For Information: Sue Pondrom News Bureau Manager (6r_e) 5s4-8133 #o22L9L-2 New England Journal Embargo: After 6 p.m. (Eastern Feb. 20, L99L Tirne) NEW TREATIIENT FOR GENETIC DISEASE CITED IDI NEW ENGI,AND 'IOURNAI, Scripps Clinic Pbysician is lrtenber of Researeh Team LA JOLLA, Journal CALIF. of Medicine international study treatment of disorder Feb. reports of Scripps studying some 250 to C1inic successful in boys, Prognosis has previously treatment, some children a 13-center disease a (cGD), the genetic was John T. curnutte, also who has specialized some girls, in in ccD usuarly the first but with agressive into their been poor, M.D., 19 years. for within are of garnma for Foundation, but apparent results New England hurnan interferon investigators CGD patients seen prinariry week's 4OO Americans. and Research and treating becomes crinically the This aranulomatous one of the principar of L99L recombinant chronic affecting 20, now living two years of life. antibiotic early twenties or thirties. The one-year England times a Journal found week reduced prolonged infections, effective in the study reported that 25 were seen at Feb. of frequency interval and well-tolerated study, the injections the the in 2L issue interferon and severity between infections, therapy Scripps for CGD. Clinic. Of the of the New garnma three of serious and was an 128 patients PAEE 2 -- IIEW ENGIJAND i'OURNAIJ STUDY rrThe disease frequent, Iiver or disease infections kidneysr rr Curnutte can lead in rrf in a within the fungar pneumonia. first weeks of the notice severe who girl as the lungs, from two years first infections rn just are cranky the of life that are with an ear about big time pneumonia r saw a baby different times rwho, continued, in the newborn nursery, December, three Alabama, rf he from from within developed ohio the who had first six life.rl her resident baby during take his my handrtr his Rosa Garcia year first who couldn't noticed of temperaturer' r something was wrong life. seemed to have a very could high feer fever. r didntt how hot his even head was she remernbers. When he was 18 months old, child fight rl liver. baby rrRamon arways with such to rfComplications within few days of life Chula Vista need to organs rrWe're talking said. pneumonia developed with children the recall inability and children. arentt abscesses vital an explained. physicians and by death.It rr Curnutte infection, to diagnosed babies rrThese or to usually parents unusual characterized serious CGD is when is diagnose had a serious she took the cause. lung hirn to a series One physician infection. within of doctors discovered a short time, that the the lung take out collapsed. [A doctor his lungr tr Garcia one diagnosed Two years antibiotic other told me he had cancer said. I took hirn to have to other doctors and CGD.rl old treatment, serious rrl,uckily and theytd by this which infections time, Ramon hras irnrnediately saved his over the lung years. and helped hin put on cope with PAGE 3 -- NEI9 EIIGIJAIID {'OURNAIJ STUDY In 1988, portion of nearly nine-year-old the Iives qanma studies interferon infection-free, Ramon entered his as any normal child, mother while the Scripps and since says. then He attends continuing on his Clinic has been school and ganma interferon therapy. rrRamon and the to Scripps taught Clinic them or other for 24 children we saw during a week while parents their we verified how to inject the the the study came diagnosis and drugrfr curnutte said. ganma needs to The interferon three times the drug a week, be injected thigh rrwetre not, certain indefinitely. can be stopped in the without loosing its beneficial or arm when or effects, if tt he added. Now that plans the further 13-center studies of test of the drug has garnma with interferon ended, Curnutte an additional 25 to 3O patients. side the rrwetll follow effects, if drug's biochemistry cells to of saw his doctors a look diseases in he continued researcher, he ganma works, that over his was long-term will benefit.rl L972 while the research physician, a the the mechanism of how interferon university. As at arso study ccD patient Harvard f was an intern I had developed were Since as to he he was a years, as he on the blood specialized awarded an in additional biocheuristry. rrBy the time in Boston, at patients. and in trwetlr additional first become a doctor, ccD months we can discover identify major pediatrics, doctorate If to curnutte six anyrt' he said. action. we may be able studied them every sending L979, hets their at Massachusetts a reputation cases seen close to for General work with Hospitat CGD patients; merr he said. to 60 patients from throughout the PAGE 4 -- united NE]r ENGIJAIID iTOI'R}IAIJ STUDY states, with trccD is longer a lives most of chronic of given the have infections, and within of CGD so at scripps condition, patients for antibiotics aware those us that but crinic two factors disease, rr he the abirity recent years children are to since have some very more physicians getting red to trrmproved said. treat 1986. have antibiotic nasty become treatment sooner.ll ganma, Interferon appears to he underlying defect. At for with clinical antibiotics, improvement therers no reversar now of CGD of the rl Clinic, Clinical along rHowever, Curnutte and Experimental General funded therapy continued. Scripps Molecular rfbest be the patientsrrr administered a member of Medicine Research by the National is Center, Institutes the and associat,e one of Department director 78 centers of Health to provide of of the nationwide experimental therapies. In Young June, Investigator Inflammation Last use L99o, of therapy for Curnutte Award his December, rrappears to research the marketed the the body, by Genentech, with the International on chronic form the of white granulomatous rnc., for cerrsr ganma is san Francisco, technology. ### on disease. approved CGD, noting that the the effectiveness., irnmune-enhancing interferon Outstanding Congress Food and Drug Adninistration boost A bioengineered in from gallma as a treatment interferon naturarly was presented substance deveroped, using produced produced recombinant and DNA