CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY OF NORTHRIDGE Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) Application & Simulation in Power System A graduate project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements For a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering By Naif Abushamah May 2015 The graduate project of Naif Abushamah is approved: Dr. Xiyi Hang Date Dr. Benjamin Mallard Date Dr. Bruno Osorno, Chair Date California State University, Northridge ii Table of Contents Signature Page .................................................................................................................... ii List of Figures ..................................................................................................................... v List of Tables ..................................................................................................................... vi Abstract ............................................................................................................................. vii 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Series Controllers ....................................................................................................... 2 1.2 Shunt Controllers ....................................................................................................... 2 1.3 Series-Series Controllers ............................................................................................ 3 1.4 Combined Series-Shunt Controllers .......................................................................... 3 1.5 Objective .................................................................................................................... 3 2 What is SSSC ................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 SSSC Theory.............................................................................................................. 6 2.2 Immunity to Resonance ............................................................................................. 8 2.3 SSSC Rating............................................................................................................... 9 3 Parameters Control......................................................................................................... 10 3.1 Closed Loop Neural Control .................................................................................... 10 3.2 Power Oscillation Damper ....................................................................................... 13 (A) POD Time Constants Calculation and Setting ...................................................... 14 (B) Genetic Algorithm Optimization ........................................................................... 15 a) Chromosome Representation ................................................................................ 16 b) Selection Function ................................................................................................ 16 c) Genetic Operators ................................................................................................. 16 d) Initialization, Termination and Fitness Function .................................................. 17 4 Power System Model ..................................................................................................... 19 4.1 Case 1: Varying Real Power .................................................................................... 21 (A) Simulation One: System Validity .......................................................................... 21 (B) Simulation Two ..................................................................................................... 24 (C) Simulation Three ................................................................................................... 27 4.2 Case 2: Daming L1 Real Power ............................................................................... 30 4.3 Case 3: Daming Rotor Oscillation and Line Power ................................................. 35 (A) Damping Rotor Speed ........................................................................................... 35 iii (B) Damping both Rotor Speed and Line Power ......................................................... 39 4.4 Results and Discussion ............................................................................................ 42 5. Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 44 Bibliography ..................................................................................................................... 45 Appendix A ....................................................................................................................... 49 Appendix B ....................................................................................................................... 50 iv List of Figures Figure 1. SSSC single line diagram and control circuit. [43] ...................................................................... 4 Figure 2. SSSC control circuit. [43] .................................................................................................................... 4 Figure 3. SSSC compensation equivalent circuit. [18] .................................................................................. 6 Figure 4. Transmitted power versus compensation voltage Vq. ................................................................. 7 Figure 5. Closed loop neural control first circuit. [23] ................................................................................ 11 Figure 6. Closed loop neural control second circuit. [23] ........................................................................... 12 Figure 7. Power Oscillation Damper (POD) controller ............................................................................... 13 Figure 8. Eigenvalues motion in POD controller. [30] ................................................................................ 14 Figure 9. Flowchart of genetic algorithm. [45] .............................................................................................. 18 Figure 10. Power system model used in the study. ....................................................................................... 19 Figure 11. Case one control circuit. ................................................................................................................... 20 Figure 12. Voltage profile in per unit measured at bus 1............................................................................ 21 Figure 13. Current in per unit of line 1 measured at bus 2. ........................................................................ 22 Figure 14. Real power transfer thru line one measured at bus 2. ............................................................. 22 Figure 15. Reactive power transfer thru line one measured at bus 2. ..................................................... 23 Figure 16. Control circuit reference voltage & injected voltage fed to SSSC. .................................... 23 Figure 17. Voltage profile in per unit measured at bus 1............................................................................ 24 Figure 18. Current in per unit of line 1 measured at bus 2. ........................................................................ 24 Figure 19. Real power transfer thru line one measured at bus 2. ............................................................. 25 Figure 20. Reactive power transfer thru line one measured at bus 2. ..................................................... 25 Figure 21. Control circuit referenced voltage & injected voltage fed to grid....................................... 26 Figure 22. Voltage profile in per unit measured at bus 1............................................................................ 27 Figure 23. Current in per unit of line 1 measured at bus 2. ........................................................................ 28 Figure 24. Real power transfer thru line one measured at bus 2. ............................................................. 28 Figure 25. Reactive power transfer thru line one measured at bus 2. ..................................................... 29 Figure 26. Control circuit referenced voltage & injected voltage fed to grid....................................... 29 Figure 27. One stage LL controller used in case2. ........................................................................................ 31 Figure 28. GA flowchart process........................................................................................................................ 32 Figure 29. Fitness function convergence. ........................................................................................................ 33 Figure 30. Power response to 3Q fault with/out SSSC measured at bus 2. ........................................... 34 Figure 31. Control circuit referenced voltage & injected voltage fed to grid....................................... 35 Figure 32. Rotor speed damper control circuit............................................................................................... 36 Figure 33. Fitness function convergence. ........................................................................................................ 37 Figure 34. Rotor speed deviation response with SSSC damping. ............................................................ 38 Figure 35. Control circuit referenced voltage & injected voltage fed to grid....................................... 38 Figure 36. Case3B control circuit....................................................................................................................... 39 Figure 37. Fitness function convergence. ........................................................................................................ 40 Figure 38. Power response with/out SSSC measured at bus 2. ................................................................. 41 Figure 39. Rotor speed deviation response with/out SSSC damping. ..................................................... 41 Figure 40. Control circuit referenced voltage & injected voltage fed to grid....................................... 42 v List of Tables Table 1. Equations 15, 16, & 17 restrains........................................................................................................ 31 Table 2. GA operators setting .............................................................................................................................. 32 Table 3. GA final solutions. ................................................................................................................................. 33 Table 4. Rotor speed damper controller parameters. .................................................................................... 36 Table 5. GA final solutions. ................................................................................................................................. 37 Table 6. GA final solutions. ................................................................................................................................. 40 Table 7. Power system model data..................................................................................................................... 50 vi Abstract Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) Application & Simulation in Power System By Naif Abushamah Master of Science in Electrical Engineering Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System (FACTS) idea was first suggested in late 1980s by Narain G. Hingorani under Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) power transmission development. Vast and fast development of industry and population impose huge increase in power demand. FACTS devices consist of power electronics controllers that measure system voltage, current, power, etc, and fine tune influential parameters in transmission system. For instance, both series and shunt FACTS dynamically change series/shunt line impedance to maintain maximum and stable power transmission operation. The Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) is a series FACTS controller that is used to control power flow and damp power oscillation on power grid. The objective of this project is to study behavior and applications of SSSC in power system. First, SSSC topology and principle of operation is explained. Then, SSSC applications in power system is illustrated. Finally, Genetic Algorithm is utilized to optimize LL controller in order to set fitness values of controller coefficients. Simulation is carried out in Matlab platform using Simulink Tool. vii 1. INTRODUCTION Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System (FACTS) idea was first suggested in late 1980s by Narain G. Hingorani under Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) power transmission development [1]. Vast and fast development of industry and population impose huge increase in power demand. Not only new power generation is needed but also transmission line capacity has to be upgraded to match proportional demand. Environmental and regulatory concerns restrict expansion of electric power transmission facilities and/or building power plants near loads center. Moreover, power facilities expansion are thwarted by high cost, land availability and manpower. The capacity of transmission systems to transmit power is subjected to some limitations, like thermal limits, voltage magnitude, angular stability, dynamic stability and transient stability [41]. These factors determine maximum transmitted power without permanent damage to transmission system. Transmission line structure, length, topology and equivalent impedance are parameters from which steady state and dynamic behaviors are derived or studied. FACTS devices consist of power electronics controllers that measure system voltage, current, power, etc, and fine tune influential parameters in transmission system. For instance, both series and shunt FACTS dynamically change series/shunt line impedance to maintain maximum and stable power transmission operation. These are some of FACTS objectives in power system: 1. Power regulation in prearranged transmission routes. 2. Maximum loading of transmission lines without exceeding thermal boundaries. 3. Controlling outages emergency to avoid total blackouts. 1 4. Damping of oscillations that can damage system vital devices and secure power continuity. [41] FACTS are classified based on connection method into four categories, shunt controllers, series controllers, combined series-shunt controllers and combined series-series controllers. 1.1 Series Controllers Series controllers work in two modes of operation. They control real power when injected voltage is in quadrature with feeder current, otherwise they can control real and reactive power [41, 42]. Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC), Thyristor-Switched Series Capacitor (TSSC), and Thyristor-Controlled Series Reactor (TCSR) are series controllers. They are successfully utilized to control power flow and to damp system oscillations after disturbances. SSSC is the most popular device in this family due to multipurpose capability. 1.2 Shunt Controllers Shunt controllers work in the same manner as series controllers. The only difference is that they inject current into system instead of voltage at point of common coupling. The current control strategy is achieved by varying shunt impedance causing variable injecting current into the system. Shunt Controllers control active & reactive power by means of injected current angle, hence they are utilized as voltage regulators [41, 42]. Shunt controllers include STATCOM, Thyristor Controlled Inductor (TCR), ThyristorSwitched Inductor (TSR), Thyristor-Switched Capacitor (TSC), and Thyristor-Switched Resistor (TCBR). 2 1.3 Series-Series Controllers Combined series-series controllers comprise of two separate controllers; series controllers operate in multiline transmission system, and another provide independent reactive power control for each line of same multiline transmission system [41, 42]. The Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC) is an example of this controllers which balance both real and reactive power flows on transmission lines. 1.4 Combined Series-Shunt Controllers Combined series-shunt controllers consist of two separate controllers; series and shunt controllers. Series controllers provide series voltage while Shunt controllers inject current into the grid. Therefore, when shunt and series controllers are combined, real power can be exchanged between them thru power links. Combined series-shunt controllers family include combination of STATCOM & SSSC (UPFC), Phase-Shifting Transformer Adjusted by Thyristor Switches (TCPST), and Thyristor Controlled Phase Angle Regulator (TCPAR). 1.5 Objective The objective of this project is to study behavior and applications of SSSC in power system. First, SSSC topology and principle of operation is explained. Then, SSSC applications in power system is illustrated. There are number of approaches to control SSSC in sake of power stability and control. Lead-Lag (LL) controller is widely used in industrial application to dynamically control by providing reference voltage compensation to SSSC. Finally, Genetic Algorithm is utilized to optimize LL controller in order to set fitness values of controller coefficients. Simulation is carried out in Matlab platform using Simulink Tool [43]. 3 2. What is SSSC? The Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) is a series FACTS controller that is used to control power flow and damp power oscillation on power grid. The SSSC works as series compensation device in transmission lines by means of injected voltage ππ into connected transmission line, fig.1. Figure 1. SSSC single line diagram and control circuit. [43] Figure 2. SSSC control circuit. [43] 4 Due to lack of thermal, mechanical or renewable energy conversion to generate real power, injected voltage ππ must be in quadrature with line current. A distinguishing feature of SSSC is its ability to resemble both capacitive and inductive compensation. Alternating magnitude of imaginary ( ππ ) part of ππ forms capacitive or inductive as follows: ππ > 0, πΌπππ’ππ‘ππ£π ππ < 0, πΆππππππ‘ππ£π Alternation of ππ is achieved by Voltage Sourced Converter (VSC) located on low voltage side of potential transformer in fig.1. GTOs, IGBTs or IGCTs of VSC employs forced-commutation to create ππ_ππππ£ from DC source [43]. Injected voltage ππ is 90 out of phase with line current because of active power drawn from grid to supply coupling transformer with losses and to charge coupling capacitor. VSC in this model consists of IGBT-based with Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM). PWM synthesizes sinusoidal voltage from DC voltage at predetermined cutoff frequency in order of kHz. Eventually, πππππ£ is changed in response to varying PWM modulation index. The control circuit consists of phase locked loop (PLL), measurement system and AC&DC voltage regulators. PLL is locked to positive sequence current of line to calculate line current argument, or phase (π = ππ‘). This argument is compared with grid three phase voltages and currents (ππ , ππ , πΌπ , πΌπ ). Measurement blocks measures grid AC three phase components in addition to DC voltage of coupling capacitor. [43] 5 2.1 SSSC Theory As explained previously, SSSC is a series compensation device that injects series voltage in quadrature with line current. Consider simple representation of equivalent circuit where SSSC is used to compensate between S and R buses, fig.3. Figure 3. SSSC compensation equivalent circuit. [18] VS , VR = Active power source voltages Vq = SSSC injected voltage The real power transfer thru the transmission line is expressed by following formula [18]: π= |ππ | ∗ |ππ | π sin πΏ + π cos( πΏ/2) ππΏ ππΏ π (1) πΏ = power angle between ππ & ππ Consequently, SSSC can either increase or decrees real power transfer by means of alternating of injected voltage Vq between positive and negative respectively, fig.4. Crucial fact can be read from equation (1) that if Vq has exceeded voltage drop across uncompensated transmission line reactance ππΏ , power flow reverses its direction. That is, power will flow from bus R towards bus S. In stability studies, SSSC has excellent subcycle response period, also has continuous and smooth transmission between positive 6 Transmitted Power versus Injected Voltage 2 1.5 Transfered Power in PU Vq = 0.707 Vq = 0.353 1 Vq = 0 Vq = -0.353 0.5 Vq = -0.707 0 -0.5 -1 0 20 40 60 80 100 Power angle in PU 120 140 160 180 Figure 4. Transmitted power versus compensation voltage Vq. and negative voltage compensation [18]. As SSSC creates virtual reactance, either capacitive or inductive, added in series with transmission line, another way of considering SSSC is adding its reactance to line reactance in power equation. Therefore, equation (1) becomes: [23, 31] π= |ππ | ∗ |ππ | sin πΏ ππΏ β πππππΆ (2) When XL = XSSSC and XSSSC is negative, denominator of equation (2) is zero and hence power goes infinity in other words becomes unstable. However, series compensation is usually defined as varying or changing line impedance values to increase/decrease transmitted power. In practice, series compensation does so by means of enforcing its voltage across compensated transmission line to increase/decrease line current thus controlling transmitted power consequently [31]. 7 2.2 Immunity to Resonance AC inductor and capacitive impedance is a function of system frequency. In reference to equation (2), SSSC virtual reactance might react with overall system loading and impedance to cause sub-frequency or multiple-frequency resonance. If not detected and critical conditions are met ferroresonance might occur. Sub-frequency resonance is the most dangerous phenomena due to its severe impact on turbine-generator mechanical system. At this resonance, electrical system overloads mechanical system and drives it to resonance in a desperate action to mitigate resonance disturbances [23]. Moreover, Subfrequency considers the egestion or first stage of ferroresonance phenomena the most harmful resonance of all kinds. Contrary to traditional compensation device (capacitor banks and reactors), SSSC is a voltage source connected in series with transmission line. By this means, it has fixed injected voltage control output that operates at system fundamental frequency only. Because of harmonics filters presented in previous section SSSC harmonics impedances are approximately zero [23]. Although, SSSC contains coupling transformer that has leakage inductance and draws some real power from grid for that sake. The voltage drop due to this inductance is reimbursed, or eliminated, by capacitance compensation injected by SSSC. Thus, SSSC equivalent reactance at all frequencies but fundamental is negligible. Accordingly, probability of sub-frequency resonance by reason of SSSC compensation very low or even zero especially in well-designed system. In addition, SSSC provides fast and robust response to grid disturbances such as faults or post-faults sub-synchronous oscillations. Actually, this one of prevalent features of SSSC, damping power oscillation, which will provided later in this project. 8 2.3 SSSC Rating SSSC injects compensation voltage in quadrature with feeder current. The voltage magnitude can be either positive or negative. Therefore, SSSC rating can be expressed in VA as follows: πππππΆ = √3 ∗ πΌ πΏπππ πππ₯ ∗ π ππππΆ πππ₯ (ππ΄) (3) That is, maximum line current multiplied by maximum injected voltage SSSC is capable of. For instant, SSSC with 1 pu injected voltage has rating of 2 pu VA due to positive/negative characteristics of SSSC. Yet, the sake of this study is not determine the optimal rating of SSSC. So that, later in simulation chapter SSSC might be over sized to limited injected voltage to 10 percent only of nominal voltage. This constrain avoids overshooting of injected voltage over recommended voltage provided by controller during system fault. In addition, voltage restrain reduces required time to reach maximum and desired damping point. This practice will be touched on surface in simulation chapter. 9 3. Parameters Control SSSC can effectively control real and reactive power as well as damp power oscillation during system disturbances. SSSC accepts reference voltage as recommended scalar of injected voltage. The reference voltage can be real positive or negative only, for inductive or capacitive compensation. The reference voltage shall follow desired controlled parameter. For example, when real power is to be controlled in a transmission line, then input of control circuit shall be real power measured and output, reference voltage, shall follow the changed in line power in reference to set point. Likewise, derivative of generator angular velocity (ππ), or rate of change in generator angular speed, might be also fed into control circuit to acquire less generator oscillation in order to avoid out of synchronism situation. 3.1 Closed Loop Neural Control Reference [23] proposes control scheme based on neural topology. As illustrated earlier, SSSC accepts referenced voltage input to be injected by SSSC into compensated line. This scheme calculates reference voltage as product of line current and recommended compensating reactance (πππππ ). Though, πππππ is hard to anticipate especially with dynamic grid switching or operation, not to say grid disturbance when SSSC compensation is mostly needed. In fig.5, first part of control circuit is depicted showing three terms (π, π½, π) derived from referenced power values based on following equations. ππππ π‘ = 3 ππ πΌπ (π) 2 (4) 10 ππππ π‘ = 3 ππ πΌπ (ππ΄π ) 2 (5) Where currents and voltages are peak values not RMS values. Instantaneous power quantities are calculated in fig.6 using dq0 transformation. From equations (4, 5), referenced currents are: πΌππππ = 2 ππππ 3 ππ (6) πΌππππ = 2 ππππ 2 ππ (7) Figure 5. Closed loop neural control first circuit. [23] In fig.6, three phase line voltages and currents are measured and transformer into dq0 components. Then measured currents and voltages are compared with calculated ones derived in fig.5 using equation (6, 7). The error signals are fed into neural controller to produce displacement angle β and modulation index π. Instantaneous line voltage angle 11 π is calculated by PLL block as in fig.6. Simultaneously, line current-voltage argument πππ₯ is calculated by means of (πΌπ & πΌπ )to be used to find referenced angle (ππππ ). The reference angle is derived as follows: ππππ = π + πππ₯ + π½ ± π 2 (8) The additive or subtractive is determined consistent with required compensation. That is, addition for inductive compensation and subtraction for capacitive compensation. Finally, reference angle ππππ and modulation index are inputs of PWM block to create SSSC injected compensating voltage as in equation (9). ππππ = π sin(2ππ‘ − ππππ ) (9) Figure 6. Closed loop neural control second circuit. [23] 12 3.2 Power Oscillation Damper This kind of control is utilized for damping power oscillation during major disturbances hence call Power Oscillation Damper (POD). POD controller contains gain block, lowpass filter, washout (high-pass) filter, r stages of lead-lag (LL) blocks see fig.7. Figure 7. Power Oscillation Damper (POD) controller. [35] The transfer function of POD controller is as follows: π 1 π ππ€ 1 + π πππππ π»(π ) = πΎ ( )( )( ) = πΎπ(π ) 1 + π ππ 1 + π ππ€ 1 + π ππππ (10) Where πΎ is a positive gain, ππ & ππ€ are low-pass and washout filters time constant respectively. The depicted controller in fig.7 contains two stages lead-lag block hence π = 2, and πππππ & ππππ are time constants. The low pass filter is designed to filter high frequency variance of input signal. The washout acts like a high pass filter to pass signal oscillation unharmed. Therefore, steady state components in input signal will be eliminated by reaching (LL) blocks. (LL) blocks works as phase compensator to correct phase shift occurred due to aforementioned two filters. The setting of POD controller time constants is in next section. 13 (A) POD Time Constants Calculation and Setting This section introduces calculation of POD parameters based on eigenvalue value and instantaneous oscillation angle [30]. SSSC provides dynamic series compensation to damp power oscillation which means eigenvalue λ must change to match dynamic compensation. Consequently, βππ must always remain in the left half of the complex plane for controller stability, fig.8 [30]. The compensation angle (∅ππππ ), depicted in fig.4, is the mandatory shift to line up eigenvalue motion in parallel with negative real axis. This phase shift is introduced by LL block and its time constants, namely πππππ & ππππ . Figure 8. Eigenvalues motion in POD controller. [30] 14 The following equation are used to calculated controller parameter. ∅ππππ = 180 − πππ(π π ) πΌπ = πππππ ππππ ππππ = (11) ∅ππππ π ) = ∅ππππ 1 + π ππ ( π ) 1 − π ππ ( 1 (12) (13) π€π √πΌπ πππππ = πΌπ ππππ (13) Where (πππ(π π )) denotes phase angle of the system residue oscillation [30]. Then, it is clear that this design depends substantial on estimation or prediction of oscillation residue which can be a weakness issue. (B) Genetic Algorithm Optimization This section discusses employment of Genetic Algorithm (GA) Optimization to predict or select fittest values of POD time constants. GA is an optimization, or linearization, method that has been developed to solve sophisticated mathematical and/or engineering problems when analytical or numerical methods are not beneficial [45]. As strange as it sounds to be, GA principle is based on biological evolution and natural selection mechanism. GA creates and operates population of solutions and selects best solutions based on the fittest strategy. After that, best individuals, or solutions, are mixed genetically to reproduce and create new set of solutions. The reproduced children are considered the fittest individual to survive to next generation (iteration). As generations advance, individuals shall return better results than their own parents in respect to a 15 fitness function. This process continuous until stopping criteria is met. GA has six major operator, namely: initialization, selection function, chromosome representation, genetic operators, termination and fitness function that need to be understood and set prior to utilization. A brief description of each item are to be followed. a) Chromosome Representation Chromosome representation option defines problem structure in GA algorithm engine, and creates appropriate genetic operators. Chromosome is formed of set of genes following its nature formation in life. Yet, Chromosome is formed digitally as integers, floating numbers, binary digits, real numbers, matrices, and etc. depending on sought solution numbers. Usually, natural representations are effective and yield optimum solution. Real coded representation is recommended for less computation time [45]. b) Selection Function Selection function is the most significant factor in GA to produce successive generations towards the best solution. This function provides survive passports for individuals to proceed to next generation. It is actually a probabilistic function that evaluates or grades individuals so that only fittest individuals are chosen. Each software offers several schemes for section function. For instant, Matlab program provides stochastic uniform, remainder, uniform, roulette and tournament schemes are available. c) Genetic Operators Genetic operators are search tools in GA that create new solution out of past generation solution. There are two main operators, Crossover and Mutation. Crossover selects pairs of individuals as parents to produce children (new individuals). Mutation, as it does in 16 nature, modifies parents genes so that newly produced children make different solution than their own parent once did. Crossover has the following options: constraint dependent, scattered, single point, two point, intermediate, heuristic, and arithmetic. Mutation has the following options: constraint dependent, Gaussian, uniform, adaptive feasible. d) Initialization, Termination and Fitness Function First, a population is required to start GA procedure. Usually GA chooses lower limits of user input variables otherwise, initial population is chosen randomly. GA continuously starts new generation after a generation unless a stopping criterion is satisfied. There are several stopping conditions are available such as population convergence, maximum number of generations, solution cannot be improved, and a target value of problem function is found. Fitness function is the function entered by user that GA uses to evaluate individuals, or solutions, in order to compare and thus select best solutions. Such a function could be an error signal in PID controller for simple step input signal. Fig.9 is flowchart summarizes GA steps. 17 Figure 9. Flowchart of genetic algorithm. [45] 18 4. Power System Model The power system model consists of two generation plants, two transmission lines and one major dynamic load, fig.10. Power plant one (M1) is capable of generating 2100 MVA and plant two (M2) capacity is 1400 MVA, both at 13.8 kV voltage. The power plants are connected via two transmission lines (L1 & L2), 280 km and 300 km respectively. Line two (L2) is split into two equally segments to place local 100MW load and three phase fault. The major dynamic load is sited at bus 3 near to power plant two. The load resembles petrochemical plat that demands active and reactive power. Power is absorbed as a function of system voltage with 70% minimum voltage required, and it is roughly 2200 MW. The power distribution is as follows: 664 MW flow on line one (L1), 563 MW flow on line two (2), and 990 MW flow from power plant two toward dynamic load. Figure 10. Power system model used in the study. 19 SSSC rating can be calculated using equation (3) in chapter 2, with maximum π ππππΆ chosen to be 10 percent and line current is measured from model. π ππππΆ = 0.1 ∗ 500π = 50 ππ πΌ ππππ ≅ 6.7 ∗ ( 100π √3 ∗ 500π ) = 774 π΄ππ πππππΆ = √3 ∗ πΌ ππππ ∗ π ππππΆ = 67 MVA Yet, SSSC is chosen to be 100 MVA, that to minimize injected voltage into the grid as much as possible. Also, it serves stability as it minimize injected voltage rate of change in respect to time, that is to say how fast SSSC response is. Rapid SSSC response has a number of disadvantages one of which is oscillation at system dynamic instants. Full description of each block will be given later in appendix A. Control circuit contains L1 real power transfer measured at bus 2, simple PID controller and one stage LL controller. Figure 11. Case one control circuit. 20 4.1 Case 1: Varying Real Power This case study demonstrations model validity and then SSSC ability to control power transfer in line one. This case consists of three simulations: system without SSSC, L1 power is increases to 700 MW by SSSC and L1 power is decrease to 600MW by SSSC. (A) Simulation One: system validity Bus 2 Voltage 1.5 X: 8.09 Y: 1.007 PU 1 0.5 0 0 5 10 Time Figure 12. Voltage profile in per unit measured at bus 1. 21 15 Bus 2 Current 8 7 X: 7.285 Y: 6.706 6 PU 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 5 10 15 Time Figure 13. Current in per unit of line 1 measured at bus 2. Bus 2 Real power 800 700 X: 6.419 Y: 664 600 MW 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 5 10 Time Figure 14. Real power transfer thru line one measured at bus 2. 22 15 Bus 2 Reactive power 0 -20 MVAR -40 -60 -80 -100 X: 7.455 Y: -121.9 -120 -140 0 5 10 15 Time Figure 15. Reactive power transfer thru line one measured at bus 2. Control Reference Voltage Vqref 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 PU 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 0 5 10 Time Figure 16. Control circuit reference voltage & injected voltage fed to SSSC. 23 15 (B) Simulation Two: L1 power = 700 MW Bus 2 Voltage 1.025 No SSSC SSSC 1.02 1.015 PU 1.01 1.005 X: 7.948 Y: 1.002 1 0.995 0.99 0 5 10 15 Time Figure 17. Voltage profile in per unit measured at bus 1. Bus 2 Current 7.2 7.1 X: 7.341 Y: 7.091 7 No SSSC SSSC PU 6.9 6.8 6.7 6.6 6.5 6.4 0 5 10 Time Figure 18. Current in per unit of line 1 measured at bus 2. 24 15 Bus 2 Real power 705 No SSSC SSSC 700 X: 6.916 Y: 700 695 690 MW 685 680 675 670 665 660 0 5 10 15 Time Figure 19. Real power transfer thru line one measured at bus 2. Bus 2 Reactive power 0 No SSSC SSSC -20 MVAR -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 0 5 10 Time Figure 20. Reactive power transfer thru line one measured at bus 2. 25 15 SSSC Injected Voltage Vqinj 0.035 Vqref Vqinj 0.03 0.025 PU 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 -0.005 0 5 10 15 Time Figure 21. Control circuit referenced voltage & injected voltage fed to grid. Note that in fig.21 πππππ is the control circuit reference signal to SSSC and πππππ is the actual injected voltage to grid. Here is a brief calculation of SSSC compensation to L1. Even though SSSC injected voltage to system is depicted in Fig.21, resultant power cannot be calculated using fig.21 only. SSSC compensation changes three main parameters that shall be encountered to correctly get transferred power. Transmission line sending end voltage, receiving end voltage and equivalent impedance are ought to be used in equation (2). These three values are obtained from model simulation as follows. |π ππ’π 1 | = 1.0087 ππ’ |π ππ’π 2 | = 1.0011 ππ’ |π ππππ β π ππππΆ | = 0.0338 ππ’ πΏ12 = π(π ππ’π 1 ) − π(π ππ’π 2 ) = 13.6839 πππ 26 Substituting in equation (2): π= (1.0087) ∗ (1.0011) sin(13.6839) = 7.07 ππ’ ≈ 700 ππ 0.0338 (C) Simulation Three: L1 power = 600 MW Bus 2 Voltage 1.025 No SSSC SSSC 1.02 X: 8.16 Y: 1.014 1.015 PU 1.01 1.005 1 0.995 0.99 0 5 10 Time Figure 22. Voltage profile in per unit measured at bus 1. 27 15 Bus 2 Current 7 No SSSC SSSC 6.9 6.8 6.7 PU 6.6 6.5 6.4 6.3 6.2 X: 8.712 Y: 6.035 6.1 6 0 5 10 15 Time Figure 23. Current in per unit of line 1 measured at bus 2. Bus 2 Real power 670 No SSSC SSSC 660 650 MW 640 630 620 610 X: 7.48 Y: 600 600 590 0 5 10 Time Figure 24. Real power transfer thru line one measured at bus 2. 28 15 Bus 2 Reactive power 0 No SSSC SSSC -20 MVAR -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 0 5 10 15 Time Figure 25. Reactive power transfer thru line one measured at bus 2. SSSC Injected Voltage Vqinj 0.01 Vqref Vqinj 0 -0.01 PU -0.02 -0.03 -0.04 -0.05 -0.06 0 5 10 Time Figure 26. Control circuit referenced voltage & injected voltage fed to grid. 29 15 4.2 Case 2: Damping L1 Real Power After validation of SSSC ability to control real power, this case shows another crucial feature of SSSC that is power damping during severe power system faults. The Same model in previous case is used with three-phase-fault applied at 1.333 seconds and cleared at 1.5 seconds. The fault location is the same as in fig.10 at the middle of line two. A disturbance, or oscillation, is a deviation of instantaneous power from a designed or preferred set point, thus ( ππππ π‘ − πππππ ) can be used as an error signal. Hence, minimizing the error signal leads to minimum power oscillation. In addition, an integration over simulation time of absolute error signal delivers better result than using error signal only. The objective equation becomes: π‘π ππ πΈ = ∫ |ππππ π‘ − πππππ | ππ‘ (14) 0 GA tool will be used to tune Lead-Lag parameters to find minimum value of equation (14). GA is the best candidate because it employs advance algorithm in a search of fittest parameters that returns minimum error value. GA runs in generations, or iterations, at which a group of possible solutions are tested in the system model and fitness function value is recorded. GA stops when maximum number of generation is exceeded or when a desired value of fitness function is met. Such a feature makes GA a simulation of scientific empiricism. GA simulation that runs 100 generations is worth hundred years of real life experience. GA is designed to minimize equation (14) subjected to following constrains: πΎπππ ≤ πΎ ≤ πΎπππ₯ (15) πππππ−πππ ≤ πππππ ≤ πππππ−πππ₯ (16) 30 ππππ−πππ ≤ ππππ ≤ ππππ−πππ₯ (17) Figure 27. One stage LL controller used in case2. The upper and lower limits of equations (15, 16, 17) are determined by try and error and by other references that performed similar simulations, such as 36 & 37. Table 1 provides limitations of equations (15, 16, 17). Lower limit Parameters Upper limit 0.01 πΎ 1 0.01 πππππ 20 0.01 ππππ 20 Table 1. Equations 15, 16, & 17 restrains. GA process flowchart offered in this study is depicted in fig.28. It is worth mentioning that power system model flexibility and speed of simulation is vital matter. GA engine takes approximately four hours to complete 50 generations. At each generation simulation is run multiple of times, depending on population size, in case simulation run takes ten minutes, GA run time might reach more than ten hours. GA operators are listed in table 2. Time constants of low pass and high pass filters (ππ , ππ€ ) can be determined by try and error, especially because their role is clear as to suppress steady state signal. Also, 31 some references, e.g. 35, 36, 45, suggest that (ππ , ππ€ ) values might be in rage of [0 to 0.1] and [1 to 10] respectively. In this case [1e-6, 1] are used for (ππ , ππ€ ). Figure 28. GA flowchart process. GA Operators Setting Operator Setting Population size 50 Fitness scaling Rank Selection function Uniform Mutation Constraint dependent Crossover function Arithmetic Generations 50 Table 2. GA operators setting 32 Fitness function convergence graph is shown in fig.29, generated from GA tool. The figure shows fitness function, equation (14), best value for each generation along with average value for all population size. A fitness function goes to convergence when mean value matches or come in contact with best value. 4 10 Best: 16308.4 Mean: 17322.8 x 10 Best fitness Mean fitness 9 8 Fitness value 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 Generation 30 35 40 45 50 Figure 29. Fitness function convergence. The final solution parameters are tabulated in table 3. Parameters πΎ πππππ ππππ Final Value 0.08 15.759 7.332 Table 3. GA final solutions. The resultant damping behavior of SSSC is outstanding, fig.30. Line power drops to almost 200 MW during fault while with SSSC compensation it barely reaches 280 MW. After clearing fault, line power overshoots passing 900 MW and goes under 700 MW after 2.4 seconds after which it continue oscillating until 7 seconds. Whereas, when 33 compensation is in active it rapidly damps down below 700 at ~ 1.6 second, and then smoothly reaches nominal line power (664 MW) with oscillation free manner. Bus 2 Real power 1000 No SSSC SSSC 900 800 MW 700 600 500 400 300 200 0 1 2 3 4 5 Time 6 7 8 9 Figure 30. Power response to 3Q fault with/out SSSC measured at bus 2. 34 10 SSSC Injected Voltage Vqinj 0.15 Vqref Vqinj 0.1 0.05 PU 0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 Time 6 7 8 9 10 Figure 31. Control circuit referenced voltage & injected voltage fed to grid. 4.3 Case 3: Damping Rotor Oscillation and Line Power Power system disturbance affects multiple parameters, like power quantity, power quality, power angle and generator rotor speed. Compensation that minimize deviation in any, or all, aforementioned parameters leads to quicker damping of oscillation. This study seeks damping rotor speed as well as line power instantaneously. (A) Damping Rotor Speed First, let seek damping rotor oscillation. A fitness function shall be identified to measure rotor speed deviation due to a disturbance. The chosen function is an integration of absolute difference between generators angular speed times simulation time period [45]. The fitness function is expressed in equation (18). π‘π ππ π·= ∫ |βπ1 − βπ2 | ∗ π‘ ππ‘ 0 35 (18) Where (βπ1 , βπ2 ) are speed deviation of generator one and two respectively. Simulation goal to find minimum value of equation (18) aiming to enhance system response to disturbances. The controller is two stages lead-Lag controller similar to fig. 7. The controller circuit is given in table 4. Figure 32. Rotor speed damper control circuit. Rotor speed damper controller Constants Value Gain, K [10-500], To be determined by GA Sensor, ππ 0.001 Washout filter, ππ€ 10 LL#1, π1π , π1π [.01-3], To be determined by GA LL#2, π2π , π2π [.01-3], To be determined by GA Table 4. Rotor speed damper controller parameters. GA is employed to determine controller constants same way it has been used in case. GA process flowchart and operators are given in fig.28 and table 2 respectively with 60 generations instead of 50. 36 Best: 2.60577 Mean: 2.71153 7.5 Best fitness Mean fitness 7 6.5 Fitness value 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 0 10 20 30 Generation 40 50 60 Figure 33. Fitness function convergence. Fitness function is depicted in fig.33 showing fast and consistent convergence. The final solution values and figures are as follows. Parameters πΎ π1π π1π π2π π2π Final Value 300.243 0.0899 0.35 2.88 0.88 Table 5. GA final solutions. 37 x 10 3 -3 dw1 - dw2 No SSSC SSSC 2 rad/sec 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 0 1 2 3 4 Time 5 6 7 8 Figure 34. Rotor speed deviation response with SSSC damping. SSSC Injected Voltage Vqinj 0.2 Vqref Vqinj 0.15 0.1 PU 0.05 0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 0 1 2 3 4 Time 5 6 7 Figure 35. Control circuit referenced voltage & injected voltage fed to grid. 38 8 (B) Damping both Rotor Speed and Line Power Since last simulation did not encounter line power damping, this simulation stabilizes line power and rotor speed. Rotor speed controller is same as earlier case. Line power though, is controlled by double stage Lead-Lag controller, fig.36. Ten percent compensation of nominal voltage provided equally by two controllers, 5% each. GA tool is run for 100 generations in same manner as earlier to optimize equation (18) and equation (19) simultaneously and return best value for both controllers’ constants. Fitness function is an addition of two equations (18&19). π‘π ππ πΈ = ∫ |ππππ π‘ − πππππ | ∗ π‘ ππ‘ (19) 0 Figure 36. Case3B control circuit. The fitness function convergence, final controller values table, and system simulation figures are below. 39 4 6.4 Best: 44455.8 Mean: 45577.7 x 10 Best fitness Mean fitness 6.2 6 Fitness value 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.2 5 4.8 4.6 4.4 0 10 20 30 40 50 Generation 60 70 80 90 100 Figure 37. Fitness function convergence. Fitness function is depicted in fig.37 showing fast and consistent convergence. The final solution values and figures are as follows. Power damper controller Rotor damper controller K 0.08 K 104.027 LL#1, π1π 0.619 LL#1, π1π 0.599 LL#1, π1π 0.381 LL#1, π1π 0.664 LL#2, π1π 0.688 LL#2, π1π 0.454 LL#2, π2π 0.69 LL#2, π2π 0.353 Table 6. GA final solutions. 40 Bus 2 Real power 4 No SSSC SSSC 3 2 1 MW 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 0 1 2 3 4 Time 5 6 7 8 Figure 38. Power response with/out SSSC measured at bus 2. 3 x 10 -3 dw1 - dw2 No SSSC SSSC 2 rad/sec 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 0 1 2 3 4 Time 5 6 7 Figure 39. Rotor speed deviation response with/out SSSC damping. 41 8 SSSC Injected Voltage Vqinj 0.15 Vqref Vqinj 0.1 0.05 PU 0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 0 1 2 3 4 Time 5 6 7 8 Figure 40. Control circuit referenced voltage & injected voltage fed to grid. 4.4 Results and Discussion Three simulation cases have been carried out on SSSC transmission line compensation objective. The first case was only demonstration of SSSC capability during normal operation, showing only power transfer control for particular set points. Last two, SSSC has been employed to damping power transfer and generator speed during system disturbances. Study cases utilized lead-lag controller for damping and PID controller to control line power transfer. Two types of lead-lag controller was used, stage one and stage two. Stage one was effective in damping transferred power thru transmission line. The reason behind that is input signal, or error signal, was integer numbers. Also, that’s why gain value was very small (0.08). The case proves that lead-lag controller structure is very sensitive hence effective in detection power deviation or disturbance. When power 42 remains fixed or in steady state condition no compensation is injected. Case two is a solid evidence on SSSC capability of limiting power drop during faults and elimination of post fault oscillations. On other hand, small error signal and fast oscillations require two stage lead-lag controller, as in case two. Final case shows SSSC flexibility to control two deviations at same time, power line and rotor speed. Therefore, SSSC can be used to serve multiple tasks such as power factor correction, maximize power transfer and generator oscillations. 43 5. Conclusion Due to Vast and fast development of industry and population impose huge increase in power demand. Not only new power generation is needed but also transmission line capacity has to be upgraded to match proportional demand. SSSC is a series FACTS device that used for transmission line compensate to control transferred power and damp system oscillations during disturbances. The scope of this project is to demonstrate behavior and applications of SSSC in power system. Three simulation cases have been carried out in Matlab Simulink tool. The cases have been carried out on power system model with SSSC installed in series with transmission line. The first case was only demonstration of SSSC capability during normal operation, showing only power transfer control for particular set points. Last two, SSSC has been employed to damping power transfer and generator speed during system disturbances. Achieved results are in approval with theoretical predictions of device functioning and capability. SSSC behavior in different conditions was outstanding in all cases. Lead-Lag controller was used in two kinds, stage one and two. GA tool was employed to optimize selected fitness function, usually error signal, to tune controller constants. GA tool optimization improves SSSC compensation performance and hence power system oscillations are successfully eliminated or damped out even during severe faults conditions. Finally, fast and dynamic response qualifies SSSC for further research and improvement to meet desired system disturbance damping and power controlling. 44 Bibliography [1] Gjerde, J.O., et al, “Use of HVDC and FACTS-components for enhancement of power system stability”, Electrotechnical Conference, 1996. MELECON '96., 8th Mediterranean [2] Wang, Y., et al, “Power System Load Modeling”, Power System Technology, 1998. Proceedings. 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System Data and Inputs Generators Transformers ππ΅1 = 2100πππ΄, ππ΅1 = 1400πππ΄, π» = 3.7π , ππ΅ = 13.8ππ, π = 60π»π§, ππ΅ = 13.8ππ, π = 60π»π§, π π = 2.8544π −3 , ππ = 1.305, ππ ′ = 0.296, ππ ′′ = 0.252, ππ = 0.474, ππ ′ = 0.243, ππ ′′ = 0.18, ππ = 1.01π , ππ ′ = 0.053π , πππ ′′ = 0.1π , ππ1 = 0.761905, ππ2 = 0.750827 ππ΅1 = 2100πππ΄, ππ΅1 = 1400πππ΄, 13.8ππ/500ππ, 60π»π§, π 1 = π 2 = 0.002, πΏ1 = 0, πΏ2 = 0.12, π·1/ππΊ πππππππ‘πππ, π π = 500ππ’, πΏπ = 500ππ’ Transmission lines πΏ1 = 280ππ, πΏ2−1 = πΏ2−2 = 150ππ, π 1 = 0.02546πΊ/ππ π 0 = 0.3864πΊ/ππ πΏ1 = 0.9337π −3 π»/ππ, πΏ0 = 4.126π −3 π»/ππ, πΆ1 = 12.74π −9 πΉ/ππ, πΆ0 = 7.751π −9 πΉ/ππ, H. Turbine & Governor πΎπ = 3.33, ππ = 0.07, πΊπππ = 0.01, πΊπππ₯ = 0.97518, πππππ = −0.1ππ’/π , πππππ₯ = 0.1ππ’/π , π π = 0.05, πΎπ = 1.163, πΎπ = 0.105, πΎπ = 0, ππ = 0.01π , π½ = 0, ππ€ = 2.67, Excitation System ππΏπ = 0.02π , πΎπ = 200, ππ = 0.001π , πΎπ = 1, ππ = ππ = ππ = 0, πΎπ = 0.001, πΎπ = 0.1, πΈππππ = 0, πΈππππ₯ = 7, πΎπ = 0, SSSC ππππ = 100πππ΄, ππππ = 500ππ, π = 60π»π§, πππππ₯ = 0.2ππ’, πππππ = 3ππ’/π , π πππ£ = 0.00533, πΏπππ£ = 0.16, ππ·πΆ = 40ππ, πΆπ·πΆ = 375π −6 πΉ, πΎπ_πΌππ = 0.00375, πΎπΌ_πΌππ = 0.1875, πΎπ_ππππ = 0.1π −3 , πΎπΌ_ππππ = 20π −3 , Table 7. Power system model data. 50 Appendix B Matlab codes. %Case 1A V1 =; V1T = V1_A.time; V2 =; V2T = V2_A.time; V3 =; V3T = V3_A.time; I2 =; I2T = I2_A.time; P =; PT = P_B2.time; Q =; QT = Q_B2.time; % voltages figure plot(V2T, abs(V2),'-b'), title('Bus 2 Voltage'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('PU'), grid axis([min(V2T) max(V2T) 0 1.5 ]) % current figure plot(I2T, abs(I2),'-b'), title('Bus 2 Current'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('PU'), grid axis([min(V2T) max(V2T) 0 8 ]) % Real Power figure plot(PT, P,'-b'), title('Bus 2 Real power'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('MW'), grid axis([min(PT) max(PT) 0 800 ]) % Reactive Power figure plot(QT, Q,'-b'), title('Bus 2 Reactive power'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('MVAR'), grid % Ref & Injected voltage figure plot(Vqref_pu.time,,'-b'), title('Control Reference Voltage Vqref'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('PU'), grid %helpful codes for calculation 51 figure, compass(, figure, compass(, theta = (angle( - angle(*180/pi %Case 1B V1 =; V1T = V1_A.time; V2 =; V2T = V2_A.time; V3 =; V3T = V3_A.time; I2 =; I2T = I2_A.time; P =; PT = P_B2.time; Q =; QT = Q_B2.time; % voltages figure plot(V2T, abs(V2),'-b'), title('Bus 2 Voltage'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('PU'), grid % axis([min(V2T) max(V2T) 0 1.5 ]) hold on plot(V2_A.time, abs(,'-r'), title('Bus 2 Voltage'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('PU'), grid % axis([min(V2T) max(V2T) 0 1.5 ]) hleg = legend('No SSSC','SSSC','Location','NorthEast'); grid % current figure plot(I2T, abs(I2),'-b'), title('Bus 2 Current'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('PU'), grid % axis([min(V2T) max(V2T) 0 8 ]) hold on plot(I2_A.time, abs(,'-r'), title('Bus 2 Current'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('PU'), grid %axis([min(P1.time) max(P1.time) min( max( ]) hleg = legend('No SSSC','SSSC','Location','NorthEast'); grid % Real Power figure plot(PT, P,'-b'), title('Bus 2 Real power'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('MW'), grid % axis([min(PT) max(PT) 0 800 ]) hold on plot(P_B2.time,,'-r'), title('Bus 2 Real power'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('MW'), grid %axis([min(P2.time) max(P2.time) min( max( ]) hleg = legend('No SSSC','SSSC','Location','NorthEast'); grid 52 % Reactive Power figure plot(QT, Q,'-b'), title('Bus 2 Reactive power'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('MVAR'), grid %axis([min(P1.time) max(P1.time) min( max( ]) hold on plot(Q_B2.time,,'-r'), title('Bus 2 Reactive power'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('MVAR'), grid %axis([min(P2.time) max(P2.time) min( max( ]) hleg = legend('No SSSC','SSSC','Location','NorthEast'); grid % Ref & Injected voltage figure plot(Vqref_pu.time,,'-b'), title('Control Reference Voltage Vqref'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('PU'), grid %axis([min(P1.time) max(P1.time) min( max( ]) hold on plot(Vqinj_pu.time,,'-r'), title('SSSC Injected Voltage Vqinj'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('PU'), grid %axis([min(P2.time) max(P2.time) min( max( ]) hleg = legend('Vqref','Vqinj','Location','NorthEast'); grid %Case 1C V1 =; V1T = V1_A.time; V2 =; V2T = V2_A.time; V3 =; V3T = V3_A.time; I2 =; I2T = I2_A.time; P =; PT = P_B2.time; Q =; QT = Q_B2.time; % voltages figure plot(V2T, abs(V2),'-b'), title('Bus 2 Voltage'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('PU'), grid % axis([min(V2T) max(V2T) 0 1.5 ]) hold on plot(V2_A.time, abs(,'-r'), title('Bus 2 Voltage'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('PU'), grid % axis([min(V2T) max(V2T) 0 1.5 ]) hleg = legend('No SSSC','SSSC','Location','NorthEast'); grid 53 % current figure plot(I2T, abs(I2),'-b'), title('Bus 2 Current'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('PU'), grid % axis([min(V2T) max(V2T) 0 8 ]) hold on plot(I2_A.time, abs(,'-r'), title('Bus 2 Current'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('PU'), grid %axis([min(P1.time) max(P1.time) min( max( ]) hleg = legend('No SSSC','SSSC','Location','NorthEast'); grid % Real Power figure plot(PT, P,'-b'), title('Bus 2 Real power'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('MW'), grid % axis([min(PT) max(PT) 0 800 ]) hold on plot(P_B2.time,,'-r'), title('Bus 2 Real power'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('MW'), grid %axis([min(P2.time) max(P2.time) min( max( ]) hleg = legend('No SSSC','SSSC','Location','NorthEast'); grid % Reactive Power figure plot(QT, Q,'-b'), title('Bus 2 Reactive power'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('MVAR'), grid %axis([min(P1.time) max(P1.time) min( max( ]) hold on plot(Q_B2.time,,'-r'), title('Bus 2 Reactive power'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('MVAR'), grid %axis([min(P2.time) max(P2.time) min( max( ]) hleg = legend('No SSSC','SSSC','Location','NorthEast'); grid % Ref & Injected voltage figure plot(Vqref_pu.time,,'-b'), title('Control Reference Voltage Vqref'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('PU'), grid %axis([min(P1.time) max(P1.time) min( max( ]) hold on plot(Vqinj_pu.time,,'-r'), title('SSSC Injected Voltage Vqinj'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('PU'), grid %axis([min(P2.time) max(P2.time) min( max( ]) hleg = legend('Vqref','Vqinj','Location','NorthEast'); grid 54 %Case 2 P =; PT = P_B2.time; % Real Power figure plot(PT, P,'-b'), title('Bus 2 Real power'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('MW'), grid % axis([min(PT) max(PT) 0 800 ]) hold on plot(P_B2.time,,'-r'), title('Bus 2 Real power'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('MW'), grid %axis([min(P2.time) max(P2.time) min( max( ]) hleg = legend('No SSSC','SSSC','Location','NorthEast'); grid % Ref & Injected voltage figure plot(Vqref_pu.time,,'-b'), title('Control Reference Voltage Vqref'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('PU'), grid %axis([min(P1.time) max(P1.time) min( max( ]) hold on plot(Vqinj_pu.time,,'-r'), title('SSSC Injected Voltage Vqinj'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('PU'), grid %axis([min(P2.time) max(P2.time) min( max( ]) hleg = legend('Vqref','Vqinj','Location','NorthEast'); grid %Case 2 Fitness function function F = Fcn2(X) global T1n T1d K T1n = X(1); T1d = X(2); K = X(3); sim('SSSC_2',5); f = @(t) sum(abs((; F = integral (f, 0, max(W.time),'ARRAYVALUED', true); end 55 %Case 3A dW =; WT = W.time; %dw figure plot(WT, dW,'-b'), title('Control Reference Voltage Vqref'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('PU'), grid %axis([min(P1.time) max(P1.time) min( max( ]) hold on plot(W.time,,'-r'), title('dw1 - dw2'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('rad/sec'), grid %axis([min(P2.time) max(P2.time) min( max( ]) hleg = legend('No SSSC','SSSC','Location','NorthEast'); grid % Ref & Injected voltage figure plot(Vqref_pu.time,,'-b'), title('Control Reference Voltage Vqref'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('PU'), grid %axis([min(P1.time) max(P1.time) min( max( ]) hold on plot(Vqinj_pu.time,,'-r'), title('SSSC Injected Voltage Vqinj'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('PU'), grid %axis([min(P2.time) max(P2.time) min( max( ]) hleg = legend('Vqref','Vqinj','Location','NorthEast'); grid %Case 3A Fitness function function F = Fcn3A(X) global T1n T1d T2n T2d K %T1n = X(1); T1d = X(2); T1n = X(1); T1d = X(2); T2n = X(3); T2d = X(4); K = X(5); sim('SSSC_3A',8); f = @(t) sum(abs(*t; F = integral (f, 0, max(W.time),'ARRAYVALUED', true); end 56 %Case 3B P =; PT = P_B2.time; dW =; WT = W.time; % Real Power figure plot(PT, P,'-b'), title('Bus 2 Real power'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('MW'), grid % axis([min(PT) max(PT) 0 800 ]) hold on plot(P_B2.time,,'-r'), title('Bus 2 Real power'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('MW'), grid %axis([min(P2.time) max(P2.time) min( max( ]) hleg = legend('No SSSC','SSSC','Location','NorthEast'); grid %dw figure plot(WT, dW,'-b'), title('Control Reference Voltage Vqref'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('PU'), grid %axis([min(P1.time) max(P1.time) min( max( ]) hold on plot(W.time,,'-r'), title('dw1 - dw2'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('rad/sec'), grid %axis([min(P2.time) max(P2.time) min( max( ]) hleg = legend('No SSSC','SSSC','Location','NorthEast'); grid % Ref & Injected voltage figure plot(Vqref_pu.time,,'-b'), title('Control Reference Voltage Vqref'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('PU'), grid %axis([min(P1.time) max(P1.time) min( max( ]) hold on plot(Vqinj_pu.time,,'-r'), title('SSSC Injected Voltage Vqinj'), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('PU'), grid %axis([min(P2.time) max(P2.time) min( max( ]) hleg = legend('Vqref','Vqinj','Location','NorthEast'); grid 57 %Case3B Fitness function function F = Fcn3B(X) global T1 T2 T3 T4 T1 = X(1); T2 = X(2); T1n = X(5); T1d = X(6); T1n T1d T2n T2d K T3 = X(3); T4 = X(4); T2n = X(7); T2d = X(8); K = X(9); sim('SSSC_3B',8); f1 = @(t) sum(abs(*t; F1 = integral (f1, 0, max(P_B2.time),'ARRAYVALUED', true); f2 = @(t) sum(abs(*t; F2 = integral (f2, 0, max(P_B2.time),'ARRAYVALUED', true); F = F1 + F2; end %helpful codes for calculation figure, compass(, figure, compass(, theta = (angle( - angle(*180/pi abs(, abs( drop13 = abs(( - po = abs(*abs(*sin(angle( angle( 58 %figure 4 graph V1 = 1; V2 = 1; XL = 1; s = [0:180/1000:180]; Vq = [0.707 0.353 0 -0.353 -0.707]; for i = 1:5; p(i,:) = (V1*V2/XL).*sin(s*pi/180) + Vq(i).*(V1/XL).*cos(s*pi/360); end plot(s, p(1,:),s, p(2,:),s, p(3,:),s, p(4,:),s, p(5,:)), ylabel('Transfered Power in PU'), xlabel('Power angle in PU'), title ('Transmitted Power versus Injected Voltage'), grid 59