EDUCATING PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS USING HANDS-ON AND MICROCOMPUTER BASED LABS AS TOOLS FOR CONCEPT SUBSTITUTION Per Hamne*, Jonte Bernhard** *Högskolan Dalarna, S-79188 Falun, Sweden **ITN, Campus Norrköping, Linköping University, S-60174 Linköping, Sweden and Högskolan Dalarna, S-79188 Falun, Sweden ABSTRACT Microcomputer Based Labs (MBL) have successfully been implemented in physics courses for preservice teachers. In MBL-labs students do real experiments and not simulated ones and the computer is used as a measurement tool together with an interface and suitable sensors. Conceptual change/concept substitution is facilitated by taking advantage of the real-time display of the experimental results by the computer and by labs emphasising concepts and connections between concepts. Evaluating the learning results with the FCI- and the FMCE-test show good learning results. However, our data also show that the educational implementation of MBL is crucial. To take full advantage of MBL the educational implementation is important, not the technology! Active engagement is important! 1. INTRODUCTION For some decades sensors attached to a computer have been used in most experimental physics research laboratories. An attachment of a sensor to a computer creates a very powerful system for collection, analysis and display of experimental data. Today several systems, specially developed for schools and undergraduate courses, are commercially available for different computer platforms. In a Microcomputer Based Laboratory (MBL-lab) students do real experiments, not simulated ones, using different sensors (force, motion, temperature, light, sound, EKG…) connected to a computer via an interface. One of the main educational advantages of using MBL is the real-time display of experimental results and graphs. This facilitates direct connection between the real experiment and the abstract representation. Because data are quickly taken and displayed, students can easily examine the consequences of a large number of changes in experimental conditions during a short period of time. The students spend a large portion of their laboratory time observing physical phenomena and interpreting, discussing and analysing data with their peers [1 – 2]. This make it possible to develop new types of lab experiments designed to facilitate better student learning and to use labs to address common preconceptions. 2. MBL AT HÖGSKOLAN DALARNA 2.1 Background In the 1994/95 academic year Högskolan Dalarna started to invest in a new undergraduate physics laboratory. To investigate the feasibility of MBL we started out with a purchase of two ScienceWorkshop 700 interfaces and some ® sensors from Pasco scientific. From this small start with two PASCO interfaces six years ago we today have a total of 24 lab-stations (for 2–3 students), in three different rooms, with ScienceWorkshop 700/750 interfaces and many different sensors. The laboratories are mainly equipped with Power Mac 7600/G3. 2.2 Implementation of MBL in courses for preservice teachers. As mentioned above, labs using MBL-tools were first introduced in a small scale in 1994/95. In the academic year of 1995/96 MBL were introduced in a larger scale and used in courses for engineering students and in courses for pre-service teachers. In courses for preservice teachers MBL-labs were used in mechanics, thermodynamics and electricity/electronics courses and in courses for engineering students were MBL also used in wave physics and in modern physics courses. In this paper will we discuss the implementation of MBLlabs in mechanics courses in more detail. It is wellknown that acquiring a good conceptual understanding of mechanics is one of the most difficult challenges faced by students. Studies by many different researchers have shown that the misleading conceptions about the nature of force and motion, which many students have, are extremely hard to overcome. These strong beliefs and intuitions about common physical phenomena are derived from personal experiences and affect students’ interpretations of the material presented in a physics course. Research has shown that traditional instruction does very little to change students’ “common-sense” beliefs [1 - 7]. Course Year Main student body Preservice 95/96 Preservice Science Teachers (grade 4-9) Mechanics I 97/98 Engineering Preservice 98/99 Preservice Science Teachers (grade 4-9) Preservice 99/00 Preservice Science Teachers (grade 4-9) Traditional 97/98 Engineering “Method” Early MBL implementation Full MBL + some other reforms MBL-technology Formula verification MBL-technology Some MBLpedagogy Traditional Pre-test Average ~50% Post-test Average 71% Gain (G) ~21% Normalised gain (g) ~42% 51% 73% 22% 45% 49% 65% 16% 31% 35 % 67 % 32 % 49 % ~50% 58% ~8% ~16% Table 1. Results of pre- and posttesting using Force Concept Inventory [3] on different student groups. Gain (G) = post-test - pre-test. Normalised gain (g) = gain / (maximum possible gain) [4]. Course Year Main student body Mechanics I 97/98 Engineering Preservice 98/99 Preservice Science Teachers (grade 4-9) Preservice 99/00 Preservice Science Teachers (grade 4-9) “Method” Pre-test Average Full MBL + some 29% other reforms MBL-technology 33% Formula verification MBL-technology 27 % Some MBLpedagogy Post-test Average 72% Gain (G) 43% Normalised gain (g) 61% 53% 20% 30% 62 % 35 % 48 % Table 2. Results of pre- and posttesting using Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation [5] on different student groups. Gain and Normalised gain defined as above. The mechanics course discussed here is part of a study program for preservice science teachers. The students are studying to be certified as science teachers in grades 4 – 9 in the Swedish compulsory school. As part of this training they take a minimum of 30 ECTS credits in physics (ECTS = European Credit Transfer System. 30 ECTS credits corresponds to full time studies during an academic semester of 20 weeks). The mechanics part is taught in a Mechanics and heat course of 7.5 ECTS credits and the course is calculus based. MBL-labs were first used in mechanics course for preservice teachers in the 1995/96 academic year. The labs were based on physics education research and the approach chosen is similar to the RealTime Physics [2, 8 – 9] approach developed by Thornton et al. The labs focused very much on fundamental concepts, understanding of these concepts and the connection between these concepts. These labs specifically addressed common student misconceptions. The mechanics part of the Mechanics and heat course contained 5 labs of 3 hour each. The labs covered one and two dimensional kinematics and force and motion mainly using MBL but also using some videoanalysis and some simulation software. The instruction for these labs were written in Swedish by one of us (J. B.) and with the other (P. H.) as lab-instructor. At the same time MBL-labs were also introduced in some mechanics courses for engineering students. This development was later supported by the Swedish national agency for higher education. In the introductory mechanics course for engineering students (Mechanics I) labs treating Newton’s 3rd law and treating rotary motion using MBL were also included and MBL-labs for an advanced mechanics course (Mechanics II) were developed [10]. Because of economical realities the number of labs in the Mechanics and heat course had to be reduced from the 1998/99 academic year. The mechanics course now come to contain 3 labs. The instruction for these labs were written or rewritten from older labs by the instructor who had the labs that year. The labs treated Newton’s’ 2nd law, Impulse and collision (Impulse – momentum theorem and Newton’s’ 3rd law) and moment of inertia. However no lab discussed kinematics and the labs were now changed into “formula verification“ labs and thus not effectively addressing student misconceptions. The basic structure with 3 labs was kept in 1999/00. P. H. was now again instructor in the lab as in 95/96. The approach used in the “Impulse and collision” lab were changed and the instruction rewritten. However, because of limited time, the other two labs were not changed. 3. ASSESSMENT 3.1 Assessment instruments Besides traditional course evaluations student learning were assessed using the Force Concept Inventory (FCI) [3] and the Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluations (FMCE) [5]. These instruments are commonly used among physics education researchers in USA and by using these instruments results could be compared with results obtained by others. The FCI is more commonly used, but the FMCE-test is developed to allow a much more careful and detailed analysis of student understanding and is thus a much better tool for analysis and as a guide for further improvement. Except for the preservice teachers 1995/96, and the traditionally taught courses included as a reference, both the FCI- and the FMCE-test were used as pre-test (testing before instruction) and as a post-test (testing after instruction). A problem comparing learning between different groups and instructional approaches at different institutions is that the pre instructional knowledge and understanding could differ very much. R Hake [4] have therefore developed a measure called “normalised gain“. Normalised gain is defined as gain divided by the maximum possible gain [(post test average -pre test average)/(1 - pre test average)]. 100 Coin Toss Cart Ramp 3rd Contact 3rd Collision Coin Toss Cart Ramp 3rd Contact 3rd Collision Force Graph 80 Mechanics I 97/98 Preservice Teachers 98/99 Preservice Teachers 99/00 60 40 20 Kinematics Dynamics -20 Kinematics Force Graph 3rd Collision 3rd Contact Cart Ramp Coin Toss Force Graph Force Sled Coin Acc Acceleration 0 Velocity 0 Force Sled 20 Force Sled 40 Coin Acc 60 Coin Acc 3rd Collision Pretest Posttest 3rd Contact Cart Ramp Coin Toss Force Graph Preservice teachers 99/00 Normalised gain (%) % Student understanding 80 Force Sled 0 100 Coin Acc 0 100 Acceleration 20 Velocity 20 Acceleration 40 Acceleration 40 60 Velocity 60 Pretest Posttest 80 % Student understanding 80 % Student understanding Preservice teachers 98/99 Pre (Mechanics I) Post (Mechanics I) Post (Preservice Teachers 95/96) Post (Traditional) Velocity 100 Dynamics Fig 1. Conceptual understanding in mechanics as measured by the FMCE-test. 3.2 Results The assessment results are summarised in tables 1 – 2 and in figure 1 above. As a comparison data from traditionally taught mechanics courses are also included. A comparison between different reformed curricula [11] is displayed in tables 3 – 4 below using the normalised gain. All courses, discussed in this paper, using MBL-labs have achieved better functional understanding of mechanics, as measured by the FCI- and FMCE-tests, than “traditionally” taught courses. However, when looking in the fine-structure of data, some differences can be seen: Preservice teachers (PST) 95/96 and Mechanics I displays quite similar results on the FMCE-test. However where are also significant differences and PST 95/96 display a much poorer understanding of specially Newton’s 3rd law. The PST 98/99 and PST 99/00 groups are also similar with each other, with the exception of a much better results on Newton’s 3rd law and “coin toss” for PST 99/00. A comparision between Mechanics I and PST 95/96 on one hand and PST 98/99 and PST 99/00 on the other hand show much better results for the former group. However PST 99/00 displays a significantly better understanding of Newton’s 3rd law. Student course evaluation and comments by students show that the MBL-labs have been vere well received. 4. DISCUSSION Our investigation show, in concordance with results obtained by other researchers [1, 2, 4, 5, 8, and 11], that MBL-labs are an effective tool for the development of a good conceptual understanding in mechanics. Differences in imple- Teaching Method / Course Normalised Reference gain (FCI) Workshop physics 41% [11] Tutorials in Introductory 35% [11] physics (McDermott style) Group Problem Solving 34% [11] Early MBL (Preservice ~42% This study Teachers 1995/96) MBL (Mechanics I 1997/98) 45% This study Preservice Teachers 98/99 31% This study Preservice Teachers 99/00 49% This study Traditional ~16% This study Traditional (USA) 16% [11] Table 3. The ”effectiveness” of some our reformed mechanics courses measured by the FCI-test using normalised gains and compared with implementations of some innovative curricula in USA. Teaching Method / Course Normalised Reference Gain (FMCE) Workshop physics 65% [11] MBL (Mechanics I 1997/98) 61% This study Preservice Teachers 98/99 30% This study Preservice Teachers 99/00 48% This study Traditional (USA) 16% [11] Table 4. The ”effectiveness” of some our reformed mechanics courses measured by the FMCE-test. mentation of MBL and differences in educational approach can mainly explain the differences in conceptual understanding displayed by the different groups above. Thus, the educational implementation is of crucial importance. When MBL is implemented as formula verification labs poorer results are obtained. The results obtained by PST 98/99 (“formula verification”) and PST 99/00 (partly “formula verification”) can not be explained only by the fact that these groups had fewer labs. When the educational approach of the “Impulse and collision” lab was changed between PST 98/99 and PST 99/00 drastic learning changes occurred in the understanding of Newton’s 3rd law. A more detailed analysis of data [12] have shown that “formula verification” implementation in PST 98/99 have been especially disadvantageous for poorly prepared students. MBL can thus not be implemented as technology only. R Tinker [1, page 3] points out: “It is not usually advantageous to simply replace a traditional lab with an equivalent one using MBL. This kind of ‘substitution’ policy is easiest for schools to implement, but the result of such a substitution is often a simple lab made more difficult and expensive by the inclusion of computers with no educational gain. The MBL context adds capacity and flexibility that, to be exploited requires the lab to be reconceptualized, giving students more opportunity to explore and learn through investigations. This, in turn, often requires a change in teaching style that takes time and institutional commitment”. A secondary, but very important, effect of using MBLlabs is the training of the pre-service teachers in the use of computers and it’s use in a science education context. Since teachers tend to teach in the way they have been taught it is very important that pre-service teachers have experience using computers and experience of active engagement methods from their own training. Thus the MBL-labs serves the dual purpose of better educating the pre-service teachers in physics and in physics teaching. The development work in the preservice courses will continue. For PST 00/01 it is planned, among other changes, to rewrite the labs using “formula verification” and instead utilise the educational opportunities given by MBL. In near future we hope to report the results of our further development. 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Partial financial support from the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education, Council for Renewal of Higher Education, is gratefully acknowledged. Karin Bernhard is acknowledged for technical assistance and Dennis Kuhl for valuable assistance and advice regarding the FMCE-test. 6. REFERENCES 1. R F Tinker (ed.), Microcomputer-Based Labs: Educational Research and Standards. NATO ASI Series F vol 156. 1996, Springer: Berlin. 2. R K Thornton, Learning Physics Concepts in the Introductory Course: Microcomputer-based Labs and Interactive Lecture Demonstrations, in J Wilson (ed.) Proc Conf on Intro Physics Course, Wiley, New York, pp. 69–86, 1997. 3. D Hestenes, M. Wells, and G. Swackhamer, Force Concept Inventory,. The Physics Teacher, vol 30, pp. 141–158, 1992. The FCI-test was translated into Swedish by J Bernhard, 1997. 4. R R Hake, Interactive-engagement vs traditional methods: A six-thousand-student survey of mechanics test data for introductory physics courses, Am J Physics, vol. 66, pp. 64–74, 1997. 5. R K Thornton, and D.R. Sokoloff, Assessing student learning of Newton's laws, The Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation and the evaluation of active learning laboratory and lecture curricula, Am J Physics, vol. 66, pp. 338–352, 1998. The FMCE-test was translated into Swedish by J Bernhard, 1998. 6. L C McDermott, Students’ conceptions and problem solving in mechanics, in Tiberghien, Jossem, and Barojas (eds.), Connecting Research in Physics Education with Teacher Education, ICPE, 1998. 7. J Bernhard, Improving engineering physics teaching learning from physics education research, Proc. of PTEE 2000, Budapest, June, 2000. 8. P L Laws, A New order for Mechanics, in J Wilson (ed.), Proc. Conf. on Intro Physics Course, Wiley, New York, pp. 125–136, 1997. 9. D Sokoloff, R Thornton, and P Laws, RealTime Physics, New York Wiley, 1998. 10. J Bernhard, Teaching engineering mechanics courses using active engagement methods, Proc. of PTEE2000, Budapest, June, 2000. 11. J M Saul and E.F. Redish, An Evaluation of the Workshop Physics Dissemination Project, Dep of Physics, Univ of Maryland: College Park, 1998. 12. J Bernhard, to be published