Annual Student Learning Outcomes: 2012-2013 Student Conduct Divisional Learning Outcome: Student learning outcome #5: Personal Responsibility Departmental Outcome Students who are found responsible for violating a University policy will understand how their behavior is affecting others in the campus community. Action Steps Student conduct officers will integrate conversation into each disciplinary meeting to focus on the student understanding the impact that their behaviors have had on others. Type of Assessment The NASCAP national survey will be utilized to assess whether students indicate that they understand the effects their behaviors have on others. Criteria for Success This criterion will be successful if UT Arlington students rate themselves at or above the national average for understanding the impact of the actions on others. Mid-Year Report: Please consult with your AVP to determine how s/he prefers to receive a mid-year update. Results of Assessment: Our students ranked themselves slightly above the national average in understanding the impact of their behavior on their campus community so the criteria for success in this learning outcome was met. Future Plans for the Learning Outcome: The results from the NASCAP survey though showed that we met the criteria for success were limited in scope as only 48 students completed the survey. As a result I’ve asked the office to reformulate their assessment plans with another tool. 2/9/09 Page 1 of 2 Divisional Learning Outcome: Outcome #1: Practical Competence and/or Outcome #3 Personal Decision Making Skills Departmental Outcome Students who are found responsible for violating a University policy will learn one or more skill through the sanctioning process that will help them avoid the policy violation again in the future. Action Steps Type of Assessment Criteria for Success Sanction tools that focus on making a change in student behavior through practical skill development will be utilized as educational sanctions in the conduct process. The NASCAP national survey will be utilized to assess whether students indicate that they have learned a skill that has helped them avoid making a similar negative choice again in the future. If students answer yes they are required to fill in “What skill have you learned from this process” This criterion will be successful if 30% of those who respond to the NASCAP survey can list a valid skill they learned through the conduct process. Additionally a recidivism report will be run to determine if our students are at or below a 25% recidivism rate for similar violations. Mid-Year Report: Please consult with your AVP to determine how s/he prefers to receive a mid-year update. Results of Assessment: Our students did not list specific skills as this was an optional field. We did not meet that criteria as a function of the assessment tool’s limitations in this regard. Our recidivism rates remained below 25% for four year rates…we currently have a 19% recidivism rate which is below the 25% criteria for success. Future Plans for the Learning Outcome: The results from the NASCAP survey though showed that we met the criteria for success were limited in scope as only 48 students completed the survey. As a result I’ve asked the office to reformulate their assessment plans with another tool. 2/9/09 Page 2 of 2