CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Next Generation Science Standards in Connecticut CAS Webinar November 17, 2015 Presenter: Liz Buttner, Science Education Consultant CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 1 Connecticut State Board of Education Adopts NEXT GENERATION SCIENCE STANDARDS November 4, 2015 A Next Step for Connecticut Science Education A set of learner outcomes designed to engage ALL students in “practicing” science the way real scientists do, and applying their knowledge to explain things in the real world. CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 2 Why Update CT Science Education? Next step for CT’s 11‐year old science standards Recent research on how students best learn science Captivate diverse students; close gaps Consistent with CT Core Standards and College Board AP emphasis on thinking, reasoning and communication skills needed for life, college and workforce Bring clarity to “STEM” education CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 3 Advances in HOW Science is Learned Students’ Discussing & Critiquing Ideas Science Applied to Engineering Design Students Reasoning with Evidence Curriculum that Builds Knowledge in Real‐World Contexts Applying Science to Explain Real‐ World Phenomena Coherent Learning Progression Focused on BIG ideas Students Integrating 3 Dimensions to Construct (not repeat) Explanations & Design Solutions 4 CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION What to Look For in a Next Generation Science Classroom • Asking questions and defining problems • Using mathematics and computational thinking • Developing and using explanatory models • Developing explanations and designing solutions • Planning and carrying out investigations • Using data/evidence to support a conclusion • Analyzing and interpreting data • Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information Students Using Science & Engineering Practices to Construct Understanding CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 5 3‐Dimensional Teaching and Learning: What Counts as Evidence of Science Understanding? Current Connecticut Standards Next Generation Standards Describe the effects of the strengths of pushes and pulls on the motion of objects. Plan and conduct an investigation to Describe the basic structures of an animal cell, including the nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondria and cell membrane, and how they function to support life. Develop and use a model to describe the function of a cell as a whole and ways parts of cells contribute to the function. Use mathematical operations to analyze and interpret data, and present relationships between variables in appropriate forms. Use mathematical representations to support explanations of how natural selection may lead to increases and decreases of specific traits in populations over time. provide evidence of the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on the motion of an object. 6 CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Integrating Science , Math, ELA and Engineering to Understand Real‐World Phenomena Design a School Butterfly Garden: Conduct tests for soil nutrients and water retention. Record hours of sunlight and average wind speed. Measure and mark a square foot grid to calculate the perimeter and area of the garden. Research butterfly life cycle and plant needs. Present information. Select plants adapted for site conditions… CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 7 Integrating Science , Math, ELA & Engineering to Solve Real‐World Challenges Design, Construct and Model a Working Bridge: Applying an understanding of forces to the working structure of bridges. Using Engineering practices to test structural strength and expose design weaknesses. Learning by doing CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 8 NGSS 4‐LS1‐1: Construct an argument that plants and animals have internal and external structures that function to support survival, growth, behavior and reproduction.. CCS‐ELA W4.1: Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information. CCS‐M 4.G.A.3: Recognize a line of symmetry for a two‐dimensional figure as a line across the figure such that the figure can be folded across the line into matching parts. Identify line‐ symmetric figures and draw lines of symmetry. CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION9 10 What to Listen For in a Next Generation Science Classroom • • • Students talk to each other; not just answer teacher questions Build on and challenge each others’ explanations Develop language skills, social skills and team mindset Discussing and Critiquing Ideas and Evidence CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 11 Questions About the NGSS Vision? CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 12 Time and Support for Systemic Change CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 13 Supporting Systemic Change to Next Generation Science Over Time Assessment Adaptations Instructional Adaptations Curriculum Adaptations On‐going Professional Learning • 3‐Dimensional Performance Expectations • 3‐Dimensional Teaching & Learning • Redesigning Existing Learning Units • Accessing Available Learning Units CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 5‐Year Implementation Timeline 2014‐15 AWARENESS NGSS PD for pre‐service faculty & district science leaders 2015‐16 CAPACITY‐BUILDING Recruit and train expert PD facilitator cohort 2016‐17 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT District curriculum upgrades begin 2017‐18 IMPLEMENTATION in Gr. 3, 6, 9 2018‐19 IMPLEMENTATION in Gr. 4, 7, 10 2019‐20 IMPLEMENTATION in Gr. 5, 8, 11 On‐going PD On‐going PD On‐going PD Develop new system of NGSS professional learning Launch new system of professional learning State Board of Education NGSS Adoption NGSS Local Assessment Resources developed District curriculum upgrades continue District curriculum upgrades continue NGSS Local Assessment Resources Available (voluntary) NGSS Local Assessment Resources Available (voluntary) State NGSS Low Stakes Test? NGSS Local Assessment Resources Available (voluntary) * Subject to change pending changes to federal law and state policies 15 CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Building a New System of Science Assessments* MORE TIMELY Local Assessment Resources (voluntary) State‐ Administered Summative Assessment MORE COMPLETE PROFILE OF STUDENT LEARNING MORE INFORMATIVE Indicators of Students’ Opportunities to Learn Next Generation Science 8/11/2015 * Not approved by the State Board of Education or the CT General Assembly; subject to change. CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 16 Contrast Traditional and NGSS Assessment Questions Source: Developing Assessments for the Next Generation Science Standards (Pellegrino, et al) Traditional The major movement of the plates and description of plate boundaries of the Earth are... A. Convergent B. Divergent C. Transform D. All of the Above NGSS-style A. Draw on the picture to show what is happening in the mantle that causes the plates to move apart. B. What is happening in the mantle that helps to explain why the two plates are moving apart? C. Put an X on the places in the picture above where the oldest rock can be found in the crust. D. Explain your answer. CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 17 Sample NGSS Assessment Task to Elicit Evidence of Understanding Source: http://ngss‐ Performance Expectation MS‐PS1‐1: Develop models to describe the atomic composition of simple molecules and extended structures. CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 18 System of Professional Learning CSDE‐Trained Professional Learning Facilitators Intro to Framework & NGSS Next Gen Science Pedagogy Next Gen Science Inquiry Curriculum Design Institutes Performance Task Workshops Learning Unit Workshops On‐line Modular Short Course On‐line Modular Short Course In‐Person Institute Launch 2016 Launch 2016 Launch November 2015 Launch January 2016 Launched Summer 2015 In‐Person Content‐ Specific Institutes Launch 2016 NGS‐CT District‐led Study Groups NGSX Expert‐Led Regional Study Groups CT Science Center CT Science Center 19 CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 20 Online course • Broad introduction; no prior NGSS knowledge required 1 Introduction 2 • Designed with and for CT educators 3 Overview of Next‐Gen Science Next‐Gen Practices Overview 4 New/High Priority Practices 5 • No‐cost • Designed for PLCs; works best with an effective facilitator of discussion; or 6 7 Disciplinary Core Ideas Overview Crosscutting Concepts Overview Nature of Science Overview • Join an on‐line discussion 8 Engineering 9 Equity & Diversity Overview • Modules 1‐3 available now; 4‐15 to be released over the coming months 10 NGSS Architecture 11 Assessment Overview 12 Curriculum Overview 13 Putting It All Together 14 Transition Planning 15 Wrap‐Up • Can earn emailed certificate & badge CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 21 Web‐based seminar • Learn about Next Gen Science directly from authors of the standards and with CT’s certified learning facilitators • Focus on modeling, argument with evidence and scientific explanation of real world phenomena • Registration opens Nov. 19 for winter, spring and summer sessions (15 options) in all parts of the state • To get a sense of the NGSX learning experience, go to: CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 22 Supports for Teachers Sample Learning Units Coming Spring 2016 Classroom Assessment Resources Coming 2017 Teaching Resources NSTA NGSS Hub Sample Performance Tasks CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 23 Questions and Discussion CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 24 Getting Involved and Staying Informed • CSDE Science mailing list – • District Advisory Council – contact Liz Buttner • State Science Assessments – contact Jeff Greig at • Science Performance Tasks – contact Ron Michaels at CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 25