verifying data because of the inconsistent reporting of damages and reduction costs by the key line ministries and departments such as the NDMC. Other challenges noted include local government focus on disaster recovery rather than risk reduction, lack of disaster risk measures, lack of involvement by the private sector, limited community based funding and little to no reporting on investment in DRR-M activities. Long lead times in transferring the Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) results in the delay in the release of funds (between when a disaster occurs and when funds are released). This is due to the conditions that need to be met before funding can be channelled from the national budget to the Department of Cooperative Governance (DoCG) and eventually to the MIG fund. Disaster risk reduction management South Africa’s legislation and policy instruments for disaster risk reduction, which includes EWSs are one of the best in Africa, having adopted a proactive rather than a reactive approach. Both the Disaster Management Act (DMA) (RSA, 2002) and the National Disaster Management Framework (NDMF) (RSA, 2005) guide DRR-M implementation in the country, with the National Disaster Management Centre being the lead institution for DRR-M. Despite this, the implementation of disaster risk reduction has been problematic. Various challenges faced in the implementation of DDR-M were noted, such as the Act not being clear about the roles and responsibilities of the various actors in disaster risk reduction. This has resulted in poor institutional implementation at local government level and poor access of funding for both DRR-M and response and rehabilitation at the different levels of government. The lack of capacity at national, provincial and local level government has hindered the implementation of the DRR activities, while the poor understanding of the core concepts of disaster risk at provincial and local municipality as well as at sector department levels, and the language used in both the Act and the Framework make their interpretation and implementation difficult. Other reasons cited for the poor implementation include the lack of a dedicated focal point for disaster management, poor participation of key stakeholders and communities before and during a disaster, and the lack of cooperation and communication between departments to establish and maintain advisory forums. The challenges faced in the implementation of the DMA and the NDMF affect disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation, especially for key economic sectors such as agriculture, water housing and environment sectors, and the effectiveness of EWSs in the country. The placing of the NDMC in the national DoCG has been questioned, with suggestions to house the centres in a strong and influential department which would allow the NDMC to enforce the Act and the 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 framework. The decentralisation of the DRR-M activities to the three tiers of government is mandated by the Act, with provincial, district and metropolitan disaster centres being set up. This process has also faced challenges and some centres are still not operational. A lack of political understanding of the importance of disaster risk reduction and a lack of political will, as well as the lack of capacity and understanding hinder disaster risk activities, with most of the focus being response and recovery. It is hoped that the current review of the Disaster Management Act that will address some of the issues raised. The current review has attempted to redress increased coordination at all levels of government including increased focus on risk assessments, planning, and strategies for various sectors, provinces and local municipalities. Climate information and early warning systems The South Africa Weather Service (SAWS), is the legally mandated institution, as per the Weather Service Act (RSA, 2001), responsible for weather and climate forecasting and the issuing of severe weather related alerts in South Africa. South Africa has a number of, and is in the process of developing more EWSs for different sectors and different weather elements. Examples are the Advanced Fire Information System (AFIS), the South African Weather Service’s severe weather events warning system, and the South African Flash Flood Guidance System (SAFFG). The information and warnings from these systems are made available on websites and are distributed to provincial, district and local municipalities via SMS and email, for them to incorporate into their own EWSs or to take action. SAWS adopted the Multi Hazard EWS (MHEWS) which makes use of multiple monitoring systems, meteorological, hydrological and climate information to prepare and respond for the multiple weatherrelated hazards. MHEWS requires closer cooperation with disaster management structures at national, provincial and local level. The SAWS severe weather system covers potentially damaging weather events (e.g. heavy rain, heat waves and cold weather) that are common in the country. National warnings and advisories are compiled and issued with the longest possible lead-time. Alerts are issued by SAWS and are used by disaster management centres in preparation and readiness for emergency actions such as evacuation in the face of the hazard. The alerts are also issued directly to the public through the media, internet and cellphone service providers. For example, using the Flash Flood Guidance System, warnings were issued for Gauteng on the night of the 15-16 December 2010 flash flood. The current legislation and institutional arrangements do not acknowledge independent early warning information producers such as local farmers in Limpopo and the Northern Cape and that access to early warning information does not always reach the people who need it despite the warning being issued. Further, the packaging of early warning information needs to be improved, and needs to be translated into local languages, while the reliability of issuing of early warning information is questioned and needs to be more reliable. Some of these challenges require longer term focus, while some may be doable in the short term, with a low resource realignment, or refined focus. Some recommendations may require a departure from traditional ways of thinking and approaches to DRM in South Africa, given a changing physical and social environment. 41 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 1. Introduction Over the last five decades, South Africa has experienced a significant increase in mean annual temperatures with hot and cold extremes increasing and decreasing respectively in frequency across the country, particularly in the western and northern interior. Extreme rainfall events have shown an increasing trend across the country in spring and summer with the intensity of rainfall events and dry spell duration also showing increasing trends. Climate change projections for South Africa indicate that temperatures will continue to increase with both drying and wetting trends in almost all parts of South Africa. A higher frequency of flooding and drought extremes could be expected which will intensify existing and create additional socio-economic consequences for vulnerable populations in South Africa. These affects would in particular be linked to the increase in extreme weather events such as floods, fires, droughts and severe storms. This trend is supported by evidence, globally and in southern Africa (DEA, 2013a). Globally, the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) expects negative short- to mediumterm impacts as a result of climate change particularly for low income earners (Hay, 2010; Vermaak and Van Niekerk, 2004). The increase in extreme weather related disasters, increases the economic and fiscal exposure of developing countries, including an increase in the impacts, making the need to address the preparedness, readiness and response to distress while adapting to climate change, essential (SALGA, 2013). South Africa’s Second National Communication (SNC) under the UNFCCC (DEA, 2011b) acknowledges the importance of institutions in adapting to climate change as well as the important role of integration across on-going activities. This includes, in particular, aligning climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction and management (DRR-M) activities such as planning and implementing DRR-M to help build resilience including developing effective EWSs. The National Climate Change Response Paper (NCCRP) (DEA, 2001a) and the SNC (DEA, 2011b), highlight disaster management as a key area of development for building resilience to the expected increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather related hazards. Disaster risk reduction and management and climate change adaptation Disaster risk reduction (DRR) is defined as “the systematic development and application of policies, strategies and practices to minimize vulnerabilities and disaster risks throughout a society, to avoid (prevent) or to limit (mitigate and prepare) adverse impacts of hazards, within the broader context of sustainable development” (UNISDR, 2009). This definition highlights disaster risk reduction as a complex and multi-disciplinary element that aims to decrease mortality, livelihoods and property damage, including environmental, economic and social obstructions, caused by disasters. The objectives of DRR are to strengthen resilience against natural disasters and are aligned to development initiatives so as not to increase vulnerability to hazards (NDMC, 2006). Disaster risk management refers to integrated multisectoral and multidisciplinary administrative, organisational and operational planning processes and capacities aimed at reducing the impacts of natural hazards and related environmental, technological and biological disasters. This broad definition encompasses the definition of ‘disaster management’ as it is used in the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (RSA, 2002). 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Adaptation to climate change concerns both human and natural systems, and refers to the process of adjustment to actual or expected climate and its effects so as to moderate harm and take advantage of beneficial opportunities. In natural systems, adaptation could include human activities which facilitate adaption (Lavell et al., 2012:36). The notion and practices of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation have overlaps and are beneficial to each other, despite DRR-M including other hazards that are not climate change related for example earthquakes, while climate change adaptation focusses on reducing vulnerability (O’Brien et al., 2012). Overlaps do exist in terms of reducing vulnerability to extreme weather related hazards such as floods, droughts and heat waves, with both practises aiming to reduce the impact of both extreme events and climate change. This has prompted the call by international organisations such as the IPCC (2012) to integrate DRR-M and climate adaptation to improve the resilience of poor communities who are the most affected by disasters and climate change (O ‘ Brien et al., 2012). Figure 1: The key concepts of disaster risk reduction management and climate change adaptation (Lavell et al., 2012). The IPPC SREX report (Lavell et al., 2012) dealing with disasters and extreme events has called for the integration of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaption, based on the similarities and objectives of these two practises (see figure 1). Both disaster risk reduction and climate change adaption aim to mitigate climate-related risks by reducing and modifying environmental and human factors, in order to support sustainable economic and social development (Lavell et al., 2012). Both also endorse the preparedness for disasters and include the importance of education in dealing with adaptation and disaster reduction to current and future or projected climate changes. The two practises have been regarded as separate in the past, in terms of the concepts, methods, interpretation and institutional structures; however, disaster risk reduction has undergone an evolution, resulting in the possible alignment with adaptation. The changes in risk reduction are leaning more toward developing resistance to potential impacts of extreme events thereby building resilience of the affected communities. Both 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 also focus on development, and if the developmental aspects are expanded, synergies could be easily be identified that will enhance adaptation and risk reduction (Lavell et al., 2012). Climate information and EWSs One way of getting better equipped to mitigate disasters is an EWS (EWS) which provides timely and effective information, through identified institutions and allows individuals exposed to a hazard to take action, to avoid or reduce their risk and prepare for effective response (UNISDR, 2010). A response strategy for disaster risk reduction and management (DRR-M) noted in the NCCRP (DEA, 2001a) and the Second National Communication to the UNFCCC (DEA, 2011b) highlight the expansion and enhancement of EWSs for severe weather events, in order to achieve increased resilience to and develop adaptation strategies for climate change. This encompasses outreach of the systems as well as communication of early warning information to the potentially affected populations. The SAWS Severe Weather System disseminates early warning information to affected communities about potentially damaging weather events (e.g. heavy rain, heat waves and cold weather) that are common and high risks in the country and which can result in severe impacts. SAWS also collaborate with other government and research institutions to gather early warning information (see chapter 5). Further, SAWS and its collaborators have a myriad of monitoring systems in place; especially for the different hazard types experienced in the country and also have an extensive dissemination system. In order for EWSs to be effective they should address four key elements as defined by the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR): (i) risk identification, (ii) monitoring and warning system, (iii) warning dissemination, and (iv) response actions (Seng & Stanley 2012). Legislation and policy environment The South African Disaster Management Act (RSA, 2002) and the National Disaster Management Framework (RSA, 2005) guide DRR-M in the country. The framework is an essential planning tool for disaster management, pursuing to expansively influence the management of most disasters, despite not specifically addressing climate change issues or impacts (see Chapter 4 for details on the Act and Framework). It is important to note here that the DMA is currently under review by the NDMC, with the public having been called to make inputs or comments on the Act. Other legislative instruments geared towards addressing disaster risk reduction and management in the different key sectors in the country are being developed, some already being operational. The development of these instruments is in accordance with the requirement by the DMA, for example the Agricultural Disaster Risk and Management Plan, the Agricultural Flood Management Plan, Agricultural Cold Spells Management Plan and the Agricultural Veld Fire Management Plan. All these plans are still in process and are at various stages of development (DEA, 2013). The Drought Management Plan of 2005 is another plan addressing issues of disaster risk reduction. While it does not take climate change into consideration, the plan seeks to reduce the impacts of droughts, by providing an information management, monitoring and evaluating system for drought situations (DEA, 2013) (see chapter 4 of this report). Given that the drought management plan is not a policy as such, the development of drought policy is also underway. 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Intergovernmental structures The mandate for disaster risk management in South Africa is the responsibility of the National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC), whose objective is to coordinate and promote integrated disaster management at all levels of government, national, provincial and local municipalities as well as with other role players (chapter 4). The Act further calls for the decentralisation of DRR-M activities to other tiers of government, provincial, district and local, with the NDMC playing a coordinator role for other disaster centres that are set up across the country. These structures may however change due to the review process on the DMA. Despite South Africa leading in the integration of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation through the DMA and the NDMF, which focus on hindrance, decentralisation of DDR governance, and the integration of the DRR in development planning, the implementation of the Act and Framework has been problematic. According to a review conducted by the South Africa Local Government Association (SALGA), and the African Centre for Disaster Studies (ACDS) gaps exist within the Act as well as other factors that hinder effective implementation. Another review by the National Interdepartmental Legislative Review Committee (ILRC) also highlighted the DMA as in need of a review, which has been conducted with an amendment bill awaiting approval (SALGA, 2012). Overall aim of the study South Africa as a developing country, with high rates of poverty, is extremely vulnerable to increases in extreme weather events. The challenges faced in the implementation of the DMA and the NDMF affect DRR-M and climate change adaptation, especially for key economic sectors such as agriculture and the water sector, and the effectiveness of EWSs in the country. This further affects vulnerable populations and communities, with a special focus on human settlements and other sector departments that are directly affected by extreme weather events. The poor, in particular, will be most vulnerable because of their limited access to livelihood opportunities, information, technology and assets as well as limited access to areas that are fit and safe for healthy habitation. Consequently the poor will be more exposed to these increases in climate related hazards. This vulnerability will be exacerbated by current inadequate comprehensive planning, implementation and insurance cover for disaster losses which will further add pressure to the public resources (SALGA, 2013). DRR-M is and continues to be a topical issue in South Africa, needing urgent attention, especially for the poor due to their limitations to implement disaster risk reduction or to cope with the impacts of the disasters (UNEP, 2004). Therefore the overall aim of this study is to develop policy recommendations for the improvement and management of DDR,M and EWSs within the LTAS process with specific aims to: develop policy recommendations for strengthening climate information and early warning systems in South Africa, review current capacity with regards to climate information and early warning systems for floods, fires, droughts and storm surges, 16 1 2 3 review decision support tools available cross sectorally and the mandates, capacity and links between national, provincial, municipal and local community levels with regards to early warning systems, 4 5 review the production, interpretation, packaging and dissemination of weather and climate forecasts and related information across relevant sectors. 6 7 8 9 10 determine the socio-economic impacts of past extreme weather events, including a summary where feasible of the approximate costs of disaster risk reduction and rehabilitation/recovery in terms of government and private infrastructure such as roads, bridges and dams at provincial, and municipal level for past events. 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 2. Methodology The work, conducted as a desktop study, references existing South African research combined with selected insights from international and local case studies of best practice for disaster risk reduction and early warning. The study included a review of relevant literature on EWSs currently available for weather related hazards in South Africa, literature of past extreme weather events, disaster risk reduction, early warning and case studies, as detailed below. The analysis was undertaken through secondary data analysis of literature from national government department annual reports, ancillary information sources, grey literature, peer reviewed literature and other publications. Due to time and budgetary constraints, other data collection methods such as interviews could not be conducted for this study. The secondary data analysis was appropriate for this study, given scope and timelines, further providing an overview of the gaps and opportunities in current climate and early warning systems. Data collection methods used for this study were mostly secondary literature reviews (desktop studies), focus group discussions, and key stakeholder interviews. Secondary literature reviews included the review of hard copy and electronic journal articles, reports (e.g. NDMC, SALGA and DEA), policy documents, and newspaper articles. These provided insight into climate information and EWSs for supporting disaster risk reduction; the socio-economic impacts of the extreme weather events; disaster risk reduction and management; climate information and EWSs in South Africa; and policy, operational and strategic recommendations. A focus group discussion is an interactive approach used to get insight into the perceptions, beliefs and opinions of a group of people (Goldman and Schmalz, 2001). A focus group discussion during the LTAS workshop on 22-24 January 2014 provided stakeholders with the research questions and presented the draft findings that were compiled by the team using literature reviews and stakeholder interviews. The stakeholders were then given an opportunity to discuss the draft findings and give inputs which were incorporated into the final report. Interviews were conducted to elicit useful information from key stakeholders from the South African Weather Services and the National Disaster Management Centre. Certain disaster risk reduction and management experts identified in the LTAS workshop as key stakeholders who could provide more insight on the research were not available during the time period for a face to face, telephonic or Skype interviews. Local and international websites reporting on disasters as well as print media were also reviewed to obtain case studies on best practices which were integrated within the chapters. These include the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction UNISDR ( and the World Meteorological Organization ( Case studies on the implementation of EWSs in South Africa are poorly documented, and very little academic research has been published to assess 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 good practice. Information on the actual implementation of disaster management centres was obtained by contacting the respective disaster management centres relevant for each case study. Limitations and challenges While the report attempts to capture all the disasters that have occurred in the country, gaps still exist in the data due to inconsistent reporting of disasters and costing which made this task difficult. Disaster costs for rehabilitation, recovery and reduction costs are often reported in NMDC Annual reports as one figure with no separation of each component at both municipal and provincial level where funding is allocated. The social impacts and economic costs in tables 1 – 4 and 6 were consolidated from internet searched articles, research papers, SARVA, CSIR publications, Emdat 2014 data and government annual reports which exclude the costs reported in the NDMC Annual Reports. Many disasters are documented but without information on the damage values especially over the last couple of years. Cumulative or secondary costs of flooding such as epidemics are difficult to assess and have therefore not been included in the costs in Table 6 The data in the table is unverified and is only meant to illustrate total disaster costs and the increase of costs over time. It was difficult to find in the municipal budgets or IDP documents how municipalities are proactively funding disaster risk reduction and the expenditures thereof are not classified as such, and are integrated into other funding and costs. Most of the literature pays more attention to climate change adaptation as compared to EWSs, therefore case studies on the implementation of EWSs in South Africa are poorly documented, and few to none academic research has been published to assess good practice. Case studies where EWSs such as AFIS are being used are lacking despite these systems being mentioned in the NDMC annual reports between 2008 and 2010. Access to NDMC annual reports was a problem since these are not available online and hard copies had to be fetched from Pretoria. Getting response on this cost reporting issue from the NDMC directly was also a problematic. 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 3. Climate hazards and socio-economic impacts Natural hazards are naturally occurring physical phenomena caused either by rapid or slow onset events which can be geophysical (earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis and volcanic activity), hydrological (avalanches and floods), climatological (extreme temperatures, drought and wildfires), meteorological (cyclones and storms/wave surges) or biological (disease epidemics and insect/animal plagues) (EMDAT 2014). Hazards can be human-made or natural and all hazards are not disasters. A hazard, by definition, is any event, phenomenon, or human activity that may cause loss. Natural and human-induced factors may act together to create a hazard. For example, earthquakes are normally considered to be natural hazards, but they can also be triggered by mining activities or the impoundment of large dams. A landslide can be caused by a combination of heavy rains, light earth tremors, and deforestation. The link between hazards and disasters is the degree of vulnerability of the affected people and ecosystems as described in the definitions below: • • • Hazards: Threats to life or wellbeing, material goods and/or the environment. Extreme natural processes or technology causes them. When a hazard results in great suffering or collapse, it is usually termed a disaster. Disaster: A natural or human-caused event, occurring with or without warning, causing or threatening death, injury or disease, damage to property, infrastructure or the environment, which exceeds the ability of the affected society to cope using only its own resources. Vulnerability: Vulnerability is a function of exposure to climatic factors, sensitivity to change and the capacity to adapt to that change. Systems that are highly exposed, sensitive and less able to adapt are vulnerable. The degree to which an individual, family, community or region is at risk of experiencing misfortune following extreme events (Department of Constitutional Development, 1998). The poor because they have limited options often live where natural hazards are most likely to occur, and are therefore most vulnerable to natural hazards. There is however not a one-to-one relationship between extreme events or hazards and disasters. Disasters entail social, economic, or environmental impacts that severely disrupt the normal functioning of affected communities. Extreme weather and climate events will lead to a disaster if: Communities are exposed to those events; and Exposure to potentially damaging extreme events is accompanied by a high level of vulnerability (a predisposition for loss and damage). Disasters are also triggered by events that are not extreme in a statistical sense. High exposure and vulnerability levels will transform even some small-scale (slow-onset) events into disasters for some 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 affected communities. Recurrent small or medium-scale events affecting the same communities may lead to the serious erosion of its development base and livelihood options, thus increasing vulnerability (IPCC, 2012:33). While natural hazards are a part of the natural environment, disasters are not, with disasters occurring only when a natural hazard intersects with the built environment and also natural hazards cannot be managed (FEMA, 2004). Didier Cherpitel (n.d.) argues that “disasters push people further into poverty and poverty forces the exploitation of the environment.” One way of conceptualising and improving understanding of risk and vulnerability (in order to develop appropriate risk reduction as well as response strategies) is the use of the Progression of Risk Model (Pressure and Release Model)(see figure 2). The model helps one to understand the complexity of community vulnerability. Vulnerability according to this model does not just happen but often develops as a progression from root causes to dynamic pressures that create unsafe conditions. Figure 2: Progression of Risk Model (Pressure and Release Model)1 (Blaikie, et al.; 1994 & Global Crisis Solutions, (n.d.)) 1 Root causes are the fundamentals and ideologies on which society and communities are built. These help answer questions on why unsafe conditions persist. Dynamic pressures are the structural causes (institutions, policies, processes and practices) which translate root causes into unsafe conditions. Unsafe conditions are the proximate cause of vulnerability in the vulnerable community/ system which is exposed to the risk of a disaster for example people living in an informal settlement on a wetland. Responding to these risks needs to be done in an integrated effort by different sectors and stakeholders i.e. those who are affected and those who can affect the achievement of disaster reduction and resilience (Blaikie, P. et al. 1994 & Global Crisis Solutions (n.d.)). 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Damage and recovery/rehabilitation costs are reactive while disaster risk reduction costs are proactive costs. There is a need to be cautious when basing estimates of adaptation costs on disaster loss estimates. The increase of these reactive costs indicate then need for more investment in proactive measurements, in order to mitigate the impacts of slow or rapid onset disasters. According to Kofi Annan: “Building a culture of prevention is not easy. While the costs of prevention have to be paid in the present, its benefits lie in a distant future. Moreover, the benefits are not tangible; they are the disasters that did NOT happen” (UNISDR, 2007:8). A few international studies have tried to prove this. For example an international study by the World Bank conducted on 3 countries from 1998 to 2008 found that there are two main trends of pre- and post-disaster expenditure: first, total post-disaster expenditures exceeded pre-disaster expenditures on average (and almost year by year); and second, pre-disaster investments remain stable over time or, if anything, display an increasing trend whereas post-disaster investments are highly responsive to the occurrence of major disasters every year and are therefore volatile (de la Fuente, 2009). Limited data and robust information increases the uncertainty of costing when scaling up to higher levels of government from a very limited (and often very local) evidence base. There are double counting problems and issues of incompatibility between types of impacts in the process of multisectoral and cross-scale analyses, especially for the efforts to add both market and non-market values such as ecosystem services (Downton and Pielke, 2005; Pielke et al., 2008; Parry et al., 2009). Moreover the full impacts of weather and climate related extremes in developing countries are not fully understood, and a lack of comprehensive studies on damage, adaptation, and residual costs indicates that the full costs are underestimated (IPCC, 2012:274). It is important to highlight that although quantifying the cost effectiveness of improved DRR-M including effective climate information and EWS investments is difficult, and is therefore not regularly undertaken, for example solid cost-benefit analyses of investments in improved climate monitoring and effective EWSs are scarce (UNISDR, 2007). There is evidence that suggests that investment in prevention is more cost-effective than spending on relief (Tsirkunov and Rogers, 2010; Hallegatte, 2012). 3.1. Socio-economic impacts of climate hazards in South Africa The impacts of disasters or extreme events have primary and secondary effects, with some impacts easier to measure, for example damage to infrastructure, while others are difficult to measure and cost, such as death and trauma related to the event. According to the UNISDR (2009) terminology, disaster losses are traditionally classified as follows: • Direct costs are the damage, including damage to the productive capital stock (industrial plants, standing crops, stock, etc.), damage to economic infrastructure (transport, energy supply, etc.), and damage to social infrastructure (housing, schools, etc.). 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 • 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 3.1.1. Socio-economic impacts of different hazard types in South Africa As evidenced by the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events in South Africa, the myriad of socio-economic impacts as documented in section below indicate the need for pro-active costs and investment in DDR-M activities to deal with disasters. This is essential given the escalating costs of damage from disasters and the focus by most institutions on recovery and rehabilitation after a disaster rather than DDR-M. The next section attempts to give a classification of the different hazard types experienced in South Africa and the socio-economic impacts on the various economic sectors which affect sustainable economic development in the country. • Indirect costs are secondary disorders that affect the supply of goods and services, such as reduced performance due to destruction or damage of facilities or infrastructure, and loss of earnings due to lower revenue opportunities. Cuts in basic services can have serious consequences, such as disruption of telecommunications or a lack of drinking water. The indirect costs also include health expenditures and lost productivity due to illness, disability and death. There are however positive effects that could partially offset the gross indirect costs through rehabilitation and reconstruction which revives the construction sector. Socio-economic studies have revealed that the secondary effects and indirect costs of disasters have also long-term effects on societies, regardless of their level of development (van Niekerk et al, 2009:1). Side effects are the short and long-term impacts of a disaster throughout the economy and socioeconomic conditions. These include effects on, for instance, fiscal and monetary performance, the amount of housing and the external debt, income distribution and the magnitude and incidence of poverty, the consequences of removal or restructuring of certain elements of the economy and the labour force. Floods Most floods are characterised as sudden or rapid-onset disasters, which could be at a local or wide scale based on physical characteristics of the area. While there are man-made floods, in this report we focus on climate related flooding, and although some floods can be predicted, flash floods are difficult to predict. Harvey (2007) identifies three principal types of floods: • • • Rapid-onset floods: these include flash floods, tidal surges, floods provoked by cyclones or accompanied by strong winds, high runoff from heavy rainfall, dam bursts and overtopping, canals and rivers bursting their banks. Typically water rising to dangerous levels within 48 hours. Slow-onset floods: prolonged rainfall causing low-lying areas to gradually become flooded over a period of days or weeks. Annual seasonal flooding: many communities around the world are flooded annually and may be under water for some considerable time each year. Floods were the most common hazard type with South Africa (figure 3), causing most damage and resulting in escalated costs for response and recovery. The socio-economic impacts of floods affect a 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 myriad of sectors pertinent to the country’s development and human wellbeing. Table 3.3 provides a summary of the flood impacts on the different sectors, with some examples provided (where these were available). Figure 3: NDMC floods Hazard Map (NDMC, 2014) Table 1: Summary of flood impacts in South Africa 2 Sector Impact Examples Health (see figure 4 for public health impacts of floods). Destruction of sewers systems causing pollution. Water pollution diseases such as Typhoid, Cholera, Malaria, Gastroenteritis, Conjunctivitis. Young, elderly, handicapped and HIV/AIDS affected people most vulnerable. After the Juksei River flooded in Johannesburg’s Alexandra township in 1999 resulted in cholera outbreak. Residents were moved to sanitary conditions (UNEP 2000). Human settlements Inundation of homes and destruction of furniture. Homelessness in poor communities, having to resettle or migrate. No accessibility to community services. Human occupancy of the floodplains and the presence of floodwaters produce losses to There are hundreds of thousands of shack dwellers and backyarders in Cape. People left homeless after the Laingsburg flood disaster of January, 1981, caused by a cut-off low weather 2 Table is compiled from different data sources as referenced in Annexure 1, including print media. More references are provided within the table under impacts and examples. 24 individuals and society (Cardoso et al, (n.d.):446). Compensation, resettlement and reconstruction cost escalate, running out of flood relief funding. Dead and lost pets. Secondary impacts include trauma, depression and grief due to continued loss after the disasters, with detrimental impacts on community life and economic activities. Mortality Recovery and identification of bodies. Loss to the family. Traditional burials sometimes not possible. Infrastructure Water resources Contamination of drinking water (Yande, 2009). Acid mine drainage (WRC 2011, DWAF 2010, IOL 2011). Agriculture & food security Agriculture & food security Loss of crops and livestock. Houses damaged. Water and sewerage, roads, bridges washed away. Drainage systems blocked. Dams, hospitals, schools, community centres, housing and property damage. Learning is disrupted by inundated schools. No electricity supply. Heritage sites and icons destroyed. Loss or damage to agricultural infrastructure. Loss and damage of crops and livestock. Loss of livelihoods. Loss of income to subsistence families. Isolation. system (Grobler 2001). The 1987 the KwaZulu-Natal flooding left 68 000 people homeless (Grobler 2001). Many people, especially children and the elderly, become sick from the cold, the wind and the rain. Their homes are flooded every single winter destroying all their furniture and displacing families for weeks on end (Gugulethu AEC, 2011). The Laingsburg flood disaster of January, 1981 resulted in 104 losses of life. In 1987 the Kwazulu-Natal Flooding left 388 people dead, some buried under collapsed mud. In 1987 the KwaZulu-Natal flooding caused severe damages to thousands of kilometres of roads, 14 bridges washed away, all entrance routes to Durban closed. “Over 120 000 agricultural jobs are threatened by the deteriorating water quality. The Loskop Dam on the Olifants River, for example, is heavily polluted by mining in its headwaters, which is affecting downstream activities. This is compounded by the 5 906 abandoned and ownerless coal mines in the country” (IOL 2011). Successive floods of 1983, 1984 and 1985 resulted in food being imported for the domestic market, loss of livestock due to reduced grazing. After cyclone Eline some reports indicate crop losses valued at some R70 million. Most affected crops are pulses, maize and vegetables and many villages remain isolated by impassable roads and broken bridges which hamper relief operations- food 25 Tourism Infrastructure and accommodation damages. Transport closures. Loss of livelihood, including loss of employment. Ecosystems Coastal zones Polluted water causing damage. Washing away of flora and fauna. Cope less with the next event. Reduced and disappearing ecosystem services. Flora & fauna extinctions. River erosion. More dams needed which impacts on ecosystems change in the ecosystem services provided by the floodplain vegetation communities, flood attenuation & water purification of wetlands, and decline in biodiversity (Turpie, 2010:III). Alien plant invasion, alien plants being able to germinate and establish quicker than indigenous species after floods (Foxcroft and Richardson 2003). Role and capacity of wetlands, floodplains, and Coastal Ecosystems diminished in further regulating of floods. Landslides. Acid mine drainage. All pollutants move and disperse during flood plumes and contaminate marine ecosystems and biodiversity, and produce algae on the reefs (Schaffelke, 2013; ISRS (n.d.)). parcels and medical equipment (FAO 2000). Flooding in KwaZulu-Natal in September 1987 resulted in all entrances to Durban being closed (Grobler 2001). The Cape Mountain Pass Meiringspoort closed for 4 years after a serious flood in November 1996 (Ross 2001). 32 hikers had to be rescued after being trapped by heavy rain on the Whale Trail near Bredasdorp (Al Jazeera 2012). Kruger – Alien plant invasion after flood (Foxcroft and Richardson, 2003). Riparian vegetation fulfils or influences various important ecological functions in relation to aquatic habitats, including the provision of food, moderation of stream water temperature via evapotranspiration and shading, providing a buffer zone that filters sediments and controls nutrients, and stabilization of stream banks (Barling and Moore, 1994; Hood and Naiman, 2000). It also provides a corridor for the movement of biota (Naiman and Décamps, 1997) and serves many important roles for humans (Kemper, 2001; Richardson et al, 2007). A positive of floods is that deposited wood creates regeneration niches for riparian vegetation on a semi-arid Sabie River in Kruger NP (Pettit et al., 2006). Examples? 1 26 Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality Case Study The Disaster Management Centre of the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality identified in 2010 the top rated risks as the following: Floods, especially affecting informal settlements and infrastructure; The effects of fire, explosions and spillage of hazardous materials; Severe storms; Human disease. This category includes diseases that can lead to rapid onset as well as slow onset disasters. Diseases and conditions included under this category include HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, cholera, and asthma; and Drought, as is evident from the 2010 experience (Nelson Mandela Bay Disaster Management Centre, 2013). The risk for the metropolitan area of floods and severe wind, has been categorised as very severe (Henry Lansdown, Nelson Mandela Bay Disaster Management Centre, personal communication, 14 January 2014). 1 2 An EWS consisting of 29 CCTV cameras at strategic remote sites were installed to monitor potential high-risk flooding areas in the metro. In partnership with SAWS, four fully automatic weather stations were also installed at four existing CCTV sites. These four sites provide both images and weather information at the surveillance centre. Surveillance is done at the Joint Operations Centre (in adverse conditions a member of the local SAWS joins the centre) and runs on the wireless backbone infrastructure of the metro but also has a fibre optic link with the local SAWS. Eight extra SAWS automatic rain stations (funded by the NDMC) were installed across the metro as part of the Flash Flood Guidance System and to enhance the capacity of the Port Elizabeth branch of the Weather Services to predict flooding. This system detects and monitors adverse weather phenomena and issues warnings to affected communities. Some rivers crossings are also fitted with an alarm system to alert users of any risks (Nelson Mandela Bay Disaster Management Centre, 2013; Nelson Mandela Bay Disaster Management Centre, n.d.). Communication or dissemination of the informations conducted through the media and through various key institutions such as disaster management practitioners, NGOs, and organs of state. 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Figure 4: Public health impacts (WHO, (n.d.)) Storms The classification of storms includes severe thunderstorms, cyclones, tornados, convective storms, frontal systems and cut-off low events (OneWorld, 2010) which can cause flash floods. In this report we include in the classification of storm, storm surges, hail storms, severe cold fronts including some instances of snow. Storm surges are an irregular rise in sea level produced by a storm and characterised by heavy rains and high winds (NOAA, 2014). It is important to note that storms result in similar socioeconomic impacts as flooding, but often with more destructive winds. While all the impacts in the previous table apply to storms additional impacts are listed below (Table 2). Table 2: Summary of storms impacts Sector Impact Examples Tourism In January 2012 after Cyclone Dando, hundreds of tourists and locals were left stranded and at least 30 people had to be airlifted after flash floods washed away bridges and damaged numerous buildings and roads (Wikipedia (n.d.)). The ”Outeniqua Choo Tjoe” stopped Destroyed tourism businesses and settlements. Loss of income for the affected businesses. Disappearing by storm surges. Tidal surges destroy infrastructure, houses near the coast, destroy protective sand dunes and wash away beaches, recreational assets and danger zone buffers (Southern District Plan, 28 2012). Tourist private property (caravans, tents etc.) damaged. operating after heavy storms in 2006 caused major damage to the track (Heritage Portal, 2013). Infrastructure Human settlements Loss of homes. Damaged cars. A combination of sea level rise and storm surges will potentially threaten low-lying areas of the major coastal metropolitan centres of Cape Town, Durban, Port Elizabeth and East London (Mather, 2008). Cyclone Eline in February 2000 resulted in loss of life and damage to housing and infrastructure (FAO 2000). In 1985 a major hailstorm striking Pretoria city centre and surroundings. Roofs collapsed, windows of cars were broken (Grobler 2001). Tornado in Duduza - Some of the buildings devastated by the tornado had thick stone walls that may have added significant structural strength, although the overall construction of the area was substandard (Extreme Planet, 2012). Heavy seas disrupt train operations to Port Elizabeth harbour (Ports & Ships Maritime News, 2008). Tornado in Duduza left hundreds homeless and injured and 1 child dead. Six people were arrested for looting affected homes in the aftermath. Ecosystems Increasing salinization of groundwater and estuaries by storm surges may impact on boreholes (which are particularly important for water provision for smaller coastal settlements) and on the many fish species that are dependent on estuaries as breeding grounds (Petersen and Holness, (n.d.):5). Sediments build up at the mouth increasing the risk of back-flooding during storms (Sink et al, 2012). Loss of top soil impacts agriculture resulting in low crop yields Siltation requires dredging of ports to allow access to boats Examples? Coastal zones Damage on coastal infrastructure. Erosion of protective dunes. Damage to wetlands. Examples? Houses & roofs damaged or torn off. Fallen trees on infrastructure and blocking roads. Damage to sea walls, railway lines and harbours. Coastal erosion events. Impacts on rail and other transport. 1 2 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Droughts Drought has become a permanent feature of the South African agricultural sector. This is usually interspaced with flooding arguably due to climate variability. As a result, South Africa has a long history of drought risk management (Ngaka, 2012b:36). Wilhite and Glantz (1985) describe four basic categories or types of drought: • • • • Meteorological drought: A reduction in rainfall supply compared with a specified average condition over some specified period; defined as a period during which less than a certain amount (e.g. 70 percent) of the normal precipitation is received over any large area for an extended period. Agricultural drought: A reduction in water availability below the optimal level required by a crop during each different growth stage, resulting in impaired growth and reduced yields. Agricultural drought relates to an imbalance in the water content of the soil during the growing season, which although influenced by other variables such as the crop water requirement, the water-holding capacity and degree of evaporation, is also largely dependent upon rainfall amount and distribution. Hydrological drought: The impact of a reduction in precipitation on natural and artificial surface and subsurface water resources. It occurs when there is substantial deficit in surface runoff below normal conditions or when there is a depletion of groundwater supplies. Hydrological drought reduces the supply of water for irrigation, hydro-electrical power generation, and other household and industrial uses. Socio-economic drought: The impact of drought on human activities, including both indirect and direct impacts. This relates to a meteorological anomaly or extreme event of intensity and/or duration outside the normal range of events taken into account by enterprises and public regulatory bodies in economic decision-making, thereby affecting production and the wider economy (Wilhite and Glantz, 1985). Socio-economic drought occurs when demand for freshwater exceeds supply. Drought is an example of a slow-onset disaster. This is a period when there is very little or no rain, and as a result much less water and crops than people need. This creeping disaster is one of the most severe types of disaster because it affects a much larger number of people than other types of disasters. Droughts affect social and economic activities resulting in loss of assets. Intervention in the event of a drought includes emergency food relief which is often supported by large amounts of donated food aid. Drought preparedness at government level can be done by creating food reserves mainly of the staple food like maize which will be used to compensate for production shortfalls and provide for possible emergency aid. Some of the general social economic impacts of droughts are shown below followed by specific examples from South Africa (see Table 3) . 30 1 Table 3: Summary of drought impacts in South Africa Sector Social economic impacts Examples Agriculture and food security Reduced income, food shortage, reliance on shops, unemployment, eviction through reduced crops, total crop failure. Reduced health, food shortage, sales, slaughter, reduced income through weakened, disease, dead livestock. Increased food prices, loss of tenure, food shortages, homelessness and migrations through increased evictions, closure of farms, food shortages. Livestock weakening, diseases, heat stress and death, livestock sales and slaughter, impounding, conflict, land degradation through reduced grazing. Inadequate, poor land and management thereof, often heighten the impact of a drought. Veldfires. In 1992/1993, undoubtedly one of the most widespread droughts of the last 45 years, maize had to be imported to South Africa (as well as the rest of southern Africa). The knock-on effect of crop failure could be seen in the population drift from rural areas into the cities, farm labour lay-offs and farm closures as well as an increasing indebtedness in the agricultural sector (WeatherSA). Backward and forward linkages to other sectors (e.g. the purchase of goods such as fertilizers, chemicals and implements as well as the supply of raw materials to industry). According to the Reserve Bank (Pretorius and Smal 1992) the loss of GDP during the 1992 drought was approximately 1.8 percent, representing US $500 million which is a substantial impact from a sector playing a relatively small role in the economy (Mniki, 2009:34). Health Human diseases (respiratory trouble, poor hygiene & mental health issues), human health, and deaths, crop failure and loss, migrations through reduction, contamination and absence of water. Examples Employment Loss of income, debts, food shortages, increased unemployment, alcoholism, migrations through layoffs, evictions. Human Settlements Migrations through reduction and disruption of domestic activities, conflict through contamination and absence of water. Poor infrastructure and water supply in an area. Pastoralists, poor women and children, the elderly, the disabled, internally displaced persons and their host communities, people living with HIV/AIDS and their families, and the food-insecure living in urban areas are vulnerable to drought (ALNAP, 2007). Threatened shutdown of PetroSA’s petrochemical refinery in Mossel Bay because of prolonged drought in the Southern Cape region (Engineering News, 2010). In the Eastern Cape, drought has resulted in delays in the provision of low cost housing in certain coastal towns because of the inability to secure reliable water supplies (Petersen and Holness, (n.d.):4). Water Loss of aquatic biodiversity as rivers and dams dry up. Water restrictions need to be put in place in the Eden & Central Karoo areas (NDMC 2009 -2011 31 Water restrictions which affect households and industry. Land degradation. Loss of flora and fauna/terrestrial ecosystems. Increase in wild fires. (Adapted from Cogta, 2004) Ecosystems 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 report). In 2004, 6 provinces experienced drought as they has little or no rainfall -Northern Cape, NorthWest, KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape, Mpumalanga and Free State (Irin News, 2004). Drought deaths in Fynbos vegetation in the south will lead to dam siltation problems and a less predictable water storage. The Drought Hazard Index (DHI) map below (figure 5) shows the probability of crop failure combined with the degree of rainfall variability from year to year. Statistical summaries of 35 years of data on the Water Requirement Satisfaction Index were used. A very low DHI means that there is a low chance of crop failure and a stable environment from year to year. A very high DHI means that there is a high chance of crop failure and a large degree of rainfall and agricultural production variation from year to year. Much of the Limpopo Basin faces a moderate to high drought hazard. Figure 5: Drought Hazard Index Map for the Limpopo Basin (Atlas for disaster preparedness and response in the Limpopo Basin, Veldfires Most of South Africa has strong seasonal rainfall and a dry season which lasts for five or more months. The eastern half of the country receives enough rainfall for the grasses to produce enough fuel to support a fire every year or two. This means that veldfires are frequent and inevitable. Originally most fires were caused by lightning but our ancestors learned to light and manage fires more than a million 32 1 2 3 4 5 years ago, exploiting and augmenting the natural causes of fires to manage the vegetation for their own purposes. Today, more than 90% of fires are lit by people, either deliberately or accidentally (Forsyth et al., 2010) resulting in the sector impacts recorded below (see table 4). Table 4: Summary of impacts of veldfires in South Africa Sector Social economic impacts Examples Agriculture Loss of crops, livestock, game and grazing land. Forestry Loss of forests- timber. Loss of income. Mortality People and animals may die. Ecosystems Role of ecosystems in regulating fires diminishes (Cardoso et al, (n.d.):445). Ecosystems, such as fynbos, that are vulnerable to invasion by alien plant species after fire, present a special case of veld fire vulnerability (CSIR 2010). Too many fires have a negative impact on biodiversity & changes in grazing regimes which may further damage natural habitats (Petersen and Holness, (n.d):5). Fire in the ecosystem is an ecological process and part of our environment. It has a fundamental role in sustaining biodiversity. However, if fire is mistimed, occurs too frequently or too seldom, or is too severe, it In 1992 there were several huge fires which destroyed thousands of hectares of grassland. In one of the worst events, during August, at least nine people perished (WeatherSA). In Potchefstroom (North West) about 460 cattle, 160 calves and 300 sheep were burnt. 60 000ha were annihilated. In Amalia 640 head of game were burnt in a game farm (Farmers Weekly 2011). During the period from January to August 2007, 61,700ha of plantation forest burnt in KwaZuluNatal and Mpumalanga, 2.9% and 9.5% of the total area of plantations respectively in these two provinces. ForestrySA estimated the value of standing timber burnt amounted R1.33bn (2007 prices), and that of this, 40% would be unsalvageable (Forsyth et al, 2010). July of 2002, Mpumalanga was devastated by fires that destroyed 24,000 ha of pasture and left four people dead and damages amounting to more than R32 million. In August 2011 - Five people were hurt and several major roads closed due to veld fires fuelled by strong winds in Bloemfontein. In forestry the spread of alien invasive plants continues in certain areas. The consequences are diverse, since the effect on fuel varies with the species that invades, and the density reached. In some parts, where species of pine have become dense, the potential for blow-up fires may have increased (Forsyth et al., 2010). 33 may result in ecosystem degradation (CSIR, 2010). GHG Vegetation fires do contribute to global warming and climate change through the release of CO². However, research has been undertaken that suggests that CO² from veld fires is less of an impact to global warming due to the veld taking up more CO² again afterwards than it lost due to the fire. Bush encroachment from high co2 levels would reverse this situation. (City of Cape Town, 2014 & Du Toit and Sguazzin, 1995). Examples? Health Air quality reduced & smoke pollution can adversely affect the health of large groups of people outside the immediate area of the wildfire (City of Cape Town, 2014). Industrial activity, veld fires, coal-fired stoves in residential areas and vehicular emissions are major contributors to deteriorating Air Quality in the city (Climate Action in Joburg, 2014). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3.1.2. Social impacts of climate hazards The frequency of previous natural disaster events from 1980 to 2010, as well as the number of people affected and number of people killed can be observed in Figures 6 to 9. It is important to note that floods occurred most frequently and also killed the most people, whereas drought affected the most people. Other extreme weather events that resulted in damages and loss of life are severe thunderstorms as well as isolated incidences of meteorological phenomena including cyclones and tornadoes. Table 5 highlight the number of disasters in the county between 1983 and 2013. Others include veld and forest fires, locust infestations, and very rarely earthquakes and landslides following heavy rainfall (Grobler, 2001). Figure 7: Economic damages in US$ Figure 6: Occurrence (including Tsunamis) 34 Figure 8: Number of people affected 1 2 3 4 COGTA reported the figures for disaster from 1983-2013, and reflects similar trends to EMDAT in their country report. Table 5: Disasters in South Africa 1983-2013 Type of disaster Flood Storm Fire Epidemic Extreme temperature 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Figure 9: Number of people killed (EMDAT, 2014) Drought Earthquake Landslide Total (Pharoah et al, 2013) No. events No. killed 23 19 8 7 3 2 2 1 65 No. affected 473 154 123 336 17 34 1 137 483 965 140 945 7 380 112 385 53 663 15 300 000 104 16 098 442 It is important to note that CRED/EMDAT figures underestimate the scope and prevalence of hazard events in South Africa. CRED only records data on events where ten or more people are reported killed, 100 or more people need to be evacuated, provided with humanitarian assistance or otherwise affected; or states declare an emergency or call for international assistance. This conceals the diversity of the hazard landscape in South Africa, which experiences a far broader range of small and everyday hazards (Pharoah et al, 2013). In addition to extreme weather events, there are also slow-onset recurring flood events which are not included in the statistics. For example on Mitchells Plain in the Western Cape during winter, large parts of the Khayelitsha (meaning ‘new home’), are flooded and at least once every year. The local newspapers carry pictures of people wading knee-deep while using buckets to scoop water out of their houses ( 35 1 2 3 4 5 6 The maps below (figures 10, 11 and 12) highlight the extent of all extreme events as recorded by the NDMC, beginning with the historic disaster (figure 10), the NDMC disaster situation report incidents (1990current) (figure 11) and the extreme weather events (figure 12). Figure 10: NDMC historic disasters map for South Africa 36 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Figure 11: NDMC disaster situation report incidents (1990-current) map Figure 12: Extreme weather events in South Africa (CSIR/SARVA, 2014) Economic impacts of climate hazards There has been an increase in the frequency of disasters from 1981 to date, corresponding with the increase in the direct costs of damage and recovery. The costing table (Table 6) and Figure 11 illustrate 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 this upward trend for the year with the highest frequency of disasters, especially for the flood hazard type (figure 14). This increase in cost of disasters is not unique to South Africa, with a 15 fold global increase noted. Climate change and development will exacerbate the situation, especially for middle and low income countries like South Africa (OneWorld, 2010). Below is an example summary of direct economic damage costs of disasters in South Africa, measured from 1981 to 2013. Table 6: An example summary of direct damage costs of disasters by year and disaster type from 1981 to 2013 Year Disaster Type 1981 1984 1987 1990 1992 1997 1998 1996 2000 2004 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2012 2013 Flood Storm Flood Storm Drought Flood Flood Flood (4) Storm Flood Flood Storm Flood Storm (2) Fires Flood Fires Flood Flood Drought (8) Flood (3) Storm Fires (2) Flood Flood TOTAL Reported Costs R 16 000 000 R 2 160 000 R 3 300 000 000 R 230 000 000 R 10 000 000 R 45 000 000 R 105 000 000 R 1 061 000 000 R 1 500 000 000 R 448 000 R 250 000 000 R 37 800 000 R 166 700 000 R 1 804 308 136 R 1 400 000 000 R 315 000 000 R 265 000 000 R 101 182 700 000 R 131 862 000 R 6 736 790 000 R 4 410 630 000 R 1 650 000 R 1 810 000 000 R 218 000 000 R 17 903 R 125 000 066 3 Deaths 104 400 17 30 173 34 34 6 8 806 8 3 This table is developed based on various data sources attached as annexure 1 of this document. The year 1981 is used as a baseline due to the availability of the first reliable records and is also prompted by the Laingsburg (Western Cape). Please use these figures with caution since figures for some years are missing. 38 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Figure 33: An upward trend in the disaster intensive years of documented direct damage costs from 1981 to 2013 Figure 14: A cost indication per hazard type from 1981- 2013 According to the NDMC Annual reports from 2006 to 2011, the municipal and district damage costs are the areas of greatest financial need for post disaster response, compared to the national, provincial, and municipal damage, rehabilitation and recovery costs and disaster risk reduction. 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Figure 15: All Hazard related costs recorded in the NDMC Annual reports from 2006-2011 broken down as damage, recovery/rehabilitation and disaster risk reduction allocated NDMC funding While the district and municipal budget allocations were substantial, (figure 15) the allocation for the 2010/2011 Eastern Cape drought emergency measures at a cost of R1596 billion, allocated by the province for the cost of rehabilitation/recovery is the highest. An optimal risk financing strategy is key for both pre- and post-disaster management at national and, sectoral levels to support provincial and local levels. International case studies indicate that some roles, functions and funding are best centralised, while others need to be decentralised. While decentralisation has been done in South Africa, there is a big need to capacitate the institutions involved in DDR-M. 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4. Disaster risk reduction and management in South Africa DDR-M requires a myriad of activities and consequently many actors apart from government and subgovernment institutions are involved in the implementation of disaster risk measurements. This may include vulnerability and risk assessment, capacity building, establishing social and economic infrastructure as well as the utilisation of EWSs. These activities require technical expertise and other skills which may not be found in government; hence collaboration between government, the private sector and communities is necessary, since the impacts of disasters are felt at local level (SALGA, 2013). The Hyogo Framework for Action (2005-2015) urges government support for disaster risk reduction, with the application of DRR-M at local level being critical (van Niekerk, 2011). In this section, the legal policy instruments as well as institutions governing DRR-M is discussed, including the nature of existing DRR-M systems and the challenges faced. 4.1. The Act and the Framework In South Africa, DRR-M is the responsibility of the public sector, occurring at all level of government and guided by the Disaster Management Act (RSA, 2001) and the National Disaster Management Framework (RSA, 2005). The DMA consists of seven chapters dealing with several issues of disaster risk reduction, for example, chapters 2-5 of the act discuss the inter-governmental structures and mandates; chapters 3, deals with national issues; chapter 4 focusses on provincial issues of disaster reduction and chapter 5 discuses local issues. Other chapters such as chapter 6, focuses on funding mechanisms for rehabilitation and post- disaster recovery while chapters 1 and 7 provide information on the interpretation of the Act. The Act motivates for the formation of the NDMF. The Framework, which is divided into two parts, is structured according to key performance areas (KPA) such as institutional capacity for disaster risk reduction, disaster risk assessment, reduction and recovery. Enablers, which are components that need to be in place to implement the KPA include: 1) information management and communication; 2) education, training, public awareness and research; and 3) funding structures for disaster risk management. However the implementation of both the DMA and the NDMF, has been fraught with constraints and challenges. This may have led to the review of the Disaster Management Act, which is currently on-going. Some of the sections of the DMA that may be reviewed include the roles and responsibilities of municipal disaster management centres. The review includes the focus on good risk assessments, mapping and the development of strategies and planning including budgeting. The review will further look at the format and structure and capacity of the institutions and other issues such as the validity and extent of by-laws, the issuing of directives and the issue of disaster management volunteers at local level needing to be reviewed. DMISA (2014) also recommend the disaster framework be reviewed, especially the terminology which is used incorrectly and has cause some confusion as well aligning the frames to the amended act. 41 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 The Act and the Framework provided a change from disaster response to disaster reduction, prevention and mitigation. The objective of the DMA is to integrate and coordinate disaster management, mainly preventing and reducing the risks of disasters, to alleviate the severity, emergency preparedness, timely and effective response and post disaster recovery. The Act further facilitates the decentralisation of responsibilities for DRR-M to all levels of government and within national government departments, with a focus on disaster risk reduction as part of local government core business (van Niekerk, 2011). With the three tiers of government (national, provincial and local) all play a role in disaster risk management which is coordinated through the National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC). Figure 16: Structures and responsibilities of disaster management across all spheres of governance in South Africa as mandated in the Disaster Management Act According to the DMA, disaster risk management should adopt an integrated, multi-sectoral and multidisciplinary method of decreasing risk associated with hazards and vulnerability, making it key in the development planning process, especially for local government (van Niekerk and Visser, 2010). The DMA further highlights the ideal structures essential to respond to DRR-M within the three levels of government (figure 16) and the intention to include ‘at risk’ communities, as well as the private sector, parastals entities such as the utilities companies, research and academic institutions, as well as NGOs and traditional leadership (van Niekerk, 2011). In terms of decentralisation of disaster reduction activities, the Act provides comprehensive information on the establishment of disaster risk management centres and inter-governmental structures. Both the DMA and the NDMF place emphasis on the creation of appropriate institutional structures of DRR-M to support the various actions and actors that need to be involved. However the adoption of an integrated multi-sectoral approach has been problematic, with a lack of understating of the core issues of DRR-M and poor coordination being cited as challenges 42 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Other instruments addressing disaster risk reduction in mainly the agricultural sector include the Agricultural Disaster Risk and Management Plan (ADRMP), the Agricultural Flood Management Plan, Agricultural Cold Spells Management Plan and the Agricultural Veld Fire Management Plan. All these are at different levels of development. The ADRMP is meant to provide a sector specific framework to address disaster risk management in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors, with a focus on climate change (DEA, 2013). The plan seeks to reduce, prevent and mitigate disaster risk, while strengthening capacity and preparedness for active disaster response. The plan further pays attention to disaster risk reduction with economic loss and damage of property targeting mainly the agricultural sector. One of the key objectives of this plan will be the development of adequate, reliable and easily accessed EWSs, which will be part of DRR-M (DEA, 2013). The Drought Management Plan of 2005 is another instrument addressing disaster risk reduction. The plan identifies the physical and social vulnerabilities, as well as providing spatial information of drought, rangelands and vegetation, for informed decision making by the farming communities. The plan acts as an early warning for risk reduction, including preparedness, mitigation, response, recovery and rehabilitation (DEA, 2013). The key performance areas for the drought plan have a key focus around institutional arrangements for disaster management in all three tiers of government as well disasters risk assessment and reduction. The plan also mentions the declaration of disasters and response and recovery. The drought policy is still under development. Some of the legislative instruments do not directly link to climate change or its impacts, but they do address issues pertaining to disasters risk reduction and management and early warning. 4.2. Mandate of the National Disaster Management Centre At national government level, the National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC) has the mandate to create the required institutional activities for integrated and coordinated disaster risk management, focusing on prevention and mitigation at all levels of government including legislative functionaries, other role-players involved in disaster management and communities. Other objectives include building and enhancing capacity as well as accountability of provincial and local municipalities as they perform their constitutional mandate according to the DMA as well as forestall and respond to disasters. The NDMC’s mandate is to enhance the general resilience of communities and infrastructure to disaster risk as well as reinforce the capacity of other levels of government, in disaster response. A technical forum, the National Disaster Management Advisory Forum (NDMAF), which includes all the players from government to communities involved in disaster risk management, was established in 2007. The forum has been instrumental in the establishment of the Technical Task Teams (TTTs), for areas of work that need to be done on different types of hazards for example disaster response, fires, and energy related disasters (NDMC, 2006). The forum is also plays a key role in disaster risk reduction, in accordance with the Hyogo Framework, and facilitates the discussion of other cross cutting matters regard DDR. In essence, the NDMC is responsible for guiding and developing frameworks for government’s disaster risk management policy and legislation, facilitating and monitoring their 43 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 implementation, and facilitating and guiding cross-functional and multidisciplinary disaster risk management activities among the various organs of state (NDMC 2006). Some of the established centres are reported to be fully functional and with disaster plans in place. Further, other disaster management centres have been established at metropolitan and district municipalities, while there are no clear guidelines of the establishment of centres at local municipalities (van Niekerk and Visser, 2010). This decentralisation of disaster risk means that each municipal centre should have in place, a disaster risk management policy framework, an advisory forum, and a disaster risk management committee (van Niekerk and Visser, 2010). Municipal disaster risk management centres develop or compile disaster risk management plans which are then integrated into the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) for the municipality which is a very important statutory document. This addresses calls within South Africa to mainstream DRR-M in local government planning, which will also assist access to funding for DRR-M (SALGA, 2013). It is important to note however that some of these disasters centres are usually poorly capacitated in many areas and are often dysfunctional. 4.3. Existing DRR-M systems South Africa has various DRR-M systems in place, which are supported by legislation and these include the EWS available in the country (see chapter 5). While most of the systems are established at national level, different district, local, metropolitan and communities have established or are carrying out DRR-M activities in their respective places and some of these will be discussed below. National Disaster Management Information System To assist with its mandate of disaster risk reduction, the NDMC established the National Disaster Management Information System (NDMIS). The system is meant to be all-encompassing IT solution that relates to various aspects of hazard analysis, vulnerability assessment, contingency planning, reporting systems as well as EWSs (NDMC, 2011). The main priorities of the NDMIS are related to: the establishment and improvement of EWS the subsequent dissemination of these warnings; the establishment of risk and vulnerability profiling, moving towards the establishment of a National Indicative Risk Profile; building of a GIS Portal with the aim of disseminating relevant information to key stakeholders are as required by the Act. The NDMIS aspects related to communication, contacts management database, document management, system work flow, event and incident reporting, and planning and resource management are expected to be rolled-out to disaster management stakeholders end of 2012-2013 (NDMC, 2011). There has been no indication from the NDMC whether this roll out has happened or if the information system is functional. 44 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Working on Fire The National Veld and Forest Fire Act, 1998 (Act 101 of 1998) provides a variety of mechanisms, institutions, methods and practices for the prevention, combating and management of veld, forests and mountain fires in South Africa. These include the formation of Fire Protection Associations, which are voluntary organisations comprising of land owners responsible for the prevention, suppression and management of veldfires in their areas of jurisdiction. Fire management entails 3 key activities: • • • Suppression of wild fires Implementation of control burns The preparation of firebreaks. Working on Fire (WoF), a programme of the Department of Environmental Affairs is mandated to implement integrated fire management in South Africa, which includes supporting the development of the Fire Protection Association (FPA) structure under the National Veld and Forest Fire Act of 1998. WoF also assists with the development of fire protection measures, reduction of fire hazards, improved veldfire control, the implementation of appropriate veld management strategies and the empowerment of communities affected by fire. It is an amalgamation of national, provisional and local governments with the private sector. To date, the programme has trained over 5000 fire-fighters both in the prevention and suppression of fires (, 2014; Vosloo & Frost 2006). City of Cape Town Disaster Management EWS forms part of the DRR-M system and this occurs at various scales and different levels of government and metropolitan areas (see chapter 5), for example the Cape Town metropolitan area’s disaster risk information system. The Disaster Risk Management Centre (DRMC) is a branch of the City Emergency Services Department which in turn is part of the Safety & Security Directorate of the City of Cape Town. The Disaster Risk Management office website contains information on a myriad of natural and man-made hazards affecting the province and the different disaster centres in the province and collaborates with the different district municipalities which have their own systems in place. The centres runs various awareness programs on disasters and keep the public informed through the website ( 4.4. Identified gaps and opportunities for DRR-M systems 4.4.1. Legislation One of the key challenges noted in the implementation of DRR-M is the varied interpretation of both the DMA and the NDMF, especially among the disaster risk management officials. This includes some of the wording in the Act such as ‘may’ or ‘must’, which cause confusion on what is mandated and what is not in terms of the decentralised centres. A study conducted on the Act and the Framework (van Niekerk and Visser, 2011) indicates that the wording may result in different interpretations as well, with the opinion that all the actions indicated as ‘may’ should actually be ‘must’ do actions. Further, the understanding of especially the core principles of disaster risk reduction at both the lower level centres 45 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 and the line national government departments have also been cited as a challenge affecting implementation. This understanding is essential given the multi- sectorial nature of DRR-M. Another gap identified in the study by van Niekerk and Visser (2011) is that the Act is not explicit on the roles and responsibilities of local municipalities when compared to district and metropolitan municipalities, leading to ineffective DRR-M. This adversely affects the implementation of DRR-M and disaster response at local municipality level. At national level, not all essential government departments have implemented the required disaster risk reduction activities and no focal points for DRR-M have been identified, despite this being required by the NDMF. This does not only affect the functionality and effectiveness of the National Disaster Management Advisory Committee, but all the advisory committees at lower levels. Further, the DRR-M function at local level, including district and metropolitan are not properly funded giving the impression that DRR-M does not receive the attention it should both at the legislation and at local level, resulting in local municipalities neglecting their responsibilities (van Niekerk, 2011). This may be exacerbated by the limited capacity and understanding of DDR-M, which if could be improved, together with the improved mainstreaming of DDR-M activities at local level and reassess the existing funding mechanisms could assist with access to funding for DDRM. 4.4.2. Institutional The placing of the National Disaster Management centre in the Department of Cooperative Governance is not a new debate in South Africa, with suggestion that the NDMC should be in a politically influencing department to influence the effectiveness of the centre, especially given that the NDMC plays a coordinating role across various sectors (van Niekerk and Visser, 2011). The line ministry in which NDMC is placed restricts the centre to function effectively and carry out its mandate or enforce the DMA and the NDMF, and it also affects the other centres at lower levels of government. Further, the centre does not have authority over other government structures which are declared as semi-autonomous under the Constitution, thus implementation is problematic. This makes monitoring, evaluation, accountability and transparency difficult to assess (van Niekerk and Visser, 2011). For example, there is limited evidence of the inclusion of disaster risk reduction in the municipal IDP documents, despite this required by the DMA and the Municipal Systems Act, and the presence of guidelines on the integration, but neither the NDMC nor the provincial centres can enforce or support this (van Niekerk and Visser, 2011). In terms of institutional structure, both the Act and the Framework do not have a strong institutional basis. Most of the structures outlined in the Act and the Framework are not present in the centres and where they are present, their functionality, especially at provincial and district level is inadequate (van Niekerk and Visser, 2011). As a result, many district municipalities have not established the required systems for DRR-M, including disaster management centres, advisory forums, interdepartmental committees for cross-sectoral collaboration and integration of DRR in planning. At the national government level, some of the line ministries do not have focal points and in some cases disaster risk is assigned to junior officers who do not have the capacity to make decisions. DRR-M duties are not incentivised, thus there is reluctance or lack of interest to implement them at local and government 46 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 level (van Niekerk and Visser, 2011). This issue is critical and will hopefully be addressed during the DMA review process. The provincial, municipal and local disaster management centres, which were created as a result of the decentralisation process, have also faced various challenges. The lack of capacity hinder the implementation of DRR-M, including the lack of capacity at national and provincial government levels (FCC, 2011) as illustrated in Table 7. Most of the provinces are at different stages of development as illustrated by figure 17 which provides a progress to date for some of the provincial centres. The challenges include constraints faced in terms of capacity at the different centre levels. Figure 17: Functioning of Disaster Risk Management structures per province (Limpopo, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, North-West and Northern Cape) (SALGA, 2013) Table 2: Capacity challenges faced by the Disasters Centres in terms of fulfilling their Mandate at different levels of government according to DMA Government level Mandates from Disaster Management Act (Act 57 of 2002) Capacity National Disaster Management Centre The national office is functional but requires more human capacity. Objective of the NDMC is to promote an integrated and co-ordinated system of disaster management, with special emphasis on prevention and mitigation by national, provincial and municipal organs 47 Provincial Disaster Management Centre Municipal Disaster Management Centre of state, statutory functionaries, other role-players including affected communities. Section 17 (1) gives NDMC the directive to create a repository of disasters and disaster management information. Subsection (2) stipulates that they develop and maintain an electronic data base and take necessary steps to disseminate such information to communities that are vulnerable to the identified disasters. Promote and support provincial and municipal disaster management centres. Section 28: the provincial government should develop a Disaster Management Framework consistent with the provisions of the Act and the NDMF. This should be an integrated and coordinated process involving provincial organs of state, provincial legislative representatives, NGOs and the private sector. Section 29: each province must establish a disaster management centre. It should also promote disaster related research in the province, build capacity of local stakeholders to prepare and respond to disasters. By 2008, five fully functional provincial disaster management centres had been established in the Eastern and Western Cape, Free State, Gauteng and Limpopo provinces. Functional in all provinces however some provinces such as the Western Cape and KwaZulu Natal have advanced systems and officials who also work with sector departments. Provincial centres require more human capacity, technical equipment and funding for training, capacity building and community volunteer projects. Section 42: every metropolitan and district municipality must establish and implement a Disaster Management Framework that integrates all stakeholders in that district/ metropolis. Section 43: all metropolitan and district municipality’s must establish in its administration a disaster management centre for its municipal area. Section 51: a municipal disaster risk management advisory forum. Section 53: A municipal disaster risk management plan to be integrated as part Functional in most metropolitans and district municipalities. Require more human capacity to ensure efficiency as well as funding and training of disaster officials. 48 Local community 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 of the municipality's integrated development plan (also noted in Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000, Section 26(g)). Amendments to the Act propose that the disaster management plans should include disaster risk assessments, GIS mapping of risk and reporting of disaster occurrence, expenditure on response and recovery. It also seeks to provide measures aimed at risk reduction through climate change adaptation and development of EWS at local level. The amended bill seeks to strengthen policy implementation at local, district and metropolitan municipality. Section 58: members of the community who meet the prescribed minimum requirements can apply to enrol as a volunteer in the unit of volunteers of a relevant municipality. Local government authorities need to work with stakeholders to establish a strategic and operational partnership (including communities at risk (NDMC, 2011). Amendments to the act provide regulations for education and training. It also provides for the South African National Defence Force and South African Police Services to assist disaster management structures. All provinces have trained some community members to be volunteers as stipulated in the Disaster Management Act however these numbers are often fewer than what would be required per community/local municipality. However a SALGA report showed that in 2011, 72% of local municipalities and 50% of district municipalities did not have volunteer units in place. Apart from the lack of capacity in the disaster centres at the different level of government, other essential skills such as engineers are limited and this consequently leads to delays in the implementation of disaster focused projects. Botha et al., (2011) found that in 2011, 50% of local municipalities in South Africa lacked disaster management structures, while 68% of local and 25% of district municipalities did not have disaster management advisory forums. The individual challenges faced in each of the provinces are summarised in table 8. In these cases disaster management roles were often assigned to civil defence structures in local municipalities resulting in the fire and police services becoming overburdened (Botha et al., 2011). This could be attributed to the perception of some provinces and municipalities that they have no legal standing in terms of the act and thus do not prioritise disaster management. Furthermore, the disaster management function is not seen as a funded mandate (NDMC, 2011). 49 1 Table 8: Challenges experienced by local, district and provincial municipalities with regard to disaster management Province Challenges Eastern Cape Inadequate funding Non-availability of a budget for disaster mitigation Poor participation of stakeholders and communities due to the lack of coordination of activities Non-prioritisation of disaster management Non-existence of disaster management units in sector departments Guidelines for incorporating disaster management programmes and initiatives into current activities has not been developed and implemented due to the poor awareness of the impacts of climate change impacts Disaster management focal points have not been identified Risk-related information has not been incorporated into spatial development frameworks Free State Limited financial resources Municipalities do not budget for disaster risk reduction programmes Local municipalities do not appoint dedicated disaster management officials Lack of an Integrated Information Management and Communication system Gauteng Lack of funding Lack of budgets for disaster management Lack of cooperation with local municipalities to establish and maintain advisory forums Lack of training of officials and councillors in basic disaster management KwaZulu Natal Disaster management plans are not aligned with the IDPs Municipalities do not plan and allocate enough resources for disaster management Limpopo Incapacity of sector departments to deal with disasters when they occur Lack of communication between stakeholders Lack of funding Lack of cooperation and commitment from local municipalities Mpumalanga No information available North West Northern Cape Western Cape Lack of funding Shortage of capacity with regard to monitoring, reporting and evaluation Municipal IDP project do not address vulnerability indicators Poor participation of key stakeholders during disasters Lack of budgeting by sector departments No sector departments disaster risk management plans have been submitted to the PDMC Poor reporting systems Limited political leadership Establishment of coordination forums Establishment of an inter-departmental Disaster Management Committee which could be addressed by creating more nodes for DRR-M Identification of Disaster management focal points Lack of capacity and funding 50 Formalities, procedures and legislation delays post-disaster recovery Lack of communication between NDMC, PDMCs and MDMCs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4.4.3. Funding mechanisms for DRR-M Investment in disaster reduction has not received adequate attention, not only in South Africa but internationally, with most of the focus being put on disaster risk response and recovery. However, the increasingly huge costs of disasters, the huge losses covered by insurance companies and the pressure put on governments when dealing with post disaster recovery urges governments to reconsider risk reduction (FCC, 2011). A study by the Fiscal & Finance Commission submission (FCC, 2012) on alternative financing mechanisms for disaster management in the South Africa, found that since 2005 the funding focus has disproportionately been on post-disasters rather than on integrating funding into development initiatives that reduce the risk of disasters happening. Thus funding disaster risk reduction is becoming an important issue, especially integration into developmental programmes, for example the municipal IDPs in South Africa. Earlier studies on disaster risk reduction in South Africa found that there was no specific funding for DRR-M at local government level, and where they did exist, they were reserved for disaster recovery (FCC, 2011). The issue of poor funding has also been raised as a constraint in the implementation of DRR-M at local and provincial level. DRR-M funding encompasses start-up costs for municipalities, disaster response and recovery as well as continuous disaster risk reduction activities. According to van Niekerk and Visser (2011), access to funding for DDR-M is a critical challenge for municipalities. Despite the availability of funding mechanisms for various levels of government and the various DDR-M activities as outlined in the framework (FCC, 2011), the funds have not been accessed or used. This could be possibly be attributed to the confusion about the different mechanisms or probably due to a lack of knowledge about the funding instruments available and how to access them. This confusion has been attributed to a lack of clarity in the Act on funding mechanisms. Further, sector funding for DDR-M needs better planning, including the development of good sector plans with implementation actions and timelines. Further, given other priorities in the municipality such as service delivery, DRR is not considered a priority, often getting minimum attention and budget allocation in terms of municipal budgets. In addition, sectors need to access funds that are already allocated but understood as DRR funding. This however, needs to be accompanied by good expenditure reporting. Therefore, the challenge of funding in the implementation of the NDM Framework needs to be addressed. Other identified gaps include: The lack of political will at mainly provincial and local government, with most emphasis being put on disaster response and recovery instead of reduction. The classification and the declaration of disasters as mandated in the DMA and the NDMF has also been identified as a challenge. This lack of clarify affects even the declaration and classification of a disaster when one occurs, often leading to duplication of efforts. Therefore there is a need to develop clear guidelines for classification and declaration of disasters as well clear guidelines for funding mechanisms. 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 The classification and understanding of what DRR means to each sector, and all levels, i.e. provincial and local municipality needs to be made more explicit and discussed within sectors and advisory forums. Both the Act and the Framework highlight the need for the development of uniform guidelines for the assessment of disasters, but this has not happened (van Niekerk and Visser, 2011). This renders the classification and declaration of disasters ambiguous. This sometimes results in duplication of efforts between line ministries such as the Department of Social Development, through its Fund Raising Act (No. 107 of 1978), and this sometimes results in duplication of efforts, when both acts are used to respond to a disaster. Under the Fund Raising Act, a national disaster can only be declared by the president, particularly where the affected communities cannot cope. This highlights the need to align the DMA and the Fund Raising Act (van Niekerk and Visser, 2011). The development of national indicative disaster risk profiles as required by the framework using a multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral approach has not been done. This hinders the understanding of disasters, the planning and the budgeting for disaster risk reduction (FCC, 2011). The involvement of the private sector in the financing disaster risk reduction, especially the insurance industry has been limited. It has to be noted that the many requirements for Public Private Partnerships (PPP) are costly for municipalities, hindering the cooperation with the private sector. Long lead times in transferring of funds when a disaster occurs, including the Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG). Stringent conditions need to be met before the funding can be channelled from the national budget to COGTA and eventually to the MIG fund. Further, the fact that the MIG and other conditional grants do not explicitly fund DDR needs to be reviewed by treasury. These funds could assist in the access of additional funding. In addition, the guidelines for funding mechanisms at national and local level could assist in better access to funds such as the green fund. There is a general lack of capacity in critical areas such as engineering and other professional skills. This may have an impact on the type of solutions devised for example at local level, project focus has been on engineered solution rather than softer innovative solutions such as ecological infrastructure that are not well-known or well-funded. 52 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 4.4.4. Opportunities Let’s Respond Toolkit In terms of the legislation and policy instruments, opportunities do exist to amend the existing DMA, not only to address the issues that have been raised over the years on the gaps to implement the Act, but to also align the DMA with other sectoral legislative instruments that are under development. This would assist in the removing or reducing of duplication of roles and responsibilities for disaster risk in the different sectors as well to incorporate climate change adaptation. This is currently being addressed in the amendment bill. The Let’s Respond Toolkit (Figure 18) is a tool that is designed to assist local government to integrate climate change response in the development process through the Integrated Development Plans (IPDs). The Let’s Respond Toolkit was developed in collaboration with DEA, SALGA and COGTA and supported by Sustainability Energy Africa and funded by GIZ. The toolkit presents municipal managers with opportunities to include climate change in their everyday activities. Figure 4: Let’s Respond Toolkit The toolkit provides a step by step guide for climate change response which is aligned to the IDP process (see figure 19), includes the integrative steps needed and the expected outputs. The Let’s Respond Toolkit aims to align local level climate response with existing environmental and development challenges, and develop knowledge flows by engaging with research institutes. The step by step approach ensures that climate change planning is conducted at all levels of IDP planning, and at spatial, sector and departmental levels, and to improve cross sector integration (SALGA, 2010). 53 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Figure 5: Step by step approach to integrate climate change in the IDP process The first and second steps of the toolkit which involve the preparation and the analysis include capacity building of municipal staff on climate change and its impacts and the identification of key focal people in the municipality to lead the process. The analysis phase includes the preparation of climate change vulnerability assessment and disaster management plans. These two aspects of the toolkit are beneficial for disaster risk reduction, by not only identifying communities at risk but helping them and the local government prepare for disasters. However, the roll out of the Let’s Respond Toolkit has been slow, and the outreach is on a small scale to date. Despite this, the Lets Respond Toolkit presents an opportunity to align DDR-M and adaptation activities, in addition to planning for climate change, in terms of the institutional mechanisms already in place for the climate change and IDP processes being adapted for DDR-M activities at all levels of government. Working on Fire Another opportunity for the improvement of DDR-M activities is presented by the Working on Fire (WoF) programme mentioned above as an existing DDR-M system. WoF, which was established 10 year ago employs more than 5000 young men and women, who have been fully trained as forest fire fighters and are posted in approximately 200 teams across the country. While the focus on WoF is the prevention of and control of wild land fire, with the aim of improving sustainability and protection of life, property and the environment through Integrated Fire Management (IFM) practices. At least 24% of the total budget for WOF is devoted to training. WOF already plays an important part in the reduction of disasters from veldt fires, and an opportunity exists to utilise the institutional mechanism in place to extend disaster risk activities to other weather related events. 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Figure 20: Some of the over 5000 youths employed by Working on Fire There is also an opportunity to adopt what seems to be a successful business model for WoF to DDR activities, with the involvement of all levels of government, and especially the involvement of the private sector dealing with disasters risk reduction, for example insurance companies. Part of the success of the WoF seems to be the involvement of the private sector and as noted on their website they have many partners including National Disaster Management Centre. 11 55 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 5. Climate information and Early Warning Systems in South Africa South Africa has adopted the Multi Hazard Early Warning System (MHEWS) which makes use of multiple monitoring systems and uses meteorological, hydrological and climate information to prepare and respond to the multiple hazards. Hazards included in this system are floods, heavy rain, wild fires, storm surges and wind storms (SAWS, 2012). The NDMC is mandated in the National Disaster Management Framework to be the custodian of MHEWS. Extreme weather events challenge the ability of governments to meet their development objectives as some hazards often result in fatalities, displacement of communities, severe disruption and infrastructure damage (Twigg, 2004). Therefore MHEWS requires collaboration between disaster management structures at all levels of governance i.e. national, provincial and local level to plan and respond together. Weather advisories, watches and warnings from the EWS inform stakeholders at different levels of government, NGOs and the communities at risk to prepare for impending hazards. Poolman (2012) noted that generally there is a good relationship developing on coordination and dissemination of early warnings between SAWS which is the custodian of weather and climate information, the National, Provincial and Municipal/Metropolitan Disaster Management Centres. This is illustrated by the effort that SAWS has put in palce to ensure that the disaster management centres are provided with severe weather warnings and advisories ahead of time, so that they can plan and respond accordingly. 5.1. Existing Weather and Climate Information and Early Warning Systems The responsibility of producing weather and climate information as well as giving early warning information alerts is the responsibility of SAWS, as stipulated in the Weather Service Act (RSA, 2001). SAWS is the main source of early warning information, feeding information to various metropolitan municipalities and other government sectors. SAWS is mandated by law to earn income for the provision of commercial services and thus has both a public and private role in producing and disseminating weather forecasts and warnings. SAWS is likewise the custodian of the South African climate databank and the Severe Weather Warning System which forms part of MHEWS (SAWS, 2012; Makuleni, 2011). SAWS EWS is based on international best practices and maintains the standards of the World Meteorological Organisation and International Weather Services (Poolman, 2012). SAWS collects weather and climate information from the following: 20 Regional weather offices 130 Automatic weather stations 112 Climate stations 1512 Rainfall stations (Makuleni, 2011) 56 SAWS produces different types of forecasts as illustrated in figure 21, which also shows the different sectors that make use or could benefit from the forecasts and the tools used to get these forecasts. Seasonal forecasts, if carefully targeted, can be a useful tool for reducing the risks related to seasonal climate extremes such as floods and droughts (Mason 1998; Ropelewsky & Halpert 1989). The Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI) has been successfully used as an indicator of drought conditions. The SPI is also used to assess the severity of a drought – the higher the negative number the more severe the drought (McKee et al. 1993). The Drought Monitoring Desk at SAWS provides information on long range seasonal forecasts, observed rainfall as well as maps of SPI. Predicting extreme climate anomalies in advance for the coming season, offers disaster management authorities the ability to prepare and respond in time. In southern Africa, seasonal rainfall forecasts have been made for almost two decades and these forecasts were developed to improve the ability of users to cope with fluctuations in rainfall on a seasonal time scale. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Benefits Tools Products Tools 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Figure 21: SAWS forecasting system (SAWS CEO Dr Makuleni, 2011) 57 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 5.2. Interpretation, Disseminations and Packaging As previously mentioned, SAWS feeds information to the disasters centres, different government departments, including the communities in need of this information as highlighted in figure 22 which outlines how early waning information is disseminated from SAWS to disaster centres, municipalities and the public. The advisories, watches and warnings are issued by SAWS through the web, or the printed or electronic media or are sent by SMS to disaster managers. This includes climate information such as seasonal weather forecasts. Figure 22: Flow of information from SAWS to DMC at the national, provincial and municipal levels; and the public through the web and media channels (SAWS CEO Dr Makuleni, 2011) 5.2.1. Institutional Collaboration SAWS also work with other institutions, both government, private, community and research to produce, interpret, package and disseminate climate information and advisories for different hazards and extreme weather events to the affected and interested stakeholders. Table 9 shows the research institutions (mainly CSIR) and the type of early warning information they generate. 58 1 2 Table 9: Research institutions involved in interpretation, packaging and dissemination of early warning and climate information Institution/Programme Hazard Interpretation and packaging Means of dissemination CSIR Meraka InstituteAdvanced Fire Information System Fire The fire monitoring is used to locate fires in near-real time over southern Africa and prevent loss of exposed human life, biodiversity, settlements and infrastructure. CSIR Meraka Institute Wide Area Monitoring Information System Fire, floods and drought Seasonal Forecasts (CSIR and SAWS) Floods and drought Interpret fire, flood, and drought information collected from satellite-based information services. They provide near realtime monitoring and mapping capabilities of natural events in Southern Africa. The most commonly used way to visualise seasonal forecasts is to display them on maps that show the likelihood of predicted rainfall and temperature anomalies exceeding certain predetermined thresholds. These thresholds are th typically terciles values or the 15 th and 85 percentile values of the climatological record. The latter thresholds are being used to predict whether or not a coming season will be extreme. Fire maps are broadcast to the public weekly as part of the television weather bulletin on SABC channels (Frost, 2011). Fire location information from AFIS is also distributed through email, Twitter, XMPP (e.g. Google Talk,, etc.) and cell phone text messages worldwide (CSIR AFIS, 2012). WAMIS data portal that displays and makes available some MODIS products. For example one can download the burned area data, the active fire text files as well as download the true and false colour composites in GEOtiff. Forecasts are usually issued for a period of six months and suggest the total amount of rainfall expected over that period, but not the distribution of rainfall within that period or the initiation of the rainy season (Landman et al. 2011). Forecasts are issued by SAWS and through the annual SARCOF meeting as well as posted on the South African Risk and Vulnerability Atlas Portal. 3 59 Western Cape Province Case Study The Western Cape Province is prone to numerous natural hazards such as floods, wildfires and droughts (Raju and Van Niekerk, 2013). The climate is expected to change to the extent that the annual average temperature will increase by 1°C by 2050; rainfall is likely to decline with a resultant decrease in available water sources and soil moisture; the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events will possible increase; and the risk of wildfires will increase as well. These will negatively impact on crops, infrastructure, the coastline, the built environment, tourism, etc. (Western Cape Province, 2008). As a coordinating function, Western Cape Disaster Management maintains an early warnings database and disseminates warnings to relevant stakeholders (i.e. district heads of centres and other relevant provincial departments) via email and/or SMS. These warnings are largely for weather related hazards received from the South African Weather Services via email and/or SMS. The informed officials are required to disseminate the warning where applicable, prepare and act accordingly. The Western Cape also makes use of fire and flash floods EWSs, but no details about these systems were made available (Nicole Wagner, Western Cape Provincial Government, personal communication, 14 January 2014). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5.2.2. Links with other government departments The National Disaster Management Centre also collaborates with other national and provincial departments that have programmes and projects aimed at early warning and assisting victims of hazards with recovery when a hazard occur (table 10). The next section looks the different national and provincial departments and their roles. It is important to note that while most of the government departments, with the exception of DWA, Department of Energy and Department of Science and Technology, do not produce any early warning information , that use early warning information in ther operations. Table 10: Government department linkages with DDR-M and Early Warning Systems Government Department/institution Mandate National Agro Meteorology Committee National Agricultural Disaster Management Forum (NADMF National Drought Task team National Agricultural Disaster Risk Management Committee Department of Water Affairs Interpret data on early warning for the agricultural sector Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Department of Health Has three policy documents i.e. Agricultural Disaster Risk Management Plan, Climate Change Sector Plan and the Drought Management Plan (NDMC, 2009) The Emergency Medical Services and Disaster Management Directorate – focus Advise and decide on disaster intervention strategies and procedures. Advise the NADMF on drought related issues Advise the national department on disaster risk management. Responsible for the flood management of the Vaal and Orange River Systems (Maswuma 2011). Real time flow data is collected and disseminated by the Department. 60 Department of Energy Department of Human Settlements Emergency Housing Policy which assists victims of disasters by providing them with temporary shelter, providing access to land and basic municipal engineering services by providing grants to affected municipalities. Provincial Disaster Management Centres together with Provincial Human Settlement departments manage the provincial disaster response (NDMC, 2011). Department of Public Works Though not weather or climate related the department focuses on dolomite disaster. They have a Dolomite Risk Management Strategy and conduct awareness raising workshops for vulnerable stakeholders that occupy dolomitic land (NDMC Annual Report, 2011). Department of Communication Department of Science and Technology DST & DGLG Supports ICT on weather and EWS, response and recovery The South African Earth Observation Strategy 1 2 3 4 5 6 on post-disaster phase i.e. recovery. Use of early warning information as power supply often affected by extreme weather events such as floods, storms and strong winds. Have an EWS for nuclear power and the Radiological Emergency Monitoring Working Group responsible for monitoring and development of an action plan to prevent any radioactive contamination. Financially support a number of students to enrol for a post-graduate course in Disaster Risk Management at the Free State University. The course curriculum includes EWS and disaster management Captures South Africa’s response to the Global Earth Observation Systems of Systems (GEOSS) coordinates the collection, assimilation and dissemination of earth observation data to support planning, decision making in South Africa (NDMC, 2008). South African Risk and Vulnerability Atlas Has a portal that provides the public with free access to a large collection of scientific data and knowledge in about global and climate change related vulnerability, risks and impact. The project has a dedicated climate and weather information theme page where climate information ranging from weather, to seasonal forecasts, to dynamically-downscaled climate projections from SAWS is interpreted. Department of Safety and Security The South African Police Service (SAPS) has developed a disaster management strategy, disaster management policy and a contingency plan in line with the DMA and the NDMF. SAPS Disaster Management Strategy will be rolled out to all provinces(NDMC, 2009). 5.2.3. Community response The NDMC is mandated in the DMA Section15 (1) (g) and (h) “to promote the recruitment, training and participation of volunteers in disaster management and promote disaster management capacity building, training and education throughout the Republic, including in schools” (RSA, 2002). Coordination between local institutions needs to be strengthened so as to reduce the vulnerability of at- 61 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 risk communities. Various government departments at national, provincial and local level engage in different community outreach activities which include the following: The Extended Public Works Programme Working on Fire which encourages public participation in responding to fires and provides local community members with fire management training, firefighting and record keeping. Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) conducts a myriad of awareness programmes targeted at farming communities to provide farmers with knowledge on their risks, disaster preparedness and response strategies when an alert or warning is given. Western Cape: the City of Cape Town is proactive in disaster risk reduction and is working together with neighbouring municipalities, private sector, organs of state and communities through mutual assistance agreements on early warnings, response and recovery. Community members are encouraged to inform authorities of any imminent threats such as blocked drains and storm water systems. Community awareness includes providing residents at risk with pamphlets in IsiXhosa, English and Afrikaans with tips on how to raise their floor levels, divert flood water and reduce health hazards that result from stagnant water (Hweshe, 2012). Swartland Municipality has developed an EWS which is shared with the City of Cape Town as heavy rains in the municipality can result in the flooding of the Diep River and affect residents of the Du Noon’s Doornbach informal settlement (Hweshe, 2012). 62 1 2 3 Eden District Municipality case study Eden District is plagued by both floods and droughts. These events have a severe impact on the economy, tourism, the environment and local development, and the district has been declared a disaster area at numerous occasions (Raju and Van Niekerk, 2013). Eden Municipality subscribes to the SAWS EWS and receives all its information about weather watch and severe weather events from this system. Combined with information received from automatic rain stations, and information about the flow of the rivers and the level of dams, action is taken by die District and warnings and alerts are sent out to the public, councils and councillors. An early warning display system, designed by the Eden Municipality and funded by SANTAM, was installed to warn and alert the public of severe weather. It may also be used for brief notifications of community meetings or other public alerts. This LED display system is linked to the Eden Disaster Management Centre in George from where information is uploaded on the early warning display units (Eden District Municipality Disaster Management Centre, n.d.).). As part of the EWS, the Eden District Municipality also sends bulk SMS warnings about severe weather to the various municipal disaster management advisory forums as well as to councillors of the affected wards. Such councillors are in the best positions to ensure the warnings reach citizens (Gerhard Otto, Eden District Disaster Management Centre, personal communication, 14 January 2014Eden Municipality also subscribes to the Advanced Fire Information System (AFIS), an EWS that alert users of any risk of wildfires (Gerhard Otto, Eden District Disaster Management Centre, personal communication, 14 January 2014). Photo depicting an early warning display sign in George that says “22 Aug, Thu 16:23, Severe weather warning display” 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Community response also includes the uptake of weather and climate information by the public and using it together with their indigenous knowledge to increase the resilience and diversity of their livelihoods by engaging in appropriate community adaptation projects. The Department of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries has been working on improving uptake of weather and climate information by packaging and translating the information into easy understandable messages for the communities. Other known initiatives include: The City of Tshwane developed a disaster management primary school guide pack to raise awareness in schools. 63 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 5.3. Disaster Mitigation for Sustainable Livelihoods based at the University of Stellenbosch engages in community risk reduction work that can be used by local authorities to plan and respond to disasters. Climate advisories and Early Warning Systems to support DRR-M SAWS Severe Weather System covers potentially damaging weather events (e.g. heavy rain, heat waves and cold weather) that are common in the country and can result in severe impacts. National warnings and advisories are compiled and issued with the longest possible lead-time. SAWS operate a MultiHazard EWS (MHEWS) which requires closer cooperation with disaster management structures at national, provincial and local level. Severe weather hazards include extremely hot conditions, heat waves, very cold conditions, snow, heavy rain, flash floods, destructive coastal waves, veldfire danger rating, gale force winds and stronger, and severe thunderstorms. The weather alerts, which form part of SAWS Multi-Hazard EWS (MHEWS), are based on 4 levels (see Figure 23): No alert: no hazard is expected. Advisory: a potential hazard may occur in the next 2 to 6 days. Watch: hazardous weather is likely to occur in the next 1 to 3 days. Warning: hazardous conditions are occurring or are about to occur in the next 1 to 24 hours (SAWS 2010). These alerts are issued by SAWS and are used by Disaster Management Centres in preparation and readiness for emergency actions such as evacuation in the face of the hazard. The alerts are also issued directly to the public through the media, internet and cellphone service providers. Figure 6: South African Weather Service Severe Weather Alerts 64 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Floods SAWS is primarily responsible for the forecasting of flood producing rainfall, which is based on mathematical weather models, geostationary satellite images and radar observation stations (Du Plessis 2004). EWSs for flash floods were initially based on the projected impact of heavy rain over a wide area but these warnings were not sufficient for high risk areas such as small river basins. Consequently, SAWS and the NDMC developed the South African Flash Flood Guidance (SAFFG) system (Coning & Poolman 2010) which provides guidance on potential flash flood watches and warnings within 1 to 6 hours. It models the likely hydrologic response of small river basins to rainfall and estimates how much rainfall is needed to cause flooding. The Flash Flood Guidance System was utilised to inform warnings on the Gauteng flash floods which occurred in 2010 (See Box 1 and Figure 24). Warnings were issued to the NDMC, including an hourly breakdown (Figure 25). Other decision-support tools include the Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration Project, which forecasts the intensity and movement of rainfall events and severe winds across southern Africa (Poolman et al. 2008). It is important to add that DWA uses river flow gauges and river flow measurements in combination with rainfall information from SAWS to determine the timing of the opening of dam gates to release water during high rainfall events. There is collaboration between NDMC and DWA in dealing and handling disasters related to water issues. Box 1: Gauteng flash floods 15-16 December 2010 Over 133 mm of rain fell overnight in Gauteng and severe flash flooding occurred, which resulted in a few fatalities, people being displaced and severe disruption and infrastructure damage. Forecasters issued flash flood warnings throughout the night initially for southern Gauteng and later central and northern Gauteng. Warnings were disseminated by SMS to disaster managers in the relevant municipalities and metropolitan areas. Figure 7: Snapshot at 06 hr SA time of basins where flooding were expected 65 Figure 8: Hourly breakdown issues by SAWS for the floods 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Droughts An Agricultural Drought Management Plan was drafted in 2005 and seeks to reduce the impacts of droughts by providing information management, monitoring and evaluating systems for the early warning of droughts (DEA 2013). Another example of a drought EWS is the Umlindi system developed by the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) which provides information on drought conditions based on the interpretation of satellite and climate data. This information is translated and packaged and by DAFF into monthly newsletters with understandable key messages. The information is also used for crop estimation by the National Crop Estimate Committee (NCEC) and is also disseminated through the provincial departments, the National Agro-meteorological Committee (NAC) and subsequently to the farming community. Experimental work is also currently under way through a partnership between ARC, CSIR and the University of Pretoria which will start adding a suite of tailored forecasts for livestock. Fires The National Veld and Forest Fire Act provides for the prevention of fires through the development of a National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS), launched in 2005. The NFDRS is an early warning system for predicting conditions conducive to occurrences of veldfires. This tool is aimed at increasing the capacity of Fire Protection Association’s, veldfire managers and municipalities to manage veldfires appropriately by being aware of the likelihood of fires occurring beforehand (Willis et al., 2001). The system gives out the fire danger index by taking into account variables such as the weather and fuel factors. When predictions indicate that the fire danger rating will be high or extreme, a warning will be issued to the Fire Protection Associations and Disaster Management Centres and to the public through television, radio and local newspapers. SAW is responsible for issuing the warnings. In partnership with Eskom, the University of Maryland and NASA, the CSIR developed the Advanced Fire Information System (AFIS) to locate fires in near-real time over southern Africa (Frost and Annegarn 2007; Davies et al., 2008). 66 Australian case studies 1 Australia is home to a diverse number of climatic regions, and thus experiences various extreme weather events such as drought, prolonged periods of extreme temperatures (heat waves), bushfire, cyclones and floods. It is projected that the severity of these events will increase in future as a result of climate change with huge damage to infrastructure and the economy. Australia has therefore implemented a number of early warning systems, of which two are described below (Chhetri et al., 2012). The Early Warning Network (EWN) The Australian Early Warning Network (EWN) provides geographically targeted early warning services, technology and systems for all severe weather and natural hazards. The system monitors potentially dangerous incidents and alerting people directly in danger of severe weather such as hail, flash floods, damaging winds, fires, and tsunamis. It is based on a person’s registered or physical location at the time and is communicated via email, SMS, landline, fax, web, twitter, facebook and desktopALERT™. Only subscribers in the area at risk are warned, based on the longitude and latitude of their mobile phone at that time, or otherwise their registered physical address (The Early Warning Network, n.d.). The Wildfire Management Overlay (WMO) Bushfires have a significant impact on lives, income, human settlements, the economy, transport and infrastructure in southern Australia. The total direct cost of bushfires has been estimated at $AUD 4 billion with infrastructure and the economy taking months to normalise. As the climate changes, the frequency and intensity of wildfires in Australia are growing. The Wildfire Management Overlay identifies areas as Bushfire Protection Areas and Bushfire Prone Areas, and formulates Bushfire Risk Management Plans at local government level. In its prevention and preparedness campaign, WMO ensures that buildings in in the Bushfire Prone Areas include appropriate fire protection measures and does not significantly increase the threat to life and property from wildfire (Chhetri, et al., 2012; Hughes and Mercer, 2009). The WMO also detects areas where the risk for wildfires is most considerable and can cause danger to life and assets and alert people. The ‘stay or go’ policy was revised to a ‘prepare, stay & defend, or leave early’ policy and social media is used more often as early warning tools (Chhetri, et al., 2012; Hughes and Mercer, 2009). 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Storm surges As part of the National Storm Surge Workshop held in Knysna in 2011 “Guidelines for a storm surge EWS for South Africa” (Stander 2011) were developed. This document sets out key elements in the design of a new National Storm Surge EWS dealing with the necessary monitoring for an operational warning system, and the dissemination of the appropriate alerts to vulnerable communities. These guidelines are utilised by the NDMC and local municipalities when dealing with the extreme climate events in coastal zones. The storm surge alert process for South Africa is outlined in Figure 26. 67 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Figure 9: Storm surge alert process (Stander 2011) Real time observations of the state of the marine environment (e.g. wind and wave data) are provided through the activities of the South African Navy Hydrographic Office (SANHO), the CSIR for the National Ports Authority, and the Marine Office of the South African Weather Service, which include the Automated Weather Stations (AWS), the drifting weather buoy programme, Ships of Opportunity (VOS), as well as related information from satellites and numerical models. These observations enable the forecast of extreme conditions at sea and along the coastline of South Africa and provide information for the issuing of storm surge alerts (Rossouw et al., 2011). Additional maritime weather is available from international weather institutes such as the National Weather Service of USA. SANHO is responsible for the installation and maintenance of tide gauges in the principal harbours of South Africa as well as the acquisition, processing, archiving and dissemination of sea level data from these tide gauges (Rossouw et al., 2011). The CSIR Coastal Systems is responsible for the installation and maintenance of wave recorders as well as the collection of the data. Numerical wave models (e.g. SWAN) are used to provide wave information for locations where no buoys are located (Booij et al., 1999). The SAWS Coastal Network System provides weather and warning forecast services for the Southern African oceans (Rossouw et al., 2011). As previously mentioned, SAWS is responsible for the dissemination of weather alerts to all the primary role players outlined in Figure 21. 23 68 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 5.4. Identified gaps and opportunities in current climate information and EWSs This section will highlight key challenges which need to be addressed in order to improve adaptive management as well as the opportunities that exist. 5.4.1. Legislative, institutional and mandate issues Challenges faced at the national, provincial and local government level There are currently significant challenges in disaster risk reduction at the local and provincial government level (see chapter 4) (Botha et al., 2011; Zuma et al., 2012) and the approach to disasters still remains a very reactive process (Du Plessis, 2004). Despite the existence of the DMA and the NDMF, evidence from various parts of the country shows that the implementation and uptake of early warning information remains slow. Provincial offices of DAFF remain incapacitated and constrained because of the lack of structure and defined roles of individuals (NDMC, 2011). Effective dissemination of warnings to all levels of society remains a challenge and requires support and participation with the local disaster management structures and the media (SAWS, 2011). Currently, extension services do not play a significant role in the dissemination of warnings. A study conducted by Ngaka (2012a) found that only 11% of the people interviewed accessed information from the extension officers compared with radio at 70%. Extension officers have huge potential to play an integral part in disaster risk management but this requires sustained effort by local and provincial government and continuous training and support. Another area of concern is the lack of communication materials to raise awareness and mainstream disaster risk reduction at the local level (SALGA, 2013). This is something that is often being addressed by NGOs but needs serious up-scaling across all municipalities. The Let’s Respond Toolkit currently being mainstreamed in the country seeks to integrate climate change into an existing planning process (IDPs) rather than create a separate process altogether, given the human capital and financial constraints at municipal level. The toolkit is also raising awareness at the local municipality level of adaptation responses. Another key challenge facing disaster response is the lack of communication between various governments departments involved with disaster management (Raju and Van Niekerk 2013). One of the primary reasons for this is that disaster risk reduction is not seen as a priority for local planning and development. Neither the NDMC, nor the SAWS can provide any information on the extent their EWSs are being used by other spheres of government. They admit that they make their EWSs and data available, but do not know the impact of their systems on provincial and local government and are therefore somewhat removed from what happens in practice. The NDMC is in the process of doing studies to determine the impact of the EWSs on disaster risk reduction (Eugene Poolman, SAWS, personal communication, 9 January 2014; Mark van Staden, NDMC, personal communication, 13 January 2014). 69 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Lack coordination and collaboration between institutions There is currently insufficient communication and collaboration between organisations that provide climate services and EWSs. Competitive groups exist in the country for providing these services and the legal framework, and do not provide the means for local or international informal systems to feed into the framework. Information sharing between institutions needs to be strengthened in order to facilitate early action to severe weather events. Furthermore, the modelling, monitoring and predicting capacities at institutions across the country have the potential to contribute to advances in EWSs but this is often limited by the limited by the translation of information into DRR-M strategies. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 5.4.2. Technical issues False alarms As EWSs and advisories grow and develop, so does the number of false alarms. High incidences of false alarms can lead to community mistrust and could impact the credibility and effectiveness of future warnings. This emphasises the need for increasing community awareness and the ability of communities to interpret climate information and warnings. In addition, the inclusion of reliable local hazard indicators such as vegetation changes could verify the scientific warnings and thereby increase community trust, as well as increase effective response Seasonal forecasts A key problem identified with seasonal forecasts is that there are large uncertainties in the predictions. For example, weather forecasts for the next day may be predicted correctly nine out of ten consecutive days, but for seasonal timescales, even during the mid-summer season of highest predictability, forecast are typically correct only about three out of five summer seasons. There are also currently difficulties in understanding forecast implications. For example, most of the seasonal rainfall forecasts are typically presented in rainfall categories representing probabilities for the highest, middle and lowest third of seasonal values to occur. Even when seasonal predictions are understood properly, it may not be obvious how to use them since the uncertainty in the predictions is very high and the predicted variable may not be immediately relevant to an impact or decision. This notion does not imply that seasonal forecasts cannot be useful. These problems simply emphasise the need for the development of tools that can translate such information to quantities directly relevant to end-users, and thus for better communication between modelling centres and end-users. Delivery and uptake of seasonal forecast information is thus as substantial a challenge as the actual production of skilful seasonal forecasts (Landman et al., 2011). Many of the more widespread disasters (e.g. floods and droughts) are only simulated to a limited degree by the coarse resolution GCMs, suggesting improvements may come through downscaling, running the GCMs at a higher resolution (to capture the influence of topography) and improvements to the simulated interactions between the land, ocean and atmosphere. Specifically for droughts, the development of an effective early warning system is often challenging since droughts are slow-onset disasters. The changing climate (through increases in anthropogenic emissions) needs to be incorporated into seasonal forecast schemes as the baseline climate state is constantly changing. 70 1 2 3 4 5 Modellers in the region are contributing to the international effort of improving models. Such modelling efforts are also trying to address the prediction for time scales between that for weather forecasts (typically seven days ahead) and seasonal forecasts, and between seasonal forecasts and multi-decadal climate change projections (Landman et al., 2011). 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 5.4.3. Social issues Dissemination and interpretation of warnings Effective dissemination of warnings to all levels of society remains a problem and needs significant support and participation with other structures, including disaster management, media and other role players. Even when warnings are disseminated effectively, there is still a lack of awareness in local communities on the EWS and how to respond to these warnings (Du Plessis, 2004). This can be attributed to the challenges faced with the interpretation and translation of climate information and warnings at the local level. Approaches for combining traditional and indigenous knowledge with scientific knowledge to strengthen climate information and warnings have been suggested in the literature to increase community response (for example Stigter et al., 2005; Shaw et al., 2009). This would increase acceptance, ownership and the long term sustainability of EWSs. There is currently no mechanism in the country to integrate local knowledge and practises with those of the scientific community. Mercer et al. (2010) propose a framework that could be used to successfully combine local knowledge and scientific information for EWSs (Figure 27). 21 22 23 24 Figure 10: Framework for integrating local knowledge and scientific information on early warning (Mercer et al. 2010) 71 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Human capacity challenges SALGA has identified areas within disaster risk management where skills are lacking (Table 11). For example, there is a shortage of fire risk and firefighting skills in many municipalities which is currently constraining Municipal Disaster Management Framework Enabler number 2 on education, training, public awareness and research (SALGA, 2013). Table 31: Identified areas of skills shortage (Botha et al, 2011) 72 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 6. Recommendations for enhancing climate information and early warning systems to support DRR_M for building climate resilience In this section, we distinguish between operational recommendations, institutional recommendations and policy recommendations to enhance climate information and early warning systems for building climate resilience. These are based on the literature reviews as well as on the gaps and opportunities as identified in this document and by other institutions (such as NDMC’s own reporting, and analyses, for example, of SAWS’s mandate and functioning). 6.1. Operational recommendations The purpose of operational recommendations is to propose changes or alternatives to the practical ways in which disaster risk is approached, implemented and managed in South Africa. Essentially, some recommendations may require a departure from traditional approaches to strategic and operational DRM in South Africa, given a changing physical and social environment. It is clear, in fact, that a sea change in thinking may be required in a number of sectors addressed by LTAS – disaster management is by no means unique. Some of the recommendations are as follows: R&D support for forecasting and tailored forecasting has seen a decline in recent years, for a variety of reasons not to be detailed here. We recommend that R&D support for initiatives in these areas be substantively increased, to address some (if not all) of the technical issues identified in section 4.3. In addition, the gap analysis undertaken in this report has not focused specifically on gaps in R&D in forecasting and tailored forecasting, and we recommend that a specific audit in this area be undertaken, by an independent stakeholder; including a comprehensive updated user needs assessment. The latter task, in particular, has been lacking in recent years. Additional actors be enabled to join both R&D and operational prediction/forecasting, in addition to those who currently have mandate (Figure 21). Archer van Garderen (2013) provides more specifics here, particularly in the context of supporting innovation in forecasting and prediction; including providing an enabling environment to private forecasting and tailored forecasting, perhaps drawing learning from the model of US mixed stakeholder forecasting. We recommend that opportunities to extend the Cape Town metropolitan area’s disaster risk information system for the whole country be examined (see chapter 5 for details on system), including partnerships with new partners, such as the Risk and Vulnerability Atlas and the Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Centres (RAVAC) (including capacitation). For local government to plan for climate change it should: 1) translate national and international disaster risk reduction requirements into local initiatives with a concrete agenda and budget allocation for implementation; 2) conduct local disaster risk assessments to determine the present and future threats from climate change, and formulating specific, contextualised 73 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 adaptation strategies to be integrated with the strategic development plans; 3) monitor and report on climate change initiatives, to prevent it being pushed from the agenda by more pressing developmental issues; and 4) reduce local government’s operational impact on the environment (Visser & Van Niekerk, 2009). It should be noted that mainstreaming DRR into existing IDP processes is also essential, in an explicit and well planned manner. This would include strategic assessment of existing projects, likely impacts by disaster and climate risk, and appropriate adaptation options. Other recommended response actions to support adaptation in the DRR sector include the development of risk and vulnerability science centres at academic institutions so that they can support local municipalities, and maintaining, updating and improving the South Africa Risk and Vulnerability Atlas (SARVA) as tool for local government to advice climate change adaptation. The increased use of climate seasonal forecasts, for the agriculture and water sector, development of micro-insurance to assist the poor recover from the effects of disasters, and the encouragement of region wide collaboration on early warning systems, as well collaboration with community organisations, NGOS, women’s and farmer organisations are also suggested response actions; as is enhanced design and use of the aforementioned Let’s Respond toolkit. Over and above the listed actions, detailed ex-post studies of severe storms and related flood events need to be conducted to provide critical awareness on risk factors for purposive adjustments and useful potential adaptive strategies (LTAS, 2013a). Figure 11: Meteorological station, Northern Cape (part of community based climate risk adaptation and response capacity building initiatives in the area) 6.2. Institutional and process recommendations The purpose of institutional and process recommendations is to propose changes or alternatives to the institutional set-up of the disaster risk management function in South Africa. 74 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 As indicated in the gap analysis presented in this report, the challenge of funding in the implementation of the NDMF needs to be addressed. Funding strategy here may not be limited to mere increased provision of funding, but to further finding solutions to the fundamental fact that the function of DRM is not seen as a funded mandate by some provinces and/or municipalities. This comprises a priority area for engagement. Secondly, DRR-M as linked to climate adaptation does not currently comprise a Key Performance Area (KPA) for municipal managers – providing a clear disincentive to address. KPAs may further be linked to incentives (including non-financial incentives); showing improved performance in DRR as part of local management. Further support must be provided to the inclusion of risk assessments, mapping of vulnerable areas (people and ecosystems), measures to adapt to climate change and development of early warning mechanisms into the DM framework and enactment of the amendment bill. Again, we recommend here local and district municipalities expanding their partnerships with the SARVA programme and the RAVACs, to include a capacity building dimension. Linked to recommendation #2 above, findings of risk assessments and vulnerability levels need to be integrated from the start into programme and project design (this is occurring, as mentioned previously, to a highly variable extent in the provinces). Further, such analyses need to be integrated into the appraisal process, and the way in which such considerations are integrated must be explicit. Standardised guidelines and operational procedures are essential. Beyond a focus on design and operational implementation, capacity building of the relevant stakeholders requires critical attention (see, for example, recommendation 2 above). Linked to recommendations regarding a funded mandate earlier, as well as capacity building, disaster management structures need to be established and capacitated where lacking (e.g. in municipalities outside of metropolitan and well capacitated district municipalities where we tend to see a tendency to a lack of disaster management advisory fora; Disaster Risk Units (with no or limited operation); and to improve response capacity and relieve the pressure on civil defence structures. Again, this is likely to be both a ‘funded mandate’ (whether a real or perceived barrier) and a capacity issue (this further links to the role that RAVACs, for example, may have to play in capacitation). Attention needs to be paid to the difficulty in obtaining verified assessment reports in cost damages. It is clear that this challenge is not simply a capacity issue, but links further to the challenge of the perception of funded versus non-funded mandates described above. Capacity in cost assessment, as well as a focus on standardised approaches, comprises a critical priority, however. Capacitation of DAFF at the provincial level needs priority attention, particularly in vulnerable provinces. There are, however, existing initiatives in this regard – care should be taken to avoid duplication, and to align and support existing efforts (for example, initiatives in Limpopo Province around prediction and response in the agricultural sector). As mentioned earlier, it is commonly accepted that extension services comprise a key point of local support in adaptation and responding to DRR. Increased utility of early warning information to extension services (not simply dissemination, but also capacity to incorporate 75 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 6.3. and respond) needs to be a priority, with recognition that different extension focal points throughout the country may have different capacity and/or needs. As further indicated in the gap analysis earlier, communication and coordination between government departments in the area of disaster response remains a critical need. Robust needs assessments and gap analyses needs to be undertaken in this regard, including (as mentioned above) KPAs linked to effective DRR (thus incentivizing communication and coordination). The recommendation regarding establishment of disaster management units in sector departments where there are currently none should further help in this regard. In addition, municipalities need to provide reports on the costing of the damages caused by each disaster that has occurred. Some require longer term focus, while some may be doable in the short term, with a low resource realignment, or refined focus. Finally, as shown in the gap analysis, and as mentioned earlier, the non-existence of disaster management units in sector departments remains a critical gap. Addressing this need would have co-benefits with a number of recommendations made here, were it well coordinated. Policy recommendations The constitution of the mandatory disaster management structures must be made a priority by provincial and national governments. Furthermore, disaster management advisory forums and volunteer units should be established and made operational. There is an opportunity here for local governments to work closely with the private sector and civil society (e.g. Fire Protection Associations). In addition, at the national level, Treasury can and should play a critical role in guiding policy and strategy around DM, and strategic access and engagements with regard to finance. Recommendations regarding KPAs and incentives made above further apply here. Treasury can play a strategic role in helping in incentivizing access to certain funds for local government to support innovation and climate resilience. Further support must be provided to the inclusion of risk assessments, mapping of vulnerable areas, measures to adapt to climate change and development of early warning mechanisms into the DM framework and to ensure implementation of these assessments and strategies and mechanisms as part of the DM amendment bill. The importance of disaster risk reduction and not only disaster response as outlined in the bill needs to be further emphasised in all sectors and levels of government and implemented. Vulnerability to weather hazards is not evenly distributed and a key task of local municipalities is to map the vulnerability of communities to all the weather related hazards. For example, Conservation South Africa has a longstanding capacity building engagement in Namakwa District Municipality to map key vulnerabilities to climate change as part of a participatory adaptation planning process to assist in mainstreaming into integrated development plans. 76 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 7. Conclusion The impacts of climate change on extreme weather events and natural disasters, especially the increase in frequency and intensity of these events has been acknowledged, both at international and local level. International organisations have called for the integration of disaster risk reduction management and climate change adaptation to address the continued increase in the current and projected changes and impacts as a result of climate and disaster risk. Given that both these practises aim to reduce vulnerability and enhance coping capacity of affected communities and systems the integration would increase the resilience of the affected. South Africa has adopted a proactive approach by adopting legislation and various strategies that promote effective disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness through the Disaster Management Act and Disaster Management Framework (SALGA, 2013). This is however, not an easy task as this is juxtaposed against social pressures such as the service delivery backlogs. National, provincial, district and local level governments have the responsibility of facilitating social, economic and environment needs in pursuit of sustainable development. Climate change is likely to challenge their ability to meet these development objectives as some hazards often result in fatalities, displacement of communities, severe disruption and infrastructure damage (Twigg, 2004). The escalation in the damage costs from disasters is an indication that disaster risk reduction will continue to be a key development issue in the country, with the impacts being increasingly felt by the poor who have no means to recover or cope with these events, as well as the various economic sectors in the country, making disaster risk reduction a cause of concern for everyone. As indicated in chapter 3, an escalation in damage costs from disasters continues to rise, with the socio-economic impacts being wide ranging, from agriculture and food security to health, and other costs which are not measureable such as mortality and trauma of the affected. While South Africa as a country has the legislation, statutory instruments and infrastructure in place for effective disaster risk reduction and management as well climate change adaptation, several challenges have deterred the realisation of the benefits of these frameworks. While the decentralisation of disaster risk management in the government structures is seen as a positive and necessary move, improving even the funding structures for disaster risk at local municipality, the success of decentralisation still needs to be realised. Disaster risk reduction management systems put in place, through legislation and institutional mechanisms within the NDMC and other line ministries, as well as the South African Weather Services who are the providers of early warning and climate information, are at the forefront of the risk reduction system in the country. These systems have however faced similar challenges, especially a lack of human capacity at the national, provincial and local government structures that has caused problems in understanding the core principles of DRR, interpretation of both the Disaster Management Act, and the National Disaster Management Framework and the South Africa Weather Act, hindering effective implementation of disaster risk reduction and management. Further, the need for packaging climate and early warning information has been highlighted as an area of need, for increased uptake of early warning information especially in vulnerable communities. This includes the dissemination of the early 77 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 warning information to the people who needs it, as illustrated by the Eden case study, where early warning information is posted on display units and SMSes are sent to the councillors of the affected wards and the public. While this is one of the good examples of cooperation between local government and the private sector, generally, private sector involvement in disaster risk reduction as well as community involvement has been rather limited. Other issues of concern include opening up the sector and acknowledging independent early warning information producers such as community farmers. The issue of competition among the different information producers as well the high costs of data from SAWS were also highlighted as areas of concern. Some issues raised regarding the poor implementation of the disaster risk reduction in the country stem from the legislation, where the Disaster Management Act has been criticised for its lack of clarity on operational, institutional and financial mechanisms. The poor implementation of the DMA has also been attributed to the lack of capacity and the poor understanding of the Act itself in the different sector departments and levels of government. While the Disaster Management Act is currently under review, it is acknowledged that there is a need to align the Act to other statutory instruments and across government sectors. It is also clear that the country still has a long way to go in getting the implementation of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation right at all levels of government, across government departments, in the private sectors and vulnerable communities in need. For this to happen, climate change adaptation measures need to be integrated with disaster risk reduction measures, which need to be embedded in the policy and development agenda of Government. Given the importance of climate information and early warning systems for supporting disaster risk reduction and management in South Africa, the LTAS process, phase 2 will be a crucial instrument to begin to address some of these issues, especially for the development of adaption scenarios under the different future climates. 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