Analysis of Different Modulation Techniques for Multilevel Inverters Jani Rushiraj G. Prof. P.N. Kapil Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute Of Technology, Nirma University Ahmedabad, Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute Of Technology, Nirma University Ahmedabad, Abstract—Analysis of different modulation techniques for multilevel inverter is discussed. To control the multilevel inverters, different modulation techniques have been used. Amongst them multi carrier Sine Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM) techniques are widely used for different multilevel inverter topologies. These modulation techniques are derived from the conventional two level inverter SPWM technique. Different modulation techniques are compared on the basis of the output THD, utilization of DC link voltages and common mode voltage. The detailed analysis of modulation techniques are shown on the basis of the output THD offered by the five level Neutral Point Clamped or Diode Clamped (NPC) inverter. separate DC source can be easily obtained. The simulation results are shown for five level NPC type topology [3]. The conventional five level NPC topology is shown in fig.1. Here four different, equal valued DC source of VDC/4 are used. Keywords— Multi carrier pulse width modulation; multilevel inverter; Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) I. INTRODUCTION The Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) techniques for conventional two level inverter can be used in Adjustable Speed Drive (ASD) to provide easy control on output voltage and frequency. But in high power, medium voltage applications, conventional two level inverter has severe limitations. Advantages of multilevel inverter over the conventional two level inverter is discussed so far [1]. Due to these advantages, different multilevel inverter topologies becomes more popular in recent years, mostly in induction motor drive systems. Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) at output voltage improved as the number of pole voltage level increased, but the controlling and bus structure of inverter becomes complex as the number of level increased above five [2]. There are mainly three topologies used in multilevel inverters. There are Neutral Point Clamped (NPC), Flying Capacitor (FC), and Cascaded H-Bridge (CHB) [1]. Selection among these topologies depends upon application. NPC multilevel inverter required separate DC source and complex control algorithm when real power need to be delivered at load side. Flying Capacitor type topology is used for both active and reactive power supply, but the capacitor voltage balancing becomes problem in this topology, when inverter is used for reactive power compensation. Cascaded H-Bridge (CHB) inverter requires separate DC sources, hence this topology is mainly suitable for non-conventional energy sources, where Fig. 1 Five level Neutral Point Clamped (NPC) inverter topology As shown in the fig.-1, in this configuration, in one leg of inverter switches S11 and S15, S12 and S16, S13 and S17 and S14 and S18 operates in complementary nature, i.e. if one switch is in ON state the other must be in OFF state [4]. This configuration of the Diode clamped inverter is referred as asymmetrical neutral point clamped five level inverter, because the blocking voltage rating of diodes are not same. Switching table of the inverter configuration corresponding to the pole voltage is shown in Table-1. Table-1 Switching Table of NPC for one phase Switching State with the reference sine wave and in this manner a modulating signal is to be obtained. III. LEVEL SHIFTED MULTI CARRIER SPWM TECHNIQUES S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 Output Pole Voltage 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 VDC/2 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 VDC/4 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 -VDC/4 The basic SPWM techniques are listed in previous section. In level shifted SPWM total (n-1) carrier signals are needed to obtain n voltage levels at the pole of inverter, and these carrier signals are vertically displaced with different phase displacement [6]. Orientation of carrier wave with respect to the reference wave decides the THD in output of the inverter. Here, in simple SPWM reference signal is sine wave only. 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 -VDC/2 A. In Phase Disposition PWM (IPDPWM) II. DIFFERENT PWM TECHNIQUES The PWM techniques for multilevel inverters are broadly classified as: • Sine Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM) • Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) • Discontinuous Pulse Width Modulation (DPWM) In this modulation scheme all the carrier signals are in phase but they are vertically displaced as shown in fig.-2. But for each phase of inverter, the carrier signal should be equally displaced in phase as the reference signal is displaced. Here all the four carriers have 1 kHz frequency and are in phase with reference sine wave which has 50 Hz frequency. Here SPWM and SVPWM are the types of Continuous PWM (CPWM) technique. In these PWM techniques, the reference signal is kept within the limits of carrier band, so intersection of carrier signals and reference signal occurs continuously, hence switching occurs continuously. But in discontinuous PWM (DPWM) the reference signal is clamped to either positive or negative maximum of carrier band, hence during this time interval no switching takes place [5]. Depending upon the orientation and frequency of different carrier waves with respect to the reference wave in Sine Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM) categorized into following manner: 1. In Phase Disposition PWM (IPDPWM) 2. Phase Opposition Disposition PWM (PODPWM) 3. Alternate (APOD) 4. Phase Opposition Disposition Frequency PWM (PODfPWM) Phase Opposition Disposition with PWM Variable Fig. 2 In Phase Disposition PWM (IPDPWM) B. Phase Opposition Disposition PWM (PODPWM) In the Phase Opposition Disposition PWM technique, all the carrier above and below zero reference line are in phase with each other, but the carriers above and below zero reference are in phase opposition [6] as shown in the fig.-3. Among these PWM techniques, first three techniques offers same DC link utilization but different harmonic spectrum. The fourth PWM technique is used to reduce the switching losses as two different carrier band with different switching frequencies are being used in this technique. SVPWM offers more advantages over SPWM, but implementation of SVPWM becomes more complex as number of pole voltage levels increased. Hence, SVPWM techniques is more suitable up to three level inverter. DPWM (Depenbrock’s Discontinuous Pulse Width Modulation) are modified PWM techniques. In Carrier based Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) and Discontinuous Pulse Width Modulation (DPWM) a zero sequence signal has to be obtained and add Fig. 3 Phase Opposition Disposition (PODPWM) C. Alternate Phase Opposition Disposition PWM (APODPWM) In Alternate Phase Opposition Disposition (APOD) all carriers are in phase opposition with each other [6] as shown in fig.-4. Fig. 6 Reference Signal of Carrier Based SVPWM B. Depenbrock’s Discontinuous PWM -1 (DPWM1) Fig. 4 Alternate Phase Opposition Disposition (APOD) It is discontinuous PWM technique. In this PWM technique a zero sequence signal which is injected in to the sine wave is different than a triangular wave. Here the reference signal is clamped to maximum positive and negative values of carrier signals [7]. The modulating signal generated in this PWM technique is shown in fig.-7. D. Phase Opposition Disposition with Variable Frequency PWM (PODfPWM) In this PWM technique, two band of carriers having different frequencies are being used. The outer band of carriers having less frequency compared to inner band of carriers [6] as shown in fig.-5. Here the outer band of carrier have frequency of 550 Hz and inner band of carrier have 1 kHz. Fig. 7 Depenbrock’s Discontinuous PWM-1 (DPWM1) C. Depenbrock’s Discontinuous PWM -3 (DPWM3) It is another type of discontinuous PWM technique. Here injecting zero sequence signal and the generated reference signal is shown in the fig.-8. Fig. 5 Phase Opposition Disposition with Variable Frequency (PODfPWM) IV. ZERO SEQUENCE SIGNAL INJECTION A. Carrie Based Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation In this PWM technique a zero sequence triangular wave is added to the sine wave and the resultant modulating signal shown in the fig.-6 is compared to the triangular carrier signals [5]. Fig. 8 Depenbrock’s Discontinuous PWM-3 (DPWM3) V. SIMULATION RESULTS For simulation of different PWM technique for multilevel inverter, five level NPC topology is used. The targeted load for the simulation purpose is 5.4 Hp, 400 V, 1430 rpm induction motor is used. DC link voltage for the inverter is 400 V. To obtain proper results, i.e. symmetry in pole voltages for all three legs of the inverter, all the carrier signals must be phase displaced as the modulating signals. As the carrier signals are displaced, instantaneous comparison between carriers and modulating signals remains same for all the phases. Fig.-9 (a), (b), (c), and (d) shows the pole voltage of inverter for one leg in IPDPWM, PODPWM, APODPWM, and PODfPWM respectively. Here in this simulation except PODfPWM all the carrier signals have switching frequency of 1 kHz and reference wave is sine wave with 50 Hz frequency. So, the frequency modulation ratio (mf) for these scheme is 20 and amplitude modulation ratio (ma) is 0.8 which is kept fixed for analysis. Similarly fig.-10 (a), (b), (c), and (d) shows FFT analysis of the line voltage of the inverter for IDPWM, PODPWM, APODPWM and PODfPWM respectively. (d) Fig. 9 Pole Voltage for Level Shifted SPWM using (a) IPDPWM (b) PODPWM (c) APODPWM (d) PODfPWM (a) (a) (b) (b) (c) (c) (d) Fig. 10 FFT Analysis of line voltage for (a) IPDPWM (b) PODPWM (c) APODPWM (d) PODfPWM (a) (a) (b) Fig. 12 (a) Pole voltage of inverter for DPWM1 (b) FFT analysis of line voltage for DPWM1 Similarly, pole voltage of inverter for DPWM3 and FFT analysis of line voltage of the inverter is shown in Fig.-13(a) and (b) respectively. (b) Fig. 11 (a) Pole Voltage SVPWM (b) FFT Analysis of Line Voltage As shown in fig.-11 (a) the pole voltage of one leg of inverter obtained by comparing reference signal shown in fig.6 and carrier signals shown in fig.-4. The FFT analysis of the line to line voltage of inverter is shown in fig.-11 (b). The output voltage can be obtained by using every level shifted carrier signals. Similarly, fig.-12 (a) shows the pole voltage of inverter using DPWM1 PWM technique. It is the discontinuous PWM technique. So as shown in the fig.-11 (a) the comparison is not taken place for some portion of the reference signal. Fig.-11 (b) shows the FFT analysis of line to line voltage of the inverter. (a) (b) Fig. 13 (a) Pole voltage of inverter for DPWM3 (b) FFT analysis of line voltage for DPWM3 REFERENCES VI. CONCLUSION From all discussed modulating signals with discussed for level shifted carrier arrangement, different PWM techniques can be obtained. Different PWM techniques offers different harmonic distortion in output line voltage waveforms. In the level shifted SPWM technique, the significant harmonic component is shifted to the frequency modulation ratio (mf). By giving proper phase shift in carrier signals better performance of the inverter is obtained. In the alternate phase opposition disposition PWM, the significant harmonics are appeared as the sidebands around carrier frequency, but this method with any modulating wave offers proper half wave and quarter wave symmetry. In variable frequency PODfPWM, lower order harmonics are appeared compared to the other methods, but this method offers lower switching losses as the outer carrier band has lower frequency, as switching for switching devices reduced due to decrease in comparison in outer carrier band. Carrier based SVPWM offers more DC link utilization and lower harmonic distortion compared to the SPWM. So, carrier based SVPWM with POD carrier arrangement offers lowest harmonic distortion with maximum DC link utilization. In discontinuous PWM technique, the reference wave is modified, hence harmonic spectrum of line to line voltage is different than the SPWM. Among the all PWM combination DPWM3 with POD carrier arrangement offers lower THD than DPWM1. 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