309 J. gen. Virol. (I979), 45, 3o9-32I Printed in Great Britain Somatic Cell Genetics of Human Interferon Production in H u m a n - R o d e n t Cell Hybrids ByA. M E A G E R , 1 H . E . G R A V E S , 1 J . R . W A L K E R , 1D.C.BURKE, D. M. S W A L L O W 2 A N D A . W E S T E R V E L D 3 1 1 Department of Biological Sciences, University of Warwick, Coventry C V 4 7AL, 2 M R C Human Biochemical Genetics Unit, The Galton Laboratory, University College London, Wolfson House, 4 Stephenson Way, London NWr 2HE, England and s Department of Cell Biology and Genetics, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Postbus 1738, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (Accepted 8 May I979) SUMMARY Forty-two primary human-mouse cell hybrids, derived in two separate experiments, were treated with Newcastle disease virus (NDV): eight hybrids were found to produce human interferon and this was shown in every case to be predominantly of the fibroblast type. An extensive analysis was made in terms of karyotype and marker enzymes on all the eight hybrids producing interferon and also on five hybrids which did not produce interferon, five randomly selected hybrids and eleven subclones resistant to diphtheria toxin. The results suggest that, contrary to previous reports, a gene on chromosome 5 is not involved in production of human interferon. Its production was however correlated with the presence of chromosome 9 in the hybrids. Analyses of two sets of human-Chinese hamster hybrid subclones from two different crosses were also consistent with the assignment of a human interferon gene to chromosome 9. INTRODUCTION Interspecific somatic cell hybrids, in which one parent cell is human and the other rodent, generally lose human chromosomes and retain those of the rodent. Assignment of human genes to particular chromosomes can be made by correlating the presence or absence of gene products (enzymes or other proteins) with the presence or absence of individual chromosomes or of proteins coded by genes already assigned to particular chromosomes (for review, see McKusick & Ruddle, 1977). Analysis of human-rodent hybrids has to date provided conflicting evidence concerning the number and location of genes involved in the production of human interferon, but genes on chromosomes 5 (Tan et al. t974; Morgan & Faik, 1977; Tan, 1977) and 2 (Tan et al. 1974) have been implicated. Tan (1977) has tentatively assigned a gene for interferon production in human cells to the long-arm of chromosome 5, but has suggested that a gene on chromosome 2 is also required for interferon production in human-mouse hybrids (Tan et al. I974). Two types of human interferon have been identifed, namely the leucocyte type which can be obtained from lymphocytes and lymphoblastoid cells and the fibroblast type which is made by fibroblasts. Leucocyte and fibroblast interferons differ antigenically (Havell et al. 1975; Paucker et al. 1975) and in the tool. wt. of their polypeptides (Stewart & Desmyter, I975; Knight, I976 ; T6rma & Paucker, I976; Havell et al. 1977). The purpose of this study was to identify the type of human interferon produced in oo22-1317/79/oooo-361o $02.00 ~ 1979 SGM Downloaded from www.microbiologyresearch.org by IP: On: Sat, 01 Oct 2016 15:11:53 3Io A. M E A G E R A N D O T H E R S different hybrid cells and to clarify the role of human chromosomes 2 and 5 in this production. To this end, we have examined 42 primary human-mouse hybrids (four with human lymphocyte parents and 38 with human fibroblast parents). Eight hybrids producing human interferon (two with human lymphocyte parents) were identified by means of sensitive bio-assays, and the type of interferon produced was determined with specific antisera to leucocyte and fibroblast interferons. All the hybrids tested produced interferon of the fibroblast type. Since the gene conferring sensitivity to diphtheria toxin has been assigned to chromosome 5 (Creagan et al. I975), we tested I9 of our hybrids for their sensitivity to this toxin in an attempt to show a correlation with human interferon production. Two series of subclones resistant to diphtheria toxin, which produced high levels of human interferon, were also selected from sensitive hybrids. Analysis of I3 primary hybrids, five randomly selected subclones and II diphtheria toxin-resistant subclones in terms of their karyotype, isozymes and interferon production suggests that the structural gene for human fibroblast interferon is not located on chromosome 5; however, the data are compatible with the assignment of this gene to chromosome 9This assignment is supported by our findings in a small series of human-Chinese hamster hybrids. METHODS Materials. 5-aH-uridine (26 Ci/mmol) and L-4,5-3H-leucine (55 Ci/mmol) were purchased from The Radiochemical Centre, Amersham. The sources of other chemicals were : ouabain, cycloheximide, hypoxanthine and thymidine from Sigma; aminopterin from Nutritional Biochemicals (Cleveland, Ohio); polyethylene glycol (mol. wt. 6ooo) from BDH; concentrated ( I o × ) o r powder culture medium and foetal bovine serum (FBS) from Flow Laboratories; colcemid from Gibco Biocult (Paisley, Scotland). Diphtheria toxin, purified to 825 Lf/ml, was kindly provided by D. C. Edwards, Wellcome Research Laboratories, Beckenham, Kent. (An Lf unit is defined as the volume in ml of toxin that gives the most rapid flocculation with one standard unit of antitoxin. Fo: diphtheria toxin I Lf/ml is approximately 3OHM.) Purified human leucocyte interferon (P-IF, batch 8991, 9 × I O ~ reference research units/ml) and anti-human leucocyte interferon (serum from sheep liver, neutralizing titre I :36oooo) were provided by Dr K. Cantell, Central Public Health Laboratory, Helsinki, Finland; anti-human fibroblast interferon (monospecific anti-human FS4 interferon, rabbit globulin pool no. 29-33) by Dr J. K. Dunnick, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A. Viruses. Newcastle disease virus (NDV), strains Texas and F, and Sendai virus were grown in embryonated eggs (Lomniczi, I97O; Lomniczi et al. I971); stocks of clarified virus-containing allantoic fluids were stored frozen at --7o °C. The stock of NDV strain Texas had an infectivity of l × Io 9 p.f.u./ml in chick embryo cell monolayers (Waiters et al. 1967). The stocks of NDV strain F and Sendai virus (which do not form plaques in chick cells) had haemagglutinating titres of z × lo 3 haemagglutinating units (HAU)/ml and 5 × toa HAU/ml, respectively. Semliki Forest virus, the challenge virus used in interferon assays, was grown in chick cell suspensions (Kennedy & Burke, I972); stocks containing about I × Io 9 p.f.u./ml were stored frozen at --70 °C. Cell cultures. The human diploid foreskin cell line, FS4, at passage 20, was obtained from Dr J. Vilcek, Department of Microbiology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, U.S.A. Cat lung cells, originally supplied by Flow Laboratories, were obtained from Dr J. Desmyter, Rega Institute, Leuven, Belgium. These two cell lines were cultured in Glasgow modified Eagle's minimal essential medium (GMEM) with 1o% FBS, penicillin (200 units/ml) and streptomycin (Ioo #g/ml). Downloaded from www.microbiologyresearch.org by IP: On: Sat, 01 Oct 2016 15:11:53 Genetics o f human interferon 311 Table I. Parentage of the human-mouse and human-hamster hybrids used in this study Parental lines Hybrid designation CTP34 CTP4 i DUR4 HORP9 l HORPI4 HL6-4z HL43-64 46.6. i Ch3 C123 A c" Human Mouse* Hamster* PG19 T lymphocytes IR DUV fibroblast (X; 15 translocation) IR Lymphocytes L-A9 Embryo fibroblast (HEF) Fibroblast (X; I translocation) Fibroblast - - Reference Jonasson et al. 1977 Solomon et al. I976 van Heyningen et aL 1973 This paper E36 This paper Wg3h This paper * All the mouse and Chinese hamster cells were hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransfe-ase (HPRT) deficient and grew as adherent fibroblasts. The mouse cell line P G I 9 and hybrid cell lines D U R 4, H O R P 9, H O R P I 4 , CTP34 and CTP41 were obtained from Dr W. Bodmer's group at Oxford University, courtesy of Dr E. Jones and Dr E. Solomon. These five hybrid lines were cultured in R P M I I64o medium containing H A T (hypoxanthine, 13-6/zg/ml ; aminopterin, o'19#g/ml; and thymidine, 3"9 #g/ml) with 1 o ~ FBS. A further 37 hybrid clones, HL6 to 42 and HL43 to 64, were derived in two experiments from fusion between a normal diploid embryo fibroblast (HEF) cell line, derived from skin and muscle of an aborted female embryo, and the mouse line L-A9, which is deficient in both adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) and H P R T (Cox et al. I972; Tischfield & Ruddle, I974). Hybrid clones were selected after fusion of io 5 H E F and Io 6 L-A9, mixed in a monolayer culture, with 5 o ~ (w/w) polyethylene glycol, mol. wt. 6ooo (Davidson & Gerald, I976) by culture in H a m ' s F I o medium containing H A T and ouabain (Io -5 M); these kill respectively, the L-A 9 and H E F parents, whilst hybrids between these cells are able to grow (Mankovitz et al. I974). Hybrid cell colonies were ring-cloned after 14 to 2I days at 37 °C, separately transferred to 3o mm plastic dishes and grown out to large numbers ( > ~on) in selection medium to establish hybrid cell lines (Table I). These were then routinely subcultured in B H K medium ( G M E M plus tryptose phosphate broth) containing I O ~ FBS with or without HAT. The human-Chinese hamster hybrids used were: 46.6. i, C h 3 and C123 (Table t). The latter two hybrids (obtained from Dr R. Buckland, M R C Clinical and Population Cytogenetics Unit, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh) were subclones of a parental hybrid containing human chromosomes 3, 5, 6, 8 9, ~o, i2, I4, 17, 2o, 2i, (22) X. All hybrids and Chinese hamster parental cell lines, E36 and Wg3h, were grown in H a m ' s F12 medium (Flow Laboratories) with added IO~o FBS, penicillin (2oo units/ml) and streptomycin (Too/zg/ml). Medium for growing hybrids was additionally supplemented with HAT. Random subclones of CTP34, HLI5, HL53 and 46.6. t were obtained by plating these hybrids at low cell density (I × IOa to 5 × IOa cells/too mm plastic dish) in R P M I I64O, or H a m ' s F I o or FI2 medium, with or without HAT, and ring-cloning colonies after Io to 2o days at 37 °C. Subclones are suffixed sc, for example, H L I 5 sc9. Diphtheria toxin resistant subclones of CTP34, H L I 5 and H L I 5 sc9 were selected by plating to 4 to IOn cells in appropriate growth medium containing H A T and diphtheria toxin (o-t Lf/ml). After ringcloning colonies of resistant cells, the resulting cultures were grown for several generations in the presence of the same concentration of diphtheria toxin and eventually subcultured in Downloaded from www.microbiologyresearch.org by IP: On: Sat, 01 Oct 2016 15:11:53 312 A. MEAGER AND OTHERS Table 2. Isozyme analyses* Enzyme Enolase- 1 (ENO1) Peptidase C (PEPC) Phosphoglucomutase-i (PGM1) Soluble malate dehydrogenase (MDHs) Soluble NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase (1CDs) Acid phosphatase (ACP0 Phosphoglucomutase-2 (PGM0 N-Acetylhexosaminidase ,6' (HEXfl) Soluble malic enzyme (MEs) fl-Glucuronidase (fl GUS) Adenylate kinase-1 (AK0 Adenylate kinase-3 (AK3) Soluble aconitase (ACON s) Soluble glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT s) Lactate dehydrogenase A (LDHA) Lactate dehydrogenase B (LDHB) Peptidase B (PEPB) Esterase D (ESD) Purine-nucleoside phosphorylase (NP) Mannosephosphate isomerase (MPI) Pyruvate kinase-3 (PKM~) Mitochondrial isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICDM) Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) Galactokinase (GALK) Peptidase A (PEPA) Glucosephosphate isomerase (GPI) Adenosine deaminase (ADA) Superoxide dismutase-A (SODA) Mitochondrial aconitase (ACONM) Diaphorase-1 (DIAO Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) EC no. Marker for human chromosome number 4.2.I.II I l I 2pt I. I. 1.42 2 q'~ 2.7.5-I 3.2. 1.3O 1.I.1.40 2p 4 5 q 6 7 9q 9P 9P 7 I.I.1.2 7 3.4.I1.- I0 11 12 12 3.I.i.1 13 2.4.2,1 2. 7 . I . 4 0 2.4.2. 7 14 I5 15 15 16 17 3.5.4-4 18 19 2o 1.15.I.1 21 22 I, 1.1-49 22 X I . I . 1.42 * The information in this table is derived from the Winnipeg Conference (1977). t P and q refer to the short and long arms of chromosomes, respectively. m e d i u m c o n t a i n i n g d i p h t h e r i a toxin at o.oI Lf/ml. These subclones are suffixed D T R , for example CTP34-DTR2. Interferon inductions. Interferon was induced in h u m a n , mouse and h a m s t e r cells and in h u m a n - m o u s e and h u m a n - h a m s t e r h y b r i d cells in confluent m o n o l a y e r cultures (I × Io ~ to I × IO7 cells in 5o or IOO m m plastic dishes) by infecting with N D V strain F ( I × I o - 4 H A U / cell) for I h at 37 °C. The virus fluids were then removed and the cultures i n c u b a t e d for a further 2o to 23 h in m a i n t e n a n c e m e d i u m (3 to 4 ml) which contained 2 ~ (v/v) FBS. T h e interferon-containing fluids were harvested and dialysed for 5 days at p H 2.o at 4 °C a n d 12 h at p H 7'o before assay. The h u m a n - m o u s e hybrids were also induced with (i) N D V strain Texas ( I o or Ioo p,f.u./cell) or (ii) Sendai virus (3 × to -4 H A U / c e l l ) . Interferon assays. H u m a n interferon was assayed in H E F cells, mouse interferon in L - A 9 cells and Chinese h a m s t e r interferon in Chinese h a m s t e r a3 cells. T h e assay was a modification o f the inhibition o f nucleic acid synthesis ( I N A S ) m e t h o d ( M c W i l l i a m et al. 1971) described fully for chick interferon by A t k i n s et al. 0974). The interferon titre is expressed as the reciprocal o f that dilution which reduced i n c o r p o r a t i o n o f label into virus R N A by 5o~o (INASs0). The research reference s t a n d a r d for h u m a n leucocyte interferon (69/I9), defined to Downloaded from www.microbiologyresearch.org by IP: On: Sat, 01 Oct 2016 15:11:53 Downloaded from www.microbiologyresearch.org by IP: On: Sat, 01 Oct 2016 15:11:53 15§ ] t6 . . . . . . . I400 o 0 °400 .7oo * The amounts of interferoninducedby NDV-F in parentalcell lines of human-mousehybridswere: HEF (human), 800 units/ml/xo° cells; L-A9(mouse), Ioooo units/ml/loncells; PGI9 (mouse),50000units/ml/IO6cells. i Top right sectionof boxes: human chromosomesare expressedas the percentageof each in the total number of metaphasefiguresanalysed.Lowerleft. section of boxes: isozymesare expressedas: +, present; 4-, trace amount; --, absent; NT, not tested. :l:Chromosomeidentificationonly. § Isozymeidentificationonly. FIAK~+AK3--. o ,4 ~ o 47300 ~ ~ N°E~'cr°~ ucer:4 _ ~ NTIS°+~ _~ NT~NT~_~ +~ +~ +~ +~ +~ _~ ~T~+ ~ 2500 lZ 96670 16 4.0 4200 315o HL57 4 ~Q +~NT~NT~-~NT~NT~ NT~- ~ ~ --~Q+ ~ - ~ - ~ +~ +~ - ~ --~ _+~+ ~ -~NT~-~ - ~ NT~NT~+~ +~NT~ NT~~[~ --~ + ~ +~ ~ + ~ +~ +~ + ~ +~ +~ +~ N~67T67 NT~+~ . HL42 5 \o I\o !\ . +~ ~T~oo~T~oo]\ i'~oo-+~ N~TO~T~- ~ NT~- ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ NT~NT~N~OT~O o ~ ~ ~ ~ HL2o 3 670 ZlO Interferonformed (units/ml/Io6cells) 17 18 I 19 zo zl 2z X Human Mouse HL15 5 + ~ + ~ ~T~NT~+~NT~+~ NT~+~ - ~ + ~ + ~ - ~ + ~ +~x +~ -+~ +~ +'+~+~ +~ - ~ +~ HL53 4 + ~ +~ ~T~.NT~+~ NT~NT~NT~+ ~ +~ + ~ +x~ _~ _ ~ +~ +~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Hybrid Humanchromosome~ cell line Passage number 1 2 I 3++ 4~ I 5 6 7 8:[ 9 1o I~ 12 13§ 14§ ND V-F induction* Table 3. Human chromosomes of primary human-mouse hybrid cell lines and their production of human and mouse interferons after taJ % ¢b ¢b ~° 314 A. M E A G E R A N D O T H E R S contain 5ooo standard units/mt, had a titre of 5ooo units in H E F by the INASs0 method. Similarly the research reference standard for mouse interferon (Goo2-9o2-o26) containing 6ooo units of activity, had a titre of 6ooo in L-A9 cells. H u m a n and mouse interferon titres are given in this paper in reference research units. Amounts of Chinese hamster interferon are expressed in arbitrary units. Diphtheria toxin sensitivity. Parental cells and hybrid clones were seeded into small glass vials and, when confluent, treated for 20 h at 37 °C with diphtheria toxin, Io -~ Lf/ml to lo Lf/ml in o'4 ml maintenance medium. Control and treated cultures were then incubated with 3H-leucine (l #Ci/vial) added in o.z ml PBS. After a further 3 h incubation at 37 °C the cell sheets were washed twice with 5 ~ (w/v) trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and once with absolute ethanol, dried, dissolved in o-I ml of Soluene (Packard Instruments) : toluene mixture 0 : z ) and counted in 2"5 ml acidified toluene scintiltant. Diphtheria toxin sensitivity is expressed as Lf/ml needed to give 5o ~ inhibition of protein synthesis. Antibody neutralization tests. Antibody dilutions were added to known concentrations of human interferon derived from leucocytes, fibroblasts (FS4 or HEF) or hybrids and were incubated for 2 h at 3o °C to allow neutralization. The interferon remaining after the antibody treatment was assayed in H E F cells as previously described. Antibody titres are expressed as the lOgl0 of the reciprocal of that antibody dilution which neutralized IO reference units of human interferon. Chromosome analyses. At or close to the passage levels used in interferon inductions, hybrid cell cultures were treated with colcemid (o. l #g/ml) for 2 to 4 h at 37 °C- Cells were then harvested by trypsinization and swollen in 25 ~o (v/v) FBS in water or o'o75 M-KCI at 37 °C for lo min. They were fixed using absolute ethanol/acetic acid (3: I) at 4 °C overnight, and suspended in fresh fixative. Drops were placed on wet glass microscope slides. The preparations were banded either by heating to 8o °C in Sorenson's buffer, pH 6"8, for 9o min (Bishun et al. 1975), or left for I week and trypsinized (Seabright, I97I). Banded metaphase chromosomes were stained with 7 ~ Giemsa or l ~ Leishmans. Fifteen to twenty-five metaphase figures were examined for each hybrid clone and photographed through a Reichart or Zeiss microscope. lsozyme analyses. The enzymes listed in Table 2 were used as markers for individual human chromosomes. They were tested by routine electrophoretic methods (Harris & Hopkinson, i976, I977) except that N-acetylhexosaminidase fl (HEX fl) was assessed by immunodiffusion (Swallow et al. 1977). RESULTS Production of interferon by human-mouse cell hybrids' Forty-two primary human-mouse hybrid cell lines were tested for human interferon production with viruses as inducers. Eight of these hybrids produced human interferon (Table 3) and could be grouped into two classes on the basis of the amounts formed in response to NDV-F: '(i) high p r o d u c e r s - p r o d u c i n g more than 2o0 units/ml/1o 8 cells, that is H L I 5 , HL53 and CTP34 and (ii) low producers - producing less than zo units/ml/1o 6 cells, that is HLzo, HL35, HL4u, HL57 and CTP41. Similar results, though lower titres, were obtained with the two other virus inducers NDV-Texas and Sendal virus. Both classes progressively lost the ability to produce human interferon on continued passage. All hybrid lines tested, both producers and non-producers of human interferon, produced mouse interferon in response to the three inducing viruses, NDV-Texas, N D V - F and Sendal virus. The amounts of mouse interferon produced by the hybrids varied but in general were much greater than the amounts of human interferon (Table 3); the mouse interferon produced no antivirat response in H E F cells. Downloaded from www.microbiologyresearch.org by IP: On: Sat, 01 Oct 2016 15:11:53 Genetics of human interferon 315 Table 4- Comparison of human interferons from leucocytes, fibroblasts and hybrid human- mouse cells." neutralization with antisera and activity on cat lung cells Antiviral activityi" in INASso assay on: Neutralization titre* with antiserum raised against : A f Source of interferon Leucocytes (P-IF) Fibroblasts (HEF cells) Fibroblasts (FS4 cells) Hybrid cells (i) CTP34 (ii) HL15 (iii) HL53 (iv) HL2o (v) HL57 Leucocyte interferon 5"3 3"5 3"5 3"3 3"3 3"5 3"5 3'5 ~ Fibroblast(FS4) interferon < 1.o 3"0 3-o 3-0 3-0 NT$ NT NT f- HEF (units/ml) 6300 3200 63o iz6 159 80 I z6 90 Cat lung cells (units/ml) 126oo < I00 < IO0 < IO < 10 <4 < IO <4 * Expressed as the log10of the reciprocal of that antibody dilution causing neutralization of approximately io reference research units of human interferon. l" Reciprocal of dilution at which Semliki Forest virus RNA synthesis was reduced to 50 ~ of the control value. $ Not tested. Characterization of human interferon made by hybrids The human interferons made by the eight hybrids were neutralized with sheep antileucocyte interferon in comparison with reference preparations of leucocyte and fibroblast interferons. The results are given in Table 4. Approximately Ioo-fold greater concentrations of anti-leucocyte interferon serum were required to neutralize fibroblast interferon than to neutralize leucocyte interferon. Human interferon made by the hybrid cells was neutralized by approximately the same concentration of antiserum as the control fibroblasts. Two of the hybrids, CTP34 which has a human lymphocyte parent, and HL15 which has a human fibroblast parent, were also tested with anti-fibroblast interferon. They also resembled the control fibroblasts in having human interferon which was neutralized by much lower concentrations of anti-fibroblast interferon serum than leucocyte interferon (Table 4). Further characterization of the interferon produced by the hybrid cells was made by comparing the response of human diploid cells and cat lung cells to the interferon. Cat lung cells are more sensitive to human leucocyte interferon than are human diploid fibroblasts, whereas the reverse is true for human fibroblast interferon (Desmyter & Stewart lI, I976). As shown in Table 4, interferons derived from the hybrid cells gave much higher antiviral titres in the human fibroblast line, HEF, than in cat lung cells and thus again resembled human fibroblast interferon. Karyotype and isozyme analysis of the primary hybrids Karyotypes of l I primary hybrids, including all the interferon-producing clones, were analysed on cells separated by two passages or less from the cells used in tests for interferon induction. Isozyme analyses were also made on cell extracts derived from 13 hybrids at the same passage level used for karyotype analysis. Human chromosomes 3, 4 and 8 were usually identified by chromosome banding procedures alone; chromosomes I3, 14 and I5 were identified by isozyme tests alone, because of their marked similarity to mouse chromosomes with the banding techniques used. The data are shown in Table 3. The three 'high producer' hybrid clones, CTP34, HLI5 and HL53, were shown to have many human chromosomes in common, and all contained chromosomes 2 and 5 in a high percentage of II VIR Downloaded from www.microbiologyresearch.org by IP: On: Sat, 01 Oct 2016 15:11:53 45 316 A. MEAGER AND OTHERS Table 5. Sensitivities of human-mouse cell hybrids and parent lines to diphtheria toxin* Cell line Parental Hybrid Human interferon production + HEF LA9 PGI9 - - - HLI5 HL53 HL8 HL54 CTP34 HL6o DUR4 HL42 HL24 HLlo HORP9 HL44 HL35 CTP41 HL6 HL2o HL57 HL22 HORPI4 Sensitivity to diphtheria toxin Lf/mlt o.oool 2 > IO 0'25 +(H) + (H) - - -+ (H) --+(L) ---÷(L) 4-(L) -~(L) F(L) - > > > > > Presence of HEX fl and/or chr. 5 + Mouse Mouse o'oolo o'ooJo 0"0025 o.oo32 0-0050 0"0063 0"0063 o'olo 0'020 0'050 0.050 0'063 0"32 0"80 l.o l.o I.o I'O I'o + q-~ NT ÷ 4- :l: ÷ + - - --~ --4---:~ --q-- * Abbreviations: H, high producer line; L, low producer; NT, not tested. t Concentration giving 5o ~ inhibition of protein synthesis. z~These hybrids were tested for HEX/3 after four passages beyond the passage when they were tested for diphtheria toxin sensitivity; induction of these later passage hybrids with NDV-F confirmed they were non-producers of human interferon. their cells. C h r o m o s o m e 9 was also present in these three hybrids but absent in all the lowand non-producers. Sensitivity of hybrids to diphtheria toxin The sensitivity to diphtheria toxin, measured in terms o f effects on protein synthesis, o f 19 hybrid clones and o f the parent h u m a n ( H E F ) and mouse (LA9 and P G [ 9 ) cells was c o m pared. H u m a n e m b r y o fibroblasts ( H E F ) were extremely sensitive to diphtheria toxin, whereas the m o u s e lines LA9 and P G t 9 were relatively insensitive (Table 5)- The sensitivities o f hybrids generally fell between those o f h u m a n and m o u s e cells. T h e r e was n o correlation between diphtheria toxin sensitivity and h u m a n interferon p r o d u c t i o n , t h o u g h diphtheria toxin sensitivity correlated well with the presence o f H EX [] a n d / o r c h r o m o s o m e 5. Diphtheria toxin-resistant subclones of primary hybrids Eleven subclones o f C T P 3 4 were isolated, after selection with diphtheria toxin in t w o separate experiments and were screened for h u m a n interferon p r o d u c t i o n using N D V - F as inducer. C T P 3 4 - D T R I and C T P 3 4 - D T R z to D T R I I were isolated on two different occasions. Seven o f the eleven subclones were high producers like the parental line; one was a low p r o d u c e r and three were n o n - p r o d u c e r s (Table 6). The h u m a n interferon p r o d u c e d was shown to be the fibroblast type o f interferon by a n t i b o d y neutralization tests (data n o t shown). K a r y o t y p e and isozyme analyses (data c o m b i n e d ) on these subclones (Table 6) showed that none contained c h r o m o s o m e 5- The three non-producers, C T P 3 4 - D T R 5 , - D T R 7 and - D T R 8 had also lost c h r o m o s o m e 9 in contrast to the high p r o d u c e r subclones Downloaded from www.microbiologyresearch.org by IP: On: Sat, 01 Oct 2016 15:11:53 Downloaded from www.microbiologyresearch.org by IP: On: Sat, 01 Oct 2016 15:11:53 DTR2 DTR3 DTR4 DTR5 DTR6 DTR7 DTR8 CTP34 CTP34 CTP34 CTP34 ~P34 CTP34 CTP34 + - DTRI i sc4 sc9 CTP34 CTP34 HLI5 HL53 + + + + + + -- - - -- -- -- -- -- - - -- --- + (_) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + --}- + + + + + I (--)i(--) + + + + - -- -- -- -- -- + + -b + + + + + + + + + - - -- - -- - -- --- -- - (_+)~_+) + (_+) - ( _ + ) + -- --- + + --b + + + i_+)§- + + + + ~+) - -,- + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - - -- -- - - - - -- - -- --- -- + + + + --k + + + + + + + + + + + + (_+) + + -- - + + -- -- - + + -- + + + + +~: + + + + + + + (+) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + -{- ( + ) + + + + + + + + + + * H u m a n i n t e r f e r o n i n d u c e d w i t h N D V - F a n d e x p r e s s e d a s u n i t s / m l / l o n cells. f Chromosome identification only. :~ I s o z y m e i d e n t i f i c a t i o n o n l y . § ( 4 - ) , C h r o m o s o m e p r e s e n t in less t h a n Io % m e t a p h a s e s e x a m i n e d o r t r a c e i s o z y m e a c t i v i t y . - sc3b HL53 - + sci4 sc3a HLI5 + -- + -- DTR9 -- DTRIo + -- CTP34 + -- CTP34 + + - + + + + - -- -- -- -- DTRI CTP34 Human chromosome "- + + + + - -- - - - -- - -- -- -- + - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - + + + + - + + + + + + + + + + + (+) (+) + + + + ~ o 45 9 I9O <2 238 256 740 o o 168 o 2t ~o6 445 740 830 Human interferon formed 1, (5), 7, 9, ( I 0 ) , I7, 18, 20, 22 (Io) l, 9, 0 5 ) , zo (7) 2, 9, I5, i 8 5 5, I 5 , ( I 8 ) 5, 15, 18 5,9 5,9 5, I5 5,(6),9, I5,(16),(X') 5, 6, (9), ~5, ( X ) 5 5 5, 15, t 8 - Human chromosomes segregated from parental hybrid Human chromosomes and human interferon production* by random and diphtheria toxin-resistant subclones of primary humanmouse hybrids Subclone 6. UFP34 Cell line Table 5" Downloaded from www.microbiologyresearch.org by IP: On: Sat, 01 Oct 2016 15:11:53 NT 46.6.I C123 + + + + + + + + + + + + + NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT - + AK',+ AKa + ACONs+ AKt+ AK3ACONs+ + + AKI+ AKz + + :AK~AK3 -+ AKI+ AK~ + + AKt+ AK3 + + AKt+ AK~+ AKI+wk + AK3 + wk + AKI+ AK8 + + AK~+ AK3 + + AK~+ AK3+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + -- + + + + + -- + + - -- - + NT NT NT NT I + + + NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NTNTNT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT + + + -- -- NT bit + + + + -- I N T N T N T N T -- NTI - NT'- NT NT NT NT - - - + + + + - + + + + qT NT NT + + + + NT NT + + NT NT NT NT NTINT NT qT NT NT'NT NT NT NTNT NT NT NT NT * Abbreviations: A K , , adenylate kinase-I ; AKa, adenylate kinase-3; A C O N s , soluble aconitase; NT, not tested; wk, weak. t Except for the parent hybrid 4 6 . 6 . I, the presence o f h u m a n c h r o m o s o m e s was tested by isozyme analyses alone. 1: Induced with N D V - F . § N o isozyme tests for c h r o m o s o m e s 3 a n d 8 h a d been developed when this work was carried out. II The X linked marker, h u m a n glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase ( G 6 P D ) was absent in 4 6 . 6 . l a n d its subclones. NT 46.6.* Cll 3 + + NT NT + NT + + NT NT + NT - + NT - + NT 46.6.I scl 46.6.I sc2 46.6.I sc3 46.6.1 sc 5 46.6.I sc7 46.6.t sc8 46.6.I sc9 46.6.I sclo + + _..._.x H u m a n chromosome]" + - - -- -- 0 I4O 7I I67 375 37 420 -- - 230 84 o Human 135 22 3Z 5° 25o 2oo 4O 5o0 200 5° ,o 100-200 Hamster Interferon formed~ ( u n i t s / m l / I O 6 cells) -- - - -II + (X; T) Human chromosomes and interferon production in human-Chinese hamster cell hybrids* 46.6.1 Hybrid cell line T a b l e 7. r~ 0 t'el > > t..O Genetics of human interferon 319 which had retained chromosome 9. The low producer subclones CTP34-DTR4 had lower levels of the marker enzymes for chromosome 9 (AK1 and AK3) thus suggesting the correlation between ability to produce human interferon and chromosome 9. A further 13 diphtheria toxin resistant subclones were established from H Lt5 and HL[ 5 sc9. These, however, were less informative than the CTP34-DTR subclones; eight of them retained the human HEX fl marker, although chromosome 5 was not identified by karyotype analysis, suggesting a translocation involving chromosome 5 in these hybrids. All these hybrids produced high levels of human interferon and contained chromosome 9 isozyme markers, AK1 and AKz, with one exception; this non-producer (HLI5 sc9 D T R I ) had lost HEX fl and also chromosomes 5, 6, 9, TI, 12 and [6. Random subclones of primary hybrids Twenty randomly selected subclones derived from the high producer hybrids, that is CTP34, HLI5 and HL53 were induced with NDV-F (Table 6). Only three low producer/ non-producer subclones were identified. Five subclones were analysed in detail (Table 6). The only chromosome lost from the low producer/non-producer subclones which was common to all three subclones [CTP34 sc4, HLI5 sct4 and HL53 sc3b (passage 6)] was chromosome 9. Human-Chinese hamster hybrids and their subclones A human-Chinese hamster hybrid, 46.6. I, containing human chromosomes 5 and 9 among others, but lacking chromosome 2, produced human interferon after induction with NDV-F (Table 7). This behaved as human fibroblast interferon in neutralization tests with specific anti-interferon antisera and when assayed on heterologous cells (data not shown). Chinese hamster interferon was also induced in the hybrid (Table 7), although the parental line E36 was relatively poorly inducible, yielding only 4 to Io units/ml/~o 8 cells. From eight subclones of 46.6. I it was found that one, sci, had lost the capacity to produce human interferon (Table 7) and it was found that it had also lost chromosome 9 isozyme markers, AK1 and AKa, whereas the chromosome 5 isozyme marker, HEX/~ was retained. All the remaining seven subclones which produced human interferon retained both chromosome 5 and 9 isozyme markers, though the 9 isozyme markers were weak in the subclone, sc7, which produced the least human interferon. Two further human-Chinese hamster hybrids (Ch 3 and C123), known to be very similar in their complement of chromosomes were induced with NDV-F. Only Clr3 produced human interferon (Table 7) which was shown with specific anti-interferon antisera to be predominantly fibroblast. Both Ch3 and C123 produced small amounts of Chinese hamster interferon (Table 7), although the parental Chinese hamster cell line, Wg3h, of these hybrids could not be induced to form hamster interferon. Isozyme analysis showed that C123 differed from Clt3 only in that the markers AK3 and aconitase (ACONs) for the short-arm of human chromosome 9 were lost (Table 7). DISCUSSION We have found that the human interferon produced by our human-mouse hybrids was of the fibroblast type irrespective of whether the human cell parent was of lymphoid (CTP34 series) or fibroblast (HL series) origin. The response of the interferon-producing system of the hybrid cells to virus inducers thus appears to be controlled by the mouse fibroblast cell parent. Knight (I976) has recently shown that human fibroblast interferon is a monomeric glycoprotein of mol. wt. 24ooo. This indicates that a single structural gene codes for the interferon polypeptide, though the products of other genes are probably responsible for the posttranslational glycosylation. In order to analyse the segregation of interferon production and Downloaded from www.microbiologyresearch.org by IP: On: Sat, 01 Oct 2016 15:11:53 320 A. M E A G E R A N D O T H E R S the human chromosomes it is necessary to take into account that the human interferon assay is considerably more sensitive than the karyotype and isozyme analytical tests and is therefore capable of detecting interferon produced by a small minority population of cells within a culture. We therefore only considered as producers those hybrids which yielded more than 2o units/ml/to 6 cells (about 5~o of the yield of high producers) as this corresponds to the greatest sensitivity expected of the karyotype and enzyme analysis. From Tables 3 and 6 it can be seen that, using this criterion, chromosomes t to 8, IO to 22 and X can be excluded as candidates for the localization of a single gene coding for interferon. Analysis of the hybrid subclones shows also that interferon production does not correlate with the presence of chromosomes 2 and 5 together. However, the data are compatible with the assignment of a single gene to chromosome 9. Our data are difficult to reconcile with those of previous authors. Tan et al. (1974) did not find chromosome 9 in any of their hybrids. However, all the hybrids studied by Tan et al. 0974) and also by Morgan & Faik 0977) produced relatively little human interferon compared with those in our study, which may have been produced by a subpopulation of cells which did contain chromosome 9Tan (1977) recently published data based on studies with human aneuploid cells from which he suggests that the assignment of the interferon gene to the long-arm of chromosome 5 has been confirmed. He isolated cells containing multiple copies of the short- and longarms of chromosome 5 present in aberrant 'marker' chromosomes, and found that only those cells which have more long-arms than short-arms make high levels of interferon. However, the karyotype analysis of these cells has shown them to contain many other aberrant 'marker' chromosomes and these could contain genes that have an effect on interferon production. The results obtained from our CTP34 D T R subclones which have lost chromosome 5 but still produce large amounts of human interferon suggest that this chromosome contains neither structural nor regulatory genes for human interferon, though we cannot exclude a translocation involving a small section of chromosome 5- To date, we cannot rule out involvement of chromosome 2 in human interferon production in h u m a n - m o u s e hybrids, since chromosome 2 occurs in all the hybrids which produce human interferon. However, in agreement with Morgan & Faik (z977), we found that chromosome 2 is not required for human interferon production by human-Chinese hamster hybrids. In conclusion, analysis of our human-rodent hybrids has provided evidence for the assignment of the human fibroblast interferon structural gene, IfF, to chromosome 9. Data from the human-Chinese hamster hybrid C123 and the human-mouse hybrid HL42 (Table 3 and 7) indicate that l f F may be located on the short-arm of chromosome 9, since no AKa could be detected in these hybrids and this is coded for by a gene believed to be on the short-arm (Winnipeg Conference, I977). We thank the Medical Research Council for programme grant support and for support for J.R.W. We are also grateful to Dr E. Jones, Dr E. Solomon and Dr R. Buckland for supplying some of the cell hybrids used in this study, and Ms Lorraine Evans and Mr S. Jeremiah for technical assistance. REFERENCES ATK1NS, G. J., JOHNSTON, M. D., WESTMACOTT,L. M. & BURKE, D. C. 0974). Induction of interferon in chick cells by temperature-sensitive mutants of Sindbis virus. Journal of General Virology 25, 381-39o. BISHUN, N. 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