Modelling and simulation analysis of static drive for large synchronous machine Arun Kumar Datta* Central Power Research Institute, India Abstract These devices named ASD, VFD etc. are boon to AC motors. Among them the thyristor converter has became firmly established as the static electrical power conversion equipments of many types ranging from a few hundred watts to tens megawatts. Though the concept of frequency converter is very old but for the large electrical machines this soft starting technology is thought of at a later stage. Under the technology Static Frequency Converter (SFC) is envisaged, designed and applied on many large machines [2] - [4]. Uses of SFC has increased in the recent years in the field of aviation industry, computer installations, communications, military installations, motor speed control, ships and power transmission. These systems use synchronous motor as well as induction motor which are smoothly controlled by variable speed drives. Synchronous motor functions as commutator-less DC motor when the phase of the stator current is controlled by a rotor position sensor. The advent of reliable high power thyristors now makes the synchronous motor a viable competitor to the commutator machines and induction motors in many applications [5] – [7]. SFC gives wide range of speed with long-term stability and good transient performance of synchronous motors. Synchronous machines have many excellent features. Starting problem has made its use limited in nature. But by virtue of modern static drives it is being used in a widespread manner. One large rating synchronous machine and its drive system are taken as study object in this paper. This machine is installed at a laboratory of Central Power Research Institute, India. It can be operated in dual mode i.e. as a motor or as a generator. In motor mode it attains its rated speed. In generator mode its output is utilised to perform short circuit tests on electrical power equipment. Starting, running and braking of this machine are done with a static drive called Static Frequency Converter (SFC). Detailed analysis of this static drive is done in this paper by creating a virtual model of the system. Model parameters are taken from the real system. Validation of the model is also carried out by comparing simulated waveforms with the actual recorded from the SFC system. Though the study is carried out on a specific system but the findings are applicable to all such similar machines. 1. Introduction 2. Starting a synchronous machine AC machines are comparatively cheaper than DC machines for not having any commutator but its use was very limited being a fixed speed machine. Speed of AC machine depends on supply frequency which was normally fixed prior to the application of static devices [1]. Of course, various means for controlling the speed of AC machines, connected to a fixed frequency supply had been devised. These are obsolete now with a static variable frequency supply. After the invention of semiconductor devices various static starting devices for motors are developed. Starting a synchronous motor has always been a problem as it is not a self starting machine. Variety of systems has been developed over the years as a starting device. The choice of the methods employed depends very much on the particular requirements and conditions [8]. The key techniques to start the synchronous motors are depicted in a simplified form in Figure 1. These are briefly summarized hereafter. * KEYWORDS Alternators, AC-DC power conversion, capacitive coupling, electric discharge machining, frequency converter, Fourier transforms, inductive coupling, simulation, Shaft voltage, synchronous machines, static excitation, thyristor. Cigre Science & Engineering • N°4 February 2016 12 Figure 1. Starting methods of synchronous machines. 2.1 Starting with starter motor high reactive current (6 to 7 times the rated current) and therefore drops the voltage in the supply network. The additional transformer reduces the voltage drop but increases the start-up time. Braking is possible in this system with additional equipment. Synchronous motor is fitted with a flange mounted starter motor which accelerates the rotor of the synchronous machine to the required speed. The starter motor is either an induction motor with starting resistors or a DC motor. But DC motor is not preferred for high speed machine. The starting motor has to be mounted on the free shaft end of the synchronous motor and thus making the group longer. Braking is possible with additional equipment. This method is mainly used, when opposing torque and therefore the rating of the starting system is not more than about 5% of the synchronous machine rating. 2.3 Frequency starting with asynchronous generator The synchronous machine is started from the supply system by using an auxiliary rotating group, consisting of an induction motor and an asynchronous generator. The accelerating power is governed by the starting resistor in the rotor circuit of the asynchronous generator. 2.4 Frequency starting with synchronous auxiliary machine 2.2 Starting with transformer or direct connection The synchronous machine is either connected directly or through a transformer to the power supply. The machine is started in an asynchronous manner. This method results in short start-up times but will draw a The synchronous motor can be started with an existing turbine-generator set. The two machines are electrically coupled together at standstill or at low speed and then Cigre Science & Engineering • N°4 February 2016 13 Figure 2. SFC connected with short circuit alternator. reverse the polarity of the output dc voltage and hence feed power back to the ac supply from the dc side. Under such condition the converter is said to be operating in the inverting mode. The thyristors in the converter circuit are commutated with the help of the supply voltage in the rectifying mode of operation and are known as line commutated converter. The same circuit while operating in the inverter mode requires load side counter e.m.f. for commutation and is referred to as the load commutated inverter. Static frequency converter (SFC) converts supply frequency to load requirement frequency with static technology. High rating thyristor based SFC is in use worldwide for starting and speed control of AC motors by providing a power supply of variable frequency and voltage simultaneously. It has a feature of four quadrant operations. With the introduction of high power IGBTs the soft starters are started utilizing this technology for the medium to moderately high power range. However in very high power application still thyristor has an edge over IGBTs. run up at variable frequency. Since this method is used primarily for pump storage, the last generator cannot be used as a pumping motor, unless in case of ternary unit. 2.5 Starting with static frequency converter (SFC) Most of the above discussed methods are very poor in terms of energy efficiency. Besides that they also need huge investments of money and time. In this last method synchronous machine is started from standstill by applying a phase synchronized, variable frequency generated by solid state power conversion equipment. The starting system can be located remotely from the motor with one start-up system applied for several motors. The system can also be used for driving, braking or reversing large synchronous machines. It is based on current source inverter (CSI). Current source inverter fed synchronous motors, hereafter also called commutatorless motors, have come into wide use in industry as a kind of variable speed motors, which can be controlled with performances near to DC motors. Furthermore, this system has a rigid structure and is easy to maintain like AC motors [9]. 3. SFC for specially designed synchronous machine The three phase fully controlled bridge converter used in SFC has been probably the most widely used power electronic converter in the medium to high power applications [10]. Multiphase circuits are generally preferred when large power is involved in order to reduce harmonics. The controlled rectifier can provide controllable output dc voltage in a single unit instead of a three phase autotransformer and a diode bridge rectifier. The controlled rectifier is obtained by replacing the diodes of the uncontrolled rectifier with thyristors. Control over the output dc voltage is obtained by controlling the conduction interval of each thyristor. This method is known as phase control and converters are also called phase controlled converters. Since thyristors can block voltage in both directions it is possible to A specially designed synchronous machine called short circuit alternator is used as a source of energy for short circuit tests on electrical power equipment. It is ought to know that this alternator runs without a prime mover. It is started as synchronous motor and can be converted to generator whenever requires to feed energy for short circuit tests. SFC works on the principle of LCI (Load Commutated Inverter) and is very much popular in the field of gas turbine base power plant, pump storage power plant and railways [11] - [15]. LCI operation is simple and reliable. It uses load-commutated, phase-controlled power thyristor technology to supply power to the stator windings of a Cigre Science & Engineering • N°4 February 2016 14 Figure 3. SFC configuration. power with a six pulse phase-controlled rectifier known as network bridge (NB). It is controlled in such a way as to produce a unidirectional current of controllable magnitude in smoothing inductor. Smoothing reactor filters out the ripples from the DC current in the second stage. In the third stage this current is then switched in a thyristor inverter called machine bridge (MB), to provide variable frequency three phase current to a synchronous motor. MB produces three-phase alternating current, the frequency of which is varied from a very low value up to the nominal value [23]. The current waveform of the inverter is of the six-step type. Voltage waveform is dependent on the properties and loading of the synchronous motor. Precise speed control can be achieved through inverter frequency control. Reversal of rotation can also be achieved by reversal of the phase sequence of the thyristor switching as the frequency goes through zero value. Reversal of power flow is achieved by reversing the polarity of the voltage in the direct-current link between the rectifier and the inverter. Both these bridges can also be made to operate in vice versa mode depending upon the machine requirements e.g. braking etc.Thus, full four-quadrant operation of the drive is possible. With these features of SFC, the machine can be operated in dual mode i.e. motor and generator. Thyristor firing angle in the NB and MB are set by SFC controller with various feedback loops (Figure 3). This controller is popularly known as power electronic controller (PEC) which acts very fast in µsec range during short circuit test sequence [24], [25]. high efficiency synchronous motor. The power circuit has a source rectifier connected to the power supply, a DC link reactor and an inverter connected to the synchronous motor (Figure 2). The source rectifier connected with the reactor acts as a DC current source. Its output current is impressed at the DC input of the machine side inverter [16]. The LCI controls the motor torque to regulate motor speed. Motor torque is controlled through the DC link current. The only problem faced in the LCI is for the load side SCR commutation at low speed where natural commutation doesn’t take place hence forced commutation is used [17]. This is happened due to low induced emf generation. Normally this problem persists upto 10% of the rated speed. Though SFC is used to run a synchronous motor, however implementation of this technology in a short circuit testing plant is actually eliminated a high power motor used as a prime mover for a large synchronous generator [18] – [20]. 4. sfc operation Frequency converters are of many types depending on the technology and application. The general configuration (Figure 3) of SFC here is a combination of two 6-pulse thyristor bridges with an intermediate dc link reactor [21], [22]. Hence it is a three stage process. In the first stage, AC power frequency is converted to DC Cigre Science & Engineering • N°4 February 2016 15 Figure 4. Simulink model of SFC used in short circuit alternator. 5. sfc Simulink model Parameter Value Input source 33 kV, three phase Transformer nominal power 3.5 MVA Transformer primary input, Delta winding 33 kV, 50Hz Transformer secondary output, Star winding 1.72 kV Thyristor bridge 3 arms Snubber resistance 2000 Ω Snubber capacitance 0.1 µF Link reactor 4.8 mH Base voltage 12 kV X/R ratio 20 Motor voltage 1.72 kV 3-ph S.C. level at base voltage 1500 MVA To understand the intricacies of SFC system, simulation technique is always a better solution. In line with this a MATLAB/Simulink software is applied to model the whole system. Model parameters are the real data (Table I) from the working system. The main power source is the grid supply at 33 kV level. It has to be step down to 1.72 kV level as SFC operates at this voltage. To create SFC model one three phase source, one step down transformer, two thyristor bridges are taken. A reactor is placed in between these bridges. 33 kV/1.72 kV step-down transformer is inside the rectifier block. Rectifier and inverter both are in six pulse configuration. The other requirements are control circuits and scope window at the requisite place. Simulink model of the system is shown in Figure 4. It is necessary to validate the created Simulink model before analysing the system through it. For this the model is run and waveforms for simulated motor voltage (Figure 5) and simulated motor current (Figure 7) are traced. These waveforms are compared with the waveforms drawn from the real system (Figure 5 & 6 and Figure 7 & 8). Real and simulated traces are found to be similar in nature, which authenticates the validation process. Table I. SFC model parameters. Figure 5. Simulated motor voltage. Cigre Science & Engineering • N°4 February 2016 16 Figure 6. Motor voltage from the real system. 6. Simulation analysis at motor terminals the system also feeds harmonics at the source side. Source voltage doesn’t deform much (THD=2.46%), but the source current sees a very high level of THD at 18.12%. All these THD values are given in Table II. Field winding of synchronous machine also gets a pulsating DC from a controlled rectifier containing numbers of high level of harmonics. These harmonics causes inductive and capacitive couplings in the whole system of synchronous machine including the static drive [26]. This is one of the main reasons of creating shaft voltages in the machine. Other reason of shaft voltage is the presence of common mode voltage (CMV) which is also investigated later. Some other negative impacts of high THD are deterioration of winding insulation apart from distorting the neighbouring electronic circuits. After the model validation, simulated source voltage and simulated source current are recorded and depicted in Figure 9 and Figure 10. Motor voltage and motor current from the real and simulated systems are already shown in Figure 5 to Figure 8. Simply looking, current and voltage waveforms of the SFC system are not sinusoidal rather distorted in nature. These simulated waveforms are processed through Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT). Figure 11 to Figure 14 show frequency spectrums of all the simulated parameters e.g. source voltage, source current, motor voltage and motor current. FFTs reveal that the level of harmonics in motor voltage is 20.74% whereas; motor current contains 30.11% THD. THD level below 5% is considered as safe. Besides high THDs Figure 7. Simulated motor current. Cigre Science & Engineering • N°4 February 2016 17 Figure 8. Motor current from the real system. Figure 9. Simulated source voltage. Figure 10. Simulated source current. Cigre Science & Engineering • N°4 February 2016 18 Figure 11. Frequency spectrum of simulated source voltage. Figure 12. Frequency spectrum of simulated source current. Figure 13. Frequency spectrum of simulated motor voltage. Cigre Science & Engineering • N°4 February 2016 19 Figure 14. Frequency spectrum of simulated motor current. %THD source voltage %THD source current %THD motor voltage %THD motor current 2.46 18.12 20.74 30.11 8. References [1] Yuko Shinryo, Isamu Hosono and Keijiro Syoji, “Commutatorless DC Drive for Steel Rolling Mill”, IEEE/IAS Annual Meeting, pp.263-271, 1977. [2] Oliver Drubel Max Hobelsberger, “Static frequency converters with reduced parasitic effects”, 35th Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC 04, 2004, IEEE. Table II. Harmonic distortion due to SFC. [3] Oliver Drubel, “Converter Dependent Design of Induction Machines in the Power range below 10MW”, 1-4244-0743-5/07 2007 IEEE. 7. Conclusion [4] P. Langhorst, C. Hancock, “Simple Truth about Motor Drive Compatibility”, MagneTek Publication, pp. 24-28, July 1996. SFC is best among the known techniques of starting a synchronous machine. With SFC the machine can be started softly without much loading the supply source. Other than starting and speed control, SFC can also be used for braking and reversal operation of large machines. In other way all the four quadrant operations can be achieved with SFC. To know the performance of SFC on this large generator, it is not advisable to perform any kind of experiment on a live system. The suitable solution envisaged for this study is the simulation technique. By virtue of MATLAB/Simulink software, SFC is modeled from the actual parameters. Simulation results are validated with the waveforms drawn from the real bridges in SFC. FFT analyses on the simulated waveforms are carried out. The significant findings from the frequency spectrums are the presence of high level of harmonics in the motor terminals as well as source side. [5] Frank J. Bourbeau, “Synchronous Motor Railcar propulsion”, IEEE/ IAS 1974-Part I, pp. 533-540, 1974. [6] John A. Allan, W. A. Wyeth, Gordon W. 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Raghavaiah, “Motor-less operation of Short Circuit generator – A CPRI Perspective”, International Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems (ICEPES-2010), pp.439-445, 26-28 August 2010 MANIT, Bhopal. Arun Kumar Datta, Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from MA National Institute of Technology (MANIT), Bhopal, India. Earlier he did his Post Graduation (M.Tech.) from MANIT, Bhopal and Graduation from Govt. Engineering College, Bilaspur. He is employed in Central Power Research Institute (CPRI), Bhopal, India since 1993 and looking after the Operation & Maintenance of two 1500MVA short circuit generator plants and a medium voltage substation. He had undergone training at many places including the works of M/s. Alsthom, France. He is also looking after the Quality Assurance activities of CPRI. He is a Certified Energy Auditor from Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), India and also a member of Institution of Engineers (India). He has attended many International & National Conferences/Seminars and has many technical papers on his credentials. [19]Datta Arun Kumar, Dubey Manisha, Jain Shailendra, “Investigation of bearing currents in dual mode operation of synchronous machine with static excitation system”, pp. 45-53, Electrical and Electronics Engineering: An International Journal (ELELIJ) Vol. 2, No 4, November 2013. [20]Datta Arun Kumar, Ansari M. A., Mondal N. R., Raghavaiah B. V. “A Novel Use of Power Electronics: Prime Mover-less Alternator with Static Drive & Excitation System”, International Journal of Electronics & Communication Technology (IJECT), Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 472-475, January - March 2012. [21] Tore Peterson, Kjell Frank, “Starting of large synchronous motor using static frequency converter”, paper 71 TP 519-PWR for IEEE Summer Meeting and International Symposium on High Power Testing, Portland, Ore., pp. 172-179, July 18-23, 1971. [22]Gordon R. Slemon, Sashi B. Dewan and James W. A. Wilson, “Synchronous Motor Drive with Current-Source Inverter”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Applications, Vol. IA-10, pp. 412-416, pp. May/June 1974. Cigre Science & Engineering • N°4 February 2016 21