SALEM, DAILY OAIITAI, JOUB2M WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER OBEQON, vs prvi wm 22, 1005. LET YOUR GOVERNOR COUNCIL STOP, WOMAN! APPOINTS GRANTS HAILEY BOTH x Not Try to Drive and Fores t Work When It Is Not Able . Will Suffer All tho More Do AND CONSIDER TUB FACT Si a ur VftKW n woman a woman whose experiIlia The kind Hint grows with your library that that will fit practically any spocc by one a tlmo at unit can bo moved one nerson without disturbing tho books that Is n. act leal, artistic and the only perfect sectional g bookcase made. Fitted with doors; base units furnished with or without drawers; and all made In a vatfoly of woods and finishes adapted to any surroundings. Call and see them or send for catalog 103 with Interior views showing arrangement In library, parlor, etc. g, minority, under tho leadoraalp of nor, at onee otartedi la to JUiboeter, mt wae oqnoleaod by tho mayor, who announced that bo would not eUnd for any joekoying. " Tea will either tmoa or rr wc joet thw ordmaiioe," ko (Holered, monot to ana 4o bWneea, bore to are roller-bearin- After thai, it waa only n mailer of making the required MwtioM nmt oount lag tke veto, oaok ballot reeultlng B lo S In favor of tke erlnanee. A petition etgwed by a long Hat of bnolnoiM men aol palrono ef tke prawn and writing tkat tke franckiee b grantod, wae road to tke eounoll. Twom voting for tke erdtnaaee were llayno, Oknreblll OrooMn. Aoaoeoa, Downdng, Ooodalo, Praaior, Jaooba and were SlMlfo. Taoeo voting again Raker, Ooaaor, llagkoa, lioaoloK ami baoiaoM of the evening in detail wna no foltowat TWo ordlnaaoo eemenlUee reported fa vorably upon the railway ordlnaaoo aa am ended. Tho report waa adopted, lb ordlnaaoo pmeod up It third reading, and panned wtttmut a dieoeallag vol. A eommwnlealloa waa Toad from the Woman 'a Club, in wWUk Woy noko-- l that tke elty eeoaeU take ovor tke II brary wklok tke mdoa kave oMaldtoked and eoaduot tke en mo kercaftar aa a elty library. A eommlttee from the Woman' Otnb wan preeeat, and nt tke aawgoatlon of tke mayor, Mm. A. T. Ve ooaaell. tke KeUIWer addreonod ealdt "I ooma not kere to talk, but neer-tkele1 will prooeodi ta do ae, "We d not want ta turn tkia library over to you Wcanee It la a failure, but lmeaime it kaa boeome Mtok a aaoeow tkat we cannot kandle It longer." wt f m or-'.- lo et tami 0o Pester-MUbur- ee c?o'9o aTssmm pssBmsmapsoai A by-draa- t. IVIan r IF THE WOMEN hu-dro- Salem State Bank E. W. HAZARD, Casta e, returned home oa last night's late e AdMOAfl. i ct The Business pes-aibl- oat-tin- g la-low- &&& ps ho - ly Dysperbdn Stuart's Tsl!ts H in natural way lecauo thv r !tis au the natural ol omenta of 1e gaum joists aad other digestive fluibj f fc 's wto stoma oh. It makes no eoadMoa the stomach i m, tW p right ahead' of their own sord i dw their work. They know 1hir ktC aces nadi surrounding Mbitiss mm Ti ttu laduaaco them in tho roMcva Oho weak otamah vt nil iuh t doaa and gly It k mur-and porarft li to become treg mi heal thy, Stuart's Dyapopcia TaMrts ar h t S twU a Va. anie by nil druggiot They are so wcH known snJ tk jMtularity is so great that a drtojta would aa soew thiak of lrpg est a" alcohol or quinine an of thtn. Ia h phyolalana aro proeorlblng then U ovor tho mmlt nad1 if your uwa ddu will teUja la real hoasot wink you, fraaWy that hhoro ia nothing on ho good for dyspepsia aa Stusrt'i Dp popaU Tablets. gUn&JvjA&JJ a w bfp Wttlk vow ttBBBBSriftssVlsBBBt sssress A tlhcl oa Soakh Ocmmeralal sireet, to serve at esjsjvTsa e fi por The s sfo 4a. bilhi ware foMowing paidii W. YamclM O. U i-- T. Oa. Vf. U. nswfharott C. L. & T. Oe, K. M. WaaV k Oa. A. Wiggiua a r. $ 4.M , aa.70 IM .,. !'. hW Son Lost Mother. runs In our fsnaj "Consumption and through it I tort wy moth' writes H. B. Bold of Hsrmosy, "Per the past five yeara, bowfK,OsMa the slightest sign ef a Cough or I have token Dr. Klag's Xr cevcry for Consumption, wfeUh W saved mo from serious lung trosou. His mother's death was a aJ Mr. Beld, but ko learned that k treuble roust net be nsg!tl. w . . uJ K .1.1 .!1 new to euro it. iuieawiv im r" cure fer oeuehs aad colds, Pri' and Ol.OOj guaranteed, at J. C P"7 Drug Store. Trial bottle U lol 1 3.M MO MS 1S1J9 SM KM M W. Long W. IL Byaw Bom R. Maofoa 1-- Oa. WlUiame & dosser L. & T. Oe B. Ml Wade & Oa. 3.M UM MSI S.7S a lfi.4f M Va. Ne. No. 7 6 S 10.00 10.00 12.00 No. No. No. No, A 6L00 J:. Day The S i. 1 njoy Life Good health makes pood JL had a toW& lure. Tf even-finstomach there would be no peI)0 "J ssimists in the world a or allow a weak stomach joy liver to rob you of the living. Take Ohomawa football team surthe natives la Portland yesterday by nestang the famous Sher man Indiana of OaUforaia down to the sssUtt scare of S to 0, The Southern Idwaa had tho advaatago ia speed and weight, but she SfdomMd indtviaV ual dofoace of the Chemawa braves waa ocrtolaiy a revelation. Whoa it is remembered that the Sherman Indiana sad Multnomah play-a- d a tie game hut Saturday, it will be aeea that the game in this elty on Thanksgiving between Willamette and Ohemaws, will be aa interesting one. Virgil Bari, f the University of Oregan, has beea coaching tho Chemawa ,tea, and thoy are very Mpidiy adopting aad taking advantage f the suggestions give them. They are epecdy, gritty players, but heretofore have been handicapped by the laek of a UM prised 410 Demuiaf The Latter Team Meets Willamette Here ThanKs-givin- g 8.00 K Barns Two Dollars a Year. Prtkt Dillon, Moat., Nov. Franklin, sued Si. waa sent. '4 i morning to tho poaitcntiarv for jears, for the theft of Hl turn Oattagee, a Moxioan. e M.9I J. N. SUrr WU-.J..W-P,.- M C.00 140.1 m. T. Mncvia board, beard, board board, board, BteetioB beard Bleetioa boaid, J. C. Marsh SHERMAN BEATS CHEMAWA ?t.8T ...... Salem Wator Oe, dapital Drug Oa. Statosmaa Puk Oa. W. P. Ooorfo W. P. Ooorga O. P. Royal Aug. Kohrbergor Baker & Lawrence O. 1. SpaaUIng On. & P. MeOreekaa Cap, Improve gaj On. Bieetie Bleetioa BlecUea Bteotioa Bleotlon ordered 8.00 10.00 18.00 06.S0 2.50 coach. ti n tl I' t! ilift-rfQ- y '' CASTOR side-ste- 1!M-t- ex-Jud- tab. emaslcj grt 's ! I . k. u i from now. The appointment of Ilnlley wne not surprise, ecmddWIng temt an a unoAclal aaaouiwomeat of the fact had been mada yesterday. By naming saccosaor wilkoul domy, GovaM ernor Chamberlain upon made bo refMosts that might supreme new a of him In tke selection court justice Letters wore already beginning to Mow into tke execMttvs office, but, witk tke nnaounoement of tke tho flood M oxncciod to , tho work of yoar atonmni f,,f ,,, M digoot your food juot m nr Vnmu uoed to wkan It waa wt m prove this by pasting .ur fvi ,,, giasu jar with one of ti .U, M BUfHcieat water and you u food dtgeiodi in juot t!- - uM dlgootlvo lluldu of I'rt rtxaei vfwtM do it. Tkat will i!ifr j mind. Now, to miisf Mh r mind ami Iwdy take ot of Dyapopam, Tablets after n'g-M- t and what ymt wamV-a- n'1 will tti In your mind1 that your fvl li Uh dtgeotojd beoauoe you will fed m turbame or wmght In "T (tonus; in fact, you wiM forget 11 nbotrt sui HJ ing a stomach, just ae m nr pirL you woro a kealtky - Ie She taea praeeedad U give detailed nUtomealfi regarding tke eoadltloa of the library, and aubatlttod a budget, in A0 llBilMrr ltl9Wn wfcUk t coot nt of 1M0 a Hnuinod per year. Tho comma nl oat loa waa referred ta tke oommUtso on ways aad meaim, w4tk IneiruoUaaa W report at Um next regular meetiag. Tho commute oa Nro aad water was autkarlaod to purchase 100 baeaokt of oais for Vbo uee af the nro department. The street commit too rseonim ended thai aha street eematUeiauor be ta clean the mad from the stroota in the hunlawa portion of the elty, bat no action waa The sowar eeauattieo reported tkat tho now sowar la Onrtwrigkt's adsl- - Ohalrmaa Praaior, of the anmailMes ea health aad police, seated that ho had InsrooUojatod the Dimmers stack yards near tho depot, and' that ho had found them ia good) ooadltioa. Not a (MrfAlod, waor olooota ami owo aU bat a public aoeoaeHy, and niilaaaso, , rowovod torn diloo mm! orookji la Ma motion to net take favorable aciioa proportgr will advaaojo atatorlally upeo the oommualoatiea was carried I m tity. TWo oaiUi7 hU ovor unanimously. of a elly la too aioot vital oad lo For Infouts and Children. The nY am water committee waa )MrtMNt of aU propoaitloao eoaaootod Bought (ha Have You Kind Always ed ta parooaee ami laotall the wltk il, aad aWouM roooivo Urot atloa-tioa- . aa per report. hydiaata, four TAXt'AYKlt. Dears the The sommlKoe am reported faer-abl- y ftljjuaturo of u)toa the Stoltx ietltioa for a and aald that tho water cam pan,' Ma pro mm en o imy a ax-i- e Is rare Indeed wko does net recline main to that pkoc Tho hydrant will Hepburn tells what he wants. the advantage of keeping a bank be locate) at the corner of Summer and Hep-baaeceuni. Yet while aware of the Washington, Nov. lt-oa- atr Mill streets. benefits many men hesitate to open eailml oa m Proetdwo today, aad rosoimaondod Thome g Harrison Hart-let- t tin account because tkoy think for rcgeetor of ta land omoe at their traumatica arc not large The Lewiaseu, Idaao, vice Weot, removed, Who suffer every mouth from allmenta enough. Tkey are la error. man of ia tke for systom banking lie ahw roooauaoMded Adlloa T. Smith peculiar to their ex would only take for iatenml rovoauo collector for the an occasional dose of Ilostettor's Stoin-ao- a small moans as well as large afdistrict of Idaho, Utah and Montana. fairs. Blttera they would and their varTIIB SALBM S'SATB BANK, ious organ strengthened and better Among the Stan, la at tke service of every one. It able to perform their proper funcA large number of the members of will open an account just as willingtions. ly with the man ef small means as Brasilia Chapter, Order of the Bustera HOSTETTER'S with tho capitalist. If you have Star, of Albany, vlcited their sisters of the Ohadwick Chapter, ia this city been hesitating, don't do it any STOMACH BITTERS longer. Start aa aeoount today, yesterday. There were 96 visitors in all and they were entertained royally Is sew being taken, exclusively by even if It is only with one dollar. by tho members of the leoal chapter. of women, who freely testify to A banquet, with a menu of both eat its wonderful efficacy in easvs ef Bask-achbloc and talkablos, was the chief event Cramps, Vomiting, Dizziness, L. K. PAGE, President of tho program. The Albany guests Ooetivonoaa or Indigestion. Try a ldi-tto- a It want do Ha work Stuart's Dyspepsia Ti'T probably not later than a week Wei-vortoa- Tho oaaaibte w ,n to lot th M,h t to nad employ ; ;i,Mitntu difficultly ia l, TWo' The moot Important mat. DoMi'a Kldaej- - IMIU will de tkU fer tor that came up at laet night's council yoo. YTM tho petition olgned by tit 8ule TWo watok tke kldaea and ereJ MUW, Woolen Bale Mooring Mill On., wkoa yoo 're idok. tkeH 0alcm Scop Wtotory, Mr. rreelandv Olof JokaMH, Yvko I a Rardener by Preseatt, KurU k lea, J. Ooaner uud ooowpaUoH, HvIhr at tke eoraer ef IStk neveml otberu, nil property ewnem, to aad II dtreoti, Nortk Balem, aayai atop the sewage going lto the MiU "Kidney eoHtdalat l no new tlitn to race. we. I kave Ue lotkorel off and en The elestne ruau fiitehlee, now for toaor twelve yoarR. I did net nutter erdlueuoe, puvluej of the street, people ao rnaok from baekaeke a bo gruatod and Nil of which- nbouW oemplalnt, but kidney wko do kave dUOC, ItfV 1MltffflMt Mid Of MlHOr tke prlaelpa! nnneyanee waa n weak-notaUOO, Compared tO the Stopping of wkltk ef tke kldaey that ran tram oeo end wa botk that open aKKravatlNg. aad dWreBK of the tew U the other a inter wa a aealdlax nenMiUea in ! U ben why breeder nad deathtrap, and like aedl ing, and a heavy briek-dua- t Imcn allowed the object luhabllaal sna-nin tke Btandlag after meat nuower. It .ebouU be stopped nt of attache kad nlgkt. I voMl ever asm. It cost Um town nothing to do WWW m mmm nnn w.n..m mj It, and tW property owners ulone; she blurring w,oatd appoar before my cyee atop council should ditch want it. Tito could scarcely ace. I tried nnmer-oa- i open and I tWo sewage being ran into aay remedlM, but all In vain, uatil I 44tok or orook running Into or through Doaa'e Kldaey PI1U hlgkly aaw audent tWo city. There hi nothing for jut auek trcnblea and today that U m uaaeeeary or Important at Dr. Stoae'a drag tkem pracurotl aa ito naaltary condition, nod It should Ntorc New, I don't want to tell tho bo uttoadod U at ouea. Diphtheria people something tkat ia net true, but and typhoid favor wo In Solam nearly I will aay tkat in all wy experience nil Oho year around. Thar with doctors' prescriptions and differ Hop Umoo epea MWOTO eastity of eat kidney remedies netklng has given hN ovor Um town. Mid Salem will bo an me tke amount ef relief tkat I have healthy h oHjr ac there w o too 1 from Dean's Kidney Pills." received etuc count. Septic taako arc cheap, and by all dealers. Prise 60 sale Per for a weal Ifnuttly ro ali riht. a Co., Buffalo, seats. carta only $10j for two families M New York, ele agents fer tke United for WW a dwnn fnwolloi, or a wWolo States, ItWok, from M to 140, and ao ooo m tke name Dean 'a aad Xemember om )wt oa U your proportjr U worik no ether. take IA to M por oom4 woro, aod ao 100a a bolaf tho watoM aro atoppot mr through. Justice llallay will hold cmlco until the second; Monday la January, 100T, or for about one year ami five week. He will not, of course, uooume hie duties en tke supremo court beach until Judge Wolverton kaa resigned and qualified aa judge of tke federal court. Owing to tho long vacancy oa Ike Oregon federal bench, the naeumpMoa of Ike judgeship by Wolvertou 1c being kaetencd no much no possible by tke Washington authorities, so It m very probable that by tho first of December Halley wilt kave take kls pmce among tho Oregon supremo court re wevtouc with a In eeardancc judsjoe. Savage Chief Fire council, quest of the Thomas G. Halley Is joet poet 10 Hied a written report of the rceoat arc After making a detailed! account of tke years of ago. He U a native of Ore, Nro, and tho manner in wklck It waa gon, having Wea born at La, Grande, handled, ho stated that, inaamwsh ns July 13, 1$. Hie father, John Hacley, iniCHKe kad bcoa some erttlelem of tke operated stage lines from Tho Dalles way in wklck tke nro waa handled, ke to Central Idaho In the early days, am) would rcquoMt tkat a committee from after the O. It, fc N. waa built gave the eounoll be appelated ta Investigate vp staging and moved to Boise, where the son waa educated In she common the mailer. In 1804 Mr. Halley came to Alderman Ooodalo moved that a and waa employed aa clerk Pendleton, In eommlttee of throe be appointed ettee of Cox & Minor for a law la tke recommendareport with the year. He afterward attended Wash tion contained in the report The moington Untveroitly, Lexington, aad tion carried and Oeodalc, Jacob ami Va., graduating from Ike law doparb-moa- t Churchill woro appointed aa sac eom11B0. He In returned to Poadla-to- a mlttee. being now assopraetseed ami laws Oh motion of Owner, the Arc and Lowell. with ciated adwater oommlMoe was authorised to In ISM he was appointed deputy disvurti tit bide far tho supplying of trict attorney for the sixth judicial dis I nad not mare than 18 arc hydrants. trict, serving uatil tke and of tke term. Those will bo used la t enlacing the 1000 ko defeated James A. In old one, which arc oat of data, and nil attorney. dletrtot Foe Mr. for Halley but out of samniUsUa. waa mayor of Pendleton from 1001 to Tho communication of J. X. taenia, 100. Ho ia at present a member of the in which ho asked pormweloa t con- PomUotoa school board. struct a drain from his laundry in North Salem, was rof arret) to the sewer com- Many Useful Articles. Tho petition of at Mekorlea, to have Suitable far Xmes gifts oa saU,.FH-dabU liooace cover tho sale of liquor In evening, November Sit, at the both salon ami cafe, was amended, Prasbytortaa ehufojh. s0'ffssa'W o OWOtJJSu oat tho cafe, aad as amended from to 8 p, nC oasjeauW'eBBBjHssf JHlllM SMe candies oa sale. lalmoo. 8aln Headers rutaro Trouble. WaUk tke kldaejr oooretloas. Boo tkat tkor Wart Um amber kite of koaltk. TWo dVNrM not oxooMlve or lafre tooat. Coatala ho "Uriek dooMtke nedi ltd-pO- ' nkey." DVBU WATOIITUTj. m. Journal t to tho questions and probabJy examinations of even their family phvaician. Itlsunneoeosary. Without money or price you oan consult woman whoso knowledge from actual experience ia great. Mra. Plnklinm'o Stondlng Invltntlon, Women suffering from any form of fMttmln woaknoaanra invltotl to promptly communicate with Mrs. Plnkham, nt Lynn, Maes. All letters nro received, opened, read and answered by women only. A woman oan freely talk of her private lllneas to n woman; thus has been oatablUhed theoternntoouildenee between Mrs. Plnkhiun nud the women of America which has never been broken. Out ot tho vast volume of oxperlonoo which alio hns to draw from, It ia wore than possible that aha has gameu vmb very khowiwikjb mm. wm help your oaae. 8he naka notltlng in and her return except your good-wiladvleo has relieved thousands. Hurely any woman, rich or poor, is very foolish If she doea not take advantage of this generous offer of assistance. If you are 111. don't heelUio to get a bottle of r.ydln K. IMnkham's Vegetable Compound at once, and write Mrs. link-haLynn. Mass., for special advice. When a medicine haa been suoooesf ul In reatortng to health ao many women, you cannot well aay, without trying It, " 1 do not botlevo It will help me." eom-jma- A LttUa Oara Will 8avo Many e e, BUREN &HAMILTON Ageats WANTS SEWAGE CONTROLLED t( All TMFH be-oan- , rl Thomas O. Haifey, of Pendleton, will tho spat on the supreme bench, to be iKtrd by Justice Wolverton, who will wffgUfjM I come federal judge for the district Orpjfon. After a eoaferoaee with Jus-hoWolverton this morning, Governor riiamberlaln made the nnnounccment. The retiring jaUoo told tho governor doea not under-- , stand simply rhat he hut received' advices from be la a man Washington that he wne expected to Uuiiv women In alienee and drift along from tnkc up the duties of tho federal judgefriende of the other aUempted to take auflfer to worse, knowing lull well uia ship ns soon aa possible, which would bad tho ordinance from the tabU, a etorm tbev ought to have immediate anoint-Mtebe Immediately after the receipt of hi Too faetionn but a natural modesty impels Immodialoly threatened. them-selve- s eommieston, nad after ho had qtiall-liethem l ahrlnk from exposing Qe n LASTICWOflKCASE non-bindin- 1 BKftm ence with women's dlseaeos oorora a great many years. You oan talk freely to a woman when It la revolting to relate your private trou bles to a man besides a man The city fathers "got busy" lattt fHgkt, Mid wlioa tho siitoko bad eloarcd that the elty of Rway it waa fH franekiee to tbf a granted1 had Salem Willamette Valley Itailwny Comimny, alto on to the Home Aatomatto Trie pkoNO Company, and traiwaeted a lot of other ImeiBoei. The firot franokloo woo fraatod withthe out aay oppooltioa, lmt who u You oamwt affort to fr( ,urM aoh as some mtt trent . forso, driva or even slan, it ,Bl) ing work at which It tj. Th k aeh Is a imtleiH and f u'l.fui ami1 will standi much i u.. ftft) a trentiwawt before It Mil!, " i,t , it iiuvb yvw nmi lienor j; "' 1',, and not attempt to ttink" ' "k So peoiito havo the mlmiV, l hlrey can nmko tbcfr irt.u. Workfcj starving thanwotvos. T the stomach that wm f " m laba so long that thu hm. ueo for a atomaoh wnn, thr , Eastern Oregon Alait Succeeds Wolverton on the Supreme Court Bench WillaineltD Valley Railway, That n address-lni- r Pink- and Automatic Telephone ham Mrs. you aro private Company Get Franchises STOMACH HAVEr, OWN WAY. BEEGHAMS PILLS tht ivrtrlri lnnrrhs ',h J'0' Nn tiiii then for glasses. Beecham's Fills stJ -health vibrations to all rarU " the body, whilejiutting a ruw tint on lips and cheeks, inw health in every box. Heil'h IJ every man, woman and Beecham's Pills nnrl roSe-COl- how Ho Sold Bverjrwhere, In boxes 10c aw? tl e I e i f