EDISON ROBERTO C. DA SILVA, EUZELI CIPRIANO DOS SANTOS, JR., AND CURSINO BRANDÃO JACOBINA Nonsinusoidal Carrier-Based PWM and Space Vector Modulation Techniques I n power electronics, pulsewidth modulation (PWM) has been the subject of intensive research and is widely employed to control the output voltage of static power converters. A large variety of feed-forward and feedback control schemes has been described in the literature [1]–[3], but the most widely used methods of PWM are the sinusoidal PWM (SPWM) and the space vector PWM (SVPWM). In SPWM, introduced by Schönung in 1964 [4] to produce the output voltage waveform, a sinusoidal control signal (modulating control signals) is compared with a triangular signal (carrier signal). An SVPWM uses complex voltage vector for control. Although one of the first suggestion for employing the complex voltage vector in PWM control was made by Jardan et al. [5], the SVPWM technique was first published by Busse and Holtz [6] followed by Pfaff et al. [7] in the same year. Prof. Joachim Holtz has had a lifelong contribution and achievement in PWM [8]–[22]. He was one of the pioneers not only of SVPWM technique but also of the three-level inverter topology [23]. Most of his papers on the topic use SVPWM, but he has not neglected other possibilities, including new Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MIE.2011.941120 © INGRAM PUBLISHING Date of publication: 17 June 2011 1932-4529/11/$26.00&2011IEEE JUNE 2011 n IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE 37 In power electronics, PWM has been the subject of intensive research and is widely employed to control the output voltage of static power converters. approaches for solving specific problems such as low-frequency operation in high-power applications [18]–[22]. On the other hand, modification of the modulating signal introduced many improvements to SPWM technique, resulting in nonsinusoidal carrierbased PWM (CPWM) techniques [24], [26]–[36]. Also, the superior performance characteristics of SVPWM led to the investigation of new solutions, resulting in modified SVPWM methods [37]–[42]. This article is a tribute to Prof. Holtz. His efforts have been appreciated by exhibiting the continuous efforts of researchers trying to reproduce with other approaches the characteristics of the powerful concept he pioneered, the SVPWM. For that, the article recalls the evolution of the parallel advances of CPWM and SVPWM, discusses their relationship already established in [43]–[54], and shows another possible relation, allowing to develop an alternative algebraic PWM modulator with the same SVPWM characteristic. In addition, it extends the algebraic algorithm to the control of both two-level Z-source inverter and a three-level neutral-pointclamped (NPC) inverter. CPWM Concept Evolution In the SPWM technique [Figure 1(b)], the amplitude modulation index ma is defined as the relation between the peak amplitude of modulating control signals and the amplitude of the carrier signal. An important feature is that the amplitude of the fundamental frequency component of the pole voltage, Va0 in Figure 1(a), is linear with the variation of ma. This occurs when the modulation ratio mf between the switching frequency of the carrier signal and the fundamental frequency of the control signal is high enough, e.g., 21. A value ma > 1 causes overmodulation, i.e., a reduction in the number of pulses in the pole voltage va01 waveform and a consequent loss of its linearity. After Buja and Indri [25], it was gradually recognized that the addition of an adequate third harmonic zero-sequence components to each of the pole voltage reference waveform makes it possible to increase the fundamental of the output voltages by 15.5%. The new modulating wave νT + E + E /2 – b νc∗ νT νa∗ νT νa∗ ∗ νa0 νh n c + E /2 νb∗ a 0 – νa∗ obtained with the third harmonic injection PWM (THIPWM) is somewhat flattened on the top and has been discussed in detail in [29]. Zerosequence component with maximum amplitudes of 1/6 [29] and other peak values for the sinusoidal modulating signal have been investigated. It was concluded that the amplitude of 1/4 reduces the harmonic distortion in the inverter output voltage [30]. Figure 1(b) and (c) (top) compares the THIPWM (1/4) with the SPWM. Note that, for a high mf in SPWM, the three-pole voltage pulses, va0, vb0, and vc0, inside a switching interval Ts are almost centered [25]. These high switching frequencies can be avoided with the use of regular-sampled PWM (RSPWM), which was first introduced by Bowes [55]. On the other hand, as concluded by Depenbrock [26], the use of discontinuous zero-sequence components not only makes this increase of 15.5% possible but also reduces the number of times the switches are turned on and off by clamping each pole voltage at 60°. It should be noted that an alternative approach for modifying the carrier has been investigated [28], [35], but this results in complex implementation [36] so that the modified modulating reference approach has been preferred. The use of an injected zero-sequence signal for a three-phase inverter [25], [29] initiated the research on nonsinusoidal CPWM [26], [31]–[38]. This concept can be expressed in – (a) (b) ∗ νa0 νh (c) FIGURE 1 – (a) Three-phase inverter, (b) SPWM—principle and pole voltages, and (c) THIPWM (1/4), top: zero-voltage signal vh (middle) and flat-modulating signal generated, va0 ; symmetric modulation (equivalent to SVPWM), bottom: zero-voltage signal vh (middle, l ¼ 0:5) . and modulating signal generated, va0 38 IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE n JUNE 2011 terms of the sinusoidal reference and the zero-sequence signal vh, i.e., vj ¼ vj þ vh (j ¼ a, b, c): (1) An important feature is that the injected zero-sequence signal vh will not increase the low-frequency harmonic distortion for vab. From (1), the SPWM corresponds to vh ¼ 0. After studying the mean inverter pole voltages obtained by SVPWM, van der Broeck et al. [38] concluded that an SVPWM could be obtained by substitution of the sinusoidal reference signal in a normal threephase modulator by the nonsinusoidal modulating curve shown in Figure 1(c), bottom. This means that an SVPWM can be obtained by the adequate choice of vh in (1). van der Broeck also realized that other curves could be synthesized as reference curves, some of them already mentioned in the literature. With the conception of modified SVPWM techniques [37], [39], [40], many researchers investigated the relationship between these techniques and vh, i.e., between SVPWM and nonsinusoidal CPWM techniques [43]–[45], [47], [54] or other techniques [48]. Based on these Va + E Vb – Vb E Vc E Vb – Vc (f) E Vb – Vc (g) Vc (d) Va E Vb – Vc + Va + (c) Va + Vb – Vc period of the three-phase references into six intervals. In the switching interval inside of Sector I shown in Figure 3(b), v a and v c have the maximum and minimum values, respectively, while v b has an intermediate value. Because v a , v b , and v c change for each sector, working with the maximum v M , medium v mid , and minimum v m voltages (which can be defined by comparing the values of the three reference signals) simplifies the algorithm. The intersection of reference voltages vM, vm, and vmid with the triangle defines 1) the pulsewidths for each of the phase voltages, s1 , s2 , and s3 , 2) the distances between the switching instants for phases a, b, and c (the delay of the first switching procedure t01, the distances of the switching instants, t1 and t2, and the remaining time of the sampling period t02), and 3) the time intervals tp1, tp2, and tp3 (switching delays) before each leg changes in a given switching interval. Note that intervals t1 and t2 correspond to the time intervals calculated in SVPWM during which switch states S0, S1, S2, and S7 are on and define the line voltage. Va + (b) Vb (e) Va – Va – To understand the correlations among SVPWM, HPWM, and DSPWM, some points have to be considered. There are eight possible switch combinations for a three-phase inverter (inverter switch states) Si , (i ¼ 0, 1, . . . 7), which is shown in Figure 2. Six of them, S1, S2,. . . S6, apply voltages at the output (active switch states or active vectors), while S0 and S7 correspond to the short-circuiting of the bottom and top switches (zero switch states or zero vectors), respectively. Now, consider sectors I–VI in Figure 3(a). They divide the fundamental E (a) E Understanding the Relationships Among SVPWM, HPWM, and DSPWM + Vc + relations, different modulators, with easier implementation than that of SVPWM, have been developed. This is the case of hybrid PWM (HPWM) [49], digital scalar PWM (DSPWM) [50], [51], [53], and generalized PWM algorithm [52]. Among them, the DSPWM has a simple software algorithm to generate the SVPWM and is based on the concept of imposing an average voltage corresponding to each reference phase during the sampling interval [53]. The idea is similar to that in [45]. Va + E Vb – Vc (h) FIGURE 2 – Eight possible phase leg switch combinations for a voltage source inverter (VSI) (a) S1, (b) S2, (c), S3, (d) S4, (e) S5, (f) S6, (g) S0, and (h) S7. JUNE 2011 n IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE 39 addition or subtraction of vh to the reference voltages only influences the pole voltages [47], [49], [51]. This influence can be measured by the distribution ratio [43] (also named as apportioning factor [48]), Note from Figure 3(b) that tz ¼ t01 þ t02 ¼ Ts (t1 þ t2 ): (2) In (2), tz ¼ t01 þ t02 constitutes the total freewheeling interval. Note, in the case of the figure, that t01 and t02 are equally distributed at the beginning and end of the switching interval. In reality, these zero-interval constituents can assume different values, provided that the condition in (2) is respected. l¼ VI I II III νa∗ IV V νc∗ νb∗ (a) p1 p1′ νT τh p2 p2′ p3 p3′ νh νa∗ νb∗ νc∗ tp1 τ1′ τ1 tp1′ tp2 τ2′ τ2 tp2′ tp3 τ3′ tp3′ t01 t01′ t1 Ts τ3 t02 t2 (3) which indicates the distribution of the freewheeling switch states inside the switching interval. Values 0l1 define a particular distribution of freewheeling switch states and is really the ultimate basis for the definition of phase-modulating signals. 1) The use of l ¼ 0:5 results in the conventional SVPWM in which tz is equally distributed at the beginning and end of the switching The Concept of Distribution Ratio and Its Use When a zero-sequence component vh is added to each sinusoidal reference, new references v0M , v0M , and v0i are generated, according to (1). Note that t1 and t2 remain unchanged, while 0 t01 increases to t01 and t02 decreases to 0 t02 . It can be concluded that the V t02 , t01 þ t02 t02′ (b) FIGURE 3 – Two-level CPWM and zoom of one switching interval inside of Sector I, including intervals for different modulation approaches. 40 IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE n JUNE 2011 interval, i.e., t01 ¼ t02 . The corresponding zero-sequence component is equal to the average voltage value at the switching interval, i.e., vh ¼ (vM þ vm )=2 [32], [43], [49], [51], which has already been seen in Figure 1(c), bottom. In reality, l ¼ 0:5 is the best choice [43] among the other continuous possibilities 05l51, which have been investigated in [31]. 2) With l ¼ 0, one of the pole voltages is connected to the negative dc-bus clamping the pole voltage during 120° while the other two phases modulate. In this case, t02 ¼ 0 and t01 ¼ tz, meaning that only the freewheeling switch state S0 is employed, together with S1 and S2 shown in Figure 2. The corresponding modified modulating signal is obtained by subtracting vm from E=2. It is illustrated in Figure 4(a) and was first proposed in [40]. 3) With l ¼ 1, one of the pole voltages is connected to the positive dc-bus clamping the pole voltage during 120° while the other two phases modulate. In this case, t01 ¼ 0 and t02 ¼ tz , meaning that only the freewheeling switch state S7 is employed, together with S1 and S2. The zero-sequence component is obtained from vh ¼ ðE=2 þ vm Þ, as shown in Figure 4(b), and was introduced in [39]. 4) There are four possibilities for changing l from l ¼ 0 to l ¼ 1 and back, each change lasting for 60°. They are shown in Figure 4(c)–(f) and are referred as discontinuous PWM 1 (DPWM1)DPWM4. Consider DPWM1 in Figure 4(c), in which the change of l coincides with the middle of the sector. In DPWM2, a phase shift of 30° phase difference exists in relation to DPWM1 (the change occurs at the beginning of the sector), as shown in Figure 4(d). So it is for DPWM3 in relation to DPWM2 and for DPWM4 in relation to DPWM3. This makes the changes in DPWM3 and DPWM4 νa∗ ∗ νa0 μ 1 νa∗ νh 0 νa∗ 30° 0 ∗ νa0 μ 0 νa∗ 1 (d) νh (b) νh μ ∗ νa0 1 (a) 1 νa∗ νh μ 1 0 ∗ νa0 60° ∗ νa0 (c) νa∗ νh μ ∗ νa0 μ 90° 1 0 νh 0 (e) (f) FIGURE 4 – Modified modulating signals (a)–(f) and their relation with l. (a) l ¼ 0, (b) l ¼ 1, (c) DPWM1, (d) DPWM2, (e) DPWM3, and (f) DPWM4. complementary to those in DPWM1 and DPWM2, respectively, as shown in Figure 4(c)–(f). Some of these cases have been investigated in [41]. Although there is a large number of possible modified reference signals, the seven (including the case of l ¼ 1) depicted earlier are the most employed. The characteristics of all these cases have been investigated in [49], [52], [56], and [57]. A general relation that allows for building the zero-sequence component, vh, as a function of l, vM, and vm inside each sector is given by [49], [51] E vh ¼ (1 2l) þ lvM þ (1 l)vm : 2 (4) An Algebraic Algorithm Figure 5 gives the block diagram of the hybrid modulator for generating the different zero-sequence signal. The generation of PWM must be accomplished in two steps: 1) the choice of the zero-sequence component and 2) the determination of pulsewidths. The choice of the zero-component sequence has been well discussed in [42], [56], and [57]. The modulation index, for a given dc-link voltage E, is the ratio of the fundamental voltage of the modulated switching sequence, V1m, to the fundamental component magnitude of the six-step mode voltage, 2E=p [1], i.e., ma ¼ pV1m =2E. The performance of the seven possibilities depends on ma. In terms of harmonic distortion factor (HDF) the SVPWM method ðl ¼ 0:5Þ is superior to all the discussed methods in the low-modulation index range. However, in the high-modulation index range, a transition to one of the DPWM methods should be realized [49], [56], [57]. The DPWM selection can be based on the switching loss characteristics, which depend on the load phase angle. Inside the variation of this angle in the 30° and þ30° range, DPWM1 presents the smallest losses. Besides these angle limits, 30° or þ30°, DPWM2 or DPWM3 present the smallest losses, respectively, for any modulation index greater than 0.3 [49]. Besides the linear modulation range, the voltage gain characteristic favors DPWM1 [14], [49]. In analog implementation, the pulses are determined by the comparison of the modified modulating νa∗ νb∗ reference with the triangular waveform. For digital implementation, there are three possibilities of calculation of pulsewidths after the addition of the zero-sequence signal vh. These are obtained from Figure 3 by using the triangle equivalence. 1) First Possibility: Calculation of duration of the modified phase pulses, i.e., s01 , s02 , and s03 , from s0i ¼ vj þ vh 1 þ Ts 2 E 3 (i ¼ 1, 2, 3; j ¼ a, b, c; i ¼ j), 0 t01 ¼ Ts sM , t02 ¼ s0m : (5) The comparison of s0i allows determination of s0M , s0m , and s0mid . This method corresponds to the DSPWM strategy with direct measurement of the average values of the three modified reference phase voltages at a given νc∗ Determination of νM and νm νa∗ νb∗ νc∗ Choice of μ μ νM + (1 – μ)ν νm} νh = –{(1 – 2μ) E + μν 2 νh ∑ νa∗′ νb∗′ Calculation of Gating νc∗′ Pulses FIGURE 5 – Block diagram for the HPWM. JUNE 2011 n IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE 41 switching interval [45], [53]. Note that (4) can also be written as a function of sM , sm , and smid . 2) Second Possibility: Calculation of the switching distances between the phase pulses, i.e., duration of line voltage pulses t1 and t2 [43], [49], from Ts (v vmid ), E M Ts t2 ¼ (vmid vm ), E t1 ¼ (6) and t01 þt02 ¼ Ts ðt1 þt2 Þ as in (2). Values of t1 and t2 are proportional to the three reference line voltages (the same as in SVPWM) at a given switching interval. The use of vh as a function of l, and calculation of t1, t2 (related to the differences between the maximum and the middle values and between the middle and minimum values for reference voltages va , vb , and vc , respectively), characterizes the HPWM technique. Each interval corresponds to the interval time in which each of the inverter switching states employed are on, at a given switching interval. 3) Third Possibility: Calculation of the time intervals before each leg changes inside the switching interval (switching delays), tp1, tp2, and tp3, using the distances E vM , 2 E p2 ¼ pmid ¼ vmid , 2 E p3 ¼ pM ¼ vm 2 p1 ¼ pm ¼ (7) that can be used to determine both the sector of operation and vh, given by vh ¼ lpmin (1 l)(E pmax ): (8) The final pulsewidths are given by 0 pi Ts , E (i ¼ 1, 2, 3; j ¼ a, b, c; i ¼ j), 0 , t01 ¼ tp1 tpj0 ¼ 0 , t02 ¼ Ts tp3 (9) where pi 0 ¼ E2 (vj þ vh ). The signal’s width to command the inverter switches (s01 , s02 , and s03 are given by 0 , (i ¼ 1, 2, 3): s01 ¼ Ts tpi (10) The steps for implementation of the approach after calculating p1, p2, and p3 are n Step 1—define pm, pmid, and pM from (7). n Step 2—determine vh by using (8). n Step 3—calculate the distorted control signals by vx 0ref ¼ vx ref þ vh : n Step 4—determine the modified delay times tp1 0 , tp2 0 , and tp3 0 from (9). n Step 5—calculate the pulsewidths for the inverter switches (s01 , s02 , and s03 ) from (9). n Step 6—determine pole voltages (va0, vb0, and vc0) by If (t5tpj 0 )or(t52si 0 ), vj 0 ¼ E=2. If ðtpj 0 5t52si 0 Þ; vj 0 ¼ þ E=2. Any of the three possibilities can be directly applied to the three-phase VSI, including transients, and can also be adapted for other converters. Application of the Algorithm to the Z Inverter The Z-source inverter [58] provides the unique feature of buck and boost operation capability with the same circuit, which is not found in neither voltage–source nor current–source converters. Such a converter employs an impedance circuit to connect the converter to the primary energy source, as observed in Figure 6(a). A virtual ‘‘0’’ defines the pole voltages va0, vb0, and vc0. Figure 6(b) shows the generation of the pole voltages by the comparison of the triangle with the sinusoidal waveforms for the Z-source inverter. As described in [59], the shoot-through configuration is evenly distributed among the three-phase legs, while the line voltage pulses and, consequently, the active configuration operating inside of the switching interval remain unchanged as seen in Figure 6(b) (t1 and t2 remain the same). During the shoot-through, the pole voltages are equal to zero, since 42 IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE n JUNE 2011 vi ¼ 0. Equations (2) and (5) are valid when zero-sequence signals are added to the reference voltages. In this case, each pulsewidth needs to be recalculated to insert the shoot-through zero vector time (s0) equally distributed among the legs, i.e., s0/3 for each leg. To guarantee that this method generates the same active states as the converter, as in Figure 7(b), the intervals of time sa1 , sa2 , sb1 , sb2 , sc1 , and sc2 need to be compensated as follows: s0ai ¼ sai þ s0 , 3 s0bi ¼ sbi , s0ci ¼ sci s0 : 3 (11) where i ¼ 1, 2, referring to the top and bottom switches. For generalization purpose, this can be written as s0M ¼ sM þ s0 , 3 s0mid ¼ smid , s0m ¼ sm s0 : 3 (12) The algorithm for generation of the modified pulses is the same except that the calculation of the pulsewidths is done by using (11) or (12) for a given s0 . Figure 6(c) shows the simulated results obtained with the proposed algorithm for the modulating signal, zero-sequence component, capacitor voltage, and input voltage, vi, of the Z-source inverter for l ¼ 0:5. Other parameters used were the switching frequency 10 kHz, C1 ¼ C2 ¼ 1 mF, L1 ¼ L2 ¼ 160 lF, E ¼ 100 V, s0 ¼ 10 ls, and modulation index ¼ 0.9. Boost characteristic is clear. Application of the Algorithm to the NPC Multilevel Inverter Multilevel inverters have emerged as a solution for working with higher voltage levels. They have been considered for an increasing number of applications because of not only their high-power capability but also lower output harmonics and lower commutation losses. Only the three-level NPC inverter [60], shown in Figure 7(a), will be considered here. Its light adaptation νa∗ ′ νb∗ ′ νa∗ νb∗ νc∗ νc∗ ′ νt L1 + E C2 C1 νh a b νh n – c τo τo L2 6T 3T (a) νh τo τo 6T 3T τa1 τa2 τb1 τb2 τc1 τc2 toi′ t1 t2 tof′ (c) toi t1 t2 tof (b) FIGURE 6 – (a) Z-source inverter, (b) modified reference voltages generated for Z-source inverter with vh given in (4), and (c) experimental results for DPWM1: capacitor and inverter input voltage (top), pole voltage (middle), and nonsinusoidal modulating signal (bottom) ðfs ¼ 10 kHzÞ. allows for applying the algorithm proposed in the control of the multilevel NPC inverter [61]. 1) Values of the levels N2 are given by Eixo(k) ¼ 3) To extend the result to any s number of levels (N2), Step 2 changes to vh ¼ lpmin (1 l) 1 (k 1) E, 2 (N 1) (k ¼ 1, 2, . . . ,N) (13) and are shown for N ¼ 3 in Figure 4. 2) Step 1 is generalized as If (Axis(k)4vj ref 4Axis(k þ 1)), then pi ¼ Axis(k) vj ref , ( j ¼ a, b, c; i ¼ 1, 2, 3; i ¼ j): (14) Figure 7(b) shows the definition of pi for a three-level NPC inverter. E pmax : N 1 (15) 4) The equation for Step 4 becomes tpi ¼ pi E N1 Ts (i ¼ 1, 2, 3): (16) 5) The determination of the pole voltages (va0, vb0, and vc0) for (k = 1, 2, . . . , (N-1) is now If(t5tpi 0 ) or (t52ti 0 ), vj 0 ¼ value of axis(k þ 1): If(tpi 0 5t52ti 0 ), vj 0 ¼ value of axis(k): Figure 7(c) presents the experimental results for the clamped pole voltage for the converter. Although not addressed in this article, special attention should be paid to the neutral point balance [22], [64]. Also, it is desired to operate medium-voltage drives at switching frequencies below 1 kHz to minimize the switching losses. However, using SVPWM and other techniques at low switching frequency cause high harmonic distortion of the machine currents. One good solution to reduce the switching frequency without sacrificing harmonic content is using synchronous optimal modulation [19]–[21], [65]. Conclusions This article reviews the nonsinusoidal CPWM and SVPWM techniques JUNE 2011 n IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE 43 +E/2 p1 + E/2 E /2 – E + – 0 a νa b n νb νc 0 c p2 + E /2 E/2 – p3 –E/2 (a) (b) (c) FIGURE 7 – (a) Three-level NPC inverter, (b) definition of p1, p2, and p3 in the case of three-level inverter, and (c) pole voltage (experimental) for DPWM1 (pf = 0.9, fs ¼ 4 : 43 kHz; 50 V=div). and deals with the three possibilities of calculation of pulsewidths after the addition of a zero-sequence signal. A general algorithm is proposed and adapted for dealing with the control of the three-level NPC inverter and also the Z-source converter. Experimental results corroborate the proposed technique. Biographies Edison Roberto C. da Silva received his B.S.E.E. degree from the Polytechnic School of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil, his M.S.E.E. degree from the University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and his Dr. Eng. degree from the University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France, in 1965, 1968, and 1972, respectively. From 1967 to 2002, he was with the University of Paraı́ba, and since 2002, he has been a professor of electrical engineering and a director of the Research Laboratory on Industrial Electronics and Machine Drives with the University of Campina Grande, Brazil. He has worked with research projects on power converters, fault diagnosis, and PWM strategies. He is a Fellow of the IEEE. Euzeli Cipriano dos Santos, Jr., received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Campina Grande, Brazil, in 2004, 2005, and 2007, respectively. From August 2006 to March 2009, he was with the Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica da Paraı́ba– UNED/CZ, Cajazeiras, Brazil. From December 2010 to March 2011, he was a visiting professor at the University of Siegen, Germany. Since March 2009, he has been with the Federal University of Campina Grande, where he is currently a professor of electrical engineering. His research interests include power electronics, electrical drives, and PWM strategies. He is a Member of the IEEE. Cursino Brandão Jacobina received his B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Paraiba, Campina Grande, Brazil, in 1978 and his Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies and Ph.D. degrees from the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, France, in 1980 and 1983, respectively. From 1978 to March 2002, he was with the Electrical Engineering Department, University of Paraı́ba. Since April 2002, he has been with the Electrical Engineering Department, University of Campina Grande, Brazil, where he is now a professor of electrical engineering. His research interests include electrical drives, power electronics, and energy systems, including PWM strategies. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE. References [1] J. Holtz, ‘‘Pulsewidth modulation—A survey,’’ in Proc. IEEE Power Electron. Specialists Conf. (PESC’92), 1992, pp. 11–18. [2] J. Holtz, ‘‘Pulsewidth modulation for electronic power conversion,’’ in Proc. IEEE, vol. 82, pp. 1194–1214, Aug. 1994. [3] D. G. Holmes and T. A. Lipo, Pulse Width Modulation for Power Converters, New York: IEEE/Wiley-Interscience, 2003. [4] A. Schönung and H. Stemmler, ‘‘Static frequency changers with subharmonic control in conjunction with reversible variable speed a.c. drives,’’ Brown Boweri 44 IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE n JUNE 2011 Rev., vol. 51, no. 8/9, Aug./Sept. 1964, pp. 555–577. [5] K. R. Jardan, S. B. Dewan, and G. 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