Terms of Service

for use of «Mainpeople» application for mobile devices
1. General Provisions
1.1. This User Agreement («the License») establishes conditions for use of "Mainpeople"
application for mobile devices («the Application») and shall be concluded between any person
using the Application («the User»), and MURMUR HOLDINGS LIMITED registered in
Nicosia, Cyprus on November 4th, 2011 being the holder of the exclusive right for the
Application («the Copyright Holder»).
1.2. Copying the Application, installing it at his mobile device or using the Application in any
way, the User expresses his complete and unconditional consent with all License conditions.
1.3. The use of the Application is allowed only under the conditions of this License. If the User
failed to accept the License conditions to the full extent, the User shall not be entitled to use the
Application for any purposes. The use of the Application with violation of (failing to comply
with) any License condition shall be unallowed.
1.4. The use of the Application by the User subject to the conditions of this License for any
personal non-commercial purposes shall be carried out gratuitously. The use of the Application
subject to any conditions and in any manner not provided for by this License shall be possible
only under a separate agreement with the Copyright Holder.
1.5. The laws of the Republic of Cyprus shall be applicable to this License and all relations
connected with the use of the Application, and any complaints or claims resulting from this
License or use of the Application shall be submitted to and considered in court at the location of
the Copyright Holder.
1.6. The exclusive right for the Application is possessed by the Copyright Holder.
2. Functional purpose of the Application
2.1. The Application is intended for carrying out by the User of charitable donations in the form
of disinterested (gratuitous) transfer of funds to a non-commercial organization selected by the
User using the Application.
2.2. Transfer of funds using the Application shall be a donation the Civil Code of the Republic
of Cyprus and the funds shall be transferred to the settlement account of the Copyright Holder
acting under an agency agreement on behalf and at the expense of the respective non-commercial
organization selected by the User using the Application.
2.3. The User shall bear responsibility for accuracy in indication of intention and amount of a
donation, as well as any other information placed by him using the Application.
2.4. The User shall bear responsibility for knowledge of statutory purposes of the activities of a
non-commercial organization selected by him, in favor of which donation is effected, its
charitable programs, actions and projects. The Copyright Holder shall not bear responsibility for
selection by the User of any particular non-commercial organization and shall not bear
responsibility for knowledge of statutory purposes of the activities of a non-commercial
organization selected by him, in favor of which donation is effected, its charitable programs,
actions and projects.
2.5. The non-commercial organization, to which the User transferred a donation, shall bear
responsibility for the use of the donation and shall incur all obligations provided for by law on
furnishing of information regarding the use of the donation. The User waives any complaints
against the Copyright Holder, including the same related to return of the donation. The
Copyright Holder shall pass any complaints related to the donation directly to the noncommercial organization, to which the User transferred the donation.
3. The License
3.1. The Copyright Holder grants to the User gratuitously, subject to the conditions of a
nonexclusive license the non-transferable right of use of the Application worldwide in the
following manners:
3.1.1. To apply the Application for intended functional purpose, and with this in view to carry
out its copying and installation (reproduction) at the User's mobile devices. The User shall be
entitled to install the Application at an unlimited number of mobile devices.
3.1.2. To reproduce and distribute the Application for any non-commercial purposes
3.2. Third Party Sites and Content.
3.2.1. The Application contains (or may contain) Web links (third party sites), as well as any
articles, photographs, illustrations, graphic pictures, music, sounds, video, information,
applications, software and any other Content owned by or coming from any third parties (third
party Content) resulting from any intellectual activity and protected in accordance with
legislation of the Republic of Cyprus.
3.2.2. The said third parties and their Content shall not be examined by the Copyright Holder for
compliance with some or other requirements (authenticity, completeness, fairness, etc.). The
Copyright Holder shall not bear responsibility for any information placed at any third party sites,
to which the User obtains access through the Application or third party Content, including, but
not limited to, any opinions or statements expressed at any third party sites or in third party
3.2.3. Links or guides on downloading of files and (or) installation of third party software placed
in the Application do not mean approval of these actions on the part of the Copyright Holder.
3.2.4. Any Web link to any product, service, any information of commercial or noncommercial
nature placed in the Application is not approval or suggestion of these products (services) on the
part of the Copyright Holder.
3.2.5. If the User decided to leave the Application and to pass to any third party sites or use, or
install any third party software, he does this at his sole risk and from this moment on the present
Rules do not apply anymore to the User. It is worthwhile for the User to follow in his further
actions applicable rules and policy, including business customs, of those persons whose Content
he intends to use.
4. Limitations
4.1. With the exception of use to the extent and in the manner expressly provided for by this
License or legislation of the Republic of Cyprus, the User shall not be entitled to modify,
decompile, disassemble, decode and perform any other actions with the object code of the
Application intended to obtain any information about realization of the algorithm used in the
Application, create any derivative products using the Application, and to use (allow to use) the
Application otherwise without written consent of the Copyright Holder.
4.2. The User shall not be entitled to reproduce and distribute the Application for commercial
purposes (including doing this for a valuable consideration), doing this among other things as
part of collections of software products, without written consent of the Copyright Holder.
4.3. The User shall not be entitled to distribute the Application in any form different from the
form, in which he obtained the same, without written consent of the Copyright Holder.
4.4. In no circumstances the Copyright Holder shall be responsible before the User or any third
parties for any indirect, occasional, accidental damage, including any lost profits or data, harm to
honor, dignity or business reputation caused in connection with the use of the Application,
content or other materials, to which you or any other persons gained access using the
4.5. The Application shall be used (including distribution thereof) under the name of
«Mainpeople». The User shall not be entitled to change the name of the Application, change
and/or remove the copyright mark or any other designation of the Copyright Holder.
5. Rules for use of the Application
5.1. It is forbidden to:
5.1.1. Place in the Application any types of advertizing materials, as well as announcements
regarding services having the nature of embedded advertising.
5.1.2. Be registered as the user on behalf or instead of another person.
5.1.3. Mislead the Users as to his identity using his login and the password of another registered
5.1.4. Distort information about himself, his age or his relations with any other persons or
5.1.5. Download, store, publish, distribute and grant access to or use otherwise any information,
‒ contains threats, discredits, insults, impairs honor and dignity or business reputation or violates
privacy of any other Users or third parties;
‒ violates rights of any minor persons;
‒ is vulgar or obscene, contains indecent expressions, pornographic pictures and texts or scenes
of sexual nature with the participation of minor persons;
‒ contains scenes of violence or inhumane treatment of animals;
‒ contains description of any means and methods of suicide, any encouragement of commitment
‒ promulgates and/or facilitates incitement of race, religious, ethnic hatred or antagonism,
promulgates fascism or ideology of racial superiority;
‒ contains extremist materials;
‒ promulgates criminal activities or contains recommendations, instructions on or guides for
commitment of criminal actions;
‒ contains confidential information, including but not limited to any state and commercial
secrets, information about private life of any third parties;
‒ contains advertising or describes attractiveness of using narcotics, including «digital narcotics»
(sound files affecting human brain by binaural rhythms), information about distribution of
narcotics, recipes for making and recommendations on using thereof;
‒ is of a fraudulent nature;
‒ or violates any other rights and interests of any individuals or legal entities or the requirements
of legislation of the Republic of Cyprus.
5.1.6. Download, store, publish, distribute and grant access to or otherwise use illegally any
intellectual property of Users and any third parties.
5.1.7. Carry out mass mailing of messages without consent of Users of the Application.
5.1.8. Try to obtain access to login and password of another User in any manner, including but
not limited to, deception, breach of faith, crack.
5.1.9. Carry out illegal collection and processing of personal data of any other persons.
5.1.10. Reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, carry out trading operations and resell Services for any
purposes, unless such actions are allowed expressly for the User under the conditions of a
separate agreement with the Copyright Holder.
5.1.11. The User shall bear personal responsibility for any information, which he places in the
Application, discloses to any other Users, as well as any interactions with any other Users carried
out at his sole risk.
5.1.12. It is forbidden to place any types of advertizing materials.
6. Conditions for use of certain functions of the Application
6.1. Performance of a part of functions of the Application is possible only in the presence of
access to the Internet. The User shall obtain and pay independently for such access subject to the
conditions and as per tariff of his communications or Internet access provider.
7. Personal information of the Users
7.1. The Users shall pass voluntarily their personal data in the course of use of the Application.
Information which is indispensable for operation of the Application shall be marked in a special
manner. Other information is furnished by the User at his discretion.
7.2. The Copyright Holder shall not bear responsibility for any data entered by users upon
registration and in the course of use of the Application.
7.3. The Copyright Holder shall not control or bear responsibility for contents of any text, video
and photo materials placed by users in the course of use of the Application.
7.4. Generally speaking, the Copyright Holder shall not examine authenticity of any personal
information furnished by users, and shall not carry out control over their legal capacity.
7.5. The Copyright Holder shall be entitled to process personal data of the User, and shall ensure
confidentiality thereof in the manner prescribed by the current legislation.
7.6. The User agrees and permits the Copyright Holder to process his personal data, including
the name, date of birth, sex, place of work and position, mail address; private, office, mobile
phone number, e-mail address, including collection, systematization, accumulation, storage,
updating (renewal, alteration), use, distribution (including delivery in the territory of the
Republic of Cyprus and trans-border delivery), depersonalization, blocking, removal of personal
data, as well as passing thereof to counterparties of the Copyright Holder for the purpose of
further processing (including collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, updating
(renewal, alteration), use, distribution (including delivery in the territory of the Republic of
Cyprus and trans-border delivery), depersonalization, blocking, removal of personal data) for
conduction of the research intended to improve quality of services, marketing programs,
statistical studies, as well as promotion of services in the market by execution of direct contacts
with the User using various communication facilities, including but not limited to, mail delivery,
e-mail, telephone, fax, the Internet. The User agrees and permits the Copyright Holder and
counterparties of the Copyright Holder to process personal data of the User using computerized
data base management systems, and other software specially developed by the order of the
Copyright Holder. Working with such systems shall be carried out according to the algorithm
prescribed by the Copyright Holder (collection, systematization, accumulation, storing, updating,
use, blocking, removal). The following processing methods are used (including but not limited
to): automatic check of the presence of ZIP codes in the base of codes, automatic check of
spelling of names of streets / inhabited localities, automatic check of validity of VIN and vehicle
registration plates, updating data together with the User by means of telephone mail
communication with the User or by contact through the Internet, base segmentation according to
specified criteria. The User agrees that, if this is necessary for the purposes specified in the
present offer, his personal data received by the Copyright Holder may be passed to any third
parties, which the Copyright Holder may entrust with processing of personal data of the User
under an agreement concluded with such persons subject to the requirements of legislation of the
Republic of Cyprus on ensuring by such third parties of confidentiality of personal data and
safety of personal data when processing thereof. When passing the said data of the User, the
Copyright Holder shall warn the persons receiving personal data of the User that this data is
confidential and may be used only for the purposes, for which they were disclosed, and require
from the persons compliance with this rule. The User shall be entitled to request complete
information about his personal data, processing and use thereof from the Copyright Holder, and
to require removal or correction/supplementing of any wrong or incomplete personal data,
having sent the respective written request in the name of the Copyright Holder to his mail
8. Responsibility under the License
8.1. The Application is provided on an "as is" basis. The Copyright Holder does not grant any
guarantee as to error free and uninterrupted operation of the Application or certain its
components and/or functions, compliance of the Application with specific purposes and
expectations of the User, does not guarantee authenticity, accuracy, completeness and up-todateness of the Data, and does not grant any other guarantees not specified expressly in this
8.2. The Copyright Holder shall not bear responsibility for any direct or indirect consequences of
any use or impossibility of use of the Application and/or any damage inflicted to the User and/or
any third parties as a result of any use, non-use or impossibility of use of the Application
(including the Data) or certain its components and/or functions, including the same resulting
from eventual errors or failures in operation of the Application.
8.3. The User is notified hereby and agrees that when using the Application any data placed by
the User, as well as any personal data of the User entered by him voluntarily, shall be passed
automatically to the Copyright Holder.
8.4. All matters and complaints related to use/impossibility of use of the Application, as well as
eventual violation by the Application of legislation and/or rights of any third parties, shall be
forwarded to the Copyright Holder at his address.
9. Upgrades/update versions of the Application
9.1. Operation of this License shall apply to all subsequent upgrades/update versions of the
Application. Agreeing with installation of any upgrade/update versions of the Application, the
User accepts the conditions of this License for the respective upgrades/update versions of the
Application, unless the upgrade/installation of the update version of the Application is
accompanied by another license agreement.
10. Changing of the conditions of this License
10.1. This User Agreement may be changed by the Copyright Holder unilaterally. Changes in the
conditions of the User Agreement shall come into effect from the date of publication thereof,
unless otherwise provided for in the respective publication.
Details of the Copyright Holder:
Location address: GR.XENOPOULOU 17, 3106 LIMASSOL, CYPRUS
Pressing of button "Accept the terms of the User Agreement" means complete and unconditional
acceptance by You of the aforementioned conditions of this User Agreement for use of
«Mainpeople» application for mobile devices.