Caterpillar Generator Data Page 1 of 9 GENERATOR DATA FEBRUARY 16, 2016 For Help Desk Phone Numbers Click here Selected Model Engine: C18 Generator Frame: LC7024F Genset Rating (kW): 550.0 Line Voltage: 480 Fuel: Diesel Generator Arrangement: 4183919 Genset Rating (kVA): 687.5 Phase Voltage: 277 Frequency: 60 Excitation Type: AREP Pwr. Factor: 0.8 Rated Current: 826.9 Duty: STANDBY Connection: SERIES STAR Application: EPG Status: Current Version: 41764 /42186 /41431 /16700 Spec Information Generator Specification Generator Efficiency Frame: LC7024F Type: LC No. of Bearings: 1 Per Unit Load kW Efficiency % Winding Type: RANDOM WOUND Flywheel: 14.0 0.25 137.5 91.0 Connection: SERIES STAR Housing: 1 0.5 275.0 93.6 Phases: 3 No. of Leads: 12 0.75 412.5 94.0 Poles: 4 Wires per Lead: 2 1.0 550.0 93.8 Sync Speed: 1800 Generator Pitch: 0.6667 Reactances Per Unit Ohms SUBTRANSIENT - DIRECT AXIS X''d 0.1307 0.0438 SUBTRANSIENT - QUADRATURE AXIS X''q 0.1552 0.0520 TRANSIENT - SATURATED X'd 0.1647 0.0552 SYNCHRONOUS - DIRECT AXIS Xd 3.1689 1.0620 SYNCHRONOUS - QUADRATURE AXIS Xq 1.9014 0.6372 NEGATIVE SEQUENCE X2 0.1432 0.0480 ZERO SEQUENCE X0 0.0095 0.0032 Time Constants OPEN CIRCUIT TRANSIENT - DIRECT AXIS T'd0 1.9290 SHORT CIRCUIT TRANSIENT - DIRECT AXIS T'd 0.1000 OPEN CIRCUIT SUBSTRANSIENT - DIRECT AXIS T''d0 0.0130 SHORT CIRCUIT SUBSTRANSIENT - DIRECT AXIS T''d 0.0100 OPEN CIRCUIT SUBSTRANSIENT - QUADRATURE AXIS T''q0 0.1220 SHORT CIRCUIT SUBSTRANSIENT - QUADRATURE AXIS T''q 0.0100 EXCITER TIME CONSTANT Te 0.0300 ARMATURE SHORT CIRCUIT Ta 0.0150 Short Circuit Ratio: 0.39 Voltage Regulation Stator Resistance = 0.0102 Ohms Seconds Field Resistance = 0.325 Ohms Generator Excitation Voltage level adustment: +/5.0% 0.5% Voltage regulation, steady state: +/Voltage regulation with 3% speed change: +/0.5% Excitation voltage: Waveform deviation line - line, no load: less than 2.0% Excitation current Telephone influence factor: less than 50 No Load 10.8 Volts 0.9 Amps Full Load, (rated) pf Series Parallel 48.37 Volts Volts 3.32 Amps Amps 02/16/2016 Caterpillar Generator Data Page 2 of 9 Selected Model Engine: C18 Generator Frame: LC7024F Genset Rating (kW): 550.0 Line Voltage: 480 Fuel: Diesel Generator Arrangement: 4183919 Genset Rating (kVA): 687.5 Phase Voltage: 277 Frequency: 60 Excitation Type: AREP Pwr. Factor: 0.8 Rated Current: 826.9 Duty: STANDBY Connection: SERIES STAR Application: EPG Status: Current Version: 41764 /42186 /41431 /16700 Generator Mechanical Information Center of Gravity Dimension X -630.0 mm -24.8 IN. z z z Dimension Y 0.0 mm 0.0 IN. Dimension Z 0.0 mm 0.0 IN. "X" is measured from driven end of generator and parallel to rotor. Towards engine fan is positive. See General Information for details "Y" is measured vertically from rotor center line. Up is positive. "Z" is measured to left and right of rotor center line. To the right is positive. Generator WT = 1405 kg * Rotor WT = 520 kg * Stator WT = 885 kg 3,097 LB 1,146 LB 1,951 LB Rotor Balance = 0.0508 mm deflection PTP Overspeed Capacity = 125% of synchronous speed Generator Torsional Data J1 = Coupling J2 = Rotor J3 = Exciter and Fan TOTAL J = J1 + J2 + J3 End K1 = Shaft Stiffness between K2 = Shaft Stiffness between J1 + J2 (Diameter 1) J2 + J3 (Diameter 2) J1 K1 2 7.6 LB IN. s 77.8 MLB IN./rad 0.86 N m s2 8.79 MN m/rad Min Shaft Dia 1 5.7 IN. 145.0 mm J2 K2 2 60.9 LB IN. s 75.6 MLB IN./rad 6.88 N m s2 Total J 8.54 MN m/rad Min Shaft Dia 2 J3 5.5 IN. 3.3 LB IN. s2 140.0 mm 0.37 N m s2 71.8 LB IN. s2 8.11 N m s2 02/16/2016 Caterpillar Generator Data Page 3 of 9 Selected Model Engine: C18 Generator Frame: LC7024F Genset Rating (kW): 550.0 Line Voltage: 480 Fuel: Diesel Generator Arrangement: 4183919 Genset Rating (kVA): 687.5 Phase Voltage: 277 Frequency: 60 Excitation Type: AREP Pwr. Factor: 0.8 Rated Current: 826.9 Duty: STANDBY Connection: SERIES STAR Application: EPG Status: Current Version: 41764 /42186 /41431 /16700 Generator Cooling Requirements Temperature - Insulation Data Temperature Data: (Ambient 40 0C) Heat Dissipated: 36.4 kW Stator Rise: 130.0 0C Air Flow: Rotor Rise: 72.0 m3/min 130.0 0C Insulation Class: H Insulation Reg. as shipped: 100.0 MΩ minimum at 40 0C Cooling Requirements: Thermal Limits of Generator Frequency: 60 Hz Line to Line Voltage: 480 Volts B BR 80/40 596.0 kVA F BR -105/40 677.95 kVA H BR - 125/40 745.0 kVA F PR - 130/40 745.0 kVA H PR - 150/40 789.7 kVA H PR27 - 163/27 819.5 kVA 02/16/2016 Caterpillar Generator Data Page 4 of 9 Selected Model Engine: C18 Generator Frame: LC7024F Genset Rating (kW): 550.0 Line Voltage: 480 Fuel: Diesel Generator Arrangement: 4183919 Genset Rating (kVA): 687.5 Phase Voltage: 277 Frequency: 60 Excitation Type: AREP Pwr. Factor: 0.8 Rated Current: 826.9 Duty: STANDBY Connection: SERIES STAR Application: EPG Status: Current Version: 41764 /42186 /41431 /16700 Starting Capability & Current Decrement Motor Starting Capability (0.6 pf) SKVA Percent Volt Dip 98 2.5 201 5.0 309 7.5 423 10.0 544 12.5 672 15.0 808 17.5 953 20.0 1,106 22.5 1,270 25.0 1,445 27.5 1,633 30.0 1,835 32.5 2,052 35.0 2,286 37.5 2,541 40.0 Current Decrement Data E Time Cycle AMP 0.0 6,298 1.0 4,546 2.0 3,735 3.0 3,181 4.0 2,736 5.0 2,365 7.5 2,169 10.0 2,528 12.5 2,780 15.0 2,951 20.0 2,913 25.0 2,753 30.0 2,673 35.0 2,651 40.0 2,653 45.0 2,662 Instantaneous 3 Phase Fault Current: 6298 Amps Instantaneous Line - Line Fault Current: 5205 Amps Instantaneous Line - Neutral Fault Current: 8707 Amps 02/16/2016 Caterpillar Generator Data Page 5 of 9 Selected Model Engine: C18 Generator Frame: LC7024F Genset Rating (kW): 550.0 Line Voltage: 480 Fuel: Diesel Generator Arrangement: 4183919 Genset Rating (kVA): 687.5 Phase Voltage: 277 Frequency: 60 Excitation Type: AREP Pwr. Factor: 0.8 Rated Current: 826.9 Duty: STANDBY Connection: SERIES STAR Application: EPG Status: Current Version: 41764 /42186 /41431 /16700 Generator Output Characteristic Curves Open Circuit Curve Field Current Line Line Volt 0.0 0 17.9 288 21.2 336 25.0 384 29.8 432 37.4 480 51.5 528 81.3 576 149.2 624 309.3 672 Short Circuit Curve Field Current Armature Current 0.0 0 56.4 496 65.9 579 75.3 662 84.7 744 94.1 827 103.5 910 112.9 992 122.3 1,075 131.7 1,158 02/16/2016 Caterpillar Generator Data Page 6 of 9 Selected Model Engine: C18 Generator Frame: LC7024F Genset Rating (kW): 550.0 Line Voltage: 480 Fuel: Diesel Generator Arrangement: 4183919 Genset Rating (kVA): 687.5 Phase Voltage: 277 Frequency: 60 Excitation Type: AREP Pwr. Factor: 0.8 Rated Current: 826.9 Duty: STANDBY Connection: SERIES STAR Application: EPG Status: Current Version: 41764 /42186 /41431 /16700 Generator Output Characteristic Curves Zero Power Factor Curve Field Current Line Line Volt 94.1 0 112.4 240 115.8 288 119.7 336 124.9 384 133.3 432 149.5 480 184.4 528 264.7 576 454.5 624 Air Gap Curve Field Current Line Line Volt 0.0 0 17.7 288 20.7 336 23.6 384 26.6 432 29.5 480 32.5 528 35.4 576 38.4 624 41.3 672 02/16/2016 Caterpillar Generator Data Page 7 of 9 Selected Model Engine: C18 Generator Frame: LC7024F Genset Rating (kW): 550.0 Line Voltage: 480 Fuel: Diesel Generator Arrangement: 4183919 Genset Rating (kVA): 687.5 Phase Voltage: 277 Frequency: 60 Excitation Type: AREP Pwr. Factor: 0.8 Rated Current: 826.9 Duty: STANDBY Connection: SERIES STAR Application: EPG Status: Current Version: 41764 /42186 /41431 /16700 Reactive Capability Curve Click to view Chart 02/16/2016 Caterpillar Generator Data Page 8 of 9 Selected Model Engine: C18 Generator Frame: LC7024F Genset Rating (kW): 550.0 Line Voltage: 480 Fuel: Diesel Generator Arrangement: 4183919 Genset Rating (kVA): 687.5 Phase Voltage: 277 Frequency: 60 Excitation Type: AREP Pwr. Factor: 0.8 Rated Current: 826.9 Duty: STANDBY Connection: SERIES STAR Application: EPG Status: Current Version: 41764 /42186 /41431 /16700 General Information GENERATOR INFORMATION (DM7809) ------------------------------------------------------------Coastal Insulation Protection - System 4 1.Motor Starting Motor starting curves are obtained in accordance with IEC60034, and are displayed at 0.6 power factor. 2.Voltage Dip Prediction of the generator synchronous voltage dip can be made by consulting the plot for the voltage dip value that corresponds to the desired motor starting kVA value. 3.Definitions A)Generator Keys Frame: abbreviation of generator frame size Freq: frequency in hertz. PP/SB: prime/standby duty respectively Volts: line - line terminal voltage kW: rating in electrical kilo watts Model: engine sales model B)Generator Temperature Rise The indicated temperature rises are the IEC/NEMA limits for standby or prime power applications. The quoted rise figures are maximum limits only and are not necessarily indicative of the actual temperature rise of a given machine winding. C)Centre of Gravity The specified centre of gravity is for the generator only. For single bearing, and two bearing close coupled generators, the center of gravi ty is measured from the generator/engine flywheel-housing interface an d from the centreline of the rotor shaft. For two bearing, standalone generators, the center of gravity is measu red from the end of the rotor shaft and from the centerline of the rot or shaft. D)Generator Current Decrement Curves The generator current decrement curve indicates the generator armature current arising from a symmetrical three-phase fault at the generator terminals. Generators equipped with AREP or PMG excitation systems wi ll sustain 300% of rated armature current for 10 seconds. E)Generator Efficiency Curves The efficiency curve is displayed for the generator only under the giv en conditions of rating, voltage, frequency and power factor. This is not the overall generating set efficiency curve. Caterpillar Confidential: Green Content Owner: Commercial Processes Division Web Master(s): PSG Web Based Systems Support 02/16/2016 Caterpillar Generator Data Page 9 of 9 Current Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 10:44:22 AM © Caterpillar Inc. 2016 All Rights Reserved. Data Privacy Statement. 02/16/2016