Accelerated Synthesis of Poly(methyl methacrylate)-bPoly(vinyl chloride)-b-Poly(methyl methacrylate) Block Copolymers by the CuCl/Tris(2-dimethylaminoethyl)amineCatalyzed Living Radical Block Copolymerization of Methyl Methacrylate Initiated with ␣,-Di(iodo)poly(vinyl chloride) in Dimethyl Sulfoxide at 90 °C VIRGIL PERCEC, TAMAZ GULIASHVILI, ANATOLIY V. POPOV, ERNESTO RAMIREZ-CASTILLO, JORGE F. J. COELHO, LUIS A. HINOJOSA-FALCON Roy & Diana Vagelos Laboratories, Department of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-6323 Received 4 October 2004; accepted 22 October 2004 DOI: 10.1002/pola.20616 Publoshed online in Wiley InterScience ( ABSTRACT: ␣,-Di(iodo)poly(vinyl chloride)s [␣,-di(iodo)PVCs] with number-average molecular weights ranging from 2100 to 20,000 and weight-average molecular weight/number-average molecular weight ratios ranging from 1.72 to 2.16 were synthesized through the single-electron-transfer/degenerative-chain-transfer mediated living radical polymerization of vinyl chloride initiated with iodoform and catalyzed by sodium dithionite in water at 25–35 °C. These ␣,-di(iodo)PVCs were used as macroinitiators for the metal-catalyzed living radical block copolymerization of methyl methacrylate to produce poly(methyl methacrylate)-b-poly(vinyl chloride)-b-poly(methyl methacrylate) block copolymers. By searching various copper derivatives, ligands, and solvents, it has been found that CuCl/ tris(2-dimethylaminoethyl)amine in dimethyl sulfoxide at 90 °C provides an accelerated method for the synthesis of block copolymers. Poly(methyl methacrylate)-b-poly(vinyl chloride)-b-poly(methyl methacrylate) block copolymers with number-average molecular weights of 41,000 –106,700 were produced by this method in 30 – 80 min. These reaction times were within the range of induction times exhibited when the same block copolymers were synthesized with CuCl/2,2⬘-bipyridine in diphenyl ether at 90 °C. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polym Sci Part A: Polym Chem 43: 1649 –1659, 2005 Keywords: block copolymers; kinetics (polym.); living polymerization; poly(methyl methacrylate); poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC); radical polymerization INTRODUCTION In a previous publication,1 we reported that ␣,di(iodo)poly(vinyl chloride) [␣,-di(iodo)PVC], Correspondence to: V. Percec (E-mail: percec@sas. Journal of Polymer Science: Part A: Polymer Chemistry, Vol. 43, 1649 –1659 (2005) © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. synthesized by the single-electron-transfer/degenerative-chain-transfer mediated living radical polymerization (SET–DTLRP) of vinyl chloride (VC),2–5 can be used as a macroinitiator for the metal-catalyzed living radical block copolymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA) to produce poly(methyl methacrylate)-b-poly(vinyl chloride)b-poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA-b-PVC-bPMMA) block copolymers. These PMMA-b-PVC1649 1650 PERCEC ET AL. Figure 1. Influence of the copper derivative on the copper-derivative/bpy-catalyzed living radical block copolymerization of MMA initiated with ␣,-di(iodo)PVC (I) with Mn ⫽ 2100: (a) [CuCl]0/[bpy]0/[I]0/[MMA]0 ⫽ 2/6/1/188 mol/mol/mol/mol in Ph2O at 90 °C, (b) [Cu(0)]0/[bpy]0/[I]0/[MMA]0 ⫽ 2/6/1/188 mol/mol/mol/mol in DMSO at 90 °C, and (c) [Cu2Te]0/[bpy]0/[I]0/[MMA]0 ⫽ 2/6/1/188 mol/mol/mol/mol in Ph2O at 90 °C. kp is the rel apparent rate constant of propagation, Mth is the theoretical molecular weight, and Ieff is the relative initiator efficiency. b-PMMA block copolymers exhibit molecular weight distributions [weight-average molecular weight/number-average molecular weight (Mw/ Mn)] lower than 1.20 and incorporate a variety of molecular weights for both the poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) segments. This synthetic method provides the first general strategy for the synthesis of ABA and AB block copolymers containing PVC in the A or B block and a variety of polymer structures derived from methacrylates, acrylates, acrylonitrile, and styrenes in the second block. In addition, more complex block copolymers and other architectures have become available for the first time by using various combinations of the SET– DTLRP of VC and other monomers and the metalcatalyzed living radical polymerization of acrylates,6 –10 acrylonitrile,8,11 methacrylates,6 – 8,12 and styrenes.6 – 8,12 Finally, ␣,-di(iodo)PVC obtained by the SET–DTLRP of VC is free of structural defects and so exhibits, both as a homopolymer and in block copolymers based on it, much higher thermal stability than current commercial PVC.4,5 This combination of novel physical properties and architectures13–16 opens novel technological opportunities for PVC-based materials. The aforementioned block copolymerization method1 uses ␣,-di(iodo)PVC as an initiator and ACCELERATED SYNTHESIS OF PMMA-b-PVC-b-PMMA 1651 Table 1. Influence of the Nature of the Catalyst on the Rate of Block Copolymerization and on the Mn and Mw/Mn Values of PMMA-b-PVC-b-PMMA Synthesized by Initiation from ␣,-Di(Iodo)PVC (Mn ⫽ 2100 and Mw/Mn ⫽ 1.84) in Ph2O at 90 °Ca 1 2 3 4 Catalyst kpexp (min⫺1)c Conversion (%)/Time (min) Mn (GPC) Mw/Mn Ieff (%)d CuCl/bpy Cu2Te/bpy Cu(0)bpy Cu(0)/bpyb 0.033 0.022 0 0.021 95/110 81/80 0 63/50 46,500 150,000 0 93,000 1.19 1.22 — 1.29 38.5 9.3 11.7 [Metal catalyst]0/[bpy]0/[␣,-di(iodo)PVC]0/[MMA]0 ⫽ 2/6/1/188 mol/mol/mol/mol; [MMA]0 ⫽ 6.4 mol/L. The reaction was performed in DMSO. Experimental rate constant of propagation. d Initiator efficiency. a b c CuCl/2,2⬘-bipyridine (bpy) as a catalyst. Polymerdium dithionite (Na2S2O4) at 25–35 °C in H2O by a method reported from our laboratory.4 ization experiments were carried out at 90 °C in the presence of some diphenyl ether (Ph2O), which was used to lower the viscosity of the reacInfluence of the Copper/bpy Catalyst on the Rate tion mixture and thus to facilitate the kinetic of the Block Copolymerization of MMA analysis of the block copolymerization process. This block copolymerization is accompanied by an The efficiency of various copper/bpy catalysts on induction period because at its beginning the rethe living radical block copolymerization of action mixture is heterogeneous. For fundamenMMA initiated from the chain ends of ␣,tal and technological reasons, an accelerated syndi(iodo)PVC with Mn ⫽ 2100 and Mw/Mn ⫽ 1.84 thetic method would be highly desirable. In this was investigated with kinetic experiments carpublication, we survey various synthetic strateried out at 90 °C with Ph2O as the diluent. All gies in order to generate an accelerated method block copolymerization experiments were perfor block copolymerization initiated from the formed in 25-mL Schlenk tubes. Because PVC is chain ends of ␣,-di(iodo)PVC. Toward this goal not soluble in MMA or Ph2O, at the beginning of we have investigated various copper-based catathe polymerization, the reaction mixture was lytic systems while maintaining bpy as the ligand heterogeneous. As the conversion increased, the and Ph2O as the solvent, with different solvents resulting PMMA-b-PVC-b-PMMA became solufor the CuCl/bpy catalytic system and different ble in MMA and Ph2O, and as a result, the ligands for CuCl. An accelerated block copolymerreaction mixture became homogeneous. CuCl/ ization of MMA with CuCl/tris(2-dimethylaminoethyl)bpy,17 Cu(0)/bpy,15,18 –21 and copper(I) telluride amine (Me6-TREN) as the catalyst and dimethyl (Cu2Te)/bpy22 were investigated as catalysts in sulfoxide (DMSO) as the diluent at 90 °C is rethese block copolymerization experiments. ported here. This synthetic method eliminates the Cu(0)2,3,15,18 –21 and Cu2Te2,3,22 are self-reguinduction time of the block copolymerization and lated catalytic systems because they are precurproduces PMMA-b-PVC-b-PMMA in conversions sors that generate in situ an extremely reactive higher than 90% in 30 – 80 min. nascent catalyst as a molecular dispersion and in the minimum required concentration. Therefore, Cu2Te, Cu2O, Cu2S,15,18 –22 and other reRESULTS AND DISCUSSION lated catalysts23 were able to eliminate side reactions taking place with the CuCl catalyst Synthesis of ␣,-Di(iodo)PVC and subsequently were used in the synthesis of ␣,-Di(iodo)PVCs with number-average molecupolymers with complex architectures.13–16 lar weights (Mn’s) ranging from 2100 to 20,000 The kinetic analysis of these block copolymerand Mw/Mn values ranging from 1.72 to 2.16 were ization experiments is shown in Figure 1. The synthesized through the SET–DTLRP of VC iniCuCl/bpy-mediated block copolymerization of tiated with iodoform (CHI3) and catalyzed by soMMA in Ph2O exhibited an induction period of 1652 PERCEC ET AL. Figure 2. Influence of the solvent on the CuCl/bpy-catalyzed living radical block copolymerization of MMA initiated with ␣,-di(iodo)PVC (I) with Mn ⫽ 2100 at 90 °C ([CuCl]0/[bpy]0/[I]0/[MMA]0 ⫽ 2/6/1/188 mol/mol/mol/mol): (a) Ph2O, (b) DMSO, (c) cyclohexanone, and (d) (CH2)2CO3. kp is the apparent rate constant of propagation, Mth rel is the theoretical molecular weight, and Ieff is the relative initiator efficiency. about 30 min [Fig. 1(a)]. Cu(0)/bpy did not initiate the block copolymerization of MMA from the chain ends of ␣,-di(iodo)PVC when Ph2O was used as a solvent (Table 1). However, when Cu(0)/ bpy was used as a catalyst in DMSO, the block polymerization of MMA initiated from ␣,-di(iodo)PVC did not exhibit an induction period and proceeded with an apparent rate constant of prop- 1653 ACCELERATED SYNTHESIS OF PMMA-b-PVC-b-PMMA Table 2. Influence of the Solvent on the Rate of Block Copolymerization and on the Mn and Mw/Mn Values of PMMA-b-PVC-b-PMMA Synthesized by Initiation from ␣,-Di(Iodo)PVC (Mn ⫽ 2100 and Mw/Mn ⫽ 1.84)a 1 2 3 4 Solvent kpexp (min⫺1)b Mn (GPC)/Conversion (%) Mw/Mn Ieff (%)c Ph2O DMSO Cyclohexanone (CH2)2CO3 0.033 0.021 0.015 0.031 46,500/95 28,800/89 23,200/70 30,200/90 1.20 1.21 1.28 1.16 38.5 63.0 61.7 69.0 [CuCl]0/[bpy]0/[␣,-di(iodo)PVC]0/[MMA]0 ⫽ 2/6/1/188 mol/mol/mol/mol; temperature ⫽ 90 °C; [MMA]0 ⫽ 6.4 mol/L. Experimental rate constant of propagation. c Initiator efficiency. a b agation almost identical to that of the CuCl/bpycatalyzed process in Ph2O [Fig. 1(b) and Table 1]. Cu2Te/bpy also initiated this block copolymerization without an induction period [Fig. 1(c)] and mediated its rate almost as quickly as CuCl/bpy (Table 1). Most likely, CuI/bpy was generated in situ with the Cu(0)/bpy and Cu2Te/bpy catalysts. Moreover, Cu(0)/bpy in DMSO and Cu2Te/bpy in Ph2O produced PMMA-b-PVC-b-PMMA with molecular weight distributions as narrow as those of PMMA-b-PVC-b-PMMA generated by the CuCl/ bpy-catalyzed block copolymerization (Table 1). The mechanisms of the CuCl/bpy-, Cu(0)/bpy-, and Cu2Te/bpy-mediated block copolymerizations are most likely different. In the case of CuCl/bpy, a potential exchange between PMMA dormant propagating species containing alkyl iodide and alkyl chloride may occur. However, in the case of Cu(0)/bpy and Cu2Te/bpy, only alkyl iodide PMMA dormant species are possible. The mechanism of this reaction is under investigation and will be reported in due time. Influence of the Polymerization Solvent on the Rate of the Block Copolymerization of MMA For block copolymerization mediated by Cu(0)/ bpy, we observed a great difference between the experiments performed in Ph2O and those performed in DMSO. Therefore, we decided to consider the influence of four different solvents— Ph2O, DMSO, cyclohexanone, and ethylene carbonate [(CH2)2CO3]— on the block copolymerization experiment catalyzed by CuCl/bpy. The influence of the solvent on the CuCl/bpy-catalyzed block copolymerization of MMA initiated from the chain ends of ␣,-di(iodo)PVC was investigated with the aid of kinetic experiments. These kinetic experiments are shown in Figure 2. The first im- portant conclusion derived from the data presented in Figure 2 is that although the polymerization performed in Ph2O exhibited an induction period [Fig. 2(a)], all the other solvents eliminated this induction period. The rate of block copolymerization decreased only slightly when the solvent was changed from Ph2O to DMSO and was almost half for cyclohexanone (Fig. 1 and Table 2). However, the use of (CH2)2CO3 produced a higher rate of block copolymerization that even Ph2O [Fig. 2(a,d) and Table 2]. Moreover, the molecular weight distributions of the final PMMA-b-PVC-b-PMMAs were almost identical, in light of the differences in the final conversions [Table 2 and Figure 1(a– c)]. (CH2)2CO3 seemed to be the only solvent that increased the rate of block copolymerization while producing a block copolymer with a lower molecular weight distribution (Table 2 and Fig. 2). Because of these results, we decided to investigate the role of the ligand in the CuCl-mediated block copolymerization of MMA initiated from the chain ends of ␣,-di(iodo)PVC in DMSO. Influence of the CuCl Ligand on the Block Copolymerization of MMA Initiated from the Chain Ends of ␣,-Di(iodo)PVC in DMSO The influence of five different ligands— bpy, Me6TREN, hexamethyltriethylenetetramine (HMTETA), poly(ethylene imine) (PEI), and methylated poly(ethylene imine) (MePEI)— on the CuCl-catalyzed block copolymerization of MMA initiated from the chain ends of ␣,-di(iodo)PVC was investigated with kinetic experiments (Figs. 3 and 4). As already discussed in the previous subsection, DMSO eliminated the induction period for the CuCl/bpy process [Fig. 3(a)]. Me6-TREN increased the rate of block copolymerization by a 1654 PERCEC ET AL. Figure 3. Influence of the ligand on the CuCl/ligand-catalyzed living radical block copolymerization of MMA initiated with ␣,-di(iodo)PVC (I) with Mn ⫽ 2100 at 90 °C ([CuCl]0/[ligand]0/[I]0/[MMA]0 ⫽ 2/6/1/188 mol/mol/mol/mol): (a) bpy in DMSO, (b) Me6-TREN in DMSO, (c) Me6-TREN in Ph2O, and (d) HMTETA in DMSO. kp is the rel apparent rate constant of propagation, Mth is the theoretical molecular weight, and Ieff is the relative initiator efficiency. factor of four in comparison with CuCl/bpy and maintained a reasonably low molecular weight distribution [Fig. 3(b)]. A very interesting result was that Me6-TREN also eliminated the induction period when the block copolymerization was carried out in Ph2O [Fig. 2(b,c)]. However, the ACCELERATED SYNTHESIS OF PMMA-b-PVC-b-PMMA 1655 Figure 4. Influence of the ligand on the CuCl/ligand-catalyzed living radical block copolymerization of MMA initiated with ␣,-di(iodo)PVC (I) with Mn ⫽ 2100 in DMSO at 90 °C ([CuCl]0/[ligand]0/[I]0/[MMA]0 ⫽ 2/6/1/188 mol/mol/mol/mol): (a) PEI in DMSO, (b) MePEI, and (c) no ligand. kp is the apparent rate constant of propagation, Mth is the rel theoretical molecular weight, and Ieff is the relative initiator efficiency. molecular weight distribution of PMMA-b-PVCb-PMMA was substantially broader when the block copolymer was prepared with Me6-TREN in Ph2O versus DMSO [Fig. 3(b,c) and Table 3]. CuCl/HMTETA also produced a higher rate than CuCl/bpy. Nevertheless, this increase was only by a factor of 1.5 [Fig. 3(d) and Table 3]. Commercial and inexpensive PEI and its permethylated derivative also increased the rate of block copolymerization by a factor of more than three in comparison with CuCl/bpy [Fig. 4(a,b) and Table 3]. One of the most interesting results generated by these experiments was that in DMSO, CuCl catalyzed the block copolymerization of MMA initiated from the active chain ends of ␣,-di(iodo)PVC even in the absence of a ligand [Fig. 4(c)]. The molecular weight distribution of PMMA-b-PVC-b-PMMA obtained in the absence of a ligand was as narrow as the one obtained in the presence of a ligand (Table 3). However, the rate of block copolymerization was, almost by an order of magnitude, lower than the one obtained in the presence of bpy (Table 3). An interesting conclusion drawn from these experiments is that with Me6-TREN or PEI as the ligand in the CuCl-catalyzed block copolymerization of MMA initiated from the chain ends of PMMA-b-PVC-b-PMMA, block copolymers can be obtained with greater than 90% conversions in 30 min. This is remarkable 1656 PERCEC ET AL. Table 3. Influence of the Nature of the Ligand on the Rate of Block Copolymerization and on the Mn and Mw/Mn Values of PMMA-b-PVC-b-PMMA Synthesized by Initiation from ␣,-Di(Iodo)PVC (Mn ⫽ 2100 and Mw/Mn ⫽ 1.84)a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ligand kpexp (min⫺1)c Mn (GPC)/Conversion (%) Mw/Mn Ieff (%)d bpy Me6-TREN Me6-TRENb HMTETA PEI MePEI No ligand 0.021 0.084 0.087 0.037 0.069 0.059 0.003 28,800/89 41,400/92 34,900/93 45,600/89 89,000/87 47,500/92 45,000/47 1.21 1.33 1.73 1.23 1.25 1.26 1,24 63.0 52.9 58.2 38.7 19.5 40.2 22.7 [CuCl]0/[ligand]0/[PVC]0/[MMA]0 ⫽ 2/6/1/188 mol/mol/mol/mol; solvent ⫽ DMSO; temperature ⫽ 90 °C; [MMA]0 ⫽ 6.4 mol/L. Ph2O was used as the solvent. c Experimental rate constant of propagation. d Initiator efficiency. a b progress because in the previous procedure based on CuCl/bpy in Ph2O, the induction time itself is about 30 min. CuCl/Me6-TREN-Catalyzed Living Radical Block Copolymerization of MMA Initiated from the Chain Ends of ␣,-Di(iodo)PVC (Mn ⴝ 2100 –20,000) in DMSO at 90 °C CuCl/Me6-TREN in DMSO at 90 °C was used to investigate the synthesis of PMMA-b-PVC-bPMMA block copolymers by the living radical block copolymerization of MMA initiated from ␣,-di(iodo)PVC (Mn ⫽ 2100 –20,000 and Mw/Mn ⫽ 1.72–2.16). Kinetic experiments for five samples of ␣,-di(iodo)PVC are shown in Figures 5 and 6. Regardless of the molecular weight of the ␣,-di(iodo)PVC initiator, the block copolymerization experiments did not exhibit any induction period. In all cases, PMMA-b-PVC-b-PMMAs with Mw/Mn values ranging from 1.30 to 1.52 were obtained at an MMA conversion of 92–78%. The reaction times of these block copolymerization experiments varied from 30 to 80 min (Table 4 and Figs. 5 and 6). These reaction times were within the range of induction times exhibited by the block copolymerizations catalyzed by CuCl/bpy in Ph2O at the same temperature, that is, 90 °C. We believe that the CuCl/Me6-TREN-catalyzed living radical block copolymerization of MMA in DMSO at 90 °C proceeds by a combination of competitive activation and deactivation mediated by Cu(I)/Cu(II) species, single-electron transfer, and degenerative chain transfer. During this process, an exchange of dormant and active species may also take place. Investigations to clarify the mechanism of this synthetic procedure are in progress in our laboratory. CONCLUSIONS An investigation of the influence of various copper catalysts, polymerization solvents, and ligands on the metal-catalyzed living radical block copolymerization of MMA initiated from the chain ends of ␣,-di(iodo)PVC has been described. CuCl/Me6TREN in DMSO at 90 °C was selected for this synthetic method because it accelerates the CuCl/ bpy-catalyzed living radical block copolymerization of MMA initiated from the chain ends of ␣,-di(iodo)PVC in Ph2O at 90 °C.1 From ␣,-di(iodo)PVCs with Mn values ranging from 2100 to 20,000, PMMA-b-PVC-b-PMMAs with Mn values of 41,000 –106,700 and Mw/Mn values of approximately 1.30 were obtained within 30 – 80 min. These reaction times were in the same range as the induction times exhibited by the block copolymerization of MMA initiated from ␣,-di(iodo)PVC and catalyzed by CuCl/bpy in Ph2O at 90 °C. In addition, the initiation efficiency, determined from kinetic plots, though calculated with PMMA-based molecular weights, increased as Mn of ␣,-di(iodo)PVC increased. This trend confirms results reported elsewhere.1 ACCELERATED SYNTHESIS OF PMMA-b-PVC-b-PMMA 1657 Figure 5. CuCl/Me6-TREN-catalyzed living radical block copolymerization of MMA initiated with ␣,-di(iodo)PVC (I) with different Mn values in DMSO at 90 °C ([CuCl]0/ [Me6-TREN]0/[I]0/[MMA]0 ⫽ 2/6/1/188 mol/mol/mol/mol): (a) Mn ⫽ 2100, (b) Mn ⫽ 5500, and (c) Mn ⫽ 9200. kp is the apparent rate constant of propagation, Mth is the rel theoretical molecular weight, and Ieff is the relative initiator efficiency. EXPERIMENTAL Materials Copper powder (99%), tris(2-aminoethyl)amine (96%), PEI (a mixture of linear and branched chains; Mn ⬇ 423, bp ⫽ 250 °C), HMTETA (⬎97%), cyclohexanone (⬎99%), (CH2)2CO3 (98%), Ph2O (⬎99%), and formic acid (99%) were purchased from Aldrich and were used as received. Cu2Te (99.5%) was purchased from Alfa Aesar. MMA (⬎99%; Aldrich) was passed through a basic Al2O3 chromatographic column (flash) before use. CuCl (⬎99%; Aldrich) was washed with 4% HCl two times, filtered under argon, rinsed with degassed deionized water and tetrahydrofuran (THF), dried in vacuo, and stored under ar- gon. CHI3 (99%) and Na2S2O4 (85%) were purchased from Lancaster. THF (99%), methylene chloride (99.5%), methanol (99.8%), DMSO (99%), and sodium bicarbonate (⬎99%) were purchased from Fisher Scientific. Bpy (99%; Acros Organics) was used as received. ␣,-Di(iodo)PVCs of different molecular weights were prepared as described elsewhere.4 Me6-TREN was prepared as described elsewere.24,25 All other chemicals were purchased from Aldrich and were used as received. Techniques 1 H NMR spectra (500 MHz) were recorded on a Bruker DRX500 at 32 °C in CD2Cl2 and CDCl3 with tetramethylsilane as an internal standard. 1658 PERCEC ET AL. Figure 6. CuCl/Me6-TREN-catalyzed living radical block copolymerization of MMA initiated with ␣,-di(iodo)PVC (I) with different Mn values in DMSO at 90 °C ([CuCl]0/ [Me6-TREN]0/[I]0/[MMA]0 ⫽ 2/6/1/188 mol/mol/mol/mol): (a) Mn ⫽ 14,100 and (b) Mn ⫽ 20,000. kp is the apparent rate constant of propagation, Mth is the theoretical rel molecular weight, and Ieff is the relative initiator efficiency. Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) analysis was performed on a PerkinElmer series 10 highpressure liquid chromatograph equipped with an LC-100 column oven (40 °C), a Nelson Analytical 900 series integrator data station, a PerkinElmer 785A ultraviolet–visible detector (254 nm), a Varian Star 4090 refractive-index detector, and two AmGel columns (10 m and 500 Å and 10 m and 104 Å). THF (Fisher; high-pressure-liquid-chromatography-grade) was used as an eluent at a flow rate of 1 mL/min. The Mn and Mw values were determined versus PMMA standards. The glass-transition temperatures were determined on a Thermal Analysis TA-2920 modulated Table 4. Influence of Mn of the ␣,-Di(Iodo)PVC Macroinitiator on the Rate of Block Copolymerization of MMA and on the Properties of PMMA-b-PVC-b-PMMAa ␣,-Di(Iodo)PVC 1b 2b 3c 4c 5d PMMA-b-PVC-b-PMMA kpexp (min⫺1)e Mn (GPC) Mw/Mn Mn (GPC)/Conversion (%)/Time (min) Mw/Mn Ieff (%)f 0.084 0.082 0.036 0.040 0.021 2100 5,500 9,200 14,100 20,000 1.84 1.74 1.80 1.72 2.16 41,000/92/30 58,900/92/30 57,400/83/45 84,500/85/45 106,700/78/45 1.33 1.33 1.30 1.31 1.51 52.9 40.0 66.1 33.9 81.8 [CuCl]0/[Me6-TREN]0/[␣,-di(iodo)PVC]0 ⫽ 2/6/1 mol/mol/mol; solvent ⫽ DMSO; temperature ⫽ 90 °C. [MMA]0 ⫽ 6.4 M; [MMA]0/[␣,-di(iodo)PVC]0 ⫽ 188 c [MMA]0 ⫽ 3.76 M; [MMA]0/[␣,-di(iodo)PVC]0 ⫽ 376. d [MMA]0 ⫽ 2.68 M; [MMA]0/[␣,-di(iodo)PVC]0 ⫽ 940. e Experimental rate constant of propagation. f Initiator efficiency. a b ACCELERATED SYNTHESIS OF PMMA-b-PVC-b-PMMA differential scanning calorimeter. In all cases, the heating and cooling rates were 5 °C/min. Synthesis of Permethylated PEI A mixture of 4.23 g of PEI (molecular weight ⬃ 423; 10 mmol), 13.8 g of formic acid, 9.0 g of formaldehyde (37% water solution), and 10 mL of water was heated for 12 h at 120 °C (oil bath) under stirring. All volatiles were removed under reduced pressure (20 Torr) at 40 °C. The residue was dissolved in 100 mL of 15% KOH in water and extracted with diethyl ether (2 ⫻ 100 mL). The ethereal layer was dried over MgSO4 and then filtered. After rotary evaporation, 5.0 g (87%) of a yellowish oil was obtained and used without further purification. Typical Procedure for the Block Copolymerization of ␣,-Di(iodo)PVC with MMA The ␣,-di(iodo)PVC macroinitiator (Mn ⫽ 2100 and Mw/Mn ⫽ 1.84; 105 mg, 0.05 mmol), CuCl (9.9 mg, 0.1 mmol), Me6-TREN (69.0 mg, 0.3 mmol), MMA (1.0 mL, 9.4 mmol), and DMSO (0.5 mL) were placed in a 25-mL Schlenk tube. The tube was sealed (a rubber septum with a screw cap). The reaction mixture was degassed with standard freeze–pump–thaw cycles, and the tube was charged with dry argon. The reaction mixture was kept at 90 ⫾ 0.1 °C under stirring and sampled with an airtight syringe at predetermined times. The monomer conversion was determined by 500MHz 1H NMR spectroscopy, whereas the Mn and Mw/Mn values were determined by GPC with respect to PMMA standards. The polymerization was stopped after 30 min, and the reaction mixture was dissolved in 18 mL of THF and precipitated in 100 mL of a water/MeOH mixture (1:2 v/v). The precipitated polymer was filtered and dried. The financial support of the Edison Polymer Innovation Corp., the PVC Technology Consortium, and the National Science Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES AND NOTES 1. Percec, V.; Guliashvili, T.; Popov, A. V.; RamirezCastillo, E. J Polym Sci Part A: Polym Chem 2005, 43, 1478. 1659 2. Percec, V.; Popov, A. 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