=* lfiffWrnd tatLf rr I *{" The KidWind Project is a team of teachers, students, engineers and practitioners exploring the science behind wind energy in classrooms around the US. Our goal is to introduce as many people as possible to the elegance of wind power through hands-on science activities which are challenging, engaging and teach basic science principles. While improving science education is our main goal, we also aim to help schools become important resources for students, and the general public, to learn about and see wind energy in action. We have three primary means of meeting our goals Teacher Workshops - Over the past 2 years we have held over 78 teacher workshops in more than 12 stafes. These are typically free to teachers and offer them time and materials to explore ideas for introducing wind energy in the classroom. Check the list below for a list of future workshops. If you are interested in having one in your neck of the woods, send us a note or give us a call. We are happy to go all over the US! Product & Curriculum Development - In an effort to make materialsmore teacher friendly (cheaper, rugged & standards relevant), we have developed a wide variety of lessonsand kits to help teachersintroduce wind to their students. In the summer of 2007 we will unveil Wind Energy Science: A Hands-On Guide for Teachers- a 200 page guide with lessonsand ideas. We are also developingsome new kits & parts to make teachingeasier. Web Resources- http:// www.kidwind.orgis an extensionof the first two goals. Here you can find information on workshopsand 100sof MB of videos,power point lecturesand curriculum and construction PDFs. If we have written it, you can find it here for FREE. Future Workshops & Events: Kidwind has held workshops all over the US, In the next few months we are working to offer events in the following states. Indiana Minnesota West Virginia California Texas New York North Dakota Locationsof PreviousKidwind Workshoos For more information head to http://www,Kidwind,org Check the WORKSHOP link to see more detailed schedules and apply online Wind Turbine Kits Basic PVC Turbine These are some of the kits and materials that we offer More doodads can be found at http://www.kidwind.org :&;&#*= The most affordable and robust lab benchwind turbine on the market. If you want to start teachingaboutwind energy in the classroomwe recommendyou start here. You can do somegreat blade experimentswith a multimeter and if you make somereally great bladesyou can get the motor w/ propellerto spin. Geared PVC Turbine $#ffi+ A ruggedminiaturewind turbinewith a robustdrive systemthat allowsfor much greaterpowerproduction.Th turbinewill lightLEDs, incandescent bulbs,small motors,buzzersand our favoriteproduct-the water pump. Youmightevenuse this turbineto chargebatteri or fill a capacitor! awing Basic PVCTurbine SffiS,'- g:gfjY:#tr+gryDesisned to YAW (rotate) into ;the wind and is ideal for testing in outdoorwindconditions. Simulates a "real"smallwind turbinequiteaccurately.Students can designand test differenttypes of vanesand bladesto seewhat type of designis the best! EconomyGearedTurbine '&M^r S3#* n,,mn While this iSa great IOW w:^5:;;:i,.;ffi LU>L orLcr native, the gear box and 'nw ,ffi f'ffi hub are ngt as robustand if used with many studentsthey may be proneto breakage.It is great for a studentdoinga sciencefair project or a deviceto demonstratethe powerof wind. Motor, Pumps & Meters L Water Pumps & Loads Finally,a low costwater pumpsuitablefor a wide --! rangeof hobbyprojects. Submersible, Workson 26V. We carrylotsof load components! Turbine Hubs The hub of the turbine is where you attach the blades, This is where the action is! We have spent the better part of two y e a r s d e v e l o p i n go u r h u b s ! T h e Yr u l e ! $F"ssg- ls * +{ " ,i} s*S Motors/Generators We carry lots of motorsthat are greatfor makingsmall windturbines.Theyall have highpoweroutputat low RPM' a"** *o**'*"11fttr-Y3:- *iJ lllr "r4 ,i nd" UUI rllfi ".'-''-'-'-'' )illiii;,1 . )4tttt 4i, ,t' '-t, i ,i ,,,*,ts'";1"* G*. Wind Data Loggers/Hand-Helds Interested in collectingand monitoring w i n d d a t a ? W e h a v e i n e x p e n s i v eg e a r to help you get a better bearing on the w i n d a r o u n d y o u ! F r o m h a n d - h e l d st o data loggers, we have what you need! Y ss*; KidwindProject 2093 SargentAvenue S a i n tP a u l ,M N 5 5 1 0 5 http://www.kidwind. org 651-325-8149 thanconventional energy. I | " Windenergyis moreexpensive I Wind's variability doesincrease theday-to-day andminute-tothewindvariations minute operating costsof a utilitysystem because doaffecttheoperation of oherplants.Butinvestigations byutility thanabout engineers showthesecoststo berelatively small--less (kWh) 2 mills/kilowatt-hour atpenetrations under5%andpossibly Public risingto 5 millsat 20%penetration. Infact,whentheColorado issued Service Commission a rulingin 2001onthe161-megawatt (MW) windproject in Lamar, Colorado, thecommission determined that provided windenergy thelowest costofanynewgeneration resource process (except to anXcelEnergy solicitation forone submitted bidding Thecommission thatunlike theother smallhydroplant). alsonoted project generation resources considered, theLamar avoided therisk prices.l offutureincreased fuel Andina recent landmark studyof power intotheNewYorkStateelectric system, a windintegration (3,300 MWofwindin a 34,000-MW 10%addition ofwindgeneration projected system) actually a reduction in payments byelectricity inonevear.2 customers of$305million to ff Windenergyrequiresa production tax credit(PTC) theseeconomics. True, buteveryenergy source a achieve to expect wind receives federal subsidies; it isdisingenuous significant to compete inthemarketplace without theincentives enioyed energy byestablished technologies.3 tax creditandacceleraled depreciation are Theproduction Q The helpful to big, developers. economic only out-of-state vl and benefitsaren'tlocal,andruralelectriccooperatives lt'struethat municipal utilitiescan'trsceivelhe samebenefits. to reduce thalpayfederal taxescanusethetaxcredits onlyentities costs taxcredits resultin lowerwindenergy theirlaxliability. Butthose if localentities customers. However, forthebenefitof allelectricity inwindplants, thentheycanreceive thetax assume equigpositions is locally held, Whether ornotthewind-plant equity creditbenefits. andtheneedfor windplants resultinjobsforthelocalcommunity operation. localservices-both during construction andduring theaddedcountyandstatetaxesandfte landowner Additionally, thelocalandstateeconomies. And leasepayments directly benefit fromlocalsources, debttotheextentfiatdebtfinancing comes payments service staywithinthelocalcommuni$. E .g a ina cooperative farmers havejoined together Also,insomecases plants. theirtax to buildandownwind Inaggregate, arrangement to makefulluseofthetaxcred1ts.4 liability canbesufficient E up" Windenergy is unpredictable andmustbe"ba6ked generalion. ny convenlional Nopowerplantis 100%reliable. plantora wind a conventional During a powerplantoutage*whether plant-backupis provided byfte entireinterconnected utilitysystem. Thesystem operating strategy strivesto makebestuseofallelements takingintoaccount iheoperating characteristics oftheoverallsystem, suchasplant of eachgenerating unitandplanning forcontingencies isalsodesigned to lineoutages, Theutiliiysystem ortransmission whichoccurcontinuously. Thisfeature accommodate loadfluctuations, ln alsofacilitates of windplantoutputfluctuations. accommodation 'tA E When theColorado Pnblic issued in2001anthe ServiceCommissisn a ruling -MWwindproject (pict$red 16-l inLamar, abovei, thecommission C0l0rad0 provided dslennined thatwindanergy thelol.lesl costofanynewgeneralion process t0anXcelEnergy resource submitted solicitaiion bidding iexceptior plant). onesmallhydro 20% windsupplies Northern andpartsof Spain, Denmark, Germany, When windis sacrificing reliability. to 40%of electric loadswithout is required to maintain nonewbackup addedto a utilitysystem, systemreliability. ensrgyfromexistingcoalplants, lf windanergydisplaces f, fromwindplants forelectricity wl thenrateswill go up.Rates power todayarecomparable to wholesale electric beinginstalled power, prices if any, Theincremental costofwind of 2.50t0 3.50/kwh. A number of among allcuslomers. willbenegligible whendistributed therateimpacts ofwindandhaveconsidered studies haveexamined portfolio percentages from standard thecostsof various renewable to range arepredicted residential billimpacts 5%to 10%,andaverage premium Infact,somestudies to a froma savings 0f 25$/m0nth. predict fuels in demand forconventional theaccompanying decrease higher tofullycompensate forslightly willreduce tuelprices enough wind above, lntheNewYorkstudymentioned costsforrenewables. Rates frombothcoalandnaturalgasplants. energy displaced fromthecoalandgasplants were emissions decreased, andharmful reduced aswell,5 energythan Newnaturalgaspowerplantsprovidecheaper ft At risinggasprices. V windplants.Thisis notlikelywithtoday's and is 2.5q to 30/kwh, and capital 0&M the fuel cost alone $3/MBTU, gasprices haverisento morethan amount. Today, costsadda similar yielding Andgas inthe50t0 60/kwhrange. a fuelcostalone $6/MBTU, past years. prices in Betting on havespiked to morethan$'10/MBTU futureishighly risky, whileenergy lowgasprices overtheforeseeable willberelatively stable overtime.Ina recent costsfromwindplants found thatthenatural Berkeley National Laboratory study, Lawrence gas"hedge to be estimated value" ofwindcouldbeconservatively 'l12 cenVkWh.6'7 on wi*d turbinescan'tbeinstalled 7 Largetutility-grade grid upgrades and I the dishibution withoutexpensive grids power-quality withweakdistribution issues.Insituations (longlineswiththinwiresandfewcustomers-maybe evensinglephase), can in manycases windgeneration thiscanbetrue.However, the in amounts upto about tothedistribution system beconnected transformer. Onestudyofa rural ratingofthenearest substation of thatseveraltens ofmegawatts Midwestem countyestimated gridwitha turbines couldbeinstalled onthelocaldistribution power-quality impacts. andminimal minimum ofupgrade expense are andclusters offurbines A number ofsingle windturbines to thedistribution system.s currently connected premium is fora smallproject Theenergy billsarelikelyto besmall. provides a smallportion ofthe to exceed 50%.tf theproject unlikely is reduced to about 2olo-then fte premium needs-say communig's viewthis communities 1%if distributed among allcustomers. Some premium investment to obtain localenvironmental asa worthwhile withwindpower. benefits andexperience f'l Windturbineskill birdsandthushaveserious imnacts. Birdkillshavecaused serious Y environmental States: Altamont concern atonlyonelocation intheUnited scientific to experience oneofthefirstareasinthecountry Passin California, thewind winddevelopment. Over thepastdecade, significant thatwindfarmsandwildlffe cananddocoexist community haslearned overall impact onbirdsis Windenergy development's successfully. compared to otherhuman-related extremely low(<1of 30,000) tratfic, communications towers, andhouse causes, suchasbuildings, with othertall cats.Birdscanflyintowindturbines, astheydo to airandwater However, conventional fuelscontribute strucfures. pollution thatcanhavefargreater impactonwildlifeandtheirhabitat, andhuman health. aswellastheenvironment .l produce windturbines f'l Windturbinesarenoisy,Modern produce Theturbine a whooshing I lJ verylittlenoise. blades turbulence intheair,butthisnoisetendslo sound astheyencounter noiseoftheblowing wind.Anoperating bythebackground bemasked '1000 feetis nomore of750feetto modern windfarmata distance noisythana kitchen refrigerator. myths onwindenergy al Youcanfindmoreinlormation gov/windandhydro/win powerin gam d erica/p dfs/wpa/ wrvw.eere. energy. 34600_misconceptions.pdl 1www.eere.energy.gov/windandhydro/windpoweringamerica/pdfs/xcel-w decision.odf 2 www.nyserda.org/publications/win pdl d-integration-report. 3 Formore0nenergy visitwww.earfttrack.net subsidies, 4 MarkBolinger, WindPower A Survey o{StateSupport forCommunity gov/eaiEMS/cases/) (http//eetd.lbl. Development 5 www.nyserda.org/publications/wind-inte pdl gration-report. 6 http://eetd.lbl.gov/ealems/reports/s6756.pdi 7 AhnGreenspan, Federal Reserve Chairman, testimony at Senate committee hearing, July10,2003 I Distributed WindCoordinating WindPower Assessment, National Committee, February atwurw.nationalwind.org 2001,available $mallproiectsthatmightbesuitablefor co-cpsor small Q Smallprojects 1J municipal utilitiesarenotecanomical. generally thanlarger windplants, havea higher costpermegawatt However, theincremental costsoncustomers' aswouldbeexpected. page1:O GEWindEnergy Reserved/P1x12335 Topphoto AllRights Js*tdffi -"i wwmffi* . May3*05 00E/G0-10e005-2137 -. .g*:gffiSw4:ffi#, G. rrr<:rit:ar1-l,t'!fiil .chr:rggz4sivriati<xr Mythsand FactsAboutWind Energyand Birdsin the AltamontPass The wind industryis committedto, and hasdemonstrated, continualinnovations leadingto greater protection and wildlife.Modernwindturbinesare far lessharmfulto birdsand of the environment otherwildlifethanplate-glass windows,vehicles,pesticides and evenhousecats. And unlikefossil fuel powerplantsand otherindustrialprocesses, windenergypowerplantsdo notemitany harmful emissionsthatthreatenwildlife.Windenergyis cleanenergy,with no air pollution,no water pollution,no greenhouse gases,and no waste. The regional,nationaland globalbenefitsof obtainingmoreof our electricity fromthe windwouldbe enormous. Still,one of the first wind projectsinstalledin the UnitedStatesdoes impactlocalraptors.The AltamontPassremainsthe onlywinddevelopment areain the U.S.thatexperiences significant bird deaths(with"significant" definedas deathsof individuals of particular speciesthatare numerous enoughto possiblyimpactlocalpopulations of thosespecies).Whilethe industryrecognizes that this situationrepresents a realproblem,it is largelylimitedto this one areaand is notwidespread. Unfortunately, mediacoverageaboutAltamontoftengivesthe impressionthat all wind power projectsare harmfultobirds,despiteoverwhelmingevidenceto the contrary. In part,this is due to mythsaboutwind energythat are oftenrepeated.Left unchallenged, thesemythsbecome acceptedas true.Thefollowinginformation attemptsto providea morebalancedviewand debunk the mostcommonmythsaboutthe AltamontPass. Myth: The raptordeathsseen in the AltamontPassare indicativeof a problemwith all wind farms acrossthe U.S. Fact: Wind projectsnormallydo not significantly impactbirds. The AltamontPassis uniquein the U.S. StudiescondUctedat a dozenotherwind projectsacrossthe countryhavefound low impactson birds. Theseimpactsare dramatically lowerthanotherhuman-related sources of mortalityfor birds(forexample,cars,buildings, and communications towers), Myth: The wind industryis simplystudyingthe problemsat the AltamontPassand nottakingany action. Fact: Wind businesseshave implementedmanystrategiesto reducebird impactsat the Altamont. Over the years,wind companieshavepaintedblades,reducedrodent populations,added"perchguards"to preventperchingon turbinetowers,and tested raptors'hearing,visionand avoidancecapabilities to learnhowto reducebirdimpacts.One particularlysuccessfulstrategygreatlyreducedraptorelectrocutions. Basedon earlier research,projectownersmodifiedtheir equipmentby insulatingwires,coveringsome exposedelectriccomponentson poles,and relocatingoverheadpowerlinesto protect raptors.The industryis continuing todayto testnewmeasuresto reducebirdkills,and to put into effectthosethat are helpful. One of the most promisingof these is to replaceolder, smallerturbineswith fewer new, largeturbines,oftenreferredto as "repowering". Recently,projectownersin the AltamontPassannouncedan "aggressiveadaptive" managementplanto cut raptormortalityby 35o/o.Projectownerswill shutdown some turbinesin the winter,relocateor permanently removeabout100of the highestrisk turbines,removesomeof the oldernon-operating infrastructure, and continuetheir commitment to repowering. Myth: Strategiesto reducebird impactsin the AltamontPassare relevantto otherwind projects. Fact: The AltamontPassis uniquein the U.S. No otherwindprojectcombinesa similar Birdmortality, topography, raptorpopulation, and old turbinetechnologies. especiallyraptor are not mortality, at otherwindsitesis alreadyquitelow,so mostmanagement techniques likelyto be applicable elsewhere. Myth: Raptorsare killedin the AltamontPassbecausethe site is in a migratoryflyway. Fact: A wind projectin a migratoryflywaydoesnot necessarilyposea threatto birds. The San Gorgoniowindresourcearea,about400 milessouthof theAltamontPass,is in the same flywayas the AltamontPass. 25 millionbirdspassthroughSan Gorgonioevery migratory year,butthereis no significant raptoror birdmortalityat thatsite. The presenceof birdsin an areadoesnotconnoterisk,nor is buildinga windplantin a migratory flywaya riskto birds. Raptorsare mostlikelykilledin AltamontPassbecauseit hasa highyear-round raptorpopulation, an abundantpreybase,and manysmallerturbinesthat are sited relativelycloselytogether. Myth: The windturbinesin AltamontPassare verydangerous to birdsin general. Fact: The annualnumberof birdskilledby collisions withwindturbinesin AltamontPassis about one birdfor everyfiveturbines.Thisis probablylessthanthe numberkilledeachyearby the averagehousecat. Altamontis importantnotbecauseit is dangerous for birdsin general,but becauseof the numberof raptorkills. Thisis a keydistinction, becausethe rate of raptordeathsat otherwind sitesis muchlower. Myth: Tensof thousandsof birdshavediedbecauseof the windturbinesin AltamontPass. Fact: This is actuallytrue . . . whenlookingover20 years(22,000birds).Butthat numbershould be viewedin context.In the U.S.duringthatsametime: . 2 billionto 20 billionbirdswerekilledin collisions withbuildings; o 1.2billionto 1.6billionin collisions withautosandtrucks;and . 100millionto 600 millionin collisions withcommunications towers. And the AltamontPasswindprojectprovided100,000California homeswithclean, emissions-free electricity. The implication thatAltamontPassis dangerous to birdsin generalis false. Myth: The evidenceof raptordeathsat AltamontPassmeansthatwindenergycannotcoexist with birdsand otherwildlifeand newwinddevelopmentshouldthereforebe halted. Fact: Wind projectsaroundthe nationhavebeenshownto poseminimalrisksto birdsand other wildlife.Thewindenergyindustryhasworkedhardoverthe pastdecadeto reducethe impactof windturbineson wildlifesuchas birdsand bats. Thoseeffortshavelargelybeen very successful- wind turbinesand wildlifecan and do coexistsuccessfully. The wind industrywelcomesscrutinyof, and comparisonwith,all of the impactsof all sourcesof powergeneration.Manyextensivestudiesof aviancollisionsat windfarmsmost of themfundedby projectowners- havebeencarriedout, a factthat contrastsgreatly with the lackof a systematiceffortto monitorbirddeathsresultingfromfuel mining/extraction, emissions,pollutionand habitatloss associatedwith otherenergy sources. Any publicor privateresearcheffort,regulatoryeffort,or legislativeproposal designedto quantifythe impactof powergeneration on birds,bats,and otherwildlifeshould encompassall powersources,notjust wind. Page1 of I w*$d,* qfirilYh*ilG*il-tuwH K;r*u am l*sr for dxp firgt time, with e {.ra:fr i::alrss "taPt How Does ltWork! Beginby tof<fng Caurse! Youarehere:Home :l go you NOo w€nt to somewhereelse? N t *jee,rl I to work connection The search engine requiresan lnternet by Translations andKatrineSandstrom. MartinStarckeJensen,SorenKrohn,KimConradPetersen Produced by Bryand'Emil,MortenJacobsen, of fromthe DanishMinistry Produced withsupport andKatrineSandstrsm. AliciaAnarlg;r,HanneJersild,SorenKrohn,NorbertP6cksteiner, Association. andEnergy,andthe Danish\MndIndustry the DanishMinistryof the Environment Education, fi le://C:\DOCUME- I \Michael\LOCALS-1\Temp\K5V9O4SA.htm 2t4t200s How to harnessthe wind ... Studentscompetefor bestturbine design By Lorraine Cavener Times-News correspondent February,25 2004 TWIN FALLS - Anybodyplanningto build a wind turbinemight wantto consultwith Nick Mindock or DanielMoreno. Mindock and Moreno aren'tengineersand don't have collegedegrees,but the two Twin Falls High Schoolseniorswon a model wind turbinedesigncontestat the schoolTuesday. Engineersand supportedby the College The contest,sponsored by the Magic Valley chapterof ldaho Societyof Professional of SouthernIdaho,Twin FallsHigh SchoolandEHM EngineersInc.,was heldin conjunctionwith NationalEngineering Week. "We chosethis competitionbecausewind energyis a big topic now," saidRichardHawkes,a memberof the engineers group."ldahoranksl2th or higheras far aswind." he said. "It's not beentapped,"Hawkessaid. But Idahohasonly threeor four working wind generators, Thirteenteamsof two to threestudentseachcompetedusing turbineswith bladesconstructedfrom 5- by 8-inch note cards. Among otherspecifications, the turbinescouldhaveup to eightbladeswith a maximumdiameterof 24 inches. The contestwasjudgedby connectingthe turbinesto a computerand measuringvoltageand current.Sampleswere taken every minute and data downloadedonto a spreadsheet. Materialsusedto constructthe turbinebasesincludedPVC, copperpipe, wood dowelsandcardboard.Spraypaintwas usedon someof the blades. Orla Ll/alshand her twin brother, Brian, both seniors at Twin Falls High School, test their working modelof awind turbine Tuesdayat the school.Thecompetitionwas held by the Magic Valley chapter of the Idaho Society of Professional Engineers. Photo by ASHLEY SMITH The Times-News "We wantedto jazzit up a bit," saidKatie Harding,who alongwith partner Nicole Bulcherbuilt a turbinefashionedaftera pinwheel."Whenwe were little kids, we werefascinated with pinwheels,"Hardingsaid."We took that ideato makeblades.The bladeshavea flap to directthe air in." The teamdid not spendany money,shesaid."We usedstuff we found aroundthe house." Virginia ReynoldsandJosieMorsealsobasedtheir turbineon a pinwheel. throughthe back.So we put a "Whenwe movedit, we noticedair escaped platebehindit," Reynoldssaid."lt goesa lot fasterthatway." Eric NutschandJaredAdamsuseda largepaperfunnel-likeobjectbehind their turbine,reasoningthat a funnelwould give morewind. Inertia,torque,velocity,andRPM -- which the boys learnedaboutin their physicsclass-- wereall factoredinto the Nutschsaid."Thisis all physics,"Adamssaid."After a certainamountof torque-- you needenoughto turn the ekperience, motor-- afterthatyou want asmuchRPM as possible,"he said. The ratioof torqueandRPM is dependentuponthe shapeand angleof the blades,Nutschsaid. "lf you havea steepangle,it will give you moretorque,"he said."A shallowanglegiveshigherRPM. You haveto balance that.HigherRPM will give you morevoltage." While AdamsandNutschhadput a lot of thoughtinto their turbine,Mindockand Morenoexplainedwhat it wasthat gavetheir machinethe winningtouch."ltwasthe asymmetrical airfoil," Mindocksaid."We maximizedthe lift while minimizingthe drag." The bladeswereplacedas far out as was allowableto getthe maximumtorquefor the lift of eachblade,he said. Morenosaidthey debatedaboutthe shapeof the blades."We researched the shapeof the blades,"he said.A book on helicopter bladeswas usedfor research."Differentshapesproducedifferentlevelsof lift anddrag,"Morenosaid. For their efforts,MorenoandMindockwon engineeringcalculators, complimentsof the CSI mathandengineering departments. Second-place winnersJustinDoble,ChertGriffith andGregKahlawon $60 BamesandNoble gift certificates, andthird-placewinnersDamondIshamandEric MacMillan won $30 BamesandNoblegift certificates."Eachdesignis differentandhasuniquecharacteristics," Eberleinsaid."Therearea numberof differentwaysto accomplishthis endeavor. Somewaysaremorereasonable." 1 Whatcan thesemini windturbinespower? Kidwindmodelwind turbinesare designedfor use in scienceclassesor as a hobby or sciencefair project. Theyare designedto producea measurable amountof powerso you can performvariousbladedesignexperiments.They are not specifically designedto light bulbs,spin motorsand chargebatteriesbut they can if you havea goodfan and manageto designsomeefficientblades. Our kits come with a varietyof loadcomponents- incandescent and LED light bulbs' small DC motors, fuel cells, water pumps and buzzers. Someof our turbinescan powerall of thesedevicesbut somecannot.Thisis importantto understand!Whenin doubtyou shouldhookup your meterto makesurethat you are makingenoughvoltageto do the job you want the turbineto do. ts bffid How much power can KidWind turbines make? The Basic and the Yawing PVC turbines use the sameDC motor as a generator. As we have not "gearedup" the drive train we can createdlimitedamountsof power. With a nicebox or roomfan and well designedbladeswe can create,at maximum,about 1-1.5volts at 50 -100mA. Thisis not reallyenoughpowerto light a bulb,but will run the smallDC motorwith the propellerattached....and many peoplethink that is cool! If you needmore poweroutputthen you haveto gearup the drivetrainlikewe have done on the Geared and Yawing Geared PVCTurbines. Usingthe same fans theseturbineswill produce3-4 voltsat 100-500mA.Thisis plentyof power to run small lights,pumps,motors,buzzersetc. If you needmore powerthese are the turbinesto buy...butthey might costyou somemore becauseof that gearbox. Why can't the Basic or Yawinq Turbines make enouqh iuice!? Poweroutput on a small DC motor is relatedto how fast we spin the drive shaft (RPM)and how hard we can turn it (torque). With regularfansand studentmade bladesit hardto get enoughRPMto makethe littleDC motorsmakeenough powerto run bulbs,etc. You needRPMin the 1000srangeto makevoltageover 2 voltsand if you did that on a directdrive systemyour bladeswould be movingvery fast-so fast they wouldfly out!! On the gearedsystemswe havea7:I gear box hookedto the smallDC generator.So if the bladesare movingat 200 RPMthe driveshaftis travelingat 1400 RPM. Whilethis requiresmore torqueto overcomethe frictionin the gearboxit is somethingwe can live with to make more power. Fuel Cells We developedthe GearedPVCWindTurbinewith this applicationin mind. Usingthis wind turbineyou can generateenoughelectricityto run a simplefuel cell electrolyzer (greatonescan be purchased from Kidwindor at the FuelCellStore.com).The electrolyzerwill createhydrogenand oxygenin a storagechamberwhichyou can recombineto generateelectricity. You coulduse this storedelectricityto run the mini-waterpump,a smallDC motoror you can attachit to a fuel cellcar and see how far it travelson two minutesof wind producedelectricity.The ultimatein closed looptravel! To run this deviceyour turbineneedsto produceat least1.5 volts. More than 2.5 volts for sustainedperiodscan alsodamageyour fuel cell so be careful. Liqht Bulbs & LEDs Youcan use a gearedwindturbineto lightsmallincandescent bulbsor LEDs.Lately we have been using small LEDsthat are found in the ForeverBright ChristmasLight set. LEDsrequiremuchlesscurrentthen incandescent so they are easierfor the just makesurethey turbineto light. Youcan alsouseother bulbsfrom flashlights are designedfor low voltageand low current. The BasicPVCwind turbine can power someLEDswith reallygreatbladesand highwind speeds. LEDlightsneedat least 2.O volts to light, but very little amperage. LEDsalso requirethat the electricityruns in the "right" direction. If your turbineis making morethan 2 volts,but the LEDis not lightingtry reversingthe turbineoutputwires that are connected to the LEDbulband try again. Anothercoolexperimentif your turbinecan createmorethan 2 volts is to see many LEDsyou can lightversusregularChristmasbulb. LEDrequiremuch lessamperage so you can lighta longlineof thesecomparedto the regularbulbs. Small DC Motors The powerneedsof most smallDC motorsis pretty minimal.Especially if you are usingonesthat havea low voltagerating. The GearedPVCWindTurbinecan easily powera variety of small DC motorsand the Basrcand YawingPVC WindTurbinescan weaklypowera few as well. Lookfor small DC motorsin brokenelectricattoys. You can alsofind a widevarietyof at Kelvin.com, Pitscoor All Electronics an online electronics store. You needaround.6 - .8 volts to powera smallmotorwith propeller. Low Voltaqe Water Pumos. Kidwindhas found a low voltagewater pump that workswell with our GearedWind Turbines.You needto producearound2.5 volts for thesepumpsto run well and a gooddealof torqueas pumpingwaterrequiresa greatdealof energy. This is one of our favoritedemonstrations usingwind energy. We typicallyhook it up to sometype of graduatecylinderand seewhoseturbinebladescan pumpthe most amountof waterin 1-2 minutes! Do not try to run 6V or 12V aquarium pumps using our wind turbines it will not work! .-*,-::.:::::' .l * idHjlto MorePower:Howto ImproveYourBlades ,iiniij K i d w i n dm o d e lw i n d tu rb i n e sa re d e s ignedfor use in scienceclassesor as a hobbyor sciencefair project. They were createdto allow studentsa cheapmethodto perform v a r i o u sb l a d ed e si g ne xp e ri me n tsq uite quickly. They ar e not specifically designe dto l i ght bulbs, spin motors and charge batteriesbut they can if you have a good fan and manage to designsome efficientblades. Having efficient blades is a key part of making power from a wind turbine. Sloppy, poor made blades will never make enough energy to do anything. ft takes time and thought to make good blades so get to it!!! O n e t h i n g y o u mu st a l w a ysth i n k a b out when makingtur binebladesis, "Ar e my bl ades c re a t i n g D R AG? " . S u re yo u r b l a d esar e pr obablycatchingthe wind and helpingto s pi n the hub and motor drive shaft, but are they slowingyou down as well? Becauseif they a re a d d i n gD RA G yo u r w h o syste mwill slow down and in most caseslow RPMm ea nsl es s power output. The faster you go the more power you make! Some tips on improving blades: .-Manytimesstudentsmakeverybig,longb|ades thinkingbiggeris better. Well in the turbinebusinessbiggeris better,but students and teachershave a very hard time makinglong bladesthat add lots of drag and inefficiency.See what happenswhen you shortenthem a few centimeters. .@-oftenstudentswi||settheang|eoftheb|adestoaround 45o the first time they try to use the turbine. Try makingthe bladesflatter towards the fan and see what happens. Pitchdramaticallyaffectspoweroutput, play with it a bit and see what happens. .@-Inanefforttoreducedragtryusing2,3or4blades. .-Inefforttoreducetheweightoftheb|adesuse|ess materialor lightermaterial. .W-Thesmootheryourb|adesurfacethe|essdragyouwil| have. A bladewith lots of tape and roughedgeswill havemoredrag. .@-MakeSureyouareusingadecent|ysizedboxorroomfan. Somethingwith at leasta diameterof t4'-L8". . BLADES VS. FAN - Are your bladesbiggerthan your fan? That couldbe a problemas the tips of your bladesare not catchingany wind and arejust adding drag. .@-Arethetipsofyourb|adethinandnarroWorwideandheavy? The tips travel much fasterthan the root. That meansif you have lots of junk out thereyou will add more drag. Theseare a few ideasto helpyou improveyour turbineblades.For more information headto www.Kidwind.org and lookfor the BladeDesignLessonunderthe curricular materials. Thereare lots of helpfullinksand ideasthere to helpyou makethe best blades. How to ReduceBladeDrag! ! n il ,'/-\. \r- - Y More Drag ./- I li II It Less Drag More Drag Drag y't it tl tl il H t) tl t\ n fl /l 7 U More Drag Less Drag ss Drag ti tt Blade Cross-Section It ll lllrl n Fii ?rl 7\ , trr fr Ilit II U / Less Drag LJ LessDrag ore Drag More Wind \,* More Drag