Product comPanion

Product Companion
Light+Building Frankfurt April 15-20, 2012
Product Companion - Light+building 2012
Product Companion - Light+building 2012
Light influences people
The right lighting solutions help create the experience of comfortable, flexible and
stimulating working environments – enhancing efficiency and performance, while taking
care of individual needs.
Glamox Luxo Lighting is a leading supplier of
Høvik Lys and Norselight. Glamox is committed
lighting solutions to the professional building
to meeting customer needs and expectations by
market, offering complete product ranges for
providing quality products and solutions, service
schools, healthcare facilities, commercial and
and support.
industrial buildings, retail facilities, hotels and
and expertise
Our products and solutions are developed and
Q uality
tested by our engineers at our own research
brands and solutions
Glamox is a group of companies that develops,
and testing facilities, and manufactured and
certified in accordance with all relevant quality
lighting solutions for the global market. The
and environmental standards. They are based
Glamox Group owns a range of quality lighting
on the latest technology and expertise – and
brands including Glamox, aqua signal, Luxo,
generations of experience.
LED: Light source of the future................ 4-5
The importance of
the individual task light........................ 6-7
Energy efficient
lighting solutions in the workplace.......... 8-9
The soft light.................................. 10-11
Product guide................................ 13-32
Concept study: The flexible office........... 34
Product Companion - LED: Light source of the future
LED is without doubt the most talked-about issue in the lighting industry these
days. Is it really the light source of the future?
of the
Light Emitting Diodes are available in a
incandescent light bulb
wide range of qualities and colours. High
end of an era
It is impossible to put a price on the value
quality LED’s can be used to create lighting
of the incandescent light bulb and its
products with excellent light output and
impact on human life. The invention of the
bright, warm light. They can also provide
incandescent light bulb forever changed a
pleasing colour effects in homes and office
world lit only by fire.
applications for
commercialized by Thomas A. Edison and
The LED technology is in rapid development.
others towards the end of the 19th century,
It seems that new varieties and applications
and the old-fashioned incandescent light
are announced on a daily basis. Because
bulb has enjoyed the position as the
of the robustness of the diodes, LED is fast
number one light source in people’s homes
becoming the preferred light source in
for more than a hundred years. These
cold environments such as cold rooms and
days, however, incandescent light bulbs
freezer rooms, and for demanding use,
are being phased out all over the world.
such as on board ships, rigs, and moving
Other light sources are fast taking over,
machinery. The longevity of the diodes
and LED is by far the most interesting.
makes them popular in inaccessible areas
on top of windmills, telecommunication
The L ight Emitting D iode
towers and chimney stacks, while the size
semiconductor that emits light when an
makes them particularly suitable in really
small spaces.
electric current passes through it. LED’s
are available in a wide range of colours,
Other applications are emergency lighting,
including bright white. LED’s can be used
task lights, downlights and spotlights,
on their own, or assembled into modules
and as replacement for halogen and
for added power. LED’s are available in
incandescent lamps wherever possible.
different qualities, for different purposes.
advantages over traditional light sources.
High quality LED’s have a very long lifetime,
and are very robust – LED’s are much less
sensitive to vibrations and low temperatures
than traditional light sources. They are also
energy efficient, when properly applied.
Their small size opens opportunities for
many new applications.
Product Companion - LED: Light source of the future
to commercial utilization
Our aim is to design and manufacture new
Other challenges are heat management
and innovative products with low energy
and glare control. High power LED’s require
consumption and long life. LED’s seem
more precise current and heat management
perfect for this ambition. Their light quality,
than traditional light sources. Good thermal
energy efficiency, and low maintenance
control has significant influence on the life
cost are major advantages that we want
span of the products. And since products
to explore. There are however some
with LED often have problems meeting
glare requirements, our engineers must find
solutions that ensure that our products with
One such challenge is the price. One
LED always meet relevant national and
of the myths about LED is that they are
international standards.
inexpensive. That is not necessarily true.
Cheap LED’s are cheap. High quality
There is also the issue of colour quality.
LED’s are quite costly, and definitely more
Particular attention must be given to the
expensive than traditional light sources
colour temperatures and colour rendering
such as fluorescent tubes and incandescent
qualities of the LED light sources. Equally
lamps, although the gap is closing. We
important is our experience and know-
always use the best quality LED’s for our
how about the design of optics, so that the
purposes, from the best manufacturers.
products will perform to standard over a
long period of time.
Product Companion - Task lighting
An individual ergonomic task light ensures optimal
computer workstation lighting. The illustration shows
clearly an important advantage with ergonomic light, the
fact that the luminaire is placed at the side of your desk
and not directly in front of you.
Product Companion - Task lighting
The importance of
the individual task light
Workstation lighting is much more important than most people imagine. Our
working environment, work performance and well-being are much affected by it.
ighting requirements vary depending
world’s most
on the users age and the task being
energy efficient ergonomic task lights
diodes have an incredibly long life span.
undertaken. Individually adjustable
During the last few years we have
The diodes have a life expectancy of
provide bright, warm light. Light emitting
ergonomic desk lights give complete
designed, developed and manufactured a
50,000 hours. That means 25 years or
flexibility and enable each operator to
new generation of task lights, using light
more with normal office use. You may
never have to change the light source!
have total control of their work space. In
emitting diodes (LED) instead of traditional
fact, the personal task luminaire is one of
light sources. With our new family of LED
the most important factors for achieving a
task lights we are demonstrating how this
L uxo
good working environment.
fantastic technology can be used to create
The best solution for achieving optimal
lighting products with excellent light output
workspace lighting is a Luxo task light. For
and bright, warm light.
more than 75 years, Luxo has focused on
lighting causes health problems
task lights
people and their tasks, creating lighting
and pains, headaches, neck and back
Ergonomic. Energy
ailments and eyestrain can be attributed
Our LED task lights are designed to provide
their working preferences. Today, Luxo
to poor lighting. This is because the
the best possible ergonomics for the work
is the leading brand in ergonomic task
body compensates for poor lighting: We
place, while saving energy. They use
adopt unhealthy postures in order to see
only a fraction of the energy required by
tailored to the needs of the individual and
well. When fitting out or refurbishing
traditional lamps. They all have asymmetric
your workplace it is essential to provide
light output so that they can be placed at
Our LED task lights are all built to the highest
adequate light from an adaptable and
the side of the desk, while still throwing
standards for flexibility and durability,
easily adjusted source.
the light where the user needs it. They are
with aluminium and prime quality steel
glare and even light distribution
Ergonomically designed desk lights are
glare free and will not create annoying
as the most important materials. They are
reflections in computer screens or work
assembled by hand. We specify, design
and build our own products, and control
fitted with asymmetric reflectors to distribute
every step of the process.
light evenly across the working area.
And best of all: They have an incredibly
Importantly they prevent reflection and will
long life span with a lamp life at least
not cause any discomfort to colleagues.
50,000 hours.
The even light distribution eases the
transition between light and dark areas on
LED: L ight
the working surface and allows your eyes
Our LED task lights are equipped with
to work in a constant, comfortable light.
state-of-the-art light emitting diodes, which
source of the future
Product Companion - Energy efficient lighting solutions in the workplace
Modern lighting solutions
make real savings
The electricity bill is by far the largest cost factor in a building’s lighting system.
Investments and installation constitute about 20% of the total cost. Maintenance
and light sources make up another 20%. Electricity is 60%.
Since electricity is by far the largest expense in office lighting,
investments in energy efficient products are quickly paid off.
Daylight detection sensors dim the light when the sun is shining
through the windows. Of course, daylight is our optimal source of
Our advice is to look for modern lighting products made with
light. Contemporary architecture tends to exploit this by offering
efficient reflectors and high quality optics, with energy efficient
solutions that let a maximum of daylight into the building. Automatic
light sources and modern electronic components. It pays to be
dimming through daylight detection is a real money saver in any
commercial building. We do however not recommend on/off
daylight system in an office environment. A sudden reduction of
L ights
off, please!
There’s a lot to be saved by dimming the premises when light
the light level is irritating. Light management that is unnoticed by
the people working in the room is always the best solution.
is not needed. Modern sensor solutions make this easy. Sensors
built into the luminaires are not particularly expensive, and do not
require complicated installation.
The presence factor is an indicator of how much energy can be
Energy- saving
show that no more than 60% of the people in an office building
presence factor
saved by turning off the power when no one is present. Surveys
light control
All our general lighting products are available with sensor
are present at the same time.
technology and modern light management systems that make it
possible to create different zones and settings in a dynamic office
environment. Few tools are more effective than the simple and
Daylight is our optimal source of light, and many architects take
affordable presence and daylight sensors.
advantage of this though solutions that make the most out of
natural light in the building. The daylight maintenance factor tells
detection ( motion sensors)
Presence detectors turn off the light when a work station is vacated.
us how to maintain a good level of light by combining natural and
artificial light. This is a formula based on several parameters:
This is particularly effective in cell offices, where savings of more
than 50% can be documented. Presence detection is an efficient
The geographical location (latitude) of the building
energy saving measure in corridors, hallways and other areas that
The compass direction of the windows
are not in constant use.
The size and shape of the windows
The amount of light let through the windows (transmission)
The reflection from the surroundings outside the window
Product Companion - Energy efficient lighting solutions in the workplace
Test yourself!
D on’t
throw your money away!
Lighting industry figures show that nearly
50% of all office space in Europe, and
nearly 60% of hospitals and schools, are
equipped with old-fashioned T8 tubes and
lamps with traditional bulbs.
All available information indicates that the
modernization of older lighting systems is
the most effective action a building owner
How often are you in your office?
Let’s say a work year is 220
days, and that you are out
traveling for 35 of those days.
220 days minus 35 travel days = 185
days in office. Is this a fair estimate?
Now, how often do you move away
from your desk during a working
day? For meetings, for lunch, talking
with colleagues or customers: Would
you agree to a figure of 30%?
can take to save money and energy. A
modern lighting system is good for the
environment, and it’s good for the physical
well-being of the people who work in the
building. And last but not least, it is good
for your wallet!
These computations mean that you
have a presence factor of 129
days, or almost exactly 58% of
the 220 days we started with.
Of course there is money to be saved!
Product Companion - The soft light. Comfortable and efficient.
The soft light.
Comfortable and efficient.
Our objective is to create working environments that provide visual comfort, while enhancing productivity and efficiency.
or this purpose we have developed
Traditional direct lighting can give high
Good lighting conditions do not only
a range of recessed, pendant and
reflections, reduced contrast and annoying
improve work performance. Workplace
surface mounted luminaires that
glare. Conversely will our soft light solutions
absence, recruitment and staff retention
are constructed to provide an even
provide soft reflections in all directions and
light distribution on surfaces as well as on
enhance the contrast conditions. The result
organizations. We believe that good
ceilings and walls, while avoiding glare
is a much better working environment.
lighting solutions that improve environmental
and annoying shadows. These luminaires
not cause any discomfort to colleagues.
satisfaction will benefit all of these issues.
provide what we call the soft light.
The even light distribution eases the
transition between light and dark areas on
B etter
The benefits of soft light are tangible and
the working surface and allows your eyes
Requirements for good workspace lighting
real: Soft light improves our feeling of
to work in a constant, comfortable light.
are laid down in the international standard
for indoor workplace lighting, EN 12464-
well-being, it contributes to better work
performance, and it allows for better visual
B etter
The effects of lighting on the human body
I mproved
well- being
visual communication
work performance
1. This standard was revised in 2011.
are well documented. According to the
In the revised standard, illuminance on
World Health Organization, light and
vertical surfaces is emphasized. In addition
The absence of annoying glare and softer
lighting is one of six areas crucial to health
to requirements for light on work surfaces
luminance transitions between different
and work performance in the workplace.
(500 lux) and surrounding areas (300 lux),
surfaces in a room, are important factors
there are requirement for walls (50 or 75
that increase our sense of well-being.
Daylight is the human being’s optimal
lux) and even the ceiling (30 or 50 lux).
In fact, lighting solutions with soft light
source of light. But of course it is not
In addition there are special requirements
luminaires can reduce stress and other
possible to rely on daylight indoors. Our
related to the light’s modeling effect in
health-related issues, and thereby reduce
soft light solutions are designed to achieve
areas which require particularly good
sick leave.
some of the benefits of natural daylight,
visual communication, such as in meeting
boosting work performance with the aid
rooms, teaching areas and offices.
We achieve this by providing lighting
of glare reduction and softer shadows.
solutions that offer a balanced light
We do this by carefully calculating the
At Glamox Luxo we offer lighting solutions
distribution: In addition to the illumination
direction, distribution and total amount of
of the floor and other horizontal surfaces,
light coming from our luminaires.
these luminaires provide light to the ceiling,
and also to the walls – by transmitting
The result is better conditions for reading
a higher proportion of light to vertical
and writing, increased concentration levels,
surfaces. This improves contrast, and our
and the ability to maintain motivation and
feeling of well-being.
vigilance throughout the working day.
Product Companion - The soft light. Comfortable and efficient.
M ean
cylindrical illumination
Ez = mean value of vertical illuminance on a cylinder. The
requirements of the revised indoor workplace standard are
related to the average illuminance on the outside wall of an
imaginary cylinder, representing human activity. For work done
sitting, the calculations shall be done at 1,2m height and for
work done standing it shall be calculated at 1,6m height at the
cylinder wall. The cylindrical illuminance requirements in areas
where good visual communication is particularly important, are
150 lux.
Product Companion - Light+building 2012
Individual needs fulfilled: Levit pendant luminaire in combination with 360 LED task light.
The importance of good office lighting
There are many ways to illuminate an office environment.
comfortable, flexible and stimulating working environments.
For decades we have designed innovative lighting
And it saves energy and money.
products and concepts, aiming to improve work place
lighting, taking special care of individual needs.
The Glamox Luxo office lighting concept provides
individually adjusted workplace lighting, energy saving
Good office lighting reduces the risk of health problems,
products and solutions, and maximum flexibility for users
increases safety, and enhances productivity. It contributes to
and building owners.
All our products are covered by a
five year warranty. More information
is available from our websites.
Product Companion Light+building 2012
A60-P............................................... 14
A65-P............................................... 14
A20-P............................................... 16
A20-P166......................................... 16
A20-S............................................... 17
A20-SQ............................................ 17
D20 LED............................................ 18
D60................................................. 18
S60 LED............................................ 19
D70................................................. 19
Levit P............................................... 20
Levit Floor.......................................... 20
Modul P............................................ 22
Modul S............................................ 22
Modul LED......................................... 23
TraveLed............................................ 23
360................................................. 24
Terea................................................ 25
Air LED.............................................. 25
Ninety............................................... 26
Ovelo............................................... 27
Reed................................................. 27
Luxo L-1............................................. 28
L-1 LED.............................................. 28
Eas................................................... 30
C75-P............................................... 30
C30 | C30-RO................................... 31
Alice P.............................................. 31
Oulo | Kemi....................................... 32
C55-P............................................... 32
Product Companion Light+building 2012
A60-P pendant luminaire
light source A60-S
/ P620 1xT5-C 22W
A60-S / P820 1xT5-C 55W / 2W+40W
A60-S / P1000 3xTC-L 36W
shade Acrylic
cover plate Steel
dimming HFDa / HFDd / DALI
colours White, black
design Hareide Design
Available from Q3 2012
The organic-looking A60 luminaires are shaped like pebbles on a
sea-shore. They are available for pendant or surface mounting in three
different sizes. All sizes have different shapes and proportions. The
acrylic shade has a high gloss finish in black or white. Underneath
there is a cover plate in a choice of colours, creating contrasts that
are both elegant and fun. A60 will also be available with LED light
A65-P pendant luminaire
light source A65-P360
1xT5-C 22W
A65-P530 1xT5-C 55W / 22W+40W
A65-P760 3xTC-L 36W
shade Acrylic
cover plate Opal synthetic material
dimming HFDa / HFDd / DALI
light distribution Up
A65 is a family of pendant luminaires in three different sizes, with
some up-light though an opal diffuser on top. They have the same
glossy black or white shade as A60, but with a different shape. The
top of the shade is circular, then it widens into a superellipse. This
means that the luminaire changes shape and expression when seen
from different angles. An opal cover plate shields the light sources and
provides pleasing design effects.
and down
colours White, black
design Hareide Design
Available from Q3 2012
Product Companion Light+building 2012
Extraordinary shapes
We are pleased to present two new families of luminaires with
unusual and exciting forms and finish. These forms were inspired
by nature. The luminaires are shaped in vacuum-formed synthetic
materials, and designed for social areas in public and private
buildings. They can be mounted singly, or grouped together in
clusters of luminaires of varying size and form to create creative
and decorative expressions.
Product Companion Light+building 2012
A20-P pendant luminaires
light source A20-P420
- 1xT5-C 22W / 40W /
55W / 22W+40W. (Ø 420mm)
A20-P620 - 3xTC-L 36W (Ø 620mm)
diffuser Opal
satin acrylic
dimming HFDa / HFDd / DALI
colours Grey
design Formel
Glamox A20 is a slim and refined family of designer luminaires with
modern shape and pleasant light distribution. It is without question that
it can be delivered with energy saving solutions, but our designers
have first and foremost developed a product that expands the
possibility of an overall style throughout the building.
A20-P is a pendant luminaire with 420mm or 620mm diameter and
with a light distribution that provides an elegant, floating impression.
The soft and comfortable up and downlight contribute to create an
open and airy room and is especially effective in open spaces with
high ceilings.
A20-P166 pendant luminaires
light source TC-L
1x24W (L = 400mm)
TC-L 1x40W / 55W (L = 616mm)
T5 2x14W / 24W (L = 675mm)
T5 2x21W / 39W (L = 975mm)
T5 2x28W / 54W (L = 1275mm)
light distribution The
TC-L variants have an integrated reflector
that provides downward light distribution
diffuser Opal
A20-P166 is a pendant tube shaped luminaire with integrated
reflector that provides an effective downward light distribution. The
luminaire housing is in die-cast aluminium and with a grey polyester
powder line in the end (RAL 9006). The reflector is made of anodized
aluminium and with an opal satin acrylic diffuser.
A slim and stylish pendant luminaire for direct and indirect lighting.
satin acrylic
dimming HFDa / HFDd / DALI
colours Grey
design Formel
Product Companion Light+building 2012
surface mounted luminaires
light source A20-S320
- 1xT5-C 22W (Ø 320mm)
A20-S420 - 1xT5-C 22, 40, 55W /
1xT5-C 22+40W (Ø 420mm)
A20-S620 - 3xTC-L 36W (Ø 620mm)
diffuser Opal
satin acrylic
dimming HFDa / HFDd / DALI
colours Grey
design Formel
A20-S is a circular surface mounted luminaire with exciting backlight
which creates a calm and appealing atmosphere. The luminaire
works well as both ceiling and wall mounted.
The luminaire is supplied with first-class materials and elegant, precise
finish. The luminaire housing is in die-cast aluminium and with a grey
polyester powder line (RAL 9006). A20-S is delivered with an opal
satin acrylic diffuser and is available with several lamp options, so
adjusting the amount of light to the area of use is easy. Some variants
can be delivered with ultra sonic movement sensor.
A20-SQ surface mounted luminaires
light source A20-SQ300
- 1xT5-C 22W / 2xTC-DEL
18,26W (300mm x 300mm)
A20-SQ400 - 1xT5-C 22W+40W /
1xT5-C 55W / 2xTC-DEL 26W /
2xTC-Lx24W (400mm x 400mm)
diffuser Opal
A20-SQ is a square surface mounted luminaire with exciting backlight
satin acrylic
dimming HFDa / HFDd / DALI
colours Grey
design Formel
which creates a calm and appealing atmosphere. The luminaire
works well as both ceiling and wall mounted and is available in two
sizes, 300x300mm and 400x400mm.
The luminaire is supplied with first-class materials in an elegant and
precise finish. The luminaire housing is in die-cast aluminium and
with a grey polyester powder trim (RAL 9006). A20-SQ is delivered
with an opal satin acrylic diffuser and is available with several lamp
options, so adjusting the amount of light to the area of use is easy.
Some variants can be delivered with ultra sonic movement sensor.
Product Companion Light+building 2012
D20 LED led downlight
light source LED 1100 / lm 2000 lm / 3000 lm
colour temperature 3000ºK / 4000ºK /
CCT (2700ºK - 6500ºK) / RGB
colour rendering RA
reflector SI/SM/SF
dimming HFDa / HFDd / DALI
emergency light 3 hours
colours White trim ring
design Formel
A complete circular downlight - easier solution. Glamox D20
is a popular family with a wide range of circular and square
shaped downlights. Available in different sizes, wattages and
light sources. Advanced reflector technology provides efficient
energy utilization. Designed as a complete plug and play solution
making installation and connection easy. Additional optics and
a wide range of décor options, make it easy to customize the
solution to different environments. Supplied with a unique feature
for changing the ballast. D20 is always delivered with a dust
cover for protection during the building period.
D60 downlight with led light source
Glamox D60 is a wide range of quality downlights. Available in
6 different variants. The downlight is delivered complete with light
source and is already assembled - no loose parts.
Manufactured in die-cast aluminium and is available in white,
black, chrome, brushed brass or brushed steel. The black version
is phosphor chromated before powder coating to give extra
protection for exterior use.
light source Halogen or LED light source for GU5.3 / GU10
dimming HFDa / HFDd / DALI
colours White, chrome, brushed brass,
brushed steel and black
Product Companion Light+building 2012
S60 LED led spotlight
light source LED 1000LM 840 / 890LM 830
colour temperature 2700ºK / 3000ºK / 4000ºK
colour rendering RA
dimming Conventional
colours dimmer
Black, white
Glamox S60 offers metal halide as well as LED technology in a
unified design language. S60 is a family of spotlights to meet the
different needs in various applications as retail stores, galleries,
reception areas, showcases and other applications where you
want varying concentrated areas of light.
D70 led downlight
light source D70-R90
600 lm / 900 lm
D70-R150 1000 lm / 1500 lm
D70-R200 2000 lm / 3000 lm
colour temperature 3000ºK / 4000ºK
colour rendering RA
reflector SI/SM/SF
State of the art
colours White trim ring
design Hareide Design
Available from Q3 2012
We are pleased to introduce our new family of LED downlights.
D70 is based on state of the art high power LED light sources.
The downlight family is applicable for several applications with its
selection of sizes, décor options and good colour rendering with
RA85. With its easy mounting and installation prepared for Linect
you get a product that pleases all members of the value chain.
D70 is ready for the future.
Product Companion Light+building 2012
Levit P pendant luminaire
materials 26mm acrylic plate and
aluminum frame
light source 2x28/54/35/49/80W
fluorescent T5 lamps
optional light source Available
with 2x4W asymmetric
LED modules
light distribution 40/60
reflector High efficient silver coated
reflector material
optics High quality microprismatic lenses
dimming Standard
sensors Optional
Elegant pendant and free standing
luminaires for office environments
colours Black, white, silver grey
design Vesa Honkonen
Levit Floor free-standing uplight
Our new family of office luminaires combines energy-efficient
features with excellent light output and good design features.
light source The name is Levit. We offer a selection of pendant and free
optional light source Available
2x28W / 2x80W fluorescent lamps
standing luminaires, all with the same characteristic design
LED modules
light distribution 40/60 or 20/80
reflector MIRO
with 2x4W asymmetric
Levit is designed by Vesa Honkonen. This time the renowned
optics Microprismatic
Finnish architect and designer has created a family of attractive
dimming Standard
and functional product with unique light distribution, providing a
sensors Optional
totally new lighting experience in office environments.
colours Black, white, silver grey
design Vesa Honkonen
Product Companion Light+building 2012
Product Companion Light+building 2012
Modul P pendant luminaire
materials Thick
aluminum body with
frosted acrylic diffuser
light source Fluorescent
light distribution T5 and TC-L lamps
optics Frosted
dimming Optional
diameters 445, 645 and 945mm
colours White, silver grey
design Olle
Modul S surface mounted luminaire
materials Thick
From hallway to boardroom!
aluminum body with frosted
acrylic diffuser
The new surface mounted and pendant Modul S and P models
light source Fluorescent
make the successful Modul series even more applicable. Now
light distribution it is possible to create exciting combinations, interchanging re-
optics Frosted
cessed, pendant and surface mounted luminaires of the same
dimming Optional
family throughout a building, taking different ceiling heights and
diameters 445, 645 and 945mm
lighting needs into account. Indeed, this is decorative efficiency
colours White, silver grey
from hallway to board room!
mounting options Recessed mounting by using
a separate mounting frame
design Olle
T5 and TC-L lamps
light source LED 5000lumen, 3000º or 4000º Kelvin
optics Opal
diffuser (OP) or high quality
microprismatic lenses (MP)
dimming Optional
types Circular
mounting For
or square light opening
lay-in in 600x600 or
625x625 modular ceilings
The Modul family includes recessed, surface mounted and pendant
models that combine functionality, performance and design.
Modul LED is a recessed model that is mounted completely flush
with the ceiling. With a uniform circular or square opal diffuser
these luminaires give an impression of light coming straight through
the ceiling. The result is very impressive indeed! Equipped with a
high quality microprismatic diffuser makes them also ideal for a
modern office environment.
Modul LED is available with opal or microprismatic diffuser, with
circular or square light opening, and with a choice of colour
led downlight
light source LED 1100 lm / 2000 lm
colour temperature 3000ºK / 4000ºK
colour rendering RA
reflector Silver
optics Microprismatic
optic available
emergency light 3 hours
colours Black, white, silver grey
The LED versions of our popular Travel downlight series are called
TraveLed. TraveLed comes with a circular or square reflector, and is
available in black, white or silver grey aluminium. A standardized
LED module of 1100 or 2000 lumen, and a very effective
reflector, contribute to TraveLed’s high efficiency. In fact, TraveLed
has almost 20% better efficiency than traditional downlights with
fluorescent lamps. TraveLed comes with a unique “tilt and click”
tool-free mounting system with magnets.
Product Companion Light+building 2012
Modul LED recessed luminaire
Product Companion Light+building 2012
The world’s most energy efficient
ergonomic task lights
During the last few years we have designed, developed and manufactured a new
generation of task lights, using light emitting diodes (LED) instead of traditional light
sources. With our new family of LED task lights we are demonstrating how this fantastic
technology can be used to create lighting products with excellent light output and bright,
warm light.
Hand made
Our LED task lights are all built to the highest standards for flexibility and durability, with
aluminium and prime quality steel as the most important materials. They are assembled
by hand. We specify, design and build our own products, and control every step of the
360 led task light
light source 6W LED
colour temperature 3250ºK
colour rendering rendering CRI > 80
timer 4 or 9 hours auto shut-off
dimming Dimmable
colours Black, white, silver grey
design Stephan
The 360 task light has a distinct form and great functionality.
A custom made 6 Watt LED module in a horizontal lamp head
provides a broad, directional light. The rotating base and flexible
arm takes little space when the task light is pushed back. When
fully extended, the light covers a large area, while the lamp
head stays parallel with the surface – providing asymmetric and
ergonomically correct workstation lighting. 360 is dimmable, and
automatically turns itself off after 4 or 9 hours in order to save
energy. The table base is included.
Product Companion Light+building 2012
Terea led task light
light source 7W LED
colour temperature 3000ºK
colour rendering CRI
colours > 80
Black, white, silver grey
design Ryann
Our compact task light features the latest in low-energy LED
technology. Its elegant form and slim shape makes it particularly
suitable for small work areas. It has a very satisfying light output,
and ergonomic details which ensure optimal computer workstation
lighting. Terea combines energy-efficiency, ergonomics and
compact design for an incomparable value.
Air LED led task light
light source 6W LED
colour temperature 3250ºK
colour rendering CRI
timer > 80
4 or 9 hours auto shut-off
dimming Dimmable
colours Black, white, silver grey
design Jukka Setälä
Air LED is a modern classic in the Luxo tradition, with a patented
spring-balanced arm for maximum reach and flexibility. It is
designed so that the lamp head will always remain parallel with
the surface of your desk. It has a sculptural shape, perfect balance,
and smooth movements that make it feel feather light – in spite of
its steel construction. Air LED is dimmable, and automatically turns
itself off after 4 or 9 hours in order to save energy.
Product Companion Light+building 2012
Ninety led task light
light source 6W LED
colour temperature 3250ºK
colour rendering CRI
timer > 80
4 or 9 hours auto shut-off
dimming Dimmable
colours Black, white, silver grey
design Shawn
Ninety has won many international awards for its design and
functionality. It is extremely energy efficient. Using only four 1,5W
light emitting diodes (LED), Ninety offers a bright, warm light while
saving energy. Ninety is dimmable, has a very flexible lamp
head, and can be equipped with an ingenious double action
rotating table base, a wall/rail bracket or a table insert bracket.
Ninety automatically turns itself off after 4 or 9 hours in order to
save energy.
the world’s most energy efficient office lighting solutions!
By combining Reed with one of our low energy LED task lights it is
In a modular office of 10 m² a 1x35W Reed plus a 6W LED task
possible to create solutions that are perfect for each individual, while
light will have an energy consumption of less than 5W per m², and
saving energy and money.
still provide the required light according to the standard EN 12464.
Product Companion Light+building 2012
Ovelo led task light
light source 6W LED
colour temperature 3250ºK
colour rendering CRI
timer > 80
4 or 9 hours auto shut-off
dimming Dimmable
colours Black, white, silver grey
design Stephan
With its unique design and all-metal construction, this impressive
task light will stand out in any office environment. It has a
particularly good light output, and an arm with covered spring
design, long reach and great flexibility. Yet its overall size is
modest. Ovelo uses modern dimmable diodes with a total of 6W.
It even has a timer: Ovelo automatically turns itself off after 4 or 9
hours in order to save energy.
pendant luminaire
materials Aluminium
light source T5
light distribution body with a thick acrylic
plate on top
55/45 or 70/30
reflector High efficient silver coated reflector material
optics High quality microprismatic lenses
dimming Optional
sensors Optional
design Vesa Honkonen
This pendant luminaire has a remarkably slim and elegant shape,
and an all-aluminium finish with attractive details. Reed is available
in black, white and silver grey. Inside its slim body rests a single
T5 lamp. The T5 lamp, in combination with a silver reflector and
high quality microprismatic optics makes Reed one of the most
energy efficient pendant luminaires on the market today.
Product Companion Light+building 2012
Luxo L-1 task light
light source 11W TC-HSE
colours Chrome,
black, white, silver grey
anniversary colours rouge rubia, ombre naturelle 31,
vert anglais pâle
design Jac Jacobsen
75th anniversary!
2012 marks the 75th anniversary of the original Luxo L-1 task light,
designed by Jac Jacobsen in 1937. It is still in production. Not
many industrial products are still going strong after such a long
period of time
L-1 LED led task light
light source 8W LED
colour temperature 3000ºK
colour rendering CRI
timer 90
4 or 9 hours auto shut-off
dimming Dimmable
colours Chrome,
L-1 LED. For the next 75 years.
We are celebrating the 75th anniversary of L-1 by launching the
LED version: L-1 LED. This way we believe that L-1 will live for at
least another 75 years.
black, white, silver grey
design Jac Jacobsen
Available from Q3 2012
Product Companion Light+building 2012
Design icon and productivity booster
L-1 was designed by Luxo’s founder, the Norwegian industrialist Jac Jacobsen. Manufacturing started in 1937 under the name
Luxo, derived from Latin – I give light.
L-1 soon became known as a real productivity booster in schools,
offices, industrial plants and health care facilities, and a design
icon among architects and designers all over the world. L-1 remains a classic because of its unique and advanced arm technology, combined with high light output and emphatic design features.
It is still in high demand, and to date we have sold more than 25
million units worldwide.
L-1 LED has exactly the same arm construction and shape of
shade as the 1937 original. Modern push-button technology in a
­characteristic 1930ies-style button house allows for dimming and
energy-efficient timer functionality.
Product Companion Light+building 2012
Eas pendant luminaire
light source 1 x TC-TE 18W / 26W / 32W
shade Textured
dimming HFDa / HFDd / DALI
colours White, grey, black
design Olle
Eas is a pendant luminaire, available in many varieties for a wide
range of applications. It is designed by Sweden’s renowned
designer Olle Anderson, and is shown here in some of his
favourite colours. This pretty luminaire is made of sturdy aluminium,
and comes in black, white and silver grey as standard. It can
be made available in a range of attractive colours on request.
Eas is available in three different sizes (150, 240 and 295 mm
diameter). It is suspended from the cable, which makes height
adjustment easy.
C75-P pendant luminaire
materials 10mm acrylic plate and aluminium frame
light source LED 5000 Lumen 3000º and 4000º Kelvin
light distribution 40/60
light technique Based on vertically placed LED
and light refraction
C75-P is an attractive new pendant luminaire with LED light
optics An
innovative printing pattern on
source and an exceptionally slim body. It is one of the first LED
luminaires to offer a combination of upwards and downwards light
dimming Standard
distribution with satisfactory energy efficiency.
sensors Multisensor
an acrylic plate
remote control Available
C75-P consists of a 10 millimeter acrylic plate set in an ultra-slim
design is optional
with remote control
Hareide design
aluminium frame. The luminaire is completely transparent when it
is not lit. When lit, it creates an impression of being invisible, that
there is only a thin sliver of light floating in the air. This is made
possible by the use of innovative optics, in combination with a
vertical LED light source and light refraction. The unique design
and use of superior materials makes this novelty a good choice
for the executive office or board room.
C75-P is available with
­integrated sensors and
­remote control.
materials Steel
body with a frosted polycarbonate diffuser
light source Fluorescent
optics Frosted
14/24W T5 or 40/55W TC-L
diffuser with a double
parabolic centre optic
dimming Optional
types Flat
sensor (R) or drop-down (RO) diffuser
PIR or Multi sensor optional
emergency Integrated
design LED emergency as an option
Hans Bleken Ruud
C30-R | C30-RO are recessed fittings that fit most common ceiling
systems. The luminaires can easily be mounted from the underside,
or into T-bar ceilings without the use of tools. The body is made of
white steel with moulded polycarbonate diffuser that is clipped to
the body. The frosted diffuser provides a balance between direct
and diffused light that creates an ideal light for office work with
both papers and modern computer screens. With their simple lines
the units light the ceiling as well as the wall. The luminaires give
good contrasts and good visibility. Ideal light for work involving
reading and writing.
Alice P pendant luminaire
light source 1 x TC-TE 32, 42, 57, 70W
dimming HFDa / HFDd / DALI
body Chromed
diffuser steel housing
White opal glass
design Olle
The elegant Alice has a classic form and an attractive white
opal glass shade, and is available in two sizes. The size and
substantial light output of the larger version makes it suitable for
large public spaces. The smaller version is particularly well suited
as accent lighting in public areas. Alice features the latest in
modern technology, and is available with dimming. Alice is also
available for surface mounting (Alice S).
Product Companion Light+building 2012
C30-R | C30-RO recessed luminaires
Product Companion Light+building 2012
Oulo | Kemi
pendant luminaires
oulo Large sphere
kemi Large vertical ellipsoid
light source 4xTC-L 28W / 40W
diffuser Opal satin acrylic in combination
with aluminium reflectors.
dimming HFDa / HFDd / DALI
colours White and chrome
design Olle Andersson
Inspiration from the north
Ice, cold, and a frosty Nordic landscape were images that Olle
Anderson had in mind when he designed these large luminaires.
Oulo and Kemi are both names taken from the north of Finland.
The luminaires are designed for large rooms, and give a great
deal of light towards the sides. The ring-shaped blinds prevent
anyone looking at the light source when looking at the fittings at
an angle from below.
pendant luminaire
materials Aluminium
light source 1x28/54/35/49W fluorescent T5 lamps
light distribution 25/75
optics Micro
lamellas or opal diffuser
dimming Optional
mounting For
Glamox C55-P and PS is a pendant fitting with an extremely slim
design. When using the stepless swing function it is a winner in
reception and desk areas. The use of aluminium makes this a
quality product with a high finish and minimal size with its cross
section of only 60x75mm. C50-P is for single mounting and C50PS is for row and swing mounting. The unique mounting system
using quick connectors and wire suspension with flexible CC
distance makes the C55 easy to adapt to different environment.
row mounting and system mounting
options LED spot modules and blind modules available
design Hans Bleken Ruud
Product Companion Light+building 2012
Product Companion - concept study: the flexible office
Concept study:
The flexible office
Open plan office lit by recessed LED luminaires with microprismatic optics
he luminaires are square, and should be mounted in a grid, providing symmetric
light distribution in all directions. This solution offers excellent lighting conditions
for the office workers, and maximum flexibility with regard to the positioning of
work stations. It is possible to make changes to the layout of the office without
changing the positioning of the luminaires. This is particularly attractive for companies
with changing dynamics, where office layouts are regularly altered.
Visit our stand E11 in Hall 3.1 and design your own open plan office!
Product Companion - Light+building 2012
All our products are covered by a
five year warranty. More information
is available from our websites.