the edinburgh gazeitf., march 7

C" ALLAN f.Scnmr) Judicial Factor. Seanc-ld Farm.
Bjl]j.jati. West Liitfojan.
TO the CrcdtJori nnv-1 nlhiir ncrsnns interested in the
iidrivc. MFC HA EL OhOfiGE W1TTET, A.C.A., was
dppuijlled by the CouM of .Session "n 1st flnd 2£th Govern htr iyj". jii succession to lilt l^te Alfred Annan
C.A., Judi iil F 1di on inc c idle uf rhc said
Alf ihc Inwful C.'td IPTS nf [he sliJ [s»ic Allan ISc-nEnrl
jnJ ulhrr jier n HH icirtjtsred in his eKtaie ar* required to
lodge- wilti the Judicial Fai::uT *Jlflin fourteen clays uf the
d.tte of ihis notice. a moment nf their u!»inis as Ocdilors
of dBueiiied nr a* olticr^rsc in reeled in hi a cslale, with.
iuih vouch c-s or o-ihfr wrjtlen evidence as They may have
tc fmmd upon in support t>] I heir claims. to en LI MA Hi« sairn
to he considered ami fertorlcd upon by (lie Judicial hactur.
C o ilors who b.-iv« . L^ady cliimeJ in answer to the
Idler f-orn die .F LI die ill Ha .lor d.iNd S:h February 1P5S ne^d
nor rub ml LI lin'ilii'- cF.iim in respect, of claims already
Vf. C. WITTT.T. .F ii dick] FiiclOJ1.
21 CharLLmeSiiiMre. Edinburgh. 1.
4th March,
' F o (hi; r-iiJFti>iS <in<l Olhar n^rson^ in! crested [il the sUCCCSs n n nf Uic JcriMseJ GEORGE WATTE H SON, Wmc and
*iinrit ]i:c of gilishury CDititj.e, Croniwell
Strrct. Dun DO]].
.A PETITION h'is been n rei L-n [ ee! to l\:e Court of Sr";s[nn
r-LMiidint: at S-IL! itLi LI r v C<utl<ic« iiTu .jsaiJ^finvFnfi
•IH 1 1 ''r1 LIT l!i The ^iccccufon of [he s;iid rlcceESC'Tl OLOUCE
WATI'tKSpS. FlbB i>le En^il-i?: urt^r I he sard ckcea^d's
Will. ch« said Mrs F-'kma Haut'ow Gmy 'J homson or WntU-j'vnn. nut Li^tp:iilf! uf aC(in^^ L Paving under the Act 3 nn<l
4 (rcorjrcV. cup. Hi. section In!, for Hie a^j)DiJ)L[t)etlt Of_ii
Ft (J f;3[ FiHior i^ncn ^ i d c^tnfe • t.ncf which Pcrition will
hi i 'ii[ii moved in Con: I. L'fl i>r iiTtsr tlld T*'e^ly-fLj'it day
of MJT h. J 9 ^ R cif ill which Nol::e is hcrchy given.
3 1 QuecjiflLreet.
^oli^il^rs. for P-stiti[>[i(;r.
FdmEi ireli- fifh March.
AN iiTtriir 'ilitjcl hi;S bten n'tM^Urd in ihe Couit It
fp| cow h.v Viss KI.I/AFlhVTH HUN'F'KR, 4H| St. (icDrsji's
K i'nf , Ol'i ^ow. for Coillrilli'Mort its ts^-I-.ilor dative qua
Fun-: nir lo [he (icc^Ltscd FJAV1D tilli^QN HIJNTFR, 4R I
I-'. J. GEI.\NT. JDeji.
MOT1CE i.s heieby Riven in 1 cirri!, of Section li^ ot the
Bankruptvy (ScorlandJ Act LMI3, ill LI I ii l'ins\ Meeting uf
t:recilO!'5 nt' AJ^XANDER <iJ!..r>FlND will Le liclu un
\Vccrsc-sdiiy, 2*11) March, ]1J$6, ;tt ID ;i.m. in the office uf
Chita, l^i^h Brown &. Son, C.A., IV Water loo Si reel.
T. P. !
. Trustee.
TI-FF F^^tcs of M:i CA.TflER[NE L.F.F5L.
Mrcfl. Airtliiti. vrcre. ?^u 1 1 est ra t : J [in I he Fourth fl;iy (if
Mi'.iutl: Nineteen hiindrtJ ti[ld fit L y-C i fifcl b\ tile Sheriff r,F
Lanarkshire Lit AErtiiic.
Th^ first rfc-Jivconcc w;is d^led lh<r
diy uf
i:chru4iry. Nitteteen hlind-cd and
Tlie n'cctlncr ;o ele~\. ikr. T'i"""!« and ConiitiisfiuiicrR is
1o he. h^li? ;i1 2,Jf> o'clock. iifrLTnoon. DTI Tuesdiy, Ihe
ftiflhrnnnrh dp.y nf Vlarfli. Nineteeji ]iull(!rtd and
within (tie Faculty Ha']. -St. (.icorjjc-'s HI ace,
A com positron, may b? oil^iftftrt :H i h i 5
T'!kj V't iff hsii fi"dcyej TliLit the Seautslra[iin!i Jia.ll
frrjcccj n^ a S'.'mm-iry SmucjtT^lforL in Inn us uf flic liankruplcy l.'Si' IK [n [Ldl Act, 19 J 3.
T?i^ Jilc on fir before ^liidt Otetlhun iiiurl lodnu their
(Julh1! iind | upline = L'f O-.Hl ri-> entitle die in to the
divf(f2nd. will he id^ cr1 LSCC! in (he lictinhni'ph Gtizttic ci
iinB of Ci^djMrK,
Vuli.1- & MlLLEk. Writers,
21 J West (icargc Street, ( i kj >n
N ItOAULEY DIVERS. Wirt: £ind MpLrit
Kirk'ri: Circus, filasenw, Hc.-e-hv RJVLS noti-e [li;il lit
h.:! - p-^^entud a Pf til LOT, tL> I tic Lord Ordmbiry fit" tho
Ptt : 1 : ons nepirtment r-7 thv: Cfi'.irr. of Sfifinn, TOI r^eall of
tK- SL-(iue«lnniun uf the E smiles of the said: JOHN fttJAT>
Wine Hid Si'Hl MerLlmiLs. carry ir.g on bll^i^c^H at 2W1 New
f.'ity Ko^n. fila^iinw, on which PiitlTloil the '
deliverLL[Lfe hai been DJDiUHiiK'ed.
"The- I .nrri Ordinary ii-ant?. W-nnanf_ fur Serving 'hi
P^lil[on a..- u:^^ed.
ii'ith LL c<>^y L>f this inlerF(iciith-ir lipi'n
the Piirty nfi(.Ln t:n n c d in 1hc- Prayer ; apppjiUs ,•> Notkf dF
lln- Pi'i^LnKiLiuu oF 'his l'eliikl[] ajjd deliv^rjtLcc MI b:
piuiiishfd in the f7tJ!niiaiif!t d" •:?!<>.' ; n'luws i( 11 [jcisons
cb. inline: iniftr^sf I herein to Jt>i7j;t; iLnswen; thereto \f ap
within fourteen. d:iys aflcr sneli ^i-fku ;ind
"(":. T.V. Ci^AF[.^^f
1 iecn^ed Sninl D filler, +16 Gii'sculio Rnad, trlasgnw, 15
UvL?e.pLi'k Street, (il.isjjiiw, ;nKl (03 \fi-ulknd Street,
PATFR.5ON ARTFFFJR, CanlE Tiilor af.4 Outfiner. 3 1 Lir»1 Rnri:s. Valfeirk has sirantcd a Trunt Oced for
tichr>nf c\f his Crcc!ilr>rf in favour of t'le SLibSu[Eber | to
all M'^'OuPis shi'iiM be n^id and! with whom all cFaims
be lodged wifhin fourteen dnvs t'rcuil (Ite ditlc hereof,
The M«1mc of CretfiLorS will he held within The
of Mrssrs. A. A J, C. Allan S Cfi.. .Solicitors, ^oflh B^nlc
C"hamhcr*L NcwmarV«t Street, Fflikirk Lit J d'clnclf p.m. en
, 11th March. T95B.
. MOE=FAT, C.A., Trustee,
^ PETITION having hccn nrcfrintetdl (in ihe Shcritf of
Avr ?ri^ BH(« at Avr ar the instance nf GAR DINERS OF
PRESTTWICK, LfMITED, 78 Vfain Street, Pr«[wict. for
ScqucitT,ntion of the States of C1FAR[,ES AMI PERSON,
Tvierehattt. 35 Hcathficld RoaJ, Ayr, the Sheriff Substitute
of this date grained: Warrant for citing the said Charlci
A n d ers i>n. 10 appear w!(hin the Sherilf £fnt t \ Hu ti sc, Wcl I i n jj<0n S^LuarCn Ayr, pn the fourteenth rfay of March, ]958 at
IFt./lfl a.m. (o ihow rinse-why Seuucstfalion of his Estates
Should not be aw-ajrled ; D f all which intimation is hereby
"WiLi.uu M. M£>Rl»iL Solicit or,
130 Hit-h Street. Ayr.
. L x. L. . r.rn
Petitioners1 Af-cnt.
4ih Msrcbi, 195S.
Truttee fn the ^eu u CK I ri re J Eftfilci o[ ALEX\NnhR
'l'IMtnS SFV1PSON. Li;-rrtsrd ijuirii Flcalcr, 4 If. GitrsKoad. GliiiEL^w, 1,-i Hyriemrk Surest, rr[iisj>(ivv, and IDA
Mailknd Street. tila'.HCHv. I hicrc-hy c-iill n rccersnir of tht
(lirccfitnii in [}ic SeuLicjtratioii Id be held within my
dl timbers at .^ Hath Street, GlbirLjrsw, on Mo n (fay, ?lit da>'
fit' Marcll, IUJS, at Fl o'tlotk lloun, tti cdnnnJer JB tf)
Lip^lica^idn 10 be made f[ir my dischqreio a? Trustee,
;. Trustee.
. 5th Marcl), 1?f
THE iSUte. Df JAMES PLOOLJ residing cnrt of
Twenty-rive HJuhfielJ Plac-c- East K-Jbride was
rat^d on the 3rd day uf March, 15.iS <hy the Shcriu"
Lbin;trli?ihire ar 1 f nmi [( un.
The firsi deiivcranrc is diiteJ the 3rrt day af Much.
J95S. A meeting to else! (h.e Trustee and CommJSSioncfS
is In ha held it I F o'clock forenoon on Friday. 141 Fj March.
ISSS within Tlie Solicdmrs' LfbriirV, Sheriff Court, Altnadu
Street, Hamilton. A cnmcosttmn may be ode red at thit
meeting and" to entitle erctfflojs lo their first dividend, their
oaths and firaiinds of debt mint he lodged on or before tie
3rd day nf July, 19SS.
FP.. Solicitor,
Waterloo Street, Glasgow.
Agent for Petitioner.