Bachelor Thesis/ Semester Project HS2016 Integration of Concentrated Solar Power Plants in Iberian Peninsula The International Energy Agency has declared that over 26% of World’s energy supply by 2020 will come from renewable energy sources. Europe has marked a new period in energy policy as several countries including Portugal for multiple days have been powered only by renewable energy sources. Potential for Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) in Iberian Peninsula has not been fully used although Spain has realized more than 50 CSP projects over last decade and the number is likely to increase. Project for World’s largest CSP plant (560MW) has begun right across the Gibraltar meaning that the Iberian Peninsula is a great resource for renewable energy, not just for the region but also for the whole Europe. EnerPol, LEC’s system-wide bottom-to-top modelling energy system tool is used to assess future scenarios in the operation and planning of large-scale energy systems. The goal of this Semester Project is using EnerPol to assess the impact of integration of CSP plants in Iberian Peninsula. The project tasks shall include: • Develop and implement methodology for CSP plant optimal geographical location assessment (40%) • Derive physical and economical characteristics of CSP and assess the impact of new CSP plants on existing power system infrastructure (30%) • Assess the reliability of European power system under future scenarios (30%) If you are motivated and proactive student with interest in energy systems, renewable energy technologies, energy laws and policy, and you possess good programming skills (Python/Matlab) apply for an interview! Contact: Janis Vinklers, Institut für Energietechnik, LEC, ETH Zürich, ML J 31, Sonneggstrasse 3, CH-8092 Zürich, T: +41 44 632 35 26, email: