t. ''. +l dl Nlìcn,rou ttrink al:c¡lrl tlre shill.s ¡'ott rtrt<'cl to bi: strr:ccsslrrl in collcge, ¡otr probabl.v rl¡ink of skiìls in test taking. rìùlc tíIliing, ltetting thc nrain itL':r from tcxtbt¡oks, doi n¡; re,reârcl¡. u'rilirrg, crillitn(;¡n8 rncmol'.1', corlcen' rr-aritrg. r¡nnngil¡l ti¡lc, or thinkirrg. Ilog'.:r'.'r', tlrc {rÍvin¡¡ lorcc lx'l¡irr<l nchicr.ilr¡1 ¡rll thc-<c skitls is o¡le \çe sctclc¡rrt ¡hink of rs r skill :¡t ¡ll. It is s't: rvn¡tt thr,- skitl r¡sr:d to :,...t goiìls nf¡d prioriti.s. l\ttl ncccl to kfì(ìrv rvhe ¡c proficicrtt r...c a¡'c ld bcL-omc lf gqt tlrc¡'c. to go iurcl \41írl \rc nccd to do to at toal scrting. \re rìccd to look at $'l¡-v \\'c set !lo:rls, rthcn tvtr shol¡ld sct goals, itnd sortle rva¡vs lo $el uscful Êoirls' fjc,rv of il.,¡ rcally knorv -spccificallV \r'h:tt rvc \\'itlìl otlL r.rl"lifc. And nrÓs¡ of t¡s cl,:r¡'l sptrncl limc sr'lting Bonl.s- Wc ¡rr" lc¡r.¡ bus¡'' Wc Bo tr"'ith tl¡c llotv ¡ìncl ir¡st lct thirrgshappen lo us.'l'hc rl-r¡th is,ltorr'eve¡-. r\'cc'oi) lnake thíng.s hap¡'n \\re h¡r'c clt<¡ict's, 'l'he things thal \re spcttd ottr'timc. moncr; a¡td cm()l¡(xnl ("nùrÊ!'on arc thc tlrings rvrl nrakc lllp¡rcn. 68 t:t i: , tI î ç t1 ) :i $ å Learning Outcomes for Chapter 4 Setting Goats l-f rrtc is your dc'çtination lor Chaptcrr d. When you conìplêto Chapt*r .t. you irfc oxpcclcd not orrry to undêrrìt¡¡nd rhc mûrorirr pre:icnrccr, trur ¡lso to br: nble tu: ldontlfy yqrr tccuc of conlrûl. ond dolclof) û ¡::rn lor i:.npro¿0, rnr-.nl if noceså1ry, Wrlt.0ool$ fgr vÐrious ¡trci5 cf your fit\l lhot .r:o çcrcific. rfiooour ilblo, lto/O ¡¡n acl¡Cn pl.rn, alo ßtt$lic, ond Ì¡¡vo a targol ljrio. Dó{.lop an írcticn plan for a person;t protess ùìoítclcd in f]ôrt. thi:ì ch3ûtúr. Analyte Explaln th.-. laJrning a ccr,o r¡ltrdy, And c.onsr¿,c, ådvice lor n ctudeñt hoving d,lfcuity ccpÍng witl'! f¡û1t seìtiìí. i. .) I I |i ã > : f, 7 2. J Why $et Gpalst S<'tting goals.mry bc conrprrcd ro planning a trip. Tlrcrc is a grear dcal of dilfcrencc$cirveen going rbr a drii'e ond jist up s.'rc*.hcr-e and planning dclails to reach a c{:na¡n dcsrínation. "iiãrug The¡c is x gteît <Jcal .rl dillircnqe bt'trrccn driving ¡ ca. rncr bcing a passer¡gcr: you *,iil urrrays ur¡ive al some dcstin¡tion rr hcthcr you plan for lt or nol. llorvc.rç¡; i[ vou carcfully plrn witlr n spccitìc crcstinarion in n¡incr. ir'.rou ¡rc i,i ;il;; of nl¡erc,l,ou irrc going, lou might nor gct lhcrc, bui -vuu -ignif¡.;";; incrcnsc.r'our chanccs [or- gcttirrg r*hcr,: ¡;ou $.ont to be. ¡-¡¡.c jlhuni.,g à trip, r,rhcn ).ou sct goats, are csscnta¡ill_y organizing n plan to ,.o.ii o "l.ou ce'lÍ¡in dsstlnírtion. Fc.'good things jusr rtap¡rtn; mthi,r, ihcv cc¡¡ne *.ilh planning and hard *'ork. Not pranníng rcar,cs us drifring rrrrough rifc ancr m¡vbc crcn statlcd in lr placc r"cï rathcr not br.. gßAIN BYTE &cin r€tâo'ch sllocl¡ llÞl stureñis ûcjtic!.{r Íroro nhen lhoy í(!el they ¿.gh co'¡lrcl ¡rnd hffo sst specific Ao.ìts for loan',in4¡. Ttr¡ro is û d,ûfn;to cc{lf ìBcticn bcl.../o€n bllîo in coñtrcl índ scrtt;nû goBt3, Chaptcr 4 Scttin¡¡ Gollr What Does lt Take to Make You HaPPY? Ud 20lf*nQs l,oU b.,,o to do t. 2. 3. 4. 5. ó. 7. -.--_ 9. r0. t l. -_- 12. 13. 14. t5. _____* 16. 17. t8 19. 20. Go bock dorøn f A P lf If this rvoutcl not à houc bcen on your have bc'en on ¡-ottr lathcrì1 llrt wlrcn hc your û,{r Pe¡ronul nnnlyctr, Use anolher shcel of ptr¡rr antl rvritc dorvrt what ¡nu hal'c discou:rrd about ¡ourrclf. Critlc¡l annlyrh. Explaln rrhy thlr e.tcrcist is rt'ler:¡nt in o clrapter on gonl sctt¡nF. ¡l .¿ F list two ït'nr.rr ðg(, yOUr n8c lf you rhlnk ¡his nright rv¡¡8 f cnn bc donc ttlqrnc or rvith pcople If ¡'ou think this rvill mnke ¡ou l¡app-v l0 l'r'¡tr¡ fism now lf ¡ou rhink thls rnight hsve been on ]'our morh¡.'r'.s list whcn she 1VAS F t f0 ¡hrn St0 For ¡¡n nctiv¡ly lltat ¡'ou plrfcr to <lo alonc Fo¡'an ¡ctiril-r' tlurt 1'ou prtfer to do *'itlr ¡xoplc ¡t corts r¡ronc ÀP For an nctir'ity tltat 2 l0 M I lcur i;sl ,lncJ uso tho fofo,.#tg codag fcr e.}îh ilom: F oa 'lr F fl o ß I $ Cha¡tcr I Sclt¡¡:g Go¡ls Loclts gf üoiriloi Tltc rr¡¡! 1,ou fecl rbour br-ing uble ro nrirkc clranl¡cs irr -1.our life ¡rffects -vour ¡hillt-y to clrarrgc- Jol¡n Ro¡rccl¡c ir¡ld Osc¡r t\.linl¡ in luprovíttg &¡r¡lcrr¡ iÍatinttirnt snt that srttrlcnts rvho lcc'l porvcrless to clrangc thc dircc¡ion of tlrr.ir litcs ¿rrc rrnlikcl¡'¡o tt)..''¡'lìq snv a ¡reru<tn's lcrct¡s ol' conlrcl is r.if pur:rnrount impnrtance f'or cl¡an¡t,., irncl thc¡r:lorc lor sctting 8oals. I'h(! l<x'rr"- c¡f cont¡nl n:prcscnts ar¡ i¡ulir,iclu¡lls tcclings ol pcrsourl co¡¡l¡rJl o\'cr the cr,ellrs ilr llis or hcr life, spccilìcallv thc ¿rbilit-v t<¡ derit'c po.sitive rci ntb¡rr:I¡ c¡¡r fr<¡m t he envir rln¡nt-nt. Pto¡rlc rvho lrar.e ;rn intcr¡lnl locus o[ contt-ol [rt-lir:r.c tl¡cir Írctions, al¡ilitie.r, char¡ctc¡ìsrics, ¡nd so on¡ nre effectirc in contrrrlling rcinforce, nrcnls reccivccl lrt¡m the cnr.ilonmc.nt. ID othc¡.rçr:rds, ¡reoplc rçith an inttlrr¡rl loct¡s o[ cr¡n(r'ol bc.licvc ¡n lictling ¡çoals bccnrsc t]rcy lx.licvc tltcy h:rvc thc ¡rorret'(o re'acl¡ tltcnr. Pcoptc rvlro hlrr.c arr cstc¡r¡¡l locrrs oí control bt'lic'r'c lhat sr¡ch laclors û9 fûtc, chancc. ltrck, or porrcdul oth¡ cr's rrê nrorc inrport:rìt than persotral cflbns in controllin¡i rvhat thcy can ûchicvc. Itco¡rlc rritlr nn crtcnrrl locus respond lrs r.'ri:ti¡rr.r, Anel rvlrilc ll¡ing.s bctond thcir c'<¡¡¡rrol mr¡_y nffcct pcoplc rvirlr l¡¡ irrrcrnr¡l lrrcus of conttol, thc¡'respon<ì rs r:nrr¡¡ors; ll¡cl can crdn¡c a sr¡hrlion. Pco¡tle rvirh rn i¡¡tc¡¡al locr¡s (rl'conrr.ol a¡c thc drir.enr: thev nrak<r arljust¡ncnls for lhe ¡r¡lcl co¡rditio¡ìs. .ln contrûst, pcoplc rvitl¡ (l¡c crtc¡ n¡rl lr¡cus of cont¡ol arr tlrc passcngcru; thc-y tælicvc ¡lrtr-Ì havc rro conrrol over s,hcrcr thc v<.hiclc is goin¡i or rvherc it rr'ìll srop. .#/ Locus of Control o I .i o Exârnin0 lt)o foãô$in€ 5l¡!oîìecl$ rn¡ldo by Btucronls +ith citl-¡cr s li:¡onf¡ intcvaot or þcu3 of corhd. Supflly on oxarplo fcrr o¿rch b.l.rnk. ytrr an:1.¡r lor intor, ni¡l lcct}3 of ç{trtrri ûllcu\d crox:o a æhjtóncxlñrñ¿rl (rictim) 3 Er,t(lûr:¡¡ $ lntc¡lal (creator) I sl¡t¡ulcl bc nblc lo gûin skills in ¡his class { ï s Extc¡nal (tictinr) ü I 3 à ) I I I å. Ther' ¡nadc mc tükc this lcÍrnirrg srmtc¡¡irs ckurs. ro use in otl¡r.r cl:rsscs 'Ihat reaclrer l¡otrs mc; hc'll nevr.r gitc nrr. n good ¡rradc. (creator) t c¡n mr.ct rvitlt my instrucror ro sce horv I can do bettr'r. . [,¡¡crnal (victlnr) Wl¡rt'.r ¡he ¡nsiçLrr to lrurnbcr 5? lntc¡¡lal (crr:ator) tlou'do I find tl¡¿. ¿ul$tvcr to nu¡nber 5? lìstcnu¡l (victim) Thr: il¡stn¡ctor assigns too rnuch rratling in lntcrnnl hlrton'class. lntcrn¡¡l (crtotor) ¿ 'John Rrrr¡eclre iu¡d Orcnr \f ¿\src¡cl:tttt.197ó). inl. Iupotitg Studenr llo¡jru¡k¡r¡ (Aurrir¡. TX Cotlc¡c 1 .:1. 72 Chrqrtcr.l Scttin¡i Colls Enlcrnal (r'ictim) 8RÀITT BYTE 0r- H"nìiìn, r.jhoa{'r fIìI:ÂT]'lG Sy..,ten rvu dsrcr;b*d irr lnc Clìr¡:tov aSgortr; llì,11 onc llcnLìf,l of 1 using lhrr BñEAIHE Syslcrìr li tlrtt it lralp:r ycu lecl thÈ ccrìfrJcr,cc yr:u nc<rC to llo a crca¡li¡r ralhc{ lh¡íì avci.m. i\tr' chilclrt'n rvont lt't n'¡r' sttttl-r lntculal (<i't'alorJ Extc¡¡r¡l (rie(inr) Intcnr:¡l (clrlatr¡r) llxtonal (r'ictim) .\{r' bnrs n¡¡rksr lltr' rvork | lravr' rìever bccn ¡¡orxl lc¡<.r nrun."- lttlurs. irt nrallr. lntc¡r¡nl (crrator) F,slc¡n¡¡l (victir¡¡) Otlrr..r- Intt'rn;rl (clc¡tor') Este¡¡¡¡l {rictinrl I ¡lcoplc in ¡nt chss itr('stllílncl I ¡ls'n-ts ¡¡et tlrc hartl qtt(:stions rrterrrnl (crulrtr¡r) ljrtcln¡l (r'ictinl) Jttsl nr¡'lrrck ¡o trc c¡lc¡rrnlll tnotilntcd. Tlrt'¡'ci notltit¡g I con t{o. lntcm¿rl (crt'utt¡r) Stuclc¡¡ts rvlto ur-- irrtr:rnally nì()lir':ttcd at-* h,::ltur acljustud, tnolr itr<[c' pcndent. nrore ¡calistic in irspitrtions, nìott crc¡tli\'(:, more flcsiblc, l¡ro¡c rcl[-r.cliu¡lt. ¡ìt()¡(. opçn lo nc$'tc¡rrtitrp, nrorû intclCstCd in i¡rtcllccrrr.ll achicr.cment, and lcss ultxioçs.'fþcr.mukc fiighc¡ prad*s tl¡a¡¡ tl¡¡st tvhr¡ ¡rc cxtclr¡lrllv nrrr¡ir'¡lcd. ll'.s ¡¡tr¡choice. l{61çcve t; rvlrt'n he¡linninL¡ to )-cl goals latcr rrrr i¡r llrís clrrr¡rter, i[_you n¡cusurccl n high dcgrtrt'of cxternrl motir¡rt¡ort itt ¡ cttrl loctts of cont¡rrl, 1'ott tttay rvnnr to bcgin with rcrrr spc' cific shoñ.tc¡¡r glals þcfore ¡cntt¡rinB, too lirr i¡to 19r¡r' fututc. j\tastct'irr¡i !rh(rrt-l(.rn1 goals is o :iuL*.[irc rt:U 9f lrcginnirrg 1g cþatrgc yoitr lçctrs <.rl' çontrul ¡o i¡rtcr:¡¡1. È t s i ?; ù t i. I Why Are You Here? rat oçryono rt ctJrtgo is ¡oro tcr !vlì'/ ore )üJ lÍfit? ltluìl ate',rour oal¡ls? Stqr lcr B /nit1l[e õnC 'i!ñx,"L,¡r:ârt oxarìì.îç )otlr rc:r!-4nî f$r f¡çfnf, li} co*6ço. tì¡tt, ilro foro.li11,l f0¡5on5 trcrrl 1 {frìcs.l nlÌulir:t lt nl ¡.s.rí r.l0aiiiân tc $c lÐ (xÍ{Ue} to l0 (lç{5t rrì"¡¡',rìii&: ir': 1òr.rr dCrci:,ion!. Pþoç¡¡ t¡txr ¡ <J,llt:re'rrl ¡r:¡nlxt for each ll#n. Yfr, lhtl ha'Jr, clv-rx:rì to bo 3 cû&)$o sludåfl|, Þut hc. t'rposctl lo tlc'\\'idcas or csJrcrienccs --_'l'o _-. '¡'o prcllat! for I iob or proll'ssion **- 'Iir ¡:lirr prublc'nt-solring rikills I (' (: h I (ilr Choptcr,l St:ttin¡; Colrls & grrin prcsti¡¡e or sr¡¡lus To pn¡pot'c forgrx,rl citizrnshi¡r -_-'lìr _-- Ttr ¡¡¡ísc s-ononriç sl,íttus -- Jo become ô pùcductir'ù ¡ncmbr.r of soctclv To gnin ntàlur¡t!. .-^._'t'o --'..'.._ -=-***- 'lir gct û dcgrûc ple n.sc pnr cnts or la¡nilv ¡¡rcrnht ¡x To assimilalc knorvlcclgc Tr¡ havc sonrething to do To learn horv to lcur¡ --** *--. '1"ìr fínd o spousc clr m¡rlc -'*.-- To tììa[1. fr¡und$ *-*lb l¡nvc fi¡n Dreaming 4 lf i,or¡ âl0act/ h*, r*: lho îino ond rn31cy ¡ru noe¡dod, $trBl s,or$d ¡o.r be dc:rr,r? \\that rvould you drirc? \{hc¡r: rlould tor¡ llvc? s ¡ î l 2 * ¡ B $' * å t¿ Ë å u t s a (' s B, s Wh:rt kind of tncotio¡u <¡r hobhics rr.ould ¡.ou cnjo.v? å iyh¡¡t k;nrl o[ cclucntion rrould -r'ou providc' for ¡.otrr chiklrcn? r t: t Wh:rt t¡'pc of chnlitles or v<¡lu¡'rtccr srrrk rvorrlcl.vou be inl.olvrxl Í lYhnt worrld )'our pur1xr,çc ln lifc bc? inl 73 (.'ha¡lcr 4 Sctting Goals When Should You Set Goals.?. yo¡¡ nrc co¡rsÌ¡ntly sctting âncl rc'aching smull of short.tcnll tr¡oals. You probabl.v shoulcl not begin any clav rvithout setting som<r ¡pal trt accom' ptirtt. ri,i* is a relarivel-v simplc rasli; rntl with a littlc <lisciplinc, it can t".,rr.," a hcbit. Horvcrtr; arry tirnc thçre is a ¡naior clrun¡¡c in yorrr'lilc. yotr shoukl takc timc t<¡ rr.t-:r.altr¡rtc tvhat you rvqnt otll or lili'. stllllc ol' ihcsc. timcs nrc grnduating, stûr'ting collcgc'. bcginning a ncrv BRAIN BYTE Professor MaJ1ín Fo|d of Gcorgo Maoon UnívctsftY g¡ryri llu gool-¡xr8uino pro- cce¡ $riil bo dfocl¡\8 ody i, le[lrnârs lìf,¿s j'tr, rrt.r'in8 ro il nc\! phce, getting marriq'd. or gclling <livolted' A binh' a clcr¡tlr' n p,o*.rti.rn, un ¡iing55. ,tl'an nccidenl' or othcr ntaior changc rnay halc alt*,*.1 prcrdous goals. Most <¡l us dlr:am ot'thingu rtc tvot¡lcl likc to doThc diftlnnce l¡eirsccn <lrt:ams ¡rntl *oals ls that goals irrc rvtittcn do*'n. you ncc<l t<¡ d¡r mor.c thnn sinrply scribblc some ideas on a piccc of'plpet: Your goirls need to bc complctc ¡¡n¡l focusctl, br¡t first )'ou nccd to br¡in- rtu,tnì tb guidc arrns of ¡.<ru i¡r a br'¿ri¡¡stot'minß ¡rctii'itli lct'.s c.xn¡rrine diffc¡cnt lour lltb. (llenot4h lurc<ll¡ack to rnqko cdtoc- t¡oñg. {21 enot¡gh borél ¡n thcir c:¡potirjli)8 t0 c!ñlinuo ¡fl lho lâco of no0'slhro loodb.qck, (3) ono'Jgbælual sld ro oomploto lho tosk snd (4) ûrr onvkrymant cÀe lo succosS. ooridu' Examining Areas of Your Lìfe goal Bcginning collcge is a mnior ctrlngc for you' lt's timc to do somc thin¡p of 20 to tl¡ink ¿ifficu¡ hnrc l¡ccn sctiiug. Hìrrvc*ei', jurt as it nright rhar makc ¡ou huip1,, ir could l¡c cr.cn morc difficult lo iusl sit dorvn ancl knorv m¡rkc a lisiof things ¡,orr s.anr ró do ¡n tour lifc. S<¡mc 'f 1'ou clca¡¡your ¡¡ll u¡t'as ol cxaminccl nlrcl yorrr goals are, but yotr may not have of tlr.trgltt gÌeal 4c¡tl a ¿ay rvithor¡¡ t. go fr'rn rlav litc, ìviosl i trs¡usr ¡boul rvl¡at *r* ultitnatcly rvant. Lct's <litucr ygur focrrs lry cxamlning {ifli.rent art¡rs of your l¡fc. f'o help you thlnk al¡out gools that ¡'orr nriglrt Ir,flnt ro sct, lctt dir.ide your lil-c inro ditfc¡cnl aren¡ :rtrd think ¡tbot¡t \.hat you N¡¡1 fsr rhít a¡ra. (Yot¡ could iust as casily cx¡ìminc you[ goal-s b¡- th., r otes 1,ou pìa¡,: sruclÙrt. son or clauglttcr, f¡rll¡cr or mothcc fi'ir.::nd. anr! so on). Chnptcr 4 Scrrin¡1 Corls Some Guidclines for Writing Goale I\'t¡rkc s¡¡le rl¡nt thc gont 1''u irrc *.orking for. is so¡nc.rhing rrra( ¡.ou reail.v rr:¡nl' n.t jr¡st.something rhnt s,rrnds gorxr. lrc ce¡'lain ir is incrccd r,ou¡¡¡oal ancl n()! riomconc crst".r. Be suru th;f ¡,our goar ¡, p"r¡ì* i"-,.,"Jãr ncgativc. ¡rd be sult rh¡rt ir i_s sonrcthing rvirhii¡ r,o¡¡r conrnrl. BRAIN BYTE 8o$cf, rchers Erl¡vin Locke a;rcf Grry Lattìtrn s.rrveyod no¡a4y 400 sludJos $i\11S, Making Dreams Come True a dsli,liljvo. Thoy lound lF,ot job.1rrr, cn¡orì, or*nirlg¡.our honrr.,.r, beìng rrlil" rä l¡¡r'cl' Rc'ir-'rv your br.insr.rrning for *p""äi" trrrrrgs rhut arc inr¡rorrant l<¡ t'ott. \{hnt rrc $onìc things lrru \*ilnt to acc.nrpliih ¡n -rour life? Tltc rva¡' lo ntakc 1.ortr long,tcrrn dreams comrilnrc is to se t ¡¡ sc¡ies ol short-r('rr¡ì goals that kad to rhc accomplishmcnr o[rvhat.you rsnnr. ,l,hc nrort spccilic )'ou ('ün m¡kc -rorrr ro¡¡g-t(.rm goars, thc casicr i¡ *¡iil be to st't short-tc¡-nr goals that rvill htlp r.orr achicr.i.ïour <lrcam. yotr t¡ave it irr )our po\rçr to ¡tnsh ,your dteams. Thc firsr slcp in making ¡..ur drcoms ç'Qnc¡r¡c ís to analyec rvrrat ¡orr nrust do in orrrer -.{ t. rc:rch jn'r gour. $hort.tcrm gonls a'c the slcps _t.ou t:rkc to rench 1.otrr l'ng_teirn gn:rls. -. sl¡orr-rr'rnrs ¡gools are ptans oÎaciion.'r'hcy or" fou,.ro.d., iist nrr.-iøuy ¡rnd tor¡ronorv and ¡hr ncxt diu'. rvclr-*ri*cn *riorr-rern, gonl rviil gi*c you dircctions for c.ractly rvhat ^ ncccl 1,ou t<¡ t{o ¡rnrl set ¡r-dccdline-for its conrplcrio'. fhc filst slep in 1"rur long-rerrn goar to grtrcrurre r'ay bc complcting your nrttth assi¿lnnrcnt lirr clnss r,rcl¡r. ô _Þ Critic*t Thinking About getting ð I g l{hcn sctting gonlr, r'c c¡¡' â. It $ s f $ Ì $ It t- .J r¡scd in thc Goats usc the same criricat thinking p¡rrccs\ wc dcrísion'mnking pmccss,," ¿i"",rü"J c¡rrrrci in rr¡c r"xr. Â{tcr oll,.dert toping :r plan ì,.' reolly ¿""¡-¡ãiìà, mnkc ro act¡lcre " rvhat puts \.()u alì c()ntl.ol of lou accomplish. . wittr your g$al in nrin(r, r'<¡r¡ lìrst ,rnnr t,i gutt*r us nruch inform¡r:i:,],:: l'gr cnn ro hclp 1'ou r<¡ dcrerminc .rt "i f'oi,, "prions a¡rr fo¡. Fcrlrtrg closcr lo ¡.our ¡totl. -!orx'.grl¡tt. or th() rcsu:ls y¿crÐ spocifc, d,:l¡.u:t Thc <lnrnming cñcmisc an<l rhc btìr¡r¡stor.tninß sh<¡r¡td har.e hclpcd you bcgin to think about rlrings thar irrrporrant i.r, -rou to accomplish in ¡'orrr lifc- Lorrg'tenn goals irrc d*a¡rccr <rtscrrption>- of rvh¿t ]þLr .u'nt for 3''ursclf in rhc lurrrru, yru' r.ng-tell' gonls may incru<Ie giïrcluati'g ft'onr.collegc, gertl'g ¡nd 'I-hi$ . Wh¡rt skills do I ¡rccd ro lchitr.e this? . lVhat infrrrm¡¡tion anrt knorvlcctgc do I nccd? r Whnt o¡sistance or collabnration tlo I nced? r l\thnt rcsources do I nccd? ¡ What cnn block m¡i progrc.ss? r Anr I making iln¡,assunrptions? . [s thcrc a bettc.¡'rvry of doing thíngs? go"ri:¡ lcaC to bettÊr ¡)erlormðnco lharì cgsy. vôfluo ofìcf:. 77 Ch¡ptcr 4 Sttting Goirls l[^vour gonl ls ¡'ou s'ant lo declarç your m¡¡jor (p¡rt of vot¡r' goal to gr$du¡rtc l'rom collcgc), you wtnl to gather îs n'¡ucl¡ i¡rformation ¡Lr ]uu c¡¡n. tvhrt rrü your optlon.? r You could \,¡sit liou f,câdcmic odvi¡o¡: 'l'ou could stud_v thc collcgc cûtûlog lo Er'c o . $hit nraiors ilrc offercd. You could talk to professors ler¡ching in n field r<nr lhink I'ou mighr bc ¡ntc&'stcd in. r You coulcl t¡¡kc ¡r ci¡n:cr drìcision-mûking invr'utor1'. Yotr could study mfc¡tncc$ such rsQccupatiortal Outlook Ilandlnak. You could shadow somcone in a cartcrthat intcttsts ¡orr. You mot', ln [acl. rvsnt to do ¡ll of thesc. a ¡ \iuc trcst u'cighcd thc o'idcnceto ûo nrnt tlran onc tltíttg? Wlrut nccds to lx dotrc first? Nert, 1'ou mus¡ t¡ke somc kind of ¡ctlon. Go¡ls arc ncter achictcd by ju¡t thinking about lhem. Yr¡u haw rc do sonrething. Ìbt¡ çant lo clcnrly definc thc pl¡n of ûction )ou choofc to take. Your action plan should gire you s¡leciflc dirtctions such as rvho, rvhat. rrhen, rshere, rvh¡; und ho*r ln thc dcision*nuking proccss, Da I 'l J need s,ill sthulul¿ au ap¡mintnrcnt l'¡ith Ih. Hatlìcld for Fcbruary ) at oi{rrlr to ¡liscuss seîlitrg coftar olrt¡ôrts." Writjns $MART Goals, Many c.oochcs arrd consultarrts usc lhc SIiÂRT acron]Tn as n grridc to s.riting useÍul goals. Rcad the guidc bclorv und tl¡cn c.tplain how thc goal to mcct with your adr,isor mt'i:ts ¡ll of the clcmcnts. With long.tcrm goal-r, the morc of thesc clcmcl¡ts ¡'ou include, the more lilrcly you are to rnach your goal. Sl¡orl-¡cr¡n goal-s rhóu¡d horc all fivc of thc clcmcnts rvith thc emphasis on plan (or plrns) of action. tprcllo Descr,bc v"hol ¡ou wanl lo accon:p:ieh \¿lh as m'rch delail s3 pcs$¡blo. t..flf.ùþ Degcr;bo your g0ûl ln tofms lfr.ll con t¡o aviliuitlnd clô8rty, Actlon Pl¡n Ycur goat chould €0QlÐn vrh¡¡t ôcliôn ycu !'r:l; ti$(e. Rr¡ll¡tlo Ycu l(ncw you arccapoÞlo of dc:ng or achiet'ing lhir gcal. llmc F¡rm¡d Clalrl.¿ cpociþ largÐþcornplotlon brokon inlo slìórte piðcos. timo-wlth lcngor gools !i.. È:i giìi l-h¡p¡ur4 Scui¡¡g rlo;¡Jr lv':r: ¡t{.: i'. la': SMARì. Goåt Settlng: Let,s,Trink ihis Through i. Ycù :,. dc Jxorl¡1on a S.'../r4¡ ûa'itJ l(l.l iìrìd nil i 0u $]l/ thlt yûul.€o¡l 16.lo stsly otorÞ, Í ,r:l ¿t ¡l Sr¡.KIy rvhûf 'i ? #(sl()r), t-xrclþ rvhat rvill I d<>? ltratl (huptcr dr I ft¿¿ ;t S anl J,()sr.tblt ¡dst ek¿,stiet!\ ttnkt, llush cattls for ¡lory much? t hotn 3 tin¿s u tyrcl; l{trcÌ? Ffam ; \l'hcrc? p,m.-4tì,rì!. j'r,lonrl¡¡l;,\VèdDÈsdl¡., ù¡d f rid-ì\, /rr t r¡ /i¿'rdr.r, W¡1h whon¡? üì' rf"r,i"{ Why? / rr?¡¡l'$nrrr ro tú.rkt,ah $¡h¡t ,l í¡t histt)t!,, 41.6a? l'llrr¡g cl Y v.* tl,¡Cy q.+j(ì, - lour ûDl,D:xv rôJils: ,.F.m g.4 on thl6 MWF, I w¡' ûo lho lihroÌy ãlrd r!¡d ChðfJ|c. S ol fiihlploty ie¡k ond mokó ltqrh cordÊ at Fos8lblo lqgl quscfionr ¡6lrþsd,,' . /\,leisîita $rèt ljbra¡y Esd ta¡o mi!ìlìt rnr "On Fddsy s( ß a,çlock, t witt moqì Bðb tn tho wlllprôclioo Îô6h c¡rde rr¡rtit 7,{ Nor, Ûfß !,a¡¡ gro ô") to ccr3ìi,4 dù+ù itìi8 o0xt v¡o¡rr v,¡:t, cF¡ttcr t;? 7? B? ìlow lwl¡:ii yoo m.JJr::C,(lvr,joiìl ro ircl.ÉJo flìõt ,¡C! ¡ro $:t:rl lr.r, riudf -ái'i' rc¡4ln¡ as a Ëillefìl tø! ttìo roçt o! th$ lieflì)Stilr. ? { c Is Prâctioçrwìting an Action plän Lrl's såy )Ou lhj¡tk tlì;¡t ylu ¡ís oyeJv¡ar¡ht, y1Ìlj¡lót&illit Í! SosLû te tr)sa \r.8$Þr, Ycv t¡Jùko tilâl lhb 09ât úÞe¡rl ñr13t tlYl SM&Rlrio,rl ¡Eqçi.,lr¡,eols. ¡1g,, rrrì,çh? !M!s{r.ä¡il l}¡r/ Q*À'ì $.¡r r ctì(,ç,( n'-f ,;i&(!Ìjtù? $1rät ctó I rìil{ìd to ,Jo tÐ lcn] v¡r4ihl? 13 my $Ét Vrtr¡ì i.i ny d{$d;fÌ¡? So lcu (,r..i. \þ! ü,aqÍ. 'lxì::ti¿? I wsnt lo foso l0 p$Jnats ln tho noxt lhr6o nronttr¡ lt.s rl çr:+c;,.,; rrù:rr.r ¿þtr. Þ'ol\r¡ly rcdlst\î, a¡d fl.r.ro.5 o t'lú trtûìo. HoÉq,/¿,r. ltlcro rr ñor)j 1¡ c{ a*rpo *ùâitÈri to ìøt lr! -,,rçc;i;ë.liy irrrsi 1., dr. -"d d'jl,J,lìins lhå¡ t,9u Co:¡5 tvAbi*ti lJgo 1{J Þo{4dfs pì !}.r¿ìO Ea:ha :r.,i crj i¡n roÌr c¡ c ,îr L'/ 3CO\500 (:¡';rc1ì o dl:! Nb$, l1¡r s.o lr¡àdy to ¡æt .T f { È yÀ;,ü;;;;;ä;;;; å ã ,,'"rrt_1.,n., rpj;. Hìw côll lo{/ çhtiE\4 }oС focd i¡ì$s ft t¡9.€! qxEtrjtiq wùd l{:u dç to t)r". ì ¡ 3{Þ-5{.ì,0 cûieriße o É¡,i? I ¿t ûÌo {,1¡rl tho q3i tcr,/,11r I, .rij Each dfl\' I ci¡n ¡ c¡rl:rce rlrinking orre CoIc 50 ctlr¡rir,sl fl rr itl¡ bqttlc of 1l¡l('r (0 c¡loricjiJ. ¡r * Ii [. C lìtìlrL.r,1 -ScltÌn$ (,-.rílr Ëì r C.rrlr¡r¡¡ l4 hl {Aiìn5 r4r¡ t¡N.¡li{ ./ù r/'1't' l{ì clíí tiß. CãtJ ,.:llÍ;'irr 2. 3. ú. -.,.'-*.** tl:ryo clr !:¡¡¡ ,-. -.,.-.-,,.....-."-..*.h.*.*.:..r;*-.,...-. --. ta..Íctfl dr{ìÈì,.ê*c llì¡l ¡r$ ', r.Ê(!c.:,,.:. rìl4!!,uslrþ, ôn{l ll¡vq ¡rì lti¡i f¡arl mi¡i.rtijt? )-¡n!{} i 3! fìrii!ì ¡.1¡¡È, lrü¡í11 l.cìc;.i¡t ùl hcri¡ 0¡(af1ìÉì14s, yoLr cìt¡l -e{,9 lliri þ:eii}$Ë a Èaäl.dii'.r'n l(, r:FFt;l'-:l slef,rì \alì ¡ì{:l) rro lc.*uri d¡rþ rxì }Ður qo:f. l1:rrY)rrìlr4¡ Tùrr llci,Ì Ite¡llÉ lâ LY} rcrrli:itiÇ 1Ð !ür n\r.r' oÍld 1o mg.kç øi$tnì.;clr to i' -. n.rl jui.l nltÀriú¡ ii. oiliÌr lü c{r¡ìpgle :' lr yeu \'"ir1t tt Lìl g.icter'-.rtl.} }rlj$å!11I lrB¡]fr! I'la yc1j to r9"'1,.iì your {lÞ¡i, Ê-(ìl!r hl¡¡ ¡çül.V otiy ecr,rìij ç.{:rr. l1a!'e tú.jì!tl.Jlr-)r:lì Iî. l lqrîy? Yot¡ l'fl{r'ir 20 loÚl( bet,'i iìt Frcrrßr .1, i, ,¡,hìrt ìfâclr ìlT*ko 1o r'1¡ka Sglir{ ù la\r1¡tcÍlì qöi¡lÌliÂl Ih!Ìt, m.i!41,"u |'tppy ll1{ìl llÍ1 1:j ca rì 'qì! ùr l.rrl o:rî tÈ.l,ìfìl Soif frr o/ ll:-r9r: l';Dili ' 1ìÍ¡t¿ Yci¡ cnlÈld:Ìr'kp ¡ Ê1.¡ of flìiïrntì 11) di¡ .,9tnt b:rs4. ìhi¡ì r'jetJtílçlr Ïcff lf'l:i!t Ù¡,$jj 1j Ttko iú.¡r*i[q Yiìt al. i\t\'1l(,uli ::r tÌt/ Yr -.---*-- ii i;: å l:a: * ¡,...5 l:,$ f,il* ti.* l'(nn r!¡ratior¡ t rpcrtdirlg lhi:t nìr¡ch cllolr to dct¡jlo¡:, {rt itction ¡>lnrt ¡¡¡rv hc f¡rs¡r:rrio¡r. Yolr .,t¡]l lou (lon't l¡¡r'q' tinrc to fhink tlttorrgh ctcrr" thi¡rÈ. llorrr:v*¡; ¡t bc':onrc$ ir mlttc| ol,scttin¡ pdoliri('s. lfrôur l¡o^l ìs irìrìror_trrrr ro ,lrxr, rou orç( it lo loulrijlf Lo rtr¡kc tllc tin¡c, No rrnc cllc rirn r1o it lìrr'Ìorr. '¡.à iil :r)ìå i:.r* iiå ìir:¡, tiatg {ì.8 irê ::å ì.. tL ir*: Writing SMART Goafs Lo¿k $.Dr ),$r llr¡ri ¡j$¡rùìì¡ ?r\cftï]t.ih Ìfì r Liel i l{r:xl. brï.k ! (irrÌrì lû lhr¿'q Long-tc|flì !o¡ll liS Sllolt-tcln¡ t¡oulr Sl¡r¡rt"tqrrn g¡¡ll: l)iå ité È.$ Si l¡g Lix W r,i ìmÊc?i¡tttl J$r j,ar¡ tí) $!.,lAlì l gli(lsl,î,eil lo 5l¡1¡ or lø): rlaÏì ¡{:r U'il:.; ¡lrrl trrlf':Îr:l (l¡i tt> ¡rìrarïi,tlh frxl 4oê1. Bo gue li¡rlìq!É rîÕl¿ùci rlì !hì: l;f'{AJìT divitíi;.Þ, Ftr tärl,curí irli ll,cr] {o $$ t¡rtli,jï¡ ltgfi. Shrìn.t('rnì lrr¡xl: ti.t ll:rr! thrt r4 llr! tü r::) i l i r*r ' tÌå. tì,$ tôl: çh!ÐrdJ t71i¡ ¡$ ),ctjr lsn$-lÈnì gdê|, fry Shorr-tenrr gorl Chaptcr.l Scttinl: Corls Tips for Achicvinr¡ Goals l. M¡rkr' sr¡rt' (ltr.¿roal rotr lr¡r'c rvrit¡.'n is slx'ciÍic, ¡¡rr.¡su¡¡blc. hls a clecr plun of aution, is re¡listic, ancl has l t¿¡rgct time forcotnplction 2. Find sorttr'onc ri-h,¡ ltas accomplishcd c s¡milal goal. Âsk horv this pcrson rca<-hr.d rhe goal and wh¡¡ otrstacles to look for: 3. ¡Jrilt'urounrl rinrlcsrl-v. Dctc¡ ¡¡¡in.' rvtrut skiltr. rvh¡¡t k¡rorr;lnnd rvh:¡t infcrrmnlit:n y'ort necd to rc'ach ¡'our goal. l3rcak voul uurl into s¡r¡rl[.¡'goals thar vou c¡¡rr rc'adilv accomplish. D<¡¡r't ccl¡¡e, 4. 5. lrthcn- Thcl' nray have r''rlu¡blc info¡tration Ì'otr netd, or ¡hcv ¡n¡rr olfer the encrxrra¡ïcmcnt \ou nr-'cd rvlrcn ¡-eiu gct olf tnck. .9harc rrrtrr goal rr'ith Making Your Goals Msible Educotcr Sþo Ds..;n no s'..(ÌAe6lg t¡W il is u:icft¡! tham. Ho suççorts tîmno Þrclrro írn.! ge¡o tG drar.., rjtllt,!',,rJ ycrr gcalo eo ¡ou cnn 'f 'o{¡r 1o )ou. Cia'.r, or cut Chgoce lh¡eo go3Ì1 lhst ðrû ¡mportail gð¡ì ftxnJ, dcplclryt ð1 ì*'út tfroû o{ your fpdg # O {T !.rltcrú }'ou 8€ó il oft(v1 onj rÀrslo t lrlclwÈ lrou Making lt Concrete Ortc of nr1'<tad's faroritc c!(p¡r$slons rlas, "ll ror¡ clon't luvc ditections for rr4rerc ]'ou are going. vou m¡v ord u¡r somcrvhoc ¡-orr don't rrå¡rt to bc," Wdte û thort parîgti¡ph i¡¡ rvhich vou clcscri[:c ¡r tirÍr('i¡r vour]ifc rtl¡c¡r licttirìg t sp<silÏc goal rvould l¡atc. ¡r:sulttd in 1'ou bcing ln a "dilfcmnt placc." ,sJuj_"_'t!__rig a( I lottn1 fcr msk:og s¡rr:.'.fl g;n!s n ¡'rìtì.rmoii rÀ?c¡) cl3ss uiìir\)fr {0 ¡tr!ú¡p ¿,p-lo.d.?¡s. Sa:¡:¡{l I tv.rnt lo r¡r:r*O,tn rt ,n ,¡,btc,')' is nol oflcrrgh. tfi o i,ly ecals núsCod ta i r I I ryhot , spc{:iftix}y nrn't to dû in (ì cor,Tso fo rnJtû flt!. lr ; Sotting Go¡ls for Þifflcult Clarsos J As ln cxanrplc <¡f rvl¡a[ ]()r¡ c:ìn do, crl¡mi¡¡c (iina'.t mosl difficult class, Anrr,'t'ican f'fistorv 221. I{ere is her bruinstt:¡nr lrl rvhat i.s spccificall.r' wroÍtg: '"!'l¡c¡e is tr¡o nlucll to rÈ¡rd. I a¡r¡ bcl¡ind tlrrcc chc¡:le'rc ¡¡nd an ou¡side rcaclin¡¡ book, Thc profcssor goc.s so fnsl I can'l t¿rkc notcr. ¡ stu(ly, l¡ut l¡is qur'stion$;rsk more than I krrorr'." You shorrld look at ¡hcse'prrcblcms onL'¡ìr î (imc. "Tlurc is tt¡o tturclt Io rcad. I atn l¡eltüul," ll Ginl is to bc succcsslirl in thc cl¡ss, shc m(rt rc¡d all thc mate¡i¡I. Is thcrc n¡¡ll.y too mr¡ch tc¡ rc:rd s,r ilrat thcrr: is rro ¡rossiblc \\.¡ry to n$d ¡t all w'ithi¡¡ htrcu¡runt timc schc(hrlc? lf so, rvlrat can slrc gilc rrp in onlcr to mukc (imc to rcutl it? Dtx's shc ncctl to drop tl¡e cou¡se rrntil she is ablc to mnke tinre? \{h¡¡t elcn.rcnts of timc uìanÂgcr¡rcnt clocs Gina rìced ¡n oft,lL"r'to rcrìch hL'r'goal? If she clrooscs tr¡ stick rrith il, hcrc :u-e a couplc of smallcr gorls thar rvill Ìrclp hcr. { i .1 ¡ T It I I A on t, tc,sî ot'mekt ûn A in ¿iô crlursg. I hel inîù:vfft Ihtîas t:kû l0kh0 nolcs i,Î oiìîñ c0t$, mtlGng 5(rrnnL?'7 .cháY-.¡s n'¡¡c'l t cc,t¡tp.€lcd an a.s.eçnmenL e,"d s0¡1,'rì¡ ¿ì.9.d.1 ¡r *1'Xrúl''fo lrfl O lC .'ttirt Iror cc¿rrsc. ll Chaptt r 4 Sr.tt in¡3 i Golls I i Ginrh GonlF l. 2. I Gi¡ra nc.cds to intrnc'diatcly find and scl ír liltrù ¡o ca¡ch up, nncl sct n tírnc for kccping up rvith her rcading-n spt'cilic tinrc ol da.v and ârnourìt of tirnc-:rntl :r placc to <to il, L1 I 1 i l Gina ncc<ls to tckc notes rvlrilc reading so that she s'on't havc trr rurc¡rl- (''l rvill rsad und rakc notcs on Chlptcr'3 tcxlly irt 3 o'clock, Chaptcn 4 and 5 tomo¡rotv at l0 o'clrxk.'') "The prcfessorgocs so fasr, l ,j I can'¡ takc rlorc.ç. " Of cotlrsc, ]oLl kilo$' tltût it Gina had kr'pt ul) \t'¡th hcr rt'atling, it rvoultl bc c¡si('r to l¡kc' i ¡tolcs. \$l¡crc do llrc notcs c<¡¡ne fnrm? Do lhc'¡'supplcrncrtt <¡r lc¡llort' tltc'l'cadin¡¡ assignnrcnts? Gina nccds ¡o annlyz.r: her notc't¡rkin¡¡ svstcm- (Thk' irrg good ¡¡otcs t¡lir's prrct¡c('.) Shc ncrcds to chcck hcr listerring ¡rt¡itudc and rvhcre she sils in cl¡ss. Slrc nccds to disculi¡t hcr ptublcrn rvif,h hcr Frofc$$or Pratrabll', rnost of all, xhc ncrcds o pbrtncr or g¡þup f¡om the cl¡ss. lmmccliatcly afttl'class. her p¡ìrlncr orgrotlp nccds to mcel \s¡ah hcr and comparû notcs or non-notcs, as tlr(r cnsc may. be, antl maybc ctcn chcck rvith the prolessor to fill in spot-s. i. i { I i T { i i I Gina's Goal¡ ll l. I Gina nee<ls 1o írn¡lpe lrcr note.lakinß systcm. ls shc trrin¡¡ ¡o \vritc too n¡uclr? Doc':¡ sl¡c givc up too caslly? lVhat spccificallv can shc do gcl morc out of thc lccturc? Ginn needs ro find n parrncr or Broup tvilling lo ¡ncct cl¡t*islcr¡tlv al'ter cl¡ss and nr¡ke thc clìolt to gcl nolcs. Slre ncecls to <1o il rtotr; not rv¡¡¡l untiljusl bclorc a tcst, I I ¡.o 2. 3. Gina nc.eds to makc an appointment s'ith thc prolcss<¡r" Sl¡ù nscds to plan thc. conli.rcncc bcfore sltc goes, tcll the prul'essor rvhot r.fforls she h¿rs m¡dc, nnrJ ¡rsk for hclp u,ith ¡rtblcms slrr.'ltas rtot yet sohcd, She nccds to lre spccil'ic in rvhat she ¡.sks for: (Jrt.sl com' plaining or l{¡lking to the prcli'sÊor ¡s not going to takc llrc placc o[ reading a*ignmcnts and taking notrr¡.) lf thc profcssor of[crs a srrg¡gestion, shc nccds l() lD ¡t. "l stttdv,btulúsquestiorr.çn.cÀ'tl¡orc tlmnlknot+'."C)ncttlls(tn(]in¡¡h¡rs had troublc is tlrat she rvasn't kccping up rvitlr thc assign¡nenls. \\¡hen te.s¡ tinrc carnc, .shc had t¡r¡rc lcr lcan¡ <¡nl-y ()n (he fitìit levcl of Blor-¡nl's ta'tonont'. Shc recallcd fncls onl¡r Sctring n dnil-r'time to study nntl procc'ss. inforrnation impror,cs thc possibility öf mastcry al dccpcr lcvcls. \{hcrr Gina begirrs fo s¡*ntlresiz.c lhe information, sltc curt bt'gin to prcdict s'hat the test questiorìs rvill be, G¡n¡r's Gorilr¡ l. 2. { q{ ! I j rã ü I I g lll Ginn nrrds to take tirnc altel'cach class to undc¡st'¡nd thc informa^ t¡on prcs{lntc(l ¡rnd to nrcp:¡t! lirr thc ncxrclnss ts if thcrt'is going to be a pop quiz on lhat nr¡tcrial. Gin¡ rtccds to ¡cad thc arstgnntcnt and try to predict rvhal qttestions rrill comc fmm c¡cl¡ surction- Shc necd* to $ritc tlotr'rt rhe rlucslions in thc rnargín 1 \-{ I I Chirptcr 3. 4. Gjna should ¡naly¿c ol<l tcsts ft,r¡rt (hc proles$o¡: ln a strrclv gr<lup, slrr. shoutrl lt1'to prcclict s'ltat tllc questio¡ìs on ll¡r.r 5. ['sl rt'ill tx. Cinlr ncc¡ls to nrcct rvlth lhc prol'cssor lt¡rd tcst rlrc plcdlclccl cxam qucstions by n*king if shc is on thc right ttack uj¡th thc kinds of qr¡cstions th¡rt.rvill br'<¡¡l thc r'xalrr. Thcrc. is a l'cnl cliffcrcncc bt'ts'e'r'¡l snving I'ou lvûnt [(] do u't'll in class :rnrl actuall¡' gir,ing ¡'our bcst cffo¡t. Olicn studt'nts fool themsclvcs i¡tl<¡ thinking t hat tltcy cun Ì.¡ cat tht: colltscs lhc-v:¡rc taking in colL'¡¡c lilc t lrosc in high school. Yot¡ haçc le:¡rncd tl¡¡t I'ou clìt't cotlnl on at lcasl I'rto hours <¡f or¡lsidc rçr¡rh fr:r clcr¡ hour'\'orr att in cluss mùIbc jttsl lo ('i.¡tì ¡¡ C, dr.pcrrclin¡; on thc class, an¡l that sttrclv invoh'cs much m<¡rt t!¡lt: iust doirlg l¡or¡¡crtc¡rk. lf you harc trccn oul ol scllool fo¡'a timc, it rvill ¡akc rr¡or-* línlc in tlrc bcginning, It tokcs l¡nìc lo bccotnc a good note tûker ¿rnd:rn cffi' cicnt rc¡rdrr. Notr', rsh¡tt is vottr ¡¡oal? f)o you \Tallt lo tnastct' lhe nratcrial in r.'¡ch class or iust gcr through rl¡r,' clilss? lf ¡-ou arc sctious abottt lcarn' ing, rct'velùatc yout' ttta\stcr sctrcclulc- ^{ft} rotl sticklng rvith yrur plan? Practicíng tir¡rc riran¡rg{:¡ncnt rvill help 1'ou accompl¡sl¡ yotrr goals. I critical Thinking About a Difficult Olass? Br:¡insl<lrm alnrut -r'our spt'r"'i[ìc protrlcrns. Then $ritc ¡¡t lc:rst t\r'o Sotls that addrcsr thcre prrrblcnrs thât )'otl tvill t¡rclilc toda)'. (Rcmcnrbcr to makc -vorrrgo¡rls SMA(f*be specific, be measr¡n¡blc, includt- a¡l ¡c¡ion fll¡ìn, bc rc¡listìc, and h:rçc a ta4rcl dolc for completio¡l.) Cl¡rss Bl':rinstorm Go¡¡l I ¡ â {ô ; - f It I t fI Bnainstorm Go{¡l ? I t {I tI Mr¡ch of lhe lime in n studl'sc'ssion, sttrclents fail to h¿rve r..¡recitic goals; thcy lecl thev juxt gct ltÒ¡nc$ork. Havin6 spcrcific ¡¡oals for eaclt sludy sr.s$¡on hclp you gct morc lrnm yottr timc- 4 Sctting Coels 83 l Ch:rprcr ó Pn*.'sslng tnformation fronr Lcctu¡ts { ï I I I I ì Processing Information from Lectures Note Taking - Tips on Effective l € Taking Notes rvirs s¡rid thcrc so that you rthst Taking notcs in ct:rss givcs ¡'ou a rccordof Horrlcv€Û taking norcs docc much class' oftt'r infornratiori that can study John as ¡ou o'tite ir' ln B¡nin Ralcs' rnorc. lt hclps you f""t" t'f" t"ioUf inform¡rion bits of fto¡¿ only fir'" to sel'cn blcdina sc¡r th¡¡t the t"o¡" 30 seconds' it d¡rap' repc"¿l it áo"t ff scconds' .sithin for about 30 tt' rtpeaung pears.! Taking notcs is onc wty ol of rvhat rt¡s said ln class; thcy are Yóur norcs ârÈ not tttìtf-ti totoå oncl mlnt¡at t¡slcnfulg' mcntnl-ptnccssing' nan of tltc proccsscs ¡rorcs in class rtkin¡g iples' pr{ nc io-r"""ing ií ii;il oitittt lecturc nratcrial' Rcrnembc¡; ¡'*"ii "r;;il ;pl';ii' läiät"i, irr tlre beginning of rnnngì'*'neottip k¡ctu'=' To unders¡and thc lcc' t"" iJt*i"nã-thc pn'porcd, (2) dertlop o basic (l) bc ro ture, ).ou nccd to d,i.*. i;;;; ¿'"ir ort¡¡l ha'c one' and (3) ack uccþroun<l of the tnare'¡ü iii"t you llstcn bettcr if a.list of lcosons studcnts Site qucslions. In Excnclss u'0,1""ï¡¡f $tud-v tt-nrn¡ng principlcs' yo¡l can rhc knorv you lbr taktng notcs' Norv ti*t probnblY ndd morc' lohr¡ Mtdhì¡, ,]ru¡rt S'¡!uor. (Sre¡lt¡le. t2 ltlntl¡te'r f* f'crr' 2ll{)'B)' \"\; 'l¡r¡cïi tìtrn'iyirr¡ otrl lï¡¡i¡'irrg nf tlï'?ft' at'd "onr¿ ('haptÈr 6 I'r occrsin¡¡ lnl.ormnt ion ft oltr L!:clll rcs t35 Why Take Notes? 13 û lrt cf re¡r.ans fcr lú.$ìg ncto$ in dA3$, Raad lh(rll, úr-,j',iic \ì.tìich b tfÞ rno:l fnlrrflirrrt rr]a:ron to ycu. aü, rìurf.Õ$r ll 1. t,iumt¡or ú I l|.llr (':t:x]n1i ¡ slg ef ' iñfrcrlilnco tg you, \r.th nur,tjL'r 1 br'iro tho'most rlnlrrtimì ¿nd cumbor B bcrrì{f Frrlcri/ tho lâ{Et rfnrx.xl;ùìî. lf ttxrB a€ rcsson$ you llúìk of fh.1t a:{Ì nct tstod. lst 1.xJ ralo th¿un, **_ l. lirkirrg rr()lcs mnk(.s nìc p:ly attcntit¡n_ It keeps lnt'rrrintl frorrr rva¡rclcri¡rg. t lrn rnore likcl¡- to slur- t\\.rrc <¡f rvhnl is inrport:rnt. - 2. I'nkin¡¡ notes lrel¡rs nre concer¡trale" Whcn I arn tr],ing to tllic gootl notes, I cù¡tcc¡rtr¡r¡e more orr rvh¡t lhc;pr'aker is snving. .1. --"-, -*** laking notcr gir.cs mc ¡ ¡-*cord of rrltat rvas s¡id ln class, I knory rsh¡t ,r;tr r.il.l r¡n rr'l¡icl¡ dn¡-s on<l lrlso rçl¡at,,ur rrot covcrtd i¡r class. 4. T:rkin¡¡ notcs I'o¡"ccs l¡lt'tó riclcct thc nrain idr.as. I c¡rn't rrdtc do$n cvr't1 th¡ng. 5. Thc sinrplc J -_ .*- uet of s.ritlng sonlcthing dorvn helps rne rttnclnbcr it lonßcr. ó. 'l'uking notes ß¡\,('s ntc so that I rvill 7. Tnking b'c. ¡rblc a plucr: to rr¡ìtc. dr.rrr,n ari_signmcnls te¡ rrotcs gir.es me flncl thc¡n lartr. info¡mation to usc to study fol tcstri and for chss asslgtmcnts. å .- 8. Taklng { o I n<.rtcs rcmin&; me of rr.h¡¡t thc tc¡çþç¡ ¡t.t nnpha.rir-cd. _9. _--* î.1 ti àt i:J & t0. :a TÉ fì si t( lr 5 ¿ {; li ì; 9.¡ à i rï ll + ð ì Using the Questlon in the Margiri Systerr.r for Lectures å st åt *? it , $; tï rl sinrplilìed verxion r¡f thc Qrrcstion in the Mutgin .s].sf r.:rn rs:ts intmduccd ¡n Clìaptcr l, N<¡rv thal you trnderstand the learninç principlcs for lenrning. ¡'ou aR: recd.y to ûxpilnd thc s)'st(:rn ond cxa¡nine rçh-v il $.orks, I)uring this dl.ccussion, r'<¡tr ,rvill \\rn¡ to rcfer to rlrc str.ps lou <L.viscd in lixcrcisc ó, I at rl¡c bc¡¡inning of thc chupter- Stre íl yr¡u ccnrc up s.illr nrnny of thc sûme slep!. åt f1 It ìl $l *, ä¡ &t 31 a1 vi r¡ tt !'¡ LI l"{ ']'t 'å 136 Chnpt*l ó Pnrrr.rriç¡E lnfo¡m¡tio¡r frr¡¡rr Lrrt¡¡rt.s Gontrollin¡¡ the Amount snd Form of lnformat¡on Although .vou can'l contrcrl (he amount of inforrn¡tior¡ in :r lecturc or tlrc form in which it i.s prusentcrl, lrm can conlrül r,r'l¡at tor¡ rv¡itc drlrvn und horv -Tr¡t¡ *rirc it dorçn. Thc Question ¡n thc l\largin svstc.rìr i¡¡trtxh¡ccrl in Chaptcr I is thc l¡cst rr,,av I know to con(rol both rhc an¡ount and rhe fornr ol rout'tìotcs. 'I'his is morc lhan o.s-t'slcm for tnkiDg rrotcs. ll is ¡ cotrrplctc .sj'r$tcm for processing inlormstion from lcc(u¡r's tl¡at nrokcs r,rsc of all thc lcar:rin¡¡ prìnciplts for lcurring, You lregin lrr,rrsing the principle ol sclcctivit¡'to clroosr-'nl¡o('.s nro$t ¡mp(lrtant to rvritc dorvn in )rortr nùtc-{- 'l'hcn vot¡ organizc t,qrur notcs in qucst¡r)n.¿rnd.Írnrir\'(-r fornr. u.sing the principle of nreuningful o¡'8í¡nizali0n. Thr: Ouestion in thc l\,tlrgin systctn is [rascd on lhc ¡rotc-raking svsrenr dcvelopcd at Conrcll Univcrsity in úc 1950s- This s¡'stcm may tirke sonrc gqtt¡ng trsxl to. but in rhe lottg run you rtill find rhat i! s:ncs you clìcrg1 nnd ¡inrc. Nore takiug is a shill, and ns with all ncl.skills, ir takcs ¡>racticc. The morc.1'orr tlsc it, tltc bdler you bcconlc al irf Thcrc arc si-t b:rsic slcps in thc Oucstion in thc Margin.slstenr. \irc tviü discr¡ss euch in tulr. Eeforc You Begin Y<¡u rvill necd a lr¡osc"lcaf notcl¡ook rvith rvidc-rr¡lcd linc.s. rf possibrc, thrn in ¡rncll. (On rour laptop ot. contputcr. tukc yorrr notcs in pcn mlher yott could cnlate this bv using a tnbtc rt'i¡h 2 columr¡s.) First, drrrv a linrr dorrn papcr alx¡r¡t 2 l/2 inche.s from the lcft side. Disrrgald ll¡e rcd lq.nical '.out.lÍ¡¡c usually usc<l frrr thc mnrgin. you s.ill use thc s,idc section on rhc right to ¡rco¡:d Ïour notes ín clnss. Thc .scction on the lelt llccoms.s -r'ou¡'qucsrion (or hlrcl) marg¡n., rvherc t.ou rvill s.ritc a qur-.siion rhnt identifics rl¡e moin idca (or kcy sords or phrases that uill scn'c as lnbcls frrr the nrain idcr). T'hc rnar.gin nt thc rop of rhc pogc is r¡scd lo¡' inrlicating thc dnlc. clnss, ¡ud pagc ntrmber nlrd for rvriting ossiguntcnts <¡r olhr'r inrporlanl infolnration that you <lon,t rvant .to forgct.. \. r $ { I Six Stepe å St{rpl, Ilr.:corciyvh;tltss¡,td. Use¡shorlcnc'dfornlo[rtritirrgto¡rcorrlrt,ltnt is said, lvlost o[ 1'orr har.c. alrcady perfectu.<l a .sltorrcned forrn of s.riting for rvhc¡¡ you lcxt-nrr.ssagc. Be s¡ingJ $,ith lnrrr rvor<ls. Ncrr:r rwite a s'l¡olc ¡e nrcnc'c rvhcn ¡ rsold or nvo rvill do. Thu- rr4rolc iclc¡r l¡chind nott' taking is t., .,'i¡tc n() mo¡e than ¡,ou ¡ruc.l to irr orclc'¡' to ¡rmembcr wl¡at t\'¡rs $ûid. Usc ¡bhrcr.iations n'hensr.er possiblc- I'our û¡¡.çjc bockgomul $ f; (¡ å rr'ill dctc¡minc u'hirt ¡'ou rrrirr:, Thc morc tou know, the. tcs'.s 1.ou rrill havc to rvritc lo ¡rrnind _rort¡stlf rçhut rras s¡lid. Onc g<xxl n'ay to dr.rctï¡irlc rt'lrat to rvritc dr¡s'rr is lo p¡l:tcnd rh¡r¡ .rou ù¡r tc¡(t.rncssAging ¡.our fricnd tlre im¡xrrurnt things slre should know alx¡ur class, \ rtE Cluptcr ó Procc*ring lnformaa¡oû fr¡¡m Lcctults Stop 2. Qurrtion, Rccorrling thc inf<¡rmatlon during thc lccrurc is only rhc first stcp in trsing the Questlon in thc Murgin liyliter¡¡. Thc ncrr slcp is ao coc )'oursclf rvhat câch sccti(rn ol your notcs ir about by rvririDg a qucstion (or kclr sord or phrose) in the 2 t/2lnch matgitr on rhc lclt, ancl os $oon aftcr cl¡ss as pgsslblc, 't'hc l¡est \váy to dcterm{nc rvhnt qucslion ta \rrì¡c is to play Jcopanþ rvith the notes ¡ook. What qucsrion do thcy ansrvcr? If tl¡is informat¡on ilppc:rni on'.ou a tc$t, horv will it bc rskcd? This qucstioning makos Jþu use your crirical-thinking rkills. Yor¡ lrasc gonc bcyond just tlrc facts ¡'ou havc tvrit(qn dou.n. You uodctsr¡¡nd rhc info¡nrarion cnough to analyzc horv it nright be askcd for on a tr.et. ,\s alrcudy cliscu.s,scd, learnlng ls enlrrnccd rvhcrr ¡ou ask queslions, For examplc, your queslions for the notcs orr the prcccdlng pagc nright look somcth¡ng likc this. Norv go hack to tlre olhcr sqmpk* you just recordcd end rvdtc a gutrstion in thc maryln. Tltc Jeopanly gus$tlon for thc flrur romplc miglrt be "Wh.y ¡$ Ccncra a good place for narions to nteet?" Fut Put nanc, drþ ohr, end prtc nurrtb.i hrnr. 'lllr lrxt n¡er¡gr-llkr nolc¡ hcru r mrqln qurrtlon ñrru. Whol prinqptoþ þo,øl bm dlfl.l¡Ûmtobng.torm nterpryt toiv'ñ* ¡¡lt to€Fùû-t.r?Ërn tr8ìsl6rrrq frcaî t4 l-t-rtløn, t{ôçrf,€ nrc6¡ I t I Í ! I Ë Whd oæ loinrogrons tvfìy rogtotnn rrcrl€? t rf.*.oo¡*ydrcnr ø ¿ ldrfrrrplrtts*t¿ f 3. X¡rrt¿wtdÊrÉùld 4. .lbi¿ f*cdrl ltt8 Chaptcr ó Prcccssing I nlorms tion fi om Lcct urr's t39 tt St¡.¡¡ j¡ íìr '-i¡c. Thc tltird stcp in thu. Qrrtrsliotì in thc Nlargin $).s(crn ir.. ro tcst vr¡ußclIh-\'nrciti¡¿l the itrlblrrrarion. Rc¡¡¡cnrbc¡.tlrat rcciting inr,olves s¡ry¡nll orrt lou<l in tour orvn rrortls rr,hlr ì'ou lrave lea¡ned. Tlris ís part o[ sl.rcrÌgtlrciling _I(rur mrmory and it l)('gins rlrc pnrccss ol tr:rrrslcrr.ing thc írrforrnation lo .t'ouï long-tet'm rìlrrrrron:. (ìcrtcl up ¡hc rridc colurnn and r¡sc 1lìc qrrc.stiolrs (or kcV t\,ol'cls ol' plrrlscs) in thc lcfl mot'g¡n ¡o recitrr the colcrtd rn¡r¿L'¡ial. Iìcpc:rt tl¡is rrnt il vorr tre ablc to tr-citL. (.í¡clr scclion. tl Iænrning Prlnclples Uccd in the Question ln thc Mnrgln System Ontr o[' thc ¡ari¡so¡ts tl¡¡tt the Qucstion in thc !\,largin st$tcnì ¡s so cfk'ctivc is that it r¡scs all o[ rht: lc.rr-ning princíptc.s. To chcck yorrr' undcntancling of tlrc filst thr cc stcps r¡l tlre Or¡estion in ¡hc [{ugin sìTtcnr, skip nhu¡tl arrcl study tlrc lisr of rlrc lcirrning f¡¡inciplcs in Ercrcisc ó.8 (pagc 146) and ex¡rlain shich ol'thc lcornin¡¡ plinciplcs nrrr usecl in thr. rccotding. qur.slionin¡y, and rcciting steps. U-sc tl¡c csnnrples al¡'cady givcn to modcl -yotrr cxplanatlon of horv thc lcarning ¡>rÌnc'iplc sclcctcd is usctl. 'fhc t:har¡ rvill be a goocl slrnìmilla sh(rcl to usc l.Jr sturl-ving. gtÈp .1. firfirc:t Rellection. s¡.p 4, s(rsnlathcns the mcmorJ ns it lïrrrht'l' Froccsscs infor¡nation into long-turm rncm.)ry To rrfie<t is to think rbout lhe idr-lrs u¡¡d hos, thc_y fit in u.ith other rhin¡¡s 1.ou knos.. 'l\' to makc tltcrn pr.rsonal*mnkc cc¡nncclions, urakc tlrc¡¡r ¡tlcr'¿rnt to you. Can 1'orr thinlt ¡¡les¡nrples I'rurn )ourorvñ cxlru*ricnce lo reinlorce the nraitr poínt? Can r.'ou nrakc it c(,ncrcte by crearing an :rrralog.v ("'Ilris is likc . . .")? Can 1'ou visualizc tl're infonnation in ,somc rçu_y? Do yorr aßtrc rvlth thc ô I rt ô ¡? õ tI t I N r) ! j ! {. ¡ t inlorm¡rlion? lk¡rv could you uric that infr¡rnration? Âftcr n llccting, 1.ou rvill proltabl.y rçanr to add cr)rtrmcnt-\. ilh¡s¡r¡liorrs, and qucstions to \'olrr notes. RclL.ction mr¡. l>c rhc mÕst ¡mportnnt stcp itì thc s.y-stcn¡- This is not olrly rvhc'nr.vou proccss ncrv inl'or¡natíon, lrul also rvhcrc 1'orr l¡c.gi¡r to takc orvnc¡xhi¡r of it. Yorr lrr: lna!-yzing nù\v ¡nforr¡râ. t¡on, ¡rrtcgrrling it into yourexpcric.ncr-. b.y rcl¡rling it tr¡ *'hat you ah-cncl-v knotr', nncl t¡Tin8 to lìncl out if it l¡as rrlcvnnce nnd mcaning [or' 1,ouRelìecting t¡kcs inlì¡rmation thnr vou lcccivr-. lìul¡r a lccture and turtts ¡r itrto ¡xlsonal knorvleclgc, This stt p is, in lict, stcp 3 of Zull'.s four pillnrs ol' lcarnin¡¡, r,vlrich 1'ou r.rorkcd \v¡tb ¡n modelin¡¡ rhc tcarnin¿¡ procc.ss. Slqr 5. lìeui,'re Wlrc¡t¡s reflection begins thc soirkilrg.in, orcollsolid¡lion, prö('c.\s, rcvic*.i¡rg contlnues it. Irr stcp .5, you rc¡,¡'clr yor¡r nr¡les s.T$tr.:rrr,¡rticall)l If ¡our ¡pvicrçs alc rr.gular' ¿rntl n¡ulinc, ),orr c¡n kc.,p itrc leve'l of rccull high. Tbn,r, fltrzln, in llsc Rotl¡ Siûas ot'lhtrr Br¿lr¡¡, l¡rakcs the ftrllorving srr¡¡ge.\ti()ns for rerit.:tvi n g:? l. Usc disl¡'ibrrtccl ptacticc to rtvicrr.. Y<ru sl¡or¡ld stop aftcr abolrt ln horrr r¡f lci.rrrirrgl t¡rd rakc a t 0.minurc bl e¡k. Your fl¡st rcl"lew ¡I'onr¡ Duzrlr, l,fre Borù .Ti¡l¡.r ¡y' I'our lluìn (Nt'rv Yr¡r I: Prn¡:trin Book-r, lg-1ì0) litl ì! t{ Stuclent Tìp K Lly stuCy p}nnc,"s anC / lcunC lhrt ¡( vlo loÇk l/ìc tjnrc lo cû.npJrû ncfqs a/le¡ cl.:ss rtnd !,rr¡!ô tttî çltâ$f,b.ris jr| fñr) n1ír t n:n tolleihct, (lrr rnics l?€rc Þcll[r ðcr:ru.ro ,",r, fúcrv cilrcfs r.9(¿tCssc ¡tront. ålcrrgic's, ¡l tejs ¡nafi lÇn anaJ cJs,f4 û,îd lñc ¡ostj.? ,s rrro tÃorr¡ tho mllr¡y'¡íi! lt;ttotll Chirptcr ó Proccssing Intormntio¡r lio¡¡r Lr.cturr.r shoukl comc:rltcr ahis l0.minute brc¡k and sh<¡uld probably hst qbout l0 ¡ninutes. This should kc.cp the recall high for apprnxÍnratcly onc da1'. 2. Thc ¡econd rcvlew should take plcce rvithin onc dc-y ancl should p¡oh¡rl¡l-v not ttke lon¡¡er thorr tlrnee or fbr¡r mirrr¡tes. This shor¡ld Itelp ¡'ou rrtai¡'r the.lnfo¡motion for about onc wcck, 3. Tl¡c rhlxl rcvlerv shoultl come hcforc thc rvcck is up. It shoulcl rcc¡rrire onl.y a ferv mlrrutcs, bcc¡usc rou íìrr rct,ir:rvin¡;, not rtlcûrr- ing. thc ink¡rmution. fourlh rrvrew rvill probably bc requircd if 1'orr havc not trscd the materìâl rvithín c month. Tl'¡l¡ shor¡ltt firmlv placc the infornr¡tion into long-tcrm mcnrory 4.  In ¡hc first revics,yor.r should includc bringing notcs up to datc b¡- rvritlng your qucstions, rcciting, rcflccting, ancl so on. tn othc'r rs'or cls, usc thc Qncsllon in thc À,lar¡in s!'$lcnr on the notes _yor trrok in class lo proccs$ thc inform:¡tion into yotr long-(crm rnemor]'. ln tlrr'scconcl. third, and fourtl¡ rcvics's. yru should nrultc. usc rlf nny consolidating ¡r¡c'thod that *'orks for you, f)o rvhaterer is ncccssary for thc inl'or¡nation lo so¡¡k in. You could use the ¡'cciting pail of thc sy-\lc¡r¡ ugoin. or yorr corrld s'r'i¡e dorvn crcrything you crn rcmcmbcr about thc question you w¡o¡c in thc malgin. Rr:r'ictring rnight includc such things as rnaking and using flash ca¡d.,i, crcating nrncmonics. making prðcticc tcsls, and.rcn¡nning your mcntal vidcos- 'l'hi!r årctil'¡rtcs Ïour nìcmory You arç strengthening synoptic conncc¡ion5 by taking infornrat¡on /iorl ¡our long-lcrm mcmory Tlrc rnr¡rc. !'ou activâtc infornra¡ion lrom y'orrr le¡g^1{:rm mcmor}'. lhe casicr it is to fi¡rd thar m¡tcrinl ruhçn lou nced it, À{akc st¡rc you ¡¡re 6clf-tcst¡n8, not ius( nrcntally mrrmbling. Thc timcs )'ou sct in ¡'our nraster schcdr¡le for ror¡tine study of a subjcct shorrld bc uscd fol thcsc rcvier*s. Of cou¡sr., irnme.diotcl.y beforc and immt'diatcly alicrclass uru g<xrd rcvierç ¡ime$. lì¡ghl bclirrc 1'ou go lo l*xl ls nlso a good tima to rcv¡eÌ('Orlc of lhe n¡ost significont s$pccts of revicrting is tlre cu¡nr¡lativc cffcct lt has on all aspccts of lcaining, thinking, and ¡crnc¡rtbcring, Yóu rrrc building ba-sic b¡ckground. Thc morc )'ou }¡norr,, lhe cnsicr it is to lcarn. Pcoplc s.ho do not icvleç,on:, ln eÍfcct, s'astÍng ¡hc cffo¡ti thcy put fonh the fi¡'st timr.. Yr¡ur timc is too raluoblc lb¡ that. Slop 0. Summan¿c, When .ì.ot¡ summa¡'iz.c, you condensc main points In !'our orvn rvords. Eithr.r nt thu bottonr ol' thc prgc or Ât thü urd olr your lccturr' notcs, rvrilc a st.nrrtrery. You rvill \rant to d<l this $ftcr ¡'ou u.icrv. Summurizíng is¿ form of sctcctivity,. If you undcnirand¡;ournotcs cnough to m¡ke a concise teruion of thcm. !'or¡ íìrr prob¡rbly rtell on !'our \t'ay to owning thc¡n. Your summary may bL' iusl onc¿ lt'rttencr., r fcrv scntcnccs, a paragmph, or crtn & pirgc. Horvcl'cç you mny prcfcr to mahc !'our sumnìary o ljst, ch¡rn, tlmc linc, ol'm¡p, fVfrpping is a good form of $ummû¡y to trsc if you rcly hr'nvily on visualiz;rtio¡t to ¡emcmbcr (scc thc illust¡atio¡¡s at tlrc br.¡¡inning of crrch chopfcr frrr cx.rnrptes of mapping, or look ahe¡<l ar tlrc mapping scctior¡ ln Chapter 7). Ch:rptcr 6 Proccrsing Inlormrtion ¡ont l-cctr:rcs f Onc'ol tlrc bcst $l[rtcß¡cs I knou' l<¡r summ¡rizin¡; is to pr!-tcrìd (hitr .vou hâ\'..r been os-sigrrcd to prescnt to !.o(rr clnss lhc m¡rteriùl )'óu nccd tt¡ srrrnmrlizc. iVlukc ¡r PorvcrPoint prL.sr.nlítti.)n f<rr- ¡<xrr assi¡¡nnrr.rrt. Bccat¡sr: it is u pretcncl assigrrrrturl. l'ou c¡n makc prettntl l,r¡ç.crPoir¡t sliclcs [rom indc.t silrds. Decidc u'hich pfrints ].otr nc(.(l tfr includc and ltos. -1rlr *'íll pt't'scnt thcrn. Yot¡ .sl:olrltl cr.en includc tl¡c illr¡sl¡-".rrions lou rvill usc.. Yoù rvill find thar rvlrcrr ¡'ou lì¡rish, nor onl.y <lo I,oú ¡líìric ¡r grctt surr¡rnaq: hut 1'ou ¡rlso undcn$t¡rnd the mntcrial br'ttcr rtrrd ¡lob:rbl-y alrc¡¡dv t'cnlcnrlrcr ¡nr¡st of it. Making Connectlons, Continued tttrn to Exc¡risc 6.8 a¡rd co¡ttinuc ¡xrr cxplannlion ol lros, tl¡c lu¡rrrr. ing principlcs alr uicd in tl¡c Qucstion in thc fulaqirr sr.srcm by inclrrcling horu rtflectirrg, ¡evierr,ir¡g. and su¡nmnlizing use thc lcarning principlcs, Re Sample Notos-Question in the Marg¡ln Lectt¡rc notcs lrom thc info¡nration ptìcscntcd uboul the Qucstir¡n in thc Itvlargin r;-T$tcm mlËlht look somcthing likc thc follorr.ing sanrplc: 'Llry ut4 tlìeCr¡fl'il,tr ¡rr !l:â L..¡",'n f,l¡$ r¿m? .¿ l¡,l.J! ll, !1t¿p 1 ? û-l¿ f,i!:!¿rr l'¡$øy' ótr rurl r¡¿ l¿nt.rcrm rntÍl Sci.up'uïr.rl ¡,,fi?lc.¡rlra f}ry¿.:!:¡ {:tlr l/t \\'¡.¡¿ Fríprt:#tt, infr ¿\1 nlh:.' - ¡rr.{¡-i¿b.r¡:¡F,l: nEcoßD ì\ïirt ¡ ¡ Þ { g $ ìo ¡1.f t¿r ¡ilr.l.r,À?p lT¡fr.tÉn !Êfci iai;"1 OU€STlOt¡ 'r"¡h,rl.liilrf,t3? 3 4 iô å f' I llîL{l.l:i$t ?4î { I! $ ü x È r A{t¿rxnl¡$ ?,cç,rtr nclté--¡:'.t rPrìl ! *t&:.t¡ (at W*t ør¡ *+dl nËqrrE ¿1.Ìæ. *- $ s 27 l¡eff :¿ a r:t r.:rryr t.{d¿r^6t*.{n,sf :l1 f.¡ tr} to,rt¡lt ^11¿rìtii.; ãer:.ç-'rrl. *l,*tit¿. tn¡*c c c.r r'f, I ! s.., NEFLECT tihäf !3 a,'tat t)'/ t) 4 f¿," v?..4Ì.¿r,.y) þ,a¿t ar:¡ Ur'¿ rt frrri t¿¿hÉi?zc¡, f.|c ¡'i flf.h ¿r¿1.:i, i:..rii.!¡r t4r!r. rt4. REVfEW å Cc&4ên¡.¿ ß¡:r l.ôl?!f, ii(i.rr l?tìêtl lf l',i}l}or ({ Ê{P¡c.11 È9:rl. rr:i :L'!¡4 .!,!lt SUMMARI¿Ê ¡Jcfor 'ftr!! Ouoi¡tinn tn lhs Mn ç¡'n sy::t{rF rj'¡,.: r¡.J-,t ol tho t¡rltniril Êri1a p"e",.ln'J rãr,' .'ì1", (;t E:x !lCp! *Fllicr(,, Or¡r:.:l rlrr. nf ail¡. flrflc?|, llèr;cw, ¡r:l ìr rrrl¡. -qrrr. á: r.u