Fall 2011 - Bonner Prendergast Catholic High School

Fall 2011
The Newsletter of
Monsignor Bonner
Published for Alumni, Students, and Parents / Traditions Live Here
Embracing Our Mission
A Letter from Father Olson
PECO President Denis O’Brien ’78 and
Bonner-Prendie President Rev. James P. Olson
Greetings from Monsignor Bonner!
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said,
“Nothing great was ever achieved
without enthusiasm.” Here at Msgr.
Bonner we embrace our mission with
enthusiasm so that we might draw
greatness from ourselves and the
young men entrusted to us.
We are one of the few high schools
in the country to have an entirely
wireless campus! Our goal is to make
sure that our students are academically
competitive with anyone in the country
and able to function well in the rapidly
changing global dynamics of the 21st
Century. Our Catholic world view and
belief in the power of Jesus Christ
to transform our lives and the world
around us promotes good moral development and good citizenship. Our kids
are extraordinarily service oriented and
open to the spiritual aspects of life.
We are also marking a wonderful
occasion at Bonner this year. Vince
Donohue, our legendary Mathematics teacher is celebrating his 50th year
educating young men on the Bonner
campus! What a remarkable achievement for one of the finest teachers in
the state. Congratulations, Vince!
Of course, your financial support is
always welcome. In fact, the financial
contributions of Msgr. Bonner alumni
represent a vital resource for the
school’s programs and services as well
as making it possible for our struggling
families to send their son to Bonner in
a tough economy. If you would like to
make a contribution, or have an idea
for an innovative gift, please contact
me or Jim Catrambone in the Office
for Institutional Advancement. Please
know that we will soon be conduct-
ing our Annual Appeal, a vital help to
advancing our mission!
You can stay up to date with what is
happening at Bonner by checking out
our improved website and following us
on Facebook and Twitter. I look forward
to the opportunity to meet you faceto-face when you stop by Bonner for a
game, play or event. Alumni are always
welcomed home here at Bonner!
God Bless!
Fr. Olson
Rev. James P. Olson
The Legend Behind the Legend
A Moment of
Two Bonner greats:
John A. Cappelletti, Sr.
sharing a proud moment
with son John, Jr.
ou’d be hard-pressed to
traverse the great state of
Pennsylvania and not find a
football fan that didn’t at least have
a little knowledge of Penn State
football’s only Heisman Award winner1
— John Cappelletti. He is placed on a
very exclusive pedestal of “greats” that
grew up in Delaware County and was
all-everything at Monsignor Bonner.
(continued on page 5)
Green Bananas—
The Wisdom of Father Bill Atkinson
—by Jim Catrambone
Rev. James Olson
William E. Brannick ‘95
Jim Catrambone
Dee Vaughn
Nick Slavin
Kimberly Kelly
Art Direction and Design
Bosha Design +Communications
Barbara Bosha ‘71
Send us your news!
The front jacket
cover of the
just released
hardcover book
Green Bananas,
The Wisdom
of Father
Bill Atkinson,
displays the
following, ”To
many he was
a saint… to
his family, he was a hero… for us, this
holy man can be a source of wisdom
and love.” The book that author Steve
McWilliams ’72 compares to Tuesdays
with Morrie, lends personal insight into
the deep thoughts of long-time Bonner
icon Father Bill Atkinson.
In the 2000 year history of the
Catholic Church, Father Bill was the first
quadriplegic ordained to the priesthood
and almost his entire ministry was here
at Monsignor Bonner until his passing in 2006. Many alumni are blessed
as witness to Father Bill’s faith. Each
has offered that they had been in the
company of a very special person. As
Monsignor Bonner-Archbishop Prendergast
High School’s Advancement Department
welcomes you in all capacities of service.
We are dedicated to our mission and growing in every effort to know you and serve
you better.
Do we have your email address?
To update your contact
information, please call or write:
Jim Catrambone,
Director of Institutional Advancement
The Development Office
610-259-0265 ext. 3275
Find us on Faceboook
I read the second draft of the text this
summer, I gained a much greater understanding of what influence he may
have been on others. Many Bonner men
were touched and inspired by Father
Bill. This is one of the reasons why Steve
McWilliams’ personal witness is so gripping. Let’s just say Steve wasn’t exactly
enamored at first volunteering to help
Fr. Bill! Steve served for 18 years in the
care of Father Bill before even having
a conversation of substance with him!
It is a remarkable test of his faith and
search for purpose.
Green Bananas was officially
“launched” following the 5th anniversary of Father Bill’s passing this past
September 15th. Nearly 200 people attended mass in the Prendergast chapel.
So many important people in Fr. Bill’s
life came to share in the evening. More
than 150 copies of the book were sold.
Bonner will receive $5 for each book
sold through the school.
To purchase this 176-page piece
of Bonner’s unique and historic story,
call the Office of Advancement at
610-259-6012 or stop by school during
usual business hours.
Servant Leaders
The line attributed to the greatest
servant of all is found in Matthew’s
gospel,1 “But the greatest among you
shall be your servant.”
It is said that Robert K. Greenleaf coined
and defined the phrase “servant leadership” in the early part of the 20th century
and that many famous authors like
Remembering all that served
Stephen Covey, Ken Blanchard, Margaret
Wheatley and others used it commonly in their writings. In simple definition
servant-leaders achieve results by giving priority attention to the needs of
their colleagues and those they serve. They demonstrate a spiritual understanding of identity, mission, vision and environment and so, the servantleader contributes to the well-being of people and community.
As the 10th anniversary of the unthinkable attacks on 9-11-01 approached
we put out word on Facebook, our websites, through E-mail blast and via
grassroots calling soliciting the names of Bonner alumni who have or are
presently serving in the military. The list of names sent to us can be seen
on the Bonner website, www.bonnerhigh.com. We fully recognize this
is a partial and very limited list and by no means should it be thought of
as comprehensive. It does, however, illustrate the immense contribution
New American Standard Bible (©1995)
(continued on page 5)
To Be Noted
let us know
about your
Email the D
O ffice
Attention Bonner Business Owners
and Advertisers!
ie .com
In an effort to defray expenses of
maintaining programs and extra
curricular for the students, Bonner
is providing multiple marketing
opportunities for businesses that
may see value in advertising with
us. As well, a straight financial gift
from a business could become a
tax deductible donation.
We are now offering new advertising
space on our electronic sign at the
always busy intersection of Garrett and
N. Lansdowne Avenues (limited number
for maximum exposure), space on both
(Bonner & Prendie or either) websites,
play bills ad space for the fall and spring
shows, and ads for the Friar Fest and
Beach Blast programs.
If you own a business that may be
interested in embellishing your marketing strategy, or... if you’d like to affirm
your support of Bonner, or… if you can
provide a qualified lead to one we should
reach, please respond with the necessary contact information and we will be
happy to follow up!
Kimberly Kelly
Senior Coordinator of Stewardship
5th Anniversary Mass for Father Bill Atkinson
Special thanks to the many
Bonner alum and friends who so
generously donated items to the
school following our last newsletter;
namely, Cupcakes Gourmet
1-877-714-6224) for Father
Atkinson’s Anniversary Mass.
Also donated anonymously was
heavy stock paper for sign displays
and photos for promotional use.
We are very grateful for your
stewardship and willingness to
make our student’s experience most
memorable. Once again, if you have
a product or service and would like
to donate it to the school, please call
or E-mail the Advancement Office.
The newest bricks installed on
the Bonner-Prendie Memorial
Walk of Memories include those
honoring the classes of 1975
and 1988, Bill Daley ‘61 and thank
you to Barnaby’s of America,
Charlie Gallagher ‘61, Michael
MacDonald & Hoops for Dave
2011 — from Brian McNevin ’08.
In August alone Bonner and Prendie
have received more than $11,000 in
gifts for our Annual Appeal prior
to campaign launch. Thank you for
making us a top priority as part of
your annual charitable giving. May
God bless your thoughtfulness and
inspire others to do the same!
Pictured at left: 5th Anniversary Mass for Father
Bill Atkinson; L to R in front: Joan Alice Mullen,
Atkinson Scholar Mary Anne Young, Atkinson
Scholar Michelle MacNeal, Atkinson Scholar
Taylor Brightman. L to R in back: Jim Catrambone,
Father John Denny, Atkinson Scholar Matt
MacNeal, Atkinson Scholar Jacob MacAvoy,
Atkinson Scholar Philip Thomas, Green Bananas
author Steve McWilliams ‘72 & Rev. James Olson;
not pictured Atkinson Scholar Caitlin Kerrigan
Letter From the Editor
Dear Monsignor Bonner
Alumni and friends,
It might be fair to say that the
Advancement Office has been as busy
as the local weather forecasters! Like
everyone else in the Philly area, we
weathered a summer that included
record rain and subsequent flooding,
a hurricane and an earthquake. Similarly, Bonner has weathered the storm
of rumors and naysayers about our
long-term future with a fantastic
freshmen class.
Case in point, Bonner remains a
single-gender Catholic school for young
men in all core courses and in student
life. This was our top objective in
2010-11. Allow me to say an emphatic,
“Thank YOU” to our donors that made
this possible. It is a great blessing to
have so many of you sharing in our
mission. We take both pride in maintaining an educational model that remains
measurably effective, especially to our
most recent graduates entering colleges
and universities.
Specific to the numbers, we finished
fiscal 2011 with a balanced internal
budget and reduced our anticipated
debt obligation by 50%. The $500K
Challenge campaign redeemed 96% of
gifts and pledges in very unpredictable
economic times. We received a check
the day I was writing this letter and still
hope we can exceed all minimum goals
for the current Annual Appeal recently
launched in October.
Last year’s two funds (Annual Appeal
& $500K challenge) helped us attain
a 57% increase in solicited funds over
last fiscal year! Perhaps the best news
arrived in the form of a bequest (see
article included).
We encourage more to share in
supporting our mission. As I wrote
before, Monsignor Bonner’s work with
young men in these challenging times
is compelling enough to merit your
financial support.
This year we celebrate two incredible
people, Mr. Vince Donahue and Father
Bill Atkinson. Clearly one of the “best
of the best” is Mr. Donohue. This year
Jim Catrambone, Director of Institutional Advancement, and Kim Kelley, Senior Coordinator
of Stewardship for Monsignor Bonner
he is celebrating his fiftieth year on the
faculty at Monsignor Bonner; and the
5th anniversary of Fr. Bill Atkinson just
past in September. The book Green Bananas on his wisdom and thoughts was
launched the same evening (See more
inside this newsletter).
As promised, we upgraded our
network infrastructure and are a big
“hot spot” for wireless connectivity
in Delaware County. In addition, the
bathrooms outside the cafeteria are
completely renovated!
The Bonner alumni association is twothirds, if not better, of the way toward
having a pair of class reps per year. If
you would like to serve in this capacity
or want to see which years are missing,
call me so I might hook you in with the
Executive committee!
Finally, but perhaps most importantly,
we remember and honor all Bonner
alum who served in the military in
conjunction with the 10th anniversary
of 9/11. Whether we heard about your
service or not (and man we tried to
gather as much as we could) we thank
you all for serving our great country and
the glorious freedoms we richly enjoy!
Again, thank you sufficiently for
making Bonner an important charitable
Kind regards and blessings,
Jim Catrambone
Director of Institutional Advancement
Go Green!
Make a request to
have your Friar
Newsletter delivered
to your Email inbox
Send your email address to:
and ask to be added to the
E-Newsletter Mailing List.
Educational Income Tax Credits
Would you consider helping families to choose Bonner for their
child by receiving tax credits from the state of Pennsylvania?
Educational Income Tax Credits (for
Businesses) is better known for the
acronym, E I T C. Pennsylvania made
history 10 years ago by becoming the
first state to pass an education tax
credit aimed at corporations. Even
many accountants are unaware that
approximately three years ago the tax
credit was expanded to all other “Pass
through” organizations.
The EITC provides children and families
with a choice in their education and a
chance in life.
Specific to Monsignor Bonner and
Archbishop Prendergast Catholic High
School, through the EITC program a
business’ tax dollars could be redirected
to benefit students who desire but cannot afford to attend Bonner or Prendie.
The process is facilitated in three
easy steps:
Step 1: A company decides if it pays
any of these listed PA taxes. Corporations who qualify are those who pay
one or all of the following taxes:
1. Subchapter S Corps, Limited Partnerships and other Pass through
organizations (for example filing
PA Forms 20S or 65)
2. Corporate net income tax
3. Capital stock franchise tax
4. Band & trust company shares tax
5. Title insurance company shares tax
6. Insurance premiums tax
7. Mutual thrift institutions
Step 2: Consult with an accounting
firm (dealing in PA Business Taxes) &
Decide to Apply and How. The form
is only one page. Bonner’s Office of
Advancement can help provide you
assistance in the filing process.
Step 3: Consider Monsignor Bonner and
Archbishop Prendergast for your Gift
We have conducted two information
sessions on this opportunity and would
be glad to run more at your request.
Bonner is looking for businesses that
might consider participation in this
program. We have invoked the assistance of BLOCS in helping facilitate
not only the applying but also in the
timely submitting of the application
to the State of PA. The absolute, rigid
deadline is July 1, 2012.
If you would like to consider this
opportunity, please contact:
Jim Catrambone
Director of Institutional Advancement
610-259-6012 or
Everything in our commercial world
today is positioned as EXTREME! TV
brings us extreme makeovers of buildings and homes, complete transformations of people’s bodies, “big losers”
and polygamists, crazy housewives
“living the life,” amazing races around
the world and pampered athletes
refusing to honor contractual obligations because they only make half a
million dollars!
However, there is always that one
welcome exception! Father Olson was
EXTREMELY, over-the-top happy to
receive a single gift for $750,000 this
past year. As such, Bonner has established the Robert C. Dunn Scholarship
Fund which, per the will of Mr. Dunn,
restricts all money to scholarships for
incoming freshmen and must be spread
over a 10 year period. “It was a spectacular gift that comes at the most opportune time in our history,” says Father
Olson. “We are very grateful for forward
thinkers like Mr. Dunn. Some people
lament what they can’t do in this tough
economy. Remembering Bonner in your
will is something all of us can do.”
Please consider including Monsignor
Bonner in your will. In so many cases,
$500 or $1,000 towards a student’s
tuition over four years may made a complete difference in not just the student’s
life but perhaps in the future of their entire family. For more information, contact
Advancement at 610-259-6012.
The Legend
( continued from page 1)
This is not about that John Cappelletti.
This reflection is about John A.
Cappelletti Sr., born in Nereto, Italy,
devoted husband of Anne C. Cappelletti (nee Bianco), and father of Martin,
John, Jr., Michael, Jean, and Joseph.
His presence commanded a level of
respect and cordiality; not because he
required it but because it was required.
Mr. Cappelletti passed into eternal life
six months ago.
Dee Vaughn is an enormous fan of
everything “Cappelletti”, but especially
John and Anna as she referred to them.
Dee often described John as “…totally
engaging and quite affable, he loved
Bonner the best.” She continues, “He
was immensely talented with a great
wit and a terrific sense of humor. John
would arrive early at Bonner (before
many staff) and see if there was any
needed repairs and just do it without
being asked.” She adds, “One of Mr.
Cappelletti’s great loves was helping the
boys open their lockers and then telling
them to tuck in their shirts and look like
Bonner men! He truly loved his days at
Bonner — he was the best!”
God bless you, Mr. Cappelletti, you
are loved and remembered. You and
Anne provided Bonner one of Pennsylvania’s premier athletes, and as such we
have been richly blessed. God and Bonner blessings to the Cappelletti family;
we miss him too!
Servant Leader
( continued from page 2)
Bonner grads have made in defense of
our country and the freedoms we cherish as the greatest of all nations.
We didn’t ask to assemble the names
of the many who have served as police
officers, firefighters, EMT and other first
response emergency personnel, civil servants and political representatives. If so,
we would have needed to assemble an
encyclopedic book! But it seemed right
to want to say “thank you” for your
service to us and our great nation. May
God always bless you for your leadership in serving and especially bless
those who sacrificed their lives that we
might remain free.
Class Notes
Let us know what you’re up to, share with your fellow alumni your successes and accomplishments.
Please reach us by mail, email, facebook or by old fashioned telephone.
Reverend Donald F. Reilly, O.S.A. ’65,
named President of Saint Augustine
Preparatory School in Vineland, NJ.
Mike MacDonald ’71 (Bonner and
Rutgers basketball standout) was
wooed out of retirement and appointed
Executive Vice President for Office Max’s
retail division out of Naperville IL. Mike’s
plans to move to the mid-west are still
being firmed.
Dan Green ’77 and his wife Patty
became first time grandparents. Kevin
Anthony was born on September 9,
2011. Dan is also proud to mention that
his four children are Bonner and Prendie
Congratulations Christopher J. Carroll
’84 and Chrissie V. Brosko ’85 on their
engagement. A December 2011 nuptial
is scheduled.
Michael P. McHale ’90 has been
awarded the professional insurance
designation Chartered Property Casualty
Underwriter (CPCU) by the American Institute for CPCU. The American Institute
for CPCU is an independent, nonprofit
educational organization that confers
the CPCU designation on persons who
complete eight rigorous courses and
national examinations and meets its
ethics and experience requirements. Michael presently works as a Senior Claims
Examiner for Philadelphia Indemnity
Insurance Company in Bala Cynwyd, PA.
Michael P. McHale is also a graduate of
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, and
is currently residing in Havertown, PA
with his wife Jennifer and two children
As many as 10,000 people were estimated to have walked in this year’s
Walk for the Wounded at Rose Tree
Park in Media. Joey Kane ’91, son of
Joseph and Mary Kane and the baby
brother of Joanne, was honored posthumously in special ceremonies during
the walk event. On Oct. 14, 2006, Army
Staff Sergeant Joseph M. Kane was
killed by an improvised explosive device
near Baghdad, Iraq while serving with
the 1st Battalion, 67th Armor Regiment,
2nd Brigade, 4th Infantry Division.
Sgt. Kane left behind his parents, wife
Michelle, and three children Mikayla,
Daniel, and Brendan.
Steve Saboja ’92 is an eighth grade
teacher in the Garnet Valley School
District. Steve is married to Denise
Iannarelli ’92 and they have three
children’; Kayleigh age 9, Anna age 6
and Tommy age 1.
Kevin Roccio ’95 and his wife Stephanie are the proud parents of a son,
Kevin Thomas, born on June 24, 2011.
John Sinclair ’97 is engaged to Sandra
Ackerman, wedding plans set for June
12, 2012.
Fred DeBerardinis ‘97 was married
on September 30th, 2011 to Angela
Marinaro at St. Joseph Church in
Patrick Cozzi ’99 recently published
his first book, 3D Engine Design for
Virtual Globes, with coauthor Kevin
Ring. Despite being completely burnt
out, Patrick is now working on another
book, OpenGL Insights, with coeditor
Christophe Riccio.
See www.seas.upenn.edu/~pcozzi/
super cells and their deadly wake across
the South. By storms’ end, the death
toll reached 329 people in seven states.
Though shaken, Robert is well and suggests, “This is something I’m going to be
telling my grandkids about someday.”
Bryan Kerns ’07 graduated in May
from Villanova University; enter the
Augustinian Novitiate on August 15
in preparation for Seminary studies.
James C. McLaughlin ’07 graduated in
May from Brown University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering.
Delaware County Council honored
18 brave service men and women by
placing their photos on the Armed Services Tribute Board at the Government
Center at a recent patriotic ceremony.
Pfc. A.J. Euganeo ’08, son of Anthony
and Kathy Euganeo of Sharon Hill, is a
2008 graduate of Monsignor Bonner
High School. Pfc. Euganeo has served in
the U.S. Army since February 2009 and
is currently stationed in Ft. Campbell,
Brennan R. Cook ’10, was named to
the Dean’s List at Rochester (NY) Institute
of Technology. Brennan is studying Computer Game Design and Development.
In Memorium
James J. O’Shea ’57, a Prendergast
man, James was a member of the first
Fran McMenamin ’99 changed careers graduating class at Monsignor Bonner.
and is now a real estate agent
As a 6’ 6” pitcher on the Bonner baseKevin Green ’01 and his wife Tricia ’01 ball team, James was sought out by
the Washington Senators but his father
are the proud parents of a son. Kevin
made him turn it down in favor of
Anthony born on September 9, 2011.
an education. His colorful career
Kevin works for Sunoco. Kevin, his wife
garnered James five National Science
and son reside in East Fallowfield, PA.
Foundation Awards in the advancement
Robert Junod ’05 as a University of
of mathematics.
Alabama in Huntsville student happened
John Patrick Duffy ’59, a Prendergast
to see the result of an F-5 tornado this
man, John is best described as a staunch
past April while accompanying fellow
UAH atmospheric science doctoral can- Bonner advocate and friend. He was also
a member of the Villanova baseball team
didates as they tracked several massive
(continued on page 7)
For your Bonner
Sports Fix…
Class Notes
(continued from page 6)
and a manager of the Villanova basketball team. He remained very active
and involved with both institutions
throughout his life. He was an active
member of St. Teresa of Avila Parish.
John was a wonderful family man and
a retired educator.
Following John’s passing, Bonner received more than $2,000 in donations
in John’s name! The family is still deciding how best to apply the John Patrick
Duffy Memorial Fund. Please accept our
deepest condolences and thanks.
John J. McGee ’60, loving husband
of 31 years to wife Rosemary, veteran
of the U.S. National Guard and
Master Carpenter.
Catch the latest Bonner Sports News
at www.bonnerhigh.com
Lawrence A. “Larry” Kilcullen ’63,
loving husband of 44 years to wife
Dolly; retired computer specialist for
Conrail after 30 years; Mr. Kilcullen was
also presented the National Defense
Service Medal, Vietnam Service Star and
Combat Infantry badge.
Michael J Greeley III ’67, loving
husband of 40 years to wife Janet;
a supervisor at Iron Mountain and a
carpenter by trade; dedicated baseball
coach at Cardinal O’Hara and Briarcliffe
Youth baseball.
James Grafstrom ’68, lifelong resident
of Lansdowne and active member of
St. Cyril Church and Upper Darby Little
League. James enjoyed a long career
with Berm Studios, employed as a Foremen and Carpenter for the outdoor sign
company for more than 38 years.
Edward J. Stewart ’71, Property Manager for Wynnewood Plaza Condos and
loving family man.
John J. “Hank” Henderson ’71, former letter carrier and owner of All Star
Limousine Company in Brigantine, NJ.
Please consider a gift to Bonner (in lieu
of flowers) in memory of a deceased
family member or friend. Thank you for
that special consideration.
Bonner is the Flagship
During the recent Archdiocesan labor
stoppage, among a myriad of issues,
one repeating topic in media coverage
was that our Catholic schools need to
“prepare our students in a 21st century
learning environment.” If you have
read the last two issues of The Friar,
you know problem solving and creative
expression is very different for the class
of 2011 versus what you might have
experienced. We live in a global society
with many areas of interdependence.
Who among us isn’t aware that financial
troubles in Greece this summer have
caused a negative ripple effect on the
United States economy that we are still
feeling? Again, the informed reader of
The Friar knows that Bonner is setting the
pace in the Philadelphia Archdiocese as a
premier leader in 21st century learning!
When the final tallies are compiled,
and beyond all the SmartBoards
and A/V equipment already in place,
Bonner & Prendie combined will have
approximately 250 netbooks, 250 Apple
MacBooks, 10 iPads for teachers/staff
and 12 computer labs with 36 stations
in each lab (432 PCs). Indeed we are
prominent citizens of the 21st Century
school district.
An additional 112 upperclassmen
have registered their own “learning”
device for use in the school. Once all
the laptops are distributed to each of
our freshman, 34% of the entire student
population will have a personal device
while running our dual pilot program.
As is commonly said, the real story
will be in the numbers relating to our
students success. For your information,
here is the statistical breakdown for
Bonner’s Class of 2011:
4-Year college or university = 64%
2-Year college = 33%
Other = 3%
Scholarship = $8,643,888
(74 seniors awarded 257 scholarships
~ as self-reported)
4-Year = 71%
2-Year = 26%
Other = 3%
Scholarship = $21,754,458
(174 seniors awarded 647 scholarships
~ as self-reported)
Class Reunions
Class of 1991
Upcoming Events
November 8, 2011 –
November 30, 2011 –
December 18, 2011 –
January 28, 2012 –
Jan 28 – Feb 4, 2012 –
February 11, 2012 –
October 2012 –
Bonner & Prendie 20th Reunion
DATE & TIME: Saturday,
November 26, 2011 from 7-11PM
LOCATION: Anthony’s Restaurant,
4990 State Road, Drexel Hill, PA
TICKET PRICE: $60 per person,
$115 per couple in advance by
November 4th; $65/person cash only
at door (includes buffet & 4-hour
open bar). Guests welcome.
Information about acquiring tickets
can be found on www.bonnerhigh.com.
Click on Alumnae, then Reunion Info.
Once payment is received, tickets will
be mailed to you by November 14th.
5:30PM – 7:30PM
Bonner & Prendie Business Network Night
in conjunction with The Catholic Business
Network of Greater Philadelphia
Bonner-Prendie Blood Drive
MBAP Christmas Concert & Art Exhibit
Father’s Club presents
Juliano Brothers at Monsignor Bonner
Catholic Schools Week
Friar Fest 2012
Springfield Country Club, Springfield PA
Hall Of Fame
Nomination Forms are on the web
under Alumni > Hall Of Fame
Pre-orders being taken for our most popular Christmas items!
Looking for a great gift idea?
Share your school spirit with your favorite student or grad! Place your order by Wednesday,
November 23, 2011 to purchase Bonner and Prendie apparel from the school store. Items will
be available for pick up from the store beginning the week of December 12, 2011.
Visit us on the web at www.bonnerhigh.com.
Bonner Student
222 Prendie Lane
Drexel Hill, PA 19026
403 N. Lansdowne Avenue, Drexel Hill, PA 19026