SKILLS ACTIVE 2014 INTERNAL MODERATION PLAN Introduction Under the Industry Training Act 1992, Skills Active is charged with responsibility for monitoring the quality of training and assessment. Moderation is the process of monitoring assessment to ensure it is valid, consistent, fair and sufficient. Ultimately we are looking to ensure that all Skills Active Registered Assessors, who are conducting assessments, are making consistent and reliable judgements about trainees assessed work. This is achieved through having an effective moderation system. This document outlines Skills Active Internal Moderation Plan for the 2014 calendar year. Internal moderation is the process of quality assuring the assessment activity conducted by Skills Active Registered Assessors, on behalf of Skills Active. All Skills Active Registered Assessors, including contracted assessors, workplace assessors and independent/roving assessors assessing Skills Active unit standards, will be required to participate in the Skills Active moderation programme during 2014. The key principles that underpin our moderation programme are: commitment to the provision of quality training opportunities for our industry working in partnership and fostering relationships based on trust and professional ethics working with industry experts to ensure training and assessment is current, relevant and technically correct How will Moderation be conducted? The Skills Active Internal Moderation Plan covers a variety of unit standards, ranging across specific sectors. Recognising these variances, moderation requirements for the different sectors are detailed later in this plan. There are two separate streams to the Skills Active moderation system: Pre-assessment moderation Post-assessment moderation. Depending on the sector, this could include: - Postal Moderation - Assessor Forums - Observed Assessment Moderation Page 1 of 7 Skills Active Aotearoa – 2014 Internal Moderation Plan. February 2014 Pre-assessment moderation It is Skills Active’s preference that assessors are using Skills Active materials for assessment purposes. All assessors not using Skills Active-approved assessment materials must submit their assessment materials to Skills Active for pre-assessment moderation, prior to use. These will be moderated to ensure they meet the industry standard and the requirements of the unit standard. Post- assessment moderation Depending on the sector, the post-assessment moderation process will include one or more of the following activities: Assessor Forums Assessors will be required to attend a sector-specific Assessor Forum. These forums provide an opportunity for assessors to gain and share information, obtain agreement on assessment standards and judgements, develop and maintain assessment knowledge and skills necessary to meet industry needs Assessor Forums will be developed and delivered in consultation with the relevant Industry body Assessors will be requested by Skills Active to bring to the forum samples of materials from assessments conducted by the assessor The requested samples will be identified from assessment results recorded in the Skills Active database Assessor Forums will be used to moderate assessment samples Moderation reports and assessment materials will be returned to the assessor Where significant issues are identified during moderation, the Moderator will discuss these with the assessor before completing their report Postal moderation Skills Active will request, in writing, samples of materials from assessors who have conducted assessments The requested samples will be identified from assessment results recorded in the Skills Active database Assessors will have three (3) weeks to supply the requested assessment samples to Skills Active Wellington Office Assessment samples will be moderated by Skills Active Moderators and a moderation report completed Moderation reports and assessment materials will be returned to the assessor Where significant issues are identified during moderation, the moderator may contact the assessor to discuss these before completing their report Skills Active Aotearoa – 2014 Internal Moderation Plan. February 2014 Observed Assessment Moderation Some assessors may be required to undergo Observed Assessment Moderation. Observed Assessment Moderation will be conducted with assessors on-site. The process will be managed by Skills Active Moderator alongside a Skills Active Senior Assessor Mentor (SAM). Assessors will be notified by Skills Active and given details of a suitable assessment time with the allocated SAM/moderator. The SAM will meet with the assessor, observe the assessment(s), discuss any issues and prepare a report. This report will be forwarded to the assessor via the Skills Active Moderator. Evidence Required for Moderation According to Skills Active policy, all Assessors must retain copies of their assessments for two years. When requested to provide assessment samples for moderation, assessors must provide the following evidence: The approved assessment schedule and/or trainee resource Any other forms of evidence that support your assessment decisions, including worksheets, notebook entries, videos, and other documents or electronic evidence Copies of questions that you have asked and candidate answers If appropriate, any assessments that have been resubmitted A brief resume or CV for any Evidence Verifiers you may have used as part of your assessment process Non-Compliance with Moderation Activity Skills Active will monitor any non-compliance with moderation requirements. Assessors who do not engage with annual moderation will be contacted in writing. We hope in most cases that corrective action can be taken at this point and we are willing to work with those assessors involved to ensure a positive outcome. However, on-going non-compliance may result in further action being taken. Skills Active Aotearoa – 2014 Internal Moderation Plan. February 2014 Post-assessment Moderation - Specific Sector Requirements This section outlines the specific sector requirements for post-assessment moderation. Aquatics - Pool Lifeguard 2014 moderation will be conducted through Assessor Forums. The forums are compulsory for assessors to meet 2014 moderation requirements. Any assessors unable to attend a forum will need to contact the Skills Active national moderator to discuss an alternative moderation activity. The dates and details for the forums are below. Skills Active will contact the Pool Lifeguard Assessors and collect RSVPs for the forums 4 weeks prior. Location Hawkes Bay Date 9 May Time Whanganui 12 May Venue Napier Aquatics centre Maadi Road, Onekawa The Splash Centre Wellington 13 May Skills Active Conference Room Auckland 14 May Hamilton 15 May Waterworld Christchurch 19 May Lincoln Event Centre Invercargill 20 May Splash Palace 10am-4pm Franklin Sport & Fitness Fitness 2014 moderation will be conducted through Assessor Forums. The forums are compulsory for assessors to meet 2014 moderation requirements. Any assessors unable to attend a forum will need to contact the Skills Active national moderator to discuss an alternative moderation activity. The dates and details for the forums are below. Skills Active will contact the Fitness Assessors and collect RSVPs for the forums 4 weeks prior. Location Christchurch Wellington Palmerston North Hamilton Auckland Date Time August 10am-4pm Venue TBC Skills Active Conference Room TBC TBC TBC Skills Active Aotearoa – 2014 Internal Moderation Plan. February 2014 Swim Education 2014 moderation will be conducted through Assessor Forums. The forums are compulsory for assessors to meet 2014 moderation requirements. Any assessors unable to attend a forum will need to contact the Skills Active national moderator to discuss an alternative moderation activity. The dates and details for the forums are below. Skills Active will contact the Swim Education Assessors and collect RSVPs for the forums 4 weeks prior. Location Auckland Wellington Date Time Venue TBC June 10am-4pm Skills Active Conference Room Outdoor Recreation (excluding Rafting and Riverboarding) 2014 moderation will be conducted through Observed Assessment Moderation. Observed Assessment Moderation is compulsory for assessors to meet 2014 moderation requirements. Any assessors unable to attend Observed Assessment Moderation will need to contact the Skills Active national moderator to discuss an alternative moderation activity. The dates and details for observed assessment moderation are yet to be set, however will be conducted in July 2014. Skills Active will contact the Outdoor Recreation Assessors with the details and dates at least 4 weeks prior. Rafting and Riverboarding The moderation year will run from March to March each year. 2014 moderation will be conducted through Observed Assessment Moderation. Observed Assessment Moderation is compulsory for assessors to meet 2014 moderation and currency requirements. Any assessors unable to attend this moderation will need to contact the Skills Active national moderator to discuss an alternative moderation activity. The dates and details for the observed moderation are yet to be set, however will be conducted in April 2014 (for the 2013 moderation year) and November 2014 (for the 2014 moderation year). Skills Active will contact the Raft and Riverboard Assessors with the details and to collect RSVPs for the moderation activity at least 4 weeks prior. Snowsport 2014 moderation will be determined by Skills Active in consultation with Snowsport workplaces. It is expected that moderation will be conducted in August/September 2014. Skills Active Aotearoa – 2014 Internal Moderation Plan. February 2014 Recreation and Sport - Core Skills 2014 moderation will be conducted through Postal Moderation. Skills Active has identified the following unit standards to be post-assessment moderated during 2014. Unit 27299 27302 497 7016 Title Describe benefits of participation in recreation in the local community Demonstrate professional behaviour in a recreation workplace Demonstrate knowledge of workplace health and safety requirements Monitor and promote client security, comfort, enjoyment and learning in recreation Key Dates April Skills Active will contact assessors to request three (3) samples of completed assessments. Assessors will be given thee (3) weeks to submit samples to Skills Active. May Moderation reports and assessment materials will be returned to assessors Cycle Skills, Park Ranger, OSCAR, EOTC, Coaching, Recreation Co-ordinator 2014 moderation will be conducted through Postal Moderation. At this stage, Skills Active has identified the following unit standards to be post-assessment moderated during 2014. More units may be added throughout the year. Unit 13377 6896 4864 4862 4872 13380 20673 21414 3491 4863 27302 26544 26545 Title Identify and manage hazards and risks in relation to a recreation activity and environment Demonstrate knowledge of recreation Demonstrate knowledge of recreation needs of target groups Manage the format and results of sporting competitions Administer a sport team Recommend physical activities appropriate to the growth and development of individuals of all ages Demonstrate knowledge of injury prevention and risk and injury management in sport or recreation Plan and run a recreation activity Write a report Plan, implement and evaluate a recreation event Demonstrate professional behaviour in a recreation workplace Conduct a cyclist skills training course Apply knowledge of road traffic environments required by a cyclist skills training instructor Skills Active Aotearoa – 2014 Internal Moderation Plan. February 2014 Key Dates Skills Active will contact assessors to request three (3) samples of completed assessments. Assessors will be given thee (3) weeks to submit samples to Skills Active. August September Moderation reports and assessment materials will be returned to assessors All Sectors Assessment samples will also be requested from Assessors to meet our external moderation requirements with NZQA and other Standard Setting Bodies, where we are assessing their unit standards. At this stage we have been advised that Skills Active will be required to provide evidence to meet the unit standards listed below. Unit 56 57 62 11281 18203 9704 21335 378 24871 Title Attend to customer enquiries face-to-face and on the telephone Provide customer service Maintain personal presentation and a positive attitude in a workplace involving customer contact Prepare candidate(s) for assessment against standards Verify evidence for assessment Manage interpersonal conflict Lead a group/team to achieve an objective(s) Provide customer service for international visitors Complete forms in a work-related context Note that more units may be added as we are advised by other Standard Setting Bodies (SSBs) of their requirements. Skills Active is bound by NZQA and other SSB timeframes. Key Dates For NZQA May Skills Active will contact Assessors to request assessment samples for moderation September Moderation conducted and reports finalised October Moderation reports and evidence returned to Assessors For other SSBs As required Skills Active will contact Assessors to request assessment samples for moderation Skills Active Aotearoa – 2014 Internal Moderation Plan. February 2014