JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 103, NO. B12, PAGES 30,183-30,204,DECEMBER 10, 1998 Phase gradient approach to stacking interferograms David T. Sandwelland Evelyn J. Price Instituteof Geophysics andPlanetaryPhysics,ScrippsInstitutionof Oceanography, La Jolla,California Abstract. The phasegradientapproachis usedto constructaveragesanddifferencesof interferograms withoutphaseunwrapping.Our objectivesfor changedetectionare to increase fringeclarityanddecrease errorsdueto tropospheric andionospheric delayby averagingmany interferograms.The standardapproachrequiresphaseunwrapping,scalingthephaseaccordingto theratioof the perpendicular baseline,andfinally formingthe averageor difference;however, uniquephaseunwrappingis usuallynotpossible.Sincethephasegradientdueto topographyis proportionalto the perpendicular baseline,phaseunwrappingis unnecessary prior to averagingor differencing.Phaseunwrappingmay be neededto interprettheresults,but it is delayeduntil all of thelargesttopographic signalsareremoved.We demonstrate themethodby averagingand differencingsix interferograms havinga suiteof perpendicular baselinesrangingfrom 18 to 406 m. Cross-spectral analysisof thedifferencebetweentwo Tandeminterferograms provides estimatesof spatialresolution,whichareusedto designprestackfilters. A widerangeof perpendicular baselines providesthebesttopographic recoveryin termsof accuracy andcoverage. Outsideof mountainous areasthetopography hasa relativeaccuracyof betterthan2 m. Residual interferograms (singleinterferogram minusstack)havetiltsacrosstheunwrapped phasethatare typically50 mm in bothrangeandazimuth,reflectingbothorbiterrorandatmospheric delay. Smaller-scale waveswith amplitudes of 15 mm areinterpreted asatmospheric lee waves.A few GlobalPositioningSystem(GPS) controlpointswithin a framecouldincreasethe precisionto -20 mm for a singleinterferogram; furtherimprovements maybe achievedby stackingresidual interferograms. of these questionshave been adequatelyaddressed in previous publications,and there alreadyexist testedand efficient InSAR codes. Nevertheless,we hopeour answerswill help clarify the 1. Introduction Synthetic ApertureRadar Interferometry(InSAR) is a promisingnew too! for makingprecisegeodeticmeasurements literature in several areas. overlargeareas[Gabrielet al., 1989;MassonnetandRabaute, Repeat-pass interferometry records the phase difference, 1993; Massonnet et al., 1993; Zebker et al., 1994a; Massonnetand Feigl, 1995a; Dixon et al., 1993; Meadeand Sandwell, 1996]. Sumsof interferogramscould be used to generate high-resolution topographic maps [Zebker and Goldstein, 1986; Werner et al., 1992; Madsen et al., 1993; Zebker et al., 1994b, 1997], while differences may reveal tectonic deformations and atmospheric-ionosphericdistur- bances[Afraimovichet al., 1992; Massonnet et al, 1995; Massonnetand Feigl, 1995b;Peltzeret al., 1996; Peltzerand Rosen, 1995; Goldstein, 1995; Rosen et al., 1996; Tarayre and Massonnet, 1996; Zebker et al., 1997]. We present a new approachto the analysisof interferograms basedon the gradient of the phaserather than the phaseitself. Becausethis method is largely untested, we attempt to addressthe followingquestions:What is the bestmathematicalmodelfor relatingphaseandphasegradientsgiven uncertaintiesin the data? What are the main limitations of InSAR measurements derivedfrom ERS datafor bothline of sight(LOS) accuracyand horizontal resolution? How can InSAR databe improved for bothtopographic recoveryand changedetection?What is the best design for an InSAR processingsystem in order to achievenearoptimalresultsandbe efficient? Of course,many Copyright 1998bytheAmerican Geophysical Union. Papernumber1998JB900008. modulo 2r•, between the reference and repeat SAR passes. Since the absolute phase difference is not measured, the fundamentalquantity in the interferogram is the local phase gradient; phase differences between two points within the frame are best establishedby contourintegration along a continuouspath. Assumingthere are no true phasediscontinuities or layover, the sumof the phase changes aroundany closed loop within the interferogrammustbe zero (i.e., zero residue) [Goldstein et al., 1988' Ghiglia and Pritt, 1998], so phase changes can be describedby a conservative (or analytic) function [Resnickand Halliday, 1966, p. 153' Kaplan, 1973, p. 593]. The most importantaspectsof the phasegradientare that the phase gradient due to topography scales with the perpendicularbaseline (equation(A5) and that phase gradient is usually a continuousfunction of x (range) andy (azimuth), while the wrappedphasecontainsmany 2r• jumps. Becauseof theseproperties, phase gradientscan be scaledand summed without phase unwrapping, which is notoriously difficult when the signal-to-noiseratio (SNR) is low or when there are phase discontinuities due to layover, shadowing, or displacementat faults [Goldsteinet al., 1988' Zebker et al., 1994a]. The conservationproperty of phase also leads to a theoretically simple two-dimensional phase unwrapping method[Ghiglia and Romero,1994], whichwe will employ to removeresiduesfrom the stackedphasegradients. After developingthe mathematicalframeworkfor the phase 0 ! 48-0227/98/! 998 JB900008509.00 30,183 30,184 SANDWELLAND PRICE: STACKINGINTERFEROGRAMS mission to demonstratethe stackingmethod and to estimate error sources.On the basisof previousstudies,error is divided into short-wavelengthradar noise [Li and Goldstein, 1990; Zebker and Villasenor, 1992; Gatelli at al., 1994], intermediate-wavelength tropospheric-ionospheric delay compared directlywith geodeticmeasurements of grounddisplacement, sophaseunwrapping is still required.(2) Thegradientoperationenhances the short-wavelength noise, so careful low-passfiltering of the full-resolutioninterferogram is required. (3) The standardresidue-treealgorithm for phase [Goldstein, 1995; Rosen et al., 1996; Massonnet et al., 1994; Tarayre and Massonnet, 1996; Zebker et al., 1997], and unwrapping [Goldsteinet al., 1988] cannotbe usedon stacked longer-wavelengthorbit error [MassonnetandRabute, 1993; Zebker et al., 1994a]. The common signal is the average (stack) of N interferograms,while the noise is the difference betweentwo interferograms or the differencebetweena single interferogram andthe stack. Over the short-wavelengthband 0• < 2 km), cross-spectral analysisis usedto examinethe SNR as a function of wavelengthin both the range and azimuthal directions. Theseestimatesare usedto designprestackand poststack low-pass filters to suppress short-wavelength noise. Over the intermediate-wavelength band (2-60 km), one SAR image displays troposphericdelays due to atmospheric gravitywaves. We usethis information on atmosphericdelay to betterunderstand the role of ancillarymeasurements (e.g., Global PositioningSystem(GPS)) in mitigatingtheseeffects. Finally, large-scaledifferencesin interferogramsreveal the combinedeffects of orbit error and average troposphericionosphericdelay. Using this theory and ERS signal characteristics,we are developingan InSAR-processingsystem. Our designgoals are to minimize the complexity of the code and processing stepsin orderto avoid blunders,to documentthe system and makeit easyto use,to constructa modularsystemwherethe main communicationchannel is through a standardizedfile some small residue. phasegradientssince every closedpath of integrationhas The standardapproachto addingor subtractingwrapped phaserequiresphaseunwrapping,scaling the phaseby the ratio of the perpendicular baseline,and finally formingthe average[Zebkeret al., 1994a; Werneret al., 1996]. Unique phaseunwrappingis not alwayspossible becauseareasof the interferogrammay not be coherentowing to high relief or wavelength-scale surfacechangesbetweenthe two observation times [Goldstein,1995]. Here we avoid phaseunwrapping or delay it until the final step of the processing. Suppose•Pland•Psare wrappedphasesof two interferograms havinglong (1) andshort(s) baselines,respectively. Because the phaseis wrapped,one cannot scale •psinto •Pl (higher fringerate) or vice versa. However,one can computeand scale the phase gradient. Using the chain rule, we find that the gradient of thephase •p= tan-1(I/R)is RVI = 1VR v•p(x) = R2+i • (1) whereR(x) and/(x) are the real andimaginary componentsof the Earth-flattened interferogram (equation (A10)). The interferogramis the product of two registeredsingle look (SLC)images C•C2'(asterisk denotes complex header,andto makethecodeefficientby programming in the complex conjugation), and we will refer to C• and C2 as the reference and mostappropriate language.Finally,we avoid adjustingtrends acrossthe interferogramand strive to achieveaccurateresults by usingthe best availableorbit information [Scharrooet al., 1998] and atmosphericcorrections. 2. Theory 2.1. Phase Gradient There are several advantagesto working with the phase gradientinsteadof the phase: (1) The phasegradient can be computeddirectlyfrom the real and imaginary componentsof the interferogram [Werner et al., 1992] without first computing the phase; this is especially important when the noise level approachesn rad per pixel. (2) The Earth-flattening correction is easily expressedin terms of a phase gradient (AppendixA). (3) Phasegradientscan be averagedor differencedwithoutphaseunwrapping,so a digital elevation model (DEM) is not requiredfor changedetection.The averageof the phasegradientfrom many repeat interferograms,having different baselines,will eventually fill the gaps dueto temporal and baselinedecorrelation. A long-term averageshouldminimize the phase errors due to tropospheric and ionospheric delay andthus provide an accuratebase for change detection interferograms[Zebkeret al., 1997; Fujiwara et al., 1998]. (4) The gradientof the residualphaseis a componentof strainthat can be computeddirectly from a numericalmodel of surface deformation. In a previousstudy[Priceand Sandwell, 1998] we showedthat these advantagesand simplifications enable one to examine shorter wavelengths in the interferogram wherethe signal-to-noise ratio may be low. Thereare several disadvantages to this approach:(1) Phasegradientscannotbe repeatimages,respectively. Unlike the wrappedphase, which containsmany 2n jumps, the real and imaginary components of the interferogramare usuallycontinuousfunctions,andthus the gradientcan be computedwith a convolution operation. Becausethis is a finite differenceof nearby pixels, one must minimize the overall phase gradient prior to computingthe derivatives; a large part of the phase gradient is removed during the Earth-flattening operation (Appendix A). The averagephasegradientfrom N interferogramseach having a perpendicularbaselinebi is v•p =1 • I v•Pi N i=l•-i (2) wherev•p is the phasegradientper unit baseline. During averaging, one can weight regions of the individual interferogramsaccordingto the local correlation and local topographicgradientto achievean optimal mix. Our initial approach is to edit phase gradient estimates where the correlationfalls below 0.2 or the magnitudeof the phase gradientis greaterthan 1.2 rad per pixel. Properweighting of the componentinterferogramswill dependon many factors and will requirea more complete analysis than we will provide below using only six' interferograms. However, it is clear that the simple unweightedaverage(equation(2)) is not correct. Considerthe average of one 10-m baseline and five 100-m baseline interferograms; the short-baseline interferogram will dominate the stack yet it could be contaminatedby atmosphericartifacts. A more reasonableassumptionis that eachphasegradientestimatehas about the samenoise level, SANDWELLAND PRICE: STACKINGINTERFEROGRAMS independentof baselinelength. In this case, the components shouldbe weightedby the absolutebaselinelength • sgn(bi) i=1 N N (3) 5; b,t i=1 It is clear that the cumulative where VlPsecular is strainrate. It is clear that the cumulativetime span in the denominator of (6) should be large to achieve maximum N i=1 baseline in the denominator of (3) should be large to achieve maximum noise reduction. Longer baselineswill provide better noise reduction, but these estimateswill not be reliable in areas of ruggedterrain where the phasegradient exceeds1.2 tad per pixel. Hopefully, the estimatesfrom shorterbaselineswill fill these gaps. Areas of layover can never be filled, and these data gaps pose a major obstacle to the phase unwrapping schemeoutlined in section 2.2. [Zebker and Lu, 1998]. In practice, a suite of baselines will provide the best estimateof V0 . For changedetectionone selects a candidateinterferogram spanning a deformation event and subtracts the long-term averageafter multiplying by the perpendicularbaseline: 30,185 noise reduction. The main new feature of this approachis that the averaging and differencing of many interferograms for topographic recoveryand changedetectionis all done prior to unwrapping the phase. Moreover, in the caseof changedetection,removal of the main topographic signal reducesthe phase gradient toward zero. Thus, in areas of poor correlation, an initial guessof zero phasegradientwill providea good starting point for any phase unwrapping algorithm. 2.2. Phase Unwrapping and Residue Elimination As noted in section 1, the main weaknessof the phase gradientapproachis that the gradientsmust still be integrated to recover topography and/or displacement. The two main unwrappingapproachessummarizedrecently [Zebker and Lu, 1998; Ghiglia and Pritt, 1998] are the residue-treealgorithm [Goldsteinet al., 1988] and the least squaresalgorithm [Hunt, 1979; Ghiglia and Romero, 1994]. Unfortunately,the residuetree algorithm cannot be applied to stacked phase gradients WlPchange = WIp-bWIp (4) becausethe stackis completelypopulatedwith small residues. Considerthe integrationof the phase gradient arounda closed If the perpendicularbaselineof the interferogramspanningthe path C containing area A. If the phase •pis a continuous eventis short,then Ibl is smallanderrorsin the topographic function and has continuousfirst derivatives, then by Stokes correction will be unimportant. If there are several theoremit is equal to the integral of the divergenceof the curl interferograms spanning the same event, then they can be over the area: averaged to improve the SNR. Note that this quantity (equation(4))is the horizontal gradient of the line of sight displacementor an unusualcomponentof strain. This strain dx dy (7) componentcouldbe computeddirectly from a model, so phase ,axay ayax unwrappingis not required. However, phase unwrapping is requiredto convert the phasegradientanomaly to total phase for comparisonswith other geodeticmeasurements. Moreover, if the phaserepresentsa conservativefunction such There are threeend-membercasesfor change detection: (1) as topography,then both integralsare zero for all paths/areas. an event where the phase delay anomaly occursin a single We have computedthe curl of the stacked phase gradient of SAR image (usually atmospheric), (2) an event where the example data sets (below), and as expected, we find paired phase delay anomaly is permanent(earthquake),and (3) a residuesassociated with areasof layover. The unfortunate secular time variation where the strain rate is uniform. In this resultis that the residuesin other areasare never exactly zero. study,we only considercase 1 using real data. One approach This is becausethe range and azimuth phase derivatives are to isolatingan event using noisy data is performed independently, edited independently, and then N stackedindependently;there is no reason that they shouldbe consistent. The implication is that different integration paths Vq}atmosphere = i=1N (5) betweentwo points will always yield slightly different results, and thus the residue-cuttree algorithm cannot be used.These small residues can be eliminated as described next, but this i=1 whereV0• is the phasegradientanomalyfrom (4) and]5 is the spatialcorrelationfunctiongiven in (A15). Whenthe quality of the individual change interferograms is highly variable involves unwrapping the phase using an approach that is functionally equivalentto the least squaresapproachof [Hunt, 1979]. Oddly, we derive the so-called least squares approach and/or there is a wide range of perpendicularbaselines, it is without using the principle of least squares! We then show best to downweight the inferior data. For the permanent that our approach is mathematically different from the least change,(5)can also be usedalthough it is not necessaryto have a common SAR image in all of the component squaresapproachalthough it is functionally equivalent. Let interferograms' they mustsimply spanthe event. Finally, for u(x) = (&p/c•x,&p/c•y)be the numericalestimatesof phase secularchangewherea constantstrain rate is expected,one gradient (range, azimuth)as given in (1), (3), or (4). Any vector field can be written as the sum of two vectors as couldweighteachinterferogramaccordingto its absolutetime follows: spanIml' • sgn(Ati) V•pi V IPsecular = i=1 N i=I u = v0+vxw (8) (6) where 0 is a scalarpotential and • is a vector potential. We aqq•!mothat tho phaqois a conservative filnoticm, en that tho 30,186 SANDWELLAND PRICE: STACKINGINTERFEROGRAMS rotational part of the vector field must be zero everywhere. However, layover, filtering, and stacking interferograms introducea rotational componentthat shouldbe eliminated. This is accomplishedby taking the divergenceof (8) since V ßV x • -- 0. The phaseandphasegradientare now relatedby the following differential equation: V.u=V2•p (9) For a finite region the outward component of the phase gradient shouldbe zero along the boundaries [Ghiglia and Romero, 1994]; VO' n = 0, wheren is the outwardnormal. The two-dimensional Fourier transform of (9)provides an algebraicrelationshipbetweenthe total phaseOtot(k)andthe measuredphasegradientu: Otot(k) =[•l[ik ßIr2[u• (10) 2rrlk2 where k = (I/2,x,I/2,y)andIt2[.]andF2-i[.]aretheforward and inverse two-dimensional Fourier transforms, respectively. I •4 I I I The zero phase gradient boundary condition is automatically satisfiedif the Fourier transformhas only cosine components [Ghiglia and Romero, 1994; Presset al., 1992, p. 514]. In practice, one takes the two-dimensional Fourier transform of eachcomponentof the estimatedphasegradient, scalesby the appropriate wavenumber,and inverse cosine transforms the sum. Note that our expressionis slightly different from the expressions by Ghiglia and Romero [1994], and this differencereflectsnot only the differencein the derivation but also the difference in the method of computing derivatives (Figure 1). In the next section we describe a numerical derivativeoperatorthat follows the gain of an ideal derivative operatorout to one-half bandwidthof the interferogram. The least squaresapproachof Hunt [1979] uses a first-difference approximation to the Laplacian operator (i.e., second derivative),which doesnot matchthe gain of a true derivative, especiallyat high wavenumber. The sinc-functionloss of the first-difference operation is recovered through the cosine termsin the denominator(equation13 by Ghiglia and Romero [1994]). Both approachesare correct since the respective inverse operators match the forward differential operator (Figure 1). A secondsubtle differenceis that in the least I I ß ,•' i 1 '."" •- 1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 i i i i I 0.5 0,6 0,7 0.8 0.9 10 0 (• 0.5 - 0 0 I 0,1 I 0,2 I 0,3 I 0.4 fractionof Nyquist Figure 1. (top) Transfer functionsof differential operators(dottedcurveis ideal derivative, dashedcurveis first difference,andsolidcurveis ParksMcClellandesign;seeFigure3). (middle)Inverseintegral operatorfor first difference (dashedcurve) and ideal derivative (solid curve). (bottom) Gain of combined differential operator followed by integral operator (dashedcurve is first difference approach, and solid curve is the approachusedin this paper). Note that our approachhas signalloss at wavelengthsshorterthan 0.5 times the Nyquist wavelength. SANDWELLAND PRICE: STACKINGINTERFEROGRAMS squaresapproach,two derivatives are performedin the space domainwhile in our approachone derivative is performedin the space domain while the second is performed in the wavenumberdomain. This complicates the computer code slightly becausethe forwardtwo-dimensional(2-D) transform on each component of phase gradient involves a sine transform(in the differentiateddirection) followed by a cosine transform shapedfilter was usedto avoid the prominent sidelobes of a simpleboxcaraverage. For ERS-1/2 the spacingof pixels in groundrangeis -5 times the spacingof pixels in azimuth. We have designeda convolution filter that is nearly isotropic in ground-rangeand azimuth coordinates: (11) in the other direction. wherex isrange, y is azimuth andcrx, y arefilterwidths.Onthe 3. Data Analysis 3.1. 30,187 basis of the resultsof the coherenceanalysis (section 3.3.), wehavesetcrx = 8 m andCry = 16m,whichcorresponds toa 0.5 Selection gain at a wavelengthof 42 m in range(105-m groundrange) To assessthe improvementsin SNR dueto stackingphase and84 m in azimuth. The actualfilter is a discreteform of (11) gradientsas well as to estimate the various error sourcesin with dimensions of 5 pixelsin rangeand 17 pixelsin azimuth. ERS interferograms, we have selected six frames from the The gradientoperationfollows the low-passGaussianfilter. Tandemmissionwhich spana short period of time andhave a As shownin Figure 1, a two-point, first-differencefilter will wide rangeof baselines(Table 1). From thesewe have formed introducesinc-functionsidelobesin the spectrumthat will six interferograms. The areaof the frames(Figure 2) was the leak from shortwavelengths to long wavelengthsif the intersite of the 1992 Landersearthquake,so we had purchasedthe ferogramis decimated.To avoidthe leakageproblem,we have data for a previous study [Price and Sandwell, 1998]. designeda longer-derivativefilter using the Parks-McClellan Moreover, the area was selectedbecausethe dry surfaceof the filter designapproachas implementedin MATLAB Signal Mojave Desertis ideal for retaininghigh correlationin repeatProcessingToolbox. The filter coefficientsand imaginary passinterferometry.Five slaveimageswerealignedin range, responseare shown in Figure 4. The derivative filter is 17 azimuth, and Doppler centroid to a single master image pointslong (solidcurve,top) while the Gaussianfilter is only (ERS2_3259) so interferogramscould be constructedfrom any 5 points long in range (dashedcurve). Figure 4 (bottom) pair [Li and Goldstein, 1990]. The vertical and horizontal shows the gain for a theoretical derivative and the numerical positionsof the set are shownin Figure3, andsix of the many derivative. The convolution of the Gaussian and derivative possibleinterferometricpairs are listed in Table 1. Earth filtershas a peakresponseat a wavelengthof 50 m. The locaflattening(equations(A9) and (A10)) wasperformedon a rowtion of the peakcanbe adjustedby varying Crin (11) although by-row basis to accountfor the changein baseline length the derivative filter limits the best resolution to 30-m wavealong the frame. Baselineswere computedas describedin length. Note that to achievethesehigh resolutions, one must AppendixB usingpreciseorbits providedby Delft University operateon the full-resolution ERS data. The phase gradient [Scharroo et al., 1998]. was constructedby applying the operations given in (1). After the filtering and differentiation the phase gradientswere 3.2. Design of Low-pass and Gradient Filters decimatedby 2 pixels in range and 4 pixels in azimuth reflectInterferogramsformed from full-resolution SLC images ing the cutoff wavelengthsof the Gaussianfilter. Finally, we contain significant phase noise, especially when the time eliminated phase gradient estimates where the phase rate separation betweenthe repeatandreferenceimagesis long or exceeded1.2 rad per pixel andwhere the correlation (A15) was thereare disruptions in the surfacefrom vegetation,moisture, less than 0.2. This eliminated areasof layover and temporal or snow. Moreover, if the signal-to-noiseratio of the phase decorrelation,respectively. The three Tandempairs have only decreaseswith decreasingwavelength, then the gradient a 1-daytime lag, and the correlation was generally high. The operationwill amplify the shortest-wavelength noise while correlationwas lower for the other three interferograms,espesuppressing the longer-wavelength signal. This will resultin cially in the southern part of the area that contains the an overall noisy estimate of phase gradient. A Gaussian- vegetatedSan BernardinoMountains. Table 1. Data Frames, Baseline Parameters, and Orbit Error Reference Baseline Start/End Repeat Orbit Error Elevation SatelliteOrbit Year Day SatelliteOrbit Year Day Length? m ERS1_21930 1995 268 ERS1_22932 1995 338 ERS2_3259 1995 339 ERS1_21930 1995 268 ERS2_3259 1995 339 ERS 1_22932 1995 338 ERS2_3760 1996 009 ERS 1_23422 1996 008 ERS1_21930 1995 268 ERS2_2257 1995 269 ERS2_3259 1995 339 ERS2_2257 1995 269 55.4 56.1 121.6 120.4 105.0 107.2 135.0 138.9 343.4 346.4 452.0 453.9 Angle?cz 91.2 91.2 -29.0 -28.9 -1.4 -1.5 -1.6 -1.6 2.0 2.0 -5.9 -5.8 B_ Range1mm Azimuth7mm 18.0 -50 33 79.8 -42 37 97.7 41 45 125.6 36 39 326.6 40 -68 406.5 -46 -49 30,188 SANDWELLAND PRICE: STACKINGINTERFEROGRAMS -117 ø 30' -117 ø 15' -117 ø 00' -116 ø 45' -116 ø 30' -117 ø 15' -117 ø 00' -116 ø 45' -116 ø 30' 35 ø 00' 34 ø 45' 34 ø 30' 34 ø 15' 34 ø 00' ,. -117 ø 30' ß Figure 2. Shadedtopographyin Mojave Desertarea (100-m contourinterval). White box outlines areaof ERS-1/2 SyntheticApertureRadar(SAR) frame2907 alonga descending orbit. The Mojave River flows from southwest 3.3. Short to northeast. Wavelength Coherence Our initial objectiveis to designa low-pass filter that will suppress noise but retain the signal at high spatial wavenumberthat may become available after stacking many interferograms. The repeat-track analysis method [Welch, 1967; Bendat and Piersol, 1986; Marks and Sailor, 1986] was used to evaluate the signal and noise characteristicsof the phasegradientdata as a function of spatial wavenumber. For the analysis we selectedtwo interferograms generated from four independentSAR images (i.e., rows 3 and4 of Table 1). Considerthe range coherencefirst: the x componentsof the phasegradientalong corresponding rows (length 2048) of the twointerferograms areloaded intovectors st ands2,wheres2 is scaledby the ratio of the perpendicular baselines.If therei s no noise, the data vectors shouldbe equal to their common signalS, but becauseof many factors, each vector has a noise componentn• and n2. The model is sl = S + nl s2= S + n2 (12) An estimateof the signal is the averageof the two x phase segmentsS = [s• + s2]/2 while an estimate of the noise is the difference between twox phase segments d = [n•- n2]•. Each segmentof x phasedataplus their sumsand differenceswere Hanning windowed and Fourier-transformed. Spectral SANDWELLAND PRICE: STACKINGINTERFEROGRAMS Landers 30,189 Frames ! ! i i 2OO x - start frame 150 0 - end frame IO0 5O master 0 (3259) •95-339 {3760) 0 x96'009 (21930) •195-268 5O (23422) 0x96-008 (2257) •B95-269 IO0 150 2OO I 0 , I 100 I 200 I 300 I 400 I 500 Horizontal Baseline (m) Figure 3. Positionsof ERS orbitsin relationto the masterorbit (ERS-2 3259). Year and day of year are also provided. The crossesshow satellitepositionsat start of frame, while open circles show positions at end of frame. Threepairsof SAR images are from the ERS-1/2 Tandemmission and have 1-day time intervals. For our analysis we useda suite of perpendicularbaselinesranging from 18 m for 22923-21930 to 406.5m for 2257-3259. estimatesfrom 350 independentrows were ensembleaveraged to form smooth power spectra, cross spectra, and coherence segments(only every eighthrow was analyzed). The range (x) and azimuth (y) gradient data were treated separately. The resultsare shown in Figure 5 where the signal power, noise power, andcoherenceare plotted versusspatial wavenumber. Note that to obtain the power in the phase rather than the at a 42-m wavelength in range and an 84-m wavelength in azimuth.Thusthefiltergainis quitehigh,>.75 overthe coherent portion of thespectrum. TheGaussian filterwidths couldbe increasedto suppressmore noise, but eventually We would like to average many interferograms; thus we do not want to eliminate signalsthat may emergeabove the noise at high wavenumber. phase gradient, oneshould divideeachcurve by (2/rk) 2. The Of course,the interferograms that we have selectedhave derivative operation has no effect on the estimates of coherence,and it provides a naturalmeansof "prewh"tening" prior to Fourier analysis. The signalpower(Figures5a and5b) decreases rapidly with increasingwavenumberin both range and azimuth reflecting the power spectraof the commontopographicsignal. The noisespectraincreasewith increasingwavenumber between0 perhapsthe best signal-to-noisecharacteristicsavailable from of 180 m. For comparison, the Gaussian filter has a 0.5 gain raphy and earth deformation have red spectra while we have ERSdatabecause of the short time interval betweenimages andthe ideal radarreflective properties of the Mojave Desert. Both temporal and baseline decorrelationwill increase the noise level, which will decreasethe spatial resolution. In thesecasesa wider filter can be appliedto increasethe clarity of the interferogram at the expense of spatial resolution and0.01 m4 (100-mwavelength) reflectingthe "whitening" [Gatelli et al., 1994]. The standardmeasure of correlation providedby the derivativeoperation. At wavenumber greater (equation(A15))reveals important spatial variations associthan0.01m-1,thenoisespectra beginto flattenreflecting the atedwith water, vegetatedareas,snow,etc. However, it should Gaussianfilter. The coherence(Figures5c and 5d) reflectsthe be noted that the standardmeasureis an average of the coherence over the entire band that passedthrough the multi-look SNR and provides an estimate of the resolution of the data in both range and azimuth. In slant range the coherencefalls filter (Gaussian in our case); the level of correlation will below 0.2 at a wavelength of 90 m (-230 m in groundrange) dependon the sizesof the azimuthandrangefilters appliedt o while in azimuththe coherencefalls below 0.2 at a wavelength the interferogram. Many geophysical signals suchas topog- 30,190 SANDWELLAND PRICE: STACKINGINTERFEROGRAMS range 0.5 0.5 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 lag (m) I I I ß .' I I I ß 1.5 _ - _ 0.5 -- •••" 0.01 0.02 • 0.03 0.04 0.05 •- 0.06 wavenumber(l/m) Figure 4. (top) Low-passGaussianfilter (dashedcurve)andderivativefilter (solid curve) applied to fullresolutioninterferogram.(bottom) Gain of ideal derivative filter (dottedcurve), 17-point convolution filter (solidcurve),and Gaussianlow-passfilter followedby 17-pointderivativefilter (dashedcurve). The combined filter has little loss for wavelengthsgreaterthan 100 m. shownthat the noisespectrumis blue in terms of phasegradient (white in termsof phase). ferogramto a differentaveragelevel and that the stackwould contain these shifts. However, keep in mind the dramatic suppression of long wavelengthsby the derivativefilter. For 3.4. Stacking Phase Gradients and Topographic example,a 50-mm orbit error over a 100-km framewill introRecovery ducea DC offset in phase gradient of only 0.0050 rad per Phase gradients from six interferograms were stacked as pixel, which is 100 timessmallerthan typical phasegradients with topographyßFor an accuratestackit is impordescribedby (3). The suiteof baselinesdramaticallyincreases associated the dynamicrange of ERS phase recovery over all types of tant that the cumulativebaselinelength accuratelyreflectsthe terrain. The interferogram with the shortest perpendicular baselinesof the componentsusedin the stack, especiallyif baseline (18 m)has almost complete spatial coveragewhile the cumulative baseline is short. This is one of the reasons coverageof high-relief areasis poor for the longest-baseline why accurateorbital information is needed. Since we do not interferogram (406 m). The cumulative baseline shown in unwrapthe phase of the individual interferograms,ground Figure 6 illustratesthe editing associatedwith layover, high control information cannot be used to estimate the baseline relief, standingwater, and agriculturalfields. The SAR image parameters[e.g., Zebker et al., 1994a]. The stacked range and azimuthal phase gradients were ERS1_22932 was shifted by 5600 rows of raw SAR data with respect to its interferometric pair(s); this is reflected in a unwrappedusing (10), which relies on complete phasecovershadedband along the top of the cumulativebaseline image age. From Figure 2 it is clear that this area contains large, (Figure 6). Out of a possible cumulativebaseline of 1054 m long-wavelength components of elevation (phase) change (white in Figure 6), there are very few areashaving cumulative between the low areas of the Mojave River in the north baselineless than 200 m. Stackedazimuthal and range phase (-600 m)and the high areasof the San BernardinoMountains gradients(Figures7 and 8, respectively)have nearly complete (2600 m)on the southeast. In addition, the cumulative coverageanddo not show any discontinuitiesassociatedwith baselinein the ruggedareasof the San BernardinoMountains dropoutsfrom the individual interferograms. One would is short and highly variable, making unwrappingthe phase expectthat long-wavelengthorbit error would shift eachinter- difficult. Finally, and most troubling, areasof layover occur SANDWELLAND PRICE: STACKINGINTERFEROGRAMS azimuth range a 101 ß , 30,191 b10 • , , , 10o 100 ß ß 0 C I 0.005 ß 0.01 0.015 0 0.02 d ß I 0.8 0.8 c 0.6 0.6 o 0.4 0.4 0.005 ß 0.01 0.015 . 0.2 0.2 o o o 0.005 0.01 0.015 o 0.02 0.005 0.01 o.o15 wavenumber (l/m) wavenumber (l/m) Figure 5. The correlationbetweenphasegradientsfrom Tandeminterferogramsreveals the signal and noise (a) rangeand(b) azimuthasa functionof wavenumberas well as the coherenceversuswavenumberfor range, azimuth (c,d). The Tandeminterferograms(repeat interferogramsTable 1) have similar baselines. For uncorrelated noisea coherenceof 0.2 marks a signal-to-noiseratio of 1 andprovidesa good estimateof the wavelengthresolutionof the data. Ground-rangeresolutionis 230 m while azimuthresolution is 180 m. Stackingmay providebetterresolution,so we designfilters to cut wavelengthshorterthan -100 m from the full-resolution interferogram. on the east sidesof the mountainsand always have negative gradientfor this imaging geometry. Initially, we set these unknowngradientsto zero andproceedto unwrapthe phase' of course,this introducesisolated dipolar artifacts [Zebker and Lu, 1998]. We then differentiate the phase to recover new estimatesof phasegradientin areasof layover and proceedto unwrapagain;after severaliterations the procedureconverges The vertical accuracy and horizontal resolution of the recoveredtopography are best establishedby examining a mat• exactly matches the eeometrv of the master SAR image. curve). Since the width of the cut is less than the cutoff wave- known small-scale structure. Oro Grande Wash in the southwestcomer of the region provides a good test (Figure 10). The Wash is 25 m deeperthan the surroundingsloping surface (Figure 11), [U.S. Geological Survey, 1956]; our topographicrecovery showsa similar depth. The Wash is [Ghiglia and Romero,1994]. Figure9 showsthe topography crosscutby the SouthernPacific Railway track, which (Figure derivedfrom the unwrappedphase (equation (A14)) for the 12) runsnearly parallelto the local contours(Figure 11). The entire area with 100-m contour interval (2027-m peak to topographyderived from the ERS data showsthe railway cuts troughamplitude).Someproblemsare evidentby noting that throughthe elevated surfacesurroundingthe Wash having a the Mojave River doesnot alwaysflow downhill. It is more depth of 5 m and a width of 60 m. The railway is elevated difficultto assess the effectsof layover. This entire approach where it crosses the Wash, and one can see the contours are is experimental;nevertheless,the results are quite encourag- elevatedby -5 m. The sumof the contoursof cut and elevation ing, andwe expectthat the long-wavelengthproblemscanbe is only 10 m while it should be 25 m. The discrepancyis solved by removing the phase gradient due to known explainedbecausethe Gaussianfilter has a gain of -0.4 at a topographicvariations(1000-m postingswouldbe adequate). wavelengthof 60 m. The cut was crudelymeasured using a carpenter'stape; the Thenunwrapthe residualphaseandaddback the phasedueto the knowntopography.This overall approachenablesone to depthof the cut is -9 m, and the width is -32 m, and from the improvethe resolutionand accuracyof the topographicphase U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) map we can infer the and alsoto ensurethat the geometryof the topographicphase topographic trend surroundingthe cut (Figure 13, dashed 30,192 SANDWELLAND PRICE: STACKINGINTERFEROGRAMS 110 - 100 - 0 10 20 30 40 km 50 60 70 80 90 Figure 6. Cumulativebaseline (range) showsthe sum of the perpendicular baseline estimatesthat are availablefor stacking.Maximumbaselineof 1050m is whitewhile zero baselineis black. The shadedpatch alongthe top reflects incomplete data from the 22932 ERS-1 frame. Other shadedareasreflect decorrelation dueto vegetation,standingwater, andlayover. Cumulativebaselineis usedto normalizethe stack(equation (3)) as well as to weightthe iterativephaseunwrappingfor topographic recovery. length of the low-passfilter, its shapeis unimportant,and a Gaussianfilter can be applied to the measuredprofile for comparison with the topography recovered from ERS interferometry(Figure 13, dottedcurve). The match is quite good,suggestingthat there are no blundersin our processing. Moreover,the 2-m scatterabout a straight-line trend suggests that this is the noise level of the relative topographic recoveryin this rather flat area. It is interesting to note that this narrowrailway cut has a clearerphaseexpressionthan any of the freewaysnearby or eventhe CaliforniaAqueduct. Examinationsof the backscatter amplitudereveal that railroad tracks are consistently radar bright while nearbyroadsare radardark. The brightnessis unrelatedto the orientation of the track with respectto the radarillumination direction. Why are these tracks so reflective? The answeris thatthe gravelof the railway bed consists SANDWELLAND PRICE: STACKINGINTERFEROGRAMS 30,193 11o lOO 9o 8o 7o 6o 50 4o 3o 2o lO 0 10 20 30 40 km 50 60 70 80 90 Figure 7. Stackedphasegradientin azimuth(blackareais -0.15 rad per pixel, andwhiteareais +0.15 radper pixel) appearsas the topographyilluminatedfrom the north. of chunksthat are typically >50 mm across. The C band ERS radarhasa 56-mm wavelength,so the enhancedreflectivity is due to Bragg scatteringfrom the gravel. The overall width of a gravel railway bed is only 10 m, so even this small area can providehigh backscatter. This may have implicationsfor the designof low-costradar reflectors. 3.5. Orbit Error individualinterferogramand the stack as given in (4). The averageof the phasegradientdifferencein range (azimuth)is the slope of the orbit error across(along) the frame. The integralof this slope provides an estimateof orbit error, and thesenumbersare given in Table 1; errorsare typically 40 mm over a distanceof 100 km correspondingto a slope error of 0.4 grad. This maps into a perpendicularbaseline error (H. Zebker, personal communication, 1996; mm, which is consistent The relativeorbit errorof eachinterferogramwasestimated with, although somewhat larger than, the estimated crossby computing the differencein phase gradient between the track orbit error of 300 mm for uncorrelatedrepeat orbits 30,194 SANDWELLAND PRICE: STACKINGINTERFEROGRAMS 11o lOO 9o 8o 7o 6o ,.• 50 4o 3o 2o lO o lO 20 30 40 km SO 60 70 80 90 Figure 8. Stackedphasegradientin range appearsas topographyilluminatedfrom the west. Note that in ruggedareassuchas the SanBernardinoMountainsin the south, the slope distributionis asymmetricbecause the radarilluminatesthe easternsideof the mountains at a steeplook angleof 20ø. This asymmetry,coupled with regionsof completelayover,posesa significantproblemin phaseunwrapping. [Scharrooet al., 1998]. While we are attributingthis slope in the residualinterferogram to orbit error, a constant zenith delay will alsoproducea uniform slopein range [Zebker et al., 1997]. Similarly, a change in zenith delay along the track will mimic a change in parallel baseline component of the orbit error. Thus one cannot distinguishbetween orbit error and long-wavelengthpropagationdelay. As noted in Table 1, the distancebetween the referenceand repeat orbits changes monotonically along the frame by up to 4 m. Therefore one mustaccountfor thesechangesin baselinewhile applying the Earth-flatteningcorrection(equation(A9)). One of the advantagesof the phase gradient approachfor changedetectionis that even long-baseline interferograms can provide accuratechange measurementsas long as the correlationremainshigh over the area. The exampleshown in Figure 14 is a ERS Tandeminterferogram (i.e., 1-day time SANDWELLAND PRICE: STACKINGINTERFEROGRAMS ] . ..i.... i i 30,195 , 11o 100 8o 6o 50- 4o 3o 10' ; 10 20 30 40 km $o 60 70 80 90 Figure 9. Unwrappedphase scaledinto relief (equation(A14)) and contouredat 100-m intervals. At long wavelengthsthe cumulativedropoutson the sidesof the mountainsfacing the radarintroducelong-wavelength errorsin the unwrappedphase. On smallscalesthe relief estimatesare quitedetailedand accurate. span) having a perpendicularbaselineof 326 m (ERS2_2257 minus ERS1_21930). This unwrappedphase reveals about 70 mm of orbit error and other shorter-wavelengtherror of --10 ram. There is a wave-like signatureat a range of 65 km andan azimuthof 40 km that representscontaminationof the stack by atmospheric waves as discussedin section 3.6. Indeed,this contaminationintroduceslarge (-30 m) wave-like errorsin our estimatesof topography (total) phase estimate above. To reducethese errors, many more interferograms shouldbe averaged(>20). 3.6. Atmospheric Waves In additionto orbit error, the six change interferograms reveal other phasedelays that are presumablydue to atmospheric and ionospheric effects. The three interferograms 30,196 SANDWELLAND PRICE: STACKINGINTERFEROGRAMS Figure 10. Topographyof Oro GrandeWash (seewhite box in Figure 9) at a 5-m contourinterval. Crosses are spacedat 1000-m intervals. White line marksa measuredprofile shownin Figure 13. The overall depth of the Washis 25 m. The SouthernPacificRailway trendsnorthwestthroughthe centerof the image and appears as a 5-m-deeptroughin slopingsurfacesurroundingthe Wash. The track is elevatedwhere it crossesthe Wash. formed from the ERS-2 SAR orbit number 3259 frame (December4, 1995; 1828 UT) all display prominent wave-like signatureshavingpeak to troughamplitudesof 5-15 mm and a wavelengthof 5 km. To confirm the date of these featuresand establishan unbiasedestimateof their amplitude,we averaged the three interferograms not containing ERS2_3259. The wave-like featuresare most apparent in the Tandem interferogramERS1_22932 minus ERS2_3259 (Figure 15). The waves are weakestin the longest-baseline interferogram (406m ERS2_2257 minus ERS2_3259), suggestingthat this inter- ferogram is too noisy to adequatelyresolve these small features. We attempted to stack the three residual interferogramsusingthe coherence-weighting schemegiven in (5). However,the long-wavelength trendsinteractedwith the gaps in each interferogram to create artificial long-wavelength effects. To check that this is an atmospheric effect, we have searchedthe National Oceanic and AtmosphericAdministration (NOAA) archivesfor advancedvery high resolutionradiometer(AVHRR)images on that date. The closest image in SANDWELLAND PRICE: STACKINGINTERFEROGRAMS 30,197 Figure 11. Contourmapof Oro GrandeWash(USGS,1956; 20-foot contours)showsintersectionwith railwaycutandfill. This shouldbe compared with the interferometric topographicrecoveryshownin Figure 10. Profile A-A' is 1000 m long. time (2045 UT)contains wave-like features in Nevada, althoughthey are not pronouncedin the areajust north of the San Bernardino. Nevertheless, we believe that the wave-like featuresare atmosphericgravity waveson the lee of the San BernardinoMountains [Holton, 1972, pp. 172-179]. These wavesmay have movednortheastwardduringthe 2-hour time spanbetweenthe SAR imageandthe AVHRR image. Another possibilityis that the waveshave no visible signaturein the AVHRR data. Suchfeatureshave been seenpreviouslyin other interferograms[Tarayre and Massonnet,1996]. 4. Limitations and Unresolved Issues These initial results suggest that the phase gradient approach will be a goodway to treat ERS interferograms when manyrepeatframesare available. While this report outlines the theory, the applicationspresentedhere are quitelimited anddo not alwaysdemonstrate the advantages claimedin the introduction. To better understand the approach, the following typesof researchneed to be completed: 1. Analyze perhaps>20 repeat images instead of just 6. With only six interferogramsone cannot use the stack to begineditingandweedingout the bad estimates. In a similar study,where repeat satellite altimeter profiles were stacked,a high level of confidencewas gainedwhen 16 repeatsbecame available, and dramatic improvement was seen when 40 profiles were stacked[Yale et at., 1995]. 2. Remove as much known signal as possible before filtering the interferogram;this could be done using a lowresolution digital elevation model [Massonnet et at., 1994]. The expected benefits are a more accurate estimate of correlation [Werner et at., 1996], smaller errors due to numerical differentiation, retention of more high phase rate data in the mountains, and more accuratephase unwrapping especiallyat long wavelengthandnearthe edgesof the area. 3. Furtherinvestigatethe effectsof layover on topographic recovery from stacked phase gradients. Layover is a 30,198 SANDWELLAND PRICE: STACKINGINTERFEROGRAMS Figure 12. Photograph of cut and fill at Oro GrandeWash. (top) looking southeastacrossWash with highway 15 in backgroundand (bottom)looking west at railway fill. particularlydifficult problembecauseit always eliminatesdata of the samesign; this plaguesthe Fourierphaseunwrapping approach. 4. Design a poststack filter that reflects the noise of the residualinterferogram. The coherenceanalysis shown in Figure 5 suggeststhat even very noisy interferogramswill containsomeinformation at long wavelengths. Perhapsthis can be recoveredafter careful removal of the topographic signaturefollowedby a low-passfilter. 5. Explore a long time seriesof differenceinterferograms to isolate the three types of temporalsignals (i.e., single event, stepwiseevent, and secularchange). 6. Finally, given that there will always be residual orbit and atmosphericerror at the centimeterlevel and that we would like to observe changes at the millimeter level, one should explore the best approach to using GPS measurementsof grounddeformation and atmospheric-ionosphericdelay to correct the interferograms. SANDWELL ANDPRICE:STACKING INTERFEROGRAMS 30,199 A 6 I 500 400 300 200 1O0 0 1O0 distance(rn) 200 300 400 500 Figure13. ProfileA-A' across railwaycut. Solidcurveis fromstacked interferogram, dashed curveis a crude measurement of the cut, anddottedcurveis the measured topographyconvolvedwith Gaussianfilter usedto reduce noise in raw interferograms. atmosphericdelay at a 5-km wavelength. Since the troposphericperturbationshave a red spectrum[Goldstein, We havejustscratched thesurfaceon usingphasegradients 1995], the erroris probably larger at longer wavelengths. If for recoveringtopographyand surfacechangefrom SAR this erroris stationaryin spaceand in time, then it can be interferometry. The theoreticaldevelopmentof the phase reducedas the squareroot of the numberof individual SAR gradientandtheir sumsanddifferences are straightforward.imagesusedin the stack. Sincethe primary error sourcesare Carefullydesignedlow-passand gradientfilters mustbe concentrated at wavelengthsgreaterthan a few kilometers and, applied to thefull-resolution interferogram in orderto obtain as we show, the interferogramscan resolve features with unbiasedestimatesof gradient at the shortest possible wavelengths greaterthan200 m, InSAR will providethe most wavelength.Preciseorbitsareneeded to removemostof the usefulinformationin the 200- to 20,000-m wavelengthband. long-wavelength phasegradientas well as to estimatethe It wouldbe nice to have severalyears of repeatimages to gain perpendicular baselinescale factorsthat are neededfor someconfidencein the overall approach 5. Summary stacking interferograms. In addition,thepreciseorbitscould be usedto automatetheentireprocessing sequence, but thereis still a problemwith the timing accuracy of the ERS data Appendix A (Appendix B). Phaseunwrappingis still a major problem,which we believeis best solvedby first removingall knownsignals [Massonnet et al., 1996] from the phasemaps and then stackingas muchdataas possibleto providecomplete2-D estimates of phasegradient; we still donot knowhowto deal with areasof layover. The largestcomponentof orbit error A1. Phase Gradient Due to Earth Curvature Here we follow the derivation of Rosen et al. [1996] and Joughinet al. [1996] to highlight the relationshipbetween phasegradientin range and the topographyof the curved Earth.Unlike previouspublications, we explicitly includethe effects of Earth curvature. This is evident in the factor p/c, in (A7) and(A8) aswell asthefactorro/c,which appears asa trendacrosseachinterferogram, andin theory, whichappears appears in (A13) and (A14). The geometryof repeat-pass justa fewGPScontrol pointscouldbe usedto correct it. On a smaller scale we show examplesof 15 mm of residual interferometryis illustratedin FigureA1 (top). The phase 30,200 SANDWELLAND PRICE: STACKINGINTERFEROGRAMS lOO 8o 6o 4o 2o o 20 40 60 80 Figure 14. Unwrappedphasegradientdifferencefor interferogramERS2_2257 minusERS1_21930 having a perpendicularbaseline of 327 m (5-mm contour interval). The stackedphase gradient was scaledto this baselineandremovedfrom this interferogram.Unwrappingrevealsa NE-SW trendthat is related to orbit error and perhapslarge-scaleatmospheric-ionospheric delays. difference• to a point on the groundis relatedto the range difference60: O=4,p reference-passrange, the baseline length B, and the baseline a: (,O +6,0) 2=,02+B2-2pB sin(O- (A2) Since6p << p, we have = •6,0 B2 B sin( 2p and sinceB << p, the parallel ray approximationyields (A4) The derivativeof the phasewith respectto range is where/• is the wavelengthof the radar.The law of cosines providesthe relationship among the repeat-passrange, the orientation •=-4•rBsin(O-a) (A3) 0O--4•rB cos(Oo000 OP /• • (A5) Thisphasederivativedepends on two terms,the perpendicular component of the baseline B•_ = Bcos(O-a) and the derivativeof look anglewith respectto ranget)0/t)p. The perpendicular baselinevariesslightlywith look angleacrossa typical SAR image. The changein look angle usually increases with range,so t)0/t)p> 0. However,whenthe local terrainslopeexceeds thelook angle,an increase in look angle doesnot producea corresponding increasein range. This is the layovergeometrywhereo•O/o•p <= 0. Now considerthe normal phase gradient due to the local curvature of theEarth(FigureA1, bottom). Let robe the local SANDWELLAND PRICE: STACKINGINTERFEROGRAMS 30,201 8O 6O 4O 2O 0 20 40 60 80 Figure 15. Unwrappedphasegradientdifferencefor interferogramERS1_22932 minus ERS2_3259 having a perpendicularbaseline of 97 m. We determinedthat 3259 was contaminatedwith atmosphericwaves, so a stackof three interferogramsnot containing3259 was removed. The waveshave characteristicamplitudesof 10-15 mm and wavelengthof 5 kin. Earth radius(i.e., the spheroid),0 be the look angle, p be the rangeto the spheroid, and c be the distancefrom the satellite to the centerof the Earth. Again, by the law of cosineswe find [Joughinet al., 1996] expressionfor total phaseversusrange: <p =-4•B[(1-/72)1'2cos (x+//sin ix] (A9) Equation(A9) is usedto form the Earth flattening correction. The interferogram is the productof referenceC• and repeatC2 single-look complex images [Li and Goldstein, 1990]; it provides an estimate of the total phase difference •b• - •b2. Take the derivativeof r/with respectto p to determineo•0/o•p. Removal of the largest phase term yields the real and After a little algebraand using(A5), we find an expressionfor imaginary parts of the Earth-flattenedinterferogramthat are the phasegradient: neededfor the computationof the phase gradient (equation r/-cos0(c2 +2pc p2_ ro 2) (A6) (1)): 8p Ap cos/o-//coso-/ sin0 After a little more algebraone arrives at an expressionfor the phase gradient in terms of the range, which has a slightly faster executionon a computer, R + il = C1C• e-•4• Precise orbit information (Appendix B) is required to determine the radius of the reference orbit c as well as the baselineparametersB and o•. The local radiusof the spheroid (ro)dependsonly on latitude 8p __ Ap l-r/r/2)l/2 0_•.0 4•rB cos ct +sin ctr/-•-(A8) wherer/is givenin (A6). Using (A4), one can also derivean (A10) ro(rp) =(cøs2(p sin2rp /-1/2 + a2 b2 ] (All) wherea andb arethe equatorialandpolarradii,respectively. 30,202 SANDWELLAND PRICE: STACKINGINTERFEROGRAMS where 0o is the look angle to the spheroid (equation(A6)). The mapping of total unwrappedphase into elevation as a functionof range is reference (r-ro)=-Apc sin0o (qSq5o) (A14) 4tcBrocos(0o- o0 One shouldrememberthat the unwrappedinterferogramdoes not providethe completephasedifference•p- •Posince there is an unknownconstantof integration. Since the mapping from phase to topography varies significantly with range, an appropriateconstantshouldbe addedto the unwrappedphase or a moreaccuratesolutionto setthe local earthradiusro to the averageradiusof the topographyin the frame. A3. Long Baselines A number of studies show that the correlation between two SLC imagesfalls to zero as the baselineis increasedtoward the critical baseline [Li and Goldstein, 1990; Zebker and Villasenor, 1992; Werner et al., 1992; Gatelli et al., 1994]. o p While baseline decorrelation provides an upper bound on baseline length, we are concernedthat the correlation given by y= [(c1c•l ((C1C •Xc2 C•))1/2 (A15) is a poor estimator of decorrelationof the surface,especially in regions of high phasegradient [Werneret al., 1996]. To computethe actualdecorrelationof the surface,one must first removeall known phase gradientsdue to baseline geometry andtopography. Equation(A5) is the generalexpressionfor the phasegradient. For a flat earthwherethe look angleequals the incidenceangle,the phasegradientvariesin a smoothand predictablemanner acrossthe scene: Figure A1. (top) Geometry for interferometry above sphericalEarth model. (bottom) A sphericalEarth model is usedin all of the interferometryequations. A2. Mapping Phase into Topography - Spherical Earth One can use this formulationto relate Earth-flattenedphase to topography. The actual radiusof the earth (r) is usually greaterthan the radiusof the spheroid(r,,), and this difference is geometricelevation. (Later we need to subtractthe local geoidheightto get true elevation.) The phasedue to the actual topographycanbe expandedin a Taylor Seriesaboutro: OO_-4tr B cos(O- 3p •p (A16) tan0 (Note this is (A7) in the limit as c >> p.) Now considera perpendicular baselineBc suchthat the phase rate acrossthe imageis 2tr rad per pixel. If we assumethat the pixel contains a uniformdistributionof randomscatters,then,with respectto the phaseof the scattersin the referenceimage, the phaseof the scattersin the repeatimage will display -2n phasedelay acrossthe pixel, and the pixels will be uncorrelated. The familiar expressionfor this critical baselineis Bc = cp(r) =cp(ro) +•)•--•rO rO) (r-ro) +1020 (ro) (r-ro) 2+... (A12) tan0 (A17) 2Ap 2 •)r 2 Using (A4) and (A6), one can calculate the first two derivatives. It turns out that the second derivative arP (ro) =-4trro Bcos (0o-O0 3r •pc sin0o Next assume that the baseline is one-half the critical value, is about (r- ro)/r timesthe first derivative(i.e., 2.7/6371 for our area), so we only needto keepthe first two terms in the series. The first term is (A9) while the secondterm is wherezip is the pixel width, which is relatedto the bandwidth W of the radarchirpzip < c/2W. so the phaserate acrossthe image is tr rad per pixel, and that thereis no surfacetopography.When one computesthe correlation by averaging the interferogram over range pixels as describedin (A15), adjacentpixels will have oppositephase, so the numeratorin (A15) will sum to near zero. If the Earthflattening correction is applied prior to computationof the (A13) SANDWELLAND PRICE: STACKINGINTERFEROGRAMS correlation, then the numerator in (A15) will return to the correct value of 0.5. Next consider a long-baseline interferogramwith ruggedterrainso the slopeis high and the magnitude of the phase gradientcan approachn:rad per pixel; so again, the correlation (equation(A15)) will be low [Gatelli et al., 1994]. In this case, one could improve the estimatedcorrelation by removing the phase due to the topography. Werner at al. [1992] have shownthat for topographicrecovery the trade-off betweenincreasingphase amplitudewith increasing baseline and decreasingcorrelation with increasingbaseline leadsto an optimum baseline which is about one-half of the critical baseline. Because the ERS satellites were not designedfor interferometry,even this baseline length posesa numberof practicalproblems. 30,203 images,but the timing accuracyof the radarechoesmust be a fraction of a millisecond. Azimuth alignment of the repeat orbit with respect to the reference orbit is given by two parameters,the numberof echoesto shift the repeat orbit at the start and end of the frame (Yshift)'Again, let s(t•) be the vector position of the satellite at the start of the frame of the referenceorbit and S(t2) be the closest point on the repeat orbit. The Yshift is simply Yshift = (t2- to)PRF (B7) where tois the time at the start of the repeat frame and PRF is the pulse repetition frequency. The shift at the end of the frame is computedin a similar fashion,and this could be recast as a stretch. Note that to achieve one-fourth pixel alignment (-1 m) for ERS, the relative timing of the radar echoesmust be Appendix B: Precise Orbit, Baseline Estimation, accurate to 1/7000 ms-•, which is 0.15 ms. It is unclear and Image Alignment whetherthe time recordedon the data tapes refers to the clock Precise baselines are computed from ERS-1/2 orbits providedby Scharrooet al. [1998]. These orbits have radial accuracyof 70 mm and cross-track accuracyof 210 mm, so overall baseline accuracy is better than -300 mm for uncorrelatedorbit error. Repeat orbits are never exactly parallel, so one must also account for the change in the baselinefrom the startto the end of the flame(s). Let s(t•) be the vector position of the satellite at some point along the referenceorbit. To calculatethe baseline, we simply search the repeat orbit for the closest approach s(t2). The total baseline length is B =Is(t2)- S(tl)l (B1) the vertical component of the baseline B v is the radial projection of B, on board the spacecraftor to the time that the data were collectedat the downlink site. While the difference is only 310 ms, the spacecraftwill move 20-70 m duringthis interval, making subpixelalong-trackalignmentdifficult. Similarly, the range alignment can be determinedby the parallel componentof the baselineat the near range and far range. Let 00 be the look angle in the near range; then the range shift is Xshift= Bsin (00-o•) (B8) Ap whereAp is therangepixelwidth. The shiftat the look angle of thefarrange(Of)canalsobe computed, andthis couldbe recastas a stretchparameter. Acknowledgments. This work benefitedfrom careful reviewsby ßS1 BV=(S2Sl) [•ll (B2) Toulouse France) as well as from discussionswith Bernard Minster (SIO), Paul Rosen(JPL), and RobertHall (SAIC). The decomposition of thevectorfieldintopolloidalandtorroidalcomponents wassuggested and the horizontalcomponentis BH=+(B2- BV2) 1/2 (B3) where the sign of the horizontal componentmust be deduced from the differencein the longitudesof the referenceand the repeat orbits in relation to the look direction. Finally, the baseline angle o•is I(Bv I =tan•,•mm! Howard Zebker (Stanford University) and Didier Massonnet(CNES, by Robert Hall. Parts of the Stanford/JPLsoftware were used to developour processingsystemand saved perhapsyears of software development.Much of thephasegradientand stackingwas performed with the GIPS systemwritten by Peter Ford at MIT. The MATLAB SignalProcessing Toolboxwas usedto designthe derivativefilter and assessspectralcoherence. SAR data were providedby the European Space Agency through Radarsat International. The research was fundedby NASA - HPCC/ESSCAN, the National ScienceFoundationInstruments andFacilitiesProgram,andNASA - SolidEarthand Natural Hazardsprogram. 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